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I think AI content today I think it's here to stay and I think the best thing writers can do is get on board with learning how to use it now one of the things that I think is going to be increasingly more important is when you use it you need to make sure that you're not getting caught in AI content detectors AI content detectors are going to become more and more of a problem so if you're using AI to generate articles blog posts social media posts I think it's very likely that social media platforms and platforms like Google are going to form a Tighter and Tighter net to catch you out and penalize you for using AI content does this mean you shouldn't use AI content no it just means you have to be smarter about how to use it hello hello welcome to 2023 and welcome to this video if you don't know who I am my name is Julie rain and I create videos that are all about how to grow your blogging Empire I'm going to teach you how to use AI content generators in a Smart Way avoid detection and still feel proud of the work that you're doing you're not Outsourcing it to a robot so without further Ado let's jump in to clarify the purpose of this video is to make sure that you don't get caught unfairly in the crossfire of AI content detectors penalizing your content because you relied on AI to help you write it if you used AI to generate a blog post I honestly think you deserve to get caught so if that's you this video is not for you this is for people like me who want to use AI as a tool not as a cheat if that makes sense let's set the stage a little bit what tool what tool am I going to use now I've been playing I wasn't around when I made my last AI review video called chat GPT 3 and frankly I've been pretty impressed with how easy it is to use and how good it is to use so I'm going to be using chat gbt3 to show you how I would be using it to write an article now as far as the content detection I'm going to use a tool called content at skills AI content detector I think it's pretty great what I like about it is it gives you a little percentage that says like oh this is 70 likely to be written by a human or no this was definitely written by a robot okay now let's see how I would use AI to start writing a blog post what about something like this I've asked it to outline seven key differences between data scientists and data analysts this is something that is very competitive on Google so many people have written articles about this a lot of the content out there is not very good because it's written by people who want to rank on SEO so hopefully we're going to do a little bit better than that Okay so chat GPT is generating seven key differences I came up with seven because I like the number seven you know um so these are the seven things that I would be writing about in my article so what I'll do is I'll say now let's get it to generate the introduction to the article outline that it's just given me this is what we're going to be testing I'm not going to read this out loud because it looks very boring I'm going to point out a couple of key Hallmarks here so in today's data driven World organization's Reliant level I'm already bored this AI generated article I can tell it's AI generated because it's boring it has nothing new it has nothing creative it has nothing original now this is this is a really dull paragraph and let's see when we go to content at scale is free AI detector let's check out what the robot thinks got a human content score of two percent obviously AI now I thought that was pretty funny because yes this is obviously AI what can I do to punch this up what can I do to make this better how can I evade on how can I trick AI content detectors because honestly like anybody can tell this is AI there are a couple of weird things you can do like for example adding in random spaces or um just adding in like wrong comments or spell spelling errors this actually really increases the human scores because you can see that even with just a couple key changes this looks good right because I've written DOTA instead of data I don't recommend doing this why because this is going to be very easy to catch now if you look grammarly can already catch this of course um soon everybody's going to be able to figure out oh obvious spelling mistakes obvious grammar mistakes those are just a way to evade AI content detectors so you may be able to get away with doing this now but I don't recommend doing it in the future so that's the low hanging fruit right and I again I don't recommend doing that now I'm looking at this and if you're in my position you're thinking well I kind of know the difference between data science and data analysts but maybe not enough to write from my own personal perspective what can I do instead you know who knows a lot about the differences between data scientists and data analysts and who's pretty expert at what's AI writing give you a guess I'm going to tell you it's chat jpt so here's something really interesting let's go to a new chat and input this into chat GPT and ask it ask chat gbt if it thinks that this was written by AI now this is where AI is telling on itself a little bit Chad gbt is snitching on itself it is telling us exactly why it can tell this is written by a robot not by a human so like the free AI content detector chat GPT also thinks that this is written by AI which is right because it wrote this paragraph like five minutes ago so no surprise is there the interesting thing here is you can actually ask it to tell you what exactly makes it that AI flavor well I mean I think most of us intuitively know that there are a couple Hallmarks of AI writing that chat GPT will actually be able to tell us so the chart appears to be well structured informative and uses a formal language here's what I'm talking about no errors or inconsistency finally the text covers a specific topic and lists out key points which is a common pattern seen as AI generated text okay interesting now here's the really cool part you can actually ask AI the chat GPT actually to punch this up to make it more like a human Road and less like an AI wrote it I'm interested to see the results now the great thing about this is it doesn't just rephrase it but it tells you what it did to make it sound more human and less robotic so it changes we to I it adds some like connection phrases like you'll be able to decide what career path is bright for you and or data scientists and data analysts come in so let's take this paste it back into the free AI content detector and see what our robot thinks so you can see that chat gpt3 is actually able to rewrite this to sound apparently 99 written by a human and let's see what chat GPT thinks of this in a new chat foreign so this is funny even though the free AI content detector couldn't tell that this was not written by AI the of course the thing that generated it can so that was really interesting now if I were you I would not be satisfied with this as an introduction this does not make me happy because this is missing one really critical thing that will make you 100 guaranteed to evade all AI content detectors forever you know what that is an element of human writing but I would add to this to make it easy to evade the AI content detection now let's see what it thinks of this it's actually worse that's so funny now let's let's go with my revised improved personal anecdote example now this is the key if you want to forever be able to evade all AI content detectors no matter how smart they get no matter how sophisticated they get you're going to need to actually write stuff yourself um I don't know of any better way to say that the best way to trick AI content detectors is to use them as a tool not to use them to generate text some content detectors may be fooled by Extra Spaces weird commas they may be fooled by chat gpt's rewriting of these but a even chart gbt can tell that it was written by a robot not a human and B I think as a human you can probably still tell that it was written by a robot you might not yet be subject to penalizations on your content on your blog on your website but the day will come when those algorithms catch up to you and honestly the day is probably already here that your readers have caught up to you and they're just not appreciating your your garbage content I hate to say it so if you're watching this video looking for a cheap way to produce garbage SEO optimized content this isn't it I create videos that are about how to write good stuff I really believe I have come I've come to realize that AI can help you do this um it generated those seven differences that I can definitely use to research and come up with myself but it's never going to be able to write the blog for you um because it's never going to be able to introduce this kind of anecdote right it's never going to be able to include personal lived experience because ultimately it is a robot okay so to summarize there are three ways to trick AI content detectors number one you can put weird spaces spelling mistakes commas grammar errors that will fool stuff today that it won't full stuff tomorrow I can tell you that number two you can use chat GPT to rewrite the phrase or paragraph or whatever to sound less robotic this may fool some AI content detectors as we've seen but it won't fool all of them and it won't fool your readers and of course number three write it yourself or at least write most of it and include a lot of personal compelling anecdotes and details from your own lived experience that's my rant thank you for coming to my TED talk thank you for watching this video and I honestly I would love to hear what you think about these strategies um I'm making this video in part because on my last AI video uh commenter challenged me she was like I honestly think you're wrong about AI you can use it to research stuff and I listened to her and she was right you can so I'm really interested to hear what your feedback is on this content thank you so much for watching put your comments in the um the comment box below I answer them as often as I can and yeah I'm really looking forward to hearing what you think thank you so much I'll see you in the next video Happy 2023
Channel: Zulie Rane
Views: 38,810
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: i5UVcXbakxI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 56sec (716 seconds)
Published: Fri Jan 20 2023
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