A Chef Reviews "Christmas" TIKTOK Food Trends! | Sorted Food

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I like how the only similarity between Ben's recipe and the tik tok was that they both made egg nog.

👍︎︎ 22 👤︎︎ u/stac52 📅︎︎ Dec 20 2020 🗫︎ replies

My husband and I talked about trying Jamie's recipe. (I know this is going to be weird for alot of y'all) We haven't ever tried camembert or brie before. I have never seen anyone prepare them for cooking and didn't know if they were supposed to be peeled or not.

👍︎︎ 9 👤︎︎ u/liss72908 📅︎︎ Dec 20 2020 🗫︎ replies

Man I hate tik tok

👍︎︎ 13 👤︎︎ u/Ryjobond 📅︎︎ Dec 20 2020 🗫︎ replies

That was even more hilarious than usual

👍︎︎ 5 👤︎︎ u/fnord_happy 📅︎︎ Dec 20 2020 🗫︎ replies

20 t'5 minutes

👍︎︎ 6 👤︎︎ u/rockiesfan4ever 📅︎︎ Dec 20 2020 🗫︎ replies

The advert at the end was so good. Love how you could hear Mike suppressing the laughter as he recorded it.

👍︎︎ 3 👤︎︎ u/Xaluar 📅︎︎ Dec 20 2020 🗫︎ replies

First came gamer girl bathwater... then came cheffy boy bathtub gin. Ourstanding.

👍︎︎ 4 👤︎︎ u/UncleSmidge 📅︎︎ Dec 20 2020 🗫︎ replies

I hate TikTok and refuse to have the app

Now I'm sooking because the boys are using it in their vids


(lemme sook)

👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/mumooshka 📅︎︎ Dec 21 2020 🗫︎ replies
[Music] we are sorted a group of mates who have your back when it comes to all things food from cooking battles to gadget reviews and cookbook challenges to a midweek meal packs app crack your eggs faith we uncover the tools that will help us all cook and eat smarter join our community where everything we do starts with you hello and welcome to sorted today we are reviewing tick-tock food trends but obviously they're christmas-themed and we're going to add a sorted twist to each one why are you so excited i love tick-tock so ben is going first let's have a look what you're making mate how to make the best homemade eggnog sugar whisk it until it is light and fluffy slowly stream in the hot milk he pours like a normal time what's that supposed to mean what's that mean you guys make a bit of mess around as you go as well because i'm not a child pour it up started chaotic it got a bit silly but the recipe is good so have you made eggnog before yes i have i also like eggnog i've made it hot and cold i'm looking forward to being inspired by this to try again [Music] okay so we're making eggnog he made it a lot of fun slightly messy i'm going to use all the same ingredients he used we're still going to make it adult by adding the alcohol but with a twist on the method i'm just simplifying the process first up crack the eggs into a food processor and blitz them up this method is stolen from an award-winning barman jeffrey morgenthaler i've never made it this way before oh this is used to me oh cool and scat it in your sugar little bit at a time do you need that extra bit of sugar that's on top of the blender is that just shut up it's christmas leave me alone and then your spices cinnamon nutmeg no edges is the nutmeg one of those things that you know when you make a cocktail you just release it into the atmosphere and it just adds an ambiance is that what that because none of it seems to go in the blender some of it some of it went in the blender and some of it around the rim which i can push in now it's not a problem the other flavoring that went in on top of cinnamon and nutmeg was vanilla we've got some very aged wonderful sherry this can be our boozy element and because it is oaked it has essence of vanilla so that is one of our boozes going in is that the twist a twist he went with rum because we're not kids i've twisted it for sherry because we're over 70 yes that's the twist plus a little ebber's tinsel oh oh is that the right um better than ebber's ball ball it's just better than the peppers i've got my own little my own little broom what is it now what's this goodness i've made a batch of slogin but i've used a different method more like the rose so very gentle maceration of skin contact just for a very short time to get a little bit of that pink glow did you do you mean you had a bath in your gym bathtub gin it's the thing yeah this is actually bathtub gin and what i said was very little skin contact just a dip just a little bit just the ball unlike months of maceration after the first frost of slows these are picked slightly earlier and they have a less time in contact so you get the same effect you get on rose wine and this is my special i'm going to have to rethink the twist on my tick tock food trend because it's not anywhere near as elaborate as this i do admire eva's going to the effort of making that gin but what i can't appreciate is that he spent time writing a label to himself not just to myself if you have a look in the freezer cabinet up there one for everyone on the team it's really sweet it's really sweet it's actually quite a that's a very anyway there for you i'm gonna add dairy in the form of milk and finish it with double cream now this method doesn't require any heating up unlike the tik tok trend and the traditional version all in one makes it quicker and less messy just enough froth to catch that final nutmeg [Music] delicious oh my goodness that is incredible that's like drinking silk maggie cinnamony christmas silk oh that's good and it's not sickly quite good i could bathe in that oh you know what i'll bring them with you yeah all together silky smooth and delicious the original version would take 20 minutes to make a custard plus chilling time this has shaved all that out maybe ready in five minutes tactically i think that's a tick tock tick j you're in all right then jay what are you thinking about i'm going to be reviewing and then recreating with the twist baked brie with cranberry in bread this is from a tick tock foodie called feel good foodie see what it's about i'm already liking this oh what is that it's one of them this looks delicious not only do we get a finished dish at the end we also get snacking bread whilst it bakes i think we can use this as inspiration to create something amazing first up we need to cut the top off our loaf of bread then cut around our wheel of cheese twist number one we're not using brie we're using cam on there this is a jamie recipe 100 so now i scoop out the middle and i cut around the edge which provides leverage so when i push the cheese in it expands look at the way now she just did that and these beautiful painted nails instead you got sausage fingers little bit of sausage in there here's where i think we could add twist number two how about a little bit of mulled wine over the top of our cannon bear so that it soaks into the bread and when we bake it suddenly the bread has all of the christmas flavors of christmas in it as well just the bread or a bit like a lemon drizzle cake stubby stubby cheese too we could stabby the cheese yeah let's stabby stabby the cheese before we place my camembert into the bread we need to peel it so that we get some nice cheese but why are you laughing who peeled the cheese i'm not going to use a peeler i'm just going to slice it you know so it's open it's not really a circle anymore now i'll tell you what that cheese looked really appealing until he started butchering it look they didn't show this in the video it was a pre-grated brie oh i get you so it's going to ooze more when it bakes yeah because normally you might just cut the top and then dip it in [Music] now i'm going to add a little bit of mulled wine to the top of my cheese so it soaks in and we get christmas flavors all the way through top it off with some cranberry sauce last thing to do sage leaves in the top onto a baking tray spray with oil into an oven 350 degrees fahrenheit for 25 minutes [Music] you wanna see you wanna see this wobble i can't help but see oh my goodness that's like a liquid oh my god i'm excited i don't know what's going to happen here [Music] oh my god oh oh you can't see this but it's going down it's a it's a lava bread it's lava breath we've made lava bread stop talking start sharing i'm salivating is that or is that not the sexiest ooze we have ever had unsorted food pretty filthy gorgeous cheers boys merry christmas cheers [Music] yeah yeah the mulled wine it does a thing i thought it wasn't gonna do a thing but it did one he just did a little cheese jiggle that's good ah and also you can't do this but i'm here so i can oh crispy fluffy oozy sweet it's got it all bats i'm not sure how you're going to beat that but you've got to try oh we're gonna give a spaz christmas tree cupcakes we are a legit food channel what i like is they're using an ice cream cone for the structure of their christmas tree which is really smart good kitchen hack it's a simple christmas cake with butter icing all over it i think i'll give it a little twist by giving it a grown-up edge to it so my twist on this christmas tree cupcake is where do trees come from when a mummy tree loves a daddy scandinavia in the forest right the forest yep forest okay and what's a really tasty forest ah black forest gato chocolate cherry there you go so what i'll be doing is i'll be stuffing my christmas tree with a cheese black forest gato nice first up i'm coming out some chocolate homemade cupcakes chopping up some cherries and drizzling in some cash molding it together to make a cupcake pop like bold well they were all the words put in the wrong order so these are the cones i want to go for there's a slight problem but they're a bit wonky at the bottom only themselves straight so i'm shaving off the bottom snacking now i need to fill these trying to work out how much i fill them what's the best thing about a cornetto when you get the little chocolate bit at the bottom of the cone so let's take that chocolate bottom all the way to the top so taking my chocolatey cakey mix and prodding it in five that is a weighty code for the topping the icing is really simple it's a butter icing butter icing sugar vanilla that's going on top of the chocolate cakes to form our snow into a piping bag i'm not going to go for a nozzle because i think it's going to have a smooth texture to it what he means is he actually put the icing in the piping bag before he thought about the muzzle that's more likely i was right felt like i'd have started at the edge and worked my way in hmm you reckon because then you've got a guide haven't you and the top's going to be hidden by the cone all right okay we'll go again there you go oh we still missed it guys i think i prefer my ones i'm honest and i've got a green mixture where i just added a well a ton of green coloring they had theirs like scraped on the outside of the cone first so the needles had something to stick to i guess here you don't even have to be that neat you're just giving it a covering it's a crumb coating at this point he looks like the world's worst ice cream man [Laughter] excuse me that's right no this is my way of doing it okay and then hold the tip hold the tip back [Music] it's got so much here's what we made earlier this is excellent take it off to your barry you're so prepared oh remember the nozzle in this one right there's a lot of them to do in there in the video they sped this bit up and they're the turntable no it's working i mean i'm gonna be here be here forever i think this is the polar opposite to my eggnog which was if you've got people around you want to make eggnog it's a super quick way where this is let's turn it into an afternoon activity with the kids fortunately for you we'll have sped this up in the edit but think of us who have had to be here the whole time if in doubt roll it in glitter go on anyone really happy with that one ignore this one um i got a bit bored barry taylor got bored halfway through a job shock horror i think from looks alone that's past the tick tock test okay should we taste this i only made two so i'll have to chop a tree in half it's almost painful watching you do that having watched you spend an hour doing it little baby one you know what actually i think little one's nicer one's nicer they'd have been quicker as well they're gonna be a lot quicker there you go cheers cheers [Music] i like the booze in it i mean the base is a decent cupcake and icing it looked fantastic but the flavour in the cone just paper fried cream that is horrible the cone and the filling absolutely delicious and they looked impressive and let's be honest you had so much fun making it so it ticks all the boxes that's done i'll be happy to do that again i think you've done a great job mate all right eva's final chef thoughts on all three they all tasted great they all looked fun and festive and let's be honest booze is the answer at christmas wow tell us what you thought though we gave three recipes we found on tick tock uh our own little twist comment down below which was your favorite and comment down below and let us know which tick tock food trends should we be reviewing in the new year please drink responsibly there you go better this guy right here is loving it because he can now gift sorted food membership in 3 6 and 12 month bundles so he doesn't have to worry about last minute gifts for all the foodies on his list ah would you believe it he's now watching the utter carnage of our big night in cooking battle from earlier in the week look at him absolutely buzzing and you can be too by checking out both in the description box below [Music] now here is where i think we could add twist numero dos number two it comes after one sorry i am come on i am going to start to be less condescending i am sorry condescending is when you talk down to somebody maybe you're shorter than me how does that work not did not
Channel: Sorted Food
Views: 700,883
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: sorted food, sortedfood food trends, sorted food reviews, sorted chef review, taste test, tik tok, tik tok hacks, tik tok video, tik tok recipes, tiktok food hacks, tiktok food challenge, viral tik tok trends, tik tok food hacks, sortedfood, tik tok christmas, tik tok xmas, sortedfood christmas, sortedfood xmas, tik tok cupcake, tik tok eggnog, baked camembert, baked camembert cheese, christmas tree cupcakes, christmas cupcakes, christmas cake, tik tok food
Id: wkt4n-Dp5B0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 22sec (922 seconds)
Published: Sun Dec 20 2020
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