2 Chefs Review The Friends Official Cookbook

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I am so intrigued to try that trifle.

Also their character comparisons were very accurate

👍︎︎ 7 👤︎︎ u/Bluerose1000 📅︎︎ Nov 11 2020 🗫︎ replies

uh that trifle was ... pregnancy craving food. lol

👍︎︎ 5 👤︎︎ u/mumooshka 📅︎︎ Nov 11 2020 🗫︎ replies

I know what i am asking this christmas! :3

👍︎︎ 4 👤︎︎ u/bever3000 📅︎︎ Nov 11 2020 🗫︎ replies

He's the moist maker!!

👍︎︎ 5 👤︎︎ u/fnord_happy 📅︎︎ Nov 11 2020 🗫︎ replies

Oh, Barry. Sorry, u/JamieSpafford is right. Four claps on the Friends theme.

👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/TKJ 📅︎︎ Nov 12 2020 🗫︎ replies

for about half this episode I was confused cause I didn't understand the references, I'm like Ben, not seen Friends.

👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/ComicalFrisk 📅︎︎ Nov 11 2020 🗫︎ replies
(upbeat music) - We are Sorted. A group of mates who have your back when it comes to all things food. From cooking battles, to gadget reviews and cookbook challenges, to a midweek meal packed app. We uncover the tools that will help us all cook and eat smarter. Join our community where everything we do starts with you. (upbeat music) - Welcome to Fridge Cam. - Now right now we're applying the finishing touches to our new cookbook called "How We Cook". - [Jamie] It's over two hundred mini recipes showing you the exact ways our two chefs, Ben and James, cook essential dish elements. We're talking all of the rices, sauces, meats, pastas, and even eggs. - And, you can pre-order a copy now, the link is in the description box below. - So, in celebration of our new cookbook, we thought we would surprise our two chefs with another cookbook that has just launched in the UK that has given us one of the nostalgic feels. - Okay, let's have a peek. Three, two, one. - Yay! - So this is the official Friends television series cookbook. Over one hundred delectable and iconic recipes inspired by the hit sitcom, Friends. - There was food everywhere throughout that series. - And Monica was a chef. - I don't think I've ever sat and watched an episode. - You know where the problem was? - When Ben was growing up- - Sorry, sorry, sorry. - But when Ben was growing up it was painful to watch something about people that had friends. (laughs) (upbeat music) - So the first recipe we need to make are Phoebe's oatmeal raisin cookies. - The recipe book has taken this a step on to turn these into oatmeal cookie ice cream sandwiches. Since you have no idea what we're talking about we've prepped a clip for you. - Hey. - Hi Phebs. - I make the best oatmeal raisin cookies in the world. - Oh my God. Why have I never tasted these before? - Oh I don't make them a lot, because I don't think it's fair to the other cookies. - And the second dish that we will need to make is Ross' moist maker sandwich. - My sister makes these amazing turkey sandwiches. Her secret is she puts an extra slice of gravy soaked bread in the middle, I call it the moist maker. - [Man] I'm sorry I believe I ate that. - You ate my sandwich? My Sandwich? My sandwich! - I think the best thing we can do here is divide and conquer. Pick a recipe each, let's get crackin'. - Any preference? - I mean I love a sandwich. - And I love a cookie. Decision made. - Great. - That's so easy. (laughs) - All right, let's crack on. First job, preheat the oven. 375 Fahrenheit, 190 Celsius. Line a baking tray with parchment paper and then cream with the wet stuff, butter, sugar , two types, brown and castor, and the eggs and the vanilla. Good cookie recipes often have two different types of sugar, which means they caramelise at different temperatures and give you that chewy middle. Plus the brown sugar gives you that almost molasses feel. - Are you seeing anything in this recipe that is going to make these the best oatmeal cookies in the world? - I think these are incredibly classic. 'Cause there's lots of oats, lots of raisins and therefore, sometimes classic doesn't need change. What I like is all the instructions are in a very sensible order. Get the oven preheated, get the tray pre-lined. All the ingredients appear in the order that they are being used in the recipe. I like that. - That's not a given with recipe books. (upbeat music) - All of that now is mixed, goes into all of that and gets mixed. It says for three minutes in the book, probably just until it's combined. - I chose the correct recipe, because all I have to do is make a sandwich. I'm adding mayonnaise because it's going to make the sandwich more moist and it is the moist maker. Since we're reviewing a cookbook, half a cup of leftover turkey. You can't measure leftover turkey, you can't measure turkey slices in cups. - I was going to pass that by 'cause my recipe was also in cups, a baking recipe. It's an American cookbook, not the best way for baking, too many margins for error, especially with things like brown sugar which could be compact or otherwise there's a big tolerance in difference for baking. - But fairly standard for baking. - But turkey? - You can't measure turkey in cups. - It's crazy. - Just give me the amount of slices. So apparently this is actually a stuffing recipe from the book. So we're using the real deal, and it's delicious I can't stop eating it. - Can we, can we have- (laughs) - Should we help you with that? - James please. Oh my God! - Oh my God! That is good, that is... - [Jamie] That is really good. - Good mix, feels good. About tablespoon blobs of the mixture onto a lined baking tray, and into the oven for I think it said ten minutes. Hats off. I like a recipe where the quantities work. Out of that dough I had to roll 24 cookies. And I got to my 24th and I was maybe a teaspoon off, but that means 23 1/2 cookies and that would be user error, but it's very accurate. - Ben, how are you doing? - How you doing? - No, no, no. - No. - Do it again, do it again. - Gather your friends and get ready to say, "how you doing?" - Nope. - Nope. - No. - One more time. - Gather your friends and get ready to say "how you doin'" - Better. - Better, better. - Gather your friends and get ready to say how you doin'. Hmm, I prefer the latter. (laughs) (beep) - I'm going to soak my moist maker. - So what does that make you? - Oh, I am the moist maker. (Laughs) - Pouring leftover gravy on the tray and then dipping the bread in it. I might have done this first so that it sat in the gravy so that it sucked it all up. Okay, now I go in with another layer of lettuce, the remaining turkey, some cranberry sauce and then topping with the remaining stuffing. Final slice of bread. I've made my sandwich. - Could I be any more excited? - There's this stuff here, who is who? - We have photo evidence that Mike is Rachel. - Yeah, Ben, where do we sit with Ben? - [Jamie] He's got a lot of Monica about him. - Is he the (indistinct) of Monica or Gunter? - Yeah, I think it's pronounced "Gunther" not "Gunter". - Gunther? Oh sorry. - Because, when you pronounce it Gunter it means something slightly different. (laughs) I think you're right, I think Ben could be a good Gunther. - Yeah. - Secretly in love with Rachel. - Yeah. (laughs) - I don't know who this character is 'cause he's not one of the six. - Come on, if we could have one of the six though, it's Monica. - Yeah, it's got a lot of Monica right now. - Chef. - Chef. - That makes sense. - James is very Chandler isn't he? Janice. - [Barry] He can't help himself. - Can't help himself to Janice. (laugh) - You are there in the middle of Chandler and Joey. - Yeah, I love food. I love bad jokes. - I'm going to take it. I think I am Phoebe. - Yes. - My cookies are ready. Cookies looking good. We'll let them cool and then sandwich them with ice cream. (upbeat music) - Sandwich first? - Yap. - [James] Ooh yes! (upbeat music) - Ooh! - That's a sandwich. Epic stuffing, so much that you've even got a cross section of sausage in there. - Cheers boys. - Cheers. - Very sweet with the cranberry. There's a lot of cranberry there but the crunch of the lettuce and all the other stuff going on as well, it does work. - It is very moist. All the flavours work, could do with roast potato in it. - Oh what! - Right lets give these oatmeal raisin cookie ice cream sandwiches a go. - Thank you. - Cheers. (upbeat music) - They are really good. They have just the right amount of chewy and crispy. - That might be the best oatmeal raisin cookie I've ever had. - They hit that sweet tappy spot and the recipe was very easy and accurate to follow. - I don't really have anything bad to say about these but they are delicious, the recipe works. - Well, are you ready for your big challenge? The most iconic dish from Friends. - You'll be making for Mike, a Friends super fan, the Rachel meat trifle. - Meat trifle? - Shall I? - [Rachel] Okay everybody it's trifle time. - So, now Rach this is a traditional English trifle, isn't it? - It sure is. - Mmmh! (laughs) - It tastes like feet. - I like it. - We've all been there where we had to pretend. - What's not to like? Custard, good. Jam, good. Meat, good. - There is a recipe in this book but in our opinion it's a bit of a cop out, 'cause it is mainly fruit based with only a bit of bacon on top. So our challenge to you is to make your own version of the trifle in the show. We want jam, we want custard, we want cream, most importantly we need meat in it. And we need it to be delicious. - You think you can do it? - Yes. - Bizarre but yes. Should we crack on with it? - We should, yeah let's do it. (upbeat music) - We have the sketchings of a plan. A trifle needs a lot of elements like custard and sponge and fruit and jelly. - And mints. - If we do each of those individually but shoot on a bit of meat in then we'll be fine. I'm going to do the sponge. - We're not going to just shoot all the meat in, we're going to celebrate the meat. - Okay so for the sponge, I might traditionally go kind of Swiss roll, or like Vicky sponge, just keep it American, go pound cake. Except I'm taking out the butter and I am adding meat in the form of lard. The rest is simple, creme it together with sugar and eggs, fold in the flour. I put a few little spices in there, 'cause spice is going to be wonderful on trifle, and bake it off. - Okay so what they did in the book, was just put bacon on top of a normal trifle. But we want to include the mints and an onion and some peas because it would be a cop out if we didn't. So I think what we're trying to do is get it really crispy like crispy mints and then chuck a load of sugar after. Caramelise the sugar around it, so it's kind of a little bit sweet. The texture, not the flavour is the main thing that I am worried about. - So James, I've gone for some old spice cinnamon and ground ginger in this because I'm thinking back in the Mediaeval Times minced meat and meat was often put with sweet stuff, that's what minced pies at Christmas traditionally were. - And that is exactly what Rachel referenced when she was making the recipe. She ran the guys through what she was cooking. And, so that's why she thought it was normal to put minced in a trifle. - Does make sense. Typically a pancake would be in a deeper dish but I am going to cook this in a sort of a sheet, so that we can cook it quicker and then crumble it up into our trifle. - Next up, a trifle needs custard, so I am going to make it cran-packed. But, I'm going to incorporate some meat into it as well. We've have some really nice pork fat. So I'm going to mix some egg yolks with flour, and sugar, add cornflour, and then I'm going to heat up milk. - Chef can you show me the bacon? - Wee. - Once the cake comes out, the bacon is going in. So smoky streaky bacon brushed with maple syrup, that is the only part of the Friends official cookbook meat trifle that we're adopting. - The sweet onions are looking good, and this orange was lying around so I just thought I'd use it. - On the subject of meat, I'd like to address the shepherd's pie. - Oh okay. - We just remembered that shepherds herd sheep and therefore shepherd's pie is lamb mince, but in the book it's beef minced. Which is cottage pie, we would call that. - Well we're sticking to the recipe and using beef. (upbeat music) Peas are not even going to cook as such, I'm just going to defrost them. So boiling water over the peas, blended them up with a little bit of cream, and that would make a lovely base for ice cream. - I've taken my caramelised onions out of the pan and added the beef. I'm going to cook that over a high heat for a really long time. So all the liquid is going to come out of the beef, then it's going to evaporate and then it's going to start really getting really brown and crispy. I've chopped the same spices that Ben put in the sponge into the beef, enhance the idea of it being sweet. But it wouldn't be right not to include the meat. That beef needs more sugar. (laughs) - [Barry] More sugar! - You know if you were making caramel you would use a hundred plus grammes of sugar? - [Jamie] Yeah. - That's kind of what we're dealing with, making a caramel around it, so I honestly need it to work and it's going to work. - This is going to be good. - I'm pretty happy with the beef now. I'm going to add a little bit of cherry jam, taste it, see what it taste like. But I think its going to be fine, it's going to be good. Try some of that. - Tastes really good, chews like a meatball. - Yeah the texture. - It's odd. - Could be odd. - Whip up double cream, sweeten it with icing sugar and then we'll add pea to taste. - Cool. (laughs) - Right, James are we making this all green, or are we marbling it or what? - I think we've just got to combine it, I think we're just going to embrace the fact that this is gonna be weird. - It's gonna be great. - They've been working quite nicely so far, but I am worried if there are any disagreements, I don't want James to use his noggy on Ben. - Oh no. - Well we've done it. Sweet pea cream. - It's good. - You like that? - Yeah, that's good. This is looking good and it's thickened, going to add the pork fat and then strain it and then chill it. - The fat in our bacon is starting to render now. Now it's starting to go crisp. Should I break this up into chunks? - Yeah, big ol' chunks. - Right, we have all of our components. Time to construct. - Could we be anymore excited? - Could we be anymore excited? (upbeat music) - Okay Mike, we've kept you out of the picture until now. Would you have a look? - Here it goes. - I was not expecting that! - I'm assuming you know what it is. - Rachel's beef trifle. - It is a meat trifle. - How much real actual beef have you put in it though? - 500 grammes. - Let's dig in and see what you think. - Why is it green? - Peas. - Obviously, what an idiot. It doesn't even smell sweet. This is insane. - Cheers - Cheers - Oh it is meaty. - What on earth does this take like? It taste really sweet, it tastes spiced. - It's the comfort blanket of trifle textures but the flavour is bizarre. - How do you both feel about that? - I feel pretty good. - I think I preferred all the elements individually. (laughs) - Weirdly I think, actually the weirdest flavour is the pea. - Yeah. - Yeah. Yeah it's earthy, isn't it? - Yeah, you get the beefy beef, but the overwhelming flavour is pea. - Once you're through the initial sweetness you get left with beef. - The onion as well. - What! There's onion in it? - I just got a bit of onion. - Wow okay, well I think that's the weirdest thing I've ever eaten, but it absolutely does work. - That was a fun experiment wasn't it? - I had fun. - Well hopefully you guys have also had fun. We wanna hear from you. Which celebrity or TV based cookbooks should we get our chefs to review next? And, make sure that you go and pre-order our cookbook because in my opinion, and I would say this because I'm part of Sorted, it might be the only recipe book that I'll ever, ever need. So if you feel the same, why don't you go and pre-order it now, link is in the description. - [Announcer] If you're about to pre-order a copy of How We Cook, stop! Users of our meal packs app get a discount on the book and you can sign up for Meal Packs for free. So, sign up first, then go pre-order the book with the discount. (upbeat music) (beep) (claps) - You missed one. - No. - You did, you missed one. (claps) Yeah. (laughs)
Channel: SORTEDfood
Views: 562,450
Rating: 4.9411945 out of 5
Keywords: sortedfood, sorted food, sortedfood cookbook, friends, friends cookbook, friends episode, friends trifle, friends rachel's trifle, savory trifle, friends ross sandwich, friends the moist maker, moist maker sandwich, friends oatmeal cookies, sortedfood chefs review, chefs review, cookbook review, sortedfood books, Amanda Nicole Yee, friends recipes, cookie recipe, oatmeal cookie, oatmeal cookie recipe, turkey sandwich, thanksgiving recipe, thanksgiving leftovers, sandwich
Id: c3Oge4Lodr8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 49sec (1009 seconds)
Published: Wed Nov 11 2020
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