Canobie Lake Park - Mine of Lost Souls Dark Ride - Plus Much More!

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hey you all carpetbagger here coming to you live from the north more specifically salem new hampshire even more specifically than that i'm in front of kenobi lake park this is an old one 1902 they opened up this is what is known as a trolley park there's 13 trolley parks still in existence and what they are is the trolley companies would build parks at the end of the trolley line so that people would use the trolley on weekends apparently trolleys were used mainly for going to work during the week but they wanted to be able to maximize the profits of using the trolley so they built amusement parks that people would use the trolley to frequent during the weekends i do hear there's a dark ride here we'll try to seek that out so please follow me [Music] okay [Music] okay right off the bat i do love the popcorn stand shaped like a giant box of popcorn oh we can actually smell it from here and who doesn't love a little fried dough to start their day okay so immediate correction apparently it's canopy canopy lake park they pronounce it over the loudspeakers i said kenobi like obi-wan kenobi i guess it's canopy canopy lake park here is the frisbee the ride that simulates what it's like to be thrown through the air and bitten by a large dog here we have mosquito jacks paint ball hollow it's actually a paintball shooting range so you get a shoot i like an old west village with orange paint with the old wild west expression painting the town red apparently you're painting the town orange paintballs getting loaded up all right you're all set alright thank you yeah hard to get like the details of the town here because it's all splattered with orange paint but i think i see a couple random legs oh i think i hit the leg i don't know if there's a thing you're supposed to hit or if it's just if it's just fun uh shooting stuff there we go oh it's good to see a familiar face how's it going happy having a good time here at canopy lake park all right let's get our fortune read my old papi here come on [Music] here they come ah that one was moderately soggy i'd say over here we have a horse couch or a house a house and never mind and here we have it their dark ride the mine of lost souls let's uh let's check this out [Music] all mine right there heading there into the mine got our mine cart there wow fire in the hole there's gonna be an explosion maybe not there we go oh that rock's falling oh it's a moonshine still down [Music] wow guy playing chess with a skeleton this is a cool ride nice easy it's really good animatronics oh what's this guy oh no are we gonna we gotta head through this i'm gonna get doused here with the water oh oh lights this one out oh yeah i still got that that was the little with big eyes it says go back go back there's a devil up there some sort of demonic crave cave creature [Music] oh no [Music] we're going into a graveyard [Music] oh this is that very spooky that these corpses are talking to us [Music] now we're in an egyptian tomb the pharaohs wow this took a left turn is that mummy [Music] what's gonna happen here oh jeez [Music] headless creature right here this is not a creature he's a person there's the grim reaper this is really awesome so the mine of lost souls is actually a dark ride created by the sally corporation and wow that was that was actually really good i was really taken aback by the high level of animatronics in there very cool dark ride almost like a disney level dark ride here this small park in new hampshire really cool don't miss this one that that was awesome oh wow these kids are freaking out [Applause] listen to that screaming [Applause] this is castaway island i guess this is their water park area the drinks here are served in a giant pineapple drink the grill here the giant tiki head and then some uh gentlemen paddling a boat also love how this snack stand is a giant shark's mouth see these chickens soaring through the air wait a minute can chickens fly if chickens can fly or if they can't leave a comment letting me know in the comments section so the giant rotating burger there the the food stands are actually a real highlight here love it oh wow this almost makes me wish it was haunt season look at these i guess these would be the haunted houses they have for what they call scream fest there's three e's in there but uh yeah i guess you enter through this awesome clown mouth here or this super spooky dilapidated haunted house here is kenobi station apparently they have a train ride around the park always up for a train ride around an amusement park remember you always ride in the back of the train because it gives you a wilder ride hey there canadian geese hanging out there next to the water the water i assume is a lake canopy [Music] foreign [Music] so this ride is called the turkish twist i am not sure what type of ride this even is there seems to be a stairway up to a very narrow tower um let's investigate all right heading into the chamber here i don't know what there's like an observation area over top of us all right so we're here in inside the turkish delight people standing up against the wall oh okay we're turning there we go like an observation chamber up there the floor just evaporated oh my gosh what's even happening this is horrible what are we doing oh my god oh i'm sliding down is that bad okay oh wow okay that was that was an interesting experience that was yeah that was ooh my brain hurts but that was interesting all right now that we've experienced it we actually go up here to the observation area and we can watch some other poor souls be tortured oh yeah they don't even know they don't even know what what they're in for yet yes the turkish twist almost like a interesting variation on the gravitron oh gonna start spinning here [Music] oh man look how fast look how fast they're going i didn't even realize i was going quite that fast when i was in there oh my gosh oh wow yeah you can't really gauge how fast you're going i don't know if the floor dropped out yet okay yeah i think the floors dropped out on them it like drops a few inches under your feet so you really are pinned up against the wall really insane hey doesn't this kind of look like a giant washing machine now that now that i know to say it they actually have a second flume right here looks like this one's currently not operating but it's actually called the boston tea party interesting boston harbor patrol here see the rotating ship [Music] oh [Music] the classic double decker carousel right there [Music] let's look at some of the animals that actually have a kangaroo that's interesting it's a tiger and a panda bear now this is pretty unique their swing is actually called da vinci's dream if you look closely you can see different paintings on there different renaissance era paintings so you can enjoy uh renaissance paintings while being flung in a circle by a chain what on earth is even going on here i don't even know what i'm looking at where are the where are the writers it's like a what has anyone ever seen anything like this before wait wait what's happening there's like a canopy lifting up over the riders what is okay this is weird i'm gonna i'm gonna have to investigate this see how you ride these little bugs here in a circle and then for some reason this canopy comes up and covers your car i guess maybe you're a caterpillar oh yeah and then maybe you're going to a cocoon mid-ride that makes some sense i think all right sit here and see what this experience is like the rules of the caterpillar apparently you can't have hair it's one of the few times i feel lucky beginning our journey as we go through the circle here going kind of up and down hill it's kind of a classic classic uh kids ride at the at amusement parks we gain a little speed all right picking up picking up some speed and there it goes there's the cocoon all right this is this is weird it's like a ride for people who don't like scenery actually built builds up quite a head of steam as we're traveling around this circle it's actually getting just a little bit nauseated okay i think it's slowing down and oh oh we letting the sun we're letting the sun back in as we emerge from our cocoon and we are now we're now butterflies and running over top the caterpillar we have a little sky ride looks like the poles actually train it painted like a white birch tree i guess they have those here in new hampshire i think all right here it comes getting ready to be ready to be scooped [Music] so we head over this beautiful fountain here yeah interesting thing the uh the poles they're being painted like white birch trees quite uh quite scenic you can see the caterpillar down there it's a such a such a different ride they asked they asked if they could be on be on the video let's see da vinci's dream there on the side of the lake this may be one of the shorter sky rides i've been on because it looks like we uh just turn around looks like we dip down there turn around and just come right back here we go ready to make the loop here at the end [Music] as we head back to the sky here's the over the rainbow hot air balloon ride look at that we've got the tin man here out in front i guess this is for people who always wanted to ride on a giant skateboard and do uh skateboard tricks i guess maybe like if you were the size of a mouse but you still rode a giant skateboard that's what this would be like there's another uh an ambiguous ride what what is a psychodrome well i guess we we shall find out are waiting to be let into the psychodrome isn't it a dome what's a drone it's a drone and a dome the same thing leave a comment in the comment section if you know what a drone is d-r-o-m-e all right entering the psycho drone and look at this there is a scrambler in here oh my goodness all right let's find our cart i guess we'll pick this one and uh bad things are about to happen [Applause] uh oh it's got some disco lights starting i really hate scramblers this is gonna be miserable all right not so bad right now but business will pick up here in a second oh my gosh the combination of of swirling and flashing lights oh my gosh oh my god oh i hate i don't it the psychodrome i don't even know what a drone is i don't even know what a drone this is probably not even fun to watch oh my gosh psycho drones [Music] everyone else seems like they're having a good time everyone except me oh my gosh oh wait did the lights go back on oh lights are back on but we're still scrambling what's going on okay we're slowing down slowing down yeah that was uh that was was intense scramblers are scramblers are very intense carnival rides and flashing lights just make it more intense the psycho drone it's the bear lodge here we have a chandelier of antlers and we have a bear couch or a brooch if you will oh we're in a little bit of taxidermy the quail a little raccoon up there see another raccoon there a little black bear an otter maybe coyote oh we've got a little fox down there chaos reigns little buddy some bucks look at this monstrosity almost looks like a teddy bear with the mouth of a real bear [Music] and a zoltar there oh we're in classes now zoltar and i can see your fortune come to your tools though i have a hercules here these are rare it's uh the world's largest pinball machine that was ever made you can see it has like a pool ball for a pinball in the back we have the pinball parlor it's kind of interesting how they have it set up in here these cool circular red chairs then the pinball machines form a uh loop around the room it's actually really good air conditioning in here too in the middle of the pinball lounge you have this see-through pinball machine where you can see all the guts and insides of a pinball machine it's got a normal top there but everything else is uh see-through look at this in new hampshire it's called the bubbler it's actually called the butler in wisconsin as well i didn't know there was any other place that called it a bubbler heading into big bear plaza this very vicious chainsaw carved bear oh no look at that drop that is monstrous oh my gosh [Music] please well gary check this out from a different angle and that plunge is brutal straight down into the loop there all right because i love you guys so much i'm gonna subject myself to this terrifying coaster known as untamed you can see the coaster car is actually a giant bear which in italy is pretty cool oh my gosh here we go up straight freaking up oh my gosh i hate this why why do you guys make me do this oh my gosh [Music] oh sideways i guess this is a new upcoming attraction it's called the magic seed since it's coming this fall no idea what kind of attraction this is although i do appreciate this massive creepy vegetable head man oh look at this little pumpkin house here says we cannot enter but we can we can peek inside and oh there's a a rabbit family in here are these oh no that's a mouse that's a giant mouse so there's a giant baby i look a little bit like ewoks but uh giant mice living in a pumpkin i think this is the ride they should have called the boston tea party just my opinion this is the wave blaster this is like just kind of like hop along in a circle wait a minute what's what's happening here is it now there's hopping in place oh look at that now they're hopping popping backwards [Applause] all right to finish off our day here at lake canopy park we're gonna board the yankee cannonball the giant uh wooden roller coaster they have here no way let's what am i in the youtube video sure yeah subscribe thank you smash that like button i can subscribe y'all comment a little bit all right everyone the train is oh my god thank you so thank you for joining me here at lake canopy park uh it's a wonderful little amusement park out here in new hampshire definitely love the dark ride the den it's the den of lost souls it was not not the experience i was expecting a very cool animatronics very unique experience so definitely if you're dark right enthusiast definitely come out here to lake canopy and uh check it out it's a great park thank you for joining me um if uh if you'd like these videos you'd like to see more consider subscribing i put out a video roughly every other day um i'm gonna check out some of my older videos i've been to the 48 continental united states filming roadside attractions amusement parks museums and haunted houses and other fun random stuff if you'd like to help support this channel consider buying an enamel pen we now have a special dark ride style enamel pen all that information is in the description as well as a link to my patreon page three dollars or more we'll get you a postcard every month from me uh all that just helps keep train on the tracks this boat on the water and this dericible in the air until next time my friends this one's in the bag
Channel: The Carpetbagger
Views: 63,867
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: the, carpetbagger
Id: ck_bE14zqYM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 29min 1sec (1741 seconds)
Published: Sat Sep 04 2021
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