A͏s͏mongold & Mcconnell Learn About The Biggest SCAM: Shungite

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you know what that's a good idea what is young guy that's good that is good we'll get that she spins around in the chair hi welcome back to finally revealed I'm really excited for this episode as you know I am an information junkie and that's part of what this she's got cat hair all over a shirt and all is all about is passing on information that comes to me that I learn or from other sources and I'm really happy to tell you about this discovery you may already know about it I know lots of people do know about it but I don't think this is mainstream at all and I just questioned why it isn't and today I want to tell you about Shung guide it is a black stone primarily naturally occurring from northern Russia is that right in a region from a town called shunga and a place called Lake Onaga and shunga the name of that town is worth got its name oh my god has various properties oh my god for us that we should know about and so I want to tell you what I have learned it was recommended to me as a type of protection by putting it in water why it has a meta physical and spiritual properties but it has medicinal and physical properties that what are you gonna eat the rock you're gonna lick the rock oh the properties the beneficial properties are spiritual electromagnetic that's my thing and outside the body the that's a 5g part Nick one first and then we'll get into the real juicy part which is inside and outside the body electromagnetic we've got 5g coming online we have Wi-Fi we've had research about your cellphones and radiation and different things zipping around through the air and Sean God can help there you can put it on your phone they are all stickers and different things to neutralize it for your computer or your laptop or you can take talk of it about two inches in diameter for your house and put it on your electrical box two inches in diameter maybe like like this like a three-dimensional triangle something like that yeah I can get you to say that smoking and drinking was good for you and then look what happened they used to not wash their hands like look science can be wrong sometimes doctors can be wrong okay all I'm saying is that having a healthy skepticism of the kind of information that you get whether it's regard in regards to like you know [ __ ] okay complete [ __ ] and utter fabrications like you know shunga is good for you or what doctors tell you or you know what the with the w-h-o says okay because these organizations and these people can be wrong too okay they're not they're not infallible all right so just have you know just be just be a healthy skeptic about everything that's that's told to you at all times that's right it helps hair growth well I mean like there's a certain point where I people find like these chemicals and these like properties these these minerals in the world and they just extrapolate every single positive thing in the entire world to this chemical being possible to being able to do I think this is kind of what's happening here yep just like pot smokers they say only the good thing they won't be oh it helps with anxiety and you know can can cure cancer or whatever though the [ __ ] they kind of say okay I don't know all this this [ __ ] they come up with nowadays but look the fact is if rocks okay if these rocks in particular were able to you know do all this miraculous [ __ ] then they would already be using them okay I mean we've we've known about it for like over a hundred years right and if all this [ __ ] was true then it would be in every facet of our society but it's not because it doesn't work and none of this is scientifically proven at all there's no peer-reviewed research papers stating all this [ __ ] it should spray it's it's coming from sites like [ __ ] shamans sisters or some [ __ ] like that like it's completely made-up [ __ ] used to to make people feel better well they're literally selling magic rocks exactly I mean they're literally selling a magic rock I mean this is really really pretty well on the bottom of the barrel man like let's be [ __ ] real a magic [ __ ] Rock oops heavy metals such as copper mercury and lead yeah it removes toxins such as phenols dioxins oil it removes chemicals such as pesticides and chlorine and fluoride which contribute and chloride disease and cancer adds potassium to the water and it contains many many elements of the periodic table that are beneficial its resistant to chemical attack to it so it won't corrode impacts the antihistamine effect of the body or the body's reaction to things so it eases and eliminates allergic reactions in the Boz lows cancer and HIV cell growth and the thing that really blew me away and I will put links below for these papers and think things that removed the streptococcus cells and e-coli it eradicated it so I thought this was extremely powerful information it's just here's what I think happens is like one person there's like a half-truth that comes out and then it's retold through like a game of telephone five times and then by the time it gets the sixth guy at cures cancer or it's like originally there was like this like small like grain of truth inside of it and then by the time that it actually reaches the public it cures cancer that's that's really what's ridiculous about this okay I didn't know why maybe in 1996 when the Nobel Prize was given I wasn't paying attention and it was widely publicized but why don't we have this on our water filters why don't we have this on our showerheads and why are we not drinking water with this we don't have to buy it in a bottle we can make it ourselves so the percentage is four metric is a hundred grams of shunga for one liter of water use a ceramic carafe or a glass just put it in a pit I just put it in a bottom of the pitcher fill it up with water the water doesn't have to be special in fact this will clean waste water not only get the impurities out but you'll be able to see through it'll be clear this is pathetic like this is [ __ ] sad look boys you want to do something crazy to yourself alright you want you want the secret listen by the end of the video she's gonna tell you to eat the rock look into your pineal gland okay and look into decalcifying your pineal gland okay that's all I'm gonna say you can do it however you want it's not like Hindu spiritualism or something what no it's a real thing is it really yeah man you can't rip a third eye or something like that no dude you ever listen dude you ever heard of DMT MDMA you ever heard of that stuff yeah that shit'll change your world for sure Joe Rogan oh my god what the [ __ ] is this man okay alright let's just finish the video all you have to do then is leave it for two to three days yeah and then you can put a filter on your pitcher and pour right out of it or you can decant it put it in another container and then start again and make another batch I will put a video on our Facebook page finally revealed Facebook page to show you what happened when I poured a picture of shunga water that I was making for myself into my daughter's school and okay let's see the picture he didn't see me do it he didn't know what I was doing you know I'll just show you animals no I experienced that before when I bought well what soon electrolyte water for my animals and the cat came downstairs to get into the dog bowl they know the difference so I'll I think we need to give her the Nobel Prize that right there that is that is smart I mean how could the cat go from one bowl to another bowl how do you do that how is that possible that's science that's how magnets are on there just so you don't see that just was totally random that happened this morning but this is a solar out of this it's a carbon substance and fullerenes is the magic inside Shung guide it's a Penta Penta g''l black color structure aha was different from diamond graphite or carbine which are the other main carbon substances so it is in that family but it's just way more powerful I just thought this was really interesting information I'm gonna use it for my plants for my animals maybe there's a filter somebody find a filter that we can put on the hose going out of the house we don't need to buy any fancy water we just put these stones in the bottom of our containers and there it is we go so anyway there are this so where we go this is helpful that you learn something give me a thumbs up leave any comments or questions below subscribe to see our other videos and come back and see me next time thanks for watching away we go well you can already tell how she feels about vaccinations to the two-timer was here any PVC on some guy rocks any good lacasa put them around picasa oh my god no one spin indra okay I bought some shunga years ago and recently used it again because I have nerve pain in my tooth I wear my pendant and bracelet day and night that was about a week ago my Anna gel zzyx went down from three days to two times a day I also have some pieces on my bedside tables so far so good little update I drink some gite water now and I wear my elite pendant and none elite bracelet and Angelia are down to one time a day and sometimes they don't mean anything shunga is good stuff young guy does the earth equivalent to azurite oh my god Wow the crystal of ancestral healing young guide is a 2 billion year old crystal shrouded in mystery voguing the interest of both scientific and new-age communities so just so everyone watching is aware there is zero age anywhere that rocks do anything helpful at all in terms of medicine okay look at him how much are the rocks I mean check how much the rocks are okay let me just see how much is all right let me see I'll google it here we go here it is it's right here Cheung guide pyramid makes a good influence on the human body because of two reason it has healing qualities and it has all the unique characteristics of an Egyptian pyramid you mean the fact that it's a pyramid it's a pyramid like that's the unique characteristic like all of the unique character system mummies buried in it like did you use thousands of years of slave labor to make this like I don't know like it's just a pyramid the pyramid of some guy introduces a tortoise '''l field to reflects pathogenic rays and protect you from the electromagnetic radiation of TV set computers and microwave ovens besides young white pyramid purifies jewelry coins and other small items from negative energy so it's a scam how to use it regeneration characteristics of the Shung guide pyramid in order to back to yourself a macro magnetic foundation you should place the pyramid between yourself and a pathogen source in order to clean the water just put the Shung light pyramid in the water and after 48 hours the water will be clean and biologically active there's only like 6 bucks how what's the biggest one I can get 100 millimeter Shung light pyramid and it's 27 bucks [ __ ] man wait this is pissing me off why it's just it just pisses me off to see how much like mystical supernatural [ __ ] people sell all the time like none of that exists there is nothing supernatural or mystical it's just you convinced yourself that this should exist because it makes you feel a certain type of way it's all [ __ ] there's no proof of anything you're all lying to yourselves for money it's just for money it's the most most pathetic thing I've ever seen it just pisses me off how does this not piss you off you guys my mom's been into this stuff for a long time so I'm just used to it well I'm not used to it and I'm pissed off right now like here's the facts okay I've I'm an open-minded person but the idea that putting this like black triangle in a glass of water I don't know I don't think it's really gonna do a whole lot anything let's see change the pH to live will offer your drinking water as advertised I have this jar which is full of water this chart has been sitting here for over a week now more than a week the water that it is in this jar come directly from the thousand so the water has been sitting there for about eight to nine or ten months now oh yeah weak okay let's just move on here and then I'm gonna come so you put the rock in there and the pH change what a surprise I would have never expected that okay so listen buy it and test it on streem that could actually be like a really interesting segment disproving [ __ ] like this and actually just testing that yeah testing it should I buy a song tonight Rock I mean I can't I can't do anything like you literally seriously that's true you might as well go outside right now pick up a rock put it on this string and then [ __ ] put it around your neck and it'll do the exact same thing it doesn't do anything at all no I could buy wood I'll buy one and see what happens okay wrong greatest young guide stone for water you should have put into you should have several elite grade wait he needs it elite stone wait so now I I have to buy the elite stuff [ __ ] man where is it wait Double Happiness oh my god yeah it's the titan-forged Rock probably not real Shung guy you need at least three stones did you test the stone what are these the [ __ ] Infinity stones like you're gonna change reality with with jean-guy huh you gonna control time with shunga at what the [ __ ] going on I don't even know four years ago Jesus man you know what here's an interesting experiment it gets a get five shunga rocks put them in a glove and then snap and see what happens just just just see what happens just put them on a glove and snap well instead of having half of your half of the life go away if you buy the expensive ones just behalf of your savings account come on oh my god I don't know but I want to buy one of these I actually I want to borrow even as a joke even as a joke I honestly think you should not support that like even because I'm sure half of these are just joke joke buys anyway of course man just people seeing a go GI wonderful words so let's test it out they have they're not gonna be like oh yeah it's so awesome I'm gonna get more of these I totally believed that works hello everyone its miracle crystal of the 21st century we do the crystal connect on you know the crystal of our choice oh my god guys this is this is insane this is [ __ ] a magic stone to purify household drinking water they have those already I don't even Chung guide in 5g okay please stop watching this [ __ ] like look you've got 40,000 people here there are definitely a hundred percent some really big retards watching right now and if they're gonna act on for this and they're gonna support it and buy how does he tell her that how does he know it ain't real he hadn't tested it if they want Nobel Prize on it then how did it how did they get that if everything about the the other person on YouTube said wasn't true hold on now why are you using an accent it's not just a stupid accent no it's so you're you're putting an accent like I did not use action like that's not like a stuff like you're trying no you're trying to accuse me so you're trying to accuse me of subtle racism against southern people and that's not what I would do if I did that I would go with the southern accent that's not a southern accent it's just a dumb accent am I talking about yeah baby because I'm from the [ __ ] South oh you don't have an that you don't have an accent really whenever I do another accent sometimes it happens [ __ ] you're being racist against me now herb being racist I'm reporting you all right there we go I did this welcome to 20/20 gentlemen but overall I I do kind of want to buy one of the rocks and see what happens just cuz I want to test it out III could call it I do like a Monday short stream like an hour or two and call it mystery [ __ ] Mondays where I just go on there and I talk about different things like that I think that'd be hilarious I don't know if I'd ever really want to do it I feel like like the thing is that knowing things about this stuff would actually be like super complex because like it's it's not something before I want to wrap this up and then we'll move out of the video right now I do want to say like this is not something like you just just prove by like putting it in a glass of water and then seeing that the glass of water doesn't do anything right like you need to have like a scientific analysis of this and like how can I really do that I don't know cuz like if you just go on there like in my opinion just like testing like some like stupid way without like any controls or anything like that it's not a very good scientific experiment and yeah what do you think it'll happen what's this here if Trump deployed the [ __ ] army I don't know people keep tweeting about it like that's what they've been doing been doing it for days now like that dude what if he deployed the army and they use guns that shot shunga and instead of killing people that'd be healing people just don't tell that to Trump man like you never know I mean don't don't don't give them those ideas dude don't give them those [ __ ] ideas [Music] you [Music]
Channel: Asmongold TV
Views: 217,971
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Keywords: asmongold, asmongold reacts, asmongold twitch, asmongold youtube, world of warcraft, asmongold moments, asmongold funny, asmongold tv, asmongold channel, asmongold shungite, asmongold mcconnell, asmongold scam, shungite, shungite scam, shungite dr disrespect, shungite meme, shungite xqc, asmongold dr disrespect, mcconnell wow, mcconnell asmongold, mcconnell twitch, shungite twitch, Shungite, shungite dr, shungite disrespect, twitch shungite
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 31sec (1411 seconds)
Published: Thu Jun 04 2020
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