ChatGPT+Quillbot vs Turnitin! Can Turnitin detect ChatGPT text after it is paraphrased by Quillbot?

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[Music] foreign this video I'm going to get chat GPT to generate an essay I'm then going to take that essay and put it in coolbot and then paraphrase it and they're going to take that paraphrased essay and submit it into turnitin and see if turnitin can detect that it was AI generator right so here's the essay it's a essay about one of Sigmund Freud's topics and there it has generated the essay I've then copied the exact same essay into quilbot I'm not going to say paraphrase right it's now paraphrased it I'm not going to copy it I'm putting it into a Word document and I'm now going to upload this word document on to turnitin right I'm now uploading the essay onto turnitin and let's have a look at the result right so here's the essay it does come up with a 14 similarity index but this is a very common Topic in especially the psychologies so I'm not so worried about the similarity and it's only a sentence here and there but what I'm interested in is the AI side and unfortunately turnitin was unable to pick up that this essay was generated comp completely by AI alright so turnitin was unable to detect that the essay was generated by Ai and was paraphrased by coolbot so now what about the original essay could turn it in detect that the original essay was derived from Chet GPT so I'm going to run the original essay that has not been paraphrased and I'm going to see what turnitin does right so it was now submitted and let's go and check the result right so here's the output notice AI 100 but in this case turnitin was proficient in determining that the essay was 100 derived from AI but the one that was paraphrased by quill bot as you can see turnitin was unable to detect that now what I'm going to do is I'm going to do a second essay I've asked chatgpt to do an essay on generator protection now this is in a completely different field this is the electrical engineering field and I'm going to copy the output I'm going to run it through turn it in and see if turnitin can determine that it was AI generated right so here's the output let's have a look at it right so here's the turnitin report and turnitin did an excellent job at detecting that these Pages were AI generated 100 generated by AI now I'm going to run it through coolbot and do this test again the new essay is inserted into cobot I'm going to run the paraphrase tool I've copied the text all right so now I've taken that same AI generated essay I've run it through quill Bots paraphraser and this is what has happened so in this case unfortunately once again turnitin was unable to determine that the essay was 100 AI generated once it was put through quill bot so cool bot did a very good job of humanizing the text because if you compare it to the previous submission you can see that turnitin was 100 accurate that was when it was not paraphrased and then after paraphrasing with coolbot we can see that turnitin was unable to detect it all right so it's just a very small test but I will be performing more of these tests in the future thanks for watching
Channel: ecologicaltime
Views: 10,747
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Id: 2aTBStoDbc8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 3min 5sec (185 seconds)
Published: Sat Jun 24 2023
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