Asmongold DESTROYED By A Girl In MOUNT OFF Competition | ft. Mcconnell

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gentlemen today you'll be doing the first mount off and nearly a month many of you have been in here before but for those of you that haven't I will reiterate the rules each and every single one of you will be required to get on the mount that I I get on myself if you do not get on the mouth that I get on you will be kicked out of the rain so two players for me all right [Music] I'm tapped out reading YouTube comments let us begin with the first mount the blue qiraji battle tank everybody get on the blue karashi battle tank any losers on round one who here has gone all the way over to silithus only to be removed in the first round wait wait what you're getting kicked out on the first round are you kidding me Wow do man I really like your transmog but holy [ __ ] how do you do that are you kidding me wait three of you are getting kicked this is a humiliation this is sad I honestly didn't think I would get in I can see why you're gone so cray you are also gone we've already lost two people okay next mount the next mouth let's go green boys everybody go green get on the green qiraji battle tank green qiraji battle tank every single person let's go there you go there you go there you go let's see the green once get the [ __ ] out of here wild oh man wait really really see him you guys see him and get the [ __ ] out of here just get on the right mount okay okay good everybody has them perfect yeah this guy's trying to be a [ __ ] clown all right no red listen voice which mount do we do after this one which mount is it that we do I don't remember if somebody can drag my memory we do the red one and why do we do the red one why do we do the red one because it's red everyone get on the red karashi battle tank everybody let's go this is a very easy mount to get everybody should have this mount if you don't have this mount you shouldn't feel bad about getting kicked out or me not getting on the mount that you want because you're gonna get kicked out sooner than later you tried your best I have failed you what's your name Chuck will yes you have Jack will I'm sorry goodbye blue jay apparently not red Jay what's going on over here wow that's crazy yo this one has two heads what the [ __ ] dude this guy's this one this mounts got two hands since when do they have those oh my god get the hell out of here get out of this [ __ ] rate get out of the damn raid tell me not to get on certain mounts oh wow try to flex on a mount that's been irrelevant for 10 years get the [ __ ] out of here clown man these people have no shame alright we've gone through the first three rounds oppai mal you guys have done well so far we were obviously missing a few people but for the most part this has gone well now I will make the I will make the next decision you know what let's do something basic I do this mount all the time so we're just gonna use this one again instead everybody get on the amani battle bear get on the amani battle bear these earlier mounts are kind of scripted there aren't really a lot of options that I can pick that won't just remove everybody everybody get on your money battle bears this mount takes you literally 15 minutes of time and we a bro thinks that he's smart he thinks he's smart he's inside the foot I see you you can't escape from me you see him look at this stupid ass [ __ ] man hiding like a [ __ ] hiding like a [ __ ] get the [ __ ] out of here goodbye we a bro better luck next time all right let's see everybody else is good right we don't have any more cheaters do we no we don't good all right we have all of our Melanie battle bears this is a very easy amount to get and you wanna know what else is very easy amount together the Swift Palomino everybody get on the Swift piano Paul me no let's go this is a very easy faction Mountain those of you that cannot afford and cannot get this mount don't worry about it listen to me all of you have done very well so far you have managed to obtain four mouths that are incredibly easy to get five mouths that are incredibly easy to get and take no skill whatsoever you guys have done that I'm proud of you now let's go ahead and go to a much greater challenge activate your Garn knight annals if one person doesn't get removed in this one I will go to a very difficult mount so if you guys want to pretend like you know what's going on I'm going on the e I'm trying I'm taking it easy on him guys I'm taking it easy on him I don't want to I don't want to upset him too much but we got field marshal Sal back and Titan Slayer a pedo from the guild collected company why don't you collect some mounts maybe you won't get kicked out so early on great my trans mount before you kick me Elliot you have the mount Elliot you're a grand Crusader and you have the black put our I can you have over twenty thousand achievement points you have them out I don't man I don't believe that wait wait [Music] he [ __ ] warned it alright that's better that's the right thought I knew it see I knew we had it guys I knew we had it there's no way I was gonna be wrong about that saved the other two people didn't have that opportunity that's what happens ever you come in here with a realm first title oh you know what Kat Kat you which meant you pick the next metal not doing asses Awards I want an easier easier amount not asses of a war [Music] yeah these are bad these are bad suggestions guys okay travellers Tundra mammoths travellers Tundra mammoths this is an expensive mount few people can afford 20,000 gold nowadays because they're spending all their money on corruptions Sante from the guild is still alive you're about to not be every other player in here has the mount do you truly not have the travelers Tundra mammoth no you don't get to hide cost you you're placing in the competition goodbye that's the way it goes saved sorry we had a little bit of a hiccup there sometimes that's what happens everybody get on anything no sun-hi Groundlings too hard man it's too hard like you don't go hard on them you have to like the idea is to only move a few people per round I'm thinking what I can do to do that I'm considering the options I don't know if this is the right decision I don't know I feel like this could be the wrong thing to do this round will most likely be a bloodbath everyone please get on where's the onyx one your onyx nether winged Drake onyx nether winged Drake we'll probably lose at least five people in this round there's one right there - right there three right there are you guys kidding me are you kicking him he's running away he's trying to get this right yeah I see you [ __ ] see look at him he's trying to go behind the wall so I can't catch him I knew this would be a bloodbath I thought it would be five people and it was actually six we have somebody here Linda the fame Slayer of Mossad is not also a Fame Slayer of the nether wing I'm sorry Linda goodbye maybe you need to spend more time farming netherland less time farming Twilight devastations afk goodbye ecole Oh goodbye kegels goodbye ji boo ji boo but we've lost a lot of people so far it's not a surprise but it's also still a disappointment to see so many people with such beautiful dreams of being mount off champions be crushed by their own laziness to not farm the right mounts goodbye and better luck next time wait what the hell are you Debra Debra what are you doing Debra Debra do you not have the mount all right you're getting kicked to get Debra out of here Debra was being a clown the other round I'm completely fine about that okay good everybody else get ready wait why did you get on the wrong mount that just get on the right Debra if I have to read your name because you're doing things differently in order to get attention I will kick you out no matter what stop being stopped being an attention seeker you're annoying okay good everybody else has them out now let's go to the next round this is gonna be a hard decision sorry dad as I said one more one more that's actually that was half okay so now you only need a point five you know we need two point five to get kicked out of the right now I'm deciding here [Music] guys I really like everybody who wants me to pull out the asses of all our everybody wants me to do it I'm telling you guys if I do that it's gonna ruin their dreams it's gonna completely ruin them I don't know if that's the right decision for me to make man I I feel bad for that all right you know what you know what these [ __ ] ass dick boys think that they're gonna go in here and show off activate the asses of war come on really you don't have it are you kidding me to people what are you doing x-ray us don't go and kill the other mob so it's gonna be annoying you get out of here dude you think I didn't see you when I show you this you will let me you will let me talk before I kick okay when you show me this all right yeah show it to me Derek show it to me Derek let's see this is what he's gonna show me something and then I won't kick him out this tentacle is [ __ ] you in the ass past several times to the past months best of luck in the future all right all righty boys listen up we're gonna try and do it again next Mel next mouths want to try something a little bit different bloodbaths frost brewed Vanquisher really really salty balls salty balls and conservationist arrow math dang man top 225 men not to ten men why aren't you farming it right now time to play the game salty balls could you say hi to my girlfriend Amanda as she loves watching this and we will watch this later hi Amanda I'm sorry your boyfriend has such a bad mount collection next Mel I'm gonna go ahead and throw him a curveball you like that [Music] scintillating man or a scintillating man or a scintillating man away get in there get on this one right here everybody let's see it this is one of the beautiful mounts that's been added and spatch 7.3 by the outwait jam right my mug please okay you have a good transmog I like it a lot you look like a Darkmoon Faire NPC and I think that looks really cool its unique transmog and I really like the green glow that's on your character and I think go for all it does looks pretty good major and easy you look like a [ __ ] idiot get out of here all right yeah he actually does look really good get out of here kisi I don't want to look at you anymore Jam you're gone alright jodan where's jodan get on your Mountain Man there we go good job Jody and where's this guy wait oh come on but thank you for this ah yeah that's yeah my pleasure man of course dude I want to get on a mount that I've never gone on before I want to try something different I've never tried before I want to do something that we haven't done before I'm gonna get on me and Nixie and Drake right now I feel like a Nixie and Drake it just feels good to get on right now everybody activate your onyxia s-- now this is actually the fun part of the competition because this is where I get to show people the actual cool mounts in the game and not just a bunch of random vendor [ __ ] just like this guy right here a salty Deborah thank [ __ ] god I get to kick you out of the raid you are gone goodbye salty Deborah were your fall with his alpaca goodbye he's getting on all the mounts that I don't have he thinks he's being funny and cute but the reality is he still doesn't even have the okay [ __ ] you man that's enough I've had enough all right you can stop now how does everybody have this top pack except for me any hazard Johnny work sir oh my god man how the [ __ ] is this even possible and he has this one too the shadow board what the to think about this he has so many mounts that I don't have but only one mount was enough to disqualify him because he couldn't even do Onyxia better luck next time buddy next mel chat decide chat i will give you the power to decide this Mel amount on a rating of a six okay nothing too crazy just two six infinite time waster no too early they're not ready for the infinite time waster I want you know what I don't like any of the suggestions you guys are throwing out I'm gonna make my own decision no that one's too hard no that one's too hard - that one's way too hard that one's too easy skullripper get on skullripper wait Wow Oh No the odd man out sick boy of the deeps oh oh dude everybody else has it except you bro hey man I'm sorry to say man hey oh okay all right get the [ __ ] out of the raid all right let's say kick him out yeah [ __ ] you okay so listen it is one of this everybody has to listen guys laugh it up what laugh it up alright go what spectral steed you want me to get on the spectral steed do it it's too hard vibe check it's too hard like I'll do the spectral steed but let me give them at least two more rounds okay all right what do you want you want a seven this time yeah go for a seventh hit him with the seventh touch of Joo Koon get your wreath out boys get your ease out come on let's see him let's see him hey Barry wait everybody has it well no kidding me dude are you kidding me look at this don't you [ __ ] kidding me you have the trial ran through Seder 25 men tribute to immortality horse that you don't even have a mouth that you can farm every single week on every single character you've done 300 attempts and that's it you think that's oh my god put him in history that mount right there is one of the only if I could go back in time and get any mouth besides the scoreboard mount oh that would be the mount now I would give many years ago back in the wrath of the lich king in the trial of the grand crusader on 25 men there existed an achievement called the tribute to immortality that required everybody in the entire raid to do the entire raid without having a single player die throughout the entire time that mount was the reward got a faulty race to be once one of the greatest guilds on the server I'm no doubt and now not even to have GQ hey Barry goodbye sad next we could do the bristling Halbe or yes okay all right all right this is a wad mount the bristling he'll bore this is extremely easy to get everybody should have this mount this is a super easy farm come on come on let's see it Rand Rand Rand oh wait what am I waiting for how do I not have this simple oh we got him simple you don't have it rendering sorry hey rather it's a highlight is helping for me [ __ ] loser dawn den that's the wrong war you were required to get on the red border you got on the brown board that is doubt of the raid seven players eight players army now let's go to the next one that's the wrong bore [Music] you still want to do the spectral horse till we do him do it to him you want me to do it to him like I'll do it all right spectral steed get on the spectral steed from tol barad wait Bosch cutter didn't have it did you do that on purpose yes wait yeah oh my how do you guys are you guys kidding me are you [ __ ] kidding me that destroyed more people than any I'll have it either for a year and a half since you mentioned it I don't have it dude just kidding I can't why what's I don't know out it Bailey's I don't like Daly's yeah I don't like Daly's either but I like having mounts that's why you do it anyway man you can't just let that happen - can't do them I can't do it like that's why I don't have the [ __ ] champion of Azeroth neck [ __ ] daily whole system of dailies anyway lost five plus three people out of there we only have four can test five contestants that remains now we get to actually get on some interesting mounts now we don't just get to [ __ ] around the same old boring [ __ ] but we get to try something that's a little bit unique and a little bit different get on the Fox now get on the Fox mount on here that was such content back of the day yeah it was dude every three days man every three [ __ ] days I would go in here and I would go after the Fox mouth next mouth I want to see you guys get on I'll let the I'll pick this one I let the chat inside the next one let's see what are we gonna go with ribbond Ursa best charger ribbon dares desk charger ribbon does everybody get on ribbon dares right now let's see it come on okay xml chat beside Helicon alright activate the astral cloud serpent's everybody astral cloud serpents let's go astral clouds wait guys astral cloud serpents astral quite good okay ice DP you might be able to parity the kick but you can't dodge it goodbye ice DP four players remain swart the bloodthirsty the unrelenting on anything done near bane slayer of ms off and stylus storm pulse from ain't got time to bleed who do you guys think is going to win denier let's see what the chat says a lot of people think on anything is going to work it's in between on anything alrighty now we have our final four contestants so we can go ahead and get on some exciting new kinds of mounts let's go ahead and get on the swift forest rider from the dark moon island for a hundred and eighty coins let's go I'm gonna go through them this will test your mount collections to travel the far reaches of the world and obtain the most dangerous and the most rare mounts in all of Azeroth which apparently short does not have short it's been a little bit less time in BG spend a little bit more time and Darkmoon Faire and maybe you wouldn't have gotten kicked out that's Giggy and chat you do better in transmog competitions I guess he came up a little short on mouth Trude true dude so true alright can't get in the tents mock-ups yeah I know you're too popular these days yeah I know okay thank you very much for for coming out first yet event alright next song was taken I wonder by who alright we have our final three contestants good night midnight is it too hard this is the last round - Nikki yeah we do whatever meant all right get on midnight [ __ ] get on midnight oh wow wow okay alright alright Oh Maisie coac what are we gonna get on here let's see we're gonna scroll all the way down here see if we can find a difficult one Gor Strider grande Ling from glory of the Draenor Raider who are sighted wrongly come on let's see it this is a very easy mount to get you all should have this ok good they all have it alright next mount let's do what else they can get on all right uh yep that's a good one time wasps proto Drake everybody get on the time lost proto Drake come on that's one two okay and boom yeah that's a good and tauren gloom hound from glory of the an Taurus Raider rope hit him hard hit him hard man alright alright you only turn up the difficulty a little bit yes okay I'm gonna do one that's probably gonna DQ at least one black serpent of his own this is the vision achievement mountain yeah oh all right do the do the green [ __ ] green green Raven no that's only just for four hundred mouths that one's boring let's go for something different yeah something more interesting come on think of something else Hellfire oh really okay all right yep yep Bell steel Annihilator let's go activate your fel steel Annihilator so let's do it mythic are come on Mountain now we're getting into the difficult mounts sword balls good try now the two of you in order to determine who will go first now we're going to rapid fire through some of the most difficult mountains to get in the entire game and the first of you that doesn't have one will get a point and the other one will have to get on a mount that they do not have so let's begin she I just [ __ ] him man get on get us a two million gold now get on to two million you're golden out [ __ ] hard get on to two million gold now okay I see how it is all right okay all right yeah all right you guys wanna play this game let's play this game that sounds good to me conquerors sighs ma getting on the conquerors Sytsma it's a BF a PDP melt it requires playing the current expansion which means it probably wanted them might not have it okay all right get on the Darkmoon dirigible they both have it too guys I don't know [Music] you need to [ __ ] these people hard you get him I think so okay done here begins now on anything you have to get on the mouth that the near does not have denier has one point you have to get on amount that she doesn't have until and engineer if you don't have a mouth that he gets on you have to get my mouth that he doesn't have he says well well what okay [ __ ] on anything don't give up you were the chaps chosen one oh the bellboys infernal that felt wasted burger formed omit normal gold then that's the green inferno that one's very hard you got try harder than that dude you've got the green inferno already ooh oh my god they both have the shock of anger Mountain what the [ __ ] dude oh my [ __ ] god alright it's still one to zero on anything gets on the gmod this denier have the gmod I don't think that she does maybe she doesn't and okay she does on anything cannot even seem to land a single point against uh near he gets on a glacial tide storm out let me tell you something if she's got the famous served as a channel there's no way she doesn't have that mount there it is on anything come on man you've got to try harder than that you've got to get on some better mounts shackled ercel okay for mythic and porous this is a mythic Argos mount mythic Argos and denier has that too on anything is unable to score even even a single point come on on anything you can do this oh oh the midnight corset that's one point fine anything scores one point okay it's one point and then denier responds by getting on the the Royal Snapdragon from the an Turin supplies box and on anything has that one to it is one to one denier the big log rocket that's a big mountain that is a big mouth oh-oh-oh the Big Love rocket that's really hard to get I think this might be two points for denier that is two points for denier and then we have on anything getting on the tiger they're not tiger what is that thing called crab that's right a crab he gets on the crab not a tiger I don't know why I thought that was the tiger guys what is it on anything what is it what are you worried about are you afraid you have no idea how hard this is no it's not hard at all this is purely a culmination of all of your effort and time that you've ever put into the game put on display in front of over 40,000 people to laugh at you if you fail that's all your pure pure breed coursers for 100 exalted reputations and they both have that one - denier has two points on anything has one on anything you're gonna have to try harder you don't understand who I'm facing chat yeah come on man you gotta do better than that you gotta do better than that what are you just gonna give up you're just gonna give up uh-oh I would go travel form but no you're not gonna do that she's it drew it - nice try nice try the rat stallion oh the unrelenting on anything is gonna be unable to win mr. sir what the [ __ ] is that a gray Ram I'm pretty sure denier has the gray Ram yeah she does have that one the vitreous stoned or sorry the phosphorescent stone Drake from a an axe Andy poem that's a pretty difficult amount to get but for somebody that has the nose off Mount I would assume that the near would have them on anything oh [ __ ] the mecca gone peacekeeper wait white yeah God mounts oh my god oh my [ __ ] god denier I didn't even know that she had that gun really take on anything it's not having a good day today uh-oh he says here yes why did you have to beat him oh he's fallen for fun for fun no call it dude just call it you already did he already did up in the chat voice good fire was you and not anything died he's been sleeping on his mount collection too and we have our winner denier fame slayer of ms off now gentlemen I worried that this might not necessarily end well for me but in the spirit of competition I will one be one what do you mean you're not gonna get Jay rammed are you I'm not gonna get beat by a girl alright go ahead get on whichever mountain water alright I'll get on the king's rest mount it's fine alright Kings rest mount it's okay that's one point for dinner I do not have that mountain one point four denier one point for me and then oh no this is the one that I don't have this is the one that I don't have all right Swiss Versace Raptor from the original zg 285 attempts that's right you got a deuce 286 there we go alright ultramarine battle tank how about this one right here come on look man I'm not gonna choke this early okay all right Zen loud this is one of the new mounts it just came out and she might not have this one come on just so [ __ ] um okay okay uh let me think what I've got here makan will help me out here man no Dee applause already I haven't lost already you're joking I'm not joking man I'm not joking all right this is one of the island mounts okay all right so our spire Hawk come up this one here what she has this one too are you kidding me oh okay all right what I know glad Mouse yeah I'll do that in a bit but like all right son of galleon how about some galleon oh my [ __ ] god all right just do cloud melts today I'll do one more of these I'll do one more of these it's fine okay come on robot primordial this is a pretty rare amount you might not have this one oh my god all my [ __ ] god are you kidding me okay play proto Drake plague proto Drake here we go come on Oh are all right all right all right all right we're gonna go for two points right here black proto Drake yup there we go we'll get onto black proto Drake nobody has that mount oh come on dude all right all right all right all right all right I'll get on one gladiator mount there we go that I'll make sure I get a free point out of this one okay there we go that's at least one [ __ ] I can't have this one either do I I don't have well let me see oh don't you lose to a girl I don't have it I will not lose I will not lose okay um unshackled no there's no there's no way like she has this one I know she has this one like she had this one this is the Horde version that's my main faction apparently I've activated her trap card okay how about the Alliance one then do you have the Alliance one oh my god oh say what you're gonna have to get tricky dicky okay this is not good for me man this is not good at all I don't know what to do Archy Ambani war bear okay I'll do the ammonia wardrobe that's what I was thinking about right there Amani war bear all right I'm gonna get on the amani war bear right here no that's soundless you don't have that I know that they're saying mount listen chat mount list all right what about PDP notes i think i think i just go with pvp mounts I tried that instead vicious white war saber there's just white war saber these are some of the new PDP mounts many people might not have this we'll see what happens maybe [ __ ] but it's not working it's not working I have just EVP nd if I have to yeah listen I'm doing what I have to do it's not my fault wait she might not have a son there's no way he'll new man girls don't PvP this one does like I can't get a single one she has all that all the vicious mounts okay alright rot Feaster rock be stirs one of the new mounts right here all right rock Feaster come on the riverbeast if she had the other two she's gonna have the river beas [ __ ] black-clad mounts the do felt the Drake's that's three points that's three thanks for me but oh my god um I did oh my god okay all right sinister gladiator strike all right let's try this one here I don't know if she has enough mount style outweigh all the gladiator mounts that I have I think she does I only have two more men thinking I'm thinking give me a minute it just had to be that what are you doing Nabu do you eat my bathing him what do you do half the time I'm I'm tired out reading YouTube comments that's not that's what I do you can't be do this I do the same thing that's how I know whatever you say remember that one comment on that one video that's 60 views like yeah bro [ __ ] that guy no that's my thing I read all the YouTube comments you [ __ ] get the mounts dumbass please not getting [ __ ] like J ran I wouldn't know again walking rocket okay alright Deb the big log rockin [Music] my god all right let me see uh what about the UH she didn't have the other key beep email they tried this one instead this is honor level all right this is 125 does she have 125 okay this could be a win this is another PvP and e-mount are you [ __ ] kidding me alright that's just another alpaca she just activated his second alpaca he go to the next higher then wait I haven't she says she has that ok then nevermind alright Royal courser hoot about this one do you have this one I have the forest coarser ok alright well do you have this one that I don't have that one please Molly against that ok motorbike I don't nothin to used appeal Julian Tigre what Julian Tigre Tigre oh yeah I have one final mouth I can use so if the lion Steve this is a legacy male and I've gotten a long time ago many years ago I obtained this mouth piece of TCG mounts that allow you if you'd like I don't even have I I don't want to use TCG no sir doesn't even matter she has the other out what is this a [ __ ] alpaca collector I come on are you even I have that I barely barely how does I don't come on there's got to be some mountain farmed by alpacas there's gotta be some mountain use your river beas okay bro she Oh God does she not have the river beach do you not have the roof oh she's helping okay if your opponent starts helping you and it mounts off just dude you just listen when your opponent starts helping you in a mount off it's probably time it's probably time to call it dude Esmond gold Osman gold you have just been we're waiting uh-oh Jai Ram but not by Jai Ram II it's not Jai Ram lost to do girl yep just get up walk away don't even this is bad man this is this is it's definitely not good how can you let this happen okay I wouldn't be so upset about this except for the fact that back in Legion I had so many mounts and I was so confident that the two final contestants and one of my mount offs was done here and another girl and I had them say you know what I'm so confident in winning I can beat both of you at the same time and I did [Music] and now look at you and sit in their hair all [ __ ] up on a goddamn River beast losing pathetically this isn't who you you are man it's not who you used to be you used to be a used to be a [ __ ] legend dude used to be a literal God dude [ __ ] you thankfully let's have a round of applause for dinner she's earned it we have our winner should you even be hosting these anymore I really have to ask that like it means it made sense when you had all the mounts but hey you don't even you don't even have all the mounts now why are you really the one that should be hosting these kind of mounts offs if you can't even win it yourself that's a as they would say on Twitter um excuse me that's a hikes for me [Music] I also know [Music] the fact is that I have been lazy that needs to stop I can't just keep playing games and having fun Wow yes of course I need to make sure that the stream is entertaining and people are having fun and enjoying themselves at the same time I can't just allow myself to be more and more casual as time goes on I have been lazy I've been slow which is why tomorrow I will dedicate nearly the entire stream light to farming out these mounts and taking this more seriously about some other time in the future I'm talking about tomorrow yes this is not going to happen anymore done here you have won today but let it be known that in the ten years that I have known I'm nine years I think that I have known Danny er I have had more mounts in her for eight and a half of those years all right this is not gonna keep happening what are you doing [Music]
Channel: Asmongold TV
Views: 1,379,696
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: asmongold, asmongold reacts, asmongold wow, asmongold highlights, world of warcraft, asmongold tv, asmongold mount off, asmongold mount, wow mount off, mount off competition, wow mounts, asmongold mount off competition, mount off contest, asmongold competition, asmongold contest, mount off wow, wow competition, wow contest, asmongold mounts, asmongold loses, asmongold loses mount off, asmon mount off, asmongold youtube, asmongold best, asmongold mcconnell, mcconnell wow
Id: 1yOkO7V24NE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 56min 40sec (3400 seconds)
Published: Wed Jun 10 2020
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