a crown of candy but it's just a piece of cake

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what's amithar doing uh alone in this chapel uh i think speaking out loud to his sisters yes the is the girls uh 18th saints day it's really exciting uh i think you guys would like each other a lot they're uh they're real special uh and they they take a lot after you guys and uh oh you know i mean it's hard enough being a father and a king i thought you guys would have been so good at this i'm just not i'm not cut out for this [Music] you hear a tap of feet approaching duh but um i missed you every day oh who who's here uh you see uh while you're in the corner um you see your uh sort of right hand and like sort of like master of state we'll say um uh cal roy walks around the marquis of muffin field yes uh who looks like just a giant slice of cake with sort of eyes on the top kind of pitched forward little striped pantaloons a little saber uh he walks forward and says uh your majesty i'm sorry to disturb oh yeah you know yeah i was just uh just hanging out with hope cal um her majesty the queen is um less than chuffed uh she uh the princesses um according to the report the princesses managed to get to scarecrows stuff them with sugar grass dress them in their clothes and hoodwink chancellor lepan and disappear during their that's awesome awesome and he just didn't notice he was apparently 90 minutes into the lesson oh well who's so smart now yeah you saw him jets come on ruby oh hell yes oh uh you saw i love that i love that i thought you might the queen also thought you might and basically asked that you and her get on the same page about what the appropriate punishment would be punishment uh that's her words not mine all right oh yeah well let's i'm i'm done here uh um you see he looks down and sees um uh two cases finally wrought of like marbled candy stone um that have been pulled from the armory next to you um you see he looks at them it points to them and says um planning on hunting sir i know it's for the girls uh they are saying just feels uh feels appropriate um you see that he walks along with you and says uh well everything looks prepared and lovely for the saints day um festivities are ready um great we uh i should let you know now the queen's already read it but a message came in from comeda for today okay is it just like uh what they're just telling us they need more taxes or something what's the no that would come from a um normal imperial sealed letter this had the seal of the emperor oh so what does that mean um your old friend gustavo has sent you okay a letter um you see that uh call roy looks up at the statues here and says um i couldn't help but overhear your majesty what you were saying and um yeah it was just that was just much of mobile he looks up and says this will be the 20th year since the end of the ravening war and the creation of the concord um so what does that mean i'm just we saw a lot 20 years ago and um yeah i uh you see he looks up at the statues and uh says and you see he gets on one knee and makes a motion to the four statues and says your sisters where they're some of the greatest heroes candia has ever known the greatest heroes the greatest heroes you see says and also your majesty candia is stronger than it's ever been and that is due in part to you and your rulership of this land and kingdom i know you have to say that but i don't hey this is i'm the king you have to say nice things to me be honest you see he leans in and says i was with you in the muck in the tents in the trenches we've seen each other piss and [ __ ] in pots in dark fields under torchlight we fought and bled together i'm saying this as your friend you are a good king no thanks cow all right well your majesty will you carry one of these yeah i grab one i just remembered that this is a piece of cake with eyes that um uh lord crawler uh calroy crawler uh your dad's uh sort of a master of state lucerne says well listen there's more of us than the queen so if we all get in trouble at the same time then it kind of just all shakes out so use this i don't think you're in trouble he's the king yeah i'm the king all right that's technically correct i don't think the king can perform a coup well the king concussion are you saying that king all right what if we just can i hear me out what if we listen to everything if the king and queen were in cahoots over then that could happen against the kings okay enough of this the cool win in the who win now account cancun okay what makes a coup true well a true coup is what a count can do against the king and queen all right you know what uh girls let's go let's leave these three gentlemen uh figure out the nature of a coup and who can do the cool oh you got me doing it let's go uh you see the uh the lady the lady whipperly approaches you has like a tall spiraled whipped cream hairdo like a light blue dress and she says my lord my lady i understand that you shall be creating your envoy for the uh trip to commodore how how very exciting yeah uh i would be more than happy to pick up the slack should you find yourself missing from this place and you see that uh lord swirly he's like a little ice cream-headed guy says very good indeed it is your majesty the king and i'm wondering who shall be where and how forth the the coming envoy it seems rather exciting to travel to camita what um you see uh uh you see that cal roy leans over to you and says uh your majesty yeah uh all the underworld is about to break loose if we don't come up with some kind of list of who's going and who's not going to to counter the comedy yes um because people just want to does everybody want to come i mean it's a chance to broker alliances with all the other various lords an event like this comes around literally once in a lifetime um yeah who do you i mean cow do you think would you pray i mean i would leave all of these um esteemed lords and ladies uh in castle candy if i would be honest i you see he looks even says your majesty you don't want to be emperor do you no no no not really no i mean the queen was going on and on about the piece and everything that candy is doing and how well we are and like how important that is and i mean i might support i feel like i'm supposed to so i i mean like if i'm supposed to y'all i'll do it but i don't think it will behoove the six kingdoms of calurum to have an emperor that does what he thinks he's supposed to and objects subjects himself to a life of misery but that's my two cents and i'm not going to gain save the queen what i will say is uh i think that if you want a hand putting the envoy together i'm happy to help but ultimately i think you should take who you wish as long as the princesses are safe and you have people you trust with you you have le pan you have sir theobald who did someone say le pen oh my god wait for you say hilton you go he looks you and says le pen we're discussing who should go on the envoy oh yes um you understand that if you have more than 30 uh warriors at arms we need to request an imperial guard to travel on the sacrosie road so i would say more than 30 and we end up in some bureaucratic paperwork but i think a well-armed guard is worthwhile yeah let's do yeah we'll do that all right but yes i think bring who you wish okay uh wow i don't know but i like that ice cream guy lord swirly yeah tell lord swirly you can come wonderful bring lord swirly um you see he says some of the most he says uh you see he says you have some trusted servants as well i think there's um like arena loghead is one of the handmaidens of the princesses says do you want me to just put this together and do yeah all right uh he nods and says very good make sure everyone's fun you know make sure they're all [ __ ] sure on the ice cream man i mean yeah he's funny it's funny like i don't know i feel like we get him drunk it'll be like a good time so okay you see calorie looks over and says i think it would be best obviously if the chancellor went um do you i'll put it this way i'm happy to go with you if you would like someone to lean on if you um if you can't remember names you're supposed to come i'm happy to i'm also happy to stay here if you would like um a a friendly face here in court while you're gone but i leave it in your careful queen can do it cali you're coming with me all right you've always been there i watch your [ __ ] and piss all right we talked about this what himself in the trenches of war yes lovely then tachometer on the morrow i will go get my good pants and we'll make a trip out of it i like a nice pants you know when your whole body is a slice of cake yeah you need to real all the fashion kind of lives pants you know and your best pants bring your best pants your majesty is that a challenge that's a challenge then i only have one night to get the best pants that can't be again you see he points to one of his servants and you see he says archibald the finest pants you can find uh and you see that he uh sort of wobbles off um before theo goes you hear a voice say stay inside uh and uh lord crawler leaps out of the back of the wagon says something to the tart guard there he i'm gonna make a perception check for him to see what he's able to notice as this is happening he sees amithar uh he looks over at you draws his saber and says your majesty and starts booking it after you um he's gonna go one two three four five six um well he did put on nice pants there's more fantastic pants um he is going to uh get to here which is a full 30 feet of movement take a bonus action dash nice uh roll up here take a swing uh you see he runs up and the captain barking orders he goes aha and slashes across his back uh uh leaping into battle with you um dope as hell uh that is the end of le pen's turn this rant dude that's my place mark i don't know if they whisper i mean we've got i got crawler i got a crawler i got these sweet talk guards um uh you see that uh hold on one second i'm gonna roll here nat 20 from your boy he's got his best pants fun uh you see that he with us is gonna be what's 66 from him what jesus christ he's within five feet of an ally hell yeah he's a little swashbuckling fencer oh hell yeah uh you see he looks at you and says nothing but the finest for my majesty oh it's make the man he looks at you and says getting a little tired in your old age shut the [ __ ] up right now and you see he goes up through the back of the skull bam hits this guy and knocks his helmet off and catches the helmet in his other hand and goes souvenir for our trouble um i'll be your apprentice as well he says your highness it would be an honor uh um the honor is mine he says remember if we win without class we haven't really won at all write that down that's going to um you see lord crawler who you see he says nice thing about these pants is they're good in terms of flexibility he takes a movement and a dash so sprints a full like 60 feet over to this dude uh i get sneak attack because oh i [ __ ] love that crawler dude you're a must apprentice with him this is why i tell you you watch a guy [ __ ] a couple times for life um you see that he does this twee little like pirouette and then like like little dance moves uh comes over and just like uh crashes the cross by this guy's hand and skewers him straight through the stomach and then just does this like weird corkscrewing twist and you see the guy slams to the ground as his inners are just scrambled by this sneak attack um he's not joking anymore he's watched you fall twice and you see he says tart god disarm them do whatever you can they've come to kill the king you see um lord crawler walks up to you ruby you see he says remarkable work your highness things are going to get very complicated in commodore i don't suggest you pull off tricks like that again lightly i don't even know what i was doing when i was dead i saw aunt lazuli and perhaps can i can i you see that's the exact kind of thing that we are never going to say out loud again okay you see that uh lord crawler comes over and says did you speak to commander grissini yes i don't know who's going to be able to speak to his men you see that the other soldiers that also saw the fog cloud go up are just kind of like doing their work but keeping their eyes down cast as they look at ruby you see he says it's not safe for us to discuss anything but we need to find a time to speak with us and the king and maybe if your suspicions are what they are without lord swirly things are not going to end well if any of those surregion soldiers talk when we get to commodore about what they saw can and if we tell the king in the wrong way you know how he's going to solve the problem uh even as you begin casting it um you see that uh lord crawler steps in with lepan lord crowler with that swashbuckler dexterity uh reaches out and grabs your hand and goes i understand the door was open just to crack now might be the time to start practicing your highness my apologies and he lets go of the royal hand practicing what discretion your highness but we're from kenya we're yes we're from candia we are from a land that is extremely permissive when it comes to magic we had a proud princess of the balbian church who was canonized and sainted and we had another princess her dear sister who was given the title archmage now when you travel outside of candia in diplomatic envoy and people ask about the archmage lazuli rocks do you know what we have all been trained in the embassy of your father the king to say well archmage is a title given as a an anachronism a bit of ancient holdover from times long gone i think you should find that the arc mage lazuli was actually just a proficient alchemist and the marvels that she worked on the battlefield were a result of discoveries that have nothing more to do with magic than a common potion maker in a shop these things must be handled carefully and even though everybody knows that something is one way the art of politics is being able to smile and pretend it's another so i just have to lie and everybody else has to lie even though everybody knows what the truth is ah you've gotten it yes very good exactly that's exactly right um if you don't if people knew what i did and where i got my power i would be dead [Music] and the life that you're living now is sorry that's rude it's not worth it to die for this chancellor uh did you want to talk to yes i would like to talk to soldiers who were suspicious i i would i don't know it feels like what is done is done a little bit there but i can try to chat with them what is um i'm i'm so sorry what is the cake dude's name again uh lord crawler um lord kruller do you have an opinion on is there anything that can be done i think look this this is i think we're gonna agree let's get in the characters because they want us to go right now okay and anything that we're going to do doesn't have to happen guys i found a seed i gave it to my pig and he could fly it was so cool it was really cool he got stuck on the roof shut up don't talk to my sister like that everyone everyone that's getting the character just get in the carriage i think i lean over and i'm like do you speak surregion no but i can pretend to okay well i actually do if you need my help oh yes that is smart did you have any dreams last night last night i didn't have a dream like before that yeah you have a really good idea and then you followed up just the first idea was great i don't get to have you know that's all business i just like to have a pleasure conversation so i've never been with an avocado before but in my dream lord crawler goes all right yes fantastic idea if you were to ride outside and listen in on them that would be fantastic they wouldn't even uh they wouldn't expect uh you to be able to speak serene at all oh yeah maybe after we have a conversation about what dreams we all had do you have any dreams looking we're all going to die unless you listen to me right now a heavy dream lord lord carla goes over says i think it might be an overstatement that we are all going to die let's talk about we are all going to die if we don't le pan as a friend that is a condition you may be experiencing as true but it might say more about you than the situation i think oh [ __ ] you got put in your place by a cake i okay you see they're not gonna kill me i'm a princess well i that is true that they shot you i put my body on top of your lifeless body your mortality has never been more real to me okay i am going to go out there and possibly flirt with a handsome enemy why are you siding with them they would have killed you too if you were outside of the wagon my dream had a big tree could i just say one to two specific things before we move on you see he says i think the children are addled by their exploits in battle and i think that's all right what we need to discuss are we have two issues at hand number one we were just attacked in an obvious i will say it that was not bandits that was an assassination attempt on your father the king what i will say as well is this your highness you will not be killed for casting a spell all of the people who saw the spell are low-born soldiers their word against the word of candy and nobility they will not threaten the concord for the word of some low-born soldiers death is not on the line but there are other terrible things that can happen to you short of death would you consider it a life worth living if say the story comes from these low-born soldiers that perhaps one of the princesses of candia was dabbling in witchcraft things not of the bulb and her holiness the hierophant wrecks of the balbian church were to take an interest in this matter and decide that it would be best if the younger non-air princess of candia were to be compelled to serve in a monastery and oh guess what the air princess would do if they did that leave the concord [ __ ] yeah [Music] we're nobody likes where we are which means we need to be together the space we are in is not of our choosing the people we are with is stop fighting start listening um you see that immediately the lady jonetta looks over and goes i shall attend to his majesty uh and begins to tend to um his majesty's wounds um you see that uh lord crawler looks uh uh bashful in the wake of what the king has said um he looks up at the two of you and said and says you have lived both of your lives as some of the most prodigious brilliant remarkable young women that the world of kalaram has ever seen and you have been surrounded on all sides by people who love and cherish you and your father your mother as well i tell this to you now before you were born the world was not as gentle as it is now and it can become ungentle again if we are less than prudent [Music] i just don't understand why this thing that i can do that helps other people is so bad i mean if it's not bad if if the bulb created us he also gave me these powers right it's not from the bulb right that's correct you know the carnage people are polytheistic perhaps i'm saying there are is more than one power other than the bulb you see crosses we're not talking about theology your highnesses we're talking about politics now the if you travel to the city of carn as i have and you see the realm that has been built there by the meatlanders great statues to the beasts of the meat lands the great cow the great hen the great boar these spirits exist there however the warlord of the beef clans basha myaso who is coming to commodore for the grand tournament he has sworn on the book of leaves that he is a bulbian the reason he has done that is because no oath of the concorde can be considered binding if that person is not bulbian now is basham yasso actually a devout bulban i sincerely doubt it but as we've covered before sometimes everybody has to say a thing even though we all know it's not true with all due respect i understand that that is the reality of politics now but since we are about to be the future of politics i think it is important that we sometimes question when the reality of politics could be better wiser words never spoken and with that being said i'll shut the heck up i think that asking these questions once you have secured power is a wonderful time to ask these questions so i'm just in trouble well we don't know but let's talk about what our options are preston's bud got freezer burn ruby's you know anything for a freezer burn i'm not allowed to just sorry sorry sorry i just want to say i'm just curious i would ask just to be clear that we had a bit of a conversation before all of this started and i think i proved to you my motivations so i would ask that we now talk about that as well hey i gave you my word on battle i'm sorry i broke your teacup i don't know what you're talking about you never had a teacup well i know we i just wanted to say that really quickly just like a piece of cheese can i see if he hates me i feel like he hates give me an inside check four he hates you you see crawler looks over at this thing that is like he happened in front of he like doesn't know about and says did i miss something when i was in the other carriage we they're making things out why would you i wasn't go ahead and get me you go and give me a decision you throw me under the card go ahead give me a deception check real quick uh 14. okay um you see that uh uh lord crawler alex over and says all right um my business as amithar looks for for his daughters you see lord crawler turns to you and says you know that uh your cousin and your father fought side by side in the ravening war um not a big war guy well not a big war guy sure all right you're hard to bond with and i would love to hear what you had to say no i i just liam we're heading you've been party to a lot of very um dangerous information and i want you to know that if it has not been made clear to you already by either the queen or myself or your cousin the king your situation as a hostage with us is the best of all possible worlds your father is able to keep his castle and all of his children and his lands and his fighting forces and not even agree to the concord remain as a rebel state openly because of the nature of the treaty that was worked out between him and the house of rocks so you staying here is what enables your father to keep his independence his freedom his lands and not only amathar but his fallen sisters all were incredibly supportive of your uncle when he seceded did he ever tell you why he seceded yeah he said last king was a [ __ ] never be a [ __ ] and um he did have a blunt way with words yes yeah yeah and i don't know everyone just kind of thinks that the whole candy uh you know the all the kings and stuff are lame and that we should um you know kind of kill them or whatever he is a little blunt but he seceded because your uncle king judean would not uphold candia's alliances your father made himself a traitor to fight alongside our allies in the dairy islands yeah i think i have heard that one yeah cause he wouldn't they needed our help and we said no and so my dad just went and helped them anyway that's correct yeah that sounds pretty cool i think yeah i think like my brothers and stuff they really hate uh the king and uh they just kind of think like he's probably just like his brother but um yeah again and not really a war guy well no one is until the war comes as you're getting ready to leave from the last keep you've been staying in you see that um lord crawler comes over to you theo um and you see he says uh sophia bolt i trust the um secret russians yes i think we're good uh lovely i've uh been speaking to some of the um help at these keeps and some of them speak seresian and some of them have been serving our friends the syrian infantry and it looks like they've been talking so it's not the best possible situation it looks like commander grissini has shut down a lot of that talk in the open so word is spreading less fast than it could have but according to some of the serving lads and lasses um there has been some gossip amongst the rank and file what was it you saw or heard that the princess jet was referring to with the chancellor do you remember what i speak of i believe i was outside the carriage at the time of whatever is being referred to uh go ahead and give me a deception rule eight he goes ah so this happened when the battle had already broken out i don't feel comfortable speaking about the chancellor when he's not present after what i saw in that battle i still hate his stupid rabbit guts but i respect him and i don't want any more gossip i completely understand i will only it will be easier for me to hunt something down and stop it if i know what it is i'm hunting and that's all i will say on the matter for fear that i would make you uncomfortable regarding your honor sir theobald i [Music] i get the i get what you're saying whoever did this it's not the chancellor i would never suggest that it was but the princess chet did see something and if she saw it it's possible someone else saw it as well [Music] all right you've made your mind known and i respect it even if it makes my life perhaps significantly more difficult sir theobald thank you hacking out of nowhere this is i was invited by the pontifex to join them at the i mean you're not a short guy yeah right you're a big tall rabbit trust my king's eyesight i don't know about what's going on with the two of you um fine i say it it feels as though it might be best if i join uh for the sake of the church that feels right we'll leave more delicate conversations until you return yes uh cool uh you mosey on off you see cal roy looks at you and says um uh you managed to do you want me to hang by your side let you know who people are you see that uh lord swirly walks up and says i would also be happy to provide these social graces oh thank god i'm getting out of here [Applause] uh lord swirly why don't you uh go and um uh you know put uh make graces with uh our friends uh the senator the good senators of syria um i i don't want to overwhelm people with too much uh uh too much ah a little bit of diplomacy sure cal roy looks over you goes you would like me to hang by your side of course cat why do you keep asking stupid questions because i'm also useful if i am doing what you just sent finnegan to do lord swirly i mean did you do you want me to keep ice cream man no i'll be with you that's great thank you cal i think basha basha's worried about losing me in the tournament tomorrow uh you see that uh call roy goes well i don't think it's basha you have to worry about i think it's probably screw hoya his wife and you see that there's like the steak giant who's got her huge axe over her shoulder oh yeah they're all scared uh you see my sister was stronger than all of them um uh you see that uh call roy nods and says uh certainly oh you see he says um did uh did the warlord of the beef clans just give you a dirty look across the floor of this banquet hall maybe we should go say hello i mean uh yeah yeah we yeah let's do that you see that uh jack looks at you and says right i'll go for the legs and when he drops you get the rage stop it you can't be doing that no more i'm a killer what can i i live my life free on the open seas uh you see that you uh head over keller walks over to you uh which is sort of an immediate power move you realize calris good at this [ __ ] like someone shot you a dirty look that can't be left to stand in the middle of this banquet so you're gonna walk right over there and talk to him um calorie walks up and says my lord basha warlord of the beef cleanse you look well and you see basha just interrupts him um and looks at you and says amitar the house of rocks i hear you are attacked by cheese bandits on the road to comeda that's correct but more they are perhaps wielding some garnish weapons they tie meats to themselves yes but i mean it was very clear that they were not of corn they were some kind of we believe in pirates of the dairy islands it is a very good thing that the syrian imperial infantry show up when they do well we had things very under control before they even arrived oh candia although your prowess of course is no candy is strong as well uh you see that uh he looks and says i am sure that you have everything in control before they show up we do dairy islands and gandhi are strongest alliance only two nations that do not go to war in their evening seems like maybe you want to come to camada with meat arrow broken off in your body or some sort of meat attack that happened and maybe if commander christine don't find it maybe the rumor spread that meatlanders tried to attack king of candia and put a stop to him watch your [ __ ] mouth calroy goes all right when you're talking to me you see he says i see you in the middle like tomorrow huh yeah yeah you [ __ ] will uh call roy pulls you away from basham yasso uh who smiles and looks to you and begins to speak more to his wife and his other advisors they're sort of staying in a big corner of the room speaking carnage to each other i do want to say that i told i i i filled the group in on uh everything i learned last night about the stinky cheese boy that was so i i definitely told king abathur you told him about i warned the kids too one of the kids about it as well is he there would you be there right well would you have told would that have been like a group wide thing yeah i would have told uh roy hears you say the cheese boy thing and he's like ah i think it would behoove us if i were to become an extremely dear fatherly benefactor to the duchess cold bottle i'll be back later and you see that he uh just peels off and literally shows up with her they like uh he and his you see that his wife is like doting on her and they've taken her shopping and have really been like working to keep her away from the dude you described to them awesome you put your lance literally right under the lip of her armor lift her up out of the chariot and she you were supposed to go through three rounds of lances you have ended this joust in your first lance and laid her out in the middle of the lane um and a roar goes into the crowd all of the tart guards are screaming uh you see a crawler over in the stand it's like yes yes this is how it is done in candia um yeah theo i feel like crawler um leaps the fence lands down here runs over um uh and you see that he slashes the belt of uh boniton the vegetable knight also that his pants fall down she goes it says the fight's over and then uh yeah bonifan yeah um you see uh calroy rushes over leans down to you you see like genuine panic in his eye as he touches you um and he goes amathur can you speak you cannot um he starts looking around everywhere um and just shouts we need a healer you see that uh the paladin um keradine uh went so crawler looks right at carrot and says we need a healer uh keratin looks over him sort of wide-eyed and begins to run you see uh crawler is the last in the initiative order uh he uh looks at you pulling the poison daggers uh does a little like uh bow to you to disguise the fact that he kicks keratin in the head very quickly um you see that cassano already has imperial guard rushing for keratin right now everyone gasps as you hold the daggers aloft um uh you the cast the little divine magic thing um do you remember what happened uh crawler is gonna is gonna uh move dash bonus action dash and you see uh he goes see your father and he sees the [ __ ] escaping gladiator and just starts to gun down after him like clears the [ __ ] fence like not gonna let a dude get away um uh uh and we are out of combat um you see calroy walk back i'm gonna roll a flat luck check in the box of doom rather than run a battle off screen with npcs let's see if he kicked his ass yeah can you just sit here while you silently roll a bunch of dice yeah uh so we'll say good news is 11 through 20 bad news is 1 through 10. 12. um um wow everything's coming up candy uh you see um yeah yeah he he's like slowly walks back as you guys are like wrapped up with the king uh and you see that like all your tart guard are forming around you um you know the other ones have been like healed up so you've got like you know the full 30 tart guard you you're you've got a [ __ ] squad right now i feel like we also um owe liam some thanks i want to walk over to liam you've you've saved the king's life we're and you're dead okay i'm i think i used the bad magic uh i have a natural explorer i could just take off running right now and meet up with you guys later just stay i have really good stealth okay i want to join this conversation yeah crawler walks back sort of huffing and puffing and goes they uh they arrested the uh the runner the the gladiator all right what about plumarina or plumberlin plumbling um you see he says sheeran uh you see he says the the lady of house uvano i think she walked off the field uh after theo put her on her back thank you so much you did some cool [ __ ] today i mean there are nights and then there are nights and the order of the knights of north gumby i think have uh put themselves on the map in terms of uh international jousting today thank you really though the king almost died yeah i have that was dope but we'll talk about it you see you see uh calroy looks to you and says do we want to follow them to make sure they don't disappear that carrot paladin would be i think perhaps um i think we could split up maybe i feel like i should take the young ones back to our chambers what if i bring liam with me make sure that i will or i think we should we should i feel like okay because i mean at the end of the day nobody's taking liam anywhere as long as i say so okay me and the chancellor perhaps yes i will join you on the airplane nobody will talk to liam until you return all right uh my lord do you wish to take any of us the tart guard with you maybe um maybe all of you go with the kid we'll take um you see uh crawler says i can accompany you if you want me to um great to talk guard yeah we'll take we'll take a few you see he puts his arms on both of you and says we're not high priority targets but i don't know strengthen numbers um uh you see that uh he says uh all right we'll see you back at our quarters in the great pyramid um uh crawler and you two are headed off you guys arrive can i pull them to a side yeah sure just say i i noticed from the box that it feels as though we could be in a little bit of trouble with liam um what do you mean he may have been found out for his actions oh dear well liam is not the princess of a nation of the concord liam is the son of a duke in open rebellion if they come for liam i don't know how much certainly none of us and i don't even know how much his matter to the king will be able to do what if liam were a knight isn't there a whole three-day vigil that has to happen and a bunch of tests and oaths of fealty and i'm the lord commander of the king's guard and liam just saved the king's life i didn't do it you didn't do it the pan didn't do it listen i don't know how any of this stuff works sorry if you if you can find some loophole in your book of night laws to make liam a knight of the balbian church if the uh listen theobald if there's a way that you can pull this out of your helmet then that's great what is the other option just get liam out of town i at the very least i feel like i can try to talk to them do you think you do you have the ear of anyone important in the church can you i mean you know you're a primogen but can you what you think we would need the pontifex herself to be able to i have i'm not saying it's likely that you will help us but there is a chance that i could help with that well it sounds like between the three of us he says it sounds like between the three of us we have two chances so that works if you want to try that and maybe i'll be option three of just disappearing in the night and getting liam back to candia i think that's a good idea all right let's go interrogate this uh murderer uh so we'll cut back to you guys outside of the dungeon do you got what do you guys do outside uh you see that cal looks as you as you pull this move uh calroy looks at you and you can see a look of like i haven't seen this [ __ ] crusty rabbit bust a move yet and he goes very well done chancellor hey thank you um they so the the guard has gone to as we understand arrest oh there's plen this is an imperial garrison there's like a hundred soldiers left to like guard circaradin cell [ __ ] man the battlements and grassini just took 40 dudes and himself to go arrest the primitives should we join the should we join the arrest or should we get back i think we should join the arrest i could um uh inhabit sprinkle for a second and maybe try to send a message to them sounds good to me um i'm i'm laying out a saucer for a sprinkle i say well actually can i could i like i know i can uh wire oh it's only if it's within 100 feet of me so he's very far away uh but it always obeys your commands yeah okay sprinkle's just hanging out sprinkle um looks at the saucer you laid out for him and goes inchworms up the side of the bed goes up onto the bed post and does a full like wrestling like dive to like uh pile drive the saucer it shatters and he just rolls around twitching in the middle no foe too small for this one i tried it didn't go well well i have a headache now okay um uh cool you fall in line with um you see uh grissini nods and uh go ahead and make an insight check you guys if you would like okay jesus christ um six seven eleven yikes yeah um okay uh you see that christine looks over at you uh le pen and says primo um i will pronounce sentence but if you could lend the authority of the church it will make this process much easier i think i should go with them do you want to join me um yeah i'll come along uh you see that uh cal looks over and says maybe three candians with the imperial guard is too many and sends a message that we are pulling more favor than we should in an equal concord should uh you or i go to the king or should both of us um you see that the tarte guard comes at that point to collect calroy anyway and he says well that's our decision made um best of luck i'll see you uh don't this feels insanely paranoid uh if you're not back in a certain amount of time how much time before we come look for you um i would say if we haven't contacted you in the next hour or two a couple of times uh he heads off with the tart guard you guys head off with the imperial guard um maybe have ruby um send her a bird um towards where we would be uh you see he says uh he speaks influenced to region to commander grossini ibrahim he talks back he nods and says good well you'll at least have some eyes in the sky before calroy leaves um i want to ask him or talk to him real fast but uh i don't trust a lot that is happening here i think it would be wise if we figured out um if we explored our options in the routes of a boat ah well as luck would have it the people that seem to like us the most have a great deal of boats i will get right on that i think that is very prudent it could i want to say with the tournament's conclusion and the fact that they will be honoring the results it seems uh we may have a concordant emperor as early as tomorrow morning so we will either need a boat or we will need to resize the concordant throne to fit our each lord's impressive frame so let's keep our fingers crossed for the ladder shall we all right uh crawler arrives back first uh at your quarters [Applause] your majesty how are you feeling oh like [ __ ] oh i can imagine uh when everyone's back i'd like us all to talk uh quickly you know uh the rest of you guys short walk with the senator and theo comes back a moment or two later you guys are all back in your quarters fantastic uh we relay the uh everything that happened i'm sorry what and i was like uh what you said what about the bulb i was like where's your boat now oh how much tart guard outside shouldn't be listening i'll go yes yes lepen can't believe everybody's cool it was uncharacteristic i feel like you guys sheltered us from even yourself why would you do that why would you not want our respect this guy's always been cool liam knows anyway uh can i who's in the room right now uh the six of you your pets crawler uh and the lady uh donetta uh lord and lady swirly are asking to attend as well uh i asked uh lady donetta if she would entertain uh uh the swirly uh she would entertain the swirlies loudly one room over and make sure that they're enough talk god uh listening in she curtsies and and bows uh she leaves so it's just the six of you guys cal and i think yeah pets and that's it and i can uh maybe cause presta digitation to create uh like a musical effect near the doors so that anybody who was listening in i was just hearing music yeah lovely yes we're doing band practice yeah we have a family jam band it's of course chocolate some sublime and other fun jams oh so cal yeah kelly silverman says uh well we're having a little royal meeting he takes his hat off his little frosting head and uh uh takes little meeting notes and says all right so where are we at cal is crawler right yes i take my crown off my head and like undo my like cape uh i take my short off my back i put it on a table or the floor or whatever i look around i say as far as i'm concerned this is a war council and we are at war really it's a quiet war and it is a war that is ours and it's not one that i mean to speak about publicly but a direct attack has been made against me twice and foiled by you and i believe it is because i am the king of kandia so as far as i'm concerned someone is attacking me and that is a declaration of war we do not know who our enemy is and thusly we cannot trust as many people as i would like and even i must acknowledge that now i couldn't agree more this is definitely not peace like everyone keeps telling us i know i don't have a military position you're a sweet guy yeah famously not a war guy yeah i'm famously not awarded it's gotten around i'm really good at not being seen i've spent a very good in my life not being seen it's the thing i'm best at i also speak seresian i could go walk around tonight and i could i could try to eavesdrop and i could try to see both like in danger in active danger because of your magic yeah they can spot us if you guys are going i will be going ask your theobold i am not comfortable with liam going as good as you are at stealth should you be caught the amount of danger that you would only magic could catch me with how stealthy i could be i could pass without a trace and truly only magic would be able to find me and it sounds like if everyone's so anti-magic they're not using magic they're anti-one type of other types of magic there are people who command the magic of the bulb who have real magic i'm also starting to think that magic being illegal is just magic is illegal for the people that it is inconvenient for them to have it yeah they are very powerful mages who share your theories i'm excited to say this because i haven't gotten to say it in a long time war is not fair nothing will be fair going forward that's why we must be ruthless uh crawler has a rueful smile and he gets lost in memory for a second and goes for candia i'm wearing your crown now it's very big you see it's around your face uh there is a knock at the door and one of the tart guards speaks up uh there is a summons santeria waiting uh fair use there's a law um importantly uh you see that the tarkov says uh your majesty king amethyl the house of rocks first of his name there has been word uh from the concordant emperor the champions of the grand tournament have been summoned sophia bald gumbar of the knights of north gambia and the count of freezyberg as winners of the tournament i won no this is a i just had a question uh before we go forward good call have you thought about who you could possibly um yes um i uh i guess if it's me i want to uh i guess can we dismiss the messenger whatever and go back to it just being us yes so i can say this kind of privately might um my king and you would be um my choice for emperor but is there anyone else do you want me to is he not already nominated just genuinely no right but i i could just not nominate anyone and it's it is a well trodden thing that people send champions into the joust just to stop other people from nominating themselves got it right i mean at this point as far as i'm concerned we cannot trust anybody who's not from frutera or the meat lands so i don't even know that we should trust them those are the only two i mean i would argue i know exactly how the meat lands feel about me and i know about how people from fructera feel about me everywhere else is up for grabs dairy islands oh my god dairy islands are is there anything to say nominating president ah king preston emperor preston your highness remember is there anything to nominating the person you fought today i'd consider this just as a show of faith just to help that's an interesting maneuver he might just i don't know if that's a maneuver if if i were to do that he likely might choose his daughter i mean but my question to that would be and this is not i'm not excited about being emperor is how does the rest of gallerum feel about the possibility of i mean it almost feels like we shouldn't put uvano in that situation because i cannot imagine the rest of calgary would be excited to see it continue uh terra's here's a question um my lord uh what about the queen i mean she is good at state craft in a way that i will never be can would i know if she would like that or not like i mean i'm a youtuber you know your mom i mean your mom is is you know it's hard when you grow up knowing somebody and she's got so much biography that you were not present for but you know that your mom has always been kind of spiteful to the outside world and so much of her focus has been towards running candia sort of and and you have a lot of love for your dad but amithar is no kang and the and cara melinda has basically occupied herself with making candy as good as she can um if anything your mom is probably weirdly more isolationist than your dad because even though your dad like uh was only fighting wars he at least saw the world and made friends from other kingdoms your mom uh when she thinks of the outside world thinks about what it took from her and that's about it i've never seen much love in her for the rest of calurum and i don't suppose one of the princesses would want to be emperor right now at 18 years old as much as i desperately want to right now it's kind of my thing right now i think it would be very ill-advised seems to tempt me with that what about my dad no you see uh uh calories taking a little sip of cola goes father who is in let's be clear open rebellion against the concord the only reason he has not been captured by the imperial army and executed is because he's [ __ ] badass i know [Music] a lot of us would die if we tried i saw him lift a meatlander off the ground with an under swing it was incredible did you see that over the wall really i think they were dead before they hit the bottom but we can't stop say about why not you be yeah yes the king is the king should the emperor shouldn't be it shouldn't be the flashiest sword it should be the greatest shield oh very poetic but i agree beautifully put very wrong theovolt i can't even imagine being riot but then he hears that he's like great tagline for my house and uh and then i think i i take a moment and i go i'm much like the princess ruby i've i've had certain visions and inklings and i believe that whatever i was meant to do it was perhaps meant to help you get there i don't think what about them to be emperor annabelle we don't know anything she's really really cool she's definitely cool i mean that's like making you like the popular kid in school like president of the school yeah yeah do we really need to buff her college admission she's fine i i don't think that we should invest too deeply in anyone from the dairy islands until we know more agreed if we can only trust ourselves then um calroy uh uh thinks for a second you see he speaks up and says these are all very interesting options i think your point of order is very well taken jet and i understand that you want your mother's well-being and happiness i do think cara melinda is the best suited for the concordant throughout but i wouldn't wish for the rest of her life to be doing something she didn't wish nor for your family to have to live in comada and rather than where you've grown up there uh well we could live with pops in castle county i also honestly be nice to get her out of her hair right right i know i hear that but the you see he says uh there is something interesting that might be worth playing a more conservative approach to this uh obviously you this is not who the emperor will be this is submitting someone into the circle of consideration for the emperor yes this is not you getting to decide who the next emperor is otherwise the emperor would never choose it would just be the winner of the joust it is instead you making a formal recommendation and adding someone for legal acceptability according to the laws of the concord if we wanted to play something very safe i'm not saying that we should count on this but if you were to name amithar there are certain protections that that provides in contingencies of the law within the concord for example if the emperor were to declare that there are no fit successors in which case it would move to a vote that would be administrated by the pontifex and the cornucopian council would vote your declaration as the winner of the just actually does strangely enough count for a uh a secured vote on the cornucopian council which in the very unlikely event that gustavo says no one is fit uh i'm just thinking of how much of a honeycomb the concord actually is in terms of the nature of the treaty um so that's a less fun option but a perhaps safer one you know how much i love safety my lord [Applause] if you will nominate yourself you deserve it you'd be good all of a sudden you two like me what is going on this is strange this could i possibly go well what none of you guys have been summoned you welcome them yeah we're the royal family we'll just go do you wanna if if you all hang out nearby i can leave sprinkle with somebody and um freak out as it were do i know what time it is like as far as like uh it's just turned into evening can we say we took a short rest in the time that yes you've all taken a shortcut great do i know if uh if what what time the the senator he didn't give you a time specifically but i guess he he only knows you by your quarters he only wants to buy the candy and quarters from the pyramid so shall shall we all head in that general direction and i will take him in there and if anything happens i'll make sure yeah and this is a show of strength i will be joining them though i was stabbed earlier can i cast pass without a trace on the whole party except for us too oh yeah yeah just to will you i there's just before you do that i might be i i've told them about the the senator right okay no i don't think you have yet so if you want to tell them now before these two get summoned so before i when i left uh after we arrested uh afraid senator uh ciabatta gave me the offer of accompanying him to find out more about what's going on and said that i should just bring those who can be to keep a low profile um and that should happen later tonight i'm trying to decide oh well then i can certainly keep a local yeah i'm i'm i suppose i'd like to ask theobald and amathar where would my talents be best suited defending liam or defend are they overlapping it's possible that the senator could reach out at any moment um and he seemed to think it was like a time sensitive thing i'll stay with the chancellor i believe that it will be i believe it will be easier for me to stay with the chancellor amithar i think can come and go with the emperor but i think my presence wouldn't be as welcome all right great cool uh you three go for the emperor uh you three stay with uh can you cost possibly that trace how long does it work do you want to leave sprinkle with me i think sprinkle actually isn't going to be super helpful because i can't i mean you get a plus 10 to deck i think i can't do it within a certain amount of and you can't be tracked except by magical means you don't leave any trace you can hit all three of them right i can hit i can even hit us but we want to be seen so i can hit all three of you guys it wouldn't be a bad idea if you can also hit us in case later we get into a situation where we need to hide or something wouldn't be a bad idea yeah can we go in and out of past without a church if you're not trying to hide past without a trace doesn't do anything great i cast it on all six of us and crawler uh yeah uh crawler who's already a light photo a light-footed debonair roguish type uh [ __ ] vanishes in the middle of the room and he goes i will say how do people not get behind magic because this is very good the candy of the future will have kindergartens full of it right kindergarten is full of children that can disappear it does concern me for again safety reasons come on cal it's just cool all right that's i'm on your side cool days i'm with theo and cara melinda i'm a man of many faces i have to be able to go where the wind takes me and that's what i love about you all right um uh cal uh uh cal actually says uh should i remain here in the quarters put poor uh quarters posted up in case anything happens it's not a bad idea oh somebody tries to break in i'll hold down the fort make sure the tart guard don't embarrass our nation they are going to do that you see a little purple onion-headed man comes in uh vegetarian uh says greetings oh my dear young princesses i was horrified to see what happened to your father on the tournament you mean the attempted assassination yes of course i could refer to nothing else candia thanks for you for your concern he nods and smiles um he says your presence is requested immediately um at the uh the pontifex's uh chambers at the uh cathedral we're happy to escort him um uh could you give us a moment absolutely we are happy to take a moment you see this uh he closes the door um senator chitabotta might come by while i'm gone you want us to stay here i'm trying to i don't trust you with the pontifex i don't the pontifex seemed pretty chummy with the lady alfredy um she may or may not be trustworthy but i feel as though calroy speaks up and says let's be very clear if primogen doesn't attend to summons of the pontifex there's no telling what happened i understand i'm merely wondering if we should attend him i why don't you go to the pontifex and we will go that's what i was thinking better just or one of us could go with you um and the other could go cairo looks and says um i i will be very honest i think that the good chancellor can handle himself i'm not concerned about le pen it looks very strange for a primogen to walk with escort in the streets of commodore to attend a summons by her holiness we live in strange times we do live in strange times let's not make them any stranger all right um i feel as though i should go but if the senator ciabatta comes by i guess it makes the most sense for you three to go he says well i'm going to stay here but yes i think that's a wise choice okay um and you've told us about the note right from you guys but i don't know that you can do it without me um do you have illusory ritual i'm a little bit psychic yes i don't i don't have illusory um um wait you you and any creatures you designate oh great when you cast a spell so i feel like i would have would you have designated them give me i would have yeah uh if you want to give me a flat dc 15 intelligence check to see if you would have thought to designate other people in case something like this came up go for it 15. hell yeah great um uh you thought at that time retcon action you were like i'll make it in case anything comes up for us today i'll make it readable by my allies um uh awesome okay uh you head off uh with oliver um and uh the two princesses remain do you ever feel like everyone wants us to take authority someday but then they still treat us like such children i think that maybe they're treating us like such children because we've been acting like such children i know but that's why i tried to step it up and act more mature well i just thought it would change in like one day okay um you see um calorie looks over and says i sorry i couldn't help but over here uh are you either doing twin speak no we could do it yeah you see he looks over you and says i agree we do treat you like children classic child's treating to let the two princesses go on a covert mission with the head of state of a rival kingdom exactly the lack of responsibility okay you're right i immediately i was responding i thought like i would be a really good escort and look really buff alongside i think that's the childish response because you wanted to do it because you wanted to look back jesus christ can i have a [ __ ] day off people tell me you're [ __ ] wrong you're cool you know i think you're cool i [ __ ] joust the wall the church is probably going to nominate him to be there based on all of the context we have right now my guess would be that they've taken someone who's ingrained in the church and now they're going to be able to in some official capacity be able to bring religion even more they're going to turn them into the emperor i mean they do have there was mentioned that the pontifex has the papers i mean yes that's right um but um uh king amethyst your father is supposed to be supposed to be supposed to be what pumps yeah officials a handshake deal at the moment my handshake we're still we're still waiting on the paperwork i wasn't 100 i mean i i literally was it's too every time people say it i freak out so i think theo knocks on wood i'll start looking into four bedrooms in commodore um you are just like in the front just seething um and you are back in a long haul with sugar glass windows bright pinks and purples in this huge fencing hall and you're just lashing out you're like probably like 14 or something like that just yeah yeah yeah uh and you see that in like a very nice puffy white marshmallow like fencing attire is lord cruller who you are just like beating back as your fencing partner as he stumbles backwards um and he stumbles back and you see a perfect opportunity to go for the point and as he as you go for it uh he's got a dagger up to your throat a little fencing dagger ah well i suppose that's why you're the teacher and i'm the student i suppose that wildly slashing with a piercing weapon is maybe an interesting strategy that i haven't considered before well you know what you could call it unconventional or maybe your conventions just suck and i'm inventing new ones we are in for a rough chapter of this dynasty when you take the throne your highness uh excellent work i mean you're fast as can be you're lightning quick uh but i don't know suppose some conventions are worth accepting maybe others are worth challenging uh he gets up and goes over to where some like water and some goblets and or not water but some cola and some gobbles and other things have been placed out um he hands you a little glass before your next bout looking for a break already i'm old be nice to me okay um i was just trying to keep the competitive spirit going uh you see he uh looks and says do you foresee a lot of that in yourself challenging convention i guess i just think the way that you guys do everything is so dull and there's got to be a better way and i don't see anyone else asking that question i agree i agree with you look most people never get the opportunity to challenge convention you are a princess you actually have an opportunity to make some real changes make things different if you want to you don't think the commoner is out in the field or the minor barons and countesses wouldn't love to see things change of course they would but and actually if i'm being honest even princesses have the way to tradition you see he looks up and sees on the words underneath your crest in sweetness there is strength see he looks up at it and goes what do you think about your house words is that a tradition worth keeping well i certainly think that there's moments that sweetness is strength but i also think that sweetness can be weakness and it's very important to probe the difference between the two see sort of eyes sort of widen for a second he goes i knew a lot of very sweet people in the war who died and i knew a lot of very strong people who lived and the strong people were often not very sweet i look forward to a long reign of many interrogations to come how about me he leans forward [Music] and you're back running through the alleys uh you guys see that uh cow roy runs out uh and you see he's pulling on perhaps even finer war pants he is ready lots of pants those are some pants he says well i've had to upgrade in the absence of candy's greatest greatest fighter oh my god and he um he hugs you and he's like you think you're gonna get away with not having me watch you [ __ ] one last time no stop stop you know just to let everyone know when i [ __ ] no one saw it you just go a little bit further away from everything i'm two feet away trying to take a [ __ ] no my ass is out at everybody stopped everyone likes me are you kidding me um i think you need to open up um you see uh uh crawler immediately looks over and says hello friend who's the hollow-eyed companion who's the hottie liam has changed uh you see he says um uh and where is the chancellor the chancellor the chancellor sacrificed himself to save prince lamb and the rest of us it was a beautiful moment of heroism that the sugar poem fairy herself will tell all of her friends about for days to come crawler looks over at you and says so you are i am a monk of the order of the spinning star got it understood you got it um perhaps we should take a little tour of the castle right now to see if there's any arcane things you know how to awaken that we don't i will try yeah i don't actually have any arcane but uh yes cool uh amathar you just got your [ __ ] still just sitting yeah even standing exactly where i was um you see that uh cow uh knocks on the door and says ooh uh bad time good time anytime uh well instead of being in the place where your wife will come back to go to sleep and maybe make you feel terrible some more let's uh i don't know i'm gonna go take a [ __ ] in the field you see he says uh in all honesty the ram parts of the castle need some tending too and i think we should talk about what we do if sir maillard fails to hold the metacola river yeah yeah yeah let's do that uh let's go find some theo um you see that um you and calroy head off you're walking above these sort of like beautiful high ram parts over the vast sort of the chasm cola moat of castle candy um uh and you see that uh go ahead and give me a perception check uh that's only a seven okay um you look out over the vast fields you see there's a ton of bivouac tents out here calroy looks out and says look at all those tents just like 20 years of peace just flew by huh yeah i guess so right back to where we started i guess so uh you feel a knife plunge into your back uh i'm going to need uh three constitution saving throws we'll play this game again no [ __ ] all right um you want to order again yeah give me an order okay ah yeah so first one we're gonna go first one will be 20 uh 25 25 second moment will be 10. the last one will be 9. [Music] [Applause] okay that [ __ ] piece of cake oh my rip him in those hot ass pants [ __ ] we should have known he's an assassin yeah all along he's been an assassin but for us i almost made an inside check earlier i know god ah god he taught me how to use a sword i know um amathar you take 34 points of damage and are paralyzed can you talk if you're paralyzed or not no you can't do anything if you paralyzed great um callroy puts a gloved hand over your shoulder and twists the dagger into your back you feel your body freeze up staring out over the estates of candia see he goes you know what i always hated about you amathar oh you were so damned lucky i mean fifth in line for the throne and the crown rests on your head and each of your sisters better and more clever than you it really makes the unfortunate minor lord of a less than wealthy bear any feel i don't know a little underwhelming oh i'll say your sisters were a little bit less lucky the least lucky thing that ever happened to rococo was when she found out that i was selling weapons to the seresians that that had to be dealt with and i think you'll remember how strange it was that she was found riddled with arrows so far behind our own lines but that's war and strange things happen all the time these reasons i find are very reasonable very reasonable and you can see some of their tents out here in the field oh my god all along he's cake he's part oh my god you know i don't have luck so i have to work i have to work a lot first i had to put the little cheese boy onto the scent of the duchess cold bottle and i had to ferry his idiot sailors all the way up the sucrosi road to that little farmhouse i mean it had to get them there somehow they couldn't sail there could they and they would be so suspicious walking up the road and yet you miraculously survive when you should have died amathar the unfallen you uncharacteristically leave a fight you jump out of the ring rather than trying to behead that carrot and they call the tournament even with all the work that me and alfredy put into getting those water steel daggers into her hands i i thought i was going to fail and then and then your friend manta ray jack mentioned a girl at the banquet stashed somewhere in the dairy islands and i thought that's so interesting amathar and i are best friends war buddies as far back as we can remember why would he never tell me and i got to thinking amathar was never quiet about his exploits as a roving prince of candia so why didn't i hear about this girl and i thought i'd better talk with manta ray jack he didn't want to talk but a few fingers and pints of blood later we remembered your sister's book very useful your sister very useful indeed up until a young elizabeth brassica ordered her run down in the street by vegetanian knights that that hurt because she had always been very sweet to me well after manta ray you saw an opportunity you know it hurts to have all of your plans fail but they say that improvisation is the better part of planning so i was happy to take advantage of that opportunity when it presented itself amithar [Music] you know what happens to a man when he dies he shits himself i'll be happy to watch you [ __ ] one last time he grabs your ankles and goes i wonder if they'll call you amithar the unfallen after this here's to a future you can't ruin and heaves you over the walls of the castle uh you turn a corner with the queen and there is a secret door uh that you know about in the castle right next to you candelabra lever sweet pull it you and the queen slam into there and she goes what is happening i was uh toby i found toby in his quarters murdered suddenly fighting in the castle was attacked by muffin guards i'd either either cow roy has been um betrayed or he betrayed us you hear a noise from out in the halls going caramel linda i'm afraid your dear husband or i suppose seeing that your marriage never truly transpired the man who made bastards of your daughters has had an unfortunate fall where are you uh karen melinda looks at you with eyes wide um and there is a spiral staircase going down we shouldn't take the bait we should go down she looks uh there's a there's a good chance he's he's bluffing we know of all the good qualities of king amathar perhaps his greatest is that he's very difficult to kill uh you race down the spiral staircase amithar you ascend up the walls of the castle as you hear shouts of surrender and you see heading to the secret exit that leads to the escape call roy crawler cumulus you appear blocking his exit those fancy ass pants he turns to face you was the last part of my title say amathar what's the last part of my title you say the last part of my title i think cumulus is going to kick him in the knees and make him bow the unfallen yeah and he leaps at you great uh um he's gonna roll [Music] jesus 18 23 27 32. uh he hits you for 34 points of damage halved to 17. great um uh great it's my turn that's your turn uh i'll actually i'll action search for four reckless attacks [Music] uh that's 21. um uh that's 27. [Music] uh that's a crit on a 19. that one that's an inch one that's what that's my box he makes a dc 20 constitution shaving throw or immediately dies this is the most beautiful thing that this was that we have never seen this until this moment also just a fun fact for those at home this was rolled on a dice that brennan gave to me after the very first season of uh dimension 20. that nat 20. oranges calroy's a rogue he's a scoundrel which means that he was able to betray and deceive your family over the course of decades it also means that he is not proficient in constitution saving throws he has a plus one to this yes he needs a 19 or 20. you might do it on the damage alone what was it a stride the wall over the deep and vast moat of castle candy the marquis of muffin field who lived a lie for 25 years as your [Music] advisor and right hand leaps forward deepest cut across your chest that you can remember after that what fate the falls calroy crawler i take my hand i rub it across the blood uh running from my body take payment day or along the edge to see uh like the edge for my sister for my daughter and i bring it down you slice this piece of cake perfectly in half [Music] to the point where no decent burial or anything done with his remains could be anything other than a disgrace and mockery to his memory i didn't get down on my knees i grabbed the back of his pants and i lift him up and i wait to watch while he shits himself [Applause] one final humiliating [ __ ] wow crawler is dead
Channel: EnbysCorner
Views: 36,530
Rating: 4.9572763 out of 5
Keywords: dimension 20, a crown of candy, calroy, calroy cruller
Id: Ew9ORq4QwvU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 98min 43sec (5923 seconds)
Published: Mon Jan 11 2021
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