5 NEW Hottest FREE AI Tools for Research That Are ACTUALLY Useful!

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AI is here and AI is here to stay However if you're an academic I'd recommend against using chat GPT for your academic research because the references it gives you are fake it isn't tailored towards academic learning and academic research so here are six tools that I'm going to be sharing with you today that are free to use for the most part um test them out for yourself see if they suit your kind of research area and your needs and we're going to go through all of them today to show you how to help you through finding resarch papers linking ideas doing a systematic review writing better um interrogating PDFs and just yeah it's amazing so we're going to go through it today okay so let's start off with chat PDF so this is an interesting one that I discovered a little while ago and I actually really like it so this is what it looks like it's really simple really clean you just drop your PDF document here so this can be any document it could be a literature um bit of literature that you've downloaded did it could be um something else that you've written so essentially I'm just going to click that one um that I did a little while ago so you can kind of see what you can get out of it so here's the paper 16 pages long so it's quite long and I just want to understand it a little bit better so the first thing you can see is that it asks me some questions that are example questions that are kind of like prompting me so um one it's asked is how does the ACT inside skeleton generate force and what are its implications so it's actually picked out some interesting questions for me to think about for this paper even if I hadn't necessarily asked any questions yet so I said summarize this paper and it gave me a kind of a good summary kind of reviewing what it's about and what the article explains and what it discusses and how it concludes so I really like that I think it's a great summary the next thing I asked was how does it act inside skeleton generate Force so that something a bit more specific a little bit more scientific again it gave me a really good um sort of summary but it also taught me to scroll to this area to get some references about what they're speaking about so that's really good what are the main results and this is something I thought was really interesting that I pointed out so this is actually a review paper so there are no main results um and it said as it's a review article it does not present any new experimental results and I was really impressed by that so uh yeah just something to note um and then I said what are some gaps in this research area and one of the questions I get a lot is how can I find a gap in literature things like that so I thought a review paper would be a really good uh place where it would normally stat although we know this information little has known about this and that so I thought it'd be able to pick out those keyword from this paper and actually it was able to do that really well so as you can see it says there are several gaps in the research area um one of them is about the ambiguity of this the the term itself another one is about the structure another one is about the molecular composition and so on and so forth so it gives you a really good idea for where to begin so yeah I really like this I think it's not only able to explain it in a in an easy way but also goes into quite a lot of scientific detail which is really good and really handy okay moving on to the next one the next one is called lit maps and essentially the name kind of tells you what it does it's a map of the literature as you can see here you can input your keyword and search for some literature or an author or if you know the specific papers you can also do it like that and and you're able to discover new papers you can visualize at the map of what how other articles join together you can share it with your collaborators and you can also export it in a nice way to kind of show what that looks like if you want to include it in your research paper and also kind of get notifications for it too so um here's an example of what I've done to show you um before so essentially the idea is that you have a seed paper paper so there's this idea of seed paper which is essentially your base paper the paper that you think is most important to your research or most relevant to your research and that is the base and everything else sort of stems from that research paper so you can input that paper there and you can search for it if you want so I'm going to search for one and you can kind of just scroll through and sort of see how many references this has how many times it's been cited and how many citations it has and things like that and bit more bit more detail I think you can include it here so that's quite nice to be able to see um and then let's say we agree on I don't know let's say we agree on this one you can generate a seed map so what it does is it takes that paper that you're interested in and it generates a map of similar papers um and it kind of prompts you to take a look at those papers and they're related in a number of different ways and this platform calculates that for you and it goes into a lot more detail I think it's quite important for you to know how it generates this map so you are able to recognize whether or not you want to use this platform um but actually it's it's quite cool cuz it has this support section here on the left hand side these blog posts are really really good actually so how to find research gaps in minutes and they give you two ways to find a research Gap so using your own lit show review and secondly using an existing literature review so this is really handy and it tells you exactly how to do it um and it's actually really good and the other one I like is how to understand their Vis visualization so if you're not quite sure what this means this is also a good way of kind of telling you what these mean and the last one I liked was this one using systematic reviews how to input this information into a systematic review I think that's really handy as well so yeah just have a little kind of um play around with it it's really handy really helpful helped to discover new papers as well okay so moving on to the next one this is one of my my favorite platforms one of my favorite AI research based platforms is called site and it has this tool called site assistant and I have shared it before on my on my channel and essentially it's a place where you are able to ask questions and get support that is always cited and always referenced using research papers so it's genuine um and that's really important for you as a as an academic so let's ask a question um I've asked this question so is there a Gap in knowledge about how the cell cortex is nucleated so I want to ask a quite general question and I want to see what it pulls out and how it pulls it out um you can change the settings so you can say only include papers within a certain time frame you can change the settings here and say um for example always use references don't always use them let the assistant decide um what journals you want to take a look at from um what kind of Publications you want to to to be looked at how many Publications to consult so you can ask it to consult like 40 Publications which will make your answer a lot more of course specific and tailored but I think 10 is more than enough okay and as you can see it's generated this answer for me it's essentially giv me a bit of a summary as to the topic area and then it's giv me some parts of the research that we don't quite understand they said that there may be different mechanisms there might be um this understanding that we don't know there might be a lack of this understanding we need more research to understand these processes and then it summarizes in in summary whilst there's some understanding of this there are still gaps n knowledge and it gives you the information and the nice thing about it if you probably can notice is that the references are all quite recent which is a good sign if they were referencing things from 2012 2013 2014 um predominantly that's quite concerning because what's happened in the last 10 years like where's that research but their research is from 2022 21 um 2022 21 one um this is 2014 and this is actually someone from my research group and this is actually quite an important paper for this topic so it's good that they've mentioned it as well here um and it looks at how many searches like what kind of searches they did um to be able to get this response so again I love this platform I think it's so good for getting concise answers with uh research to back it up okay so the next one is called size space and I believe they actually Chang their name to type set if I'm not mistaken um but anyway this is another and that's quite similar to chat PDF a little bit more academic um tailored but it's a a kind of scientific space where you are able to ask questions and interrogate PDFs as well um so what you can do here is you can have a library and kind of save some papers in your library as well if you'd like and then you can also upload a PDF so as you can see here I've uploaded a PDF and the nice thing about this again is it gives you some questions that it's suggesting that are general questions that you should know more specific question questions that you should know and also some questions that you might have asked yourself I really like this because this is essentially a way to revise if you've got a VI coming up or some sort of like um presentation coming up it's really handy to kind of know what are the key things you need to know about every paper so like um methods data conclusions limitations things like that if you have any maths it can also explain it to you and I did test out I'm not sure if this one has any maths but it can um test out and explain math and tables to you I don't think this one has any tables unfortunately but I've tried it and it actually does work so do try out for yourself if you want to another feature it has is you can use the AI Search tool as well just to ask some questions so I've asked the same question about a gaping knowledge about how the cell cortex is nucleated so let's see how how it answers this and how it kind of comes up okay this is interesting so it gives an Insight from five papers um and it gives you oh it's interesting quite recent papers about the cell cortex and it says yes there is a gap yes there is a gap it doesn't provide about a gap no this is really cool so you're able to get some insights and you can also add some other suggestions as well to kind of collect your data and I think this would be really helpful if you're doing like a systematic review um or any kind of review meta review um paper as well okay so the next one is called graph maker I'm frequently asked about AI tools that will help you generate images and make graphs for you and things like that and I've found and stumbled across this one called graph maker and you can see that you're able to generate a graph instantly using AI um and you can use it either by dropping your CSV data you can use Google Sheets connect it to your Google Sheets account or use some sample data and you can also talk to the data so let's just use some sample data so you can see what that could look like so here's the data it's all given to me there so then I've asked it to make a pie chart of top genre so that is this column here and as you can see it has made me a pie chart and that was really quick actually and you can clearly see that the the large category is dance pop and then the smallest categories are over here with 1% so this is lovely I think this is great and if you're able to import your data here and quickly generate some images like this that would work really well and last but not least this is research rabbit and they like to call themselves The Spotify for research papers um because ENT it generates you give it one paper and then it gives you recommendations for other papers that you they think you might like and then they also give you notifications and they kind of give you suggestions similar to how Spotify would do it for music as well so I guess that's where that's come from so I I find research rabbit a little bit too busy for my liking personally you might find that you actually really enjoy this kind of layout um but essentially you input one paper and you can either have your own collection you can connect to zero which is your library that you've been collecting anyway so it's quite a nice sort of seamless way of doing it and then it can you can explore other papers so you can explore papers that are similar um you can explore papers that are earlier work so older work you can explore like later work you can explore different authors suggested authors it really goes into a lot of detail and then I really like this kind of image and you're able to use these images to export it and add it to your dissertation or your essay if you want to as well I think this works quite well well and you can modify the type of graph with timeline like that so you can clearly see sort of what that looks like terms of year that looks quite good and you can also add different Chang the author layout um as you as you wish so yeah I think quite like it this this kind of these platforms take a lot of kind of playing around and understanding make sure that you know how they're generating these connections but I think it could be quite useful and save a lot of time especially if you you don't want to be searching every single day for literature I hope that you enjoyed learning and discovering another set of AI tools to help you with your research there are so many more out there if you want another part to this video then I would definitely make it for you in a few weeks time and if you have any other suggestions that you'd like to leave down below then let me know and I'll see you guys in my next one bye
Channel: Dr Amina Yonis
Views: 158,708
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Id: _Wtq4XHba6s
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Length: 13min 22sec (802 seconds)
Published: Sat Oct 28 2023
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