A Chef Tests and Reviews TIKTOK Food Trends

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(upbeat music) - [Narrator] We are Sorted, a group of mates who have your back when it comes all things food. From cooking battles to gadget reviews, - Ben, it's not worth it! - and cookbook challenges to a midweek meal Packs app. - [Jamie] Crack your eggs, bake. - [Narrator] We uncover the tools that'll help us all cook and eat smarter. Join our community, where everything we do starts with you. (bouncy music) - Hello, everyone. Now if you're anything like me, you've probably been using a lot of this downtime to get into TikTok. I'll have you know, I have a reflex of a cat and the speed of a mongoose. Now as well as all that gold, there is also a lot of people making a lot of food TikToks. So we thought, why not find some of the most popular, recreate them in our studio kitchen, review them, and then refine one of them, and see if we can tweak it a little bit. And obviously, when I say we, I don't want to do this by myself. It's a duet. I'm doing it with our happiest, our go-luckiest, our little cherub of joy, James Alistair Currie. - Hi. (laughing) Okay, mate, number one, Dalgona coffee. Can't really do a video on TikTok trends without doing it, can we? - No, but it feels like we left it long enough that it's become a meme of itself in finding one of the original TikTok videos of Dalgona coffee is hard. But I found one! - Yeah, it's been about two months. - We essentially need instant coffee, sugar, and hot water into a big bowl with an electric whisk and just mix for ages to get as much air into it as possible. (mixer whirring) Also, seeing that it's massively hot in here, can we follow this video that I found doing an iced version? - Yes, it's looking like it's working. - Peaks! - Yeah. - I've seen some videos where it's done less than that. I've seen some videos where it looks exactly like this. So, I'm gonna say that's done. - Perfect. - Right, ice in the glass. Top up with milk, and then we'll spoon our coffee froth on. - [James] How exciting. (bouncy music) - Cheers! - Cheers, mate! - Do you know what? I really like the thick and then the liquid. - The flavour is nice. It's not a great eating, drinking, eating, or drinking experience. - I'm half chewing it. - I'm trying to like, get a little bit of coffee with each gulp of milk. - I've seen so many people make it, make it look like that, and then go, "So are you, I'm just gonna drink it now." And stir it together. And I'm like, "Why, why, why?" - Mm, yeah. It would be better stirred together. - No, but why? You've gone to all the effort! - [James] That's a great idea. - I like it. - I like it! I like it when I get a load of the meringue-y bit. - All right, verdict. - I mean, I have drunk all of it, so. - As have I. - I think it's very delicious. (upbeat music) - Now it's your turn in the hot seat to make one of the newest trends on TikTok. Pancake cereal is exactly like what it sounds. It's essentially baby pancakes that you then serve in a cereal bowl, and top with whatever you like. - Yup, yep, I've had a look at these. They look like mini pancakes. So it's flour, I think there's raising agent in it. Wet ingredients go into the flour. There's eggs and buttermilk. You just mix the batter. I like a bit of salt. Kind of season sweet stuff, you know. We are lucky enough to have a lot of squeezy bottles around and a funnel. So I reckon part of making them look amazing is probably using a squeezy bottle. (upbeat music) - Yeah. You went in confidently and did. - [James] I did a lot, didn't I? - 20, I have to say in time. - How do... - I've never seen a chef panic so much about flipping pancakes. - [James] What the fly! (chuckling) Yech, it's burning! It's bloody... What the... - Do you feel like maybe doing five at a time might have been more manageable? - [James] And again. And again. - Learn from your mistakes, James. - Part of the fun of this, I think, is probably just like going all out. - [Jamie] I mean, I've seen a lot of people going for a-- - Just a toss. - A big old toss, rather than individual... - Fine. Yeah. Too delicate for that. - I see the satisfaction that people are getting out of this. I'm not sure it's worth it, especially when that's how much a batch gives you. - By now, you could've cooked three or four normal-sized pancakes. - [James] Yeah. - And be on your way to a good stack. How many butter going on? - So we're going milk. - I mean, it's cereal. - It is cereal. Like you have to have milk with cereal. Would you like to try one? - Just one? - Just, just-- - One bowl. Cheers! - Cheers, mate. Do you want that kind of fluffiness? And 'cause they're so small, they don't really get that opportunity to really puff up a lot. They are quite a lot of trouble. Although, I give that most people might not have as much trouble as I had. - But at the end of the day, it's just time. Like, if you're gonna go to the extent of making a pancake batter to make pancakes, at that point you then got the choice. What size pancakes do I make? - Right. - Do I make big ones, do I make small ones? Small ones are fun. Serve them up for like my kids for breakfast. They'd have a whale of a time, but I'm gonna do that once. Next... (upbeat music) - Number three, Big Mac Triangles. - So essentially, it's all the flavours of a Big Mac, but in something that looks like a samosa. - I would be careful with the use of the word samosa. - So this is by Twisted Food, who are based out of London. They're a online food company. They're massive on social, and they've also got food delivery which is cool. Should we give them a go? - Let's give them a go. Ah, he's preheating his pan! What a pro, an absolute pro! - No, if I was preheating it, I would've done it two minutes ago. I'm gonna put some oil in my pan, and then chuck in my minced, wait for that to brown, and then I can add in diced onion, diced pickle, ketchup, and garlic powder. (upbeat music) Oops, I'm gonna add in some salt and pepper because flavour. - So that's all our Big Mac flavours in the pan? - Yes. So next up, take a tortilla, cut it in half, make a flour and water paste, then take a triangle of cheddar cheese, paste around the edges, and fold it up so that you get a pocket. - [James] I'm glad you're doing it and not me. - [Jamie] Yeah. - Stuff it in, mate. It actually looks pretty sturdy. - Don't say that. - It does though. - You know what's gonna happen if you say that? And again. Once they're frying off, shall I just make a very, very quick, simple burger sauce? - Yeah, so it doesn't go in, it goes on. It's a dippy thing. - Like a dippy thing. - I like the dippy thing. - [Jamie] Mayo, ketchup, mustard. - I went three, one, one. - And some pickles. Let's go through it. - Pickles have to go in the sauce in a Big Mac. - Nice, nice, nice, nice. That will do, donkey. I think they're good, mate. - [James] Okay! - [Jamie] 'Em. - [James] Get your sesame seeds over the top. - I think I'm gonna cut into mine. The air is gone. I now feel like I was too conservative on the filling. Now it is. - Yes. - Cheers. I'm not getting pure Big Mac flavours from it. But I am getting something really tasty. And dare I say it, innovative, in terms of how to make it. Is it a bit novelty? Sure. But that's not a bad thing, it's fun. - Yeah, the little pocket is all you need to take from that video, but you can put anything in that, and it works. - So we agree that it's good. But the question is, is it good enough to become the one that we refined, and turned into a Sorted special? - I don't think that needs refining. Number two, we might be able to do something with. - Baby pancakes? - Maybe, yeah. - Let's do it! (rock music) (bell ringing) (people cheering) - Okay, dude, so pancakes. - Yes! - So what I'm thinking is take the bits of the cereal, and take the bits of the pancake and put them together, and take away the sogginess. We start with a buttermilk panna cotta, so it's set in the milk. - Sure! (crickets chirping) - Put a pan on the hob. - Gelatin! Bloom! - Well, yeah. - Water! - Yeah, I like that. Stuff it in. Got pan on the hob already. And we'll put in double cream. We're gonna bring that to a simmer with the sugar. Vanilla extract. Who am I studying? Okay, I'll have some. (laughing) And then alongside that, we're gonna have our pancakes, some fresh berries 'cause they are perfect with pancakes. I've put some whiskey there for you as well. So we should macerate some berries, but also make like a blueberry compote, so it's like half-cooked, half-fresh. - Okay. Cream is simmering. - If your gelatin is good to go, let's stick it in. We don't want any of the water, we just want the gelatin. So squeezy, squeezy. And then once that's good, the buttermilk goes in. That goes in the fridge for a couple of hours. - Right, I've taken the blueberries off the heat. - I'd give them a bit longer. I think we want them to break down 'cause we've got the fresh ones as well. We don't mind if they break down a little bit. Should we do the fresh ones? Let's macerate. - Macerate. - So what you want to do is get the strawberries, hull them, quarters. You could stick them straight into that bowl. Sugar and bourbon. You can almost taste the whiskey. - You can never have too much bourbon. - Drink responsibly. (James and Jamie laughing) Obviously, you can do the caramel dry, but I always prefer to put a little splash of water in. And you have to have enough water to soak all of the sugar, otherwise some of it starts kind of caramelising, some of it is not caramelising, and that's when you kind of get into trouble. - Can we replace the water with whiskey? - Do it, man, do it, yeah. - [Jamie] I'll do just do like a splash. - I feel like, I don't know if that's enough to make a difference. - Oh, that was too much. - Blueberry compote, the blueberries are proper, squishy, and breaking up now, done? - Little bit of bourbon? Since we're putting bourbon into everything, I was just gonna put a drizzle of maple syrup. But shall we make a bourbon maple syrup? - [Jamie] Bourbon maple syrup! - That was quite a lot of bourbon. (Jamie laughing) Maybe this is telling me it's time for me to come in. - Cornflakes into here? - Yeah. - Caramel over the top? - I would do the cornflakes before it's done 'cause once it's done, it's gonna keep cooking and cooking. I mean, you've gotta remember where that it's gonna keep cooking as well. - Are you indirectly telling me to put the cornflakes in there now? - Well, I'm not telling you to say anything like that. - That's smoking, James. - I would take it off. Just have a little look at it. - It could be slightly darker. (James and Jamie laughing) - I can't, the thing is I can't even come and have look. - I know, I know, I know. - To me, to me, it looks pretty dark. - I think it's done, I think it's done. - It's smoking. - Yeah, can I go in? - Pour it, pour it quick! Oh, we could've gone darker. - Oh, don't be like that! Is that everything? - I think so. - Is this a good time to swap? - Yes. - Great. (people cheering) What would you like me to tell you to do first? - I'd probably like you to tell me to start plating up with the panna cotta. - Mate, it's probably time to start plating up. Panna cotta set? - Okay, here we go. Set, here you go. - (chuckling) Oh, you are braver than I am. What a lovely set you've got. - [James] Thank you. - I reckon go dark because it's a white panna cotta. And that is the last bit of input I will have on this recipe. - [James] Let's see if this actually works by just putting it like that and blowtorching it. You can also do this by dipping it into hot water. But I'm basically just light melting the very, very edge of the panna cotta, and it should just fall out onto the plate. - Like when you did the top of a creme brulee. - No. Oh, I don't know what's going on there. It's a little bit too melted. I did that thing that I was saying don't do. - This is a reminder we swapped at this stage, so that the chef could take over, and make sure that the presentation was (lips smack). Have my cornflake brittle? - [James] Still quite hard. (upbeat music) I reckon, it needs quite a few of these pancakes, doesn't it? - Yeah. - To actually make it a little pancake dish. 'Cause we've got the cornflakes, they're providing the crunch, so the pancakes can actually soak up a little bit of this maple bourbon. And they're gonna be like little hits of maple bourbon. I think that's it! - Oh. - [James] I think I kind of like it. - If you're happy, I'm happy. - I think I'm happy. - Let's get it into the sexies, and you can see if you're happy. (electronic music) Mate, that looks decent. I think, have we nailed it? - [James] Oh, we've nailed it. - Cheers. - Cheers, mate. (upbeat music) - That has a bit of everything. And I have to say, the pancake cereal actually adds something to it. - We didn't do much chef-y stuff, we kept it pretty simple. Like the panna cotta is simple. You've got a kick of alcohol everywhere. You've got that caramel, which is just on the right side of unsweet. The pancakes actually soak up the maple syrup. - Yeah. So you're getting a little burst of maple syrup. And then you've got the texture of the cornflakes, which I really like. - I would happily order this in a restaurant. - Breakfast or dessert? - Both? - It could be a breakfast. - Well, we're happy! He's happy. But we want to know what you guys think. Did we pass? Give the video a like if you think that we did. Plus, let us know in the comments what are the TikTok food trends should we be trying to recreate, review, and refine. We've also built the Sorted club, where you can get tonnes of foodie inspo using the packs midweek meal app, discover and share restaurant recommendations using the Eat app. Listen and contribute to our Feast Your Ears podcast, and send us ideas for new cookbooks you'll see throughout the year. Check it all out by heading to sorted.club. And now a blooper. (beeps) (slow bouncy music) Up.
Channel: SORTEDfood
Views: 975,030
Rating: 4.9336114 out of 5
Keywords: tik tok, tik tok hacks, tik tok recipes, tik tok food hacks, sortedfood, sortedfood food trends, viral tik tok trends, tik tok video, tik tok coffee, tiktok coffee foam, tiktok pancake, pancake cereal, tik tok pancake, tik tok burger, tiktok burger, sorted food, sortedfood burger, tiktok food hacks, tiktok food challenge, testing viral tiktok trends, tik tok coffee recipe, tiktok pancakes, tik tok cheeseburger, big mac, tiktok big mac, tiktok burger recipe, bigmac sauce
Id: af4dC6Z1mWQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 4sec (964 seconds)
Published: Sun Jul 05 2020
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