Asmongold Reacts To "The Parasocial Problem with Livestreaming" | By Glink

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the parasocial problem with live-streaming this whole platform feels like a symptom of loneliness like people want company I actually watch I'm addicted to forming parasocial relationships with female streamers on Twitch especially the Asian ones the internet that was once an escape from real life has become a platform embodying an ongoing epidemic of loneliness waylynn thanks for 5 subs in my last video I explored the virtual companionship sites like only fans provided to mostly lonely men and as many of you pointed out these pseudo relationships span across the entirety of the internet live streaming on platforms like twitch closely emulates the dynamic of friendship and community between viewers and streamers creating that's like whenever you know I get a lot of subs and I say we got a lot of subs no we yeah we got a lot man yeah we we're do we yeah that's right I say it sometimes on accident right but it's definitely like you know language like that does contribute to the woody voice anger the illusion of a social relationship yawn words are drawn to streamers personalities yeah for the opportunity to interact with them even though they are limited to only using a chat box a livestream broadcast is not designed for one-on-one interactions it's designed for an audience so in trying to make sense of this gap I decided to interview a few streamers some large some small as well as viewers of theirs in order to explore their perspective on the strange social landscape created by live-streaming yeah I think that's definitely a it does happen a lot with people and like you do get that dopamine hint just real quick whenever you say something whenever you say something that's in chat and then the streamer reads it and you're like yeah I exist alright let's go too much of you I've also volunteered myself as a test subject of sorts as both a streamer and dependent we're gonna do that on both sides of the screen when it comes to these screens and the way we interact with them yeah the relationships between get some glasses and shift from being social to parasocial oh the term parasocial invokes images of a creepy fiendish parasite latching on to you sucking out your blood and showing no remorse for whatever damage it may inflict and I some ways hats and accurate descriptions the term lets you guys buy psychologists the 1950s in reference to the media at the time long before live fighting on the internet was popular television shows movie stars and radio personalities played a similar role in captivating the attention of viewers and listeners who like us in because on some level they felt some connection the broadcasters for knowing you can't follow what I've got to do you can't be any part of those I'm not good at being noble but it doesn't take much to see that the problem I'm gonna be honestly I [ __ ] hate watching these movies they're actual trash the three little people don't amount to a hill of beans in this crazy world in effect those forms of media were creating a similar environment to what the live streamers of today are a performative one-sided form of communication that doesn't facilitate social reciprocity what I mean by that is as a viewer watch a streamer over the course of many hours days or even years yeah listen to what the streamer has to say maybe you even grow to like their personality and maybe you care for them as you would care for the friends I wish I had you the streamer knows next to nothing about you and does not share the same level of interest in you that's true for everybody except me because I [ __ ] remember and if everything about everybody I gotta think about that and you know the worst part about it is whenever I remember [ __ ] about you guys people freak out about it that's the weirdest thing is I think that people like having the anonymity because they never I remember I was like oh yeah you said that one dumbass thing [ __ ] three years ago I remember your bitch-ass like that's I don't know it it's crazy dude not me yeah yeah if you guys told me something I probably remember it if I ever read it out and how could they to them your primarily just a name yeah chatbox it's easy to forget that behind it's more of one side in our real live people yeah I feel like if I'm watching you know like ninja or Shravan gold viewers Amun like that I'm watching a show whereas if I'm watching Osman gold I'm watching a person live streaming attracts view on two main reasons rays and interaction larger bands with tens of thousands of yours Dara crank the entertainment nice way up but it comes at the cost paid interactions with viewers so what kind of social environment do smaller streams facilitate get away yes I like occasionally do this thing called airborne stream where ty gets to choose like the cool air tremors you only have like ten people in their chat you actually four more like most part you've become more like in that friends if you will if you're a massive tumor again that quadruple average digits quadruple that's a long even if you ought to get to know your chat your chats boy like like you can't even now I [ __ ] hate this guy he sits there with his hair all day like I [ __ ] I look at this guy like it just like every clip that I see of this guy makes me [ __ ] jealous and he's been on LSF a lot i just can't [ __ ] get over it now i think the whole like small streamer thing it can be good but at the of jealousy the small spirit thing can be good but there's like a dark side to it 100 [ __ ] percent man so there is cool like small streamer communities and also these like really weird small streamer communities and it's hard to know which one is which it becomes really difficult for you when you're small you got two guys in your chat yeah and that's their name just repeating over and over and over again so whether you want to or not I like this you could be like yo chat what do you think but it's those two guys you're really over and over again you're going to eventually see them as like yeah that's that guy yeah exactly seven that's him we're slowly starting to get to know what smaller yeah it feels more like a group of people rather than just getting lost in the mist stuff mostly but I'm a really I feel cozy person when it comes to my stream and I'm okay it's good to be cozy like that like I'm not putting on an act I'm just myself kazooie girl and bobber WCC are both smaller streamers with active communities by talking to them and they're yeah I got the sense I'd say we're using the site with a mutual interest in forming meaningful relationships within these live streaming communities I feel like that's true a lot of streamers they started streaming because they were basically for me I started screaming because I was bored I was bored and then after the first stream whenever I made a hundred dollars I was like why should do this more often because I want money right but I was also just [ __ ] bored I was like man like what else am I gonna do and I would just go on the stream I had nothing else to do all day every day and I was like [ __ ] it man like let's do it let's stream and it's like I think some people like the anonymity of a large chat too cuz like they can type out the most vile stupid [ __ ] and like 99% chance nobody's gonna [ __ ] read that but they know they said it and like that [ __ ] that attitude they have you know I'm you know nobody will notice the chats going so fast and I'm gay you know that kind of stuff it's a great way to meet friends but not actually like be stuck there if it's an awkward situation so it's like almost a social outlet for you sounds like I I prefer to watch also small streamers like bobber where the community can be really small kazooie girl also shared insight as strange expectations new viewers have yeah and how twitch as a platform seems to cater to sex appeal based streamers over gaming based streamers I do find twitch definitely favors them over female gaming streamers if you want to put it and it is extremely know why that is right it's because most of the people like it sucks like cuz if you're a girl and you like want to be taken seriously for your gameplay it's hard to have that happen and like there are exceptions but for the most part guys even like a girl like this you know the first thing they're gonna do is come in and like [ __ ] ask or some weird-ass [ __ ] and it's like even if you don't want to be that the viewers push you into that and it's because it's a male-dominated platform like most of the people on Twitch or dudes so it makes sense that dudes are gonna want to watch a girl because she's hot it's just it's a reality and I think like as time goes on if like twitch gets more mainstream that'll become less the case and I think it's less the case now than it was three years ago or five years ago but it's still something that's very prevalent yeah we're weird yeah whatever straighting I try not to voice my frustrations over it because I think a lot of people are definitely defensive about like TV streamers and saying they're doing nothing wrong and stuff women should be allowed to express their bodies but I do think there's other places for that and it's giving twitch a bad name in recent years twitch has made itself a welcomed platform to more Neverland Ursa I'm not really agreed with that at all I think really if you look at like the amount of people there that are on Twitch and you look like the popular streams for example like titty streamers are like less than one percent like I mean this is like a numerical fact okay it's just they're a super super small minority and it's a if you want to say like yeah one person or two people is giving the whole website a bad name no I don't believe that at all yeah I check now just go to just chatting so what if I go to just chatting and there's two boobie streamers that are on does that disprove my argument that the entire breast of the website doesn't have that no that's the whole point that I'm making is it they have a small minority or small prevalence inside of one section on a website that is comprised of hundreds of sections it's it's just it's completely blown out of proportion sexualized female streamers the popularization of streamer girls who use their sex appeal as the main draw for viewers seems to bring upon ominous consequences to gamer girls like kazooie girl who have absolutely no intentions of advertising themselves sexually or playing into that type of fantasy at all and yet that seems to be what viewers on Twitch have been conditioned to expect from all-girl streamers if I wear like twitch merch out in public people will ask me or you streamer and I'll say yes and they'll be like oh are you like one of those streamers that's the first question I get yeah and that's just what Twitter's become now I've never had somebody ask me that which is what's so crazy about it like I mean like obviously it wouldn't make sense to me be like a boobie streamer you know like but like if I ever wear something out in public well no I'm not talking about that bike if people ever ask me i'm a streamer before I've never had somebody ask me that in public now obviously not leaving the house does is a contributing factor to that but I don't really think it's not that common it's kind of odd honestly a bald streamer okay who's this while making this video a fast guy rarely tied to the abundance of suggestive stream this guy Harris social relationships has come to light and it's worth taking a deep dive into Marquart which viewer Eric sto filed a civil suit against the site seeking 25 million dollars for regular and suggestive streamers provided it's also worth noting that he sued Microsoft Sony Nintendo and Blizzard in the past he's a legal troll I mean come on one none of those cases possibly in the complaint it is stated that Eric suffers from depression OCD panic disorder agoraphobia Crohn's disease and sex addiction that's it due to this he spends all day viewing twitch streams following a walk 786 female streamers and zero male streamers he asserts that twitch has exacerbated his condition by constantly this was such a good [ __ ] clip man I was there for that or not that was so [ __ ] good I read that are playing in Africa in the background this is amazing so yeah I mean like I don't know I feel like a whole like this sexual streamer thing it's like if you look at the whole platform it's not really as much of a thing and I think it's like one of those things where people will like look at a very very small minority of things and genuinely think that it's like an impactful variable on the website whereas like you see like a few people right it's like a morass and I think she's probably like the most popular one and like amrok doesn't get she does even get over 10,000 viewers like there's like literally hundreds millions people that go on the website and like it's like ten thousand people maybe they were looking at that kind of stuff it's very small if you had to look at all girls streamers 15 million views per day only a few thousand was watching today streamers yeah it's just it's not a it's not a fair analysis I don't think playing suggestive streamers to him which he can't avoid being exposed to when online it doesn't take a lawyer to figure out that lawsuits such as this one hold no legal weight but it does serve as an interesting form of activism interestingly this lawsuit which ultimately is a statement of the power certain female streamers have over men comes out around the same time as twitch and YouTube's very own me to movement no words where in dozens of girls in these communities are sharing their stories and how sting men or wait there's a Google Doc at holy [ __ ] man you twitch straw Mike are already been banned as a result of these stories coming out when we click the online platform certainly make for a strange and tumultuous type of social dynamic while more meaningful social interactions do occur let's get back now let's get back to the good compost your popular streamers on twitch as mongold has a more unique approach may a point of trying to facilitate as much social reciprocity between him and his viewers possible true encouraging interaction and community events you despite having tens of thousands of viewers trode I think a differentiation here that you can maybe use for me is that I try to look at people instead of consent of fans that will become as viewers right Birds it doesn't necessarily imply the same type of worship as a fan does you know fan is obviously short for fanatics so that's right I don't like that I treat all of my viewers and just people that are watching my stream it's just like guys that would probably maybe hang out with or not and if certain people I feel are being too attached in a way that I feel is unhealthy and you know in terms of like I guess what you would call parasocial relationship that's definitely not something that I want to promote but I think that having a relative relationship with your viewers and even having that be a one-on-one thing is completely okay as long as the people that are going into it both have the same level of expectation I'd go and I do like a pickup group with like I said I'd add these people on be tagged there and they just over time became like my regular Wow friends and I wouldn't have met them if it weren't for Aspen gold which i think is something that I can't really stay for a lot of other streamers but when attracting dozens of bad boys sewers there's only spot by the direction one person can provide I had fears that one day I'm just gonna fall off and I'm not gonna be any entertaining anymore and that people are gonna want to watch me that people aren't gonna like me mischief is one of the largest streamers on Twitch yes unlike as among gold and many others he got to that position in a very short amount of time when I feel like people like me poke Greek X you see we have this relatability of people that they feel like they could be friends with people that they thought they could know and that makes sense we're trying to watch us over other people yeah I think the reality is this when it comes to twitch you can never blame the viewers you you can't blame 10,000 people like it's just not a thing you can't do some time your chat for anything because the reality is you are in control and you have to be able to figure out what to do and what not to do for mischief and many other popular streamers the viewers are a collective known as the chat yeah they're not like they're not really people there like a amalgamation like if you guys are seem like you know how like Thaddeus is like it's like an abomination that stitched together with like children well chat is basically Thaddeus that's so you you we are all you are all Thaddeus together yeah Frankenstein exactly representing the sometimes tens of thousands of PA watching the chatroom is a living reaction to everything a streamer is saying so if I put coal there and I put iron there occur interestingly that audience also seems to attract some viewers with similar goals to the streamer where being noticed and acknowledged by the streamer among thousands of other viewers provides an elevated level of attention and validation yeah they seek out there is a lot you could ask any you could ask a streamer like this k for hope loss because they are very fond of typing alive I wonder if they are I'm VIP in there where is VIP a lot of you were zone sometimes annoyed [ __ ] accurate actually yeah okay he's VIP that's cool by me great or they love me a lot because I can be really entertaining to the chat um I think having a streamer notice you and shed is always interesting he is special makes you feel good there's something the chat can be a source of great confidence and support but it can also be a source of great distress yeah headache whenever there means that you explained to me what I think some people that really try to get a friend out of me are people that donate to me like crazy right like you'll have these guys that give me thousands and thousands of dollars and gifted subs or in general and those people see I don't have that problem because I don't read most of the donations and I never think I see that's the thing see I don't have that problem cuz I never read the [ __ ] messages and like as somebody people have to tell me like man you just got donated a hundred bucks like go read his [ __ ] best about alright fine let's go see what let's go see what David has to say alright yeah thanks David appreciate you buddy you know and that's it and yeah I read a multiple I missed some of them okay and it's not the same type of like direct rich can't okay alright rich rich alright that's different though rich my man with the five subs thank you dude I appreciate that either a lot of attention which is why they do it yeah or they typically want to be my friend yeah they're trying to buy their way into my life cuz I know multiple people give me tons of money and then buy a dude you wanna do me a favor can you host me afterwards or give me a huge favor can you you know just I I answer my DM and they start DMing me and I what am I gonna end it it's like because like that's one thing that happens to me too right is that all sometimes respond to people's DMS men and they'll be like a man could you help me or could you like what what let's the answer to this question I'll be I gets this like so that's cool man so last week I had like this really bad thing happened at school and pretty much my teacher said that I was a loser everybody in a chat laughed at me and that really bothered me because back in middle school this happened to me a lot because okay well let me explain my relationship with my dad because this is really complicated and actually because he had the same relationship with his dad so it's a thing that's going on you know it's like over and over and in the chat well listen I'm on Twitch okay like [ __ ] [ __ ] off so it this does happen and like the worst part about it is that there's like a certain weird part of me I don't know if this makes sense but like there's a certain weird part of me that wants to help the person I want to talk to them i I want to do this but it's just there's also like like emotional bandwidth that I just I I have a limit on and like you know mental bandwidth that I have a limit on and I've actually thought about doing I don't know this might be a good idea especially coming from me I thought about doing a life advice stream where people could call in and ask for life advice from me and I think it would be really [ __ ] good - yeah and so yeah how do i how to do things right according to asmin gold yeah wouldn't that be [ __ ] amazing III yeah to be a be really really fun from you yeah exactly yeah you know I feel guilty that this guy's to be thousands of dollars and I'm not gonna just answer it it's weird isn't it over time yeah it's more and more and more than just trying to bother me and just trying to get my attention constantly yeah and that's not you can't just because you give me money doesn't mean I'm gonna be your friend or play games through yeah that's not how it works you know that's like a super unhealthy thing man like I like I am so lucky in the fact that my audience is mostly like older boomers and like a lot of us are like past that stage in our life and so we don't really have that happen as much but I can really imagine that like for other streamers that have like a younger audience [ __ ] man like that stuff probably happens a lot and it's kind of weird you mean kids no man I mean people that are like you know like 19 or something or like maybe 16 or something it's not really 16 it's not really a kid it's not an adult either it's like an in-between and you know they'll reach out to some streamer or something like that because they feel like they have a connection and it's like I like the chess signing at Taco Bell well listen like as I said I'm pretty out that didn't bother me at all I was completely fine with that they own experiments having just a few hundred active viewers made it near impossible to engage with people in the chat on an individual level this is where the call to response type relationship with viewers arises from yeah how old is everyone a preacher at your age in the chat you guys just did that each of you guys are 54 21 23 25 nice you guys are a bunch of my age range stupid-ass kids remember whenever I did this yeah look at him this type of communication turns individual view this feels so good and like you guys know this feeling have you ever done this with your cat and then the cat looks up there's a like [ __ ] I own you I can control you I control your mind I do that to my cat all the time you know I'll move my hand and the cattle look up you might have made to do that stupid-ass care and that's the same thing on stream except for there's you guys there's a lot of cats walk into a collective hive mind yeah even before the popularity of live-streaming this type of linear communication was used by TV shows especially children's cartoons my favorite show watch this and uh tenth-grade taking this a step further a lot of users will use terms like we or us when addressing their chat because they want viewers to feel like they are part of the same collective group as the streamer what I kind of all what we do and I say we because it is a community thing it isn't yeah it's not just me it's we write because I can I never noticed it but trains nose is really big like it's it's really big and I don't know what it is I just I noticed that man and yeah well no I don't really mind the we in a lot of ways because I think that we is only bad never you're using like in terms of like we in order for like a streamer to manipulate their chat into like doing something that is like exclusively beneficial for the streamer you know I feel like that's bad like saying we in general I think is okay because we is usually a shared term that makes sense I mean a lot of us a lot of us grew up into 90s or like maybe the late 80s or early 2000s a lot of us might remember before we had internet like there was a time before the internet gentlemen and you remember like maybe whenever you had to call your friends on the phone remember whenever you would go to your friend's house without calling them ahead of time three days in advance before they canceled on you five minutes before they're supposed to show up and you remember this and this is a shared experience where you would go outside and you would go out and I think this is a we because this is a shared experience it will never happen again like this is like before and after electricity it's before and after television or video games it's such a massive cultural shift that I do think that you know at least in my case there is a week and I don't know why I think that like I think what Glink is saying is true but I think there's more to it than that it's not just the community it's more than that I can only do half of it the other half is you guys coming in watching there it is we need holy [ __ ] [Music] however despite this type of language the streamers are very much in their own social bubble populist users are on a virtual stage and the audience something like dashing from their seats if your job was to broadcast shadowbox hours every single day to thousands of viewers you too might develop an unhealthy view of yourself in relation to others lost of all of my connections to people so well very lonely it's sad but that's just how it is cheese meat when you got to make a lot of sacrifices and if you're not already relationship before you start streaming ordering streaming then it's really hard to find someone you've been outside very long time you know streamers in general and I think youtubers are in our own bubble because our world does revolve around us as much we don't want to say that it does yeah and you know I talking to my grandma as much as I wish I did and she died recently and I was like crap like I definitely should have called her more I definitely could have done more stuff but I'm just so obsessed with my job that it stopped that and then I also don't call my family as much because of streaming constantly having thousands of P that Stefan Utley something that I did for a while and now I'm kind of at a better balance yeah I mean like it was because like you get so focused and fixated on succeeding at something or doing something or the process of doing something or just like an event or something like that and so it's a shifts to six five minutes ago you're gonna pop what I mean is like just in general I think streamers do isolate themselves and it's not healthy like I've tried to make more efforts to interact with more people in real life and you know hang out with some of my real life friends more and do more things together and it's something that's really important I think that if the screamer like if you have like a real life support group especially if it's people that are separate from the streaming culture I guess I think it really helps streamers and if you have like those real life friends and you start streaming it's really important to make sure that you maintain those relationships and you stick with them it's super important I think it's probably one of the biggest differences between you know people that burn out and have like mental problems and people that don't in a lot of ways and maybe I'm just speaking for myself but I think a lot of other people probably had the same experience well regularly watching you also tends to make them very invested in your personal life these viewers became obsessed with our relationship obsessed obsessed I can't relate to that and I hated it I absolutely yeah how obsessed these viewers came over about my relationship yeah I can't relate to that at all didn't realize how much of an impact it would have and a lot of YouTube channels started to take our videos and we're like oh my God my MS give talked and they're getting like quarter million half million views and all it was talked about a live cam fails and twitch was me and Maya yeah yeah it definitely affected my community pretty hard streamers are the same should happen like I'm Robin like oh my god and that was like that was so long ago it like oh man and then and then [ __ ] I guess everybody was cool with Cora like we weren't dating so it was a kind of a different thing and then like with Izzy I think everybody like that's reason enough to where I don't even need to tell you guys what it was like but yeah people were really weird about that and it happens to a lot of streamers I've seen it happen to what do you call it I've seen happen to like I've ever happen with soda to an extent with likely whereas yours were really weird about that and then like Mitch whenever he was dating Mira and I feel like almost every stream or whenever they getting like a serious relationship there's like this weird thing we're like their chat like shits on their girlfriend and then the streamer gets put in this like really weird position where it's like should I defend my girlfriend or make my chat happy and it's I don't know like it's very very weird and I think almost it's like reckful and blue yeah yeah there was that one too it's like almost like if you have a girlfriend then you're not their girlfriend or you're not their boyfriend anymore so [ __ ] you and I had a lot of people you know that acted weird about that one if I started dating easy and Robin too but I think ultimately if you just approach it and this has always been like my this has always been like my my perspective on it especially now recently is I just approach things as directly and honestly as possible and I think that viewers even if they disagree with the way that you look at it they'll respect it the most rather than trying to tiptoe around it or talk around what the real problem is and you just approach things and you say what the direct issue is and like what you have a concern with so like if somebody's doing something in my chat that I don't like now or whatever I just call it out and I say stop doing this please and usually it happens and I think people respect that a lot and I also respect that a lot and it just creates a Minetta atmosphere just one of many new transmog after yes someone's after variants these highs and lows a celebrity's ego and sense of importance is inflated by the attention of others yeah what a shame time their personal life evaporates away being absorbed by that same attention I spoke with one final popular streamer who has a trait that separates him from his Connor eats pants doesn't just tell his viewers that he's one of them he actually embodies that role without showing his body at all Connor doesn't use face cam on screen and so the level of separation between I don't know who the sewers is far less on the under every man Streetman you know yeah I feel like it maybe in some way not having a camp makes it more of like a collaborative a few more involved like you're active like you're seeing your channels go on the screen with other people it's like just watching Connor this is a group of people enjoying this and making the stream happen the way Connor got into twitch oh I like no cam streams I think this should be more popular I like no cam streams a lot so seems to reflect the reasons many of his viewers have done the same the reason I always came to streams is the same small bastard I came to streams because I wanted either something on in the background is something that is funny in the chat that I can mess around then basically just forget about my day and relax and have a good time and so yeah I try to provide that same thing to others and so my intention I would say is never to have people unhelpful we've lived through me I guess it's always I've always put out my stream to be for people like me as a viewer karna sought out twitch because it was an escape from his real life but now good a streamer it's the real world which he occasionally feels the need to escape into it's almost on a reverse now or like I get afraid if I ever screw up online I want to be able to escape back to my real life and just turn off the computer or something I mean that's not you can do that yeah you do that easy like yeah if I have a bad day you know what I do at the end of my stream usually is I go like I bought like a huge stockpile of Easter candy for the rest of the year until they bring the so basically there are two times a year that I buy Reese's peanut butter cups there's during Easter and also during Christmas because they sell the Christmas tree recipient peanut butter cups for Christmas and then also the egg Reese's peanut butter cups for Easter so what I end up doing is as soon as they introduce the Easter egg candy people always buy these first so I go to the store and I get about 30 or 20 or 30 bags of Reese's peanut butter cups and that's my six-month supply until the next Easter or the next Christmas runs around and so every six months I have to I guess like refresh the supply of lard Easter candy or Christmas candy because I feel like the ratio of chocolate to peanut butter inside of those Reese's peanut butter cups that are the seasonal ones is more preferable to the original ratio of peanut butter chocolate and the normal Reese's peanut butter cups so because of that I buy them all in these two different times of the year and so I will get one of the bags and I will eat one and I will sit in the backyard and basically [ __ ] fight mosquitoes off until I get mad enough and I go get food that's why I do the same thing I mean I go outside I don't know why I brought the Reese's peanut butter cups thing but like I mean that's yeah obviously a fear but I'd do anything bad but you know you see people just get absolutely destroyed on the internet for a mistake and it's like oh man yeah like I'm that's a scary thought and that same escapism is what fuels the desires of many twitch viewers who spend significant portions of their lives sitting there watching streams and trying to participate in these online communities how much time do you spend on Twitch like on average a day or a week if you can estimate that probably like four to five hours a day so that's not that bad would be 35 hours cuz I got that bad people like the plague I use amount of my time watching streams um back when I was like playing well I'd have them on at the background especially as my gold so see what the [ __ ] did I tell you guys I knew people watch this [ __ ] in the background man it's always in the background yeah yeah that's what I stay happy in the background second monitor just chillin and we're doing whatever the [ __ ] man and beyond for a long time hmm I think over the past three years I've used stuff a lot of my time on Twitch and it's it's made me feel very different I guess I don't know how to describe it like I live lost a lot of time just sitting there trying to be dedicated to twitch channels I would say that having friends swiped better than having attention because you have people that you can actually talk to get good attention from instead of like the attention for like two seconds then you get that doesn't really mean anything the experience of these viewers isn't so different for us this is true it's better to have friends and be noticed by streamers and twitch Jen this is very true no not something that a lot of people want to admit but that is true I'm Conor's it's not so different from mischiefs and it's not so different from people I know who spend all day watching streams or Jesus man corrects not to say that spending time online is always bad or that there aren't great things that can come of your time spent in these online communities because there certainly are and then over time it's like I was part of a bunch of groups I found a bunch of amazing people I ended up incredibly luckily meeting an amazing like group of streamers it got to the point where we've met together like at least 10 times easily we go to conventions together I realized that the name is behinds I think this is at twitchcon right yeah this is a twitchcon I'm pretty sure I don't know maybe it's not green can turn into an actual real-life friend there's no difference between real-life friends and like name on screen you can reach the same level of intimacy forming meaningful relationships online is possible I myself have made many good friends after spending years of my life in various online communities I've even met friends in person many times who live thousands of miles away and some of my closest friends are online friends but admittedly forming long lasting relationships can be difficult the physical distance between people online will always add an extra layer of separation it's the same way you know I've got a lot of close friends I mean we got McConnell you know we got rich s fond and like I've met these guys and like trained like these are people I like to talk with and hang out with all the time you know and then I have like other different levels but like that's like you know like inner circle people that I talk to pretty regularly and I don't know I get it's cool like I feel like yeah there's a dark side to it but there's also a pretty big bright side too in my own life where I work and communicate with others online it's a daily struggle to balance time spent looking at screens and time spent in the present underlying the issue online parasocial relationships is a global shift in human communication that no one was prepared for the world has changed so much but people have not we still seek out communities companions and camaraderie even if it's through a screen the social opportunities that were once afforded to the previous generations have all but eroded away social gatherings public venues and face-to-face interactions that were once for foundations of community are rapidly fading away in place of more logistical efficient methods the people and plate yeah it's like you don't go outside anymore you talk to other people and decide if you want to go outside it's kind of like a weird way of looking at things I mean every once in a while like I mean right now obviously with like the whole [ __ ] pandemic thing you know you're not doing it at all but before then like you'd occasionally go to the park or something and I see people playing basketball and play with them but it like wasn't the same as it used to be and maybe it's just because we're older now that could be it - this is of the past of the virtual friends of viewers today humans themselves are slowly being written out of the equation the great challenge of technology and our time is in emerging from the chasm of isolation which is so easy to fall into and instead form connections that we can find meaning in no great depression how long this [ __ ] movie was a spiritual how Great Depression it's our lives topics like this one because for years I've experienced what I'm talking about and I know many others who have as well I've been a viewer I've even been a streamer but I find the most meaning in making these kinds of videos even if it takes the most amount of time and effort yeah I don't have any sponsors I actually think that they cheapen the message of a good video so I might as well sponsor myself I want to give a huge shout out and thank you to all the patrons who support me about that be here and about that I would like to thank everyone I interviewed miss kif as mongold Conner why have to use out their Tropper aunt plays oz cocoa and Peter I will be uploading some of these interviews to my second channel in full and they were very interesting insightful conversations that I think he's talking about the one I'll say I want to give a shout-out to my friend VH 21 for helping a lot with research and finding clips for this video and I want to thank you guys the viewers for watching my stuff and supporting me in any way that you can until next time I wish you guys the best of luck on your journey through the internet just don't spend too much time watching other people unless it's me and like yeah this video was good man it definitely was good I liked it a lot I thought that it came together really well and it made a lot of sense I don't know McConnell what'd you think yeah I agree I think it's I think they're this topic itself is really it's gonna be a very big issue in the coming decade or 20 years yeah because we don't know the full we don't really know the full ramifications of all this time that we're spending online and and not really socializing in real life like I feel like a lot of people I know maybe I'm projecting but I feel like a lot of people don't socialize as much as they could or should and I don't think those effects the the negative effects are gonna be seen for a long time so yeah it was a really good video oh I don't want I think that it just came together really well and overall like it's a it's a necessary video I believe for our community and for people to have like that level of awareness [Music]
Channel: Asmongold TV
Views: 461,051
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: asmongold, asmongold reacts, daily dose of asmongold, asmongold twitch, asmongold highlights, asmongold youtube, asmongold moments, asmongold best, asmongold funny, catdany, asmongold tv, asmongold channel, asmongold xqc, asmongold mizkif, asmongold glink, glink, glink xqc, glink mizkif, asmongold parasocial, asmongold livestreaming, asmongold documentary, glink asmongold, asmongold xqc reacts, xqc asmongold, xqc reacts, mizkif reacts, asmongold reaction, xqc reaction
Id: oYh9aWklIhc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 46min 40sec (2800 seconds)
Published: Sun Jul 05 2020
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