A͏s͏mongold SHOCKED By Classic WoW Hackers & Botters (No Clip/Fly Hack)

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this one here's a few of their messages is that Iver cannot detect or it's not just quick seflie all right let's activate flying click you need to do some upper bossing situation I don't usually do this but please like and share this video about so that it gets put into more recommendations by the good old YouTube algorithm this sounds super click Basie but you're actually not going to be able to believe some of the things I'm going to show you today yep oh and drop her subscribe as well that always helps out just when you thought it couldn't get any worse this has been I never thought a while now but I wanted to wait a bit you can always get a decent amount of information on the subject before I put it all in a video it turns out that classic World of Warcraft's anti-cheat is kind of non-existent and the lengths people are going to in order to abuse it is crazy if this isn't a call to arms to do something about the effort more and more widespread use of botting I don't know what is because people running baths aren't even trying to hide anymore it's really gone to this point now what's definitely been going unnoticed well why try to hide it whenever you just do whatever you want you're like hey you know what what are they gonna do about it what are they gonna do about it just do whatever you want however other Hanks combined with BOTS but recently as you may have seen there been several posts on the classic Wow subreddit showing accounts that are clearly applying in game this isn't wall climbing or finding an invisible wall that just straight up ascending as if their planet is calling them to go and [ __ ] my favorite part about that that clip right there is the person that just killed those two NPCs was wearing the field marshal gear you know it's just uh I wonder how they got that I'm sure they got that from completely fair play and then they're just bonding afterwards I'm gold let's make it clear to the extent which people are abusing blizzards complete a stairway to have a person here is a macro force the G boosts they'd like somebody and after they trade the gold for the run they just straight fly over tickley and then go pull all the mobs they need to in the instance and then run back and forth between a Ledge where they fly against the mobs pack back and forth around the actual corner they aren't even trying to hide it they could have at least a run halfway and all attempted in any way to hide that they're doing this but know just why hiding view of the player that's fine that's how little these people fear getting burned by Blizzard well a person is even at the PC here this is entirely scripted from the spam macro to the gold trade and then the pull itself I mean the bots doing the boost is so increase is Skynet it's actually Skynet because the bots are so well programmed they're programmed even to talk to you like give them three more years and you're gonna have moon guard ERP furry box actually you know what they probably have them already actively under geared and has a plush shadow damage head from Zoo Eric no normal person would pay somebody and this kind of gear money for a boost when there are so many other plays and full epics providing the same service something has to be up with it this is on the NA server Herald by the way and it looks as though since the whale token was introduced in China and the value of gold has plummeted many of these bosses are now looking over to much higher value and unlike Blizzard Nettie's actually look like they're cracking down on Bottas a lot harder making Potter's in China have to work so much harder was so much less reward yet whereas the NA market is so open to abuse that of course now they're choosing to make that swap now when the token was first added to China people on EU and na got pretty spooked as far as I understand it the way opportune time in China is bought is different and had to be done through third-party sites or is now they have an easy way to get game time through Nettie's directly amongst other things I don't want to go into the whole story on this but there were some legitimate reasons for it to happen as far as I'm aware just to reiterate world of warcraft is not run by blizzard in china it's a different company so what happens there doesn't necessarily reflect what will happen on EU so this is how bad it is the Chinese are over there are actually doing a better job at dealing with cheating than Blizzard is here so it's actually they're doing a better job because yeah III don't they're not that's not what Pete that's not what people are saying like what he's just talking about is how Nettie's is because Nettie's runs Wow over there and Nettie's is being more aggressive with banning botters than Blizzard is in blizzards game or na and no the while token in EU or na isn't the solution blizzard preventative measures to reduce the crowds of Bottas is anyway take a look at this which was posted a few days ago on the Chinese forum and yes we are going full Google Translate hopefully nothing is lost in translation though no in Google Translate I may have to interpret why I end up reading a little bit this is the wonderfully named hand of justice summary of one week blizzard game penalty let's take it line by line shall we I'll skip a few bits out well they don't say anything of significance from June 1st to June 7th we crack down on the behaviors of plug-in flash cheating speech violation and team copy fraud a total of 120 4204 accounts were fine to this see this looks as though a report about the number of bands that have been dealt out in a week being over a hundred and twenty thousand see they just that this is what they're doing over in China there are actually there they're actually doing something about it that's insane and we have two boxes just below this in each the number is the amount of bands the text is what they were for for both boxes they are formatted the same so the first box I'll highlight here is from World of Warcraft official service which I'm assuming is retail and the second box is for world of warcraft classic nostalgia no prizes for guessing which one we are interested in line one is plugging and cheating punishment a hundred and eleven thousand three hundred and fifty five line to speak to violations he's 1653 blind free copy fraud punishment line for game fraud punishment one five four so esteeming lost in translation here china has dealt out over one hundred thousand bands for cheating in a week yeah that's just cheating the speech violation could just be people using profanity I mean like we really don't know like what that is so I'm not going to get too too opinionated about that I have no idea because in China it's illegal the bots yeah well it should be illegal about hereto in games but yeah of course it could be somebody saying free Hong Kong I don't know what their rule is but I mean like listen I don't want to China China is an oppressive terrible regime and I feel terrible for any good person that's living in that country it's awful and I don't really have anything else to say about it it's it's a complete crime it's a crime against humanity in a week a week what that's insane if I'm reading this wrong and maybe anyone knows a little bit more than I do please correct me but that's how it appears from where I am and I'll link this page below so you can look over it by yourself and do the translations yourself if you're interested imagine that volume of people are banned in China just how many are moving over to North America with the apparent non-existent van rates and higher earnings this is why bars aren't even hiding it anymore they just run accounts into the ground 24/7 for a couple weeks if they get hit with a band these guys are boosting the next wave of BOTS through dungeons all day every day yeah it doesn't matter that's what I'm saying like this is literally it's like Blizzard is fighting against the Lich King because wants you to feed his frontline soldiers he's just raising more soldiers in the background and there's just endless waves of these soldiers of the scourge and what they need to do is they need to [ __ ] break Frostmourne that's what they need to do and they're not doing that they're just killing waves and waves of them because once you ban all the 60s the guys got another wave of 59s he's got another wave of 50 50 threes you know that's basically yeah yeah this is a real scourge expansion it's classic wow they're already ready to replace them if I'm coming in waves then it was hot the moon's falling out of the sky because I was hot about how many waves were getting right now here's another example that's been seen online many times the bombing thymol tribute where he's flying up and down the ledge and also again with like the multiple accounts look at the bottom of that he has four you see how small this is right he's got to be running like ten accounts at a time that's why his his his frame rate is so low look how many uh like versions of wow he has he's doing this like on 10 accounts at a time so the problem with something like this with dire Maul gold farming dire Maul gold farming is actually really bad and the reason why dire Maul gold farming is really bad and like herb farming isn't as bad is because dire Maul gold farming injects money into the economy without necessarily injecting resources into the economy because whenever you're injecting gold into the economy you then devalue and deflate or it causes inflation right but you deflate the value of every single person's currency because there's more currency being injected into the economy with the same amount of of resources that exist prior so it's like if you had let's say there are ten ten soda cans and everybody has $100 well then every soda cans gonna be worth probably ten bucks right but if you magically just decide that soda cans are sorry you just magically guarantee a thousand dollars people naturally will be willing to pay more money for the soda cans it will drive up prices and this is and why it's bad is because it hurts legitimate raw gold farming and it makes it artificially worse than it would be if things like this weren't in the game I can go talk back and forth easily enough look at how many clients are open down below as well what are the bots even get there you ask they fly a noclip to the end of the instance I even have proof of this which I'll show in a moment at this as well the blue slime of major mana pots on the auction house over time I'll show major healing potions to in a moment now both of these can just be made by alchemists but there are always a good amount of both of these within the tribute chests at the end of diet more tribute runs yeah look at the blue bar again that's the volume of them on the auction house over time see how much this is going up by how many hunters of noclipping and they're flying to the end of the instance just too powerful on this place it has to be a huge amount though I will say the NA market tanked at one point so it looks like something changed in people's ability to bot it after all but it spikes up again just as fast afterwards yeah pretty crazy stuff so far but you haven't actually seen people noclipping yet neither had I seen it personally until the other day this was what make me really want to finish this video this where I have all the evidence you could possibly want in the world to say a blizzard do something about this all right let's see it infected by a person with evidence of what has really been good oh I see that your average player would have never seen until butters started openly selling runs with their fly hacking and I can tell you that this isn't even some elaborate that's up that's how bad it is now is there just openly selling the runs they're not even like oh yeah that's not what's happening or whatever or like trying to bod and secrecy they're just doing it they just put their dick on the table and they say hey guys look at this they're not even hiding it you can see the general chat going by I even know some of the people spamming there and while the footage here speaks for itself this person is inside zg and is flying about like Rinty bc already now only that but they can noclip inside of objects you can loop from inside the walls as well which means as long as you don't hit a plane that causes you to disconnect you can freely have in mind everything inside the instance here you think the i've just been since the zg though wrong this has been going on since phase one here's a few of their messages is that either cannot detect or it's not just clicks fly alright let's activate flying click this goes and does whatever he wants man piling fly flush no clip hacking so this you can basically fly through instance if you can fly underground in zg and pick herbs without mops being able to agro you and they also claim making 600 cold an hour in the first week of cg from blood vine you can fight through molten core and mind r6 earlier phases you can fly through dime all east killer third boss and then fly underground and instantly mind rich thorium's you can fly through diamonds conveniently pull the bosses and keys and go straight to killing tribute which becomes so much easier as a hunter when you can fly up and down the ledge as we saw on you know things are getting bad when people running dots and hacking and well are choosing to contact a person that aims to expose box and bring awareness to it in hopes that blizzard does something about how completely out of hand this situation is going yeah even exaggerating when I say you private servers do a better job in terms of anti Chi in the young private service launch but this utter lack of care for the game's integrity it will be gone in no time this is pathetic blizzard it's completely pathetic what it's true it's obviously completely pathetic everybody knows that Blizzard knows that you know what I know it everybody knows it and they just don't give a [ __ ] fly hacking did exist in vanilla yeah of course it did that's how they're doing it like obviously it existed in vanilla Wow there are plenty of hacks in the game but I think that like at this point the integrity of the game means more than preserving some sense of similarity between the game from 15 years ago yeah it doesn't really matter once again no exaggeration go watch any of the private server reviews by dodgy kebab I'll link his channel below Jahna the first thing he does in any video is test the server's anti-cheat and the majority of the time or at least on the more popular servers he's teleported back to where he originally started after a few seconds he's disconnected or is just straight up banned in the matter of no time at all how can private servers who'd crack the code here yet just now we're finding out that people have been flying through molten core since phase 1 some of these are run by literally a handful of people Blizzard is a multi-billion dollar company how many more alarms do we need to ring before the wake-up call happens unlucky I was never gonna be a situation where there's never any BOTS don't fool yourself there but that doesn't mean you just let people run rampant like this classic is literally such a cash cow for Blizzard and they're just feeding it poison that's slowly killing it well that's what they were doing is that's actually a really good metaphor is they're they're giving it like McDonald's and it's like oh wow we love McDonald's oh and they're just eatin up their happy meals and what they don't realize is that after a while McDonald's is gonna make the game fat and slow and lazy that's what's gonna end up happening and yeah they just need to invest money in the gyms this is what Blizzard has been doing yeah they're turning people and chunker's this is what Blizzard has been doing for years now the reason why they got rid of Mass I think is because they didn't want to deal with to deal with GM tickets anymore that was why it had nothing to do with oh well you know we have like some sort of you know ethical perspective on this no I think it just didn't want to deal with GM tickets anymore they added the wow token they okey know thank you our Sena gifted subs I appreciate that thank you very much keno they added the wow token in order to combat badr's so they devalued again the integrity of the economy to combat bothers this is what they're doing and obviously while token has a lot of positives and there are a lot of good things about it it's more of a nuanced conversation but but things like getting rid of the the Wow sorry getting rid of Master loot has no positive things at all and that's the same reason why they made right-click report the reason why they have a shoot first ask questions later policy now whenever enough people report someone is simply because boys are wants to save money on GM's and all these decisions are just built around saving money not saving the game licit whatever you're doing at the moment if anything clearly isn't working I know the community gives you a hard time whatever you do the vocal minority is gonna speak up but this isn't a minority anybody who even remotely cares about this game going forwards as long as it's long term interest knows that this is a bad look for it I said it before and I'll say it again address the issue communicate talk to us since classic has launched it's just been closed doors open it I want to say this again I've said this before just like he did how many times have you started playing a new game a new BR and you have a lot of fun and you really start enjoying it and then cheaters start getting into your games and every single that every single time that you die you no longer think wow that guy was really good you think I wonder if he was using an aimbot or not that happened with Apex it's happened with pub G it was happening with fortnight and then I think they got kind of on top of that CS go it's so [ __ ] bad they have a special website just so you can play with people you have to pay money to play with people that aren't [ __ ] cheating I think that's what I face it is I'm not 100% sure but that's pretty much what it is then you have war zone war zone now you're getting cheaters as well and an aimbot errs as well and now every single time that you cue into a game that feeling and that question in your mind oh I wonder if that one was legitimate or not that question in your mind is the insidious poison that kills creative and competitive drive and bahding does the exact same thing that's how it affects every single player this goes plan action I don't expect to wake up tomorrow and see an announcement that thousands of BOTS have been banned yeah that would be great talk to us tell us where you are what you're working on what have you been doing for all these months literally the only box you've managed to get so far were the ones that stood in the starter cave in Alterac Valley and pressed forwards occasionally that's it you know what many other large companies do when they have a botting issue they contact the people who make the busts and offer them a nice salary to come and fix the problem not propagate it Jagex you're an old school runescape have done exactly this and they're anti cheat system is far better than well that's smart of classic you don't need smart people manually banning players all day every day or to reverse-engineer software you just need the guys who make the top BOTS on your side this is even cheaper and more efficient than rehiring dozens of GM's if you want to look at it that way I believe detection is the big issue the proof we now have around noclipping and flying being possible is concrete evidence of this being the case this isn't an overnight fix it needs time and investment botting is always going to be an arms race between developer and developer yakking bow is something else entirely there is never a scenario where a company as large as Blizzard should be having these problems in this day and age thing else to add as I said at the start please share this around if this isn't proof enough to get action from Blizzard I don't know what else I can do or the community can do really I don't have a video planned around people getting gold into the game from Boston as well which I'll cover quite soon either way this is getting to a point where we have to expect something soon this is too much Blizzard so I'll end how I started Blizzard it's time to do something about this if you like what you see give the video a like and subscribe as they'll be plenty more to come take care guys and I'll see you all in next one there it is dude additional limit of 30 instances per day added in wild classic Blizzard has announced a new limit that has been added to wild classic of 30 instances per day which is in addition choosing to the previous 5 instances per hour account as part of our ongoing efforts to eliminate exploitative in automated gameplay with scheduled weekly maintenance in each region we're implementing the following change to our settings on all Wow classic realms you may enter a maximum of 30 unique instances dungeon and raid per day per realm this restriction complements the current limit of 5 instances per hour now when a player enters a dungeon or raid the game checks to see if they have entered they've cleared in five instances in the last hour or thirty instances in the last 24 hours and if they have they cannot enter the instance until enough time has elapsed this check is across all of your characters on your realm these limits only applied dungeon rate instances and do not apply to PvP battlegrounds let me say two things number one let's be honest with ourselves I don't like this change ok I want to say that right now I do not like this change but I want to I want to add some nuance into why I don't like it number one this will not stop botters it just simply won't stop Potter's like that that's all there is to it it's not like all blizzards going to do this and now botting is gone they're not going to do this it's not going to have any effect at all it's just going to change the way that you do body so let me explain what you do now instead of this you just do 30 instances and then you have another character on another server and you do 30 instances on that character - the fact is that these botters they're bodying levelling anyway so all they're gonna do now is just bot level up new characters so they can bought them in max instances on other servers it's not account linked at all it's linked to the server so look at this right here per day per realm so it matters per realm so like let's say I'm playing on on Farah Lena and I do 30 instances and then I can go over to Herod and I can do 30 instances on Herod - I doesn't stop Pont but it's gonna [ __ ] up a lot of people so the way that people play classic Wow is that I think this is this goes against the way that a lot of people play classic Wow and what I mean by that is that there are a lot of people who farm hand of justice they farm a savage gladiator chess piece they farm they do jump runs they go inside of instances and I do like lock-picking runs order like chests runs as well as rogues let's see what are the other things that people do obviously they do boosting runs and like scarlet monastery your stockades where they farm gold in those instances instead of actually farming materials so Mardon yeah mcpe for feral druid yeah there's plenty of things like that mara dagger yeah fishing and zg princess runs not thirty a day I feel like a lot of people do thirty a day I mean that's six hours and you do each one of them like the thing is that and this is one thing that I want to say is that this change will affect 1% of the player base like it will negatively affect 1% of the player base and probably even less than that so I do want to kind of keep this in context right is that yes this is a change that will only affect 1% of the player base and 0.1% well 1% of the 1% it's a very very small amount here's why I don't like to change because you know what this change says to me this change says to me that Blizzard isn't gonna do anything about BOTS that's what it says to me it says that they're not interested in actually fixing the problem they just want to create artificial constraints around the entire playerbase and act like they solved the problem the fact is that whenever I see a change like this it makes me less excited for the game as a whole much more so than if Blizzard had just ignored it because at least if they had ignored it you'd say that they don't care but this is even worse in my opinion let me read what people are saying on the on the classic Wow reddit for this I feel like this is gonna be a pretty popular topic let me just pull this up and see what they're saying classic wild bot bot farm owners now resort to real-life threats against players challenging them Blizzard sent the player thus threatened a funny response with what the player in question who received real-life threats by the bot farm owner has reported them to the police boys would of course just doesn't care we're talking about an organized mafia at this point this has made me really mad vote up and let's get some big honcho from Blizzard to see this and kick some asses inside of Blizzard ok it's a little bit stupid but ok I'm adding a thread request ok let me see here so this is the link here here's the guy on judgment who has 15 box not even kidding about this number he is her being in Eastern Plaguelands as control of an entire zone for 12 to 14 hours a day he's been there for months he uses many forms of harassment against people who kill his BOTS obscene language and various kinds of threats included if you put him on ignore he starts threatening you with the other account oh good he told me that even if they ban him soon they'll just roll another because box between the time a ban waves is too long and they can easily take advantage of it during this time there are massive reports on him I've reported the threats to the police as well I opened up a ticket and received a funny automated response from Blizzard GM seriously Blizzard has nothing to improve the situation even if they decide to ban BOTS it'll be too late why'd you waste so much money to botton classic Wow to get banned because here's why okay oh this right here is the this right here is the profit line okay so once you go above this red line that means that you're in profit so this is time as time goes on time and this is money okay so what happens right here is you start right here and this is where you just bought the account and you've just started playing the game and use paid your $15 a month at this point you are at you and your level one you are at the lowest investment you can possibly be yet and if you get banned right there you just simply throw away you throw away $15 now here's what you start doing you run your bot and as time goes on as time goes on you level up and I would say probably somewhere around like let's say this is like level 20 this is level 40 and this right here is level 60 so you probably actually start making money a little bit before 60 because you're able to sell everything and also it doesn't really matter about like you know the you know quality of life things like ammount etc because you're you're planning about anyway so the moment that you hit this point right here this point is where it becomes profitable for badr's right here this is the break-even point this is where badr's breakeven with their investment of time and the money return that they get out of it and so right here it actually goes it goes up even more so what happens here is this is this is zg runs this is zg runs this is right to sorb runs that's a righteous orb right there it has an R on it so you guys know what it is so as you guys can see here the problem is that Blizzard is banning here and they need to ban inside of here and what happens is that let's say a player gets banned right here well if they know they can make a new account and get to this place here again it doesn't matter if they need to get up to here or up to here because the only thing that really makes a difference between that is scale so instead of making more instead of making playing the same character over and over they just make more characters so think about it like this if you have an infinitely scaling system and you have to invest $20 into it and you get $30 out of it every single time you would want to invest every single dollar that you had because you would effectively like add 50% of your money back right so it doesn't matter how many times you do it so imagine they're only making imagine they're only making let's say $500 here okay actually you know what let's be more realistic let's say they're making $50 so this is three this is three weeks or sorry three months of leveling as the bots and they make $50 right here this is a break-even point well let's say they make $60 right here this is $60 so you know how you can make 120 dollars you just level up two characters so you just level up two characters or you just level up three characters or five characters and at a certain point it doesn't matter because you're dealing with economics of scale and you're multiplying your gain between each different transaction and if you know that you're going to break it you will break even or make money as like as an as a normal rule you're gonna keep doing it so this is what the problem is Blizzard needs to start banning them right here and they're not they're banning them right here and because they're banning them right there that's why they keep doing it if Blizzard bans right here botting stops it Blizzard bans right here bahding doesn't stop it's that simple players that are leveling up like this the reason why Blizzard isn't doing anything I'm gonna be very clear it's because they don't care if you genuinely think that Blizzard a multi-billion dollar company can't solve this problem you're [ __ ] delusional of course they can solve this problem do you want to know why I know they can solve the problem because Russian hookers were able to solve the problem better than they were if you think that a bunch of European shut-ins can outmaneuver Blizzard then I don't know what else to say private servers handled BOTS better than this private servers have body problems too of course they did and of course it's a more difficult process to remove somebody who's actually a paying customer who has an account and there needs to be you know more people involved so then you get more people involved Blizzard is doing what every company now does they put in the minimum amount of effort and you know what they get out of it you know what you guys get out of it the minimum [ __ ] result this is the minimum result this is the minimum amount of effort and every single player in the game is now punished and throttled because Blizzard has decided that they don't care about dealing with on their own this is not a profit algorithm this is an emotional endeavor this is something that these people have invested years of their lives into this is something that people have spent probably the majority of their adult life you know many of those people have lizard working on and invested in and for every one of them there's a thousand there's ten thousand out there who did the same [ __ ] thing but they've been playing the game and their love for the game keeps them coming back over a decade later it's more than profit its integrity on Iran eclis it is integrity it is creative integrity and whenever a company loses creative integrity it loses its way nothing else matters after that it doesn't make a difference [Music] integrity is the only thing that truly keeps people in a game like wow [Music]
Channel: Asmongold TV
Views: 557,183
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: asmongold, asmongold reacts, asmongold wow, asmongold highlights, asmongold youtube, world of warcraft, asmongold best, asmongold tv, asmongold classic wow, asmongold wow classic, classic wow, wow classic, classic wow bots, wow bots, wow classic bots, asmongold bots, classic hack, wille, asmongold wille, classic wille, wille classic, wille classic bots, classic hackers, wow hackers, classic 30 instances, classic changes, 30 instances, classic wow no clip, wow no clip
Id: kPAfFgaRmG8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 33min 59sec (2039 seconds)
Published: Tue Jun 16 2020
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