2023 Twelve Best free AI tools for Academic Research || 2023 Latest AI tools || AI for researchers

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[Music] Hello everyone I hope you are doing great in  the era of AI welcome to Guru Tech Solutions   Welcome to our video on 12 free AI tools for  academic researchers and students with the rise   of artificial intelligence these tools have become  increasingly important in research and education   they can help you automate repetitive tasks  analyze data more efficiently and create   powerful models that can accelerate your  research in this video we will explore 12   most popular and useful free AI tools that are  available to academic researchers and students   let's Dive In AI tool number one first of all  open your web browser and type chat.com thank you by entering it will take you to  the official page of this first   AI tool and the interface will appear  like this you can see click get start here we have option to upload our  PDF file by clicking here a window   will appear to and ask to choose the PDF  file which you have already downloaded we'll select this you can see it's  uploading right now it will take few seconds see this has been uploaded now it can be seen  that on the left side the uploaded article   will while on the right side you can see the space  to ask questions pertaining to the uploaded file using this AI is piece of cake or walk in the  park what we have to do is we just have to   type our question pertaining to this paper so  first I just want to know what this article is   all about you have to type and then you have  to press enter boom you can see this AI tool   has encapsulated this article in few lines you  can read these lines to understand it better foreign let's suppose I am typing another  question that is pertaining to sample size   so what is the sample size of the study so you can see it gives the answer  directly now you don't need to read   the entire article you only need to type  your question about the document in hand   let me type one more question which  methodology has been used in this study this AI provides detailed information  related to methodology of the research study let me type one more question what  are a few findings of this study and it will highlight a few findings   so you can see that this AI has highlighted  few of the major findings from this paper   it means you don't have to read the entire  article you just have to upload your file   and see the Magic by asking your question this is  in fascinating AI tool more importantly it's free   to use besides you can see whatever information  it extracts it also provide page numbers as well   I hope you like this AI tool don't skip the  video watch it full to be acquainted with   latest AI tools for academic research and studies  AI tool number two again open your Google Chrome   and type explain paper then enter and click the  very first link by clicking it will take you   this official page from its interface looks like  this now here you have to click Start for free   it will process and from here you have to  choose your Gmail account next it will log in   automatically now what you have to do is you have  to upload the downloaded file from your computer   or laptop vary akin to the first discussed  AI tool let me choose my file so here it is now see it's processing the  uploaded file you can see   the PDF document has been uploading and it  can been seen on the left side of the window while on the on the right side you can  see there is a space and this talks about   highlighting the tax it means that we just must  highlight the text from the article and this AI   will explain the particular phrase or word so  let me highlight one word from this article   for instance I am highlighting quantitative survey  by highlighting it will ask to click explain   by clicking explain this AI we'll  explain this particular phrase you can see a quantitative survey is  research method that use numerical data   blah blah so it means that you just have to  highlight any text from the article which you   want to explain for yourself so let's suppose  this time I am lighting rash analysis with   this particular term I am not familiar  with I just want to know more about it so here it is you can see that this AI has  explained in detail about the highlighted text   in the same way you can highlight other  such Words which you are not familiar   or which you want to learn more by  just highlighting those very text   lastly let's suppose I am highlighting  one more phrase It's about analysis of dif   this AI will explain here you go now this  stands for differential item functioning and   further you can read and you can understand  more pertaining to the highlighted text   it means this AI gives an opportunity  to understand the article in more depth   here is one more option to ask follow-up question  if you want to ask question you just have to click   here and then you have to type your question  and this AI told will explain that to you   isn't it in fascinating AI tool if so kindly  let know in the comments section and don't   forget to share with your colleagues and fellows  to grow together AI tool number three now let's   discuss the third AI tool open your web browser  and type Hamada and click the very first link this will take you to the official page here you  will log in using your Gmail account now I have   logged in as you can see this is the official page  the same process will be repeated as discussed for   previous two AI tools again you have to upload  your PDF document which you want to explore   I am selecting my document it will take few  seconds and it will upload automatically see it says it will take only 15 seconds now the file has been uploaded click open  by clicking here you will see this interface   on the right side you can see the uploaded  article while on the left side there is   a space to ask questions pertaining to the  uploaded article this is very similar to the   first two AI which we have already discussed so I  am typing a question what this study is all about   boom you can see that this AI tool has summarized  the entire article just in a single click now let me type one more question what are the key  findings so I want to know about the key findings   of This research study see it has brought the key  findings of this study number one talks about boys   exhibition problem solving and spatial abilities  where girls displayed better verbal skills   similarly finding number two finding  number three finding number four and so on   in this way you can type your question for  extracting information using this AI tool   let me ask last question what is the  methodology which has been used in this study   let's explore this using this AI see what it  brings out boom you can see that this has brought   out information about the methodology which has  been used in this study about the sample size   and many more I found this AI tool useful for  academic purposes and hope you will find it too   don't skip the video nine more AI tools  to be discussed ahead stay tuned till last   now we will discuss AI tool number four you can  access it by typing illicit.org in your browser   this will take you to the official page of this  free AI tool it asks for research questions   it means we do not have to upload any  downloaded file here instead we have to   type our research question around which we are  searching literature are any other information   it even doesn't ask for log in or sign up we just  have to open it and start let me type a question   this time I am asking about the contributing  factors of low achievement in mathematics   and then we have to hit search by hitting you will  get this here you can see research articles on the   left side similarly on the right side you can  see that there are various features including   filters and PDF versions of these papers these  are the articles on the left side you can see   on the other hand on the right side you can see  the summaries of the abstracts of these articles   it means you don't have to read the entire  article or abstract just read the summary and   you will get an idea about the relevancy of these  articles by clicking here you will get this here   you can see that it has given findings of four  various studies you can read them one by one and   you can make these part of your literature  review by just copying and paraphrasing   these you can include in your assignments or  papers to make your arguments strong enough besides at the bottom you can see there  is an option to find out more about these   studies including number of participants  and the outcome variables and many more   I found this free AI tool vital for literature  review section since there we have to search   literature around different topics and this AI  provides very short summaries which can be used   in various ways hope you like this AI now let's  move on now let's discuss AI tool number five   for this you have to type word tune  red I typing the link will be provided click on the first link this will take you to  the official page of this free AI tool here we   have three options let's talk a bit about these  the first one is about uploading downloaded PDF   the second one is to paste the link of  the research article which we want to   read or summarize the third one is to paste the  entire text now I will upload my PDF document   for this I will click browse file  from here I will choose my document now you will see this AI is processing  it here you go you can see that   on the right side the article which you uploaded  you can see this the entire article here   similarly on the left side you can see the  summaries of the entire article is given   you can see the entire summary of the text  on page one similarly by scrolling down you   can see that page number two summary it means  you don't have to read the entire paper now   you can see the summaries of each  section by just scrolling down   and these summaries are in just a few  words besides there are other features   these include viewing The Source by clicking here  or you can re-summarize the text by clicking here besides there is the option to copy the text  and even you can add any text in your notes   I found this AI an amazing tool for  academic purposes including literature   review and writing summaries of  lengthy articles in few clicks   hope you liked it too please don't forget to  comment and share in your circle to grow together   don't skip the video seven more best free AI to  discuss ahead let's drive into AI tool number six   open your browser and type quill bot by  typing you will get the very first link   this is a free AI tool which can be used  for paraphrasing any text free of cost   by clicking the first link you will land on the  official page of this free AI tool you can see the   interface looks like this now what you have to do  just have to copy the text you want to paraphrase   and paste here so let's suppose I am copying this  text so I will copy it and I will paste it here then I will click paraphrase by clicking  this AI tool will paraphrase the entire text   boom you can see the entire copied text  has been paraphrased in single click   read and modify until you are satisfied if  you are not satisfied with the paraphrase you can re-paraphrase by just clicking here  now again you can read and if you are still   not satisfied follow the same process one best  feature of this free AI tools is it gives you   an opportunity to replace each word like  examining can be replaced by various words   similarly proficiency can be replaced by many  words you can see here so this AI tool can be used   for paraphrasing and we know that in research it  plays an important role because while writing your   research paper or particularly literature review  you need to paraphrase the existing literature   I hope you liked this free AI tool AI tool  number seven open your browser and type spin boat click the very first provided link and you will  land on the official page of this free AI tool   this AI tool is actually a paraphrasing tool  similar to the previous one which we have   already discussed and the process is very similar  to the previous one what we have to do is we have   to copy the text which we want paraphrase and then  you have to paste here after pasting this text   we just have to click the basic spin to see  the magic you can see the entire copied text   has been paraphrased here see initially there  were 732 words now it has been reduced to 700.   so this free AI tool can also be used for your  research purposes including literature review   or the text which you want to paraphrase and  make part and parcel of your research study   AI tool number eight open your browser and type  GPT -1 by typing various links will be available   what you have to do is you have  to choose the very first link   and this will land you to the  official page of this AI tool   now see what it does actually it replaces  words with suitable synonyms you can see here   so what we have to do is we just need to copy the  text we want to paraphrase using suitable synonyms   and then we have to paste over here and then click  submit by clicking you can see that few of the   words has been highlighted it means that this AI  tool has replaced few words with these synonyms   so this AI tool can also be used in  order to paraphrase your work or text   it's very easy to handle isn't it so  let me know in the comment section   don't skip the video we have  four more AIS to discuss ahead   stay tuned AI tool number nine this is a  famous AI tool in 2023 which is called chatgpt click the very first link this  link will take you to this page   from here you have to click try chat GPT and  boom here is the official page of this AI tool   know what you have to do is to type whatever  comes to your mind your question or any query   so let's suppose I am typing what are the  common contributing factors in low achievement   in mathematics and then click enter and this will  bring the results see it has highlighted few of   the major contributing factors which contributes  in students low achievement in mathematics   so this AI is free to use and it has  gained considerable attention in this era   you can read the various factors one by one  you want to find relevant articles related   to mathematics achievement this AI tool will  find few of the articles with their references   you can see the first article the  author's details and everything is given   so what I can do is I can access these articles  by searching on Google and I can read more about   these articles to make them part of my research  or literature review sections in recent times this   AI has been upgraded too now you can access chat  gpt4 however it's not free but you can use this   version for various purposes AI tool number  10. open your browser and type paper Digest   this AI tool digests the academic papers it means  that in single click it provides summarization of   lengthy papers click the very first link  this will lend you to the official page   here it says this will reduce you reading to  three minutes so this is the official page   of this AI tool what we have to do is just  copy the DOI number of our research paper   let's suppose this is the paper which I want to  summarize so I will copy the DOI number from here and then I will paste it here then click digest  and it will process now you can see this AI has   provided the summary of the article with very  few words this was the lengthy article you can   see and it has summarized this in very few  words the first section is pertaining to   what this article is actually all about here you  can see you can read what this article is about and the second section is about what  you can we learn from this article   so it highlights the findings of this  provided article so in this way you can   digest any lengthy article using this free AI  tool I hope you like this AI tool so don't skip   the video we have more AIS to discuss ahead AI  tool number 11. if you are a research student   you might find it difficult to cite studies or  write references of various sources but don't   panic now we will discuss one AI that resolves  this issue type site fast in Google Chrome   and click the very first link this will land  you to the official page of this AI tool you   can see that various formats for referencing  has been available APA 6 APA 7 or Chicago   besides various sources can be cited these include  websites books Journal articles and many more   you we have two methods vary first methods  to fill manually all the information   and in the second method it will do automatically  you just have to click the auto and then you have   to put title of the article here let's suppose  this is the article I will copy the article title   and I will paste it here and then click search  after searching it will find the relevant article   I will click and this will automatically add all  information in the relevant sections author's name   your publication article title and many more now I  will click save citation and here it is from here   you can download the reference in Word document  here it is downloading so using this AI you can   create auto references in single click which is a  difficult task when it comes to doing it manually   or other ways use this Ai and make your life  easier last but not least AI tool number 12.   this AI tool also helps in creating Auto  referencing and citation open your web browser   and type my bid click the very first link this  will land you to the official page of this free AI you can choose your format from here  I am choosing APA 7. besides it gives   opportunity to cite various sources these include  websites Journal article videos and many more   over it gives three different options you  just have to copy the title or DOI number   of any article or you can also choose the PDF  file from your laptop or computer and the last   one is you can drag and drop your PDF here I  will copy the title of the article from here   and I will paste it here see it will find  the relevant article just click this relevant   article and you are done with this boring task  if you have done it manually or other sources it   will automatically add all the information in the  required section you can see here now click save and you can download This by clicking here   it gives various formats to download I will choose  Word document and it will download see I am done since we are living in ai's Era being researcher  and student we must know few of the free latest   AI tools I tried to bring forth the most used  and free AI tools I hope the video was fruitful   if so please leave a comment and  besides don't forget to subscribe   Guru Tech solutions for more such videos  until we meet again take care bye [Music]
Channel: Gurru Tech Solutions
Views: 47,484
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: gurrutechsolutions, Education, technology solutions, Twelve Best free AI tools for Academic Research, 2023 Latest AI tools, AI tools, AI for academic purpose, Referencing using AI tools, mybib, citefast, paper digest, academic research, using AI, AI for studeis, elicit.org, chatgpt, GPT minues 1, GPTMinues-1, word tune read, twelve best AI tools, best AI tools, Free AI tools
Id: qtlUwwtvuEg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 59sec (1499 seconds)
Published: Mon May 01 2023
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