[926] Rav Bariach “KeyLocx” Cylinder Picked and Gutted

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this is the lock-picking lawyer and what i have for you today is an interesting lock from israel it's a rob Bahria key locks euro profile cylinder i've already partially disassembled this so we can take the rest of it apart more quickly after pickin this lock fills a niche market that not many companies enter it's a relatively low security dimple lock with excellent key control and by that i mean it would be very difficult to make an unauthorized key copy the reason it would be hard to make a copy is this little interactive element that we see right at the tip of the key by press on it from the bottom you can see it lifts up and it's actually spring-loaded from the back to the front as well you can't open this cylinder without a moving part inside of the key because these keys are difficult to manufacture and the factory controls the blanks I can have some confidence that if I do give this key to someone they haven't made a copy before returning it okay let's get this in a vise and see what it takes to pick it open okay let's get some tension in there with this Z bar I'm going to be using one of my multi pick dimple pecs okay nothing on one two three four okay five is binding very tightly got a click out of five nothing on six back to the beginning nice click out of one nothing on two three is binding tightly click out of three nothing on four five or six back to one two nice click out of two we got a little bit of movement on the core and that signals to me that it is time to set to the portion of the lock that deals with that interactive element I can just use this hook reach right to the back press up on it and we have bypassed it okay we are in a false set now which indicates to me that we probably have a couple spools to deal with so let's find them one two three okay I think this is pin four okay got a spool set on four or five okay there's another one on six six is being a little bit stubborn but we'll get them must be a very high cut okay I think we got six set but we lost our false set let's try to get it back one two three click out of four and we are open okay let's take this apart and see what's inside okay since we do have a key I can relock this the first thing we need to do is remove this clip now I need the key and a follower and this should come apart there we go okay this key appears to be trapped in there there we go I'm not sure what was holding it in you can see that we have six pins plus the mechanism in the back for that interactive element let's go ahead and drop all of them out into the pinning tray now okay these pins are being a little bit stubborn let me just lift them out a little bit and hopefully I'll be able to get them with the tweezers okay standard keep in in one day spooled torpedo keep in and slot to standard in three standard in four standard in five and standard and six now let's get this interactive element out now okay there we go now this torpedo-shaped keepin is really interesting if we look carefully at it what that does is make it very very difficult to recover from over setting this pin stack I used to use them in challenge locks all the time they can be very tricky if you make a misstep while picking okay the first pin is a standard steel pin probably for drill resistance same in slot two I didn't feel any security pins other than four and six so let's see what's in here number four is a spool five is standard and I'm assuming six will be a spool as well and it is okay let's drop these Springs out okay nothing there oh we have one more pin I wasn't even thinking this should be above the interactive element in slot seven okay anything else interesting about this we do have a little piece of drill protection right in front of the pin stack nothing interesting down there in the core let's look carefully at this we have a ball bearing in front of the pin stack right there and then anti drill pins both on the top and the bottom of the keyway we have a little hole right here and normally we'd like to see a ball bearing in there what that does is make it impossible to drill all the way down the side of this core and essentially cut it in half make it easy to remove but it doesn't appear that they put it in there either that or I lost it while gutting and then we have this interesting little mechanism here for the interactive element and I'm not sure why they put it off to the side like that my suspicion is it would make manufacturing of keys a little bit less expensive if they didn't put this right in the center of the key they'd have to put one on either side so that's probably why they did it okay so nothing too interesting here let me zoom in on this for you on the key pins they are all made of brass nothing interesting except for this torpedo shaped pen right here and we have the interactive element just a funny shaped pin nothing terribly interesting except for the fact that it needs to be set above the roof of the keyway and you can see how it lifts up here it lifts up and the reason they do that is so a flat pin or a flat key that would fit in the front would never be able to lift that pin all the way up pretty clever as far as the driver pins go all steel probably for drill resistance all standard pins with the exception of spools in slots 4 & 6 not terribly difficult to pick but I understand why they put it together the way they did someone might not need a really expensive lock but they do need key control this might be something for them to consider in any case that's all I have for you today if you do have any questions or comments about this please put them below if you'd like this video and would like to see more like it please subscribe and as always have a nice day thank you
Channel: LockPickingLawyer
Views: 152,574
Rating: 4.9505377 out of 5
Id: 3PA2jYe0HOA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 41sec (521 seconds)
Published: Mon Jul 22 2019
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