The LEGENDARY TRIPLE MUSCLE returns in Poly Bridge 2!

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[Music] yes hello fellow engineers and welcome back to poly Bridge 2 with a musical intro and we're going straight into the workshop we are clicking this little button down here hello and we're in the poly Bridge classic World last time we got on to world four the ancient ruins we completed the double Monster jump we didn't get the we didn't get under budget or I'm breaking but honestly it was just a load of tweaking I might come back and do that one off camera just for the for the perfectionists out there but for now we're on to crisscross so this is level four six from poly Bridge one we're of course in poly Bridge two this is the level uh so basically this camper van goes first so we've got to do like a diagonal Bridge up there and then we've got Hydraulics we've got two Hydraulics to play with and then we gotta make it go down there so basically we have a bridge like that we've just got to make it move like that but unfortunately to do that it's got to go left as well so I imagine we're gonna be moving like parts of this rather than all of it because there's no limit on road so we can bring a bit of road like pretty close I'll build a truss underneath that right so that's all connected so let's just hope that we can fit under that Gap is it big enough or just Okay so that's good so we get to that then the Hydraulics go then this guy goes so essentially all I need to do all I need to do is just like rotate this end like could I do could I make it end up like that somehow right well anyway I wanna do I want to detach all of it why not let's attach all of it so that is that's a joint now so that'll become detached we need hydraulics in place I mean to be honest I just want to if at this about a point probably like that if I put a joint in there so the two's on that side the ones are on that side I mean that are joints we can potentially connect to it and I could just rope up to there and lock that in so that should hold this in place that shouldn't move then I'll probably want to use Hydraulics to move this rather than gravity but let's see what happens oh okay well this muscle wasn't strong enough so you know what that means it's time for the Triple muscle look at that so basically rather than the force being spread between two it's now spread between three beams which means it holds perfectly sort of just don't ask that right and I think I'm literally on something here though so if I just hydraulic like I don't know I don't know the best way of hydraulicing this if I go like that and contract will that go far enough so he gets up then this hydraulic contract so that it tilts that way yeah it doesn't quite go far enough I imagine that jump will just break everything that's right right and then if I just do some crazy mathematics and really think with my brain I can work out that needs to be 0.9 reduction with an angle of 37 degrees which means that will move to there okay I think I've got it I definitely didn't try to narrow this off camera but basically when this moves now with the hydraulic there that should lock in boost like that the question is will that hold or will it break oh it's gonna be close yes we did it no does that count as breaking I think I actually did I don't think that counts as breaking yes I did it without breaking because it broke afterwards so it doesn't count so let's go to the gallery and have a look so I did this for 17 grand what the cheapest one did it for six grand oh it's dangly right oh what okay what I mean I shouldn't laugh really because mine did break afterwards as well all right this is the first one that doesn't cheese it oh my god oh what what okay a lot just happened there no way this guy had no problem doing that yeah if you watch again you can see as the campfangers over there this then drops away and then as this goes it slowed down by the like swing thing I guess that's so it lands like on on the ground and not the bridge yeah this one it has like a swing underneath whoa did they slow that down did they slow down time what that's so like movie and then the swing pushes it so it lands on its Wheels okay that's pretty good that is actually pretty good that then this end is just a butt flap we don't actually lose the pieces it just flaps nice so yeah as always to get a high score on these the answer is usually to not use any hydraulics on the hydraulic levels okay oh intrigued by this use of hydraulic what is gonna happen there does this actually this rotates about the middle does it right Hydraulics or weight whoa look at that whoa okay that's pretty cool that's sort of what I wanted to do I think yeah but just done very very more accurately I guess here we go look at that that is really cool it's like a bow tie oh it flips over whoa I like that meanwhile I would be on page three with these chumps and what is that what is that is that just oh yeah it's just a rotate about the middle one and they use ropes to get a node in the middle nice anyway to the last page my favorite page because people spell my name and draw knobs ah isn't that nice thank you not Leo oh we got this one oh no dangly balls I think this is quite an Old Bridge gravity has taken effect on it yeah the right one is sad left one is happy I guess you should see oh a bit bit too far that one now we've then got this I was about to say we've then got this which isn't a mean one but I think it very much definitely is oh my goodness that was huge um yeah I sort of thought like maybe they just built like a really inefficient Bridge using steel and stuff I was surprised it got to the uh to the max budget of 56 Grand but yeah we we realized why in the end whoa trusty McGee Nifty UK oh Nifty Nifty get it that's that's a really good product name for like a Tea Company if you haven't started that yet I might steal that one Nifty coming soon certified by proper engineers and Paddy uh this one I don't even know what's going on what even what just happened I'm sorry but let's watch that again is it being I think it's being pulled there's like a rope between them boys go how did it what and then it just all dies I am so confused anyway on to the next level Fork jump so what do we have here we have two pretty fast cars oh have you got to end up at different places yeah look we have a hydraulic thing in between so basically I've only got five bits of road as well bliminal they're basically I think we need to build some sort of jump so something like that I reckon ready oh dear it looks so strong but it wasn't all right well I've just added a few more wall braces so hopefully like the weight of the car going up there will sort of push the force against this wall uh and of course balls can't break so that should be good perfect oh sweet we missed the flag okay let's bring the jump down a bit so is that better nice so that's first flag second car should be going a bit faster no okay looks like we do actually need to do some hydraulicum so if we swap that or a hydraulic and just make that expand like eight percent so basically first jump happens lands beautifully and then that extends a little bit and then oh no it'll it all died all right I'll tell you what I'll tell you what actually I'm gonna leave that as wood and what I'm gonna do I think this could be this could be ingenious I'm gonna do like a broken tip shove that there expand by 50 and then what I'm hoping is that will like so that car should go off no worries and then look at this boring and then we have a longer ramp suddenly so that flies off oh no oh I thought I did it first time okay if I start a tiny bit higher then that should be fine all right so ready oh no break oh we didn't make it anyway oh my oh dear uh sensor that editor sensor that blooming out all right so we've got it to a point where it doesn't break anymore there are muscles everywhere in there I mean you could see the entire thing was a muscle really yeah but we finally did it without breaking we spent 15 grand of our 16 Grand budget though it doesn't leave much profit for us however let's see where we place in the gallery oh it's not good it's not good oh we're just on the second page how many are there on the third pit oh man there's not many okay we're definitely in the bottom half not ideal but first off let's see the absolute cheapest way to do this oh wow look at the finish on that jump yeah basically super efficient engineering look at the second one oh that's very different we've got like a cable stage section that's usually never cheap in this game yeah but it appears all the other ones are also cable stayed oh look at this one as well they've got they got rope made out of wood they've got rope made out of rope and they've got a decent job was that land what's that I'm gonna watch again does that do anything I don't know I don't know what the purpose of that is it's like a little gnome man over that side and it's still cheaper than mine as well anyway the most expensive solution woolly frog that is a hell of a tower you got there so excessive I love it but uh yeah the jump works perfectly fair play I can't believe we actually haven't infected this one like I infected it myself but I thought everyone would ah there we go there we go I was gonna say I was gonna say had me worried there for a second Polly Bridge Community there we go oh that's one that is one way to do it just bridge over hey make your make your road finish there but just actually build a bridge fair play now that one actually looks pretty similar to mine to be honest actually nearly the same price so yeah not too surprising this one they went mental on top I think that's just all gonna rotate up yeah so just tilting the entire Bridge nice how is this one expensive it doesn't look very expensive I won't lie I guess because they just got loads of rope holding it there yeah it's Gotta Be it anyway now we're on to all downward tube also known as an anus sorry sorry oh dear right so we got to get this car to land under there so if we just press play okay I can see the issue there so I think what we want to do we basically wanna I tell you what I'm sort of thinking if I just shove a bit of Road up there like that's just vertical very that might actually push it back a little bit yeah it does a probably cat flap it out again but if we just shove some Road under there shove a spring like that and then make that compressed that should ping up okay not enough or nearly enough nearly enough we just make that a bit more compressed all right ready ready oh I've already had the talk I could make that a little bit longer all right look at this look at this oh no yes yes no no it's trapped oh that was nearly beautiful oh that's actually quite annoying uh oh I'll tell you what I'll tell you what could I replace this it might actually be cheaper so that costs 400 quid 3D road to there that's 250 quid another piece like that and then swap the bottom with wood so that's 325 so that's a lot cheaper actually so if that does the same thing okay it didn't do the same thing but tell you what though I feel like oh what the let's watch that again now how did that bounce so much whoa anyway I feel like I could get this to work because I can just get out to be a bit bouncier to perhaps make it 90 compressed oh no it flips all the way upside down I'll tell you what I'll tell you what what if we what if we lose Let's Lose the spring and if we just we just try and like prop that up okay that didn't work all right let's bring back in but it's not compressed or stretched oh so annoying oh oh yes oh no you're not quite hey let's just speed up is anything going to happen when that touches the wheels is it gonna oh all right well what if we just make this longer then what if we try like that so it comes down yes oh yes we did it for a grand question can I tweak this so it costs under a grand that is my aim oh yeah he's that was easy I just made this top bit shorter and I realized I don't actually need the bottom anymore like look at this ready boosh boosh oh it's so close I wonder if I just slightly tilt that like left to try and hold it hold it oh oh dear yeah the smallest tweaks make the biggest of differences yeah like look at this look oh it's so close please just roll oh it's so close hang on hang on it's getting pushed towards the flag that's actually moving closer right speed up come on patience come on patience okay it didn't happen all right so what if I put the world's shortest bit of row just there like that might okay skeleton Works planned all right well solid we'll go back to this one we know it is possible to do for like 300 quid I just don't have the patience these days oh and the top price is zero quid so I'm glad I didn't waste my time trying to do that what how what it just drives but they used zero quit what you know with 70 quid oh yeah all you have to do is slow the oh man is that really all you have to do slow it down like this one they drop something on the Bonnet oh man look this whole first page they're all the 70 quid and they're up to 71 then 72 oh I'm an idiot I spent time actually building a bridge well not really I guess I still cheesed it just not as elegantly as most these people yeah I'm in the top half though we were just about cheaping this one which uses oh it dropped something on and catches and am I the only person that didn't drop something on it no that one oh look they did a little a little barrier at the start Master Chief anyway page 11 all right Val next what have you got for me oh man look they've got mental on Springs so I think this was the intended solution to put it in a long oh uh yeah okay Me Maybe that's not the intended solution yeah this neck oh my goodness oh my all right that one I'm not sure what's happened to the end of yours mate not gonna like that how come this one's full of dong but the level before that was literally like I did the dong on that one no one else thought to do it but they did on this one knob the body first devs must I gave me I'm so sorry oh this one right so oh so they allowed the initial bounce and then just tried to catch it is that another Knob I don't even know if that's the knob or just like efficient engineering anyway now we're on level nine of falling Tower so let's have a look at this so we got a car up there it's gotta end up over there there's two spans low down so that just comes across and plops to the water so I think what we need to do we need to build a bridge over here so little trusses like that I've since learned if you move those ones closer uh it's cheaper and stronger so hopefully that will work and then we just gotta get that over to there so I'm thinking something like that with Road on top so as that drives on it misses it completely alright so if I just move these nodes over that Anchor Point like move them all left a bit like that then that should allow as this goes it should drive on first no hang on all right there we go there we go right so it's driving on and then death so it knocks that and then it leans forward and then it should land on there beautiful then across that bridge and we've completed it however our solution does have breaks so I guess the question is can you do this without it falling and breaking I mean to be honest I could probably go like one two three four and that should fall onto that so if I do something like that then hopefully that'll work it shouldn't move at all it's just a case of does the car go fast enough yes oh it nearly blooming cleared that Gap I want could I like tweak this so it does that and then I don't need that bridge at all right so it lands boost no right so let's try that then so I've just I just made this a little bit lower so it lands oh there's a crazy front flip right so let's throw that so it comes across here goes down there lands oh perfect front flip onto its Wheels we've completed it fifteen thousand one hundred and fifty eight quid let's have a look in the gallery and we're looking in for the first one without one of these asterix's because they're they're just cheating basically they're breaking Bridge so that would be this one I'll tell you what that's oh look at that that's literally what I said if I'd spent hours tweaking like this guy did then yeah that's how I would have done it the old bounce over the final span decent now what is going on with that one you've cheated they used a single bit of Road that's really long that's cheating the next non-breaking one is that so this is second place pretty much uh very similar to mine just way more efficient yeah it seems like most people got the same general idea as myself although that one they didn't I should have just bridged over like that rather than go from the bottom that'd be way cheaper like this guy did a falling run with steel so it didn't break so it lands and it's still cheaper than oh no it's not cheaper than mine for you but yeah that's basically my design fair enough why would you call yourself that uh to the last page right amazing so we've got the power of engineering here riding the tip down to there boost now there is a small break I'm going to ignore that for this one though because it is so efficiently designed and a bit of a bit of an arch with a counterweight dangling underneath good engineering work uh this oh my goodness what is even what why is there so much Steel in the middle what is that I don't even understand now this one oh look we got like steps down what did those four drove down uh this one we have lots of Steel to land on the bridge nice oh someone's gone with the equilateral triangles here decent and what do we have here we've got like Steps but was there a rude limit on this one I don't understand where there's gaps in it there wasn't a road limit was there oh yeah there was there was a road limb okay so that's why they did it that was a road limit anyway on to 410 a flip flop oh and it's a hydraulic one why do I always oh the hydraulic ones kill me okay so what we got to do we've gotta get so the a goes first so this guy and that boat go at the same time I'll tell you what then I think it's worth just building like over that all right so I built this a little a little Bridge with a little jump over the top so as you can see the boat is going underneath and the the moped goes across these should bridge the gap yes perfect so he goes to that flag and then that moped goes so basically I need to then joint that and somehow bring this down down without everything Bailey oh man my brain's hurting already all right so I've got that I think that's probably gonna be a little bit steep for this moped to get up yeah I thought so all right so the question is can I get this guy to go up like a little step because if I can put a little ramp there I've I've connected it to those two so it shouldn't go anywhere basically want to know can he drive up there yes oh no okay what if we give it a bit of an incline is this gonna work because it could work I think it's gonna work all right tell you what I'll tell you what I just had a plan I just had a plan I could perhaps push him on there using like a cat flap so if I do hydraulic to there to a bit of Road up like that all right so that might push him onto the ramp right so ready oh no oh no all right what if we just have a big bit of Road resting on him so as he tries to go forward note it stops him wheeling up okay all right maybe I'm thinking about this wrong maybe I don't want him to use this bridge so if we just leave that bridge there can we get him across down here somehow imagine I'll tell you what can I can I just move this one down to there no I've just realized this second boat goes at the same time as the second moped so we're gonna have to do it this way all right say what then what about something like this so he goes across at that and this bends down all right there we go there we go all right so nearly works but he can't get up I'm wondering do I need to maybe I need to come off there because now I've got it pretty nailed in so that that touches you can't go any lower than that but he can't get up oh okay I know what I gotta do now then I think I've just gotta move everything sort of left a bit the trouble with doing that is we then don't make that jump I mean I could put a temporary bit of rude in I don't know how that's going to help with the car later on though anyway after a good like 15-20 minutes of tweaking far too long look it finally locks in beautiful so then the moped can drag [Music] all right I think I'm using too many Hydraulics let's try and do this simpler so if I literally just do that I know it probably won't end up there but it might end up sort of close all right okay guessing closer I just raised that up a bit and that should come down further oh actually oh I didn't know that I did not I didn't even oh my I'm so dumb I'm so dumb I didn't even realize that the blooming road goes through the ground Why did no one tell me I could have done this ayos ago I've been doing this level for like an hour all right I don't even care how much are we we're under 10 grand that's good enough for me we're on the second page I will take that oh I hate how did this what five grand shut up how did that no that's not fair how did that moped get up there mine wouldn't mind wouldn't do that let's have a look so how how did they get that moped to go up I tried wow Mine wouldn't do that oh I need to go to the last page to cheer myself up oh there's not even any knobs what's the point of this any what's the point well that's quite cool though did you see that that that was decent fair play and when the moped man hits the flag oh the whole thing like tilts rotate is that how these all work what's that dangly bit at the end what's going on there all right intrigued to see what happens when that flag gets touched whoa that's a lot of movement that's really the most expensive one I mean Fair bit is pretty cool like using the old ropes to uh to rotate everything I feel like even the expensive ones they did this so easily I hate Hydraulics anyway the next level is cross jump which I assume is another it's another jump in the air sort of one so that's gonna take a lot of tweaking so we'll do that one next time but for now we'll say peace love and bridges bye guys
Channel: Real Civil Engineer
Views: 396,520
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: xHC2RHR6kfo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 43sec (1303 seconds)
Published: Wed Jan 18 2023
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