A 100% Guaranteed Method to bypass ai detection | AI detection free | plagiarism Free ai writing

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Hello everyone out there I hope  everything is fine at your end   welcome to Guru Tech Solutions as AI technology  has revolutionized the way we create content but   it also presents challenges when it comes to  ensuring originality sometimes you may find   yourself in a situation where you need to bypass  AI content and avoid unintentional plagiarism   most of the time we use AI to write our  assignments in thesis at that time there is chance   to detect AI content so we need to acquaint with  the techniques to bypass our AI generated content   therefore in today's video we will be learning  about one technique that will resolve this issue   don't skip any part of the video  to learn the entire process   at the very first stage we will use AI to  generate content once we are done with the   process we will check its plagiarism to generate  AI content I am using site AI just type site AI and then click the very first link this will land you on the  official page of this AI tool we will sign in using our existing Gmail account   so let me choose my Gmail account  and put my account details so here you go this is the final look of  this AI tool in this given space we will   be typing our question so let's suppose  I am looking for literature around the   contributing factors of student achievement  in mathematics and science in high school   um once I am done with typing I will wait for a  while it will process and Bing forth the results   so here you go this is the result you can see on the left side the entire text and  on the right side references are given if you want to learn more about any particular  study click the in-text citation by clicking   this the entire article will be opened so this is  the literature which we will be using to bypass   you can see that this literature has highlighted  various contributing factors these include early   number competence average parent education  and many more factors have been provided now what I will do I will copy the  entire AI generated text and I will   save this in a separate file for this  purpose I will be using Word document let me open my Word document after  opening Word document I will copy   the text from the AI tool and I will paste it here after that I will do a little  bit formatting where I will be   changing the font size the text size and many more once I'm done with this formatting I  will save this document in my computer we are doing this because later we will be  using this document to check its plagiarism   we are done with the first stage of saving  this AI content in a separate file now the   second step the Second Step would be checking  the plagiarism of this AI generated content   for this purpose I am using Turnitin plagiarism  Checker to detect AI content and this is the most   used and official AI content detector let me open  my Turnitin account and input all my information here I will be uploading the AI generated content let me type some imaginary name to process further once I am done with this process I will choose  the file which I have just saved on my computer so let me choose that particular document  which I have just created using site AI so here it is we will submit to check its  plagiarism this will take a few seconds once it's   done the result will be displayed on the screen  now we will check the percentage of similarity   for that I will click here this will  process and display the plagiarized content here you go you can see that  it has highlighted many texts and shows 36 percent plagiarism  wait this is not the actual case   as the entire content is generated  by AI it still shows 36 percent Turnitin latest feature can detect AI  generated content which can be seen here just click it and it will display the results here you can see that this is 82 percent  plagiarized it means AI generated content   yes we know that we have not changed a  single word and copied the content as it is   so don't be Panic now our mission is to  reduce this plagiarism to zero percent   for this purpose we will be using a  technique don't skip the video Stay   glued to your screen to see the astonishing  results stay tuned till the end of the video   we are going to discuss one brilliant idea which  can resolve the issue before we dive into the   trick a very humble request please do subscribe  this channel if you like the content so far   a humble request please now open  your web browser and type quill bot this is a free paraphrasing tool which we will  be using to paraphrase our AI generated content   you can see that this is the  official page of this tool   so I will open the content which  I have just created using site AI I will copy the entire text one by  one and paraphrase it using quill bot everything once I am done with paraphrasing  the entire text I will save the   text in a new word file which later we  will be using to check its plagiarism I will format the paraphrase document a  bit and I will save it on this computer now the final stage again we will open Turnitin  and this time we will upload the paraphrased   content which we have just saved in our computer  and we will go through the process of checking its   plagiarism since at the beginning plagiarism  was 82 percent now we have used a trick where   we paraphrased the entire text and we have  saved it in a separate file we will upload   that file and see whether the plagiarism has been  reduced or not or whether our trick to bypass AI   generated content passed or failed let's dive  into it I will choose the saved paraphrased   file and submit to check its plagiarism once you  upload it will process and generate the results wow the results are astonishing here you can  see that initially it was 36 percent now it has   dropped to zero percent by clicking the AI feature  we will check its plagiarism C the astonishing   result as at the beginning it was 86 but after  paraphrasing it has reduced to zero percent   it means that our trick worked and we successfully  reduced plagiarism from 82 to zero percent   so in this way you can bypass  your AI generated content   the process is simple what you need to do is  you just have to initially generate AI content   using any AI you want then you must paraphrase it  using any paraphrasing tool as we used quill bot   then the plagiarism will be reduced to zero  as I have demonstrated throughout the video   as content writer and student you will be surely  using this trick to bypass AI generated content I   hope the video was fruitful if so please I richly  deserve a comment besides a very humble request to   Please Subscribe this channel for more such videos  until we meet again take care of yourself [Music]
Channel: Gurru Tech Solutions
Views: 25,843
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: AI detectors, AI detection writing, academic research writing, AI detection bypass techniques, Bypassing AI content filters, Academic writing using free AI, no detection anymore, academic research, AI for academic purpose, research tools, literature review ai tool, ai tool for literature review, ai tools for literature review, ai research tools, ai for research paper writing, literature review ai, elicit ai research assistant, bypass ai detection, ai for research
Id: wVm5OQtfH4g
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 40sec (580 seconds)
Published: Thu Jul 13 2023
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