Angie's Good Heart and We Do Everything Together

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(upbeat music) Chantel Thornton. This is a rental car, Chantel, and you are here for an overnight parking ticket. What do you want to tell me about this? I believe it was for the Richmond rental ticket. Yes. It was overnight parking? Yeah, it was just 10 days ago. Oh, okay. I'm sorry. I thought it was another ticket. I didn't have the funds to pay it at the time. Well, we have other tickets for you, but we'll-- Right. We'll get to those in a minute. But this overnight parking ticket, was just 10 days ago. Yes. You plead guilty to that? Yes. That's $20. In addition to that, you had a previous court judgment. Yes. The court judgment was $800. After the boot was released you never paid another dime. You never came back. I had actually, a very bad housing situation. So I was unable to make a payment and-- You never called. We didn't change our number, you never came back. Oh, I didn't know I was able to call. I thought I just had to come back and make a separate appearance for it. Chantel, it was three years ago. Right. What did you think was gonna happen? I have no idea. Yeah, you're just gonna stop payin'. No, it's not that. You say, I owe $400, I'll just stop payin'. Definitely not, there's so much bills these days. Something's gonna happen. The economy's not so good. We all have bills. Right. Inspector Quinn has bills, I have bills. But it's very young. Everybody in the courtroom has bills, we all have bills. But you know what else we have? We have obligations. I do have obligations, your Honor. And we have responsibility. Right. Yeah, so. I brought an envelope to prove what I took care of, in that time, that I didn't come and pay my tickets. It was a very bad housing issue. You still owe $400, that you have not paid one penny on it in the last three years. How do you plan to pay that? I'm unsure. $50 a month, can you do that? I'll try my best, your Honor. Well, how much can you pay? I don't have any money. I'm unemployed. Do you have any children? I have two. How old are they? One is 11, the other is three. I just worked this past summer with the census bureau. A temporary assignment and after that I had something else lined up, but then it fell through, so I'm just tryin' to basically maintain and float for now until employment comes up, or hopefully income tax can help. I've been pretty harsh, the last couple a minutes with you because I look at a piece of paper and I got a record here with all kind of yellow lines that paints a picture of somebody that is completely and totally-- Disregard. To pay for this. Right. Completely and totally irresponsible and is takin' advantage of the system. Right. But I must tell you that, upon reflection, hearing your story which I always try to do, ya know, I have a change of heart. I appreciate that. I get letters from people all over the country. And usually when, when children are involved and I know you have two children, I look at things differently. Okay. I'm gonna read a letter that I received from a woman who lives in Anderson, Indiana Wow. and her name is Angie Chesser. C-H-E-S-S-E-R. And it says, I'm not going to read the whole thing, It says, "Hi Judge Caprio, I enjoy "the old Italian stories that you share with all of us." She said, "I am enclosing $60 to cover tickets or court costs of a single parent." Oh, wow. She said, "Last year the child support stopped "for a few months for my son and I know what it's like "to struggle through the holidays. "The father got a new job, "but doesn't bother to say anything. "He finally started paying again." Basically, she goes on to say, "I would like "to help someone else who is "in a similar situation that I'm in." And she sent $60 in cash to the court. That was very sweet of her. Asking me to apply it toward someone who deserves it. So, for Angie Chesser, I thank her very much for her consideration, and I'm gonna apply this to your fine. Thank you. 'Cause you fit the profile of someone that Angie is concerned about. She has a good heart. Very good. She's a wonderful person. I never met her, I don't know her, Right. I never talked to her. Is there anything you want to say to Angie? Angie, thank you very much. I don't want to cry, but very touching. I appreciate it. Angie can be an inspiration to all of us, and I know that someday, things are gonna turn around for you, and when they do, you're gonna follow Angie's example and help somebody else. Definitely. You don't have to do it here. I try anyway. Every day walk of life. Okay, it's $125. You make a payment and whatever you can afford on the balance that's due. Okay. And this'll be applied to the $125 that you have to pay today. Thank you. Okay, good luck to you. Thank you very much. As it says in the Bible, "Whoever is generous to the poor lends to the Lord "and he will repay him for his deed." I have no doubt, Angie will be repaid 10-fold for her generosity, as we all will, if we follow her lead. So I say to Angie, thank you for reminding us that it takes very little, to make a big difference in the lives of others. Janelle Cassell. Okay, who's Janelle? I am. And you are? Nina Edee. The driver. The driver. Oh, you were driving the car. Yes. And the car's registered to you. And you said to her, you were drivin', you're coming to court. Is that what you said? No. Yeah. Well, basically. Wait, wait, wait. What did she say? No, we do everything together. Basically we're it. Me drivin' and you know, it's her car. Okay. We're always together. I like this. This is good. Most people say, "It wasn't me, it was my friend, "it was my sister, it was somebody, ya know, "whatever the case might be." Right. But you said okay. I'm gonna face the music, you're comin' too. That's what happened. Right. All right. Now, we have a Rental 8 violation and a parking ticket. Okay. Who was driving the Rental 8? Both, she drove it. You? Yes, yes. Okay, we're gonna take a look at it. This is on Westminster and Menton Ave. Okay. There's a sign? All right, where's the sign? Right there, on the right hand side, judge. Big square thing, right there. On the right? Do not block. That's for the bus. There's no sign over there that says stop, on Winter. Oh, sorry. All right. The prosecution said that sign said, "No right turn." Okay, so, I took the extraordinary step of getting closer to the monitor, right, to try to protect your interests and you are right. The sign says, do not block intersection. Under Rhode Island law, you are permitted to make a right hand turn. You made a right hand turn. Unless there's a sign that says you can't make a right hand turn. There is no sign. So, what am I gonna do? Help me out. What am I gonna do? Help me out. Drop it? Drop it. Drop the ticket? Oh, drop it. Yes. Dismiss it is the word. Dismiss it, I'm sorry. Okay, now you have a parking ticket on Westminster Street. Who got that? She did. You. What do you wanna tell me about that? Well, she was dropping me off at the bank. Oh! I came out of the car, crossing the street and she can tell you the rest from there. It's gonna cost you $30. Okay, but we never did receive one of that. The lady pulled up to her and tell her, "Ma'am, you can't park there." And she said, "Okay." And she went around the bank to pick me up instead. It's gonna cost you $30. It's a $60 penalty. I waived it. Appreciate it. 'Kay, it's $30. Thank you. Who's paying this? Of course, us. Us. Yes. We do everything together, us. Good work. Thank you. Thank you very much. I love how Janelle and Nina do everything together. They kinda remind me of Judge Caprio and myself. Not at first. At first, it was strictly professional, but over the years our work relationship blossomed into a personal friendship. Like Janelle and Nina, we too, are basically inseparable. Just last year, we went water skiing together. We bungee jumped together. We even binge watched, "Big Little Lies" together. We both adore Nicole Kidman. Anyway, next year, God willing, we're gonna run with the bulls together. I must admit, I'm a little worried about the judge runnin' in his robe, but he does have cat-like reflexes, so I'm sure my besty will be fine. Can't wait. All rise and hit subscribe so you don't miss the latest viral moments like this one. Share these videos and weigh in on the cases. You be the judge. Subscribe now.
Channel: Caught In Providence
Views: 549,855
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: court show, judge, tv show, providence, judge caprio, frank caprio, reality tv, court tv
Id: 5rRFOW4x43g
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 25sec (565 seconds)
Published: Mon May 06 2019
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