A͏s͏mongold Planning A Transmog Competition With ONLY E-GIRLS

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what if I did what if I did a transmog competition with only eager girls that would be [ __ ] ridiculous like and then we could do a mount off though I'm gonna be honest with you guys I have never been on this website before I've never been on this website before I know that some people might not believe that but it's actually true so no I haven't but I really know guys I have I've not listen I I don't I'm not I have not done it wait toes wait what do you mean toast what I'm disguise what the hell I'm disguise toast does he have like an audio thing let me play it it's this guy's toast the who I am wanting got me bored so hit me up if you want to play some League of Legends or TFT whoo-whoo-whoo-whoo okay great so this is basically the the kind of website that we've got going on here now I just like I don't know guys I just like I mean look at the website man it's like these girls and like $20 a game oh my god this girl's only $2.00 a game this one's 15 oh my [ __ ] is she she has her Instagram account okay Wow and this is all League of Legends like what is this here I need to call and that's so worst advertisement I've ever seen nein that could have been way better like she doesn't even see it she likes to voice jet-like yeah right fifth one anything for you wait what the [ __ ] is this what the [ __ ] is anything for you sweet boy silly friendly no flame or toxicity what does this say hi everybody I love playing religions I have placed DiamondClean support and love seasons but if season I haven't blade lunged I have a lot of free time at the moment and I loved spending playing video games with you oh my god oh my [ __ ] god okay it's just I don't know if it's a dude or not let's see alright so let's look at the last section are there any of these girls that I know like I mean there's got to be some pvp's that I know right let's see uh let's see let's look at all okay this is these are our bestsellers Moxie that's not the right Moxie there's got to be a girl here that I know from Wow oh she has the storm oh [ __ ] that okay um I recognize this one I don't know who the [ __ ] this is though um wait yeah I do yeah I do she's I've seen her on Twitter I know yeah yeah I thought you did okay um so Wow okay what are the other ones here so we have enough of these to make a full transmog call wait really really it's like you either have like these girls or these [ __ ] like these big dudes with beards hey guys I'm blargh and I'm ready to play some mortal Warcraft with you no matter what your skill level no matter what you've got what kind of character what faction it don't matter I'll be running and I'll be coming to help you Alliance their horde whatever you got make this a day to remember oh wow um I don't even know what it what is there to say like really what is there to say there um okay let's see it what are the other ones here shark diva gamer Mel oh the $10 $10 Jesse I'm never arena rating on there okay wait look at this one hi I'm new to the game would love to learn how to play like so you have to pay her to carry her I mean come on guys like I mean this is that this is insane this is absolutely insane hire the big bearded dudes yeah I mean I guess that's what I have to do I mean clearly that's what I have to do that's the real experience yeah this is the authentic experience that's why that's all you know this is this one's real what is she saying this is what cringe Wow [ __ ] Wow can you believe that dude but do it again it did not work this is what cringe not good i okay uh do I click it do like I are a little quicker you yeah [Music] hey a dollar a game man okay um what were some more of these that are that are around all righty uh oh my [ __ ] god oh this is a cosplayer even oh geez look at this oh and like the thing is is like all of the girls and this really feel I think this feels bad guys it really feels bad it feels like the hottest girls are the ones that are the ones on league man like his her stuff was on league the bottom left which one is this what is this I know this person this is few image yeah isn't that um so you look at that see I can I can [ __ ] figure out how to get the full-size pictures um yeah I don't I think that I know who this is I'm pretty sure I do um yeah that's like BAMF ex oh right yeah know your audience yeah apparently okay you found her I don't know about that okay oh she's got a Rank 1 title what the [ __ ] dude watch the Bell you're in the video I'm not doing that right now okay holy [ __ ] dude now I know this girl wait I know this girl what is she saying hi I am a P P P R as well as a Raider I primarily read still um you guys want to do keys or hang out or do a dollar for a game dude a dollar for a game alright what about this one I know this girl hello friend my name is min and playing World of Warcraft for over ten years my favorite things to do in the game are to collect mounts transmog pets and toys but I've been missing reading for a really long time too I also enjoy doing lots of mythic plus so hopefully you take me on dungeon run sometime I love healing people and we'll have a lot of fun and Azeroth together okay I hope to hear from you sometimes I was trying to explain this website to my dad and I thought that he wouldn't get it but he just completely understood he's like yeah people nowadays are losers this is what it is that's pretty much it like I tell my dad about this kind of stuff all the time like I even told my dad this is funny I told my dad about like how I was running people over in trucks in call of duty and I was telling them stories about it and then he starts telling me stories about running people over in trucks in Vietnam and he went out for like an hour about it - just like all these stories it was so [ __ ] funny man yeah yeah like he tells me all I was like yeah it was the best time ever I used to love that yeah like father like son okay we're not this guy missing bad jokes in humor while playing the game add me to your day oh you don't need to do that cuz you guys are always watching me heater to make your day better no care yeah okay there we go alright is this a guy or a girl no profile picture it's probably a girl hello alright let's go the other ones okay uh cute Drago oh [ __ ] dude look at this guy yeah go ahead yeah go ahead that's it that's the whole thing yeah go ahead all right there it is I'm sold okay what the hell is this been getting into classic if you're into Indian girls with Welsh accents [Music] and this is only the top 100 okay so who's number one what's our number one girl moxie hello I'm Moxie my main is blood elf are Kimmage I also play Holi priest but I'm a [ __ ] word mine so if you want to play Alliance what is sound again like look at this so you see these right here these are the up boats in everything right look at the look at the numbers just keep it keep mind to the numbers 140 let's look at fortnight 181 right I mean look at this this is fortnight uh V art actually no what let nobody I didn't I'm so sorry for clicking on that guys I really apologize ok dota 2 let's look at League of Legends where's looking what black desert online nobody does that ok I just what words where's [ __ ] League of Legends how do you spell oh there it is look at this welcome many people look how many are here and there's only 15 here does this mean that girls don't play wow like I I don't know man no because it's not a dead game there's just a bunch of dudes sitting around there playing the [ __ ] game it's like look I mean there are so many people here there's a lot of guys in the top 100 that are guys like wow is such a male space that even people rent guys on eagerly eg for a while this is insane yeah you've seen your analytics I can see that now wow I don't even [ __ ] know what to say here umm do the girl in the hero video what's this here oh right what was her name peaches right ok hi how are you doing good I'm great so um one night stream I hadn't liked my profile up on his stream and like a bunch of these people added me hey guys I didn't mean to accuse you of anything by the way oh my god that's ridiculous actually so you're at your plane for tonight yeah I was okay that's a refund I saw I click with him when you as a know he's always like look at him dude there are watching you they put her on follow wait who's who's your favorite streamer everyone on mixer oh I don't really watch mix they're only watch twitch Oh twitch twitch yeah ah do you watch many League streamers oh yeah watch destiny play league do you know who Lowell Tyler one is who Tyler one ok ok oh he's he's the short guy he's really it's knees like 6 foot 4 I saw I saw I click of him I knew it I knew it I knew he'd say something about it he's like no I have 6 foot but like they met IRL and he's like 5 foot 2 or something yeah girlfriend he's pretty cool there oh my good wait he's jacked I just googled him yeah I guess I mean I don't really watch him cuz he's Jax I mean I just watch him cuz he ragequit Souls I'm like he throws his headset everywhere and like throws his chair everywhere it's pretty funny to watch hey is it this way by the way in this game nope over here about the this is a really real experience right I get so confused with everyone oh my god don't hurt at all here all uh ok we'll get over simps look at this sense going after triangle look at ups we know that oh my god love the nipple I don't know weird thing about me what I was born without nipples actually no way yeah when I was a kid is a kind of a weird personal story but I was really sensitive about it when I was growing up like really self-conscious and my parents knew my parents knew that I was self-conscious about it so when I was asleep coming up my room every night no way Nikki's right nipples would would have been oh I heard that one before then he would try yeah the copypasta you're probably right I know that I only read my story about it it's definitely not yours I posted I wrote it I did that she doesn't know what to say let's see over watch for tonight world of warcraft let's take advantage of the hundred percent buff happy to play all roles voice chat with a good mic hello i'm peaches I have cactus on both horde and alliance and I played both retail and classic I'm happy to do anything from Matt runs to transmog runs to maybe some music class and even LFO I mainly play a healer but I'm happy to do what you say or maybe sometimes tank we'd be on voice chat the whole time but I'm happy to just keep it company and I'm having to talk about just about anything hope to see you soon wait 7.5 is that gold wait you don't pay them in gold I can guarantee you pay them in money wait Oh per game okay I was saying per game so how do you how do you make decisions for like what's a game and Wow I'm confused how you even segment that out so it's just per hour okay I guess that's what would make sense so I guess she really doesn't like fortnight because if she did I'm pretty sure it would be more than less than like five five dollars for one game a fortnight hello I'm peaches I have the upgraded battle path so we're able to speak their levels and get that done for you if you'd like or we can just do some casual and I'm always super happy to voice chat hello I'm peaches and I'd be really happy to play overwatch with you I can mostly play all roles a Pete diamond with support and DPS ash and mercy and for the main part I had always been happy to be on discord with you listen guys I haven't drugged off for a whole day if I go on that website I'm not gonna be able to afford my computer tomorrow she talks about you and the streamer talking to stay safe video where let me think about it if you were a streamer it'd be smart to be on the site to uh I was like maybe it's asmin code with the voice changer but I don't think he'd do this yeah he's uh he's way more highbrow than that wait whose way whose has my goal you don't know who else when go it is no way wait really no I'm I'm mostly a player all right I'm just assumed to be known Oh I mean he's just a big round class extrema yeah while classic so did you still want to play with all these people chasing us oh my okay a big WOW classic streamer hey you know that it could be a lot worse let's be real it could be a hell of a lot worse than that it's great there's more okay okay okay oh yeah on the topic of gender I like that you play your male character I think it's kind of weird when guys play female characters like that's why I think I really like about asmin goat he thinks it's weird too hey I really agree yo [ __ ] troll guys so [ __ ] true dude why are you pretending to do that in a in that game wow those are weird boys yeah yeah yeah holy [ __ ] dude they're really weird shouldn't say anything else about me that's why that's why I was confused when that guide said that you had talked and then you're playing a female and then I just can't remember yeah you can't understand that everything is fine whatever whatever whatever whatever it's okay fine with me oh there's a mushroom game listen I'm good no we're not gonna we're not gonna buy er like that's that's so that's so dehumanizing okay what about this one this is number two hey I'm Leia also known as Leah Lani I played World of Warcraft for 14 years now I mean a horde hunter and arrestor Shami so I have both of them I've quite a bit of reading experience I'm always down for PvP also down for PvE really just depends on what you want to do I don't really like to play by myself so come play with me let's have some fun oh wait wait no peaches is number four you guys didn't even see it okay look peaches is number four I'm moving it over here so you guys can see look at that I didn't even realize that what the [ __ ] man oh my god okay okay next hello there Am I nice to meet you okay wait Oh weird this girl I I didn't go down this one hello I plan fairly in a server with crusade with crusade she's an S spawns guild she's in your main raid I'm clicking yes name droppers any name drivers brilliant just increase so you need me to heal anything just give me you oh my god okay what about this one here one of my sermons I just I just feel love of God somebody just play with me please I've been stuck at level 3 7 3 days and muscles might mine somebody please anybody I don't know this is number six I'd pay not to hear that I don't want to be mean but I mean come on like III don't want to be mean but you know let's go this one here fractal Fox okay let's see here she collects mounts where's her okay level 120 arms warrior alright that's pretty good what you can chat with people too oh my god I didn't even realize that what the [ __ ] Wow alright what's this girl trap house like the troll hunter on Angela's been playing Wow for public ten years at this point um I do PvP PvE pretty much everything but I love our teachers there's so many girls that do RBG's Matt I don't know what it is about him but RBG's are like that's the that's like the main that's like the main thing that girls do and I don't think that it's not like okay okay let's go to the next one guys all right um all right here's one Amy wait no this is an Emmy for my guild is it no [ __ ] way this is not a me from my guilt no [ __ ] way I don't know I don't think it's her I'm pretty sure it's not her let me listen let me see your voice they either play retro paladin alright demon hunter I'm up for anything either PvE or PvP I can do both me up is gonna play okay my voice is kind of weird let's see what else is this that's good that she's got her cat in a picture hi my name is Kim and I'm a demon hunter a havoc I'm a level four thirty two right now and I like to do raids and or dungeons hit me up I okay alright this is great demon hunter confirmed yeah these are the kinds of people that uh that are one-shotting you and Bee Gees with one ability I mean Bruce fate or fate 2,700 exp but--my 2k + exp is every class I'm just here to play some chill arena games or help you get the next rain of milestone you're looking for random milestone that's convenient okay let's see where's the next one here an ally guys I look forward to having fun bullying on well with you exercise basically anything I just really enjoy playing the game we could farm for mounts and stuff too if you'd like I've got one half of the windseeker from Ragnarok so I'm still trying to get that just for the sake of it um yeah I look forward to seeing you look she doing her best all right you're the best all right all right we'll go through a few more of these I've got to see the one cuz I know who this is like I think this is like when I use these friends or something I want to play it hey guys sister girl Hado it kak be I do play PvP PvE if you're looking for anybody to play with I am your girl [Music] okay check fractal fox pics why dude that's so objectification thing you can't I can't do that dude click on the Pepe wait what's the Pepe uh wait which Pepe here which you got which one do you guys want me to click on oh oh what about this one here down oh god do I wrote do you really want me to click this one hello friends you wanna play game I'm gonna be honest like the first second dude I thought he was about to [ __ ] say some bad [ __ ] that's why I paused it okay all right what about about this guy what the rat hello okay hey this is awkward my name is crit I play a rogue I'm pretty chill I think if you guys want to play with me I don't even care about money I'm just bored yeah okay okay he's cool let's see what this one here no you're not here a voice changer okay cow ah I know who this guy is - let's see where are the other ones um alright number one a girl makes fun number one a girl makes fun of you wait what do you mean number onee girl makes fun of me the [ __ ] why would I do I'm confused wait what the [ __ ] look at Moxie's new picture there's nothing I'll truly on here [Music]
Channel: Asmongold TV
Views: 461,047
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: asmongold, asmongold reacts, asmongold wow, daily dose of asmongold, asmongold highlights, asmongold youtube, world of warcraft, asmongold moments, asmongold funny, asmongold tv, asmongold transmog competition, asmongold transmog, asmongold competition, asmon transmog competition, asmon transmog, asmongold transmog contest, asmongold transmog comp, asmongold e girl, asmongold e-girl, asmongold e-girls, asmongold e-girl transmog competition, e-girl, wow e-girl, egirl.gg
Id: 01u6DOQ3mNo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 30min 25sec (1825 seconds)
Published: Tue Apr 07 2020
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