Use ChatGPT without AI Score and Plagiarism II Simple and smart tips II My Research Support

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so this video would be really very important and interesting to all of you so if you are at all involved in writing assignments research papers review papers thesis research proposals or any other relevant documents and if you want this tool to write everything then yes this video is for you but recently many plagiarism checking tools have started this AI detection feature they have also Incorporated the similar type of AI algorithm so that if you are using if you are generating your document from this charge GPT then that can be cached under this AI detection tools means if you are checking these documents in this plagiarism shaking tools may be in turnitin authenticate or cool then there along with this plagiarism AI score will be mentioned separately means if your generated a complete document then there is a possibility there is a probability that AI score may be hundred percent or the plagiarism may be zero percent or five percent or ten percent but don't worry there are some ways or rather tricks that you have to apply to the generated document then if you are checking that document in any of the pleasure and checking tool then it won't be detect did even under plagiarism or under this AI detection tool so we'll be discussing each and everything in this video but prior to that please do not forget to subscribe this channel to get the similar kind of information in near future now with proper examples we'll be discussing each and every step but prior to that let me discuss about this chart GPT so if you are using charge GPT then make sure that you are using a latest model maybe charge GPT 3.5 or 4 because if you are using the older versions older models then there is a possibility that maximum text can be detected under this AI detection tools now we'll convert some text with the help of this chart GPT and we'll be discussing different AI detection tools so we'll see if as it is if you are generating the text and putting there under this AI detection tools then what percentage they will be showing what percentage of AI score and then we will discuss that what steps you need to apply so that this AI score will be reduced or even it is completely minimized this is chargpt interface so if you wanted to use it then you have to either first register or login by using your Google or Gmail credentials so you can use this link so that when you log in you will be getting this webpage so basically this is free however if you wanted to use unlimited the higher model then in that case you might have to pay the subscription charges so here you can see that I can use 3.5 this is charge GPT plus actually this gpt4 model or Regency you can see what is the difference basically in GPT 3.44 so few of the features will vary so if you need a specific text related to your topic you can put the keywords here and then you will be getting the text generated by this tool so if you need to maybe for some part of introduction to write your research paper review paper you can put this that topic related keywords here if you need the advancements done over the last 10 years 5 years or for a specific duration then also you can put similar keywords so if I need to write statement of purpose for my PhD admission and if I put in this keywords then you can see how this chatbot is writing the statement of purpose for me and this language is also very effective you can read that dear admission committee I'm writing to express my strong interest in pursuing Graduate Studies love love so in this way you will get your documents generated by using this chart GPT so this is again another document that I have generated so let me copy a part of this text generated in this AI detection tools we will be using basically copy licks and another is this zero jpt so just paste the copy text here and check so you can see here thus whatever content which is highlighted which is caught under this AI detection tool so it is showing around 95 3 percent probability for AI I mean almost complete text is shown under this AI detection however let us take one other example this is zero GPT which is also AI detection too so copy so I am pasting the copied text and detect text so we will see so here you can see here it is showing 70.97 percent so as I have explained in my previous video that different tools the AI detection tools will use different algorithms in that case it is possible that for few text these tool will be showing 100 for few text this tool will be showing 100 percent so for that we will be taking these two examples okay now so the most important thing is how to reduce this AI score or how to make your document completely unique so that you can submit it in the University or maybe in the journal so for that you have to first understand about this algorithms means how this algorithms detect the AIS score so it is very simple to understand for example if a specific algorithm which is used by chart jpt algorithm is a kind of program so that writes a specific sentence if similar kind of program is incorporated by this plasm checking tools air detection tools then obviously this sentence written by charge GPT can be cached under this AI detection tool okay so now you have to disturb you have to play with the sequence of words means a specific sentence which is generated by this algorithm so you have to just disturb the sequence of words maybe you can use some synonyms or you can just change the sequence maybe some words here and there then obviously that sequence cannot be caught under this AI detection tool because that is not trained to catch that it is only Trend that program is exactly similar to this program so in this way we can just disturb the sequence and we can reduce the AI detection score okay so this thing that we can perform by two ways you can do it on your own you can disturb this sequence by your own that we will be discussing this also and the second way is to disturb the sequence by using different paraphrases so let us discuss both the ways so first we will see how to break the sequence by our own and then we will move towards the Second Step which is by using different paraphrases so let me go back to this so I am copying this same paragraph so you can use separate file Word file okay so I am just altering the words maybe the position of the words here and there career flow such as water oil and water so I am just converting this into water or oil so they are composed of carrier fluids such as water oil where micro mirror size linear particles are dispersed or are dispersed you can use synonyms as well okay so you have to just remove this part now you have just move this part to the beginning that is the only thing that you have changed okay now we'll see whether what has happened to this AI score just go back to this copy link and I am just pasting the modified text and check okay here now we will see that I have only changed the sequence of one sentence and now it is showing this is a human text okay if you copy the same text here under this tool zero GPT we'll see what happened whether it has reduced AI score or not okay here also you can see that it is showing zero percent a i g p t means the complete text is written by human so this is the one way that you can do you can just modify you can you may use some synonyms or change the sequence of words you can just move the words here and there but what I'll prefer is see this is a time consuming process and hence you may move towards either this parabrising tool which is a kill board or this is word tool I personally prefer word tune because of its accuracy so if you need any of these subscriptions in a reasonable cost or discounted cost then definitely we have given our email ID in this video description we can you can contact us obviously the free version is also available but the free version is available with the limited number of words and with limited features so just convert that text let's go back to the charge GPT copy the same paragraph control copy so first I'll be copying this here under this queue board okay then you have to click on paraphrase so here on the right side the complete text has complete text is ready okay so you have to copy the text from here this is a modified text the little problem with the keyboard that the quilboot may replace few non-technical words but obviously you can change the words if you want to change this response word you will be getting several other choices so that would be there but still little manual attention is required so you have to copy from here and then again we'll go back to this copy licks then paste that text and check so here again you will see that this is a human text okay similar text if I am copying I am pasting here under this zero GPT so here also you will see that zero percent a i is detected so similarly if you are converting the same text from copy from this word tune paste and you can select all this text and rewrite okay what I personally like about this word tune that this is really accurate tool as compared to kill board the accuracy is little more so you will be getting different choices here itself so you might read that each and every text and you can confirm so if I need this text then I have to just copy from here and let's go back to this AI detection tool check okay here also you will see that this is a human text similarly we can copy the same text here detect text okay here also it is showing zero percent eigpt so in this way basically by using paraphrasing tool see if you want to just convert see if you have for example if you use charge apt and if you have written two three pages maybe four or five pages and in that case if you are doing if you are trying to do it on your own to rephrase then it becomes time consuming task so you can use either this paraphrasing tool or this word tool so that this a i score will be drastically reduced in my upcoming video I will be showing you AI detection tool of turnitin because the turnitin is the mostly employed see even though you are using AI detection tools you must have a plagiarism Checker and mostly preferred preferred is obviously turn it in so in next video we will be discussing that AI detection tool which is there internet and we will see its accuracy and at what level it will be detecting this AI score and whether it will be detecting the AIS score to what level it is detecting the AIS score of paraphrase text that we will analyze so in this way you can obviously use charge Deputy but the most important thing that if you are looking for the tool that can write a research papers for you then that is actually not possible see the research paper is typically based on the experimentation or experimental reserves that we got so we have to elaborate all this research in our own word so you have to typical explanation every result and that is a novel work so obviously the chart GPT also won't be able to explain those results and all but obviously you will get some idea you will get some effective words out of from this chart GPT so so that you can just use those words and you can explain your results in that way basically this chart GPT can help you in writing your research papers but other than research papers in writing research proposals may be statement or purposes and any other similar documents definitely this will help you a lot and now I hope this information will help you so to get similar kind of information please do not forget to subscribe this Channel and hit the Bell icon so I'll see you in my next video bye bye [Music]
Channel: My Research Support
Views: 166,160
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Keywords: my research support, nilesh kumbhar, research, research support, chatgpt, chat gpt, chatgpt 4, chat gpt 4, Use ChatGPT without AI Score and Plagiarism, how to use chatgpt, how to use chatgpt 4, chatgpt free, al detection, ai detection tool, ai detection remover, chat openai, chatbot, plagiarism checker, how to write research paper, how to reduce plagiarism, how to remove plagiarism
Id: Pw3d67Zg9nI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 33sec (873 seconds)
Published: Fri May 05 2023
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