Haunted Golf and Goofy Golf - Weird Mini Golf Course - Ocean City, NJ

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hey you all carpetbagger here coming to you live from the north more specifically ocean city new jersey here on the boardwalk and uh yesterday if you've been following the channel we uploaded an amazing video from the jillian's wonderland an amazing amusement park here on the boardwalk but while we're here in ocean city i did want to check out some of the interesting mini golf courses that they have along the boardwalk so please follow me [Music] haunted golf how can golf be haunted we shall find out walking and telling them about the frightful fun inside yeah first i can do it forever the fact is i don't have a choice i'm bolted to the ground it gets out here all summer long i just read a book about gravity really yeah and i couldn't put it down as i was saying playing this exciting family adventure is a great way to give that brain of yours a good workout did i hear you say workout you know i hate to say it nigel but i've gained some weight why you're nothing but skin and bones well mostly bones bones oh really i think we could sure use some exercise and i know a great exercise oh man hey come on nigel it's time to lay off those chocolate chip cookies chocolate chip because you're funky a big one oh bones i'm all about being healthy in fact i'm in great shape for a gorilla we'll just be boom we have buff the buffalo wasn't the animatronic buffalo at the country bear's name buff as well oh so heading into the hallways of the haunted golf oh look at these pictures here looks like a classic picture but someone has painted in a horrific loch ness monster that painting there oh see the eye the eye of the kraken moving above us there's a very spooky man hanging from the chandelier oh you can see him swaying there oh look the rats the rats have chew cho chewed chewed their way through this precious painting skull here look he's actually crying as he's crying because he has a spider on his head continuing into the bowels of the building the haunted bowels people should still have haircuts like this oh no we just turned into a skeleton all right let's see if we can actually crack some of these balls in the holes down the hallway here it's like a glowing aura around the hole tap it in quite a few golfers out here tonight we enter this very spooky room here oh there's a ghost coming out of that piano looks like this ghost liberace piano and joining him there is ghost elvis it's like a ballroom in here we see dancing ghosts dancing through the sky see various dancing ghosts rotating oh no they're spiders spiders coming out of the wall we can get our ball through the notorious loop-de-loop one of those notoriously difficult shots in olive golf oh not even close all right let's line it up line it up a little bit better we'll just hit it as hard as we can all right let's see here there we go it's a nice warm fire there keeping all the golfers nice and toasty it's a creepy bust of a lady there [Applause] see a wedding cake right there says congratulations victoria and adam so i guess got a little wedding here a little haunted wedding it's good when ghostly ghouls can still find someone too low see a staircase there heading up to absolutely nowhere this room here it's completely sideways you can see there's the door there's a clock there's windows on the ceiling and then we have a ghostly couple in bed up against the wall [Music] [Music] and here we have possibly the strangest hole these uh strange brown clumps i wonder where those are coming from oh just coming out of the elephant butt sticking out of the wall for some reason entering the library here you can see they have quite oh lightning collapse outside see there's some taxidermy up there a lion all that moose does that moose just move or i imagine that oh that rhinoceros rhinoceros is it's moving there oh wait a minute this is i think this is the rhinoceros that was pooping in the other room uh he must have uh thought it was an elephant but i guess they looked similar from behind he's poked out through the room i guess that's one way to uh taxidermy creatures what else we got here we got rams zebras wild cat look there's a creepy bear in the corner over there very slowly looking around oh there he talks oh what's this the boiler room it said that this uh boiler came from a mental institution i guess they've now it just here in the golf course oh what's going on over there there's little mice [Music] it's a devil better next time that wasn't very good advice devil i thought you'd offer me something to increase my golf ability [Music] look at the mouse effect there hey you i know i know you want to cheat go ahead drop the ball in and tell him you've got a hole in one oh okay i'll do that i'll do that satan why are you living why do you live in the boiler but yeah he said cheat there's no one else in here so i guess he said to just drop the ball in the hole and don't tell anyone so don't tell anyone hold it oh i can't even win when i'm cheating it's like some toxic waste barrels see some toxic steam oh he says there's the devil in the boiler yeah i saw him he's in there walk under these barrels here [Music] oh they made a noise butler here has his head on a tray oh let's see him talking nice free game by dropping your ball in the hole let's see what happens [Music] a few doors down they have a mirror maze and a laser maze very big into the maze business here you can see the alien with his glowing red eyes it's like there's an alien in the back there so he's wearing a disguise no there we got a little tiny alien working the counter what on earth is that on a mini golf very very cool like how they use all that technology to enhance your experience the modern mini golf experience but i did want to head down the boardwalk here just a little bit and check out a more old school version of mini golf and that would be goofy golf the classic roadside mini golf with those classic goofy fiberglass statues look at that weird fish what is that weird fish even doing [Music] look at the amazing paint job on these old school figures that bright neon paint look at that wacky gorilla the palm tree unfortunately has fallen on his head like coconut has cracked his skull actually it's called cracky coconut rather all right let's see if we make this shot here we've got a rubber ducky at the other end see if we can make it all the way over there oh oh i think you're supposed to just keep it in this groove here but my ball fell out let's try to find it here behind the ducky okay maybe we can see if he made it all the way through the ducky poops it out into the hole but we were not so lucky oh come on just get in there but this weird little multi-colored shack here i think we're gonna need a lot of velocity all right gonna hit this as hard as i can oh it just spit out the side i think you're supposed to get it where it goes through these holes but actually we can uh for the for the purposes of this video not for this golf game and see what happens if you get it all the way back in there oh there it goes ball goes there ball goes down see if this will spit it out into a perfect hole in one oh oh oh it's slowed down there for a second you got it you got it little ball nice what on earth look at this hippo here this big orange hippo what is on his head i guess is that just that's a baseball cap i guess he's wearing a baseball cap looks like he's actually going to be swinging up like would have been swinging a baseball bat maybe he's a ball player and it looks like there used to be someone standing on his back there's two feet unfortunately you know these fiberglass mini golf statues take some abuse a lot of hooligans will take their putters and then use them to create no good chaos on these poor unfortunate figures oh look at this we have some more modern characters the minions eating a banana yeah these guys people are always uh posting them on facebook for some reason but that lion looked kind of sad doesn't he sad it was luscious mane all the way down to his blue boots these courses are actually really crazy but uh it's almost as crazy as these figures we have this pink hippo gorging on a hoagie seating uh eating a subway sandwich there but uh i guess we put our ball down here we try to hit it into one of those holes i don't even know which one see what happens oh it's coming back oh let's give it another give another shot didn't go in any of those holes didn't go in any of them i don't know which hole you would ideally want it to go in oh there's a big hole let's see if it goes in one of these little holes what happens it just spits out down here here's the classic windmill obstacle it's unfortunately not rotating but we'll still do our best to uh did i get it in where'd my ball go where's seriously though where's my wall ball the ball the ball vanished oh i see it i see my ball there it is it was hiding behind the the windmill blade oh oh there it goes here's a hockey inspired shot the flyers versus the rangers which one could only assume are our hockey teams uh [Music] oh oh oh oh oh oh i guess you get up higher it'll go down and try to get it into the goal so for the purpose of this video let's see what happens when you when you get the ball in the goal it rolls out and you get a near hole in one not sure what this obstacle is it's like a hat and a slide [Music] well there's my ball slowly going down the slide here slowly we'll just help it the rest of the way just help it a little bit there we go it's a interesting hole it actually goes indoors here looks like there's like a bunch of pool noodles as obstacles oh it's weird could have been worse dang it just go in just go in just go be in the hole go in the hole be in the hole there just just go in the hole just go in the hole come on go in there just just okay okay what's the power on this hole this hole we have a happy little penguin and then this awesome polar bear who's on a skateboard skateboarding polar bear always love a good dinosaur based mini golf hole got the purple brontosaurus wow i think this might be my favorite hole of the bunch we have neon santa maybe like a off-season santa maybe this is what he wears to the beach here in ocean city i don't know seems like it would still be too warm we have this beautiful pirate here with his amazing lime green tree i just love the paint jobs here the paint is beautiful and over here on this jet ski we have the big orange big orange monkey look at that it's got a big old big old pole there you know he's fishing or whatnot top of that jet ski but dr seuss themed hole here there's thing one thing two that's what uh my mom used to call me and my sister and uh here we have one fish two fish redfish blue fish have you ever gone back and and read that book it is absolutely insane it it quickly deviates from the idea of uh fish and goes into pure insanity go back and read it you won't you won't regret it oh my gosh look at this an extremely radical raphael from the ninja turtles on a uh on a surfboard and she's wearing those black boots i don't ever remember him wearing black boots but uh yeah i'm just glad that he's here there's a basketball themed hole you actually have to shoot it up here it's trying to get into the basketball hoop but you can't do that or maybe you can i don't know there's a there's a a like tube or traffic cone stuck in there maybe that's actually to help it go into the hole yeah i'm probably not gonna be able to get this in the basket [Music] this hole here is completely insane all these different colored troughs and a very sneaky snake you know that he's sneaky because he actually has a hand just holding a ball most snakes don't have hands and look at this incorporated into the mini golf hall they have an old uh skee-ball ring yeah tremendously elaborate let's see what happens oh oh oh we're going up oh it's going in oh it's stuck it's stuck but we'll nudge it into the blue trough i think that's where it was meant to go blue trough into the red trough and still nowhere near the hole actually made it pretty close so we'll just give it a little dude oh my god you can't even hit it when it's an inch away from the hole so i guess this is the final hole you gotta shoot the ball into the back of the mushroom the frog king is sitting on easier said than done oh it actually went on the on the pathway just a little bit but but didn't make it so thank you for joining me here on the ocean city new jersey boardwalk because we tried out some of the new in the world of mini golf and some of the old as well leave a comment below let me know what type of mini golf do you prefer do you like the old school fiberglass golf or the new technologically advanced golf with robots and interactive things but thank you so much for joining me if you like this sort of video consider checking out some of the older videos on this channel i have visited the 48 continental united states filming roadside attractions amusement parks museums haunted houses in all of them if you would like to subscribe that would help me out quite a bit and if you want to help contribute to the channel consider donating to patreon three dollars or more we'll get you a postcard every month also selling three separate types of enamel pins and the etsy shop all that just helps keep this train on the tracks this boat in the water and it's dirigible in the air until next time this one's in the bag
Channel: The Carpetbagger
Views: 41,253
Rating: 4.9555144 out of 5
Keywords: the, carpetbagger
Id: Y3gO1AS-dZY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 36sec (1296 seconds)
Published: Wed Jul 07 2021
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