a Big Cozy Book Haul🌸

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hi guys welcome back to my channel it's emma i'm very excited for today's video because um i've had these books for so long and i've been waiting for so long to talk about them um i hope you're cozy because today's video is a giant cozy book haul i'm also extremely excited to thank the sponsor for today's video which is audible if you guys have been watching my videos for pretty much any length of time you know that audiobooks are part of my daily life my daily experience it's my main way and sometimes my only way of consuming literature and they hold such an important place in my world period in 2020 i listened to over 120 audiobooks so let me tell you a little bit about them if you have never heard of audible they are an extremely popular provider of spoken word entertainment ranging of course from their well-known list of audiobooks but also hosting a wide range of other things like podcasts audible has recently launched their newest plan called audible plus and with audible plus you are granted full access to the plus catalog which of course contains thousands and thousands of audiobooks but also grants you access to things like audible originals ad free versions of shows and exclusive series the audible app is completely 100 free to download and it's easily installable on any smartphone or tablet device with the audible plus membership you can also listen offline no matter what time you're in or place you're in as for myself i'm currently listening to snow country by yasunari kawabata this classic oh my gosh it traces basically the muteness and the muffled landscape of an isolated mountain hot spring also chronicles the tragic love affair because the classic is a tragedy between the wealthy man shimamura who comes from tokyo and begins to develop this relationship with a geisha named komeko it's absolutely devastating in like the particular way of how subtle it is and how tragic it is this book is one that deals so much with contrast especially the contrast of color obviously we have the white sparkling snow of the mountains and it's paired with so much lush description i'm loving it so much it's the perfect complement to the snowy days we're having here if you would like to start your 30 day free trial of audible the links are in the description and you can go to audible.com emmy that's audible.com emmy or you can text emmy to 500 500 once again thank you audible so much for sponsoring this video thank you so much i just i love audiobooks i love them so much i'm so glad they're part of our human experience because i don't know what i do if they weren't let me go grab my huge stack of books to talk about with you guys i have a lot of them i've wound up with quite the big book haul to show you today i'm going to get right into it with a very quick but extremely heartfelt and huge thank you to so many lovely people who sent me books a lot of these have been accumulated over a period of a couple months because i think my last book haul was in october but regardless i did recently acquire a whole bunch of books that i did not acquire all by myself so some of these come from a couple thrift trips that i did before we went into lockdown and then like i said a lot of these come from lovely people thank you so gosh darn much oh my gosh i'm absolutely completely in love with every single one of them so let's just jump right into it tried my best to list all the books i will be mentioning down below in the description box probably took me quite a bit of time but if you would like to snoop around and just see them all in one place they should all be down there so i'm gonna kick it off with three books very briefly because i of course have started collecting a collection of phantom of the opera by gaston who and you guys sent me more uh additions so the first one i have here is the arcturus edition i have not yet had the chance to pick it up myself so thank you so much um this one is beautiful i have really been loving the arcturus cover designs for a long time i'm not particularly enthralled with the uh the what's on the inside i don't find it particularly um i'm nicely readable if that makes sense i don't really want to go on a rant about like typeface and fonts but um fans of the opera this cover is just stunning i love it thank you so much and then i was also sent the penguin popular classics edition which of course is this lovely lime green so that is that one i'm so excited to put them with the rest of my editions up on the topmost shelf of my bookshelf and then this one hails all the way from paris france thank you so much this cover was actually designed by a very lovely subscriber i don't know if you're gonna be able to see just how brilliant and beautiful it is but essentially she took off the actual cover that this french edition came with i don't know if i said that it is in french which i'm so stoked about because um i haven't read it in french since elementary school when my class actually put on the play um in grade eight so i'm quite excited about being able to return to it in french because i've been meaning to get my hands on a french copy for so long and i'm so excited that it's here so this is what it looks like thank you so much for your beautiful design i absolutely adore every single thing about this so that is the last one i'm in love thank you guys so much all right so jumping right in to the rest of them the first book i have here is called maiden hair and it is by mikey shishken shishken i'm not quite sure i'm so sorry but of course this is a piece of russian literature this one is translated by marion schwartz and i'm not really sure what this is about i know we're following it looks like a number of interviews between russian asylum seekers and interpreters and the swiss officers who guard the gates to paradise and tell of the atrocities they've suffered or that they've invented or heard from someone else so essentially it looks like these are stories of escape war violence families being torn apart i'm not too sure what the context for this is but it says on the back that it is an instant classic of russian literature so i'm very intrigued having not previously heard of this one before it's absolutely beautiful and i love russian literature so very happy to have this in my life as well when i was at a thrift store i picked up this copy of the hobbit by tolkien because i just really loved this cover i think it is absolutely so beautiful i had never seen this cover before it's very inviting very whimsical it looks so cozy and i feel like it just perfectly captures the hobbit i have read the hobbit before but it was when i was quite young and all i remember from it is the scene in the forest with like the dangling spiders and i remember a few people like rolling in barrels down a river and that's kind of all i remember of course i know what this is about we're following bilbo baggins and one day a whole bunch of dwarves come knocking at his door eat all his food and take him on an adventure so i'm really looking forward to get uh i'm really looking forward to getting back into it is what i'm trying to say and it also came with like this bonus i don't know if you can see it pirates of the caribbean sticker on the inside so thank you nicholas who owned this before me thanks for the bonus sticker but um very happy to have this in my life once again all right murakami makes his first appearance because we have dance dance dance uh i'm so excited i think what i want to do and what i'm really looking forward to do on kind of my next murakami read i just want to go through all of his works chronologically i'm not too sure where dance dance dance fits into that formula but um i know there's a few definitely before this that i would love to get my hands on and just see how his writing evolves so dan stan sans i'm honestly just gonna read you the little blurb on the back because it just screams like murakami to me it reminds me a little bit of after dark which still remains one of my favorite of his works but the back just says high class call girls build to mastercard a psychic 13 year old dropout with a passion for talking heads a hunky matinee idol doomed to play dentists and teachers a one-armed beachcombing poet an uptight hotel clerk and one very bemused narrator caught in the web of advanced capitalist mayhem so i'm so excited oh maybe i wanted to read you guys the first sentence of each of these because i used to do that and that it's always quite fun the first one uh the first sentence chapter one i often dream about the dolphin hotel so let me read you the first sentence of the hobbit as well because i'm just too excited about it okay chapter one an unexpected party in a hole in the ground there lived a hobbit yes okay i can just tell you phantom of the opera it's the phantom of the opera really existed so okay interview starts at eight in the morning next i have a group of books here that i'm just going to run through very quickly because they're all by the same author i'm so excited to have more of his work on my shelf and these are all actually books by khalid gibran so first up first up we have jesus the son of man this is the little pocket library edition i believe this is gibran describing jesus through a host of different narratives from his enemies to his friends from his like disciples to rulers and people who condemned him so it should be really interesting seeing his prose in this that is the first little one we've got and then let's just go through these ones so we have the voice of the master we have mirrors of the soul timeless wisdom we have the wisdom of zebron we have thoughts and meditations we have spiritual sayings and last but certainly not least we have a self-portrait which is going to be so interesting i'm so excited for this i am really looking forward to reading all these um definitely one of my favorite authors that i discovered in 2020 so yeah i'm still in my pajamas and i'm very cozy the next book i have here is lord jim by joseph conrad i've only read heart of darkness and i read it years ago for my first year of university i'm very intrigued to see more of conrad's work but lord jim i know follows this man and he's a border ship when it starts to sink he i believe is the first mate and so he jumps off and he survives the wreck well basically his ship and his crew all perish and he has this immense survivor's guilt basically following him into this new land where he is in exile after i think he washes up on the shore but from there we follow him really making his fortune and kind of naming himself lord jim and he builds up this sort of paradise and kingdom of his own where he's lord jim everything's going great he's living his best life and then of course it's all interrupted by a figure and a person from his past who completely dismantles and dismembers this fantasy and this persona that he's built up so this is a book that you guys a lot of you guys have recommended to me and that is hopscotch by julio cortazar um i'm really excited about this this sounds like exactly my kind of story so what i know so what i know about this book we are following an argentinian writer and he is living in paris with his mistress and a group of friends who call themselves the club but then things start to go awry we have the death of a child his mistress disappears and he is forced back to buenos aires to work and he starts to find work as a multitude of different strange things for example he works by turns as a salesman a keeper of a circus cat that can count and an attendant in an insane asylum so yeah it's basically all about his adventures i guess hopscotching to and fro from these different jobs trying to find work and i guess basically his life and how these jobs affect him so i'm so interested i've heard so many good things about this um what is the first sentence did i even read you the first i keep forgetting the first sentence is just would i find la maga question mark alright we also have another book designed by the lovely maureen a subscriber the same one who sent me phantom of the opera this time look at this it is absolutely stunning she designed the play right i think this is a play it's another french play see if i know the bell shrek by admiral rosa she also wrote a very lovely note inside thank you so much i cannot wait to read this i'm just i'm like in love with your cover design can you please design all the books in my life for the rest of my life um thank you so much i really have no clue what this is about i'm quite excited to find out i think it's a very famous play but yeah i just i love it i'm in love thank you so much next we have the housekeeper and the professor by yoko ugawa i really want to read this book you guys know did you hear that that was my tummy i'm so sorry i have not had breakfast um you guys know as i was saying that i absolutely adore books that entangle themselves with math and science and physics and weird stuff like that so this one sounds so interesting i don't know if you can see like the little math formulas on the cover but we follow a housekeeper and her son who go to work for a man named the professor he was a brilliant mathematician in his day but since suffering a terrible brain injury he only has i think about eight minutes of short term oh 80 minutes okay 80 minutes of memory so even though he can't remember very much and of course they have to reintroduce themselves every morning they start to communicate through math and formulas and numbers which the professor can still kind of remember and hold on to more and more so their whole world is expressed through math and numbers which i just find so interesting i love it i cannot wait to read this it looks like it's going to be absolutely brilliant and heartbreaking and i'm so interested chapter one begins we called him the professor i've heard absolutely brilliant things about it so that is the housekeeper and the professor oh wait if i butcher anyone's name in this video i feel like we have the highest chance of it being this author um this is a collection called the turnip princess and other newly discovered fairy tales and it is collected i believe it was kind of put together in the 1850s when our compiler named franz xavier von schwandwerth thank you um ventured throughout bavaria and collected fairy tales show it says with this volume the holy trinity of fairy tales the brothers grimm charles precho and hans christian andersen becomes a quartet most of these were lost actually until a few years ago when i believe a whole box of them a whole box of these manuscripts was found in germany so a lot of these i'm very excited about because it says that they kind of upend the relationship between damsels and distress and their dragon slaying heroes and they bring us closer to these rooted um ideas in fairy tale and they revolutionize our understanding of the genre so i'm really excited i also absolutely adore this cover work i love this turnip princess whoever she is um i think this is going to be so fun i absolutely love fairy tales so very excited to have this on my shelf the turnip princess begins one day a prince lost his way in the woods i picked up shirley by i almost said anne bronte it's definitely charlotte bronte um i've read the professor and jane eyre by charlotte bronte and i've heard shirley is such a different experience i believe it's her only historical novel recently a lot of my friends i think have been picking it up and i was just so intrigued to get into it i'm actually going to be reading jane eyre this year 2021 so i thought i might as well add this to my collection as well but in shirley we're following this man called robert it's set i believe during the time of the napoleonic wars yes when economic hardship led to riots in the district of yorkshire so robert moore is a mill owner and he's trying to revolutionize i guess his workers and his way of working through new technology no one's really buying into it at the same time he's also having this tumultuous um i guess relationship and time in his love life because he loves his cousin carolyn carolyn yes but he's also very enamored with the rich shirley who's very well off and could help him i guess um find solutions to his business problems but i'm actually very much looking forward to it because i know shirley is i think mostly or quite subtly about the friendship between shirley the very well-off woman and carolyn who loves robert who is also robert's cousin so it's about their friendship what they're going through what they're doing essentially i guess behind the scenes and i'm really really looking forward to this book i think it's going to be absolutely beautiful breathtaking so that is surely chapter one of late years an abundant shower of curates has fallen upon the north of england they lie very thick on the hills every parish has one or more of them they are young enough to be very active and ought to be doing a great deal of good we have the human stain by philip roth philip roth is an author who sounds extremely familiar to me although to be quite honest i have no idea what the human stain is about i know we have a professor i think working at a college and his colleagues out the scandal about him of some sort and he's forced to retire even though we know i think on the back says that the scandal the charge put against him is an outright lie it's not true but we also have this writer who goes and pursues our professor and gets him to reveal or finds out for himself the secret that this professor has been keeping for years from people who are closest to him from his wife and his children and his colleagues and his students and then it's about this writer fleshing out who this man actually was so i haven't heard too much about it i've actually never heard about it okay i'm very excited about this work of science fiction that is on here and that is the three body problem by ccn news so i've heard uh lots of good things this is an extremely famous sci-fi novel but basically this is set in china during the years of the chinese cultural revolution oh my gosh oh my books just fell as i was saying it's set during the chinese cultural revolution and essentially we have the secret military base that's trying to establish contact with aliens an alien force they succeed unfortunately this alien force is on the brink of destruction of where they hail from and so they've now discovered earth and are moving very fast on their way to earth to claim it as their own to inhabit it and essentially make humanity i guess do their bidding and essentially pave the way for them to have a new home so then we have earth divide into two factions one half of humanity is longing to welcome these superior beings do their bidding just pave the way for them make it all nice and of course the other half is rebelling against this trying to save humanity trying to preserve earth as our planet and does not want the alien invasion to happen at all so i'm super interested this is of course the winner of the hugo award and i'm very much looking forward to this it looks so interesting chapter one is called the madness years china 1967. the red union had been attacking the headquarters of the april 28th brigade for two days i also received the lovely archerous edition of frankenstein by mary shelley i just i love frankenstein i would love to reread it as soon as possible i absolutely love this edition as well so thank you so much you will rejoice to hear that no disaster has accompanied the commencement of an enterprise which you have regarded with such evil forebodings oh my gosh if only you knew okay this book might be one of the ones i'm like most curious about i just want to rip into this book and actually see what's in it because this is against nature by charisse carl huismo but this is the book if you've read the picture of dorian gray by oscar wilde this is the book that dorian reads in dorian gray and is one of the huge catalysts that push him on his way into this world that he descends into of madness and debauchery and aestheticism and like just wanting the beauty and pleasure of life and nothing more so i'm so interested because this is this is the book that oscar wilde is like this is what happens to dorian this book sets him off a little bit as part of the reason that he sets off on this disastrous path in his life so i'm a little bit scared also very intrigued but um published in 1884 one of the works of the decadent movement i'm so excited i know we're following a protagonist in here who wants to escape paris and what he perceives as the vulgarity of modern life and the people around him so he holds himself up shuts himself up in his private museum where he just surrounds himself with beautiful works of arts and literature and sculpture and all of this fine artwork i guess we have japanese ghost stories this is an extremely beautiful volume by left caddy o'hearn i'm so excited about this i've been wanting to add more to my mythology and folklore shelf because i really don't have a lot outside of quite a lot of greek and roman mythology but i just want to branch out so much more i'm so excited this is so beautiful let me show you the inside it is absolutely oh it is so nice look look i love it so yeah i'm just absolutely so excited for what this holds i can't wait to get into this so that is another book i have legacy by susan k now i've never branched out and explored anything else by susan k although she is one of the authors of one of my favorite books phantom which is about the phantom of the opera's whole life and backstory so i'm so interested to see what the rest of her works hold legacy is another historical fiction this time it is about queen elizabeth um the first and basically her backstory her time coming to power her rivalry with queen mary of scots or no mary queen of scots i guess and basically the men i think what is it yes the three men who loved her so going through her life her power her time as ruler what she did um and everything like that so i'm really really interested to see how this goes the first sentence in the prologue is he was only a small rat but bolder than most with a disproportionately long tail which curled behind him on the stone floor losing itself in the half gloom of a solitary candles light this is one that i'm just absolutely so excited about it is love and the time of cholera by gabrielle garcia marquez he wrote my favorite novel that i read in 2020 100 years of solitude and this is actually not only of course his prized novel but this actually comes with illustrations by louisa rivera and they guys they are just absolutely stunning let me show you like oh my goodness um i was waiting for this to be released came out this year or 2020 and oh my gosh i'm i don't want to know what the synopsis is about of course i have a vague idea about the love story that goes on in here but i don't want to know anything more than that because it just was the right way to do it for me in 100 years and i just i can't wait to read this see how it holds up for me to 100 years of solitude and i'm just absolutely over the moon about this and this has a very famous first sentence i think it was inevitable the scent of bitter almonds always reminded him of the fate of unrequited love next up um i love this thank you so much to the lovely person who sent this to me this is rilke's letters to a young poet but of course it's in french it's in poet and i'm so excited this um made its way from k back to here so thank you so much i have none of roelka's works well now i have one of them in french and i think it's just the perfect excuse and opportunity to get back in once again practice my french read more of rilke of course and see what he's like in another language he did write a bit in french as well so that's interesting but yeah i'm just so happy about this we also have a very little book it is called the happy prince and other tales these are by oscar wilde um i'm so so cute um i'm not really sure what this is about are these his fables i think um i absolutely i'm just so looking forward to it i read so many works of wild in 2020 and i'm just yes it's so cute so lovely yes next i picked up westwood by stella gibbons i always want to say stella gibson anyway westwood uh gibbons has been called the jane austen of 19th century literature this one sounds extremely like a jane austen plot because we have two sisters what's the first one's name margaret and she's a very plain bookish girl her mother's constantly kind of just digging at her love life and insulting her and saying like oh you're not gonna get any men and then we have her sister uh hilda who's basically the polar opposite she has a very vibrant love life she's very attractive she's very popular outgoing and all this changes when margaret discovers a notebook of a writer on hampstead heath and it turns out to be the writer gerard chalice so margaret just absolutely falls head over heels for this writer unfortunately chalice is attracted to hilda and hilda doesn't even really notice chalice or really care too much about him so it sounds like it's going to be quite the romantic comedy love triangle austin-esque tale so that is westwood i absolutely adore this cover design i just it's vintage of course it is it's the vintage edition i just love their work i love their work anyway stoner by john williams a book i've been meaning to read for quite a long time a lot of people list this as their favorite book one of their favorite books sounds devastating sounds heartbreaking we're following william stoner and he's pursuing agronomy at uh college he soon finds that his passion is actually english literature switches over and things don't go well for him from there he marries and this marriage estranges him from his family but then eventually his wife and his daughter turn so coldly away from him and we just follow a series of his tragedies from there um i have no idea really what it entails more than that but from what i heard it is completely devastating william stoner entered the university of missouri as a freshman in the year 1910 at the age of 19. i am so excited about this next one it is the buried giant by kazuo ishiguro he oh my god i've just been waiting so long to get more into ishiguro's work but the buried giant just sounds so interesting he deals with so many works of memory and loss of memory and there's this huge mist in the very giant i know which we're set in post arthurian times i believe in britain yes and there's this mist that causes amnesia as it kind of drifts over the land and we're following this couple beatrice yes beatrice and axel they're an elderly british couple and they've just set off on this journey to get to their son to go visit him they haven't seen him in years but of course as this mist sweeps across the land they begin to forget why they're even voyaging who they're going to see and so it's this quest of memory and trying to hold on to your past and your memory and your family and your friends and everything like that i think i'm not really sure what to expect but knowing as a girl is just going to be absolutely breathtaking his works like i've only read when we were orphans but it just absolutely gave me like goosebumps chapter one you would have searched a long time for the sort of winding lane or tranquil meadow for which england later became celebrated this next one is going to be a bit of a ride because it is a book by mark said danielski who wrote house of leaves one of my favorite novels but this is only revolutions and of course um going along with the staple of marks and danielski strangeness and oddity um you flip it over and of course it is the same book yeah okay we see what he did there but when you actually open it up we have this whole section that has to be read in a mirror i guess if you would like to read that but then we go on and we find that you can actually read one half of this book this way and then of course you must turn the book over so if you've read house of leaves or anything else by him that is quite um something that he does a lot i have no idea what this is about the synopsis is so vague it just says that we're following this couple compares them to romeo and juliet and essentially they're trying to race throughout time and history to outrun history or something like that so they travel across the world and do a whole bunch of probably weird crazy things so yeah i don't know what to expect from this i never do i'm always scared stepping into a danielewski book but that is only revolutions we have my brilliant friends by elena ferrante this is a piece of italian literature um i'm not really sure what to expect i know we're set in 1950s i think a little bit outside of naples and this follows two friends who grow up together their childhood friends and it follows them i think throughout their whole lives what they're going through how they survive what they're changing world and of course 1950s italy how it impacts them we are following what are the names elena and lila um so through the lives of these two girls ferrante gives her readers the story of a neighborhood a city and a country undergoing momentous change and that's all i know i would love to get more into italian literature if anyone has any uh recommendations please always let me know i've never even heard of ferrante so this is going to be so interesting we have a couple actually david mitchell books on this haul which i'm so excited about the first one is number nine dream i absolutely love this i feel like i'm matching with the cover today but david mitchell is one of my favorite authors it's been a while since i've stepped back into one of his creations and i'm so excited for all of them all of them but number nine dream we have this young man his beloved sister has died in an accident and so he lives with his grandmother and he lives on this outer island of japan he i think he picks fruit all day on his grandma's property yes but he has a father that he knows lives in tokyo and so he spends his time thinking and fantasizing and idolizing what it might be like to meet his father and to go and live with his father in tokyo so one day that's what he decides to do he sets off for tokyo but he stumbles upon the hidden power centers of the japanese underworld so he gets a little bit sidetracked but it says what do survival the nature of dreams and the number nine all have to do with one another i don't know i don't know david mitchell i guess i guess we're gonna find out we have the ocean at the end of the lane by neil gaiman another neil gaiman i haven't read um i know basically next to nothing about this one but we have this man who returns to his childhood home for a funeral and uh i think it's magical realism that's all i know i'm so excited i didn't know so short so i'm really interested to see what um happens in this one but that is the ocean at the end of the lane we have the brief wondrous life of oscar wow by juno diaz um once again i've heard a little bit about this not too much but i'm very excited to see what this holds we have oscar our protagonist and he describes himself as a nerd he dreams of becoming the dominican tolkien and most of all finding love but i know there's also a curse that's set upon his family so it makes these goals extremely hard to achieve as it would so we just follow him and his family from the dominican republic going to the united states and i think back again so um i'm really excited to read this one i've heard beautiful heartbreaking things about it so that is that one and finally the last book on this book haul we have slade house by david mitchell yes um i picked this one up because of course i did this sounds extremely similar as compared on the back to the haunting fill house the shining um in the sense that we're following slade house which of course is one of those locations where people go in and they don't really come out so every nine years the residents of slate house extend an invitation to someone who's different so it says at first when you enter this house it's see i'm just so excited to see his take on the haunted house trope but when you enter you love it there you don't want to leave and then you find out you can't leave so so scary i'm so excited about this um that is the last book of this book haul oh my goodness we finally did it thank you so much for watching if you've read any of these i'm so overwhelmed please let me know which ones i should start with um and a huge thank you once again first of all for watching just for being here and if you sent me any of these books i just thank you i love you so much oh my gosh i'm so excited i feel like all these just fit my taste so perfectly so i hope you enjoyed yourself and i shall see you very soon in my next video i can't wait to dive into literally all of these so yeah i hope you're having a wonderful day as usual ciao
Channel: * e m m i e *
Views: 65,949
Rating: 4.9724798 out of 5
Id: qzAWx3SLD44
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 34min 45sec (2085 seconds)
Published: Wed Jan 13 2021
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