A Day at Knoebels - Museums, Rides and Gatorbites

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hey you all carpetbagger here coming to you live from the north more specifically ellis berg pennsylvania and even more specifically than that we are at kenobl's one of my favorite amusement parks now if you tuned in yesterday i uploaded a amazing behind-the-scenes walkthrough of their dark ride the haunted mansion so if you're interested in that please check that out but today i figured we're just gonna do kind of a walk through the park uh ride some of the rides now here at erica noble's they have um special rules with filming on rides they do allow you to film on all the rides but on the roller coasters they do request that you use a chest mounted gopro they are specific you do have to have it on your chest so i can't use my wrist mount but uh it it's a good compromise and hopefully we get some good footage today so please follow me [Music] i love the building shaped like a giant loaf of bread the loaf you can see this sign right here you can determine what rides you are able to ride says my pal rexmo can tell you what rides your kids can ride safely so if you're tall as reximo's nose you can ride the skyway if you're tall as rexmo's tail you can ride the rocking tug or the balloons you're tall as his hand you can ride the flying tigers and you're tall as this hand you can ride the skaloosh so i guess we'll start today with something to wake us up get on this roller coaster here known as impulse i'm having an impulse to change my mind and not write it but uh yeah let's do it oh look up there at the tippy top and they're going down doh see them just going straight up oh yeah [Music] down [Music] oh my gosh oh my gosh oh my gosh this is so freaking stupid oh my gosh i don't know why i did this my god oh this is terrible oh my gosh oh geez that was scary it was like you go when you're going up and lay way back you're going straight up you're almost length completely flat on your back and you get up and you go down you saw it it was scary and it's just you're all over the place scary stuff for the flying frogs oh my you can see this mighty pirate here he stands in front of his mighty ship you know i actually haven't rode one of these galleons in quite some time so uh let's check uh let's check it out now fortunately i am as tall as his musket so we can climb aboard [Music] [Applause] oh gosh hopefully he doesn't get any higher than that okay i think we're good though oh too high too high oh my gosh people screaming oh my gosh oh my gosh [Music] these pavilions here very interesting because they slowly rotate these are actually old carousel innards that were taken from other amusement parks and just set up here as a cover for the picnic area some interesting special details this one here is actually being turned by that mill wheel over here over there at the old mill that water there rotating this pavilion you can see the water there turning that wheel which turns these cranks turns all this which turns the 18 hundreds drill press which rotates that bar which turns this old carousel pavilion the old mill sells ice cream you can see the mill wheel churning the ice cream and this little girl and her puppy gathering some of that delicious delicious ice cream [Music] there's an expression called grabbing the brass ring actually comes from carousels where guests would try to grab a brass ring that's hanging next to the carousel now i showed this last time i was here and apparently not every ring is brass there's only one brass ring of all the rings so all these people grabbing silver rings that they're really looking for the one shiny brass ring that's in the bunch so the ride operator said if you get the brass ring you get two dollars in tickets and they announce your name so let's find a good ring grabbing horse here i like this i like this one you can see the horses have real hair tails all right we're gonna grab that brass ring it's kind of tricky takes a little bit of a dexterity to to reach out and grab it oh nothing that's hard enough just to get a normal ring you gotta you know i guess you gotta kind of hook it oh i just heard of them announced someone else won the brass ring i'm stuck here with this no good metal ring the playland arcade looks like it has a lot of newer style machines walking dead jurassic park crossy road all the machines here run off good old-fashioned quarters look at this these old quarter shoving machines who's that on the middle is that uh sammy davis jr but uh anyways yeah a lot they do have these around still but um most of them give you tickets i think this one actually uh lets you keep the quarters so let's drop a few quarters in here put a quarter there oh flings it back there and nothing happened it pushed a few forward seems like there's so many quarters that just one quarter added to there would push all those plummeting off the edge you can actually slide this back and forth to aim it let's try again oh there goes there it goes oh oh knocked if you down knocked a few down oh boy oh no you don't i guess you don't get to keep the quarters you get tickets but i did win quite a few tickets there oh they're still coming [Music] this is the newer version that i was uh referring to these wizard of oz coin pushers are everywhere let's figure we'll put a few in here [Music] oh it plays the song and actually load this one up with a bunch of quarters at a time and then you have a gun that shoots money let's see what we can do there give a bunch of quarters oh that's that stuff's packed in there tight you look up in the rafters they have some classic pieces of arcade glass this pac-man punch-out virtual fighter this is the chameleon parade we have these chameleons here i guess you gotta try to eat these little bugs [Music] so you hit this button here okay i think i'm doing pretty good oh missed one oh okay oh i get back in my rhythm oh okay there oh i missed one missed another there oh come on gotcha gotcha gotcha and actually hold down the button and start smacking them like crazy some old ski ball machines oh one guy's really good some of the prizes you can win by obtaining tickets if i had enough tickets i would probably i don't know i don't know if i can decide if i want a cabbage skull or a corn skull now it is said that knobles has the best bumper cars in the world and they do handle very differently as you can see they're shaped a little differently than normal bumper cars as we watch the people fly by here oh oh we have a collision remember the tiny little boats from when i was a kid [Music] got little bells this is called spanish bambini it's a very interesting ride there's vehicles there's a tractor an airplane but there's also animals as well a very interesting mishmash with a tank kid riding an elephant a lot of different styles of figures and uh in the middle there you can see some rotating characters there's a two people in pith helmets and then a police officer it looks like little hand cars here it's [Music] there's totem treats they're currently closed but they do have some amazing totem poles out here look at that what what is that tiki face it's a cardinal you know bald eagle up there oh and over here got an alligator holding a fish oh he's uh riding on top of a of a little bear it's the pony ride you can see the ponies actually gallop as they're pulling the little kids on their carts these little planes with uh guns on them it's a remote control boat station here see people steering their boats around this little lake all right so let's uh let's fire up one of these boats [Music] all right i don't know which boat is mine oh there i am i'm spilling in circles spinning in circles over there all right all right we gotta calm stop this circle issue let's open let's go backwards a little bit [Music] captaining a boat is is way harder than i thought it would be full speed ahead don't hit the wall down here in the river there's a beautiful swan hanging here at the damn elliott [Music] and hitch a ride here on the old smokey [Music] [Music] train all right gonna sit here in the back of the train these tiny little benches here actually flip they're reversible so you can uh sit facing either way [Music] [Music] a big structure here it looks like some sort of maybe slide it's not currently in operation passing back through the station here as the guests wait for their turn to for the train through the forest it's an interesting little water shooting gallery here it's like a medieval castle let's uh put some quarters in [Music] oh one more quarter [Music] oh there you go shoot shoot the stream of water here oh there we go you gotta shoot the guys on the rampart up there it's all just operated by the weight of the water we have a little birthday pavilion here actually shaped like a giant birthday cake that's pretty cool here's the paper eating pig i would feed him some paper but it looks like looks like he's a little clogged at the moment we have a fun little animatronic shooting gallery here here's a old mountaineer little barefoot mountaineer his name is s ozarks you know what s stands for yeah let's uh let's see if we can activate some of these animations [Music] whoa oh that skunk is spraying the guy in the bath in the face with stench what does she cook in there looks like a goat fat of some sort [Music] oh a little squirrel pops up [Music] oh you make his hat spin what happens if we shoot him in this garage i sure wish you'd shoot at somebody else he doesn't like being shot all right let's shoot up this car oh there we go the windshield wipers we have a christmas cottage with fiberglass santa claus out here in front it's that sign say around the world in 24 hours prepared by triple sleigh a painted clown says this clown used to reside in the local drug store and would make announcements about the park it's another one of these water powered shooters let's uh see how this one works oh there we go okay we gotta aim our stream to affect the different different scenes here oh he shoots back oh you gotta watch out you shoot blackbeard there he shoots you back so we'll stay away from him hold there if the pirates fall down the hill well that makes that face spit water out so according to this they have gator bites here at kenobl's uh pretty interesting there's a lot of alligators in pennsylvania to my knowledge but uh when in rome let's see if we can get us some gator bites interesting venue here it says our chicken sandwich is something to crow about there's a portrait of all the different types of chicken sandwiches there's western mardi gras buffalo wing and all-american so have a bison burger a flying pig fish and chips oh that fish is gambling there you see there's also some fish and chips stuck to that sign so there we have some knobbles alligator bites also got some potato cakes not even entirely sure what this is all right let's try some of these gator bites here got some some dipping sauce really good it's a really nice spicy dipping sauce it's delightful i also wanted to try these potato cakes they gave me a little dollop of sour cream that i squeezed on there but uh i don't know i don't know if this is sweet savory it's actually really good it's kind of like a i don't know like it's a little bit like a pancake not sweet it's got looks like it's got onions in it it's got it got some good flavor yeah not sure what i'm eating it's pretty tasty the flume here oh it's a little bit soggy here on property they actually have both a mining museum and a museum involving the history of knoebels as a park so let's head in oh hey there pappy check out the knoebels section here there's cosmo their mascot there's the uh water flume all these different rides actually from the park there's some square dancing i didn't see any square dancing today apparently this park just started out as a natural swimming hole people just came here to swim in the natural water and it grew from there the history of the park mascots started out with billy penn i guess he was a takeoff of william penn the founder of pennsylvania and we had billy bear in 1980 he was the bear show mascot and then cosmo he became the official mascot in 1988 additional mascots here creeper the hollow fun mascot that's their halloween event dexter the raccoon and piper who is the birthday mascot and up here is the head of the billy pen you can see the old ferris wheel preserved up there in the rafters here are the hard luck bears this is a animatronic show created by uh creative engineering that made the showtime uh pizza band the rockefeller explosion i guess this was an early form of that sit there the country bear jubilee jubilee see that bear show a musical rocking visit to the 50s here's a love meter time machine known as circus romance looks like you would uh put your coin in hit this button and uh would tell you what what type of person you are cute sweet stingy hot stuff good looking flirt a little bust there his children would ride in that it's the old clock from the old skating rink fortune telling machine there see a little fortune teller surrounded at the bottom there's the different astrological signs and from there we enter the coal mining section of the museum exhibit here on mine rescue you can see this miner here wearing a self-contained rescue breathing apparatus see this guy here is being extracted from the mind i'm sure he's very relieved coal as fossil fuel long before the dinosaurs walk the earth coal began forming from the decaying remains of prehistoric swamps and check out that dinosaur mock coal mine here to the coal miner hard at work digging through this vehicle a collection of coal mining helmets different types of lights on the front quite a few museums actually in the park here we have knoebel's carousel museum heading this way an absolutely beautiful collection of carousel horses in here see from different times see very primitive horse right there there's a ring return sign telling you where to deposit the rings that you've grabbed during your carousel ride the various carousel horses here it's kind of interesting the ones that are in like this aggressive pose right here they almost look angry they're thrashing their head or like this one here he's got his head forward and he's trying to race really fast oh this one's even got this one's even packing heat let's see there there's like a panel that would be on the top of the carousel james k polk here's the chariot sides those are the spots we can actually sit down on the carousel if you don't feel like riding a horse another chariot side there this is what always fascinates me the non-horse animals on the carousel got a rooster there it's a camel little teeny tiny elephant and i always love the pigs though pigs always look so mean with their tusks it's a big old lion this is a early lion this is from between 1870 to 1880. [Music] tiger there is that a ostrich camels seemed like they were popular to ride i guess camels are fun to ride because they have the humps they have a natural saddle on their back oh that's a it's a donkey i think a billy goat i don't know if i've ever rode a dog on on a carousel that's pretty fun the dog carousel car and we got a couple a couple of zebras giraffe and then look at that got rudolph so thank you for [Music] so thank you for joining me here today at knoebels amusement park i absolutely love this park it is a great uh collection of classic rides just a little little something for everyone here uh if you like these videos consider uh checking out some of the older videos on my channel i've been to the 48 continental united states and filmed roadside attractions amusement parks haunted houses museums and other fun stuff and all of them if you'd like to help support the channel consider donating to patreon three dollars or more we'll get you a postcard once a month also selling three different styles of enamel pins in the etsy shop all that information is in the description and all that just helps keep this train on the tracks this boat on the water and this dirigible in the air until next time this one's in the bag
Channel: The Carpetbagger
Views: 62,095
Rating: 4.945775 out of 5
Keywords: the, carpetbagger, knoebels, elysburg, rides, roller coaster, games, museum, carosel, merry go round, train, creative engineering, animatronics, attractions, gator bites, pa, pennsylvania
Id: AnlMrE6hv4Q
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 30min 55sec (1855 seconds)
Published: Thu Jul 01 2021
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