Asmongold Reacts To "The Decline of Blizzard" | By The Act Man

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okay gentlemen aya promised this video for an entire week we are finally here it is finally time we are going to finally watch this video the decline a blizzard that is why Warcraft 3 you reforged saw so terrible I never played a blizzard game ever that's about right what the [ __ ] shall have your wish funny my mind is completely blank now I could have sworn I was just upset about something but strange I don't Culley sit with me I have a tale for you is it about videogames the [ __ ] you think it is of course work what do you wish to tell me old man well long ago when videogames were much simpler there existed a company called Blizzard over time Blizzard released several outstanding games that were not only awards but the hearts of millions with every new title blaze I managed to outdo themselves they were like Tom Brady and for many years Blizzard commanded great respect from gamers everywhere sure dead though so what happened the games are great right and and they kept making them awesome I don't believe you can target a single mistake and say this is where it all went wrong although Blizzard was well loved by many gamers yeah there were some points something in them to twist and contort until they were no longer that godlike beings we saw the mass there's got to be more to it than that yep telling tell me everything if you insist [ __ ] oh I want to say like one big part of it is like yeah Activision or whatever but one big part of it is the fact that there were always people that complained about and hated blizzard it's just that the internet wasn't around it's like everybody hates every game now everybody hates every company now so there's a there's a point where you need to realize that as well 2010 inch yeah I think that's about right [Music] that was weird the decline of Blizzard is not a story about a successful business that is now failing but rather a business that continuously fails its fans Blizzard my favorite game developers of all time my love for this company started when I was like 5 years old 7 and I've given them more than a decade's worth of support Blizzard rush me Lord Nintendo Bungie these were the companies I knew of growing up as exactly all of the same work exactly the same nothing makes me feel old quite like reminiscing on the first time I ever played a real computer game yeah sitting there with pajama Sam Freddy fish math blaster dead person I had math blaster back in the day my mom [ __ ] made me get it because I like I didn't want to learn how to do math like I had all those old [ __ ] games man like I still have like the old Duke Nukem thing the room sits me down and says son you're almost 5 years old but you've got a lot of demanding up to do it's time for a real game hansman starcraft and it was like I'm Harry Potter grabbing the one that was destined for me I have so many playing the single-player campaign custom games loving the story voice acting now this was really good back in the deck go this is my wall about how awesome these games are and hopefully I get to make a video about them someday the storytelling was out of this world but what really by walking away were the city man yes that intro to brood war [Music] I love this cinematics back then you guys need to understand like it's like is so long ago it's hard to remember but the cinematics back then they were the same quality they were better than the BFA cinematics because Blizzard was like so far ahead of everybody else and I think as time has come a time as it passed other companies have caught up to Blizzard but back then there was like Blizzard cinematics and then nobody and then nobody and then maybe other cinematics like they were just so far above and beyond everybody else it was [ __ ] ridiculous you have to remember this was in the 90s the dis [ __ ] came out that intro so much I parodied it in a horribly irrelevant video Starcraft was so awesome beyond what Blizzard created themselves yeah and the map editor allowed for unique custom games that anyone could play I never did custom run this time my brother and I somehow got our hands on a copy of Diablo and holy hell scares me shitless so muddy and graphic later I realized I kept it just how traumatized I was by the butcher I can still hear his voice now addicting satisfying I never was a terrifying introduction to RPGs I wish I did years later shapow too bad reign of chaos showed up this was high game right lizard's battle drum this was the Frozen Throne comes out and it's like okay what have I done to deserve this blessing yeah an RTS with heroes that live or go over to my dad's house and I convinced my dad that he needed a 2000 dollar computer to check his email and I actually just wanted to buy the computer so I could play Warcraft 3 it worked actually it did so I yeah I played this all the time over at my dad's house unlike battlenet it was [ __ ] amazing then combat would set the foundation for what World of Warcraft would become and you know this part of the story mr. T and I man I know it's your game World of Warcraft took the world by storm earth and fire but much like runescape Wow became a pop culture phenomenon yeah I'll never forget the South Park episode where Blizzard watches like that elaborated to make fun of the game you know is so much to love about Blizzard and in their community their identity you know just that was the spirit behind everything dude like you guys remember back whenever like I remember Nikki and brought this up in a video once if you guys played back in the day do you guys ever remember whenever Blizzard would do their earnings call and they would announce how many more subscribers they had and like everybody would be talking about it in trade chat right dude the game just hit 8 million subs dude the game to sit 9 million subs man and then like 10 million everyone was talking about it was just like such a good [ __ ] feeling man it was like everybody had that I was there feeling about the game and they were there it was just it's something you don't even think about anymore but I remember having conversations about that whenever he brought it up and it was like [ __ ] oh I'm down to two we're down to two million guys we're down to 1 million guys yeah now even though this video is going to be more on the negative god I have a special place in my heart and memory for Blizzard as they were the great people who are a part of it and the incredible experiences they gave me yeah that I that I bought and that's not to say they haven't done any good over the life by overwatch was awesome yeah Wow classic and incredible trip down memory lane sure was look I'm not saying Blizzard as a whole is a reprehensible anti gamer movement led by Anita sarkeesian whose sole purpose is to destroy all your favorite franchises and usher in the age of the Burning Legion it's not that extreme alright truth be told I don't have much good to say about current Blizzard and that's where I want to focus on where they went wrong how they destroyed their own reputation and image in my eyes the eyes of an old-time fan yeah I think I'll probably be agreeing with pretty much all this dude like I you know you guys know I got the Warcraft 3 box I've got even in the Warcraft 1 box I've got all the old boxes in my old room man and it's it's kind of crazy for me to think about I think that the problem is that the games aren't innovative anymore in the same way that they were so like like overwatch I think is kind of an exception I think that overwatch is a genuinely really really good game but other than that it feels like they haven't really taken any big chances and done anything unique and different with the game like game development in general and I think that's kind of why why they were doing so well overwatch is good overwatch is tf2 reskin I thought it was a good game right I mean overwatch is tf2 in the same way that Wow was EverQuest Activision emerged with them in 2008 yeah it wasn't a highly controversial move it was time Kotzur had just released eight months earlier Guitar Hero was the hottest fad since the wheat and they hadn't milked any of those franchises to death back then Activision now has a money-grubbing company we know today or maybe they were and they were just really good at hiding it but no I remember whenever the merger happened there were a lot of people that were concerned and I remember like as soon as the first storm out came out that's whenever people started talking about it started talking about the merger they're like you know it's Activision making him do it and that's whenever the the questioning began bus had the foresight Activision did make good game just how much great Wizards identity their culture and their games you did this to our people knowingly [Applause] oh I forgot all about this one where you had to use your journey starts in July of 2010 had a serious problem Starcraft 2 absolutely killed it with its reveal generating massive hype and sending shockwaves across all of Korea Starcraft 2 is 12 years since broodwar fans could not wait Starcraft who was coming out in three weeks baby however blizzards official forums had become filled with vitriol and flame wars trolling in community toxicity was spiraling out of control which eluded the discussions about the games themselves Blizzard could not have this continued with the launch of Starcraft 2 apps how do we change this toxic part of our community one executive asked weight loss programs and general hygiene classes that's not other blurted out nobody I've got it people won't talk as much [ __ ] on the internet when they can be held accountable for it so let's port a Facebook prove that wrong how the [ __ ] did these guys ever think that was true like what do you think somebody's gonna get fired for their job from saying that Starcraft 2 sucks like yeah it's a dumbest [ __ ] thing ever yet so they forced people to use their real names and this is like a goal they were gonna do they were gonna make people use their real names on the forums and like for some real ID everyone who uses our forums to display their real name take that trolls yeah oh yes that's a fantastic idea okay how do we change this toxic part of our community without spitting in their face yeah this decision of course had the exact reaction you'd expect sure the forum's were flooded with rats oh and one thread reached over 11,000 replies I'm not saying let the trolls roam free in the forests of Buckland but why wouldn't you just get moderators and stricter guidelines for using the forum's for sea imagine moderating your platform imagine imagine paying money to make the platform better imagine having people curtail bad behavior imagine having standards that you hold people to and if people don't meet those standards the accounts are actioned imagine that I I can't everyone to reveal personal information would not only discourage people from posting but also punish people who did nothing wrong ultimately this new change would have created more problems than it would solve yep so Blizzard scrapped it but there's actually a part of it there one of the the reason one of the reasons why they scrapped it is if I remember right I could be misremembering the story you know partially but one of the executives at Blizzard had their personal information leaked and like somebody called in like a bomb threat to his daughter's school it was like some kind of like really really bad thing and then after that yeah he got doxxed and it was I don't remember what it was specifically but I think that they didn't even realize like Blizzard didn't even realize how bad it was because they didn't know what could happen cuz like it was like 2010 so like that kind of stuff wasn't really common then so it was all kind of uncharted territory and they just didn't know what was going on and that's [ __ ] up man well exactly but the people did that and it's not a good thing to did that but like it certainly [ __ ] showed them that it was a big [ __ ] mistake to do this because it gives people this amount of power and having that power is not good fact that Real ID was even considered as a possibility let alone plan to be implemented across the board was really just such a bizarre out of it was a weird decision to even attempt yeah I don't know why that did this I work in a charity if they see I am a gamer it could affect my employment process gamer's have been oppressed since 2010 baby back then it was still kind of a it was still kind of it wasn't super normal to be a gamer I know that might sound weird right but like back then like being a gamer was still kind of like assumedly like okay you're lazy and you don't do anything frown but the young age seemed to be only temporary right if we only knew what was in store for us down the line is a long list of battles in the courtroom yeah invalid corporation the activision blizzard this of course was over the legal rights to defense of the ancient I don't know how the popular custom game for Warcraft 3 and it was a battle for the ages yet who have the biggest and most successful PC developers duking it out who will come out on top from what I understand valved work with dota developer icefrog who was later hired by them and they wanted to trademark dota as their intellectual property up Blizzard of course didn't want that I don't want it but valve had already filed a trademark now it's complicated but for whatever reason blizzard and valve settled out of court with valve keeping the rights to DOTA allstars for commercial purposes and Blizzard would be able to use it within their own custom games I'm supposed to have been a mutual agreement yeah hindsight we see just how badly blizzard was shafted nobody thought dota oh they [ __ ] themselves in the ass like the thing is that at Blizzard had been on top of the MOBA genre I really do feel like that and like I never even have thought of this before before this video here but like imagine if Blizzard have been the ones that spearheaded mobile gaming that would have been [ __ ] ridiculous and I would have played mobizen the power would have changed like my gaming habits even too would have been bad no what do you mean not possible I don't know like yeah well yeah like way later on and like hot was it wasn't about hot was a really good game nobody would have played it because people are already too invested in the other games I don't know man mo wasn't sucked in yeah I feel like honestly if Blizzard had been the ones that spearheaded MOBA it's like maybe that would have been bad right but like assuming the same thing would have happened like the perception of Blizzard would probably be much different would turn into the massive eSports juggernaut yes today it's maths you have to wonder how could Blizzard just let the magic lamp slip through their hands many fans lost faith and blizzards ability to retain the right and provide the games they wanted yeah 2012 to current oh come on man it's a current [ __ ] dude [ __ ] here we go well the Warcraft has been blizzards main moneymaker for years yep with a large diverse dedicated community throughout the Burning Legion and Wrath of the Lich King expansions the game only grew in size the Cataclysm was a bit rocky but it wasn't until May 2012 that mists of pandaria released and a large portion of fans voiced their discontent this was really the turning point for World of Warcraft and what turned many people off of that game Blizzard reported that 14% of users had cancelled their subscriptions a loss of 13 million players after a brand new expansion that's supposed to build the game up shortly after this Blizzard publicizing their subscription numbers as showing a steady decline might further exacerbate the day exact there were many controversial changes to WoW over the years the thing is like they just made such a big mistake by like Kent I feel like Raid Finder and dungeon finder were like really bad for the game and I think that's one of the big differences also like the fact that miss append Aria the theme for the game just wasn't really something that resonated with players at all and I think that obviously it was fine in retrospect but like you compare it to Burning Crusade which was Illidan everybody knew Illidan from Warcraft 3 Wrath of the Lich King I mean come on like Deathwing was like really only it was like tan generally mentioned in like a few quests and there was a book that was written about him but that's about it there wasn't really a whole lot of other stuff going on with Deathwing so cataclysm kind of came out or not kind of cuz I'm sorry boy mists of pandaria that was literally an April Fool's joke and a hidden mission inside of Warcraft 3 like it was completely out of left field like Cataclysm was kind of out of left field but like Warcraft sorry mr. Pandaria was way I was like what the [ __ ] is this like nobody expected that at all so same with the Diablo mobile game appealing to China I don't know but overall like I I do think that was a big reason why people didn't like it was the theme for me personally that was the worst part about mr. Pandaria and then obviously having liked all the different raid difficulties all that other dog [ __ ] that I always talk about you guys know how I feel about that among many was the dungeon finder in expedited way of finding players for raids and instances initially you had to rally up a group of friends yeah other players and all commit hours to tackling these intense dungeons and that was a lot of fun it created so much community interaction well it's a mana blouse community-oriented features were made more accessible at the cost of player agency will darling feel less like a world and more of an automated experience why leave the main city if you can just hop into a queue and find a raid or instance anyways in some ways I'm willing to give Blizzard the benefit of the doubt for Wow's decline in popularity keeping a game alive for that long is gonna have some speed bumps and even though it's a problem as they started take here's the problem with WoW right is they started making Wow not appeal to people that play wow that like wow they started making Wow not Wow in order to make people that don't like Wow like wow and whenever they did that they a lien Aidid the people that did like the game and you have like this weird middle ground right now where they're catering to people and they're trying to make the game appealing to people that don't like it and that's the problem that they did with with with wrath that they made wrath wrath I think in a lot of ways was made to appeal the people that did not like WoW beforehand and not why they made way easier raids they had the dungeon finder and they had like all of this [ __ ] catch-up gear and like all this stuff happened it worked only in the short term because really I mean Burning Crusade saw much more growth than Wrath of the Lich King and obviously it's part of the the nature of the game being newer then but also like subs flatlined and wrath to like even in Wrath they flatlined towards the end of ICC it's not surprise it was took forever but no I think it was a massive mistake it really was and though many fans have disagreed with the direction Blizzard has taken at least they finally came out with wow classic and both games seem to be coexisting peacefully yeah yeah right [Music] but here's where we get into the real [ __ ] this was just my experience but I vividly remember the launch of Diablo 3 as being one of the single most disappointing game launches of all time next to MCC what it was that bad we got in like I got into Diablo 3 pretty early on like it took me like maybe an hour or two to login and I played until the Sun came up and then like after that everything was pretty much good error 37 yeah I remember era 37 was the top trending thing on all of Twitter the night that Diablo 3 got released it was such a massive [ __ ] [ __ ] Diablo 3 I feel like the game the problem with Diablo 3 is that there was no testing for any of the acts beyond act 1 and there also was no testing for inferno mode so the fact is like people got through the core game in like a week then after that they played inferno that was not balanced at all and boys weren't intentionally did not balance it because they're like we just took everything and doubled the values for everything and obviously that's not going to give you a pretty it's not going to be enjoyable to play because it was just completely over tuned and super hard for certain classes and then only doable by certain cloud you know other classes it was complete [ __ ] garbage and then on top of that you had the auction house which I don't think the auction house was that big of a deal personally but you had like the other acts like act 2 3 for these acts so if you guys remember I don't know if you do but back whenever the Diablo 3 beta was out you could only do Act 1 so act 1 even in inferno mode was pretty good act 1 was very well coated there were no big bugs or you know well I guess an act 2 most of the bugs with the bugs were bugs but with the wasps but in act 1 everything was relatively clean up until skeleton king yeah yeah you would get up the skeleton king and then it would be over you never did the butcher but even the butcher was pretty much okay so yeah as soon as you got into act 2 you have like these mobs that would throw grenades at you and they just one shot you you know it was the WHA knows a lot yeah the wasp so these there would be like these little wasps that you would have to kill and they would shoot little smaller wasps at you but what would happen is not only would the smaller wasps basically one-shot you if even one of them hit you but on top of that they were um they would just despawn they would go invisible randomly because of a bug and then you just die so you just be standing there the wasps go away and then they'd hit you while they were invisible and you would die it was it was [ __ ] ridiculous so I I don't know man like I feel like Diablo 3 like those were the big mistakes they made with Diablo 3 not only had basically all of the depth been stripped away from Diablo 2 yeah not only did it feel like a poor man's version of Diablo 2 but it was also just straight-up broken I've waited years for this game and within 4 hours of gameplay I was like this ain't it chief and never looked back the voice the rme features were heavily criticized totally unnecessary for people wanting to mind if we force you to play online anyway in case you changed your mind kind of do is it happens I have no 3ik sorry can't hear you over the sound of all my money the art direction I never thought being always online was a big deal and the only reason it was a problem is because the online servers were dog [ __ ] like I didn't really care about always online so I thought it was to prevent hackers I didn't care about that but the servers were just terrible and that's why you would die all the time like you'd rubberband you'd get out of something you'd rubberband back it would hit you it's just [ __ ] terrible it's criticized it didn't feel hellish gameplay story was awful excessive amounts of useless gear with 1% of that [ __ ] being actually usable awesome never just a bust it just didn't I'm glad they took that idea and they put it in Wow Diablo the sanctity of this place has been fouled Diablo 3 was the subject of numerous complaints by fair trade organizations across the world in France alone a consumer group reported that there were 1500 complaints in four days the organization Wow forgive me Kate choice here Kate wittier asked Blizzard to and this is my translation tell us when the [ __ ] the game is going to be playable oh yeah I'm straight-up okay yeah be a [ __ ] homie Blizzard responded by saying there's a sticker on the box that says Internet connection required the fair trade commission alleged that Blizzard violated consumer rights laws in South Korea hundreds of gamers from there demanded refunds without Blizzard refused to grant until a month later in Germany the Federation of consumer organizations threatened legal action against blizzards - about transparency with the DRM all about rumors inability to resell the game and then there was the auction house a feature Blizzard implemented to make everyone's gaming experience much better right if the gameplay wasn't shallow enough this [ __ ] atrocity of a feature made it so players could literally put in real money to buy the best gear that I sold the sword on there for a hundred and fifty bucks I think it was actually a polearm I'm I will never forget that I'll never even forget where I was like I went inside like the [ __ ] the first level of the butcher's area and it was like the first mob in there I killed it and that drops his [ __ ] item about 63 like [ __ ] one hand i woot that [ __ ] and I sold it on that auction house for a hundred and fifty dollars and I celebrated and I took me and all the boys out to Panda Express I said boys were rich now we ain't gotta worry about no [ __ ] money dude get whatever you want on the menu like I do it that was so [ __ ] good man and I don't really think they should do like the real money auction house was a mistake but I think having the auction house in diablo 3 was a good idea I liked having the auction house more than not having one in Reaper of souls it actually made the game kind of boring for me its undercut the entire point of playing Diablo 3 the question is my earnings comes from playing the game killing monsters doing quests yeah that's what makes it fulfilling yep by entering your credit card information you just buy one of the earlier and more egregious forms of microtransactions as Blizzard took a cut of all the profits how convenient them 2 years to realize how damaging the auction house was and would shut it down completely in March of 2014 at this point we all started to worry wonder how could Blizzard continue to get into legal trouble how could this company with a stainless track record bungle it so badly with Diablo 3 how could they betray us we didn't live up to the high standards that we really set for ourselves yeah as welcome subscribers fans took it upon themselves to recreate the WoW game they wanted many private servers popped up offering different iterations of WoW that we're no longer playable yet do you think when Burning Legion came out that it was the best here's your server yeah of the Lich King here's your server vanilla here's your server it wasn't legal but it showed a surprising demand look at all those [ __ ] people dude holy [ __ ] that's a lot of guys so yeah I mean like this now I never played in Asterius but I was very very close to playing it a lot of my friends played it I just never went in there myself I kind of wish that I had in retrospective I kind of wish that I had but yeah it was the first time no lag well I mean like listen the boys are they've got the best servers man they got the best servers obviously for that classic vanilla experience out of sight mist aureus had 800 and registered accounts naturally having that many people talk to a service that you don't operate is bad for business and in this case copyright infringement the solution shut it down boys I don't think blizzard was in the wrong for shutting down misterios I mean they had to shut it down for a million reasons and I did infringe on their copyright and it's reasonable to think that people that played on nasteria should be less likely to pay for your game like I mean there's anybody that actually thinks blizzard is [ __ ] for shutting down Asterius is a [ __ ] idiot but at the same time it's a disappointment that uh I think people just wanted to play classic that's really what it was copyright production yeah I don't know man they should just make a better product no cuz then it's not about that man like it's about people basically I think if you I'm not really a big fan of like one of the copyright laws I feel like they're kind of intrusive and unfair but I think that at the point where you're promoting a product and you're providing a product that takes away sales of the people who originally have the IP of it then yeah I think that that's not good that's bad and that's that's reasonable to want to get rid of it they pulled out their warhammer sent a cease-and-desist or and the story is was shut down but that only seemed to further missed our mystery us they shut down on their own like the cease-and-desist happened but nist our TS just immediately complied with it like they didn't try to fight it or anything they just complied with it immediately yeah that's my video man agitate the already upset fanbase a petition popped up begging blizzard to consider a vanilla version of wow it received over two hundred and eighty thousand signatures they couldn't deny them access anymore a lot of people didn't allow anymore and they wanted the old version and that is crazy like now like now we're getting into the point where like these are things that have happened that I remember you know that I was like therefore I was making videos about this [ __ ] I think that's one of the coolest parts about this is like you go back and see my videos and like meek and pointing about it etc you know classic Andes get so mad yeah yeah I know early blizzard was upset because they felt fans weren't appreciating or understanding the work they were putting in I remember that one bug that really pissed you off that we fixed like two years ago no still there in the past while it was within there right so terminate the server for three and a half years no alternative was offered by Blizzard and this was made all the more worse when J Alan Brack the new CEO answered this question thought about adding servers for previous expansions as they were then no no and and by the way you don't wanted that to do that either you think you do but you don't here's a lesson in healthy business practices don't tell your consumers what they don't want show them why they want what you're working on better yet listen to what your fans are asking for and meet that demand there's no point in showing this kind of contempt towards your audience unless your goal is to purposely damage your own reputation and goodwill and I think it like what Jo and Brack said is like true for a lot of people to be fair like I think it's fruit there's a lot of people that played classic for a while and I remember whenever classic came out like a month after that the yessuh faith they they said that like Oh classic made me appreciate BFA a lot more you know now I appreciate retail way more so I think he was right for a lot of people it's just that he wasn't right for everybody and there was still a huge audience of people who who didn't like who did like classic right and I think that like what what I think this video like what what I would go a step further and say you don't necessarily need to look and see and I've said this before right you need to look and see what the people ask for and not necessarily give them what they ask for but derive from what they're asked for what they need and give them that instead so I think what people wanted with classic Wow like yes obviously they wanted the original game but many of the people asking for classic Wow really wanted a return form for World of Warcraft classic Wow it's just the way that they express that then Jay Alan Breck started talking [ __ ] about classic Wow yeah other expansions were so orgasmically good remember when you had to like spam cities and say need a tank need a tank need a tank during the breaker safe days you don't remember that because now you just push a button that says go to the dungeon and now you dungeons you would be a fool to want the older obsolete to fear your version of wow don't [ __ ] patronize me with the shutdown the historias team went to blizzards HQ and gave an 80 page essay on the development of the server Elkton sounded like Blizzard was going to work with some of the notorious devs to create Wow classic that would have been awesome read some goodwill with the community yeah and these developers would make great representatives of that community it would inspire faith in the company but they never actually worked with them and it really shows the sinful pride of Blizzard for a long time they just couldn't accept the fact that vans didn't like the newer expansions and how Wow was changing but they were the ones out of touch not the community I don't think that it was entirely because of that yeah III don't think it was entirely because of that at all like to me like Blizzard it made sense that they wouldn't want to do classic Wow but I just think that it closed fridge stop just stop guys anyway so yeah it makes sense that they wouldn't want to do classic Wow in a lot of ways and I could see their logic for it it's just that at the end of the day I think that a lot more people liked classic Wow than didn't that's really what it comes down to a private server yeah I mean I don't know man clothes rich can we time out the clothes fridges yeah let's time that out instantly okay anyway so I I don't know man like I see what what Bullard was trying to get out with classic Wow and like what their goal was with it but at the same time I'm not really uh I'm not convinced they made the right decision until they introduced classic right even though it made sense for them not to want to do it I don't think that it was entirely because of pride I think that they just didn't want to invest the time into something and then be stuck holding on to something and spending money on it like kind of keeping it alive if it wasn't gonna make them money did you guys not have fun Blizzcon is the annual convention held by Blizzard exciting event that showcases and promotes all their major franchises celebrities make appearances famous bands close out the show it's just epic this guy this is a dwarf and you know I prefer a little person well not many developers have an entire convention at their disposal and it's just Blizzard way of showcasing their power getting the fans hyped to consume product but in 2018 she's good Blizzcon became the opposite of that hear ye hear ye fans of diablo behold the new experience you've been waiting for Diablo 4 immortal so we knew we want to use mobile devices as the platform duty for a new Diablo game because nothing brings a family together like slaying demons you want to explain yourself what to this day I still cannot believe that they did this dude I still I still haven't watched that whole scene I can't I can't watch I'd rather watch Scots tots on repeat for [ __ ] a hundred days then watch the announcement of Diablo immortal like I don't want to [ __ ] see it man it's just it's so it's so sad and it's like they shouldn't like it was just so so [ __ ] bad [ __ ] people were confused and through a series of hilarious questions in the faces of the developers the situation started to get out of hand so how long is Diablo immortal been in development and how is it affecting other Diablo projects yeah a good question well I can't imagine the embarrassment of having the crowd of people at your own convention turn against you but I feel like I felt bad for the guys I really did because like they weren't really I mean they weren't going out of the way they weren't doing anything bad I mean I think that probably like they don't even make the decisions on like anything like that so it just doesn't make any it doesn't make any sense to hate on them but at the same time it's kind of it is kind of sad [ __ ] man after yeah okay dude let me go down to the other ones all right here we go it should showcase just how out of touch are with the majority of the games are PC oriented with yes hearthstone being one of the other mobile games yeah why bring it to mobile are you trying to reach a new audience of players what we remember about Blizzcon Yanni 18 is the charcoaled remains of the PR department hey just was wondering is this an out of season April Fool's joke [Music] who said they were surprised by the negative response well now either they're lying or they are once again supremely and genuinely out of touch with their community probably both I would say probably both they they don't really know what the players want it's hard for them to understand it and at the same time they line for sure though we'll know I don't think that they understood like I don't know why they wouldn't understand this but they don't I think that a lot of the developers and Blizzard is and a lot of companies are like this they're so insulated from their audience and their actual fans that they don't even directly communicate with them so the only things that they ever get from their fans are like angry messages they don't see the positive stuff they don't see the good stuff they always see like an angry person who's like tweeting at them on their personal account telling them that they suck so they're insulated from the actual community they're separated from the community by these community managers and like these other red tape [ __ ] things they have going on at Blizzard to make sure devs don't say anything bad then on top of that you have Blizzard probably saying yeah obviously we weren't gonna say that we knew it was bad you know III don't know man because boys are it's owned by Activision I don't think that's the way what the what the secret is man I'm not sure Nexus mansions gonna hopefully be good yeah I've been saying that for a few years now probably about 10 I don't know man numbers don't add up why classics more popular than retail or just because there are more people that are rating in classic versus rating in retail Wow doesn't mean that classics more popular because classic only has one end game so like anybody who's a maximal player is gonna be doing bwl versus most people that are playing retail wow don't even raid so it's not a it's not an accurate comparison start a video game company I don't really think that's it but like that's a big problem is like the developers that they don't have like that community that community engagement that they used to it's a big issue right really it's not about that right I mean it doesn't really matter which games more popular just play whatever you want but it's just it's simply dumb to say that the classics more popular there are obviously more people playing retail wow that does not mean that retail Wow is like infinitely better than classic or anything like that it's just that there's more to do in retail Wow like it's not I don't know am I so out of touch no lizard your fan base is mostly a PC gamer demographic yeah that was all the people who buy tickets to Blizzcon yeah if you want to make a phone game make a phone game of course don't expect your fans to give a [ __ ] or not bombard you with questions like is there any plans to make this playable on PC or is this strictly mobile that's right now scariest-looking blizzards ideals and principles were shelved in favor of tapping into the mobile gaming market if you didn't think they were selling out with the auction house yep you sure did now to your tablet to the [ __ ] in 10 years Blizzard will never live that down that's the funniest thing about this is like they will never live that [ __ ] down of the one day that they had that happen I feel bad for them in a way but at the same time I kind of don't you know it is it's it's what they get man this mountain was so so bad I know it was awful like I felt bad for Blizzard honestly like I don't the thing is like I think there's a lot of people if they had announced Diablo 4 at the same time and then they announced Diablo immortal with Diablo for everybody would have been super happy and they would have been excited to play Diablo or mortal and Diablo 4 but the reason why they were mad about this is the baton switch they were mad because they thought they were getting Diablo 4 and they got Diablo immortal instead not only that but remember before that Blizzcon blizzard put out a thing on Diablo saying guys we've heard some rumors and you think that we're gonna do like Diablo 4 news this year and we're not so they even sure they knew it was coming they try to curtail the the amount of backlash they we get and it still didn't work yeah that's actually a really good point so I guess like yeah how could they say they didn't expect people to be negative about it if they made a press release saying that there weren't gonna be the things that people weren't expecting a little bit contradictory blizzard stocks fell 22% the days because the Diablo are mortal I mean like I think Diablo 4 okay like Diablo 4 does look really good but I I just I'm telling you guys right now like I don't see how Diablo 4 can compete with BOE III don't I I don't see how it's possible like p OE is just so far ahead in terms of a RPG Diablo 4 day I mean obviously I think Diablo 4 is gonna have superior combat and fluidity than PUA because that's what boys are really specializes in only people who write positive messages about boys rule will get beta access we'll see what happens but overall that's one thing like Diablo 3 really has like combat feels visceral in Diablo 3 like whenever you hit somebody with a [ __ ] slam with that hammer ability like barbarians and the corpses go [ __ ] everywhere that feels [ __ ] good like the combat in Diablo 3 feels really good or at least it did back whenever I played it I haven't compared it to anything recently but P OE is very complex so I think Diablo if they're gonna go I don't think that they should try to compete with PUA in terms of complexity I don't think so because the game is just so they're so far behind and also as a triple-a development studio they're just not gonna be as agile as grinding Gear games as there will just never be as agile as they are because there's too many people involved in a project for that to happen so it would be a better decision for them to make basically POA light and just kind of have that fill the void it's the same as like you have games like like escape from tarkov right where it's like a very very complex game and because of its because of its complexity a lot of people don't get into it and you have other people that like war zone a lot because it's simpler and you could kind of compare those two games there's a lot of people that are positive about it a lot of people that are not people don't really hate tarkov they still want to play it and I think that's the difference that boys er can hopefully go with boys 'red can be war zone where PUA can be tarkov that is in my opinion the best possible outcome development is no tortoise for how hellish it can be an extremely competitive market filled with stressful deadlines long hours hectic work weeks yes the worst of all uncertainty of consistent employment the game is finished and out the door many employees have to wonder if they too will be sent out well do I remember that [ __ ] that happened man like Marty O'Donnell remember that McConnell ah they fired Marty O'Donnell this doing it what do you mean who's that that is the dude that made the halo music and I remember they got rid of this guy like right after right after they got finished making a game or something I remember like what it was specifically but I felt so sad about that because that's the guy that made the halo music like I [ __ ] loved that music that guy is a [ __ ] legend man and they just got rid of them I was so sad to see it [ __ ] before destiny came out yeah I was before destiny I don't know destiny one I don't remember man let me see we sent out well Blizzard answered that question by laying off 800 employees okay firey of 2019 800 people with families and lives and an income need benefits insurance gone well employs this has been real educational now but now it's time to part with that Oh Activision Blizzard's saying yeah get the [ __ ] out of my building during this time Activision Blizzard reported I mean like I don't think it was a necessarily was it a bad decision to fire the people if they felt like those people weren't necessary I I don't think that it's it's like I don't know it's like they always do that yeah I mean yes what the [ __ ] yeah it's a business they rehired the positions that's the that's the shady thing about it right right that's the that's what I think makes it bad but like the company's restructure all the time I don't think that it's fair to just kind of like demonize any company for doing layoffs if they feel like certain positions are redundant or not important anymore that's what they do I don't think that's why like I mean it might be I don't know but it could be like you know those employees were there for so long and they would have gotten more benefits as time went on they would have had an offer and more benefits and they didn't want to do that because it would have been yeah they just hired new people yeah they said like that and then they just hired new people yeah CEO bonus same every year by the way well yeah I mean like what I'm saying is that like the CEO bonus and this are like kind of two separate things I don't think that I don't think that businesses have an obligation to employ people whenever those people don't provide a tangible benefit to the business based off of what the business considers valuable like I don't think that they have an obligation to do that because to say otherwise it's basically saying that like businesses have to hire people which is I don't think that's fair either but I think that really the shadiest thing about this is the fact that they rehired people for the exact same positions 7.5 billion dollars in sales 1.8 billion dollars in pure profit act the goddamn champagne bottles what an accomplishment you guys remember the WiiU yeah it was pretty gross and flopping super hard back I know what he's gonna say I'll just let him say it 2014 Nintendo was not looking good and at that point the boss Satoru Iwata took a pay cut to keep his employees employed that was at a time when Nintendo saw a 30% decrease in profits people look too big yeah I remember whenever that happened man that guy's a [ __ ] legend right that guy was also wasn't either one that coated pokemon like gold and like silver or whatever to have all the old zones too and everybody thought it was impossible like that guy is a [ __ ] legend and yeah it was yeah it was insane so it's like it is different but also I think that there's something to be said I really like the I don't know if it's really like a Japanese like business values but I could call it that right then - no business values at least Nintendo I feel like it's probably one of the most steady and solid companies throughout the entire like gaming restructuring because what they've done is they've stayed true to what they are and instead of trying to compete with PC games they've done things different with the switch they've made the switch portable they made the Wii where you move your hands around they're innovative in a way that PlayStation and Xbox aren't taking chances with and because of that they're focusing on their audience of generally younger gamers making games that are more lighthearted for the most part and they're still succeeding and everybody still loves Nintendo and that's very important to keep in mind like PR stuff like it Matt it's not a big deal but it does matter it does really matter that they didn't it flopped I think the Wii was successful the Wii was very successful the Wii U was not successful because it didn't translate and it didn't people didn't know it was a new console basically that was my understanding I did some reading about this and I saw like a few like articles about it people didn't understand the WiiU was a new console they thought it was like an add-on to the current Wii and that's why when the switch came out it was very very popular like just which is extremely popular now IIIi don't know how pop you were really out of any numbers but I think that's a very popular game or a very popular console like if I was gonna pick right now I have I'll give you guys this example right and obviously this is the 20 minute tangent in the middle of a 40-minute video right is I have every single Nintendo console ever since Super Nintendo and I would have had the original Nintendo but I wasn't old enough so I started there I have GameCube Nintendo 64 [ __ ] we'd the Wii U the switch I have everything every single [ __ ] console Xbox I don't have the new Xbox and I don't have the new I don't have the ps3 I never got it didn't matter to me but Nintendo I always made sure I had in Nintendo because they were doing something unique and different I have a ps4 though I have a ps4 I didn't buy a ps3 companies for guidance we want to feel good about where our money is going is it going to Bobbie Kotex wallet or it is going to the people yes down and dirty on the front lines sometimes work 70 places my week Nintendo Bobbie statement about the importance of their employees Blizzard did the same they were just radically opposite statements yeah I get that a come pretty much to say I may take on more workers than they need overtime Reggie and Activision Blizzard might not have been able to find a place for these 800 lost souls but does that make it any less disheartening for a company to be celebrating its greatest success without sharing that with some of the people who made that happen in June 2003 the leaders of the Diablo project left Blizzard North feeling like they weren't involved with the big decisions anymore and unable to guarantee their own employees compensations and futures the Blizzard North executives protested firmly even went so far as to tender their resignations unless they were heard unfortunately those resignations were accepted in 2019 perceptions around blizzard had completely changed and in October of 2019 a professional hearthstone player the martyr blitz Chun made this was dude this was such a I remember the day this happened everybody was going do you remember that McConnell the [ __ ] the Blitz Chung the free Hong Kong thing [Music] that day everybody like every streamer like was just getting [ __ ] harassed that was playing a blizzard game because people thought that like they were doing a good thing by harassing a streamer for playing a video game it's like that's one of the that's one of the dark sides of internet activism is that it rationalizes bad behavior for people and it just makes them feel good about you know hurting other people and being [ __ ] and that was not good but at the same time like I got a lot of that whenever it was like obviously I was like you know classic while stream there's a lot of people that were [ __ ] that were watching you know and it was [ __ ] awful man and another day of a people rationalize bad behavior no matter what I don't really think that's necessarily it you ban so many people that yeah I just started banning people because of it because they were just like they were so emotionally invested in it and I'll talk more about this bell I'll let I'll let him start a political statement in support of the Hong Kong protest on a live stream as Americans we are naturally sympathetic to those who have had their freedom stripped away unfairly they say a man never really knows himself until his freedoms been taken away rather undisputed case in China now I'm not trying to grandstand but China isn't exactly the paragon of human rights no lizard ties to China like many other US companies they have to tiptoe around China's strict guidelines to release their products in their country they are very picky and very profitable China's actually a free yeah something like that not taking any chances blizzard banged his ass [ __ ] those new casters no payment you're gone you're banned hope you learn your lesson speaking out about human rights issues I don't think that the thing is that it's very complex because I think really what the problem was is that they were censoring for this company and do you know no it isn't here it comes no it's not so I'm gonna say something that's probably that's probably gonna be controversial okay I've got it I mean like we gotta have some common [ __ ] sense okay like yes to a degree I don't want to see people that go and the the agreement was that they would not make political statements on the show and he goes and he makes a political statement on the show and he gets removed that's not we keep he violated the contract like do you want to have every single thing somebody takes their hobbyhorse and then they [ __ ] talk about it whenever they're on the show no I don't think so at all man and true no I mean the thing is like there's no reason there's no reason to act like not again well that's because people are blinded by emotions and are not thinking logically do you want every single show that Blizzard does to be inundated with the casters and the competitors politics no of course not I don't want that I don't think anybody wants that so I don't understand how this is somehow different now the reason why it was bad is because boys 'red was doing it because it was not not because it conflicted with their values but because it conflicted with their profit like that's all there is to it so for example if someone had gone up there and they had said and also because it was in China it's like if somebody had said in hearthstone that they believe that everybody should have the right to marry whoever they want boys 'red would not have fired them they would not have fined them they would not abandon from the events okay they would not have done this so the issue was that it was selective as well is that blizzard takes a stand and pretends about caring about human rights and then whenever it can cost them money they they fold which is like okay that's fine if you want to decide that and you want to make your decisions based off of that it's completely okay if you want to be just a soulless blood sucking company then be a soulless blood sucking company but don't be a soulless blood sucking company and then post things about how much you care about different minorities while at the same time letting other minorities get dominated by an authoritarian totalitarian police state like you just you can't have the two of them I think that the hypocrisy was what was really bad that's what I didn't like on our platform this is not a political platform except it is yeah it was convenient for us exactly now I did a whole not convenient but profitable it's profitable but I know that like obviously have a symptom so hard no I'm not I'm speaking logic I'm telling the truth right and because the thing is like the logical conclusion of what I'm saying is something that everybody would agree with but because it's with something that they are emotionally invested in they're not thinking about it clearly III don't think that there's any sort of any sort of weird [ __ ] going on like there's no there's nothing wrong with Blizzard not wanting political messages on their platform but they can't say that and then only be okay with some political messages and not others video on this subject please check that out if you're at all interested I summarized it a lot more in-depth so I'll be brief on its own it's a [ __ ] up decision but with the George Floyd protests it also shows the real double standard and hypocrisy you banned blitz Chung docked his pay fired the casters involved all because he supported a protest in Hong Kong I never I never was against them firing the casters I'll say this again because they knew what he was about to say how did they know what he was about to say because they put their heads down so they wouldn't be able to be seen by the government they knew what he was gonna say and so obviously they colluded in allowing him to break the rules of the tournament like it seems pretty obvious to me was that it was that bad well wait but they're not production they have no power over what he says if people disagree wait why do you guys disagree with that they're [ __ ] mad they're questioning you and everything look I don't understand how that like they put their head down before he said anything why would they do that unless they knew what he was going to say or we at least this far they probably knew what he was going to say before he said it that implies that there was some sort of collusion about this and they willingly allowed this to happen they did not tell production they did not do anything like that and they allowed it to happen which put people in jeopardy people's jobs in jeopardy they probably saw him put on the mask maybe that could be it I don't know but I think that it's also completely possible that they talked with him what are they supposed to do not interview him it's not their choice they could tell production have production talk to him and tell him not to do that or tell him not to do that himself because it puts other people's jobs at risk there's a lot of people whose jobs like you guys need to remember this right boys are taking a stand against China loses a lot of people their jobs I'm not saying it's the wrong thing to do but what I'm saying is that it's not as black and white as you might think this altruism that you might believe in is actually selfish in many ways and you have the gall to post this on Twitter as if your company represents this statement wholeheartedly racism has no place in our society or any society except Hong Kong and China the those societies are cool nothing's wrong with them all is well consumed product even if you weren't just another company like that morally grandstanding and this issue while its current it's blatantly hypocritical outrage was so astronomical at Blizzard that the United States Congress asked them to punishment yeah [ __ ] Congress got involved you [ __ ] up so bad how they're just trying to get on top of it for a cloud they don't give a [ __ ] boycotts were gaining traction I don't listen to that yet another PR now now they've gotta reduce the punishment but never actually directly addressed the criticism only vaguely stated that we will do better going forward J Alan Breck deserves a lot of flak for how he handled this situation you're supposed to be on I don't I don't like how they didn't mention the guy I thought that was kind of that was kind of silly to me they didn't mention the guy they didn't talk about it they only referred to it what he called that they only referred to it tan generally i appending on Connor was strange that were flocking destroyed now form them just off to I don't know I'll think about that later but yeah I mean they didn't say it they didn't say and if they didn't name the guy they didn't name the event then do anything everybody knew what they were talking about but they didn't do anything about it and I thought that was kind of cheap but I think that boys are they just want to keep their relationship with China good so they can keep making money like that I mean that's what it is like the government the US government isn't going to punish Blizzard for putting out a statement about black lives matter but the Chinese government will punish Blizzard for putting on a statement or a platforming statement about how free Hong Kong should happen that's why it happened and again I'm fine with them being a soulless blood sucking company but don't pretend like you have a soul sometimes and not others the hypocrisy is what the problem is leader and at this point Blizzard employees were probably feeling every decision you've made that's not bad to us [ __ ] [Music] finally my boy Warcraft 3 reforged I said this before obviously I say it one more time since we're in the video have you guys ever noticed how after they brought this game out the while players stopped asking for reforging as soon as they added this [ __ ] game boom they're right you know what no please please don't reforge anything else boys 'red stop it stop reforging more reforging we can't take any more reforging dream come true for me you have no idea how badly I wanted to see the custom games and multiplayer I think I'm gonna get hyped about it as if Warcraft 3 was a brand new game yeah of course this is Blizzard the latest and most damning [ __ ] of all with a chance to revitalize one of the most important video games of all time are the chance to revive the community get new gamers into it into RTS games genre that has been dying Blizzard left the Warcraft 3 community in a worse place than if they had never touched it kind of funny that they somehow made it even worse than if they had done nothing it's like usually you're kind of you you go and it's just like a neutral effect but with reforged I really do think that they made it even worse where you going make sure to give Aspen a lot of money make sure to give them as much money as as possible this [ __ ] cinematic what a disappointment how can I so badly deteriorate a product's value eighteen years later for your business class especially since if you're making an eighteen year old game worse that's impressive man it really is him still had an active community and you tore out features and content that they've enjoyed for years the way Warcraft 3 launched is beyond belief yeah illustrates just how far detached Blizzard has become from not only their past but their fans we didn't live up to the high standards that we really set for ourselves oh [ __ ] when I speculate it was released in the state it was because of shareholder pressure something that makes members of Blizzard have said is tampering the way the company used to operate fans were beyond upset and Warcraft 3 reforged rightfully takes the crown for lowest review score on Metacritic wait really it's it's the worst one ever oh I don't believe it man that's [ __ ] incredible and the beta is out the beta is up there's even a parody website called Warcraft 3 refunded that just made fun of all the [ __ ] Blizzard have been told about this game I won't go into every detail I'll link some videos that do if you're interested but here are the main points what blatantly misleading marketing led people to believe this classic title would have all its cutscenes remastered yeah I mean what we got was servers robbed like that in fact homeboy I want to just pause this real quick and show you guys here actually showcases how the cinematography is less dynamic and interesting than the 2002 version yep so I don't you to the ends of the earth - do you hear me to the ends of the earth he's just standing that is fair but your true destiny are this one's out this time right I'll hunt you to the ends of the earth if I have to do you hear me to the ends of the earth way [ __ ] better man it's like they didn't even try - tons of core pieces of the game from 2000 to 2003 were not reimplemented ranked ladders gone if you play multiplayer prepare to get ass blasted because there is no ranking system at all 3 art direction was butchered you gross what is that it doesn't say it doesn't look like it doesn't look like Blizzard that's really kind of the issue about it is it just doesn't look like Blizzard period the the quality it just felt so stilted I think that's basically what it is it just felt really really stilted and yeah boys er didn't make it you're right Blizzard did not [ __ ] make it and I'm not surprised honestly like why not yeah [ __ ] it who cares and I read it has been my reddit has better art that is yeah it is kind of true man a tear me what do you mean a tear mi-8 here okay awesome thanks okay um yeah thank you guys original warcraft 3 does this extremely dated but everything is way more colorful and unique recognizable your classic Warcraft 3 and even Starcraft 1 had a system implemented to prevent people from being dropped from matches if your connection was interrupted or a little shaky at times you get like a 45 second countdown timer and if your internet was good then the match would continue reforged does not have this being pulled early on I was trying to go for a greedy angel oh damn it's a balls not a bad a BM egg leaving of the game disconnect once again I'm almost a hog man you're benched what a surprise and looks like another drop yeah that was really really [ __ ] bad I don't even know what to say about that it's complete [ __ ] [ __ ] but you know it is one of this small indie company yeah exactly I know land matches it was just complete [ __ ] garbage okay and I want to say also like the reason that's why you guys coming into chats this is why I don't do the streamer ratings because people go into other people's chats and talk [ __ ] to them for what the other streamers rate them that's why I never did the the rating the girl streamers were rating other streamers is because I knew people would do this it's obnoxious it is obnoxious um but like I just want to make that clear it that that is the rationalization for why I do not I know I do not do it your child video so let's put out I'll look at that later but I want to look at this right now isn't perfect you will be dropped from matches instant yeah yes happens even in campaign missions where you get an automatic mission failed screen next time a delayed game is eventually good but a rushed game is forever bad Warcraft 3 reports blizzards complete lack of empathy or care for their older games and the fans who still play them they just pissed on their own legacy and these problems barely scratched the surface and now Blizzard is forced to take their sweet time fixing things that never needed to be fixed in the pursuit of money and who knows what else Blizzard has lost their identity being one of the core titans of the industry and seeing them fall so far fallen the likes of Bungie is just sad man the franchise's they used to be known and loved for are not what they once were where they used to be dedicated towards the fans now they are dedicated to the shareholders it's no longer about what do the fans want but rather what can we get away with blizzards sin what can we get away can we [ __ ] of this hard are they gonna start complaining about it I don't like all get all gaming companies are like this now almost no no no there's some good ones warhorse is really good as far as we know yeah I feel like if a gaming company gets big enough it turns into this that cash up with 100 more gifted subs always [ __ ] thank you very much cash up goddamn thank you very much thank you thank you thank you dude oh my god I really appreciate that riots in a blizzard I feel like all of these companies are gonna have the same issue happening is that you know they they go public they've got shareholders the shareholders are making the decisions through the board and then basically decisions are made that are not necessarily healthy for the game they're not healthy for the playerbase they're just healthy for profits that that's what matters the most and yeah too big to succeed I think that's what ends up happening or you're right about that let me finish the video it's almost over and it's are numerous attempting to disclose private information of their users to solve an issue that could have been fixed by better moderation yeah introducing microtransactions that undercut the core design and fun factor of a game people waited 12 years for that was allowing a rival company to steal the commercial rights to one of the most popular games of all time changing Wow into something fans didn't want failing to provide fans with the experience they had been begging for until an independent group rose up to challenge yes a random guy miss reading their audience by building by the way have more stable servers than vanilla Wow classic classic Wow servers like you guarantee like if there were that many people in iron-forged in classic Wow there'd be people going you know all the time man it was just complete [ __ ] garbage and it still is I mean this is huh I don't know how the [ __ ] that happens man I really don't pipe at their convention for a game their fanbase has never expressed interest in countless tone-deaf out-of-touch responses to valid criticism tossing out 800 employees like yesterday's trash during their most financially successful year punishing people who dare speak on important political and social issues taking a stand with China letting internal strife and protests run rampant within the company tarnishing our own legacy with a careless disregard for the state of Warcraft 3 reforged I don't know why they don't just go back and redo Warcraft 3 be forged like actually with Blizzard quality I feel like they kind of owe it to the players and they like more so they they owe it to themselves I mean this is like a game that cemented their legacy it's reason why World of Warcraft exists is because of Warcraft 3 and it just seems like at a certain point even if you lose money it's too late no it's not if they make a good game people are gonna go back and play it no matter what it doesn't matter like if they go back and they say you know what we don't give a [ __ ] we're still gonna do this no matter what people would still go back and play it even if ya look at the yeah exactly look at no man's sky I think that's a good example bata is updating I am online in the beta right now we're just waiting for the servers to come up okay that's what's going on these are just the monumental blunders the ones that have affected me the most yeah if you want to see current sentiment towards Blizzard go to their YouTube channel where the like dislike ratio is up in the air and most videos have comments disable all might but if you take into consideration that Blizzard said they were going dark on overwatch to information couple that with the Diablo 4 reveal it just seems like a desperate attempt to shift players focus from what a [ __ ] company they've been to whoa look at these new titles but that's just my theory Blizzard has proven time and time again where their morals lie and it's not what the consumers anymore I don't think it never really even had to be with the consumers like Avery thought maybe that if you make a really good game people are gonna buy it and if they buy the game then you make money like I've never I don't know like this is like a weird [ __ ] way of looking at things but if you make a really good game people buy the game and then you've got the game everybody likes it and it's good like I don't see how this is like a complicated process to deal with I don't understand that at all I really don't know it's dark souls video I've got another one after this we can look at what we might think what I think we I think the biggest problem here that I see yeah is this is just a big problem with capitalism and how capitalism operates solely based on the interest of making money yeah I think we need to overthrow capitalism at its very core if we did that then we just have the same old companies making shitty games every year I feel like it's just that the problem is that there there's not the passion behind the games and I think that's really the problem and like focus in my opinion the focus is on these like short-term gains and I think that's really one of the biggest differences between like the way that Nintendo does does things and the way like Blizzard and these other Western companies do things is it these Western companies they're focused primarily on quarterly profits quarterly profits making money right now making money right now and they're not investing in a stable product in the long term whereas you have people like Nintendo that are okay not going with the latest trend and doing you know everything that's exactly you know the market the market demands because they know that their strategy is good for the long term and I think that there needs to be more of that long-term thinking and less of the short-term thinking because the short-term thinking I feel like it alien AIT's a lot of people and it also isn't healthy for for a user base so I don't know man from software Nintendo games are boring well not everybody like some and that's completely ok if you don't like it that's fine but there are a lot of people that do like it and I think that's really what the what the thing is look at CD Projekt RED asmin are doing amazing things the titles and they do it for the customers best interest well there's a lot of people that do that let me finish the video first so now do you see the decline of Blizzard but much what my son what happens now well Blizzard ever would redeem themselves uh will I ever be excited for another title yeah that just for them to decide but so you can only wait but if I will you act mad I wouldn't let go of hope let's go before leads you astray me yeah yeah yeah I think like look at the look at the related video look at the oh [ __ ] look at the related video here there's a client of gaming that's what I'm trying to get at is I don't think that what's happened here is something that's unique to Blizzard I think this is happening with all gaming companies like I I feel like yeah this is happening with everything watch it I might watch it but like right now I'm just I want to talk about this one right now the decline of entertainment I mean like we're waiting for the [ __ ] the beta to come out like I'll show you guys here it's still full it's still [ __ ] offline like you knew we were gonna do the beta like the beta is out like did you get that you got the beta right no I didn't get the [ __ ] you got the beta there's no way you gotta now alpha not the beta I only get into alphas you understand it Jesus Christ okay all right whatever every company is just pumping out be ours yeah I mean I feel like generally but gaming gaming has gone because now gaming is much more popular and people draw this same conclusion with streaming also they say that streaming has become more mainstream and it's like more about making money than it is like making a you know a good stream or building a community people are more focused on making money rather than anything else you guys see what I'm saying and the update the Alpha the beta yeah that's pretty much it so I don't know man like I really get disappointed with this and it's sad to see it but I think that everything everything that's everything that he said is completely true that that's what it comes down to everything that he said is completely 100% [ __ ] true [Music] you [Music]
Channel: Asmongold TV
Views: 2,242,255
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: asmongold, asmongold reacts, asmongold wow, asmongold highlights, asmongold youtube, world of warcraft, asmongold best, asmongold funny, asmongold tv, asmongold channel, asmongold act man, asmongold decline of blizzard, asmongold blizzard, asmongold diablo, asmongold warcraft 3, asmongold diablo immortal, diablo immortal, warcraft reforged, diablo 4, act man, act man reaction, act man blizzard, act man diablo, act man warcraft, act man wow, blizzard history, the act man
Id: N0FIoXo0aWw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 88min 19sec (5299 seconds)
Published: Wed Jul 15 2020
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