a very large book haul because i have no self-control (50+ books!)

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why do I keep buying books when I haven't read the ones that I bought last time because I'm trash hello everyone it's free Annette and welcome back to my channel as you guys saw from the quick clip at the beginning I recently purchased a ton of books I think I counted I think it's 52 books total i mmm I have a problem fair warning I actually don't know full synopses for any of these books a lot of theaters impulse purchases because I have have a shopping issue you guys I just buy books because it's a coping mechanism for me and I need to stop doing it I don't know what I'm doing with my hands but I mmm first things first I wanted to show off my Book of the Month pics from May and April I'm really excited about these ones look of the month is such a fun subscription service for me because it always introduces me to books I otherwise would have heard of or what I've picked up and they always have early releases too which is my favorite thing is I get to receive read books before they come out it's such a treat for my April picks I got to the Paris hours and the library of Legends these are both historical fiction novels set around the same time I believe 1930s 1940s they're very different stories even though they're set in the same timeframe I am especially really excited about the library of legends I think the story centers were exciting it follows a protagonist as she has to travel across China in the 1930s in order to get to Shanghai to reunite with her mother during the war she is also entrusted with the library of legend which is a 500 year old collection of myth and folklore it's priceless and she has to protect it as she makes her travels across the country that sounds amazing as she meets a bunch of really cool people along the way there's magic there are spirits there's all this folklore and mythology that comes to life in this novel so I'm I'm very very very interested in reading this one I'm gonna read it soon this is on my TBR for the Asian read upon as well the Paris hours is a very different story so in the 1920s in Paris it follows four separate characters as they go about their lives in Paris alongside these huge creative geniuses who were in the city at the same time as them it follows these four people's stories and they all come together in the I'm obsessed with stories like that where it's all these four seemingly separate individual tales and they all kind of get woven together I like that type of narration that type of storytelling so this one's gonna be one today I'm looking forward to a lot for May I got the knockout Queen this is a young adult contemporary that follows two main characters one who is a very rich girl who is misunderstood and actually has a lot going on behind the scenes the other follows a misfit boy and they try to come together and be friends I that's probably a really vague description but when I read it online I thought this were sounded really interesting and I'm excited to read it I love the cover I think it's so simple and so nice I like the font as well nice covers are really everything you guys nice covers are everything ugly covers are not it I hate buying books with ugly covers I just can't bring myself to do it I judge books by covers that's the truth and the last thing I got is one of my add-ons this is from look at the month large backlog a woman is no man this is recommended to me by my sister she said it was like that she really enjoyed and she doesn't just say that lightly so I ended up picking it up even though I have no idea what it's about again going in blind with this one but I do love reading stories about knowing anything ahead of time it's one of my favorite things to do so looking forward to this one as well hopefully I actually start reading these books before I buy more I have put a limit on myself I'm not gonna buy any more books please yell at me if you see me on Twitter Instagram buy more books I have stopped this is everything gonna read these all before I buy more I swear probably my first impulse purchase are these three books these are the first three books of the expanse series by James quarry this I bought because I read on a reddit thread someone was asking you know for someone who hasn't read a lot of sci-fi before what would be a good a serious to get an introduction not really kind of does like it pulls you into the book and then you're gonna come obsessed with the series this was highly recommended a bunch of people said Leviathan wakes and then a lot of people were saying that the series itself is amazing not just the first book so I decided to pick up the boxed set for it I myself am like the original Opie on the reddit thread I haven't read a lot of sci-fi so I'm really interested in how I'm going to fare with these books the next book that got is smoke gets in your eyes this one I got because of my sister she had read the author's other book will my cat eat my eyeballs which is I think written about a bunch of children's questions about what will happen to after death the author is a mortician she answers a lot of those questions and it's really fine my sister liked it a lot so I ended up picking up this book smoking in your eyes which is her other book written about her work in the Crematory and I'm really interested in what this is gonna be like I haven't read anything along this topic before so looking forward to this one as well this is the lovely war I got this as a deal and Barnes & Noble because they were having I think if you buy any other young adults novel you can also get lovely war for five dollars so I went with that I'll show you guys the other book that I got as well but I got this the premise sounded interesting it takes place I'm pretty sure during World War two it's a love story and it's narrated by Aphrodite and I think it includes some kind of like Greek mythology Greek god narration in it as well I thought the premise on it really interesting really different and I picked it up because again I have an addiction to buying books so lovely war that's all the information I have about it the book I got along with lovely war was a good girls guide to murder this is something that my sister has been on hold for at the library but obviously unfortunately all the libraries are closed right now because of copán 19 so I ended up just buying it cuz it was along with as a part of the deal with lovely war I'm excited for reading this one I'm gonna be dissing my sister as well she heard it was very good here I have Star Wars Leia princess of Alderaan my Claudia gray I had read another one of Claudia Gray's book Star Wars lost stars prior and I did enjoy it a lot but I wanted to read one of her books about Leia because I heard she's one of the best writers and she's one of the best are writing Leia specifically and this follows her time as a young teenager I think she's about 16 in the novel and she's going to have to start making her choice she's been named heir to Alderaan and then she wants to decide if she's going to just continue being a princess of Alderaan or if she's going to become the rebel hero that the galaxy needs so exciting I absolutely love Lee and I cannot wait to read this this is probably what I'm most excited about this is the ballot of slum birds and snakes I got this in the mail a couple of days ago when it came out I am apprehensive about this I've heard mixed reviews a lot of my friends of you finished reading it some of them said it was really disappointing others loved it so I don't know what I'm going to think I'm planning on doing a reread of the Hunger Games as well prior to reading this so we'll see how this one goes Mizzou Maki by Genji ito this was super super highly recommended to me when I put out there what graphic novels I should pick up so many new you guys suggested Genji ito novels especially because I said I don't often read horror and you guys were like this is a great introduction it's really easy to read because it's a graphic novel slash manga and his art is incredible I have only read some of his short stories so I am stoked this one I think is it compiles all three of the books in those and Maki trilogy into one and I I'm stoked this is said to f you up and you're gonna be thinking about it late at night for weeks so I'm definitely looking forward to something just messing with my mind for a long time the next book I got is George Takei's they call this enemy I believe this is a fictionalized experience of his time in Japanese internment camps with his family when he was a child this story I think is obviously going to be very moving very heavy this was a extremely difficult terrible in brutal time for japanese-americans I remember thinking about how its glossed over in American history classes especially look before if you don't learn about it in college you're really never gonna learn about it because in American public education they don't really talk about non-white American history very often and when it comes to like the brutal things that the American government has done over the years it they this was barely mentioned jobbies internment is like a little dip in everything else that you learned so I think reading extra books like this this is a graphic novel they're reading extra stories like this is really crucial to have a better understanding of American history so I'm really looking forward to this one again when I had asked you guys for graphic now the recommendations a time you guys had snot girls so I got the first two volumes I believe volume three had just recently come out but it hasn't come in the mail for me yet so I only have Olly Murs went into but the art looks beautiful and I'm really excited about reading these I have gotten into graphic novels recently so I like that you guys recommended so many that have nice art so I look forward to it along those same lines I also got the Saga series I got following this one through three I think there's nine out right now but I only just got the first three cuz I'm like what if I I hate it but I bought three anyways even though I haven't read any of them next I got to the first three of the wicked and the divine again I don't know what these are about but you guys recommended them to me and I got multiple recommendations for this and saga so I got these as well haven't read any of them I think I might film a video about me reading my graphic novels slash coming book slash manga so look forward to that lastly I got to the first three preconditions of paper girl this art style I think is probably my favorite out of the ones I've shown you guys I love the colors they're so nice and I have this one if you've seen pictures in my room this one is displayed on my bookshelf because I just love art styles so much I've heard this one isn't as good as saga it's the same author but I still look forward to it I like dad you don't like your little girl getting going around solving mysteries kicking butt doing things I like it so this is going to be on the TBR as well here I have the trilogy for Howl's Moving Castle I also was on another brother thread and a lot of people were asking for book recommendations for books that kind of make you feel light and happy and transport you to a whole nother world and Howl's Moving Castle the trilogy was not nominated was recommended multiple times I have seen the chilling movie for Howl's Moving Castle and loved it so I figured if the book series is as allotted as everyone will say it wasn't that right at third than it must be amazing so I picked these up as well here I have the city of driven books this is because I was watching for his project and she had recommended at the city of dreaming books as a book that most people haven't heard of but she absolutely loved so I decided to pick it up I like books about books a lot so I'm excited about this one my little cousins gonna borrow it first and I'm letting her read it but after that I'm going to check it out as well cannot wait for this one for more graphic novels I picked up the entire heart-stopper series vol 4 hopefully is coming out soon but I got these it follows the story of Charlie and Nick who are two side characters from Alison's other novel solitaire and this is actually telling the story of how they mettaton how they fell in love this is one that I actually do the story of before I purchased them so this is one of the only things that I bought were actually had an idea of what it was about before I got it I'm really excited I have read Volume one already and I loved it so volume two and three cannot wait to get started on those the art style is adorable I really love how sweet and soft everything feels so really excited to see where Charlie and Nick go in the next novels another recommendation you guys gave me for graphic novels was Laura Jane keeps breaking up with me I picked this up as well the art style looks gorgeous I have no more information on what this book is about literally no idea this is just the tratan with Breanna and buying wigs is I don't know anything's about ever so this is beautiful here I have the mountain saying by one fun claim I and I'm really excited about this one I'm 50 pages in my mom has finished reading it already before me I let her borrow it and she absolutely loved it if she's reading this as one of her favorite books of all time now and I'm that that is high praise from my mom so I'm really excited about this it's telling the story of a family a girl and her grandmother during the Vietnam War and they have flashbacks to the grandma's life as a young daughter of a wealthy farming family I believe and it's just it my mom was crying and reading this book and I'm fifty pages in it I was also crying and nothing's happened yet so I feel like this one's gonna be a really emotional one for me to read especially with my familial coin my familial connection with it since both my parents are Vietnamese refugees and almost my entire family are refugees from the same war as well so my mom saw herself in this novel I think that's why she found it so moving and I cannot wait to read it too next I picked up the site books I did not get the third one because the paperback isn't out yet and I hate when I have a series and they're not all the same type of book or version so I only got the first two scythe and Thunder head I heard many good things about this I showed this in my room tour and when you guys had said that it was your brother's favorite series so a lots of praise for this one here I have the stationary shop this is another book that was recommended to me and was a surprise gift I thought I received from one of my friends so I actually don't know what's about either surprise she said it's one of her favorite books of all time but I definitely have to check it out and I have this on my TBR for the Asian read-a-thon which is happening this month which I definitely have totally started I'm doing so great with that so this one is on the PPR as well so I'll let you guys know what I think after I read it the next book that I got is also on my TBR for the Asian read-a-thon and his story so great is not okay so many of you guys were saying to me when I showed you guys I was gonna read this book but it was really moving that you loved it so much and honestly from reading the synopsis on the back I agree I feel like this book is really gonna be relatable for me is gonna be moving for me as well it follows a story of a boy named Darius he is half Persian and he's finally going to take his first trip to Iran but the only thing is that he doesn't really have that much of a connection to his Persian culture and he's more comfortable speaking about nerdy things and Klingon than he is speaking in Persian and I honestly could relate to that a lot when I was younger I felt like I had a really big disconnect from my Vietnamese culture not because for a lot it was not for a lack of trying right but I have had this like inferiority complex that whenever I went to go visit my Vietnamese cousins in Vietnam that I was never Vietnamese enough for them for them I was American but when I was here I'm Vietnamese so I understand that type of like cultural struggle for being um a teenager who's trying to understand like his family and his parents culture and that's a big part for me as well that I think I'm gonna like about this book and the other part he already is suffering with clinical depression and he's trying to navigate all of this during his trip to Iran and that's something that I think is gonna be really relatable for me as well so I'm excited to read this so many of you guys said to me that this book like changed your lives and the praise I've heard about it is insane so this this is a big one I'm really excited for it to probably this along with the Leah Princess of Alderaan two of them ones I'm most excited about reading next I got the Lord of the Rings trilogy and The Hobbit I had read The Hobbit when I was in Middle School but I had actually never picked up the original Lord of the Rings trilogy to read before and I I'm excited this is a classic I feel like in fantasy and everyone who's anyone who likes the NSC has read it so I think it's my it's my time I have to do my due diligence as a fantasy fan and read the Lord of the Rings Percy Jackson is the ultimate thing from when I was in elementary school I was obsessed with this series and the boy that I had a crush on who was one who introduced me to these books so it was like a whole rush of everything coming back to me at once and it was insane so this if you guys haven't heard Percy Jackson is getting a Disney plus TV adaptation that I'm super excited about and I ended up picking up this five book paperback set I'm extremely excited this was everything to me when I was a kid I was so obsessed with it I would always think about which God would be my parent I always wanted to be a demigod it was this is Rick Riordan made of my life so this may be it hopefully is going to be super fun I cannot wait to reread these I mean just so much nostalgia and love and happiness is in these books so this is we're excited the last books that I got I got the 20th anniversary house editions of Harry Potter only the first four are out the fifth one I believe is going to be released in June so I did pre-order it but I got Harry Potter as one through four so Phil offers for the Philosopher's Stone through Goblet of Fire is what I purchased I have already finished my reread of these three I have just started Goblet of Fire again I haven't read these in a decade over a decade so this read husband i opening i'm noticing a lot of things that I didn't want everybody's as a child so I'm having a good time so Goblet of Fire is when things are getting dark so I I'm very much looking forward to finishing that reread and I'm gonna do a video on these as well hi it's editing Breanna and I just realized I forgot to show you guys two of the books that I got the final two you I got clapping you land by Elizabeth Acevedo and I got the henna wars these are both books that I got super recently so I forgot to take them off of the shelf before to show you guys but these are part of the 50-something books that I got really excited about these I have read Elizabeth Acevedo - the poet X before and I was absolutely obsessed this is a story about queer Asian girl so I'm obsessed with this - very excited this is apology is for leaving these out before and those were all the books that I purchased thank you guys so much for watching I hope you guys liked the content even though I had no idea what 90% of these books were about I clearly an issue with buying books hopefully this is enjoyable I want to know what you guys are reading as well or any books that you want to purchase I haven't had the chance to please let me know down below I love you all very much stay safe and healthy and I'll see you again next time bye you
Channel: milkyboos
Views: 253,278
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Id: mFmnlUCE1Ik
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Length: 18min 6sec (1086 seconds)
Published: Sat May 23 2020
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