A Real Life Wonder Woman

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Ah, this show's been on my must-see list ever since I discovered it on YouTube. Watching Judge Caprio do his wise, good-humored work is better than Xanax. Congratulations on the network premiere! I'm a fan for the duration.

šŸ‘ļøŽ︎ 1 šŸ‘¤ļøŽ︎ u/Tracy27 šŸ“…ļøŽ︎ Nov 25 2018 šŸ—«︎ replies
(upbeat, melodic music) (swooshing) Okay, the next matter is the matter of Angel Mendoza. You're Angel Mendoza? No, Your Honor, my name is Jacqueline Rodriguez, but I was the one with the vehicle. So you were operating the vehicle, you? I'm trying to accommodate you. Inspector Quinn tells me you have a gunshot wound in your leg. Yes, Your Honor, I just got shot about three days ago, two days ago? I've been back and forth in the hospital 'cause I still have the bullet in there. I was walking by a park, and they don't know what kind of gunshot was it. They say it was probably a .22 because of the hole, but they did X-Rays and I still have it in there. And they said they can't take it out, it's gonna cause more damage to me if they take it out, so they have to leave it in there. Are you gonna get to the point where you can walk without a limp, or you don't know? Yeah, I definitely will Your Honor, because I got four kids, so for my four kids I have to get up and keep walkin'. I can't let it drop me. You have four children? Yes, I do, that's why I'm here, because I was waitin' for my other children to get out of school. So I had parked the car outside 'cause the baby lives off of oxygen. So I had to carry the oxygen out for my son inside the house, and I left the car parked right there while my other children get out of school. it was only 1:29 p.m. and by the time I came out, I already had the ticket. It's right in front of the house, so I figured it wasn't gonna be a issue with me running in for a hour and then leavin' again, but I got the ticket, and it's my father-in-law's vehicle, so I had to be responsible. Where were you shot? No where, what place? I was walkin' through the Armory Park on Cranston Street, it's 11:30, and I had to-- At night? Huh? 11:30 at night? Yes, I had came out of work, 'cause I work at the Rhode Island Convention Center, and I work six to midnight. So I came out a little early so I could catch the Cranston Bus, and I was walkin' and there was a group of kids in the park, all of a sudden I just heard some shots, and then I look back and started runnin' and then next thing you know, I was limpin' by one leg. But you were not involved personally, you were a victim, you were? A random person just walkin' by. I was not supposed to be a victim. So. I was at the wrong place at the wrong time, like the detective said. You are such a remarkable person. You are here today, you responded to a parking ticket, with a bullet in your leg. And you are a mother of four. I get people who come in here, right, who are as healthy as can be, they try to avoid tickets, they come in and make all these excuses, that are impossible to believe, right? And nevertheless, you have such a respect for law and order, that you're an innocent victim of a gunshot wound and you had no involvement at all, just a mother of four, and you come to court for a parking ticket. I'm dismissing this ticket. Thank you, Your Honor. I work two jobs to try to make sure my son's oxygen is always on time, because every week I have to refill it. My son was born a stillborn, so. And I have the paperwork from the hospital, I just been back and forth with this pain, and they don't wanna do nothin'. They say they can't do nothin' because if they take it out it's gonna hurt me, they're gonna hurt me more. They said it's I think seven inches in there. Well, we'll hope for your speedy and complete recovery. God love you. You are a remarkable human being, you really are. You really impress me. Thank you, Your Honor. Inspector Quinn, how do you feel about this young lady? Is she something? Your Honor, she's more of a man than I could ever be. I could assure you if I was shot, I would not be standing here. As much as I love it, I can promise you I would not be standing here with a bullet in my leg, no. So, you're more of a man than I am. Oh trust me, I'm in a little discussion with my boyfriend, 'cause, I'm supposed to be at work these past three days, and he doesn't want me to go, and I'm telling him I need to go. Oh. Because if not I don't have a paycheck next week. And he's like, "What do you mean, "you can't go like that?" I'm like, "I'm going like that! "I don't care!" (gasps) Yeah, Inspector Quinn gets the sniffles and he stays out of work. (Inspector laughs) (Jacqueline laughs) You are a person to be admired, you really are. You are a wonderful example. Thank you Your Honor. A good and decent human being. You're a great mother. Thank you. And a good citizen. I try. No bitterness at all, Inspector Quinn. No, none at all. And it's amazing Your Honor, just being a victim of a crime of violence like that, and still comin in here, it's amazin'. Thank you. You are one of the most amazing people that has appeared before me, you really are. Thank you, Your Honor. It's just a pleasure to be in your company. Thank you. Good luck, the matter is dismissed. (melodic music) The strength of women never fails to humble me. They are uniquely equipped with the emotional, spiritual, and psychological strength to shoulder the everyday burdens of life. I grew up in a rough-and-tumble neighborhood, I served in the military, I worked in the fight business, and yet, some of the strongest people I have ever met in my life are women. I can now add Angel to that list. (swooshing) (gentle, upbeat music) You were charged with speeding on Chalkstone Avenue. Yes sir, but I have problem because I am disability, and I have a cancer, and here's my paper. Show it to Inspector Quinn. Inspector Quinn. This is from doctor. Inspector Quinn, read those papers and give me a report. I'm physician from Iraq, but when I came to United States, I'm patient. Well Your honor, without violating any of the HIPAA Laws, or whatever, she does have a medical condition that she has several documents. Well look at the documents. It's okay, I don't wanna. And also applying for the Social Security Disability. And the government give me my benefit. I don't have any payment or anything because when I came to United States with last ten years, I take my treatment in United States, but I'm physician from Iraq. After the war in my country, I'm left my country, because all the body infected by cancer. Did you come alone or you bring family with you? I have just my boys, I have two boys and my husband. But, nothing! How old are the boys? One, seventeen now, one fifteen, in the classical school. They're both in school? Yes but, I push them, I told, please help me in the future, because America rules is not easy. What can you do without payment, without job, without everything? I think all of us are aware of the situation in Iraq. We've all... Notwithstanding anything that was said here today, I just want you to know, that America is considered the greatest nation in the world, that we provide a harbor and refuge to the disenfranchised, to the starving, to the poor, to those people seeking freedom, as is indicated on the pedestal at the Statue of Liberty that was written by Emma Lazarus. The United States has long assumed the posture of, give us your tired, your huddled masses, those yearning to be free, and we have given refuge and hope and a better life for millions and millions. I'm the beneficiary of that attitude. My father was born in Italy. And so many in the courtroom have relatives who came from another country, and enjoyed the benefits of this great country, notwithstanding, however other people feel. All right, see Inspector Quinn, see if you can work out a disposition on this matter. Thank you so much, I wish. (melodic jazzy music) John Corga. You're here for two parking tickets sir. Yes, Your Honor. They're both on Irons Street, they're both parking in a prohibitive area. What do you wanna tell me about these? Basically it was for delivery company vehicles, it was driving rain, the drivers-- Oh this is one of those liquor distributors, that they get down to the spots, people are parked in the spots, and they must make the delivery, and this gentlemen here, I guess part of his day or part of his week, is to come in and visit us two or three times a month. (John laughs) But the best part is Judge, he always comes, arms swinging, nothin in 'em. (John laughs) Did you hear what Inspector Quinn is saying? I did, yes. Yes, Your Honor. He said you work for a liquor distributor? Correct. Right? Yes. And he says that you come in with nothing? I got the-- I'm not drawing any inferences. (John laughs) But I will say this, he doesn't speak for me, all right? If you were selling chocolate milk, then I would be upset. (spectators laugh) The matter is gonna be dismissed. Thank you, Your Honor. All rise, and hit subscribe, so you don't miss the latest viral moments like this one! Share these videos and weigh in on the cases. You be the judge! Subscribe now!
Channel: Caught In Providence
Views: 3,302,584
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: court show, judge, tv show, providence, judge caprio, frank caprio, reality tv, court tv
Id: JUHepuItG3I
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 14sec (554 seconds)
Published: Mon Sep 24 2018
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