NYC’s Grocery Stores Close Over Theft | Asmongold Reacts

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New York City's grocery stores close over theft now nearly all grocers in New York City say they have been victims of shoplifting this year alone and 60% of that's not a surprise I think people steal things out of every store I mean I that that doesn't really sell me say they've been burglarized every single day of the week this okay that's a lot so the city's Fallen to a point where if there's something on a shelf anything it is a target for thieves who've Now set their sights on our food supply robbing local businesses until they shut down and the city is powerless to stop this from happening for some reason as we all know retail theft rings are an ongoing problem for bodegas grocery stores mom and pop business and both common and luxury retail chains J I think a lot of people would be surprised that it's almost every single day coffee cheese well like anybody who's worked at a store knows that there's like an acceptable level of losses for something like this every store accounts for people stealing [ __ ] it's just that usually what's that accounting like 3% something like that 3 to 5 that's usually what I hear about a lot yeah now it's 3 to 500% shrimp nothing is safe are you concerned sometimes for your safety absolutely retailer is just open game walk away with anything simple shoplifting really graduated to organize sophisticated crimes it's like the wild what's crazy to me about this happening is that it seems like this should be happening less right because as people have better surveillance technology and better facial recognition it should be easier to find where these people are and who these people are who are stealing things and and go get them the cops don't care I think that's what it is yeah cops don't care cuz like these guys aren't wearing masks I get that you're saying they're wearing masks but they're not they're not here demeanor Merchants want increased penalties Jesus it's like Batman which Governor Kathy hok is going after introducing a $45 million initiative to I didn't I was trying to if you see they go in and swipe everything off the shelves often times they're loading into a stolen vehicle meanwhile here in New York City that's the Kia boys it's reported that retailers lost close to 4.5 billion dollar last year yeah but like what's the percentage there $4.5 billion dollars what does that mean all victims when retail F tax it seems like a lot but still of things and it also of things and it also creates this environment where people are hesitant now grocery stores are closing yeah I bet I [ __ ] bet so almost 100% 93% of groceries no bro this is this is so dumb that's that's D grocery stores have been shoplifted recently but nobody's talking about how New York City's latest plan to stop shoplifting won't actually punish the people no no bro like I mean cuz it's hyperbole yeah like I mean of course every like so you have a store the store is doing business every single day like let's say 360 days out of the year so I mean they take off Christmas and you know maybe Thanksgiving or something or Easter so 360 days of the year they're probably selling an inventory of a thousand plus items what is the probability that one thing gets stolen I think it's like 100% guys it is I bet it's like 100% so like it's not about whether they're stealing it's about where what the degree is it's like everybody knows people might take oh my God somebody stole a bag of Skittles but I'm thinking like how often is this happening employees stealing to oh that's a really good point I actually don't hear people talk about that a lot I'm remember a friend of mine actually wanted me to help him break into the place that he was working at so we could steal a bunch of money out of the safe that they were that they had there and I told him it was a bad idea we ended up not doing it but uh like he was an employee shoplift instead it's only aimed at punishing people who become violent while shoplifting which means peaceful shoplifting can continue surging out of control with organized theft Rings running full-time businesses not just targeting retailers like Macy's now they'll Rob your local grocery store and offload stolen oranges steal those oranges boys I mean they're just sitting there bro like it's just sitting there just put them in your pocket and go they're right there is at a bodega or a curbside produce truck because even those stealing physical merchandise like a North Face jacket will make you more money we need Spider-Man we're Spider-Man those are now chained to the stores that sell them so they're harder to make off with oh bro this is this is how it is in uh at Walmart so I was at Walmart I told y all the story about this before I'll say it again so I went to Walmart and I wanted to buy a pack of underwear and I I tell the lady I was like I go to the I go to the place where the underwear is and I can't get any underwear because every single package is behind glass that is locked up so I have to talk to a person and I thought to myself okay like I really don't want to have to deal with this this is [ __ ] annoying there's nobody here can I just buy a more expensive one maybe and like then yeah I pay a little bit more but like I don't have to deal with this like I was like okay you buy the the $9 underwear instead of the $6 underwear okay Amazon bro yeah but like I was there at the same time so I was like I might as well do it right and so then I talked to the lady and I'm like okay can I get this one and she's like yeah sure you can get it and then I said can I get it she says no I can't give it to you she wouldn't even let me hand it she she was like are you buying it now or are you going to keep shopping I said I don't can I just have it and then I'll take it up the thing she's like no you have to buy it right now or you I take you up there and we ring you up and I said okay well I guess I'll take it up there she says no I will take it up there you will walk with me as I take it up there she takes the underwear she hands it to the cashier and she says she's like he wants that one and I could not even touch the underwear that I was going to buy I had to be escorted over I swear to God there's probably less restrictions on buying a [ __ ] shotgun how does this happen well actually no we all know how it happens it's because people steal underwear that's the reason you know it I know it everybody knows it it's because people are stealing all the underwear that's why they have it like that I've seen stores like I've seen uh like pictures of stores where every single item is behind locked glass stores that sell them so they're harder to make off with but the real reason shoplifting continues to Surge to levels we've never seen before is because it's still possible in this city attention theft is prosecuted at Walgreens oh you can see look look bro look see they got it right up there to steal under $1,000 worth of stuff and not go to jail which means any Thief can start their own business tomorrow selling products they got which is a good idea right cuz you steal like $800 worth of stuff every day and you know you're fine because you never go over the limit I'll be right back yeah people got well the thing is with laundry detergent you know what they do with this is they take two things of laundry detergent they unscrew one of them and they pour the other one they fill it all the way up to the top and then they take it out there they still doing it's like there's nothing you can do the go yes that's also stealing well yep it is I know this might sound crazy but I've never stolen anything out of a Walgreens before for I never done it I'm actually kind of afraid to steal things out of stores how about a Walmart um I mean generally like I don't like stealing things out of stores because they have cameras and so I think that people the people that do it I understand what the reason is behind doing it it's because they assume that they're not going to get caught that's that's what it is effectively closing down the stores they steal from who then have to compete with their own stolen merchandise and what's truly insane is how thieves are now literally threatening the food supply of New York City and if this continues it could make things tougher for some of the city's neediest residents when the grocery stores in bodegas they rely on shut down for good well it's it's not just them shutting down man it's also the fact that they're going to increase the prices like let's think about it logically right so if you have oranges and you're selling them for $1 well that means that you're going to make $100 right but what happens if 50 of the oranges get stolen well you still have to make $100 so now oranges are $2 that's a lot of money Jesus Ahmed is owner of stop one Deli here on Gun Hill Road for 30 years now he says there robbed on a regular basis and fearful of doing anything about it are you concerned sometimes for your sa y'all remember that one video where that dude was trying to steal some [ __ ] out of his store and then the other guy started beating him with a with a mop or like with a rake just [ __ ] beating his ass man that was a good god I've watched that video like 10 times absolutely from my safy the safy and away also so first it was Macy's then it was Walgreens now it's the small mom and pop independent stores that sell food who are now being targeted which makes sense because once you put the big chains out of business all you've got left are the local businesses no that's not the reason why it's happening because it's easier to steal from the local businesses because they generally have less infrastructure and less cameras that's the reason and also like if you steal from them the the level of recourse they can have is much less like if you're stealing from you know Dave's Bar in Deli like what is Dave going to do about this but if you're stealing from Subway or Jersey miks well they've got a lot more resources if a big drugstore like this can't figure out how to secure its products what chance does your local Bodega or grocery store have most of what they sell can't even be locked up behind it's not that they assume they aren't going to get caught they're doing it because NYC cost of living is so damn high and all their money goes to rent they aren't stealing things to resell they're stealing them to survive well if you steal things to survive and you're stealing them from people that are trying to sell them to survive wouldn't the people that are trying to sell them survive not be able to survive because they got their stuff stolen that they were trying to survive with like I don't think that's really a good way of looking at it man the progressive plexiglass we see everywhere in this city because they sell food because they sell beverages most of what they have cannot be chained behind something and when you combine that with insanely high rent for what in most cases is a very tiny little storefront you've got a situation where these businesses are not exactly making M $3 for a can of tuna and that doesn't leave a lot of extra money lying around for security guards but just as your local bodegas are getting looted into Oblivion the same thing is and it's also like people don't want to have security guards there as you're right it's four it's not three because like it for me whenever I go to Walmart it annoys me I don't know like maybe I'm being unreasonable but like it annoys me whenever I have a like a loss prevention person come up to me and want to see my receipt because it makes me feel like I'm being treated like a criminal and it's an annoyance that I don't want to have to deal with I being profile yeah no I mean if they should check anybody they probably should check me but uh I I don't steal things from stores right so yeah at your local grocery stores and when one of these places shuts down it could take the rest of the neighborhood with it minutes away also is Carlos colado 30-year resident 15 years as the manager at this fine Fair on White Plains Road sending us surveillance video after surveillance video while describing a new climate of emboldened shoplifters they feel like the law protects them like there are no consequences totally unen so now to understand that's what happens is that yeah the people that are doing this like if if the police wanted to catch one of these people they would catch them but they don't give a [ __ ] how shoplifting is never a victimless crime this grocery store it's the only one in the area everybody living around here this is the store that they shop at if it's gone where are they going to go and even if the store itself doesn't close as they deal with theft they have to raise their prices because if half the stuff on the Shelf gets stolen the other half has to cost 100% more for them to make the same amount of money higher prices hurt legitimate thousands people shoplifting you City day by day they don't have the resources even for serious crimes exactly right and so like that's the problem is like there are so many people that are stealing that it's unfeasible to go after all of the theft I don't know what to like that's crazy customers who obey the law and are just trying to make it in one of the most expensive cities in the country which essentially means that shoplifting is a tax on the rest of society and the more it continues the more everyone has to pay for the same stuff but eventually prices rise to a point where nobody can afford what the store sells and when that happens the store has to shut down it can no longer stay open and operate because its prices are too high and if it brings them down they won't be able to pay their expenses and make a living and customers that might be used to shopping at a little place like this they don't have unlimited money at a certain point it will be cheaper to take the subway and waste your time traveling man I thought this would be like 11 bucks look it's got it's under a lock and key Tide Pods are under lock and key that has another store that hasn't been looted to a point where its prices are so high nobody can shop there on top of that the majority of this thing y it's not just one person stealing a loaf of bread no these are organized retail gangs that make a living off stolen products and it's so bad and so prevalent you've got entire swaths of town that now resemble ghost towns in New York City of all places and the New York Post interviewed several Delian grocery managers who all said when they saw someone stealing who was obviously in need they did not care which means although greed does have a lot to do with why once profitable businesses are shutting down it's not due to the greed of the business yeah it it's not like I mean the thing is that nobody should be able to allowed to steal right you can't let people steal but there's obviously a [ __ ] Spectrum with it right where it's like if somebody is stealing diapers or somebody is stealing uh you know a can of beans to eat that's way different than somebody trying to like [ __ ] get every bag of Skittles in in the entire [ __ ] store and then run out with all the Skittles it is different you're wrong no I'm not I'm not wrong what I'm say I'm not saying that like they're both bad and they're both against the law and people shouldn't be able to do either one of them I get it but let's not pretend that a person stealing beans to survive is exactly the same as a person stealing $300 worth of cosmetic things in order to sell it's not the exact same thing that's all I'm trying to get at like it's more Nuance yes it's just more Nuance than that it's it's one is one is bad and the other one is really bad business owners instead it's the greed of the shoplifters tot I'm not saying that anybody I don't think anybody should be allowed to steal but it is obviously a spectrum of which one is worse now they they take it an extra step now they they want to fight us they constantly uh it's it's it's often a battle shoplifters have grown so bold their illegal businesses so profit they now feel entitled to the very inventory they never paid for in the first place and this is why physical altercations inside these stores are now so common and what that's doing is it's turning the local places who are just trying to survive into complete War zones and the sad thing is nobody working at these local businesses gets paid enough money because you think about it too like if you're a local business think about how much money it would cost in order for you to get let's say all of those like lock and key things for your store because like I bet for Walmart and for Walgreens and CVS those stores probably have like default size shelves with default things that they can give you so like everything is like built to scale whereas like a lot of the mom and pop shops don't have that and so the amount of money that would take for them to cost or to them for them to protect that would be way higher that's thousands of dollars yes it's thousands of dollars and also it's a decision that for example like if you're a Walgreens you can instantly make this decision and it's easier to do because the decision has effectively already been made for you however if you're just a small Storer you don't have those different foundations set for you you see what I'm trying to see or what I'm trying to say put their life on the line for a hat or an apple or an orange for that matter now the governor's new plan to stop shoplifting only increases penalties for shoplifters who also become violent while they are stealing things from a store which means that if shoplifters go into a store and they're on their best behavior this new plan won't offer them any new consequences for their behavior and since the police are powerless to stop these criminals you've now got a situation where thieves make a living off the backs of the innocent in more ways than one this Bravo Supermarket in the Bronx is clean and feeds the neighborhood but they're also hemorrhaging between1 and $2,000 a month from theft that's probably a lot no no they said a a month right not a day because like like the margins on a lot of these things are not really super high 24K a year yeah and this isn't really a big store I bet that's a lot of money yeah that's a salary yeah basically thing is bad it's terrible coffee cheese shrimp nothing is safe several months ago Jose says a woman came in with a baby stroller filled it with these logs of Sal I bought this massive brick of Bello coffee on Amazon because this was the cheapest I could find these pastello coffees in and it even looks like came from a legitimate distributor it's shrink wrapped it's got the cardboard under it this looks pretty legit but these little bricks are the same ones that get sold at the supermarket what if these are stolen and they were placed inside this package I've got no way of knowing that professional thieves are really good now they will steal things individually and repackage them sell them online and all this packaging and stuff that you need make your product a bundle of 12 packages of espresso is all readily obtainable this is already a huge problem with other sorts of retail theft clothing Electronics stuff like that but food the same thing's possible if you've got stuff like this that's non perishable and what's insane is the reason all of us are shopping on that is so [ __ ] ghetto holy [ __ ] like I I understand doing that for like uh you know magic cards or like Pokemon cards but jeez doing that for like food so much work because we're looking for a deal we're looking to save money and online you can do it and we think oh that's just because it's online it's because there's not an actual has to pay things like rent and you know something that is partially true but the store that you bought it from they also don't have to pay for things like inventory because the grids are stolen and it's ridiculous to think that the entire shoplifting industrial complex operating in this city happens because legitimate people are also the victims of it we don't understand that we're buying the things that are closing our own stores and stores like this aren't shut down because Robin Hood was trying to feed the poor by stealing from the rich you've literally got people raiding local businesses stealing as much as they can in a half an hour you think about it logically right so if there's a person who's stealing from stores professionally they do this for their job they are probably stealing more than like 500 other people put together so like the real problem are the people that are steal steing in mass and at scale probably more than 1 to 500 500 normal people yeah exactly yeah the mega Steelers okay so what's the solution um I think that you need to like Empower different businesses to protect themselves without feeling like they're going to get sued into Oblivion for protecting their inventory and then also more importantly the people that are stealing things need to go to jail it's that simple if you steal things and you're running out of a store with your arms full of a bunch of [ __ ] they should arrest you and put you in jail like [ __ ] duh it's not even a question this inventory costs the thieves absolutely nothing you've got a pure profit business chopping limbs no that's a bad that's a terrible idea okay so now you're going to cut somebody's hand off well now they can't get a job and you have to pay them disability you see how this is a problem you can't do that if the criminals get arrested since they don't go to jail if it's under $1,000 they can get right back out they don't even Mis work and although these theft operations might enrich the people at the top a lot of the people at the bottom who are doing the actual Ste feeling these are folks who are being exploited people suffering from addiction from homelessness Chris convinced them they can earn quick cash today by bringing a trash bag full of Beauty Supplies detergent or espresso back to a warehouse and without which is like I mean if you were if you were in the projects if you were in like a low-income area and you saw like some random dumb homeless guy and you told them if you steal a bunch of [ __ ] out of the store and bring it to me I will give you this much money for it I bet a lot of guys would probably do that they use kids a lot too yeah like that's that's smart right like if if I was trying to do this that's what I would do I would find crackheads and pay them to steal the stuff the crackheads get arrested every once in a while it is what it is right but then you pay them a bit extra money after they get out of jail everything's fine and you just have them do it yeah absolutely do well of course they do like I mean a lot of the guys that do this aren't really stupid they just don't want to get a job and they're lazy help and from a justice system that cares about businesses like this there's no way it stands a chance an operation like that and think about a grocery store losing $2,000 a month just from shoplifting if your business is already struggling because of rents too high and because your taxes and other fees just for operating or through the roof a crime ridden environment could be the final straw and your business could make the unfortunate decision to close up shop and who's the winner in a situation like that certainly not the business owner because now they're at of of a job certainly not everybody who lives around here because now they're out the people that are stealing that's who wins that and you know what it's not even the criminals who do the actual stealing because eventually the store's going to be gone and they're not going to be able to buy any food either it's completely destructive they won't need to they can just go somewhere else right I mean that's the thing is like is if you're stealing things as a job all the time you've probably got a lot of free time this A total nightmare absolutely and that's why the government is moving forward with this plan to punish violent shoplifters it's better than nothing but the real question is why is it taking the government so long to act on this why have so many stores had to close down people lose their jobs customers lose their shopping centers sadly because the people running New York don't see shoplifting as that big of a deal apparently I think also there's like kind of a oops um there's kind of a like culture or a premise that shoplifting is not bad and it's society's fault why people are shoplifting which is like you could say that's like kind of true in some circumstances but in terms of like the professional shoplifters that are stealing a lot of stuff those people are probably making at least some money and they're doing that instead of having a job and it's stupid yeah I I think it's stupid too like and and the thing is that and this is the problem is that like they're also right in a way because like if you give people more money then they would be less likely to shoplift I'm not saying it would go from like a 100 people to zero people but it would maybe go from 100 people to like 15 people or like 20 people most people don't want to actively break the law because people don't want to risk you know like going to jail or getting in trouble or anything like that or getting kicked out of the store or any sort of an interaction like most people won't want to do that so a lot of the people that are probably stealing are you know what they wouldn't do that if they did if they had the money so it's like that's definitely true but at the same time it doesn't make it okay right so it's it's like just because this problem exists doesn't mean that it's okay for people to capitalize on it in this bad way shop redesign all items behind the wall yeah card or cash uh card you ever have people come in here and try to steal yeah have you guys ever seen some of these pictures I've seen like these pictures of like Church's Chicken or like KFC or McDonald's and the entire [ __ ] thing has like the entire thing is plexiglass you can't like it's like a prison where they put your food in like the little slot and they move it in there bulletproof glass maybe yeah here we go holy [ __ ] holy [ __ ] oh my God that's a Burger King man let think this is a bank look like this shit's a bank look at this holy [ __ ] oh my God that's a McDonald's bro that's like a MC prison K this is this might be the one bro this KFC is lock the [ __ ] down look at that little holes it's a MC pris yeah bulletproof Burger King Westside Detroit bulletproof Burger King I love it they cash in checks there yeah they have an armored car deliver the chicken guys look at that it's like right underneath that's where you slide the cash in like right under bro that is actually a bank this is straight up a bank guys like actually like I went to the bank maybe like like 6 months ago and to be fair there wasn't any of this this is worse than a bank my the bank's out in the open yeah yeah mine is too my banks have none of this look at [Applause] this that's it go around they've got the windows barred up with chain link that is crazy man what man I just that is [ __ ] crazy man one more one more then then then we going to move on what's this a shop get the [ __ ] out of here um let me see open image in new tuab there we go shut the God Jesus there we go look like metal everywhere are these workers getting yeah like that's actually you know what that's such a a good point are the workers getting Hazard pay yeah it's like you have to work somewhere where you need bulletproof glass to sell chicken you know what I mean like they should comp that's crazy sounds like the safest place in the city yeah I guess so could it have been put there for covid yes but this is not a circumstance of that and a lot of these things predate Co and I think based off of all the other things that are happening in retail I don't think that's the real reason because like whenever we had Co a lot of you guys probably had like you know big uh like like just plexiglass like just like walls kind of and that was it and it would go to like right here right like about right right here and like you could just move it or push it down is a sheet of glass yeah exactly there's flimsy garbage cuz all it's supposed to do is like make sure that you can't you know that the spit from your mouth isn't going to go to the other person it's not bulletproof either yeah stuff um yeah do you think card or cash uh card you ever have people come in here and try to steal stuff um yeah do you think there's a store in New York City that's never been shoplifted from that's hard that's a hard I think that's a bad found that's a bad frame of reference to base off of I think it's that is shoplifting causing such a decrease in profits that is tangibly negatively affecting the store because like if you're losing 1% of your money to shoplifting that's bad right but if you're losing 7% or 15% that's insane it's about percentages I bet every place has been stolen from cuz it's like there so many people in this city yeah so many can answer that well yeah actually in a lot of these places small going on in our in our communities all over the state of New York it must stop Governor hokel now pledging $25 million for a dedicated retail theft unit within the state police 15 million for district attorneys and 5 million to help businesses with security the question tonight will that actually protect Merchants hey there so here's some good news from the governor 45 million that's a lot of money but unfortunately it won't all go to purposes that people think are going to have an effect but it's also worth noting that it's not the governor's fault or the mayor's fault that we have a shoplifting problem in this state after all they didn't write the laws that have led us to the place we're at today and to a certain it's yeah that's the reason extent their tools for dealing with an out-of-control crime crisis are somewhat limited so first up we've got $25 million for the police who can arrest people who then get released because the laws here don't jail people for stealing no yes that's the problem yeah cuz like if if I was stealing something and I knew if I got caught the police would grab me and put me in jail for a day well so let's say the probability of getting put in jail is 1% and you make $200 every day that's pretty good man that's really good especially if they just they let you out the next day like yeah that's super worth it almost all people like not almost all people but a lot of people whenever crime like this gets out of control it usually gets out of control because people make a value judgment they they look at how much they're going to lose for getting in trouble versus how much they're going to gain for committing the crime and like you can see this also at like the mega mega macro level whenever a company pays like you know this is like a trillion dollar company or like a you know aund million doll company and they pay like a fine of $33 million for you know like a business practice that that made them you know $8 billion so yeah it's risk reward exactly and and I think everybody makes that judgment like there's an idea that like criminals are illogical that that's not true some criminals are illogical but there is a tremendous amount of them that are logical and they are making calculated decisions on okay I'm going to do this because this has a low probability of of me getting in trouble State Police they're the ones who bust a lot of these big-time retail theft rings and the leaders of those operations are responsible for way more than $1,000 worth of theft and the leaders might get locked up but the low-level criminals who are still out there robbing these stores shutting them down they're still walk in the earth there's also $155 million set aside for district attorneys to go after well how are you going to like the thing is like let's say you pay Rufus the crackhead to go and uh to go Ste to go steal things for you right you give him money and then Rufus gets arrested and he goes to uh he goes to jail for a day the police want him to rat you out Rufus isn't going to do that why the [ __ ] would he do that because if he rats you out then you're not going to give him money again so it's like you're not he's not going to kill the Golden Goose Rufus is smart yeah he yeah he's not that at least he's not that stupid he knows what what's going on he just wants another hit yeah you're talking about criminal employment it's a growing industry in some states of course these criminals but the whole problem in New York City is Progressive laws that protect criminals instead of punishing them those laws exist because people believe in them judges believe in them District Attorneys even believe in them so the people that are supposed to prosecute the criminals end up feeling bad for them sympathetic towards them and may not be asking for the harshest penalties they could which might actually land somebody behind bars but the last $5 million this could actually do something because it has to do with grants related to inore security for local businesses who need it the most for example things like security guards security cameras these could help in discouraging crime I I think that they need to arrest the people and put them in jail like I I I hate this idea that like the way to solve this is to have like 50 different levels of like security I think you should have some security for sure but at a certain point the security is so overbearing and overreaching that it's like obstructive to even being able to go into the store and like conduct business regularly like applying all that security stuff to each different individual product that's insane like I I think at a certain point like you should just a society should expect people not to steal and if people do it they should be held accountable like that's it it's crazy that this is even a conversation I'm at the source but that brings up an interesting question about all this if a $5 million Grant to business is that's almost like an admission that things are happening inside the business that the city's not able to stop and the business needs more resources to deal with it themselves so why not give businesses the whole 35 million at the end of the day if even bananas are being stolen and there's nothing the police there's no amount of money that these uh that the uh uh the government can give the businesses that will stop it from happening that that's not how it works Works do about it why not give businesses the resources to tackle this problem on their own but money for businesses that's definitely better than what other local leaders here have tried to come up with one local leader wants to start taxing landlords who have vacant storefronts now think about that for a second if the store closed and left because they weren't making enough money to pay the rent if the landlord has to take less rent they're essentially subsidizing the activities of shoplifters who lowered that business's margins through theft to cause them to shut down in the first place but everybody subsidizes it taxpayers subsidize it the other stores uh the other like people that are shopping subsidize it and so does the store they all do there's a new plan on the table how long is it going to take to work and will it save businesses from shutting down completely and what do local business owners think about this they're releasing repeat criminals crime hurts us indeed crime hurts all of us now hok's proposal is actually for next year's fiscal budget oh okay so it's at least one year away meanwhile criminals are still going to walk around doing what they've always done and even if businesses do hire guard dogs and put up cameras and install security apparatuses what does anyone think the result of that is actually going to be when there is a legal system and a justice system on the other end of all that security footage that isn't actually going to punish anybody because at the end of the day yeah if they like cuz here's the thing like back whenever I didn't have like a lot of money and I was younger why wouldn't you steal from a store if you're not going to get in trouble what's the logic why wouldn't you do it ethics well you have to look at it from the perspective of the people that are in the situation that are stealing and from the perspective of the people that are stealing this isn't me justifying it I'm explaining it is that they have been [ __ ] by Society they have been put in a situation where they have to steal and because of that they have no sense of accountability to society they have no sense of uh you know like oh well you know like society's not doing them any favors so of course they're going to do this the store owners doesn't deserve success yeah exactly like they feel like they've been dealt a raw hand or a bad hand in life and this is them making up for it like that's their thinking so if you have a person who thinks that they've been wronged by society and they're stealing you you have to have a punishment for it it's their own fault it's not about whether it's their fault or not like that's totally outside of the point sounds like a victim get a job climb out you're just you're not understanding I agree with all of that I I I agree like I'm not disagreeing but like in order to understand why a person does something I I in order to make somebody stop doing something then you have to understand why it's happening in the first place San Francisco Channel 5 video shows multi examples of what you're saying the thieves gave those those exact reasons of course yeah of course because a lot of people that steal things this is one thing that I've learned a lot a lot of people that have that steal things they are people in general like it's the same with piracy right they want to like excuse it and act like oh it's okay that I'm doing this oh well this is okay I it's all right I'm doing this so like they're looking for justification this isn't just an American problem oh I'm sure it's not Robinhood syndrome well yeah stealing get no consequences or pay what you can't afford easy decision for thieves yeah exactly so if a person is lazy and doesn't want to put in work and steal it's Justified I'm going to be honest man I'm just going to permanently ban you I explicitly said it wasn't and you're putting words in my mouth I'm just going to ban you it's just you're wasting everybody's time I don't want to read your messages the reason we' got problem with repeat offenders is because the first time offenders were never punished in the first place and what's truly fascinating about this new push to try and Stamp Out crime is it comes after an effort that started a year ago to try and expand the number of food related businesses in areas that are lacking and if you're not sure how you could have no grocery store in an area with lots of people then you haven't been paying attention to this video his new bus well there's even like a term for it it's called like food desert I'm pretty sure that's the one that they use a lot of so yeah it's really common opened as part of the New York City program called Fresh the program offers zoning and tax benefits for grocery store owners to open in areas that the city says have Li I I just I hope that people know that like whenever the government does that they're effectively using everybody's tax money to subsidize paying for shoplifting so like they're effectively like because shoplifting is is happening in stores shoplifters are stealing from stores the government is effectively shoplifting everybody's money to pay for it that's what's happening so grocery stores have been struggling for a long time we know this and a year ago the city admitted that hey these stores they don't have enough money to operate for some reason which we can't seem to identify stores lose money they close they leave and people have nowhere to buy food and obviously last year's program to try and expand stores by giving them discounts and not admitting the whole reason why stores have trouble staying open has missed the mark completely and here we are a year later with those same types of stores having an even tough time trying to make it in New York's crime ridden environment and you know something it's really hard to have a crime-free environment when the people who are supposed to enforce the laws regarding crime view all criminals as victims for example some schools of thought see criminals as victims of a society that has been unfair to them in some manner which gives which is true and that's the that's the thing is it they're right that no no like pre-at well no it it's an obvious conclusion like yeah of course there are some people that get [ __ ] over in life it's not about whether life is fair or not like for example if you play the lottery and you lose the lottery that doesn't you can't say oh that wasn't fair I have to steal a car to make up for the fact that I lost the lottery just because things are unfair doesn't mean that you have the autonomy to go and steal people's [ __ ] however it is important to keep in mind that a lot of people feel this way I think it's pretty normal the sh it's missing a point cycle of violence is no different than cycle of victims you're definitely right you're completely right all I'm saying is that I think that the people that are getting [ __ ] over like a lot of you guys you know like we just got done talking about how like things are massively overpriced so people can't afford food and so then they steal the food it doesn't justify it but it it helps understand what the problem is that's my that's my only point right I just want people to understand like that's where it's coming from I agree with you that they should be arrested put in jail but it that's not the only way you like you you have to come at a problem from like two or three different ways to like really get it to stop them permission to victimize store owners who are obviously wealthier and better off than they are while at the exact same time those business owners are seen as victims of the landlords who they rent from who charge so much that they have to shut down and think for a moment about how different New York City would be if we lived in a place where when criminals did something wrong they lost their freedom they were not allowed to room the streets they were not allowed to go back home and sleep at night and think about what crimes they were going to commit the next day you would probably have zero retail theft Rings operating if all of the criminals who were doing the actual stealing were behind bars if these crime kingpins who are selling on every single website can't find workers they're going to have to shut down not the stores they steal from yeah because there's only so many rofes exactly yeah cuz you go pay Rufus and then Rufus Goes to Jail it's like oh [ __ ] well let's go pay Jim okay all right Jim's doing it for a while then Rufus then then Gem's in jail [ __ ] okay now I'm out I'm out of crackheads [ __ ] what am I going to do am I going to have to go in there what if I go to jail and the problem solves it in a world where everyone who does something wrong is actually a victim of somebody else who deserves it you don't actually have any criminals do you is that the right attitude is it New York City's attitude what should we do here to stop this out of control peaceful shoplifting epidemic let me know thank you for watching I'll see you in the next video yeah I just saw this I figured I'd watch it I mean I'm not really surprised that stuff like this is happening I mean like really it's just it is a if you make something not against the rules here's a really good example right and like this is a I never watched this guy's videos before it's a really good video I liked it a lot like you know like in Wrath of aich King how everybody was buying gold do you know why everybody buys gold it's because people don't get banned for it and if you do get banned maybe the gold gets deleted and you get a 3-day suspension so the punishment for buying gold is better than the reward so if the reward is so good that the punishment doesn't outweigh it well then people are just going to keep doing the thing that they'll get in trouble for it's just what makes sense uh how would you deal with it do you think it's ethical to steal a loaf of bread to steal to feed your family no I don't I don't because the people that are selling the loaf of bread need to make that money to feed their family it's just the answer is no simple simple simple is there anything else fair enough okay yeah uh let's see here still Brad tell the story of the cop people will buy you food guaranteed yeah I mean like there's a lot of other ways to do it uh I mean like a lot of I know like here here in Austin there's a lot of resources not everywhere there is but um yeah that's what my opinion is answer bam no no I mean like that's that's just what my opinion on it is it's that simple and before the bread seller is the 1% uh what if you stole bread from Walmart well if you steal bread from Walmart there are a lot of people who have their like 401ks in Walmart and so if Walmart's stock goes down then all of those people lose money and those people are relying on those 401ks to live their retirement also if enough people steal from Walmart Walmart will eventually close and if Walmart closes then all the people that work at Walmart won't have a job anymore and then all the people that shop at Walmart won't be able to get food there that's not how it works and I understand that like people think that it's okay to steal from something big but the problem is that it's only okay whenever you don't think think about it and the more that you think about what the effects of stealing from a store is the more you're going to realize that it actually hurts everybody Walmart move out of the community exactly right and and Walmart is a huge employer by the way like um Walmart is probably one of the biggest if not the biggest employer in the country I wouldn't be surprised so uh yeah all of those people are now not able to get a job is it Amazon now yeah I'm not really sure but I know that there's a lot of Walmart employees uh they don't think about stuff like that at all permitting small crimes just beeds breeds big crime well if you put a bunch of small crimes together you create a big crime so that's generally not the way it works I mean I I I understand that like this might be complex or whatever but that's not the way that it works victimless crime is not real whenever it's about physical people well the people that are talking about victimless crimes are generally talking about victims people that they don't think are victims it's crazy the Hoops the people jump through to make stealing okay not stealing is stealing you you can't logically have and like also like here's another reality most people are not going to freak out if some random single mom is trying to steal a loaf of bread that that's really not what the big concern is like and and that's been accounted for in retail for over a hundred years what people are talking about is like people that are coming in and stealing large quantities of things and then running out with them send the mom to jail and the baby too based people play sped a strong amount of Disconnect on the idea of Corporations and companies are composed of people too not some solist entity yeah of course where do you think corporations get their resources from they stole that ship from less developed countries with bad leaders I don't think that has anything to do with the fact that people are being employed by the companies and people have stocks in these companies here and you're hurting people in a way that I don't think that you have the authority to do so so like just because you think that a company is immoral like I think everybody everybody has a different determination of like whether a company is immoral or not like I think almost all of us agree that something like Nestle is immoral uh but less of us would agree that maybe um you know Hobby Lobby is immoral or uh Chick-fil-A but there's still a lot of people that believe that and then I would say even less people believe that something like Wendy's is immoral uh so the problem with like allowing a person to make their own subjective judgment on like what is okay and not okay to steal from the problem is that before you know it everything is going to be okay to steal from it because these people want to justify stealing from it it's so easy to figure out a reason why it's okay for you to do something bad Society runs in law in order yes one from a poor background justifications for crime really offend me whenever they claim uh that's in favor of the poor people the main victims of crime and theft are the poor people yeah they are do you think if we were better at taking care of people who would steal as in better care of communities it would be less of an epidemic absolutely and that's what I was saying before about approaching a problem from multiple directions is that if you want this this to stop you have to obviously approach it from three or four different reasons like you're absolutely right if if people had better social systems and there were less people that you know like like for example whenever my mom had food stamps uh there was also like food banks that she could go to and they would give her a bunch of food and uh even locally there's a lot of like very small like kind of micro food banks that we have here in Austin that people come to and they'll put food there and then you know people will come and take the food if they need the food so all of those things each one of those things are like you think about it as like a Path of Exile or like an MMO character build all of these things like reduce Health by like 1% or reduce armor by like 2% so like they're all like 1 and 2% reductions but if if you have enough of them you get to like a 10% reduction or a 20% reduction and then that's whenever you really have a big change but it happens incrementally
Channel: Asmongold TV
Views: 921,260
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Keywords: asmongold, asmongold reacts, asmongold wow, asmongold highlights, asmongold youtube, world of warcraft, asmongold funny, asmongold tv, asmongold channel, zackrawrr
Id: zu3T7iHl7II
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 52min 5sec (3125 seconds)
Published: Sat May 04 2024
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