HUGE Book Haul!! (booktube made me buy it.. again)

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hi everyone it's regan and welcome back to another video today i have quite the giant book haul for you guys i i'm not gonna lie i just feel like at the beginning of the year i'm just so inspired to read generally so i went ahead and picked up quite a few titles for myself either some long-standing very popular series some new releases that i already have pre-ordered that have come in the mail and just in general some books i've heard excellent things about that i just wanted to pick up and have on hand for my tbrs throughout the year so this book haul is one i'm personally very excited about fueled by many top books of the year videos um so without further ado let's go ahead and dive right in the first set of books i'm of course going to show off are the january selects from book of the month who i am working with for this video before i dive into the book themselves a little info about the service if you're not familiar book the month is an online monthly book subscription service every single month they curate a selection of five titles from a variety of authors voices genres always new releases always hardcover and they're sent directly to your door every month you can select one book for 14.99 and add up to two additional books for 9.99 each it's super easy to skip a month if you're not interested and of course i always have a discount code where you can get your first box for only 9.99 if you use the code new books this month the selects are really amazing outside of the five titles themselves the add-on titles this month are also exceptional one of them is a city we became by n.k jemisin which made my top list of the year so definitely check it out but i'm gonna obviously start this video off with the five books for this month starting with outlawed by anna north which i feel like i have seen everywhere honestly everything about this book calls out to my name the catch line is in the year of our lord 1894 i became an outlaw on the day of her wedding 17 year old aydah's life is looking pretty good she's marrying the man she loves she's an apprentice to her mother who's a very respected midwife in town but after a year of marriage and aydah still not having children she's starting to get concerned because in her small town barren women are hung as suspected witches so she kind of has to take matters and her life in her own hands and she decides to flee and join a group of outlaws run by a very charismatic individual called the kid they decide to hatch a very treacherous plan in an attempt to create a safe place for other outcasted women however aydah is unsure if she wants to proceed and she kind of has to grapple with deciding to go all in on being an outlaw or possibly returning to her previous life the vibe of this book really calls out to me this sort of old west setting he determined heroin trying to make a name in life for herself it sounds honestly very very cool and i also love the cover just as a sidebar so yeah this is a book i hope to actually get to pretty soon and the first book you can select from this month from there i have the removed from brandon hopson and this follows a family and in the 15 years that have passed since the tragic death of their youngest son ray ray the okota family has been suspended in private grief they've all kind of broken off from one another and they're all kind of living separate individual lives stealing and processing their grief and their own way however there is a yearly bonfire that brings this family back together and this novel says to actually deeply draw on cherokee folklore this is said to seamlessly blend real and the spiritual and is said to be a meditation on family grief home and the power of stories on a both personal and ancestral level i've heard excellent things about this i know brandon hopson is an incredibly celebrated author and he has numerous works that have won countless awards so i'm excited to have this on my shelf and also one that i definitely want to prioritize to read at some point this year but yeah i think this is going to be an incredibly emotional novel um but one that is going to be really powerful as well next selection is the prophets by robert jones jr and this is said to be a singular and stunning debut following the love and life of two enslaved individuals on a plantation in the deep south and about the refuge they find in each other but also a deep betrayal that they both experience i'm honestly just going to read a snippet here from the synopsis itself as i think it's apt and wonderfully written it is said the prophets masterly reveals the pain the suffering of inheritance but also shot through with hope beauty and truth portraying the enormous heroic power of love this is another novel i have seen a lot in the book community as more and more readers and reviewers have been picking this up and saying excellent things about it obviously the setting and the topics of this novel are incredibly heavy but i also personally think it's an excellent selection to have for this month as well the next book that i have is the survivors by jane harper and i'm not gonna lie the synopsis is incredibly vague and that is definitely a choice and on purpose this is said to be a deeply atmospheric mysterious and almost like heart-pumping novel i'm not kidding like this is probably one of the shortest descriptors i have read in a while this essentially follows our main character kirian whose life was changed forever after a reckless mistake led to devastating consequences and this guilt begins to resurface when he travels back to a small coastal community that he used to call home with his young family his family is struggling and between them is their absent brother finn and when a dead body is discovered on the beach everything begins to change again a very vague ominous description but it appears to be a very atmospheric sea town based mystery and family drama kind of giving me sort of like broad church vibes i could be very very wrong about that but it definitely does sound intriguing and i'm excited to add it to my show and the last book of the month selection this month is a fun one and a rom-com to maybe lighten up your day that is the dating plan by sarah desai and this is a fake dating escalated to fake fiance rom-com love story set in san francisco and it just sounds so cute this follows our main character daisy patel who is a software engineer that has most everything in her life planned out but the one thing that she cannot figure out is bosses and boys she's honestly very happy with her life and is personally not looking for love at the moment so unfortunately she can't deliver her family the thing they want most a marriage so she decides to take matters into her own hand and ask her childhood crush to be her fake fiance um to kind of help dupe her parents for a bit obviously this is a fake dating fake marriage trope so i'm assuming this childhood friendship is gonna turn to love as sparks begin to fly i personally love this particular trope in rom-com novels i also think it's kind of interesting it's set sort of in the tech world in san francisco i think the love interest is a venture capitalist but overall this just sounds like a lot of fun it will bring a smile to my face and in general i can't say no to this trope so yeah alrighty guys those are the five books you can select from book of the month this month again i'll have a link to their site down below as well as the coupon code to get your first box for 9.99 but now let's jump into the rest of the books i'm so excited about the rest of these books and i feel like i'll be reading quite a few of them pretty immediately the first one is one i plan to read next month i just cannot stop thinking about and that is the parable of sour by octavia e butler so octavia u butler is one of the most renowned and celebrated sci-fi writers of our time and a lot of her works have recently been getting more and more attention and i also know that quite a few of these are also being turned into separate tv adaptations which is really exciting so many of her books i'm really interested in reading but i decided to start with this one because i have seen a lot of recent reviews of it on booktube and it just in general really intrigued me and this is set in a world where a global crisis that occurred in the early 2020s ouch has set the society of california upside down there's water shortages and in general like it is a fight and fend for yourself kind of society and any vulnerability or weakness can make you no longer able to survive we follow our main character lauren who lives in a gated community with her family sheltered from the surrounding anarchy something unique to our main character is that she has like hyper empathy meaning that she deeply feels and understands the emotions of everyone around her and lauren must work to make her voice heard to protect herself her family and her community but it says what begins as a fight for survival soon leads to something much more the birth of a new faith in a startling vision of human destiny again i've heard literally nothing but incredible things about this particular story there's technically a sequel to this as well but i've heard you can just read just this particular novel it can be viewed in red as a standalone hope to get to this very very soon and yeah i'm very excited to own this to have this and to read this next i feel like is a book a lot of you guys are going to be excited about there is a whole fandom around this author this series so we'll just see and that is the blade itself by joe abercrombie the first book to the first law trilogy and the first book to many books i believe that are set in this world itself i hear this is a very character-driven grim dark fantasy story which i feel like i'm finally ready for i've known about this series for a long time i've been interested but for the most part it hasn't really called out to me but just hearing essentially non-stop love and obsession for this series i finally broke and i bought the first book obviously i do have some series priorities before i can get to this but i bought it it's definitely on my radar and i hope to read it at some point soon but this i believe is a multi-respective story that is dark and very gruesome and very very bloody and i believe it's also said to be wickedly funny and packed full of plot and adventure i think it might be said on the precipice of war i'm not entirely sure and i do feel like it might be kind of a slow burn as i feel like this is very character driven but please correct me if i'm wrong but yeah i've heard lots about this i'm excited to finally add it to my collection and i do hope to read it at some point this year next up is a pre-order that arrived already for 2021 and that is persephone seashell by stina light and if you watch my most anticipated books of 2021 if not i'll leave it linked down below this was a book that was on there it's described as being for fans of the mandalorian and cowboy bebop which i love both of those things very very much it's set on like this desolate backwater planet that for the most part has been left alone but all of a sudden this sort of galactic corporation has its eyes on it for some of its natural resources we follow two main characters one is kind of like the tavern owner so therefore they know everything and kind of connect people together and the other is an ex-marine and is kind of in charge of this wayward band of cast off assassins and soldiers and i believe they work together in some capacity to overthrow this corporation this is said to be the first book to a new space opera series i also believe it has a queer romance between the two main characters the cover is stunning i hope this is so much fun it just has a lot of charisma set in space i'm thrilled to have it i can't believe it's already out you know i got it next is a book that i've just saw on so many lists i had to grab it and that is a loss away by darcy little badger in illustrations by ravina kai i just feel like this is going to be the most beautiful atmospheric and i also believe it's actually possibly middle grade there's illustrations throughout this novel as well and it's just calling my name and something i just think i'm going to love and this set in america that is said to be quite similar to our own there's friends there's homework ice cream but there is a very key difference but it is america that has been shaped dramatically by the magic monsters and legends of its people both indigenous and not and we follow our main character alas away who can actually raise the dead and at the beginning of the story allah is confronted with the recent death of her beloved cousin and in her town they're trying to keep it quiet no one should investigate it but she is not going to take that or stand by that quietly so she begins to go on a mission in a quest to uncover the truth and also work to protect her family this is a novel i've heard excellent things about i definitely think it's going to be darker in tone this is said to be an incredible speculative fiction novel and again something i want to read soon my tbr is absolutely out of control somebody help me x is a book i have heard so many excellent things about but i'll say aaron from booked in busy was the reason why i ultimately decided to buy this just like her reading it and telling me you know elements of it i was like ah buzzwords galore i need to get that and that is the sword of kaigen by emma wong this is actually i believe a self-published novel um and it's a standalone so this is you know completed from beginning to end it's not like first book to a 10 book series like you can read this and get the whole story and be done the reason why i was particularly sold about this novel is it's said to have an elemental magic component that is very reminiscent to avatar the last airbender but way way darker actually there's a quote that says the poppy war darkness means the last airbender's elemental magic and honestly didn't need to hear an additional thing about it i wanted to just pick this up right away i believe this is a multi-perspective story but it might primarily follow a son and a mother the son mamo maru has been born into a very legendary fighting family and for the most part he's really just interested in dedicating his life to becoming a powerful soldier and protecting his family and his homeland or any outside force but when an outsider arrives he begins to question a lot of what he's been told about the peace within the land we also follow mizaki who when she became a wife and a mother she kind of hid away her sword kind of putting her fighting life behind her but when her son begins to ask her questions she kind of begins to question that decision this just sounds so good to put it frankly the magic i hear is just so well crafted and interesting i hear it's dark and very political and like a satisfying art from beginning to end i feel like i don't read a lot of epic stand-alone fantasies so i'm really curious to see how this plays out but yeah i grabbed this next is just a beautiful collector's edition i had to add to my shelf it was actually a gift so thank you very much to a member of my family who got this for me for the holidays and that is the illustrated addition to the assassin's apprentice by robin hobb they're releasing these i think yearly and they now have two of the three of the fireseer trilogy out and i hope they just keep going because these are honestly stunning they have like no dust jacket like the end pages are fully illustrated and there's full color illustrations throughout this as well which are just like just a lovely addition to this tale obviously the farseer trilogy is one of my favorite trilogies i read last year robin hobb is one of my favorite authors of all time now so to say i'm interested in collecting collector's editions of her books is an understatement there are so many i want there's actually like these like leather bound versions that i've been kind of keeping my eye on but i obviously don't have a lot of book space i will probably grab the second one at some point soon i really feel like eventually i'm gonna want to reread these like in the next couple years so i'll definitely pick these guys up because of how beautiful the illustrations are but they're stunning i couldn't say no this is who i am speaking of beautiful collector's editions i also have this stunning box set from illumicrate which was kindly sent to me from them of naomi novak's two novels they basically created like a special edition signed by the author and i will show them to you so these are the stunning uk editions of both of these we have uprooted and spinning silver they also have sprayed edges and they're signed by the author these are some of my favorite books of all time and i actually own the uk editions of these so i'm thinking of actually doing a giveaway of those editions on my instagram so i'll have that link down below i'll probably announce something over there in the coming days um but yeah these are beautiful they also have the beautiful reading ribbon so you can keep track of your place i just couldn't say no guys i love i'm a sucker for these kind of special editions especially for some of my favorite series i'm a book collector after all along with being a reader i will say illumicrate releases quite a few of these like special reprints of some very popular series so give them a follow this is something you're also interested in i know they released some recent beautiful covers for the poppy war they do a lot of cassandra clare books p.e schwab books but i just love these so again big thank you to them for sending these my way the last book i have to show off i got from elliot brooke's channel so again i'll have her channel linked down below another great fantasy booktuber but she talked about this book quite a bit is senlin ascends by josiah bancroft this particularly called out to me because it's kind of been described at least by her as kind of a literary fiction leaning fantasy novel and i won't lie that's definitely a buzz word that i personally enjoy like i love lofty flowery writing and maybe just like a book that's kind of hyper focused on an individual in a fantasy setting like it doesn't have to be epic for me to be interested if that makes sense this also sounds bizarre but it's said to be an extraordinary debut beautifully written highly engaging page-turning masterpiece and this basically follows a mild-mannered headmaster named thomas senlin who prefers to keep his adventures safely contained within the books he reads but when he loses his wife on their dream honeymoon he then is very unprepared for all the dramatic things that happen after that because he has to enter the tower of babel a world of geniuses and tyrants and luxury and menace and work his way through it to save his wife it sounds bizarre and i feel like the writing styles be very captivating and strange i love weird fantasy books so i'm hoping this really delivers in that capacity um i don't know like unique interesting all those things call out to me and this cover also i find very unusual in a way that i like quite a bit alrighty guys those are all the books i've picked up in the last month limited on below some books you've read recently as i would love to know and i will see you guys soon with another video soon goodbye
Channel: PeruseProject
Views: 87,913
Rating: 4.9652948 out of 5
Id: LAiuF-UpFGk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 35sec (1055 seconds)
Published: Wed Jan 13 2021
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