XQC VS NINJA - A͏s͏mongold Reacts To Drama Between Biggest Streamers (ft. Alinity)

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xq c and ninjas wife fighting on twitter wait why let me see I'll pull this up okay this guy always has some trash to say oh this is about the respect so why shouldn't fail post about reddit regarding HTC stating and the majority of Stern's get paid to charity streams and urban paid to raise money for st. Jude got it's time we do it right the shimmer that you watch that they show you days paid for it right the guy always has some trash to say have a literally never heard a single streamer getting paid to raise money as per FTC rules if they were it would be easily known that the public keep doing amazing things his [ __ ] rich coming from you of all people incredible you found the time to half-assed listen to the clip and if your take no one asked about and between you virtually imposed I don't know really damn he's pissed he is pissed wow I mean the thing is like how many think what do I think about this who's who's right here who's right XQ see why cuz he streams on a website because he's on our side he's our boy is that why he's right dude okay so listen like I look at it objectively okay I think X you see like the way he stated the way he stated that like most dreamers are like a lot of streamers get get paid to do some charity runs and charity events I think that what he was saying like this is true okay I want to say what xqc was saying is true like there are streamers that get paid to do charity things a hundred percent they are but the vote the fact is like whenever he said that my understanding was that people started debating with them and getting mad about it you know what I mean okay what is this here oh I was waiting for your response enjoy your day QVC I hope to see you doing a fundraiser in the future since you have so much to say about them of course I was gonna answer sweetie I was eating breakfast fueling up for a productive day not relatable I know you should teach me I think about two fundraisers I'm sure you know the two things about raising funds man those Gucci bags don't pay for themselves oh my god god damn dude goddamn that's not good man well I I'm the thing is like yeah it's that's what you get a ninja responded what do they say um where is it you have zero clue about my work Jess toaster our family our business when she wants to buy a Gucci bag she [ __ ] can cuz you work for it don't add millions to charity or $800,000 stop being a piece of [ __ ] Jesus Christ dude I mean I don't know like simp it's his wife it's his wife you're supposed to sit for your wife you crazy you know of course he defends his wife yeah like what are you crazy of course he's gonna do that what do you think he's gonna say like all my wife's wrong no the thing is like this is a situation where like xqc could have stated it better but Jessica shouldn't have said that well she just shouldn't have been passive-aggressive and said that he's like a dump and like if you antagonize somebody else this is like one thing that I've always believed right is if you antagonize another person and then they come back at you I don't think you can be the victim at that point you are no longer the victim after you have antagonized someone that's it and if you don't want people to respond and say bad things about you then don't do that [ __ ] let me actually just see what he [ __ ] said Jesus guys Oh Garrity's X you see lead sisters are paid through charity streams okay we're gonna look at this right here here we go [Music] so like already uh this is exactly what I thought so xqc he says wait wait wait so he had already made the statement and then chats disagreeing with them and chat disagreeing with him probably tilted him because he thought that chat was being naive and stupid and so now he's doubling down on it in a way that's not entirely accurate because he's annoyed like that's probably what it is do it right yeah yes that's [ __ ] stupid don't take the money I mean you wouldn't know the shimmer that you watch this I think you [ __ ] show your days they're all paid for it right and and that's all that's all it's the only reason the thing that people took issue with was that he said this dreamers that you know right are pretty much all paid for which implies that most people that do charity charity things are are paid for it that's why that's why people are mad about you know wrong yeah that's that was the criticism the people and I think that obviously like he should not have said it in that way but it's not a big deal like it's really not a big deal because this is what I was saying before right I will refer you know what let me refer back to my own tweet it's exhausting seeing every statement a person makes automatically interpreted in the worst way possible give people the benefit of the doubt they probably didn't have the intent to armed with what they said because they usually don't that's what it comes down to obviously what xqc said was not technically accurate with like most people doing it for money etc and like now him saying that has made a lot of streamers have to defend themselves and defend things that they've done because people are presuming some sort of like false evil for doing a charity stream for money which i don't think is a bad thing to begin with i think that's fine but that that's why it was set that i mean like let's just keep it in mind that is why that it said okay actually she responded again I know you have all respect to you just speak some are asking definitely the same except one of us is being honest about it I'm kind of confused here let me calculate this I've already expect for that yeah I think anybody and everybody in the space should respect ninja ninjas and then just done a lot of good things ninja I think that he deserves almost every respect right he's been he's been right now man he's a good guy then just a good guy like I I don't have I'm a I re I would watch ninjas stream like on ironically not to type like okay you know oh you lost [ __ ] you know this many subs today or whatever well I would watch an industry my thought is it is genuinely entertaining and good guy okay wait that's what it comes down to let me see here and I have just want to speak Ivor asked there for the same yeah I mean the thing is like what did she originally say again has some trash to say I've never heard a single streamer getting paid to raise money and per FTC rules if they were they would have to be publicly known yeah that's true if she hasn't heard about that doesn't mean that hasn't happened it just happens a lot it she's mad because she thinks his statement charities loses her money why would it lose her money yeah I don't think this has anything to do with them at all like I mean they're so rich now at this point it doesn't even matter she just did well let me see here III can just refresh this [Music] and I'm not your sweetie okay here we go it's very clear you don't respect women or really anyone with again the trash I've heard you spew if you want to be sexist and act like it's because I'm married to this old man that it makes me do nothing mooching woman that's your choice to be a kind of person I mean like what is he what does xqc said that's so bad like really what does he said that's like oh wow what is it like III don't even know I feel like he's just he's not even doing anything at always just do not do anything wrong she made another response Oh another one Jesus another one you don't respect them especially when you continuously talk trash about him on your stream secondly when I said trash true statement I felt it important to let people know that I've never heard of someone being paid [Music] this is dumb I don't know I feel like this is getting dumb adapt on XQ see what is this drama what they put in their Canadian bacon okay okay all right I see what it is yeah it makes sense ninjas brother responded oh great now it's a family war it's a family event now oh great Jesus man like I don't even know what to say what the [ __ ] is this dude doc responded shut up shut the [ __ ] up should I make a tweet about this look alright I'll do what make it tweet some streamers get paid to do charity streams some don't both are fine but it should be indicated disclosed it should be disclosed you guys are a really good thesaurus I appreciate this it should be disclosed if so this is now this is the correct opinion yes some streamers get paid to do charity streams some don't both are fine but it should be disclosed to so put a smiley face listen if you put a smiley face whenever you're putting out your opinion you're a [ __ ] [ __ ] you're a conniving [ __ ] vaulty responded why is he calling me out for me taking his tweet idea this is that what is this densha's wife invited the whole family to defend her with this episode ninjas brother Jesus bro easy on the sexism it's 2020 calling them in sweety and refusing to admit that they work is not the best move morally oh boy there's nothing wrong with calling a girl sweetie okay like I don't think there's anything wrong with that like obviously it's kind of a demeaning thing to say and like yeah I don't think there's anything like inherently sexist about this personally yeah and it's like if she's gonna say something dumb to him like well how is he not supposed to say something dumb back you know what I mean like saying that she's a gold digger I don't think it's true I don't think that's true at all that's too much read xqc reply homie sudhi sir can we sue Purcell damn the manager is about to come out now like what the hell is this okay I don't know what the hell does what the manager what do you mean the manager oh okay okay I get it now ninja his wife is also his manager well then how is she not doing any work if she's his manager I mean I don't know I get the lack of self-awareness is insane Jessica your husband is an icon and of our sphere does that see Ken that's nothing to do with you being a woman how dare you use sexism card in such a trivial interaction lumping and actual victims of sexual sexism especially in gaming yikes I think okay so I do think that implying that she's a gold digger I I don't think that that you should do that right I don't think so you know what I mean like that's that's definitely not something that you should say to somebody what it'll initi say this calls for ecstasy posted a person in charge a ghostie to be to blackout three nobody plays that game oh this is an easy bet team ninja lose is easy don't you have another cat to abuse you have no class it's only a playful joke and you have to be rude like this pretty shameful dude how long he's saying right so who do they side with now yeah who do they side with now because like obviously you know people like people like xqc but they hate illinit ii but do they hate a linda t enough to where even whenever she defends xqc they still hate her and this is the interesting question let's see what what it is this is a very hard decision to make if ninja wife is gonna bring up people attack them I'm okay with the Luna D chiming and hope major streamers come out [ __ ] on ninjas wife I'd pay to see that what is all this people that don't like ninjas wife it's not just like one thing she's a Karen I don't know about she's a Karen because she said one thing I think like her concern isn't completely misplaced what was misplaced was her attacking xqc and saying he says dumb stuff like that that's really what it is that's that's what it is have you seen her tweets actually I haven't I mean to be fair I haven't seen her tweet so III don't know like I thought people come up with like her saying XY or Z but like it just seems like people don't like you know I really what it seems like to me man I should call him a sexist virtue signaling 24/7 Wow can you believe that as celebrities on Twitter virtue signaling Lots so I would have never expected that is it not disgusting oh my god wait what is this here what is it when did they say ninja is the most toxic person in gaming Ninja is the most toxic person in gaming uh I don't think so I really I don't think so at all let's see here what is this ninja bro when that cat bit her arm did you guys see that like the cat bit her [ __ ] arm and I he didn't just go like he [ __ ] went and on it right and like then after that he just sat there and he looked at her he's like what here we go okay look at him look at his [ __ ] face man look look at that [ __ ] face he's not the thing is like this got 10 K likes holy [ __ ] you want see why people say it ninjas most toxic streamer just watch his valor and streams to Tim and others say [ __ ] shut ninjas mouth cuz more toxic and annoying I don't know I feel like whenever ninja says something like people are always bad-mouthing ninja like it doesn't matter what it is they're just bad-mouthing ninja for like no reason like ninja be like oh man not got me and then people in child get yeah yeah cuz you suck [ __ ] [ __ ] you ninja stupid ass sellout blue hair and [ __ ] that's what you get I hate you and it's like what the [ __ ] like what do you mean like chill out like how do you get this mad about something stupid like that and like he's not even doing anything and like there's this other time like ninja called out this dude for cheating and like everybody in Chows like nah ninja that's not true bro you're washed man you'll washed up fortnight and a ninja has a few on mixer and [ __ ] [ __ ] you ninja and they're just going on and on and on about it and then finally Tim it was like tamarind or something I think he's playing with one of them they play the clip of the guy playing in war zone and bro this guy's embodying like crazy it's obvious that two dudes [ __ ] Haim body and meanwhile just because ninja had called it out people were acting like he was lying you seen I'm saying so I do think that ninja gets an unfair amount of hate I don't know like really why I think it's probably just cuz he's like the you know most popular you're most like famous like gamer like people just like to hate him you know what I mean but yeah they they hate us because they ain't us that's right but no I'm not really sure what it is particularly but I think that is kind of stupid well I feel dislike ninjas wife if you read all of our tweets just like she injects herself into a lot of conversations and debates whenever she's eighty percent of the time wrong on the wrong side or the wrong take ninja just keeps defending her for stupid [ __ ] bro like listen you that [ __ ] hate on ninja all right like that's his [ __ ] wife man like you've gotta go the thing is there are two people that is it acceptable to sent four in your wife three your mother your wife your girlfriend and your sisters that's it that dad is acceptable simple those are the three people that you can you can simply your [ __ ] mother you can simply your wife and you can simply your sisters and you should be able to do that without any sort of [ __ ] of of negative [ __ ] attention all right that's totally okay your daughter nah man you got to let that [ __ ] hound know how it's gonna be right it's a cold world out there you got to start her off so she knows you gotta develop a certain amount of confidence with her and let her know you know what I mean no man no just those three people but no for like obviously like your family members okay like that's what I'm really trying to say yeah just step sister only you do something different with that soda pop and disagrees with xqc all of you literally just tuned in cuz I've said this like five times I have never heard of a streamer getting paid to do a charity stream until this morning when I looked into it I've never been offered I have never heard of it I never saw any of that ever in my entire streaming career I am Telling You this 100% does it happen though yes I have learned that today as well which tells me it's not the most common [ __ ] knowledge in the world really I swear to God on my [ __ ] life and everything I know and stand for never heard of it who told us well of course he wouldn't right of course he wouldn't that makes sense right for him to not hear about it because he has a manager and the manager would just throw all those in the garbage probably so no it makes perfect sense for him not to have heard of it but yeah because like that people don't approach him directly and then his manager filters through these and then they just don't ever take them like it's not like it's not like he's saying that fqc is wrong or anything like that it's completely understand for soda to not have that experience yeah III don't know really what else to say let me see if there's anything more about this Raj replies to mischief wait it's Austin now not Raj I can verify this is absolutely true not all streamers are paid to do charities but there's certainly some who are paid that is true so true the biggest true then could be true and that is true as well very very true there it is of course as manager we're bringing it up is the case I don't know I might not talked about it I have no idea here's what's so [ __ ] crazy about this voice is LSF has seventy two thousand two people online seventy-two thousand people online on this one [ __ ] website APL calls out ninja as a secretary about never hearing about paid charity work APL the [ __ ] is APL never heard of it huh [Music] it's not looking good voice not looking good yeah people know about this I don't think that ninj ever said that he hadn't heard of it I think it was just his wife I mean like to be fair it's probably just his wife that said that not ninja so we got to keep that in mind as well all right so let me see here what are the rest of these elyda tea okay here we go here we go thank God let's get a linen tease take on this situation but like how is that my fault like how is that my fault true if twitch moderation sucks dicks okay what I have to do with that you guys and trust me I have not subs any day contrary to what people think well this is true though I mean this is what what she's saying is true like uh we're gonna have like I'm gonna have to simper a limit II hear like a linen he doesn't decide whether she gets banned or not it's twitch that decides whether she gets banned or not and they decided that she didn't get banned I think that's true what she's saying okay contrary to what people think I live in Saskatchewan I've never been to twitchcon I try just not go to any Rick I thought they didn't I thought they didn't discover those that's the missing Oh Saskatchewan Ames I try to not travel at all I stay in my basement in Saskatoon there is no dicks here that's too bad okay people be so disappointed now yeah [Music] she's talking about the soul that don't matter all right that doesn't even matter I always but like how is that my fault okay stand up shut up I'm not gonna stand up stand up prove you're not a simp you really want me to prove that I'm not a simple you know like I I don't I really don't want to do this guy it's like this is gonna be really [ __ ] embarrassing all right fine I don't have legs of course I do what do you mean all right fine I'll [ __ ] stand up all right so what I think I'm so worried god I'm sorry guys sorry I didn't I didn't mean that [Music]
Channel: Asmongold TV
Views: 654,698
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: asmongold, asmongold reacts, asmongold twitch, asmongold highlights, asmongold youtube, asmongold tv, xqc, ninja, jessica blevins, ninjas wife, xqc ninjas wife, xqc jessica blevins, ninjas wife jessica, xqc ninja, ninja xqc, twitch streamers, xqc twitch, twitch charity streams, ninja fortnite, ninja alinity, asmongold xqc, asmongold ninja, asmongold alinity, xqc drama, ninja drama, asmongold drama, streamer drama, alinity drama, xqcow, asmongold xqcow, xqcow ninja
Id: xTutEBFbn5U
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 57sec (1437 seconds)
Published: Tue Jun 30 2020
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