100 Book Recommendations ๐Ÿ’Œ your very specific book requests

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hello welcome back to my channel it's emma and today is going to be a little bit of a 100k special because i'm going to be recommending you a hundred different books 100 different books if you are looking for something to read sit down we're going to find you something we're going to try our best so these aren't random recommendations by any means i asked all of you for very specific oddly particular book requests that you have been searching for and so i have a list of a hundred of your requests for different books oh boy thank you so much for being here on this channel if you would like to subscribe that's amazing and let's just get into it hello what would you like there's a book for that all right the request is books that are so bizarre but weirdly good okay so for this one i'm going to recommend the castle of atranto by horace walpole this is a classic this is one of the first gothic classics i read this in october and it was so bizarre if it's any indication of how weird this book gets on the first page one of our characters a young man is killed by a giant falling helmet from there it devolves into this weird haunted house fever dream there's ghouls there's ghosts there's spooky scary skeletons and i just think it's so bizarre but i also really like it all right next we have a request for books with intimate beautiful writing that will move me and make me feel deeply for this one i'm going to say snow by orhan pamuk because this is very intimate in the way that like the narrator himself is a character and at some points when our protagonist who is this man named cough he's an exiled poet who has recently returned from germany to turkey and more specifically to istanbul and then he takes a trip to the border city of cars but our narrator will stop when for example maybe kaw is asleep or something and then he will start to address us the reader and it just makes it very intimate the fourth wall is completely just knocked down and it's just so good the writing is gorgeous so much beautiful writing about snow and falling snow which also makes things feel very intimate and it definitely moved me deeply one of my favorite reads of the year so far so there you go oh my gosh that's only two hello yes what would you like um a book to read on the train when you move to boston in september let me see what i can do i get the christie where have you gone all right so this is a book that i have always wanted to read on a train i don't know it's like a it's like a dream of mine but it's it's murder on the orient express by agatha christie um i don't think i could not recommend this because that when i thought of like perfect train books i was just like it has to be a book about a train as well and it is about people going different places moving to new locales it is a murder mystery and as you can imagine there is a huge cast of characters it's just a very nice cozy little murder mystery where everyone gets snowed in on this train they get stopped and there is a murder and then our detective comes in and has to find out what has happened who's the prime suspect and stuff like that hopefully your train ride to boston goes a bit smoother no murder on the tracks so that is that one next up we have something that has dark academia vibes in the 1800s or 1900s with beautiful writing and a pretty covert okay so for this one i'm just gonna recommend frankenstein by mary shelley because um first of all it's so good it's also published 1818 so you're perfect for the timeline time frame and as well victor frankenstein does go to school that's kind of where he is studying at when he starts to create his monster and he starts to collect the body parts and stuff like that he is studying at university so it is a little bit dark academia in that way and as well it has inspired so many more gothic and spooky and dark books this cover is also beautiful so i don't think you can go wrong with frankenstein um i think it's just oh it's brilliant someone would like something completely the opposite which is something that makes me happy and feels like summer alright so i want to say like 90 of these i've read but this is one that i haven't and that's beach read by emily henry i am saving this one for summer um i know you didn't ask specifically for a romance but this one is definitely a quintessential summer book we're following two writers and they basically swap books with each other that they're writing they swap their manuscripts because they don't think either of them could write like the others she writes i think romance and light fluffy books and he writes kind of you know more literary or something like that works so they switch and they're staying at this beach house and stuff like that together and i think hopefully it should just make you feel happy and very summery of course so that is btreat for an immersive book i'm definitely going to recommend evil eye by material this one is so good this is an audio book so i would highly recommend getting your hands on the audio if you can because it's all told through a series of phone calls and emails and text messages and stuff like that it is supernatural thriller horror as well but it's so immersive because it's a full cast audiobook and just like when you're listening into their phone calls and stuff like that it made me feel so unsettled so disturbed and it just worked so much to make me feel unsettled and disturbed because i just felt like i was like there in the book incredible except someone would like some book that changes the way i see and perceive things in the world in general for this one i would definitely recommend eating animals which is all about factory farming why we eat animals how we eat animals specifically maybe why we don't need to eat animals the philosophical moral implications ethics stuff like that and it just really i think provides you some super good insight into factory farming and the world of eating animals and possibly a world where we don't have to do that oh my gosh yes hello what would you like a book about someone living in nature and connecting with the earth okay all right for this one i'm going to recommend daughter of the forest by juliette mourillier this is also a fairy tale retelling but as you can imagine we follow our protagonist and actually for most of this book she doesn't speak she can't speak because she's trying to break a curse that has been set on her six brothers and so she just stumbles through the forest she is such a pure spirit and she's just so connected with the earth she knows kind of what to look for how to live and stuff like that and it's just a really nice fantasy frolic through the forest basically it's called daughter of the forest so i think this one would definitely be perfect for you i love this request this is for a book with a really good dinner party and so i'm gonna recommend the immortal evening by stanley plumley this is actually kind of a non-fiction i believe it's more of a narrative non-fiction but it is a legendary dinner with keats wordsworth and lamb so this whole book is about an actual dinner party that happened um in the 19th century between these uh just really great artists and all the inspiration that was flowing at the table what they were talking about the momentous conversations that resulted in the change of art and of literature and of everything like that so it just details their dinner party um which is so amazing someone would like a best book to introduce me to ancient greek literature so i'm definitely going to recommend the orestaya vaishkalis which is three plays that make up the auris dia i just think this one is super accessible and each class is kind of one of the founding fathers of tragedy in ancient greece i think this is a great starting point a great point to dive in it's full of emotional intensity it really makes you aware of kind of what goes into a lot of greek tragedy and as well it has a little bit of mythology talks about the trojan war the aftermath you get a little bit of setup of the justice system in athens and stuff like that and i think all around is just like a really great introduction um not only for enjoyment but for kind of study and learning and educational purposes as well would highly recommend oh my god my knees crack every time every time okay this one i love a book to make me feel like padme amidala queen my inspiration my icon honestly um okay there's honestly a few that comes to mind but i think one that i just can't um keep myself from recommending is the queen's shadow by uk johnson johnston because this is um a book a star wars novel all about padme and her life it focuses mostly on her and her group of handmaidens and like their whole lives because there's not just one of them we really get to know basically all of them and their world and stuff like that and her place going into the senate and all the difficulties that she faces and i just love star wars novels i cannot believe i haven't read one yet in 2020 but um this one i would love to read more i know there's like a sequel to this as well so i would definitely suggest checking this one out this is how democracy dies okay next we are looking for books that vibe the vibiest book is that a word i don't know um but the one that just certainly absolutely came to mind is after dark by hiroki murakami this book is just like a whole other world and it is a whole other world this is a set of encounters set in late night tokyo this whole book just takes place over one night we just follow people stumbling around in the dark we follow different people we follow two sisters one of them is like perpetually asleep stuck in the sleep we follow a jazz musician we follow a worker a manager at a love hotel it's just so incredible it also provides you with an amazing soundtrack to the book there's so many different songs mentioned and there's also like time stamps about what time it is when you start that chapter and i think it would be just amazing and kind of like what i did when i read it was first of all listen to each song that was kind of listed at the time that it was listed but i think it would be even cooler to like read this book slowly over one night with the time stamp if that makes sense so this is just i just can't describe it so good someone wants sand between your toes sun on your face and the smell of sunscreen um the book that immediately comes to mind it is a series it's a young adult series that i i read one of these every single summer every time i would go to a cottage in the summer it took me three years i don't know why i did it this way because i could have just read them all but the series is the summer i turned pretty by jenny han this is about a girl named belly and each summer she goes to a beach house with her mother's best friend it's like the two moms and then they have two sons conrad and i don't remember the other one because i like conrad um and then you just follow they're kind of summer romance they're growing up they're kind of coming of age and it's just sunscreen in a book and especially like i think my books are actually coded in sunscreen um they're like at my house because they're a bit of a younger young adult series but definitely this one okay number 15 is a classic that i would recommend for people who are 16 or 17 years old feel like when i was 16 or 17 i would have adored brave new world by aldous huxley um i think i read this when i was like 18 maybe but um this one just worked really well for me it's incredibly accessible it's exciting it's dystopia it's just really easy to fall into and get into it's about a lot of different important topics and i think growing up especially at that time as well they really meant a lot to me and they really provided me with a lot of important information about the world and the world i was growing up in possible worlds i could have grown up in possible worlds other people might grow up in and it was just really really good as well so this one okay my recommendation for a graphic novel or manga is so extremely biased in the name of the moon it's sailor moon this is my favorite manga i've ever read i know it's not maybe like objectively the best but it's just like been such a part of my childhood that i can't recommend anything other than sailor moon it's honestly just like pure serotonin injected into my veins and it's just incredible i just love it so much i would read it like literally over and over again so um this is the one i have to recommend hello oh that is a nice one yes okay okay there's a book for that someone would like to know what is a book that i would read in paris at a cafe in the night time listen emma you can't keep talking about family opera people are getting sick of it when i read would i read anything else if i was in paris at a cafe in the night time would i realistically read anything other than phantom of the opera i can see it i've just stumbled out of the opera house i've been really disappointed that i've not been abducted and i'm sitting there drinking some coffee i have to read it i have to read this i have to read this it's phantomy opera a fantasy book i would recommend oh this one's really good i just made my mom read these actually i don't have the third book and now she's really mad about it um the queen of the tearling by erica johansen i love this series so much it is just so good it's actually set far in the future where society has reverted back to kind of like a medieval feudal society it is so good we're following kelsey and she finds out that she's know how to like kind of inherit um the kingdom and the tearling because the tearling is the kingdom and stuff like that so good so good i oh this series just got me through so much in 2019 one of the best books with elements of science but not really science fiction i love books with elements of science i think one of the most recent ones i've read i'm going to recommend is little gods this is about a mother who is a very prominent kind of genius physicist and she is trying to find out what would happen if kind of our perception of time and entropy and stuff like that ran the other way which is really interesting and we also follow her daughter in kind of a present timeline and she is now in america and she has to go back and see kind of what might have happened with her mother now that her mother has passed away really good okay so for a heart tearing and moving classic i'm gonna recommend wuthering heights by emily bronte because this one just literally makes me want to rip up the earth and like lay down in a grave and just sit there this one is incredible it is a it's a tragic love story but it's just so powerful so ghostly so ghoulish so transcendent and it's just so good it's like soul shredding hello oh you want a lighthearted book with pirates and possibly a romance with really strong female friendships we've got you covered okay so i was going to recommend daughter of the pirate king by trisha levinseller but they actually said that they read this one so instead i'm going to recommend the aeronauts winless by kevin butcher this one is steampunk so we have a little bit of a different take on pirates but i do remember there being really strong female friendships there's definitely romance um so i would recommend giving either of these ones a try okay i had a lot of requests for feel good books books that would make you smile just really cozy lighthearted fun books so um i need to recommend howl's moving castle by diana wynne jones because so good just so good it'll make you smile it'll make your heart grow a few sizes and i just adore it so this one this one i had to go back through my goodreads all the way to like 2012 or 2013 because someone wanted a book with multiple character focused coming of age slice of life and a hint of fantasy so i really had to search far and low but i finally found one that is absolutely perfect and that one is the way we beared our souls by willa strayhorn this one is set i believe in new mexico and we follow a group of maybe five or six teenagers they all have a lot going on in their life some of them are dealing with different sorts of trauma some of them are dealing with the relationships they're all coming of age and so they all go out kind of like this camp out sleepover in the desert and they have a fire and then i think something fantasy kind of element starts to happen and then the next morning they wake up and everything is different so this one i think covers all your bases okay something that will make me feel alive again like a spring breeze that moves through you relka it's always rolca rilka is the spring breeze any spring breeze you feel on your face it's relka the book of hours is a collection of poetry it's one of my favorite works in the whole entire universe um and i think it's just it just gives you what you need it like adds on little puzzle pieces to your soul and it's just incredibly beautiful breathtaking but also like breath-giving you know so this one please oh god please this one okay someone has a very specific one i want to walk by a body of water enjoying the day peacefully and somehow the peace is broken okay so this one i'm gonna recommend when we were orphans by casual ishiguro because this book has a lot this book starts out very soft very quiet you're kind of being lulled by our protagonist and his narrative he is now a grown-up adult man and he is in kind of high society uk in drawing rooms and stuff like that and he tells us that he is a detective which has kind of been his lifelong dream ever since his parents went missing when he was a child in shanghai the way this book unwinds i'm not going to say anything other than that but like the piece is definitely dismantled destroyed ripped apart and it's the kind where like maybe when you are walking by a pond or something and suddenly something splashes and falls into it and like creates all these ripples you had no idea it was coming you had no idea what to expect and it was just excellent okay then we have two nerds fall in love bonus points if steamy okay we're going for the bonus points because i'm gonna recommend can't escape love this one i've also not read but it's really really high up on my books i kind of want to buy list this is about uh two people they're both nerds i think one of them is either in like compute is it like computer science or like tech or something like that it just sounds so cute i know it's steamy i know it's like kind of maybe a reluctant falling in love kind of thing so can't escape love a book that will make me want to finish my english degree and fall in love with reading again 100 years of solitude 100 years solitude 100 solitude 100 years of solitude 100 years assaulted reading this just made me feel alive again it reminded me why i love studying literature it just reminded me of everything why reading is so incredible um this one here take it this one um one of you would like a super atmospheric dark academia so i'm going to recommend the series truly devious by maureen johnson um it is technically dark academia we are set at a school um in oh god oh in virginia and we're following stevie who's pretty much like her own kind of certified true crime detective and they're out of school it's like fall time there's like so many scenes with food and maple syrup and everything good in the world and it's just so dark creepy but also so atmospheric and cozy it's kind of the coziest dark academia i've ever read so truly devious someone would like the found family trope all of us on this channel oh i'm gonna recommend the house in the cerulean sea by tj cloon this is a book about a man named linus baker and he finds a family he finds a family there's fantasy there's romance there's pretty much whimsy everything you could want so this one a book about literature and the love of reading i miss reading books about books matilda matilda by rolled doll um this one will not will not do you wrong it's just so good i'm due for a reread this one something melancholy and beautiful snow country by guessing this is so good also one of my favorite reads of the year it's a tragic love story so melancholy so melancholy it's got a lot of melons it's no country there's actually no melons i lied hello books that will change your perspective so i'm going to recommend why buddhism is true by robert wright this is a nonfiction all about um kind of like objective reality and also evolutionary psychology and stuff like that through the eyes of buddhism which is just good someone would like a book that will take them back to childhood again make them feel magic and believe in things again i'm gonna recommend the dark hills divide by patrick carman this is one of my favorite middle grade series ever it is delicious it is so good don't recommend eating the hardcover it might be a little bit too chewy and tough oh my god emma stop this is about alexa and she goes on a journey and there's talking animals she's talking animals the dark hills divide someone wanted a really good classic fantasy book the lord of the rings well more of the rings someone would like a book with prose so beautiful you forget to breathe and you have to stop yourself and catch a breath the picture of dorian gray by oscar wilde um i cried because this was so good i literally like couldn't breathe because this book was so good for a multi-generational family saga i'm gonna recommend pachinko by minjin lee this one is set in korea follows so many different people so many people been yelling at me to scream yelling at me to scream this book no screaming at me to read this book and i promise i'm going to get around to it hey you want a book that makes you feel like entering a secret garden and also mysterious and lush okay yeah you're using it to call me right now i just suggest reading your phone actually okay it's the god of small things by arundhati roy so good the most lush descriptive pros you will ever read it does feel like a secret garden because there's so many little different details and elements in here this one is set in india in 1969 highly recommend someone would like fantasy that is magical and whimsical above all the night circus by erin morgenstern i think this is now the dictionary definition of whimsy and magic um this is about a circus and fantasy and goodness someone would like harry potter but not by jk rowling i'm gonna recommend a deadly education by naomi novik this is also about a magic school where people go to study magic but i think there's also the added bonus that the school is trying to actively kill its students so commentary on the education hey what's up rich people problems oh i'd recommend listening to champagne problems by taylor swift first the great gatsby the great gatsby is rich people problems to the extreme i love it but also such a good book and also such a good commentary on rich people problems and also um this book just feels like champagne problems by taylor swift yes summer in new york vibes the city of girls by elizabeth gilbert do yourself a favor a classic to make me forget the world is on fire i think you've just got to do it i think you've just got to read pride and prejudice um there's no fire there's no fire except excellent boiled potatoes so this one okay something similar to autobiography of red which is an excellent book by anne carson a novel inverse and lgbt representation i'm going to recommend the black flamingo by dean ada this one is in verse it's got all the representation you need and it's just i've heard it's so good a calm book about how interesting normal people can be post modern street beauty love it okay so because you want post-modern i shall not recommend the beats the beach boys backstreet the backstreet beat boys but i'm going to recommend white noise by don dillo i'm not sure if this 100 covers everything you want it is pose modern i'm not sure how much street beauty technically is in here but this follows a family and they're going through a lot in their life it is about um you know the people around us and stuff like that but it's also a lot about media and just everything like that so maybe check this one out someone would like dark fantasy where the main characters are incredibly precious and they either mature or grow up together i'm gonna recommend fortuna sworn by kj sutton because i would die for a lot of these main characters they are incredibly precious to me um i would say if you don't like the first book just keep going because i didn't really love the first book but the next two yes and they do definitely mature and grow up together a book that makes you feel like you're in a dream in the best way possible kiki's delivery service by yaikoke hello a book that will make you feel like an insignificant little speck of nothing in a vast void of space okay we all have our cakes i'm gonna recommend micromegas by voltaire this is literally about being an insignificant little speck of nothing a wretched worm in the vast earth dirt that is space so knock yourself out i guess a calm book where not much happens but it's interesting enough for you to keep reading mrs dalloway by virginia woolf highly recommend mrs dalloway something with time travel but ideally historical slash mystery well i can't help but recommend outlander by diana baldwin time travel historical scotland you can for post-apocalyptic themed books one of the best books i've ever read is a canticle for libowitz by walter m miller jr so good so good that one someone would like a fun night's mister and that's for this one i'm gonna have to recommend the westing game i read this one years ago very sweet but also there's a lot of mystery and potentially darker things happening the westing game something with hot weather the countryside and similar to the call me by your name setting a room with a view by a.m forester this one's also set in italy and it's the countryside and it's hot it's sweltering there's romance there you go intellectual romance deep romance books about more than physical attraction okay this one's a little bit of a weird one so it might not be entirely up the alley that you're looking for but i'm gonna recommend he she and it by marge piercy this is science fiction and it's about a woman who falls in love with an ai um it is super deep and intellectual and like as you can imagine there's a lot of commentary and stuff like that about love in here um and there's just so much more than that so he she in it books like the secret history if we were villains by ml rio um this is another dark academia i actually i think liked it better than the secret history show this one i really like this one something that makes me feel like i live in a small oceanside town but not beachy cliffy for this one i'm going to have to say house of salt and sorrows by aaron a craig this is also a fairytale retelling it's super dark super gothic it's like ocean gothic but not beach at all it's not happy beach time it's sad cliff time there's huge cliffs the atmosphere is just lush and gorgeous there's grottos there's caves lots of mountains and cliff and ocean actions so this one for a villain origin story i'm going to say something a little bit different and i'm going to recommend cersei by madeleine miller because this technically is a villain origin story since she is a villain in the odyssey if you haven't read this one i think it's one of the best villain origin stories ever because just the take on it and what you really get to see behind the scenes and especially cersei growing up hey hey how are you are you doing okay okay someone would like a book that will help you heal from a breakup this one's a little bit of a recommendation i'm gonna explain because i'm gonna recommend one day by david nichols this is about two people um and then we follow them on one day for the rest of their lives um like the one specific day in the i think it's in july so we follow emma and dexter and then what where they're where they are in their lives on that particular one day and it just really shows you like how valuable connection is no matter if it lasts no matter if it's romantic no matter if you split apart and come back together or you come back together and split apart i think it's just really beautiful representation relationships and healing at different times from different relationships even when different relationships is just one relationship that has evolved continuously so one day for a good introduction to classical literature the broken wings that could lead to drawn yes yes yes yes here you go lyrical beautiful writing i want to stare at the wall after every sentence in awe autobiography of red by anne carson one which will accompany me in my adventure of living on my own for the first time if i had your face by francis chaw hands down so good one which will hold me while i deal with my beloved grandmother's death the dark interval the dark interval and i sincerely hope you're okay i think this book will hold you so magnificently something that will make me feel like it's okay to not know what i want to do with my life um convenience store woman by sayaka morata and this one as well i have to explain a little bit because our protagonist in here she knows exactly what she wants to do with her life she wants to work at this convenience store forever she loves it but it's also about everyone around her and how they don't appreciate her choice they don't think it's valid they don't think it conforms to what she should be doing and so just like seeing through the eyes of someone who knows vehemently what they want to do but when that isn't accepted by everyone around them i think is just such a powerful tool and it really lets you know that like it's okay not to know what you want to do because there is no right way to do anything there's no right way to to go about having a career or anything like that and it just provided it just provided like a lot of comfort as well brazilian literature aguaviva clarice less factor just clarice less factor in general please please here you can have mine escapism good description of food and aesthetic i'm gonna recommend the blood spell by cj redwine this is a cinderella retelling the food it just made me hungry for one straight week while i was reading this classics that have a similar vibe to frankenstein i'm gonna say the monk by matthew lewis someone would like a dark enemies to love her fantasy i'm gonna have to say a touch of darkness by scarlet saint claire this is definitely enemies delivers it's also a hades and persephone retelling um kind of set in a modern alternate universe so and then kind of similarly someone would like a hot trash why a paranormal romance with twilight vibes um definitely some hot trash i would say kingdom of the wicked by carrie maniscalco is definitely warm garbage a thriller that's not too spooky but also not too boring i'm going to say you by carolyn kepnes this one's definitely not like too too spooky but also not too boring i just thought it was really interesting this one is so sweet a recommendation for my cat fiona i love to read out loud to her i'm gonna say the traveling cat chronicles because this one's about a cat okay well-written young adult or adult fantasy ideally vampires are witches interview with the vampire by anne rice for sure i think this novel is just such a treat for poetry that makes me feel i'm going to recommend percy bishelly i don't think you can go wrong with shelly i think his writing is just gorgeous and it does make me feel everything something that made me cry sad tears and happy tears but mostly sad tears more in peace worn peace by leo tolstoy war and peace war and peace war and peace um cleared out my aqueducts something about a quiet female heroine i probably have to say the mysteries of adolfo by anne radcliffe um just because emily in here waits her name emily yeah just because emily in here i think is she's very quiet but like she gets stuff done um she faints a few times but she gets stuff done a lot of you guys asked about kind of something similar to this something that motivates me to continue with my life while working a nine-to-five job and being extremely unhappy um i didn't really know what to recommend i think honestly i might do a whole video about these because i got an alarming amount of comments like that which makes me so incredibly sad um and i think literature is one of the best ways to kind of escape that and to fall into something else for this time round i'm going to recommend cloud atlas by david mitchell just because when i read this i was in high school but i was experiencing almost kind of something the same long hours doing something you weren't happy with reading cloud atlas just reminded me of the world that was out there and of what you can do in that world we follow a whole bunch of different people in different jobs themselves and it's just about like even if you think what you're doing is insignificant it never is and it just gave me so much hope um and happiness and just like made me want to live again a book that will make me feel immersed in another world not loving this one right now i'm going to say the illuminae file series by jay kristoff and amy kaufman this is the second book but this one like i just fell right into it's told in multimedia form and it just like transports you away it's like such a binge worthy series i think and just it's just so good i think one of my favorite young adult series ever um for an underrated classic i'm going to say the posthumous memoirs of braz kubas this one um i cannot wait to read this i'm currently reading the alienist and the short stories by the same author yes this okay i'm really getting a workout today running back and forth okay a popular book worth the hype the seven husbands of evelyn hugo by taylor jenkins read a book that tricks you into thinking you know what's happening but then the plot twist definitely the silent patience by alex michaelities what they tweet someone requested feel good gay romance so i have to recommend aristotle and dante discover the secrets of the universe i read this probably like seven years ago or something so good for japanese literature recommendations i need to recommend mishima and this one here is confessions of a mask um so good i have so many different mishima books on my shelves but i think this one is probably a good place to start hey i haven't heard from you in a while what's up yes there is a book for that someone would like some underrated fantasy where there aren't wars and kingdoms or fairies hanging around all right prepare yourself for a big one then because this is jonathan strange and mr norrell by susannah clarke um as far as i know no fairies no wars no kingdoms well i mean there's probably some more there is i think some mention of you know wars and kingdoms and stuff like that but it's set in england so it's maybe not kind of like the fantasy tropes of wars and kingdoms that you would be thinking of when it comes to kind of different fantasy worlds because this one is set in england so maybe this is something you'd be looking for okay the first book that came to mind when someone asked for a book about a group of friends or lifelong friendship was a little life by hanya yanigahara for russian literature i actually want to recommend you the book i'm currently reading which is first love by yvonne thirgeniev this one so good it just took a twist that i wasn't expecting it's also extremely short i think it's a good introduction as well because this is my first uh targanyev so yes okay for lesbian books that have somewhat of a happy ending i'm gonna recommend she drives me crazy this is also like a very new release uh 2021 and i know it's set in high school i think we follow a basketball player and a cheerleader um and then they get in a car crash with each other and they're like worst enemies to begin with and i know i think it has some of a happy ending so for books for hot girls who are in a reading slump hi um i'm gonna recommend my brilliant friend bylana ferrante because this is a book about two girls and their friendship but it's so immersive that i like had to listen to it almost all in a couple sittings because it was just so captivating so breathtaking and you just felt like right into it so i'd really recommend to get you out of a reading slump and also it's set in naples um and it's super warm friendship so good so for a book that inspires you to be creative and make art again i know there's been a lot of relica on this 100 book list but i can't i can't not this one if i could i would send everyone a copy of this book so for a recommendation for a fairy tale retelling i have to recommend entwined by heather dixon this is a retelling of the 12 dancing princesses because so good just so good for a cozy gothic dark classic i'm gonna have to say dracula by bram stoker uh yes very cozy very dark very gothic and also strangely funny sometimes a book that will encourage me that it's fine to pretend to be someone i'm not at the moment but want to be i'm gonna say great expectations by charles dickens um this copy's falling apart but this is about pip who gets swept up via an anonymous benefactor into high society and he moves to london and he's kind of like trying his best to blend in with something that he's not and be something that he's not um this book is basically like him in disguise and trying to fit in with this world and it's just so good and at the end like you really see like what this has done for him and to him and the effects that it's had on him but also how really it's okay and how um it's okay to pretend to be something you're not right now but something maybe you want to strive for or try to be um and i think there's so much more to it than that as well obviously but that is great expectations okay someone would like something that is sad lonely and introspective i'm going to say the thief by fuminori nakamura because this was so dark very lonely very sad you follow a protagonist who is a thief he's a pickpocket and what he's doing and what his life is like and how that how that goes for him so noir so dark um but so good someone said one that will make me feel the same way you did when you fed the deer in your vlog i'm gonna say the year of the hair by arthur barcelina because ah so good so good this is about a guy and his rabbit okay um a book that feels like murakami but isn't i'm gonna say number nine dream by david mitchell um david mitchell i think is actually heavily inspired by murakami and loves murakami so it's no surprise that this one is set in japan and has to do with a japanese underworld and strange things going on we have a number nine we have dreams we have weird things going on um and so he's like trying to find his father in tokyo and then he gets swept up into like this underworld maybe fantasy dream world i don't know so that is number nine dream someone wants a book that will be like hey maybe being single for the rest of your life isn't the only option i'm gonna say the hating game by sally thorne yeah made me feel a type of way someone wants thick books good books of any genre that are over 300 pages all right so for gothic cottage core i love that i'm gonna recommend the island of dr moreau by h.g wells very short very gothic but also we have island we have plants we have mad scientists doing things to said animal implants someone would like the most unsettling and horrifying book that i can recommend for a book that feels like a studio ghibli movie but isn't the girl who drank the moon by kelly barnhill the girl who drank the moon oh my gosh so good one of my favorite books of the year hey what's up we're almost closing up shop is there something you needed yeah yeah okay yep go okay sci-fi end of the world no romance okay and a female author all right all right we're gonna have to get back to you on that one yep hi we found it yeah it's called the fifth season by n.k jemisin yes yes there's some romance but it's kind of minimal like very minimal so good very high concept fantasy definitely end of the world oh so good okay yeah you're gonna have a good time with that one yes hello oh you again yeah okay what is it this time yes magical realism okay so it's called the house of the spirits yep isabel yes allende that is the one a-l-e-n-d-e yes so good magical realism very similar to 100 years of solitude actually but yeah yeah okay we're actually gonna do a bonus one because um there's just so many good ones i might do another video with you guys about this because you sent in so many but someone's like a retelling of greek or roman myth so therefore the very last book i'm gonna recommend you in this 100k 100 special book recommendations video is the silence of the girls by pat parker uh retelling of the iliad so good we did it we did it there you go 100 bucks thank you so much for sending in your recommendations i had so much fun like i said i might do another video with you guys about this because i have so many more than just these 100 so thank you so much for being here this was incredible i hope you found the books that you wanted or that you needed um yeah feel free to give me a shout if you need anything else and i think i'm gonna close up shop shut down the library go have breakfast and go read books that i need in my own life so thank you so much i love you guys so much and i hope this was fun ciao you
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Views: 218,970
Rating: 4.9866247 out of 5
Id: GtHC5bc3DjM
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Length: 44min 12sec (2652 seconds)
Published: Sun May 16 2021
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