BOOKSHELF TOUR! // my cozy book nook✨

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hey it's emma and i'm finally here to do the tour of my bookshelves plural i've put this video off for a very long time but because the end of the year is drawing nigh thank goodness i thought would be the perfect time to get one more last little snapshot of how my bookshelves and this little space looks at the minute and also because my shelves are reaching maximum capacity they almost have no more room for any new books we're almost out of vacancy in this hotel so i thought it was the opportune minute to show you all of my books i also think that the little book nook i've created is pretty much almost complete i put a few last minute finishing touches on it i used to have all my bookshelves over there on this one wall in my apartment which my last bookshelf tour shows but i recently moved them all into this little cozy corner i think without further ado let's just jump right into it it's probably going to be a fairly long video so feel free to grab a snack or a drink and let's just start with an overview so this is what it looks like from very very far away and i just realized that this picture is very crooked this little area of my apartment used to have the couch and the tv but i wasn't really using the tv like at all so i decided to turn it into a little book nook just to start off over here i have a little side table where i keep loads of candles and this lamp that i found thrifted i really love the little details on it so this is everything that is on the table at the minute um i have a whole collection of candles there's pumpkin pie and then these are a few little mini christmas candles and then the one i currently have going is cinnamon irish cream from bath and body works i'm also currently drinking some peppermint tea in this mug that one of my best friends got me it like changes color when it gets warm all right so moving on from the couch i have this red carpet that i really like it's really soft it's very soft and then this is the reading chair of my dreams oh my gosh just to start with everything that's on it i currently have my hooded blanket here from imposia it is a blanket that comes with a cloak and a hood this design is i think called austin's garden because it's inspired by pride and prejudice and a few other of austin's novels and there is still a link and discount code in the description if you are interested so that is that and then also on the reading chair i've been keeping what i'm physically currently reading the books that i have here right now are the dark interval by rilka this is going amazing i'm also reading bluet by maggie nelson finally i'm reading the turn of the screw i've been listening a lot to the audiobook of it keep those there because this is where i do most of my reading where i like to sit is in this big chair i've been moving it around a little bit but i currently just have it in this corner and then if we come around all my bookshelves are here i have three at the minute but um i may soon be on the lookout and in the market for more so this is just a very small overview i also very recently decided to put up a few frames in this corner i think i'm gonna put up a few more once i get them in but for right now i have three going on so this one is just a diagram of different spices there's like cloves nutmeg cardamom cinnamon juniper um i just thought it was really really kind of cozy and very fall and autumny and i really really loved it i actually just took this little diagram out of a recipe book that i have so that's where that came from and then this one is a little kind of quote board i decided to make so you can like really easily take this off and insert a new quote that you want to put in so for the time being i have a quote from rilka which was kind of in the preface of the dark interval which is the book on my reading chair but i just really really loved this little piece from the book of hours um i thought it was so nice so that's the quote that's currently in there but i love the idea that i can just like change it out whenever i find a new quote that i love and then this one is also a piece of art from a book that i took out and i just i'd really liked it i really like the colors more than anything else so i just put that there all right so just for a little kind of explanation and overview of all the shelves before i take you through them but right here at the first bookshelf the two black bookshelves i have are from yisk which i think is mostly like a furniture store and then the brown one in the middle i got second hand to start at the beginning of the first shelf i have classics and the order kind of spans over the bookshelves so you follow it like this way and start it down um so all my classics are in chronological order and then we have one shelf of classics two shelves of classics three shelves of classics and then we get kind of into modern classics and then adults kind of literary fiction that starts to be arranged alphabetically once we get to here and then kind of at the beginning of this shelf right here i have loosely historical fiction but i kind of segmented it off into ancient historical fiction because i weirdly have lots and lots of like ancient greek roman and egyptian stories and we have later historical fiction and stories that are set kind of in the past in our adult fiction this entire shelf is fantasy and then down here we start sci-fi and then we go into dark academia and then just dark murder mysteries thrillers this entire shelf is young adult and then there's a little bit of young adult down there and then it goes into middle grade non-fiction and then the two bottom black shelves that i have here are classical studies and they go from egypt to greece to rome hopefully mostly chronologically in those ancient periods so let's get into the actual books alright so starting at the very beginning i also have just like twinkly lights all over my bookshelf all of my classics are arranged chronologically this is the first shelf of them just because i kind of like to see like the patterns and trends and what develops over time it kind of helps too with how things relate to one another where certain trends arise and how people kind of play off of one another in the literary world i guess so let's go through them all also most of my classics are pretty much all thrifted um so none of them really met i also wanted to show you my favorite per each shelf so the very first book i guess kind of the oldest i have on here is still beowulf and then we go into arthurian legends with the quest of the holy grail this is a really really nice edition of dante's inferno there's some illustrations and it's a bilingual edition too i really love that this thick one is the fairy queen by edmund spencer haven't you ever had all of it but someday and then we move into my little little shakespeare collection so i have julius caesar in the really really nice pan macmillan edition i love them so much and then this is my little collection of the shakespeare folgers library so i have 12th night macbeth the merchant of venice and a midsummer night's dream out of these i've so far read twelfth night a midsummer night's dream and king lear right here and then we have king henry viii and the rest of them i have not yet read so really looking forward into completing reading all of my shakespeare's we have paradise loss which i loved so so much and then just moving along into this time period we have a lot of gothic stories because i love the gothic so much like so so much we have the castle of atranto by horace walpole we have the mysteries of udolpho by anne radcliffe which i really really loved we have the monk by matthew lewis more and radcliffe this is where kind of the chronological thing comes in because the italian was published i guess after the monk but and then we go right into jane austen i only have wait how much is this so i have read all the austins i have my favorite being definitely pride and prejudice but right next to it we have a book of shelley's poetry and of course frankenstein by mary shelley and then i think what i can safely say is my favorite work on this whole shelf which is prometheus unbound by percy bisheli this is quite a short play but it was just so breathtakingly beautiful so that is my favorite from this shelf i think at least so far i think as well the book i most want to read from the shelf is probably the monk by matthew lewis just because i've heard so many crazy things about it so that is my little first shelf done and then if we swing over here we will very suddenly encounter my phantom of the opera shelf i have this whole little cubby space dedicated to it because it's my favorite story it's not the best book i've ever read but um it's my favorite what can i say so way at the back though we also have a little kind of retelling and the life of the phantom so it's just phantom which is by susan k and then um right here we have my very very old beaten up edition of the same book which i just love so much so that's in there and then we start with this edition of phantom which is the vintage heroes and villain edition it has a little quote on the front and also on the back which i just love i love it so so much the shelf is getting really crowded so i think i might change it up soon and then on top i have again an edition of the macmillan collectors library of phantom which is so beautiful next up we have the bantam classics edition of it probably my favorite copy and the one that i've annotated very much a lot very annotated and full of thoughts so and then finally i have this one which i've not yet read out of just because i don't know if this is the best translation but this is the perennial library edition and then very funnily i have this one which is a copy in korean because i accidentally ordered it in korean don't ask me how it just sort of happened and then we swing right along into the second shelf of classics which i'll just give a little overview of so we'll start with the little portraits on the end we have charles dickens on the cover of great expectations i absolutely adore this artwork so so much this is by the beautiful and talented carolyn who is one of my best best friends i will leave her etsy shop down below because she makes so many of these authors on the page prints and they are so so wonderful you can use them as bookmarks or anything but i got charles dickens and then of course i also got leo tolstoy on the cover of anna karenina the two of us actually have some very very exciting plans coming in the future that is all i can say at the minute i just think they're so so stunning it works out perfectly because they sit respectively next to anna and next to their books so right into 18 uh 18 30s i think the 1830s and then 1840s 1850s and right along all the way to 1878 with anna it's fun as well because it kind of lets you have a little bit of a memory tool if you're trying to teach yourself like when things are published it really really helps to do it in correlation with other books because it's like i don't know association for me so all right so let's just start by maybe showcasing what is my favorite book on this shelf alright so my top three favorite books on this shelf definitely wuthering heights by emily bronte i absolutely adore adora adore this book i'm so due for a reread i also love the flowers of evil which is a book of poetry by vodalair i just this was so so wonderful it's also been a long time since i read it though and then of course anna karenina by tolstoy spine is very cracked and very loved and i just i really do love the story on this book so so much so those are my favorites starting over here we begin with the pickwick papers by charles dickens which i think yeah it's basically like his oldest and first novel so that is where we begin and then right next to that we have the old curiosity shop which i think is his fourth novel maybe we have some bronte sister magic with the professor jane eyre i have another edition of wuthering heights because this is just absolutely stunning this is the penguin english library edition and then i also have her complete poems so moving into some edgar allen poe and then moving a little bit along we have stuff like the scarlet letter which i had to read for uni from my american lit class and then dickens again with david copperfield we have leaves of grass by walt whitman which i loved as well highly recommend we have collected poems of emily dickinson we have a tale of two cities again in this edition great expectations which still remains the only dickens book i've read and then we move into a lot of russian literature this is what i mean we have a lot going on in russia right now but we get a lot of good literature out of it because we have crime and punishment fathers and sons we have the idiot this is probably the book i'm most excited to read on the shelf which is war and peace the uh so long oh my gosh um it is going to happen it's going to happen soon i'm going to read this and i cannot wait i read far from the madding crowd by hardy which is the only hearty book i've read so far these over here i'm very excited to read we have the alienist and other stories from 19th century brazil and then we have touch me not which is the great novel of the philippines so these two were recently sent to me so thank you so much to those who did i'm so excited to read them moving back to the first bookshelf we have more classics continuing along lots lots of color just lots of color all right so let's start over here this is a dainty little teacup which holds all of my bookmarks there's han solo the selections that made the top three favorites of my works on the shelf at least that i've read so far because there's a lot on here that i haven't yet read of course we have the picture of dorian gray everyone loves this book with all their soul the broken wings is a book i got to read this year and i absolutely adored it this is a tragic love story set in lebanon and it is so beautiful such poetic writing i adored it i adored it so much and then we have always lived in the castle is just such a strange tale of two sisters and ghosts and strange strange things that i loved so so much so those are my top three all right so i'm hoping these are in chronological order some of them may have got slightly just mismatched because i've been taking a lot of books out and reorganizing lately but the first one we have is the selected letters of oscar wilde moving on from there we have dr jekyll and mr hyde i love this trend of these years because there's so many spooky spooky stories going on so then we have a few other of oscar wilde's shorter books as well as the island of dr moreau by h.g wells which is my favorite wells novel more wild i'm just i really really love i love oscar wilde so much i have two editions of dracula um because this one was kind of falling apart a little bit so i got a nicer edition i have a room with a view by ian forster i have yet to read it i have kafka's diaries but i want to start with something a little more concrete from him like maybe one of his bigger works than just reading his diaries so i think that's what i'm gonna do i have metamorphosis and other stories here this is the broken wings um i love love love edna st vincent malay and her early poems i would highly recommend especially if you just want to get into any poetry at all i think she is so beautiful so accessible and i love her language so much it's like a lullaby so i have the road not taken and a whole bunch of robert frost's poems that i read yates and then we have f scott fitzgerald where we have this whole period as well so beautiful and damned and then i have virginia woolf jacob's room i am so incredibly excited to read the prophets by jebron because it's been at the top of my radar for a really long time so this guy's here as well more virginia with mrs dalloway and then we move into like the great gatsby hemingway hemingway i've actually not read hemingway at all in my life yet so glad that these are here for me to do so this is probably the book i want to read maybe the most on the shelf aside from the prophet and some other ones in here but i've been meaning to read steppenwolf for so long i've heard it's amazing and so many people recommend it to me so we have a couple collections of stories we have brave new world the last of fitzgerald here and then a few newer additions to my bookshelf is the invention of moral by casares thirst for love by yukio mishima and bestiary by cortazar so very excited that those recently made their home here we have some dias elliott pound crucible lolita on the road snow country we have beckett dylan thomas i have two editions of the bell jar because i found this really really stunning copy in a little um you know those library boxes in the community i just thought this was so beautiful so i have that here as well i haven't read the bell jar in years so i'm very excited to get back on it and then right here i just have a little candle holder this is probably one of my favorite parts of my bookshelf it's just all of rilka's work he is my favorite writer my favorite um poet just everything so i have his works just organized literally by the size of the book so i have different editions of some of his works as well but the first one here is kind of the only novel he wrote which is the notebooks and then stories of god is a collection of short stories highly recommend and the book i recommend the most by him just to get in and probably start is letters to a young poet which i have two editions of one of my favorite books of all time along with the book of hours which is a book of poetry it is just breathtaking and heavenly i love it and then just going along i have more selected poetry his new poems a big book of his poetry and the book of images so that is my collection so far i'm sure it will grow more as well someone asked me what my favorite shelf was on my bookshelf and honestly it is this one i just love so many of the books on here and i know so many of these are like five star predictions for me so this is my favorite shelf so i have some little pumpkins now i'm gonna remove the little pumpkins all right so my favorite books on this shelf are 100 years of solitude um this is just this is like the best book i've ever read it is amazing literally every single way it is like the perfect book it is perfect i also love love love autobiography of red by anne carson these are two books i've been able to read this year and i just adore them they are so good um and then probably to make the top three i would say cloud atlas by david mitchell i adore this book with my whole heart it is absolutely such a gorgeous novel so much going on so these three together are definitely my favorite books on the shelf although i have many more all right so just to go through it we have the master and margarita i'm not even going to try and tell you what my most anticipated read on the shelf is because they're literally all of them like all of these i am dying to read the master and margarita is no different of a story so a lot of these are unread and i am just like oh i just want to read them so badly anyway we have the sailor who fell from grace with the sea the wide sargasso sea um this is another one i want to read so badly is john gardner's grendel i've heard so much about it and i just really really want to get into it this one as well honestly i think this is my next read that i'm going to pick up because i really really really want to see what this is about and get into it this is clarisse lispector's aguaviva and i just yeah so i think this one's gonna be my next read we have two angela carter books um this is really really high up the bloody chamber and other stories along with the house of the spirits because i've heard it's so similar to 100 years of solitude by marquez which is my favorite book of the year so far so very highly anticipating that it looks like i've read handmaid's tale but i have not i found this thrifted and yeah i still haven't read it i know i've not read any of atwood's novels so perfume is really really high up there um a few of these these two books nervous conditions and here we are a small place by jamaica kincaid were both books on one of my courses that i took for uni both of those are amazing i read beloved this year too for the first time five stars adored it sexing the cherry by jeanette winterson is a really really great strange tale along with arcadia is a play i loved it the memory police and the god of small things i recently got these as well they were gifts thank you guys so much um i've heard this one is breathtaking and heartbreaking borges i got because i really really really want to get into a short story as you guys know um i adore magical realism and this shelf just screams uh magical realism to me and it's so so fascinating and so cool i know these are pretty much all considered modern classics but i cut it off at i guess autobiography of red but mostly borges because autobiography is 1998 so that's just kind of where i cut it off but then we move into anne carson's collection of which i have three books here um autobiography of red is definitely my favorite hands down we have the remains of the day which i'm dying to read before the coffee gets cold which i'm dying to read in the dream house which i'm dying to read so um all these are just such beautiful beautiful books as well another of my favorite authors is david mitchell i adore adorador his work cloud atlas still remains my favorite novel of his but ghost written is extraordinarily beautiful and wonderful as well so i'd recommend that and then i have this big edition of the bone clocks moving into murakami and this weird victorian bottle liquid candle that i still have yet to light i've had it for years we move into my little collection of murakami which is also spanning the next shelf but after dark is where i recommend kind of maybe starting with him because i think it's a really good place and it is such a good book oh my gosh so good we have one 1q84 his masterpiece an extraordinarily large book as well and then we have kafka on the shore the wind up bird chronicle which is incredible and colorless zuro tazaki and his ears of pilgrimage so those are the murakami books that reside here and i honestly just can't tell you guys how much i love um the books that are on the shelf all right so this shelf is kind of where the literary fiction ends and stuff like that just this little little bit here and then from the october horse all the way until cassandra by crystal wolf this is like the ancient historical fiction that i was talking about and then from can you hear the night bird call which is just so saddeningly beautiful until i guess um maybe the book thief i have loosely historical fiction uh in alphabetical order um and this is in alphabetical order as well more pumpkins because i refuse to relinquish my hold on spooky season alright so we have one lonely murakami book norwegian wood which i read um i read it years and years and years ago probably like six years ago so i'm due for a reread these books here i'm also dying to read we have a tale for the time being convenience store woman the iliac crest which sounds exactly like everything i want inside a book and then we have the shadow of the wind and the book that breaks everyone's hearts a little light the first one the october horse by colleen mccullough is about i think caesar's life and stuff that went down in caesar's time so that's interesting the silence of the girls by pat barker is a really really good read if you want a retelling of the iliad the song of achilles of course is here which i loved by madeline miller we have the egyptologist which i'm really really interested in reading i'm not sure what i'm gonna think of this book and then honestly you guys can get into some sillier books because we have murder mysteries set in ancient rome along with weird stories about roman soldiers and we have wilbur smith's pharaoh along with this strange copy which is called the nightlife of the gods by thorne smith i literally found this in a cardboard box very strange anyway moving on to this i highly recommend can you hear the night bird call i think i'm gonna be reading the painted girls very soon which is about two sisters who modeled for degas the painter ophelia's muse is about the pre-raphaelites and specifically about the affair between the model for this painting lizzie siddel and dante gabriel rosetti we have two books from outlander not really sure why they're here but they are then we have stuff like the paris wife tulip fever and then the two books hiding back here are the book thief and the elegance of the hedgehog by muriel barbery this middle shelf has the skull i found this thrifted so many people always ask it is thrifted and then way back here we have the mystery of the yellow room by gassan who wrote phantom of the opera it's this really really big stunning beautiful copy these butterflies i found thrifted as well right here i have a little succulent his name is magnus he is two and a half years old or we've known each other for two and a half years so so he sits right here all right so right at the beginning i had to squeeze into kind of contemporary reads those being the elliott girls and beach read which is a contemporary romance and then fantasy begins alphabetically with the city of brass by essay chakraborty which i haven't yet read but i'm really really looking forward to as well as jonathan strange and mr norrell my favorite book on this whole shelf the queen of the tearling by erica johansen i adored this trilogy i read all three of them last year and they really really got me through some hard times honestly and they were such nice companions i don't have the last one but i absolutely adored um this fantasy book i thought it was brilliant and oh just so much appreciation for this series so we have some og the eye of the world we have never night which i haven't yet read a court of mist and fury which i haven't yet read i'm saving this for a video i plan to film i've only read one sarah j maas and um i'm interested to create something with these books so daughter of the forest and then we have game of thrones i read all of these except for dance with dragons i just honestly out of principle kind of refused to read it until i for sure know that we're gonna get a finale a completion an end a finish line with the series just because i don't trust i don't trust um i loved the night circus when i read it years ago don't know how i'd feel about it now but this was a favorite as well these two books very underwhelmed by them honestly i liked them i thought they were good but i was expecting so much more um blood of elves haven't yet read we have ve schwab here priory of the orange tree i loved um i think i have a lot of critiques on it but i honestly really really enjoyed it overall and then very lonely the fellowship of the ring all right so here's a little overview of the next shelf on the first black shelf so really brief overview of this shelf from philip k dick to the prestige we have sci-fi from ninth house to the secret history this is the little little mini collection of dark academia and then from here i guess all the way to the dark descent this is just like it's mostly adult fiction but a lot of it centers around dark themes scary things that go on ghost stories gothic modern gothic tales more and loosely dark academia and just really dark spooky things is mostly what my adult fiction um at least right here is comprised of so that's kind of just how i order it but right here i have a little little cactus candle he's so cute so i've actually read all the sci-fi i own which is super exciting and honestly like these titles i love them so much they are astonishing books this one i enjoyed so so much as well as neuromancer william gibson i think still remains my favorite sci-fi author i absolutely adore adora adore his work solaris is the most recent sci-fi five-star i read this is one of my favorite books of the year and it was so so incredible i do really enjoy the prestige as well ninth house was a disappointment we're not going to talk about it and then we have if we were villains and of course donut tarts moving on into here what is my favorite book on this shelf i think the best book is house of leaves i don't talk about this as often enough as i would probably like to but this book is a nightmare i read this for uni and it scared me i think more than any other book i've read it gave me so much anxiety even just doing this right now is like reminding me of all the things that horrified me about this book i've never been properly scared or scarred by a book but house of leaves did it it horrified me more than i can ever explain and it's still so hard to think about this book so it is my favorite though because it was so incredibly well done we have two books in the oscar wilde murder mystery series where he is a detective i honestly love these so so much we have a couple agatha christie we have another danielski which i haven't yet got around to we have the monsters of templeton which i've never heard anyone else talk about but i've yet to read it mexican gothic was a book i really really adored this year i loved it so much right here i have a candle that supposedly smells like rain on this little teacup holder and then in the corner we have white is for witching the dante club and this which was one of my favorite books of 2019 the dark descent of elizabeth frankenstein i highly highly highly recommend i think this was so so well done i loved it right here i have another candle uh pumpkin pecan waffles this smells so good it smells so good and then i have some of my textbooks for classical studies namely just my latin and ancient greek um textbooks for school so now we move into some young adult stuff this is probably isn't my least favorite shelf a lot of these books are so underwhelming to me now and i just i'm not really loving young adults so much anymore but the ones that i have kept are ones mostly that are quite nostalgic for me and then i have some new ones that i'm gonna give a shot too so to start it all off we have belle the little funko pop which i found surprisingly at a thrift store the first book i have here is ruin and rising by leigh bardugo which is the third book in the grishaverse and then i recently picked up red rising by pierce brown i'm gonna give it a shot these two books right here are some of my favorites i read these when i was very very young and i absolutely adored them the first book is firebringer by david clement davies i loved it this is a book about talking dear um well like they don't talk to humans but you know they talk to each other so i absolutely absolutely love this so much i haven't read it for years i would love to read it again and see what i think now and then i have also the site which i really did like as well we have of course the hunger games wither by lauren destefano which i did really enjoy this trilogy when i was young this is probably my favorite book on the shelf it's entwined by heather dixon this is a retelling of the 12 dancing princesses and i just loved it i think i gave it five stars honestly which is so incredibly rare but i really really still think this book lives up to everything i think it's wonderful i got another book from her that i haven't yet read this is beautiful this is a beautiful beautiful cover we have tinder by sally gardner which i love i think this is really really well done as well we have the name of the star which i adored when i was younger i think this is one of like the first young adult series i got really really into gemina honestly i would give this five stars this is by jay kristoff and amy kaufman this is the second book in the illuminae files trilogy i love it this is my favorite of the trilogy i've started and finished the series this year and i adored it i love it so much another sarah j maas i've never read throne of glass i know i'm gonna get on it and then i have queen of shadows just because i found this hardcover copy at a thrift store for two dollars so i couldn't say no up here if you've been on this channel for a long time um you guys know i read jekyll and hyde in i think like february this was in an unhaul video and then the pandemic happened so i never took it anywhere but it is now back because it's going to feature in an end of year video so that is just it's so funny every time i mention it it is awful finish up we have the shatter me series by tara mafi which i'm not yet done because there's like so many books in it but i'm up to i think defy me is the one i have to read next and then we have ripper and virals which i love that i love this series so much i never see anyone talking about it but i love it here i have this owl who's actually a candle if you behead him which is so sad but he is i think pineapple pineapple pumpkin pineapple interesting all right so little overview young adult ends with the ren hunt because mary watson's name starts with a w and then from persepolis to well i guess these two are graphic novels and then i have some manga and then we start middle grade with tuck everlasting and this is all of my middle grade um as well as harry potter which is tucked back there my favorite book on the shelf is quite hard because middle grade is just so magical um we all know there's so much in middle grade that we love and we hold so dear but my top three hills divide by patrick carman one of my favorites ever ever ever of course matilda and the graveyard book and coraline i adore probably hal's moving castle by diana wynne jones oh just so so wholesome i love love love these worlds and the this writing and just highly recommend i really do mean to read skyward by brandon sanderson soon i've never read brandon sanderson but i would like to i absolutely adore this series by megan shepherd is it megan shepherd yeah they are young adult retellings of um gothic tales like frankenstein dr jekyll and mr hyde and just spooky victorian stuff so we have some maggie stiefvater ah i adored shiver when i was younger i really really did we have persepolis we have sheets and then we have sailor moon which is truly truly truly one of my favorite stories as well i just love love love this series i have only read volume one so i'm up to volume two we have the wind in the willows anne of green gables the amber spyglass lemony snicket's other series which i really really loved this first book who could that be at this hour um it was just full of all his staple quirkiness so i would recommend and then we have the mysterious benedict society and the amulet of san marcant the two decorations i have on the shelf we have a replica very very wonderfully done honestly of king tut's throne which i found at the thrift store i just it's i don't even know how this came to be or how it came to be where it was but yeah and then we have some more arts so that is this little shelf this is what the next one looks like mostly non-fiction we have one yellow lantern and then i had to put some very heavy books at the beginning the arrival by sean tan is a really really beautiful illustrated wholly illustrated book i have an illustrated copy of the wind in the willows which is so sweet and then i do have two of the illustrated harry potter which are so heavy um so they just get squeezed into here i also had to throw the velveteen rabbit in here because i didn't really have much more room for it but that's there too love the story so we start off with science with some stephen hawking this is the universe in a nutshell and then i have a brief history of time which i read a long time ago we have a book of constellations we have weird science problems in here we have darwin's origin of species and then we have a book about synesthesia moving a bit closer i have some books on religion the story is the bible in novel format kind of and then i have this one and then i've been meaning to get more copies of some other things namely i would just like to explore so much more but i also have two books about mythology i have chinese myths and legends and then i have this very beat up literally broken in half book which is the oldest stories in the world by theodore gaster i've been meaning so much to get more mythology books because of course most of them on are on the next shelves down below then we move into a brief little stint in philosophy we begin with i have stuff from nietzsche i have this book that's called just the freud reader which is like his kind of introductory and central works i have been in time this was a textbook for a course that i took in the philosophy of ethics which is really interesting and then i have just a book on um theory and criticism i guess which is anatomy of criticism by northrop frye we have the warrior queens this was really interesting the butchering art joseph lister's quest to transform the grizzly world of victorian medicine all about um antiseptic and how it was introduced and what the victorians were doing to their medical patients which is not a fun time young romantics is about the shelley's byron and other tangled lives we have a book on the medici we have a book about the chicago world's fair and the serial killer actually who used the fairground as his i guess place where he found people and then i have an encyclopedia about secret signs and symbols which is really interesting i had to stick sylvia platt here and then the last three books i have the immortal evening which is about a dinner that took place with keats and a bunch of other people artists during that period we have a book about the incas and then we have a book about edgar allan poe's life so that is that one all right and finally getting down to the last two shelves we start off with classical studies a lot back here i hope you can see this okay i tried to start it chronologically but a lot of it you know it's just kind of textbook stuff so it's not all ordered but i have a book about how to read and write hieroglyphics i've been meaning to get into this for a long long time whenever i have free time i don't know if anyone else had these books at their elementary school but they were kind of books that everyone like fought over and wanted so badly there are these books filled with pictures and explanations about history and science and stuff like that this was a textbook for a course i took about the art of ancient egypt which is super interesting and then i have um just i think this is the oxford yeah history of ancient egypt this is cool i have a few of these so this one is kind of geared towards kids but the artwork is absolutely just so stunning it's about the odyssey but they retell it with beautiful beautiful arts and i just i love this book so much i think it's so beautiful so hiding in there is another version i recently got by the same people this one's about demeter and persephone they have a whole bunch of them this is a textbook i had for greek art and archaeology this is the first book actually that i bought about greek myths before i even knew i wanted to study them at university and study the greeks but i really like this coffee honestly i think it's beautiful and it's well written and i would recommend i would recommend it's beautiful quickly i have more textbooks and then just some random books this one's about the law of athens this is a beautiful beautiful book about the mycenians and their culture and what they were doing and everything like that this is another book about greek myth greek myth greek myth i have works and days in theogony i have a couple editions of the iliad much prefer this one this is the translation by richmond lattimore i have the odyssey this is a stunning stunning book um i read it this year absolutely loved it and translated by anne carson whom i love and would give the right valve of my heart to show and then i got the complete poems of sappho i have each gliss and we get more into playwrights and greek tragedy because i have the orispia sophocles europities and stuff like that this is also by anne carson because she combined three different plays into her own version of the auris dye which is so nice and then shoved back here in the corner is play-doh this bottom shelf holds down everything because they are the absolutely massive editions of norton mostly textbooks so we have theory and then we have just random english textbooks we have one all about just language in general then i have science fiction because i took a course in sci-fi and then this is the 16th and 17th century this one is major authors and then this one is american literature finally the last shelf there it is i had to stick the complete illustrated shakespeare right here just because it's so big and heavy then i have the egyptian book of the dead because it didn't fit on the other side i have this really really beautiful copy of herodotus i have a couple history books just to finish off the greek side um we have apollonius and then we have edith hamilton's the greek way and she is one of kind of the first women to academically write upon the greeks and then i have this boss which is so beautiful and i found a thrift store and it just sits right there as the separator to the romans i have much less stuff about the romans because i do prefer studying ancient greece rather than ancient rome but i do really love studying roman stuff as well that's cool the aeneid i have the fall of the roman republic i have tacitus i have two editions of the metamorphoses which i've been meaning to read for forever this is the copy i'm going to read it out of finally i have platus for comedies i have livy the rise of rome this one's cicero this one's seneca this one's suetonius i love this book so much you have no idea how much i laughed reading it highly recommend if you want to be entertained while also reading the history it is so so funny and then just right here these are some more kind of textbook editions so for example this was a textbook on a course i took in late antiquity this was a textbook for a course i took about women in greece and rome so was this one and so was this one and this one was for course i took about roman wall painting mostly so very fun the very last book i have here is great treasures of pompeii and herculaneum um mostly like art and just little explanations it's a very nice beautiful coffee table book so that is that all right i can't believe we went through every single book on my bookshelf i wanted to thank you guys so much for watching and also thank you so much for literally making this possible and making me always feel so inspired and motivated to talk about and create videos about books because it's created all of this and i couldn't be happier so thank you so much for watching i hope this was maybe informative and possibly also fun and i will see you very soon in my next video about books or maybe not about books if you guys want any videos not about books let me know because i would love to branch out and spread my wings but i think that is all for now i hope you're keeping well ciao
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Length: 48min 48sec (2928 seconds)
Published: Wed Nov 25 2020
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