Knoebels - Amazing Old School Amusement Park

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I'll get beetlejuice hey you all carpetbagger here coming to you live in ellisburg Pennsylvania more specifically I am at the amusement park known as Knoebels this is a theme park that was open in the 1920s and right off the bat it was one thing that is very unique is that there's no entrance fee and parking is free you park your car for free and then you just walk in the park there's not even like an official entrance it's just wide open but so very unique I guess you have to pay individually for the rides so I guess we got to find a ticket counter somewhere but one thing the reason they drew me here is they Bhosle have a dark ride that is ranked as one of the best dark rides in the country a favorite so many dark ride enthusiasts so I'm excited about that let's check out Knoebels follow me [Music] all right look at this we got a little squirrel he's riding a dinosaur that's pretty awesome oh it's Rex no my pal Rex mo can tell you the rides your child could safely ride alone if this is Rex mo the dinosaur yeah that's good advice Rex mo look at this the loaf it's a building shaped like a giant loaf of bread I have no idea what's it there the famous french fries here there's that little beaver [Music] all right so here's my ticket she had to buy buy a booklet see they have different values these are 25 cent tickets are $1 take of interesting interesting system we'll see how it works some very interesting murals on this carousel there's actually depictions of women being tortured [Music] it's a beautiful little river running right through the amusement park although unfortunately it is constantly flooding that's that's a little scary here's the old mill ice cream shop I really love this statue as you can see it depicts an old mill but instead of water it's churning ice cream and this girl's getting her ice cream cone that would just be kind of gross it was just like slopping ice cream everywhere she's getting all sticky there wow this is pointless but amazing you see the picnic pavilion the the roof is rotating and it's water powered got the gears over there turning the pavilion roof for no reason and here it is the Haunted Mansion one of the greatest dark rides in the country we're about to fight out for ourselves alright it's two dollars and 50 cents to ride the haunted mansion alright my chariot awaits here we go super stoked about this [Music] we're gonna do little door slam yes oh it's dark in here hope it's not scary Oh wizard what's this what's that oh my gosh everything's so fast but it's amazing what's going on here this guy's drinking skeleton all the skeletons playing checkers on the roof [Music] [Music] Oh fathers [Applause] swirling skeleton death oh no some sort of skeleton tunnel where am I going am I going where am I going ah [Music] [Music] [Applause] here so you can hardly focus on all the stuff popping out it's got like that real homemade feeling to it but it's it's it's okay and check this out they have a free carousel Museum within the park we gotta check this out Wow look at these old wooden carousel horses there's some non horses the donkey go a dog I'd look to ride a carousel dog some zebras giraffe and oh there's a little Rudolph oh my gosh that's not a very child-friendly barrel it's a dog bleeding to death that's fun I think the chicken is one of my favorites as well oh yeah here Oh camel I was a love of a pig there here this from the 1880s it's a lion new fresh deep fried veggies that is bracha huh oh wow they actually serve alligator here interesting pennsylvania alligator you can see there's children pressed up against the wall held in place by centrifugal force it's interesting how many museums they have on property here you have the mining museum and then the nobles I'm sorry Knoebels History Museum oh it's good to see my friend Pappy [Music] here's the Knoebels section of the museum into the mural here now if you think that the country Bear Jamboree is good you haven't checked out the country bear Jubilee that they had here that Knoebels check out these animatronics it's a Smitty's gas pump that's a that's a rock afire thing I have to wonder if these were creations of Aaron fector so fortune telling lady new forecast monthly it says this bus is from a German carousel okay this little guy keep seeing I guess his name is Cosmo here's an old skating alley clock here's one of the old summer cottages that used to be here on property so coal miners helmet display faces are kind of unsettling aren't they got a miner there digging into the coal where does coal come from it comes from these guys these terrifying dinosaurs look at him there's a man being pulled from a coal mine [Music] and here's a fish his name's Cod mo Cod's mo I think though the beaver was named Cosmo I guess they're all just different versions of mo love this little corn man right here got a little packet of butter on his head he's got a globe on his finger and his name is Cornelius how cute got the Christmas cottage here see Santa Claus and over there we have a little little Fresa lling with a deer here we got a hillbilly character named s Ozarks behind him this looks to be a fairly impressive shooting gallery all right we got 16 shots to make them count what's going on over there in the kitchen let's see uh like a lamb's head right there oh my gosh we get this dunk here oh he's spraying the moonshine still over there oh oh he's drinking oh yeah just me and my fiberglass clown hanging out the wonderful the nobles theme park like your dog let's get the mini golf course here looks like Cosmo is all ready to golf say birthday pavilion that's actually shaped like a birthday cake this piggy he wants you to feed him paper buddy want paper the world's most whimsical Trash Can checking at this massive Viking hair what's even better is the rides called the sky louche all right get this here's something super cool before it could be other theme parks leaders does not want that venture but I was trying to film on a roller coaster woman's like oh no you can't say like it's okay if I have a GoPro strapped to my button strapped to my wrist just like no you can't have a GoPro strapped to your wrist you have to have it strapped to your chest so I'm like wait a minute so I can't have a GoPro on on a roller coaster I said absolutely so I went out to my car I got my chest strap for my GoPro I checked in with guest services they gave me a special card to show ride operators that this is a verified four-point harness that's would be four points I guess is their only restriction I think this is amazing I love that the theme park is willing to work with bloggers and roller coaster enthusiasts and let them film on the rides I wish that some more parks would would would follow their lead and be more social media friendly COFF COFF Cedar Point check out this I think this may be dark ride rollercoasters called the black diamond mining company my chariot away [Music] explosions the drop are what's happening [Music] oh my gosh now we're in Centralia Pennsylvania now I was not expecting this lillienfield are dried vortex tunnel on a rollercoaster that's interesting okay that was a pretty cool ride I was not expecting them to insert Centralia Pennsylvania into the ride provisional suit raelia is a mining town where the mine caught fire and it's on fire still like 3040 years later and it's going to burn forever so very cool to incorporate that in a dark ride and it's Pennsylvania so it's all topical oh you had to jump over or fly over low-hanging branches you have to duck under sometimes we have to flap over the logs and duck under the branches at the same time and I've just made a little filly alright it is starting to rain a little bit but I'm wanting to put this GoPro to use so let's get aboard the Phoenix [Music] it's actually pouring down rain what am i doing oh gee look at that oh that is so Steve okay oh my god another 100k Oh I'm a driver I have a winner things are about to change I can feel it in the frame being at rollercoaster this little monkey has can cause mo do this I don't know he's like a rodent so you can probably scurry up in that tree cut these gingerbread men but sadly cosmos play area is closed dang it looks like we got some chainsaw art over here oh I like the little Shane saw snowman love the chainsaw corn and everybody loves Sasquatch I think that's what the Hamburglar would look like if he was a ladybug [Music] [Applause] here's a nice old-school ride the whipper whoo okay Jacob it's time to be brave must conquer our fears and ride this horrific monstrosity all right this thing is called the impulse wish me luck oh my god freaking terror no it's gonna come down oh my gosh what am I thinking what am i thinking why am I on this ride it's still raining geez all right oh my god oh oh oh oh Oh Oh God thank you I don't always do this but actually purchased the ride photo from the impulse so yeah that that is a man yeah that is a man having a good time on a roller coaster you can just hear me saying all right so it did get a little soggy we do get a little bit of rain but we had a good day here at Knoebels I love this park I absolutely love this park that of course the Haunted Mansion that was one of the the best msai it is probably the best old school type dark-red I'm not throwing it in with the lights are like disney dark rides but that's as far as like like old-school style carnival-type dark rides that probably number one on my list and in this part the very interesting way the part you can come into park for free you can park for free then you buy two tickets individually but the tickets are not really that expensive it's like $3.00 to ride the roller coasters than less ride the others I think when all was said and done I think I spent about it was a $19 to for everything that I wrote in this video so yeah really it really big thumbs up here to Knoebels and I feel like the other amusement parks I've been to as well as other roadside attractions museums and other fun stuff please check down in the description there's an interactive map will show you where I've been and either tell me where I need to go also if you'd like to purchase a t-shirt that links down there as well we wanted help support the channel by donating our patreon a three dollar donation will get you a postcard once a month but for now this one's in the bag
Channel: The Carpetbagger
Views: 167,745
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: the, carpetbagger, knoebels, haunted mansion, dark ride, roller coaster, rides, mine cart, spooky, fun, amazing, pennsylvania, penn, pa, theme park, roadside attraction, roadside america, americana, america
Id: 0xSEuLdponY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 30sec (1350 seconds)
Published: Wed Jul 03 2019
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