A͏s͏mongold Reacts To RANT Against Him - Streamer Favoritism | Ashes of Creation (New MMORPG)

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osmond gold getting a fax as a peaceful rams - the creation oh he was he was yeah he was upset because that guy just randomly showed up in your chat and gave you that beta alpha so they actually know oh yeah this is whenever I was playing the game oh my gosh I'll watch the video we loved Wow he said this is Steven I'm watching your stream Thank You Steven Oh cry if you want to a good picture no you're willing I think a lot of people in my community would be interested in seeing a new MMO and so if you guys do an alpha and you want to give me a key and give me and some of my my audience a key I can go ahead and do giveaways and give them an opportunity to try and play out the game see what it's like yeah and give it a shot yeah well he said we'll hook you up no worries all right they put a triple dot this is kind of a rant in a way I don't usually do these definitely don't you think face on camera because I'm yeah but I am trying to new a new thing so anyway so the video I played at the beginning that's azzaman gold and gold I can't even say his name I always always butcher it anyway so during that during that livestream he was doing for heart of a minister stephen actually popped into his chat and i was like hey i'm gonna give you alpha key and alpha one key at that so there's a lot of people upset right now you never said alpha 1 and some who may not be upset and might see this as a good thing how many rows I'm here to just give my reaction to this as a community an avid community member and a very loyal community member so I want to say that it is kind of a slap in the face to the creators I really disagree with this on the fundamental basis that I don't think that consumeristic loyalty is a positive trait III don't think that consumers of loyalty creates good content it doesn't create a good product having somebody that just eats the same [ __ ] and we'll just never criticize or complain about what you have it does not breed a quality game it's not make a quality game so regardless of how loyal somebody is or is not that doesn't necessarily mean that they want the game to fail at the point where you're willing to forsake your own values and just say that you're loyal to a game without seeing something that deserves your loyalty does not necessarily mean that your and any say in any way more deserving a more righteous than somebody who doesn't I disagree with that entirely have been philosophical issues who might not have access to the Alpha to test it and their communities matter I want to I want to make that very clear if you're a small streamer or small youtuber whatever and you do confident pressures of creation your community matters like their voices your voices they all matter and it's it's nobody saying they don't matter all commute yeah all communities matter you're right but like if you have like a really big community of people and you can give one person access or like a handful of people access from that community there are people that clearly love mmo's like we want this game to be good just as much as you do we want this game to be good like this this is like I want it to be a fun game to play because then that will give me more things to do on my stream and it'll just be enjoyable like I yeah I mean there's no why he does address some counter arguments in the comments okay yeah kind of shameful that a company will go after these bigger streamers to pull in more numbers and overshadow the people who are loyal to the brand it doesn't have to be a zero-sum environment like it does not have to be zero-sum like that there's no there's no reason for for that to be the case like I don't understand why this is even a thing III I really don't I don't get it at all because there's no it's like also like of course it matters the scale like if you're going to give it to somebody that has four viewers you're going to have a a smaller return on your investment and if you give it to somebody that has like 3,000 viewers and 30,000 viewers and 300,000 viewers like of course this is a matter of return its marketing I I don't agree with it but again it's not my game and whatever marketing is thinking if there was even any thinking and marketing with this it was horrible it was horrible I advise one because we're giving access to someone who barely follows your game exactly exactly whenever the game comes out you're gonna have that game be exposed to all these people that are completely new they don't have information either so my experience as a neutral person who has minimal understanding of the game is extremely valuable and in fact in a lot of ways more valuable than somebody who's played it ever since the you know at the very beginning because we want to make sure that those people are able to understand and enjoy the game and if the only people that you have that are enjoying the game have been playing the game ever since you know the super before alpha alpha you're not really going to open the game up to be successful an MMO lives and dies on its community and if you keep gatekeeping the community for all these different things oh oh well he should you know there's this thing and that thing he hasn't liked it enough like I've watched videos about this game for over a year like how much investment like what is the barrier to entry here that I'm not meeting like I promoted the game to thousands of people I've said at the beginning I said it was garbage and later on I thought it got better and I said it got better and now I've said that I'm excited to play it I've been completely fair and I've I've earned my right to have this game I've alpha for the game as much as I think almost anybody else of course we all do we all want it to be good I'm so sick of Wow please let this be a good game please God who probably knows very little about it and well exactly will they bring in new people yes they'll probably bring in new people what will they be a significant number probably not as we saw with the Battle Royale we had some bigger streamers come in but it couldn't say don't give a [ __ ] about a Battle Royale like here's the thing like yeah let's say one in a hundred people try the game out that's like four hundred or something like that people they're gonna try the game like you you want to have people come in and try the game like we are royalty - mmm oil - yeah I mean like people want people want to play ashes of creation in the MMO not ashes of creation the BR it's just it's just the nature of it I don't remember like what all the nuance was to that if it was free-to-play if people were able to access it or streamers are only able to play it I don't remember what it was so I can't really speak to that but I do know that like there's a reason why all these companies pay millions of dollars like shroud the ninja got paid millions of dollars in order to play apex because it was so popular and it was such a big deal and I feel like that's obviously what the what the case is here as well and like you see like fortnight for example I remember whenever doc and Tim and all the guys got a ton of attention and they they all got sponsored to play fortnight at the same time like viral like viral what they like to call influencer marketing is a codified strategy that almost every game development studio do does now because it works it works you want to have your game be put in front of somebody who is at a neutral party for the most part and give them the opportunity to show that game to their to their viewers like I I don't know man there are big streamers made apex of thing yeah it's very important that's why that's why these companies pay millions of dollars for it your battle because it works your battle royale was a I want to say at least consecutive 10 consecutive players every day and sometimes three consecutive players per day and that was with the exposure from bigger streamers so I mean I remember the only streamer I remember playing it was shroud and shroud doesn't have an audience that's endemic to memos to begin with like shrouds an FPS player fundamentally like Stroud has a huge audience of people and some of the people that watch them watch them because they want to see him play a while or whatever or there's an overlap but you can't compare like somebody who goes and plays FPS is for a living to go and play another genre of games and then expect the audience of that person to continuously stick with the game it's just too many too many abstract variables it's just not going to happen it's a it's it's pretty much just a just a marketing gimmick and I hope it doesn't backfire honestly because you're gonna be exposing your game to thousands of people who think that this is a finished product and nobody thinks that nobody thinks that what do you mean like we never said that like yeah III like some people think that and they're dumb you're right but there are many people who don't think that people know it's alpha the reason why people are overly critical in alpha is because they know that it will change that's actually the fundamental reason for why people are critical in alpha and beta stages of games is because that's whenever their most most able to change those thousands of people are gonna tell tens of hundreds more people that your game is crap because they experienced it in a alpha state I don't know about that I mean like that that's very presumptuous don't you think I mean that should be that that's very very presumptuous I I don't agree with that at all I yeah I mean obviously there are gonna be some people that are gonna watch the game and they're gonna think to themselves ah you know what I don't like this game very much I think it's stupid and that's fine like for example like if I went I played PUA there's gonna be a lot of people who are like POA sucks I don't like POA I just want to watch wow and then vice versa if I go and play PUA there are gonna be people that come in from my stream and think to themselves I'll thank god he's actually playing a good game now and not that shitty Wow you know thank god he's not addicted anymore like this is just it's the nature of how these things go those people most players now when they think of an alpha yeah they think of you know product that's about to lunch it just makes me think of pub G and the only reason they took pub G out of the beta early access alpha thing or whatever the only reason they did that was just so they could sell it for Christmas like it wasn't ready to go out it wasn't ready to be released they just released it anyway for Christmas like people know the game is early access that's why the meme early access by the way exists people know that like shadow ends is the same thing and like also people can still judge certain things based off of the Alpha like a fundamental of like a fundamental philosophical decision that the game has like on my core level like covenants for example in shadow lands people can criticize that the moment that it's announced because they know the philosophy behind it is flawed and not necessarily what the players would want to see and I think that's really what the what the difference is so yeah I honestly hope it doesn't backfire but one thing I would like to bring up is if you're going to put your foot put yourself out there and give out these alpha-1 keys to big streamers make it a play test of big streamers and smaller streamers from your own community bring them together so that way there are different voices different opinions and different views different perspectives and not just one person it's true like obviously it should be everybody should be able to get an accent right I mean access right but it it makes logical and then logistical sense for again if they have a limited access of alpha keys that they feel like would be healthy for the game to have they're like okay well we have this server and the server is designed for having let's say a hundred people on it well then they're gonna give out probably like maybe 120 or 150 keys because they don't want to overpopulate the server and have a weird experience for people because it's not going to be representative of what the actual game is so it would make sense for them to prioritize people that are going to have larger audiences but you're absolutely right I mean of course there needs to be a number of people that that have like a different perspective it doesn't really matter about like the audience size as much as the perspective effective I don't think it would be really healthy for actions at this point to have only one big streamers voice being put out there to the masses sure so that would be my suggestion to Steven and the team is to invite your smaller content creators who don't have access to a one come out and test it with these bigger streamers obviously it would be under NDA visual NDA but at least they could talk about it amongst their communities because again their communities matter their voices matter and soon I think it would be an awesome thing for camaraderie you know within the content creator community not only from ashes community creators but throughout the youtube streamer community as well bringing those together bringing them together and maybe sharing ideas amongst their communities as well ya know that's just my little rant and I want to make this video really short and sweet so let me know what your comments let me know what you guys think in the comments section or just on the forums in general and yeah I'll see you in the next one [Music] I think everybody's like opinion matters but I mean let's not kid ourselves yeah giving popular streamers alpha keys and you know access to new games is a marketing strategy and it works really well they're like almost every every game development studio does this now and I feel like in the same way that smaller's communities smaller streamers communities matter I think our church community streamers matter like that's right what is and I don't I don't like the gatekeeping of this at all I feel like I feel like if anything I've earned my right to have an alpha for this game I'm an MMO player I've been an MMO player for you know over 15 years now I played black desert I played a couple of other of the shitty mmo's like very briefly and I played Wow forever and Wow is the most successful MMO like it is and I think that like having that perspective of somebody who's played a game like wow for so long and I know a lot about the game and coming into a new game and seeing what the differences are I think that does create value it does matter a lot and I don't understand it at all Square Enix's - yeah I'm more than qualified enough to talk about this the idea that I don't have the right to an opinion I think is ridiculous [Music]
Channel: Asmongold TV
Views: 335,044
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: asmongold, asmongold reacts, asmongold wow, asmongold twitch, asmongold highlights, asmongold youtube, world of warcraft, asmongold best, asmongold funny, asmongold tv, asmongold rant, asmongold drama, asmongold ashes of creation, asmongold ashes, asmongold alpha, asmongold mmorpg, ashes of creation, ashes of creation mmo, asmongold mmo, mmo, mmorpg, new mmorpg, new mmo, ashes of creation mmorpg, mmorpg 2019, mmorpg 2020, ashes of creation gameplay, asmongold new mmorpg
Id: 2MUq0Fneo1A
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 36sec (1116 seconds)
Published: Tue Jun 16 2020
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