A Chef Reviews DIY Food Kits Vol. 2

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(up beat music) - [Announcer] We are Sorted, a group of mates who have your back, when it comes to all things food. From cooking battles, to gadget reviews, and cookbook challenges, to a midweek meal packs app. We uncover the tools, that will help us all cook and eat smarter. Join our community, where everything we do starts with you. (bright upbeat music) - Hello, welcome to fridge cam. A little while ago, we tested some DIY, make your own food kits. And you guys seemed to love it. So we've got some more to test, and this time, we brought our most test-e chef along to judge them. Hello, James. - Hello, Jamie? - Are you ready to test some DIY kits? - I am ready. - Let's get the first one out. (bright upbeat music) Come on in, lift the cloche. (bright upbeat music) - It's a haggis kit, because I'm Scottish, Jamie. - Yes, mate. - I've got a confession, I 've made this kit before. (laughing) I got it, as a birthday present once, 'cause you know, I'm Scottish and a chef. So a DIY haggis kit makes sense. - Well, you might not need this description then, but for the benefit of you guys at home, this is an authentic make your own Scottish Haggis kit with all the seasonings, cases, and a tasty recipe filled with the meat or veggie one in your haggis. No fancy equipment needed, just a Haggis kit, your choice of filling, a bowl and a large pan. - Nice one. I'll actually reserve judgement until we've made it. But I'm quite intrigued to try it again. - Well, let's crack on and make a haggis. - First instruction choose your filling, you can use pre-minced meat or meat pieces. Anything goes. I like that. - We've got Lamb's liver, calves' liver, beef chunks and lamb leg chunks. - It says here that traditionally, you should use two to one mixture of the mutton plucks and liver. So, we'll use lamb meat and lamb liver. Cook your meat in a pot of water until piping hot throughout. For how long? Who knows, it doesn't say. I'm gonna guess, that's maybe 10 minutes. (lively music) (beeps) My meat is cooked, it smells good. In a mixing bowl, blend the pack of haggis mix with 300 grammes of reserved stock. - So that is suddenly stock, because you've cooked meat in it for ten minutes. - Yeah, look at it. I'd let you smell it, but you can't. (laughing) It smells good, it smells meaty. I like that we're weighing the stock. That's good. So this is forming a paste. It really does smell like haggis. - The instructions for this do say, you can flavour your haggis with whiskey. - Mince the meat or chop into very small pieces. I'll chop it. look, this is looking pretty good. Next step, add the pack of vegetables to it, to the small pieces of meat and mix well, and then add the paste and mix well. Next, at this point, it is wise to make sure that your haggis mixture weighs, 1.36 kilos, and if you need to make up any shortfall, do it with more of your stock. - How are we looking? - We have 1.2 kilos. We'll just trust the recipe, right? Fill the mixture into your Haggis bungs, this is a bit I remember being quite tricky. - Is this a great time to reference that we're not putting the whiskey in? - Oh, try to squeeze out as much as possible and then take your twine and tie the open-end flags bung tightly and securely. Again, try to keep out as much as possible. I've done a longy and a shorty. Can we cook it? Hot water... 80 degrees, so just simmering for approximately 25 to 30 minutes. (upbeat music) (beeps) Okay. - Haggis time. - They both haven't burst and it doesn't look like any water go into either of them. Drain and either serve immediately or cool in cold water for 30 minutes and refrigerate or freeze. So this is the point at which you might save them, which I did 'cause it's really hard to eat three haggis, (laughing) at the same time, like you can't. - So what would you be looking for from a good haggis? - So, it's very moist, but it's also a little bit crumbly. You look for flavour really. Cheers mate. - Cheers. (upbeat music) It's definitely got the flavour of haggis. - It's really claggy. I wonder if I could have not done with that extra water that we added? - Yeah. - The flavour is really, really good. Tastes like haggis, it's really deep. - I can't taste the whiskey, - Mmhh. But if you can get offal, you should definitely use offal as well as meat. I wanna keep eating it, but the texture is not good. - Okay, mate, so overall thoughts of the kit. - I feel like it was relatively straightforward. I'm not sure it's a great introduction for people who are try haggis for the first time. It feels good to make it myself, but it's not as good as the stuff I can buy in the shop. - So how much do you think the kit sells for? - £15? - £18.95. (sighs) I mean, if I was buying a gift for someone it would probably seem reasonable. - Your buying somebody an experience. - Yeah, exactly yeah. (upbeat music) - Be careful. - It's nut and seed bread. - This is bottle bread, a baking mixture from inside a glass bottle. It has wheat flour, rye flour, sunflower seeds, flax seed, almonds, pumpkin seeds, Sesame, salt and dry yeast. So this has everything in it, that you'll need to bake bread. It's just missing a little bit of liquid. Have you ever used something like this before? - I have not. I do enjoy baking bread, as I'm sure you're aware. - So to bake bottle bread, put the bottle contents, together with two tablespoons of balsamic vinegar and 500 millilitres of lukewarm water into a mixing bowl and knead the dough to a homogenous mass. Balsamic vinegar in bread, is that normal? I guess not no, but why not? I'll be interested if we can taste it. Right, we good. That is a homogenous mass, it's a quite a wet dough, but it kind of holds together. I think because of all the seeds, what's next? - Fill your dough in a greased box. - You did say this had yeast in it, didn't you? - Yes, yeah. - But there's no proving in the method? - Nope. - So how much is it gonna rise? I don't know. Usually if you don't need it like you're not developing any of the gluten either. So to give it a lot more time prove. - So mate, that's gonna go into a preheated oven, 180 degrees Celsius, for 60 minutes. - Hey, we'll put it in and see what happens (whispering) (upbeat music) - The bread's done. It looks to have risen. - We have a loaf. - It looks dense A-F. - I think it will be. We're not saying dense A-F as in a bad thing. - No no no. - Cause you can get ready dense bread, like a dry bread or something. So-- - Oohh, oh ohhh. - It works, should we try it? - Smells great. (upbeat music) It's tasty. It's just what I expected. It's a really crusty, dark brown outside. - Nice chew in the middle. I love how many seeds are in it as well. I've got a real thing for seedy bread. - It's really well seasoned as well. You don't have to do anything apart from add water. - And balsamic vinegar - Not sure I can taste that. I wouldn't know it's there, I think because I bake bread, people think I won't like these, but I really like this. It's great. Like it's everything that I would want from it. - Is it the type of loaf that you would bake? - No, and that's a good thing as well. - All right mate, how much do you think the kit is? - 12.99. - Well, convert it from euros, it actually works out to £12.17. - Comes in a nice bottle. And why not? It's a good gift. You don't want to be gifting people, little bags of flour do you? But you have to do something with it. So yeah, I'm cool with that. (upbeat music) (applauding) This one almost fits. - Almost. Make your own mozzarella, ricotta, goats cheese and Paneer. - Do you wanna give much mozzarella a go? - Yeah, I'd love to, make mozzarella. - James, this is the artisan cheese makers kit. This beautifully presented kit contains everything you need to make 10 batches of delicious gourmet cheeses. - It's another thing that you really don't need a kit for like citric acid and rennet is actually really easy to get hold of, but you need the kit to be told to make the cheese. - Yea - Otherwise it's one of those things that you'll do someday. Measure 250 millilitres of water, pour into a bowl and add one and a half teaspoons of the citric acid and stir until dissolved. That can be, set aside. Measure, 60 mil of water, cut a quarter of a rennet tablet and crush it. Stir until dissolved. Pour the milk into saucepan and stir in the citric acid solution and place on a medium heat to 32 degrees, stirring gently. - And they gave you that thermometer? - They gave you the thermometer yeah. It's no digital thermometer, but it'll do. I think that's there. Take it off. And now we add the rennet solution slowly and stir for 30 seconds. Cover the saucepan and let it rest for 10 minutes. (upbeat music) (beeps) Okay mate, 10 minutes. We should have curds floating on the top of the pan and we do. - Hey! - So, I have to gently cut the curds into even pieces and then place the sauce pan back on the stove, over a medium heat to warm them through to 41 degrees Celsius so slowly, but don't break up the curds too much. They will eventually clump together and separate from the yellow whey. Okay, I think I've done an okay job. Thus, come off the heat now. It's at 41 degrees and I've got to keep stirring five minutes. Use a slotted spoon, to ladle down the curds into a bowl and microwave for a minute. Then drain off the whey and using a spoon fold the curds inwards on themselves a few times and then microwave for another 30 seconds at a time until it reaches 57 degrees. It took a while, but I'm gonna fold it in on itself a few times. You're not supposed to work it too much. Then it says sprinkle the salt over the cheese and work in by folding the curds over several times. Am I supposed to fold it again? It was fine, and then suddenly I started working at it, and it is no longer fine. I'm gonna have to save that. I'm improvising now, just like putting it through some cheese cloth. I don't know enough about cheese making. So I don't know how to save it. - For me, this is the downfall of a kit like this is that you've got no one to ask what's gone wrong. - That didn't work. But we did it again, and it did work. The only thing that we changed was to use a digital thermometer. So after it came out of the microwave what I did was fold over on top of itself. It looked a lot smoother when it came out. So folded over on itself and pinched it into little balls. Still didn't get it perfect 'cause the balls have gone flat, and I don't know why. - But-- - It's cheese - We've got cheese and we didn't have cheese earlier. - Mozzarella is hard, man. - Can we try it? - Yeah, let's try it. Shall we address the fact that I can cut it like a cake (laughing) - Cheers. - Cheers. (up beat music) - It tastes like mozzarella. The difficult thing about that, Is mozzarella doesn't taste of much just on its own. - It's not quite as squeaky as pizza mozzarella. But it's not soft and milky and like oozes liquid, like a Buffalo mozzarella. - How much do you think it costs? - I'm gonna go high. I'm gonna go for 24.99. - I can tell you that the price of this kit is 24-- - No. - 99. - No,no - You got it. - No. - You got it. - Yes - But is it worth the 25 pounds? - For that price for me, I'd probably spend a bit more and go on a cheese making course. (upbeat Music) (cheering) - Come on then mate last one. - Chorizo, interesting! Okay, that's a good one. - This is the make your own homemade chorizo sausages. A punchy paprika and chilli foodie gift delicacy. Once filled, we promise that the exciting curing wait, five to eight days will produce a truly magnificent gift for your taste buds. Now this kit makes a tonne of chorizo. So today, we're just gonna ask you to make a quarter. - Okay, I'm adding my pork mince, my bacon lardons, My curing mix, and my seasoning mix to this bowl. And then I'm gonna add the red wine. Now I'm gonna mix it by hand. This needs to set for 48 hours in the fridge. - Well, James, as much as I'd love to see you sit there for 48 hours and wait for it, we've already done that bit. - Okay, off. Un-wrapping a present. What I do is, add a little bit of ice cold water. It's getting pasty. So I think it's a probably a good thing. And it says I need to spray some oil inside it to line it. Now I've never done that before. Oh God tie a knot in the end of the casing. (upbeat music) (Paper crackling) Place one of the casings on the end, Pump the meat into (laughing) casings with your middle and ring finger. Oh, that's pretty much perfect. Well, that is a saus. - That was a good looking saus as well. - With a clean toothpick, Pierce and remove all visible air pockets. It kinda looks like chorizo - Yeah, it does. - Hang over sterilised rods. This could be clothing, racks or kitchen hooks, etc. At room temperature every third day, wipe the Chorizo in white vinegar. So this is raw right now. - Yeah - And we're gonna leave it at room temperature. - To cure. - Interesting! And then you store it in the fridge for up some days, or freeze for up to six months. - Shall I peek behind the curtain and see what we can find? - Yes Jamie, you should do that. Wow. A big and a small, it's weird. They're really dark. They're really dry. They feel weirdly hollow. So these have had seven days total from start to finish. - Yep, so 48 hours chilling in the fridge And then five days hanging. - It says it's ready to eat immediately. Although that does scare me a little bit. Ooh, smells good. It does look like chorizo. It feels like half eating chorizo half cooking chorizo. That's good to go. There you go. - Cheers. - Cheers. (upbeat music) - That is banging. - It's hot chorizo - That is spicy, I can taste the wine. - Mmmh, mhhh I'd be happy with that If I came up with that, I would never think about making chorizo. And it's super impressive. And I can imagine walking past it every day And dousing in vinegar or whatever. It's quite an interesting process and seeing it change. - Big question, how much does the chorizo making kit cost? - I'm gonna say 14.99. - £14.50. - No. - Yeah. - Oh my goodness. - Yes. - It goes without saying, that you can do all of this without a pack. Like you can go and buy your ingredients, but you never would. And that's the value in the pack. They get you to do something, I'm very happy with all of them. And it worked (chuckling) - Right over to you, Which of those kits takes your fancy and why? And, if you know of any other kits that we should be giving a go, send us a link and we will give them a go. (upbeat music) - [Announcer] We've also built the sorted club, where you can get tonnes of foodie inspo using the Packs midweek meal app, discover and share restaurant recommendations using the Eat app, listen and contribute to our feast your ears podcast, and send us ideas about new cook books you'll receive throughout the year. Check it all out by heading to sorted.club (bright upbeat music) And now a blooper. (beeps) - I see... you carry on shaking the bottle like that, it won't lead to any memes whatsoever. There we go. (laughing) Do your work. (laughing)
Channel: SORTEDfood
Views: 779,743
Rating: 4.9743838 out of 5
Keywords: chef reviews DIY food kits, chef reviews, sortedfood reviews, DIY food Kit, meal kit, meal kit reviews, meal kit delivery review, meal kit boxes, sorted food reviews, diy food kits, sortedfood, sorted food, make your own, sorted chef review, haggis recipe, how to make haggis, bread recipe, how to make bread, mozzarella recipe, how to make mozzarella, how to make chorizo, chorizo recipe, sortedfood bread, sortedfood haggis, sortedfood cheese, sortedfood chorizo
Id: DodwWvtgcTE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 2sec (962 seconds)
Published: Wed Jul 08 2020
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