9.19.21 | "Just Dust" | Bishop R. L. Williams

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[Music] we in the make my god is who you are [Music] my god that is [Music] [Applause] you are here [Music] [Music] [Music] you are here [Applause] [Music] [Music] make a miracle darkness that is who you are [Music] is [Music] is [Music] is [Applause] [Music] daddy [Music] daddy [Music] [Music] is we make miracles [Music] miracles is i'm yes [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] i don't yeah [Music] again with lifted hands we're ready for a brand new demonstration of your power we want more than stories we're declaring and believing for it now we'll prepare the atmosphere so you can be welcome here [Music] [Music] anything can happen anything can happen the moment that you walk into this room [Music] [Music] we want more is [Music] me [Music] come on let's stand in this house this morning come on samadhi why don't you open up your mouth and give god praise in this place we've come to enter into his gates with thanksgiving and into his courts with praise somebody open up your mouth and bless the name of jesus in here hallelujah come on let's make his praise glorious in this house come on let's usher in the presence of the lord in this place hallelujah [Music] your greatness [Music] [Music] everything [Music] is [Music] [Applause] is [Music] [Music] there's no money [Applause] [Music] there is power in the name of jesus [Music] there is power in the name of jesus [Music] there is nothing too hard for the lord [Music] jesus [Music] is [Music] my chains are broken [Music] [Music] when i called you [Music] my chains are broken [Music] is [Music] jesus the healer jesus the redeemer jesus the provider you want to declare the name [Music] yes [Applause] [Music] somebody give god praise in this place somebody open up your mouth and glorify the name of jesus [Music] how many know we serve an awesome god tonight oh come on you want to lift your voice and declare the precious name oh hallelujah [Music] [Music] is [Music] so i'm gonna put a price on it [Music] it sing there's a healing in this room [Music] [Music] so i'm gonna put a price on [Music] said i'm gonna oh [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] is [Music] [Music] so i'm gonna [Music] is [Music] [Music] is [Music] [Music] oh [Music] is [Music] is [Music] come on somebody for just a few moments can you put a little praise on your miracle come on can you put a little praise on your healing come on there's a miracle in this room this morning and it's got your name on it there's some peace that passes all understanding and it's got your name on it [Applause] let me just tell you something you can say well brother john you don't understand the things that i'm going through how can i how can i give god praise right now in the middle of my circumstance romans 8 and 24 says for we are saved by hope but hope that is seen is not hope for what a man seeth why don't he yet hope the reason why we're giving god praise now is for the things he's gonna do later you know sometimes you just gotta give god a little praise on credit and you can say you know what god i know my healing's not here yet but i'ma praise you for it now god i know my unsaved love was not here yet but i'ma give you a little praise for right now i'm just wondering if there's any people with faith that are gonna give god the praise right now for what he's gonna do later come on [Music] [Music] later [Music] [Music] come on somebody lift up your voice come on somebody lift up your voice are there any people with faith that god's gonna do it right now that god's gonna do it right now lift up your voice jesus i just feel that i i don't know what it is i just can't shake myself from it some of us need to have some right now faith the bible says now faith is the substance of things hoped for the evidence of things not seen you got to have some faith right now not when the preacher comes up not when we sing the next song but right now faith is there any people with right now faith god you can do it right now god you can heal me right now god you can do it right now come on somebody is there any now faith in the house is there any now faith in the house god you can heal my body right now got you come on somebody come on somebody i feel something in the building god's waiting for your response to see what you're gonna do god is waiting for your response i can hype you up all morning but you gotta take the step out and say god i believe you got your word your word is true the bible says let god be true and every man a liar if god said it baby it's gonna happen if god said you're gonna get healed it's gonna happen if god said you're gonna get some deliverance in your mind it's gonna happen come on somebody can we just respond come on can we just respond come on i'm stirring you up this morning can we just respond to what god's gonna do can we just respond come on somebody respond respond it's all about your response what are you gonna do you gotta lift up your voice this is what the bible continues to say in romans but if we hope for that we see not then do we with patience wait for it likewise the spirit also helpeth our infirmities for we know not what we should pray for as we ought but the spirit itself maketh intercession for us some of us we might not know what's going on we might not understand everything but you know what god's trying to make some intercession through you the spirit the spirit will make intercession through you you might not have the words you might not know what to say you might not know what to pray for but i'm telling you if you just respond if you just lift your hands and come to this altar and watch god work come on somebody i know there's a lot of prayer requests right now but i'm wondering if we can just respond come on can can we open up these altars and you could come out and just respond to god what god's gonna do can we just respond to the moving of the spirit of god jesus come on somebody right now come on somebody right now come on come on we don't always have to follow protocol the same way can we just respond can we just respond say god i want to see you move god i don't know the answers god i don't have all the solutions but god i'm standing and i'm waiting for you to move [Music] come on somebody right now right now come on you need a press you need to push past your flesh on this sunday morning you need to push past your flesh on this sunday morning come on god come on god i need you to do a miracle god i need you to do a miracle in my home god i need you to do a miracle of brother wayne's life god i need you to do a miracle god i need you to move come on somebody come on you shouldn't be spectating you shouldn't be spectating you should be participating god i need you god i need you now god i need you now come on somebody right now come on you need to start casting your cares upon him come on can we just cast our cares upon him for he cares for you you might sleep like your way down that you can't make it to this altar but let me tell you just make the step make the move and begin to cast your cares upon the lord right now can you just cast it on the lord come on you weren't intended to carry that burden this morning you weren't intended to carry that burden come on right now come on come on somebody right now [Music] [Music] [Music] our father [Music] can you hear it the sound of heaven touching earth the sound of heaven touching us our father all of heaven was your name [Music] the song of heaven touching [Music] can you earth me [Music] thank you [Music] [Music] our walls [Music] oh [Music] [Music] god [Music] [Applause] jesus [Music] is [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] oh god hallelujah [Music] [Music] can you cause i can feel it [Music] me [Music] is oh [Music] oh depression has to leave [Music] jesus christ [Music] thank you oh for moving in this place god we thank you for chains being broken for it's not your will for us to be in bondage god but it's your will for us to be free god we thank you for letting your spirit move god because we can hear the sound of heaven touching earth in this place god i believe that you want more god that you're gonna free the hearts today god that you're gonna fill somebody with your spirit god lord that they may feel that they may feel freedom oh that they may fill you god in a way that they've never [Music] god shake this place [Music] [Music] is [Music] oh god we call upon you today we call upon you this morning [Music] i believe that you're answering prayers right now i believe that your movements [Music] god i feel freedom in my heart though i'm proclaiming it on this church by proclaiming it in life's car [Music] you're the only one that's seated on the throne god jesus we give you the glory god we give you the praise come i surrender my heart i surrender my soul god i pray god for our spirit to surrender [Music] right now [Music] [Music] keep crying [Music] don't let this moment pass by don't let this moment pass by everybody tap into what jesus is doing in this house come [Music] come on come on come on reach for him right now reach for him right now god we need you in this house there is [Music] come on [Applause] get [Music] that's the holy ghost if you want peace tonight you've got peace if you need joy in your heart you've got joy in your heart today come on yes lord we trust in you jesus we need what you're pouring out right now you didn't come in here nothing to happen you came in here expecting the miraculous you came in here expecting something from god you can have it it's up to you it's your choice this morning it's your choice this morning [Music] yeah yes jesus i'll continue to move continue to move hallelujah god's got something for everyone this morning god's got something for everyone this morning in this house holy ghost have your way holy ghost have your way [Music] everybody lift up your hands right now come on clean claim whatever you were asking for claiming in the mighty name of jesus come on claim that request claim the request yeah it's gonna happen yeah it's gonna happen hallelujah hallelujah holy ghost you know this is what separates us not only from other religions because this is the holy ghost amen this is a holy ghost working inside of you when that power reaches you you speak in an unknown tongue you can feel the peace and the joy of the lord the difference is people can gather in all different kind of settings for all different kind of reasons but when you gather to receive the gift of the holy ghost you're reaching for something that's deep down inside of you all those other clubs whatever you want to call them are trying to just fulfill a need that you need in the holy ghost we come together because we know god is our savior he we know that he's our redeemer we know that he's here to set us apart and to do his work hallelujah come on why don't you clap your hands this morning thank you jesus for already being in this congregation thank you dear god for already touching our hearts our minds can you feel the strength of the lord here today hallelujah hallelujah this is just the beginning there is more to come today amen this is a perfect example of why we have pre-service prayer in the church world there's no such thing as as being fashionably late we need to be here at the beginning of prayer to get our hearts right our mind's right with what god's gonna do walking in at 11 o'clock is just you're missing your blessing is what you're doing get here at 10 30 because god's god no matter what but when we get our hearts set on him he's gonna do miraculous things in your life thank you jesus thank you jesus all right you can have a seat for a moment i know you're gonna get get back up because god's got more god's got more amen amen parents time off we'll be going to ihop saturday september 25th from 10 a.m to 1 p.m please reach out to sister glenda for more details early morning prayer 6 a.m monday through friday everybody say youth bible study ah yes this happens wednesday at 6 30 p.m located in the meeting center family prayer is thursday night at 7 pm outreach will be this saturday at 1pm street ministry every friday and saturday night at 7 30 p.m everyone say sisters connect you can say it a little stronger than that sisters connect all right all right invites all ladies especially new ladies to a night of fun and bowling ladies please meet here at the church on october 1st at 6 30 p.m they will be leaving at 6 45 bring some cash for bowling and food we invite you to come and fellowship with your sisters even if you don't like bowling so for more information please see sister illumise alexandre search for truth will be saturday 11 a.m 11 a.m heat and kid zone will be meeting at the church this friday say this friday at 7 p.m for you service if you're between the ages of 1 and 101 you are invited to the service and i think that covers everybody amen i think that covers everybody all right go ahead and clap your hands right now amen praise god all nation sunday [Music] for those who do not know what all nation sunday is it's one day of the year that the rock church takes to celebrate cultural diversity did i say that right bishop okay um it's beautiful it's it's probably my favorite service of the year so i'm going to give you two dates pull your phones out to pull your notepad out whatever you use to take notes two dates first date is october 24th that will be our all nation sunday october 24th okay september 25th which is saturday at 6 00 pm we're inviting anybody who is interested in being a part of the all nation sunday whether it's with decor with setup teardown cleanup um cooking a booth in particular we're going to be meeting here at 6 00 p.m in the meeting center this is saturday september 25th 6 p.m okay okay and if you don't come we're going to volunteer you so all right thank you praise the lord church i'm up here on behalf of iron man my iron man hat um listen october's second you need to put this on your calendar put it on a sticky note put it on your fridge if you have a wife make sure your wife you know reminds you of it um october 2nd we're going to be having a men's breakfast and we're going to be having a here in the back in the pavilion okay at eight o'clock i know eight o'clock seems a lot early some of y'all especially on a saturday being early but set your alarms up for seven to make sure you get here at eight o'clock all right brother claude can you help me out real quick for the club come here he was he wasn't expecting this so eight o'clock uh please rsv be with me or brother cornelius or brother ramirez to make sure you know you we want to make sure we have enough food for everybody okay whoever shows up please obviously be with me cornelius or brother larry and uh and since you know sister william's talking about uh all nations i'm gonna say it in spanish all right i'm gonna say the spanish to the people that that you know cause i wanna make sure i wanna get all my spanish people all of them my my chapinas my boriquas my cubanos my everybody all right um um um um thank you october 2nd y'all 8 a.m let's give it up for iron man i know two creole words now breakfast and second that's awesome all right why don't we welcome all our guests and our visitors that are here we're so thankful that you're here today thank you for everyone that's streaming online this is your opportunity to get up and meet someone that y'all you don't know jesus name [Music] so [Music] so [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] well [Music] so [Music] [Music] you [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] so [Music] [Music] praise the lord everybody praise the lord everybody are you excited to be in the house of the lord this sunday are you excited about what god's already done in this house and i do believe that that there is more for us amen as we take our seats we are going to prepare to give unto god to take up the lord's tithing and your offering amen and i begin to think you know the scripture says for god so loved the world love that he gave his only begotten son that whosoever believeth in him shall not what shall not what but have eternal life and at the outset god's been giving out of himself perpetually um adam and eve when god formed adam out of the dust in the ground of the ground he breathed into him life he gave him life and even though he even though he knew mankind would fail him he gave them a plan of redemption and in that plan he knew that he would have to go to the cross because he was a lamb slain from the foundation of the world so he gave his life that we may be redeemed from the grips of hell and that we may have eternal life with him he's giving and giving and giving and then he says i go to prepare a place for you that where i be you maybe also and he describes it as a place with many mansions giving constantly perpetually for you tell your neighbor for you for me don't let this mammon this simple dollar this paper keep you from the blessings and the perpetual giving of god because believe it or not there are some people who exalt money and mammon above god you heard about the rich ruler right he lifted up his eyes in hell don't let your eternity be dictated on whether or not you can give back to a god that has perpetually given to you in your life if you are here in this church he gave you another day if you are breathing right now he gave you that breath that you're taking how many people got new jobs and raises and blessings guess what god gave you that and if you're like me i'm focused on eternal life i want to go live with him forever and sometimes i think about forever and my mind isn't even able to comprehend the fact of forever never dying never feeling pain never having to fight against the enemy because the enemy will be destroyed don't let money rob you of eternity my god why don't we all stand and it is a commandment for god from god believe it or not he says to bring ye the ties all the ties the offering into the storehouse that there be meat in my house right this is where we get our meat this is where we eat and i'm telling you if you have missed the last couple of services you may want to go online and you may want a purpose in your heart to never miss another service again god perpetually gives and gives and gives i pray right now that god will give a revelation to someone just to start giving if you have a hard time giving if you have a hard time with that revelation you know how you challenge that you know how you work against your flesh flesh you do the opposite you give god i'm gonna get my tithing i'm gonna give my offering i'm gonna give to a ministry i'm gonna give give give give give amen how many you love the lord love god love god love god then guess what give and it shall be given back until you press down shaken together run it over amen i love the overflow blessings amen let us raise our hands right now and bless this offering bless these ties god we offer this up to you as worship god and we give with the cheerful heart this morning god that you would help us to understand that where you go you prepared a place for us also and you've required us to give lord not because you need it but that we will understand that mammon does not rule us god you are on the throne of our hearts let every person under the sound of my voice lord give unto you jesus even if they don't have the full understanding god let him walk by faith and not by sight god we offer up our we offer up our tithing lord we offer up our offering unto you jesus so that you can bless it so that there will be meat in your house god we know your promises lord and we say yes and amen thank you jesus thank you jesus thank you jesus thank you jesus thank you for the opportunity to give in the name of jesus we pray amen [Music] [Music] thank you [Music] oh [Music] glory hallelujah [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] is [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] is [Music] it's the highest praise [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] hey [Applause] [Music] [Music] you want to lift it up to jesus right now [Music] you deserve break [Music] [Music] my worship [Music] [Music] you deserve it [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] oh hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah i give it all to you jesus i give you my worshipper i give you my praise up from the writing of the son his name is worthy to be played [Music] is [Music] [Music] come on of jesus he's the doctor in the sick room he's the lawyer when i need defensive he's my everything he deserves my worship he deserves my praise i will not give him anything lester he is deserving of it all i offer myself before him because he is [Music] him with all that is within you bless his name he is worthy hallelujah somebody right now with the testimony ought to rare your head back and give god a great praise this morning come on if he's been good to you i dare you to throw your hands in the air and shout in this place with a voice of triumph whoa psalm 150 gives us a mathematical equation by which to praise him it says to praise him according to tell your neighbor according to his excellent greatness in other words however good god has been to you that's how much praise that you ought to render unto him so maybe god's never done anything for you and baby if he hasn't then you can sit there this morning with your legs crossed your arms crossed and your eyes crossed up but if god ever made a way where there was no way if he ever opened the door if he ever healed your body if he ever come on somebody you want to praise him according to his excellent greatness i've got a reason to praise him you can sit there if you want to huh but i've got to dance you can sit there if you want to but i've got to run you can sit there if you want to but i gotta lift my hand and give god [Music] and give him a great pray when i think about jesus what he's done for me when i think about jesus christ let me breathe dance dance [Music] can run [Music] [Music] [Music] them oh put [Music] em up [Music] up [Music] [Music] come on and praise him somebody praise him [Music] [Music] back in the day we used to sing it like this i gotta praise [Music] [Music] i got please [Music] somebody let it out this morning somebody let it out this morning hey come on take about 30 seconds and sound like he's been good to you shout like he made you older [Applause] [Music] high five about 12 people on the way to his feet tell him he's worthy of my praise oh somebody ought to just lift your hands with the praise right now if we were to take that from praise to worship we'd probably sing something like when i think about the lord [Music] how we say me how we raise me how we feel me with the holy ghost how we healed me to the uttermost lift your hands when i think about the lord how he picked me up and he turned me around how he placed my feet on solid ground come on would you lift your hands help me sing it come on come on when i think about the lord how he saved me how he raised [Music] when i think about the love [Music] somebody lift your hands all over this place right now if he's been good to you help me sing like this it makes me want a shelter hallelujah thank you jesus lord you're worthy the glory of the honor and all the praise makes me [Music] [Applause] thank you jesus [Music] [Applause] [Music] yesterday in the wedding he said like this never would have made it i never could have made it without you i would have lost it all now i see that you were there for me and i can say never would have made it anybody got that testimony this morning now never could have made it we found you i would have lost it all but now i see that you are therefore saying like this i'm stronger i'm wiser i'm better so much better when i look back over [Music] so much better when i think back overall it brought me through i had one [Applause] [Music] [Music] i would have lost it all [Music] this morning [Music] without you but now i see you were there for me [Music] when i could not see you were there for me when i didn't know what to do i held on to you when i could not see you were there for me [Music] i say [Music] oh somebody just lift your hands in his presence [Music] i need thee [Music] i need thee oh bless me now my savior [Music] to thee anybody feel that way lift your hands and help me sing it i need this [Music] i need thee oh [Music] [Music] i hey with all my worries and concerns [Music] with lifted hands in this place and tears running down my face [Music] to the cause in the presence of jehovah god almighty prince of peace come on somebody just stretch your hand in the air troubles vanish [Music] are mended in the presence of the king anybody feel that way throw both hands in the air right now and just tell them in the presence [Music] [Music] god oh my god he's the prince of peace anybody believe that this morning troubles [Music] in the prayers of the king [Music] in in the presence of the king let your glory fill this place let your glory fill this place lord our hearts are prepared for you and your love we have embraced holy spirit take control let this place be horrible and let your glory feel let your glory feel let your glory [Music] feel this place john chapter 8 amen john chapter 8 that's why i want to invite you to read the word of the lord this morning so wrap me in your arms grab me in your arms wrap me in your arm oh god grab me in your arms wrap me in your arms grab me in yours god wrap me in your arms wrap me in yours grab me in your arms just to be close to you just to be close to you just to be close to you that's my desire come on anybody know that song lift your hands tell him just to be close come on that's it let him hear you sing it today come on just to be close to you just to be close to you he is my desire yes [Music] just to be close to you [Music] that's mine hey [Music] lord make me close to you lord make me close to you lord make me close to you that's my idea amen john chapter 8 verse number 1 is where i want to begin reading the word of the lord to all of our guests that are here with us this morning such a privilege and an honor to have you in the house of the lord when the service is finished we invite you to join us if you're a first-time guest in our vip room which is just if you go to the red carpet in the lobby after service somebody will escort you we've got a small gift that we'd like to give you and some light refreshments we would just like to tell you what a privilege and an honor it is to have you in the house of the lord anybody grateful for the presence of god that we feel in this sanctuary right now amen john chapter 8 verse number one jesus went unto the mount of olives and early in the morning he came again into the temple and all the people came unto him and he sat down and taught them the scribes and pharisees brought unto him a woman taken in adultery and when they had said her in the midst they say unto him master this woman was taken in adultery in the very act now moses in the law commanded us that such should be stoned but what says though this they said tempting him that they might have to accuse him but jesus stooped down and with his finger he wrote on the ground as though he heard them not one transliteration says as if he was preoccupied in thought and so when they continued asking him he lifted up himself and said unto them he that is without sin among you let him first cast a stone at her and again he stooped down and wrote on the ground one transliteration said he wrote in the dust for just a few moments this morning i simply want to preach just dust just dust would you put your bibles down and clap your hands under the lord one more time all over this sanctuary come on let's give god some praise in this house oh god we praise you we magnify you we thank you for your presence in this place hallelujah amen you may be seated this morning perhaps one of the most intriguing portions of god's word in the story of creation the recorded beginning of time as it were for mankind and the universe now we must have the proper perspective and understanding this morning that the book of genesis is not the beginning of god god was in the beginning revelation chapter one verse number eight he said i am alpha and omega the beginning and the ending saith the lord which is which was and which is to come the almighty it's interesting to note that in that verse of scripture he uses the first letter and the last letter of the greek alphabet the alpha and omega the words and the letters that would be used in turn to form words in order to describe his eternality in other words he was saying i'm the first word and i'm the last word i'm the first thing ever expressed and i'm the last thing that was ever expressed whoa john chapter one verse number one says in the beginning was the word and the word was with god and the word was god tell your neighbor the word was god he was before time began and he is god all by himself whoa in isaiah 44 8 he said is there a god beside me yea there is no god i know not anyhow it is imperative this morning that it is on the forefront of your mind a fresh remembrance that god is not constrained by time and by space we serve a god that is not limited by the finite of time and of space that's why god doesn't have to divide himself up in order to be in your yesterday and your today and in your tomorrow he's omnipresent he's everywhere at once equally at the very same time and the same god that we felt here just a few moments ago with our hands lifted uh is also in japan right now and there are people on the other side of the world and while we feel him here he's all the way in germany this morning and somebody can feel the power of god's presence wherever they are he does not diminish in value the further he goes geographically the further you try to find him uh spatially you understand that he's bigger and he's greater and he is not only omnipresent concerning the fittitude of space and geography but he is also omnipresent chronologically ah somebody needs to get a hold of that this morning he is omnipresent chronologically that means that while god is present with us right now he is also present with where you were yesterday and he's also present with you 10 years ago and he's also with you when you were a little child and while he is here with us right now he's already standing in your tomorrow oh i wish i had a witness in the building and while he's standing with us here today he's already in your 10 years from now that's why when god does a work in your life right now today he can fix your past from your present god not only heals you now but he goes into your past and he heals your pastor that's why you can praise god now for things that he has not yet done because he can rearrange your future from your present i wish i had some people in the building that understood you are worshiping an eternal almighty present god this morning there are two words used for the word time in scripture two primary words one of them is the word kronos and the other one is the word kairos kronos the most common term used in the english language it is a standard of time as you and i no time this morning kronos is you looking at your phone this morning and realize you're going to be late to church i can't get an amen in the building right now i can't get an amen in the building chronos is you looking at your phone and realize i'm going to be late to choir practice this morning it is the unfolding of time as we measure it by seconds and minutes and hours as a matter of fact if you were to extend your hand this morning and look on your wrist most of you are wearing what is known as a crow no meter chronometer aka a watch a meter of kronos a something that meters or measures time and we live in a construct of our existence where we see everything from the perspective of the unfolding of time how was my week this past week and how is my day going so far and and in two hours from now when bishop gets done preaching i know i wouldn't give her many laughs y'all don't even think that's funny i've got i've got some uh i've got some some meat on the grill brother stewart that i got to pay attention to in the afternoon and and then tonight we have to we think of everything from the perspective of kronos and and if we're not careful we will adopt our idea of kronos and trying to get god to fit inside of kronos in the way that we perceive him we will perceive him as a god simply of chronos of time but god sits outside of time as a matter of fact time is in god god is not in time and so the other word in scripture is the word kairos and the word kairos means the unfolding of things as it were according to the will of god when you say it is time and you're not looking at a calendar or a clock but there is an impetus of god's purpose behind it the unfolding of god's will when you superimpose kairos over kronos it is god's unfolding plan that crashes down and interrupts the chronos of man right in the middle of our little schedule in our calendar and our our little plants uh god said for i know the plans that i have for you his kairos unfolds in our life and so we begin to understand god from the perspective of eternality and his omnipresence as we begin to study scripture you can see things through a different lens of revelation the first five days of creation is chronicled some interesting things in day number one the bible says that he separates light from darkness and in day number two he separates the vast waters that compromise the earth leaving a blanket of air between the water above and the water that is beneath on day number three he confines the majority of the water on the earth into oceans or bodies of water which cause dry land to appear and when the dry land appears then we also see green plants that begin to appear on the dry land day number four he creates the sun and the moon and the stars of our solar system and i'd like to point out to you uh contrary to what scientists believe is their fact of the matter there was already light existent before day number four it was at the very beginning of time that he said let there be a light and there was light i know we think we have all the answers and that our only source of light is that of the solar system and the sun but can i tell you that when jesus said i am the true lighter that lighteth the world his light existed emanating to manna before there was ever a sun before there was ever a moon before there were ever stars but he creates the sun the moon the stars the solar system this is why i am convinced that creation was in literal cycles of 24-hour days because the green plants that were created on the third day would not survive a thousand years as some people claimed the creation periods were one thousand year cycles without the photosynthesis of the sunlight in its process around the earth the bible measures time by the evening and the morning literal 24-hour period day number five he puts the birds in the air and the fish in the sea day number six all of the other creeping beasts and the animals of the earth it is important to understand that god is a god of process if god would have wanted to he could have simply thought the thought and everything within the infinitesimal measurement of one thought would have appeared in its perfect place in its complete fashion but god did not do it that way he is a god of process he creates a little bit on the first day and he steps back and he says hmm it is good then he creates more on the second day and he steps back and he says hmm that's good and again on the fourth day my point is this you may not have all of your fish in the sea and you may not have all of your birds in the air but sometimes you just got to be thankful that your light is separated from the darkness sometimes you got to learn to just walk with jesus in the process of life and say god everything might not be exactly where it needs to be yet but thank god you separated the light from the darkness in my life you've got to learn how to celebrate god's process in your i wish somebody would clap your hands in the building and thank god i'm not where i want to be but thank god i'm not where i used to be oh somebody with a testimony ought to give god the praise i know i'm not perfect i know i got things i've got to work on but you should have seen where god brought me from if you only knew my story if you only knew the mess that god brought me from i'm just thinking god brother desmond that i'm here in the house of the lord today and i'm not in the crack house i just thank god this morning that i'm living for god on a tuesday night and i'm not stuck on a barstool somewhere i may not have everything perfect but thank god for what he's already done in my i wish i had some thankful people in the building this morning he he's creating things but the most significant of all of his creation happens on the sixth day for it is on the sixth day that god creates mankind but there is something significantly different about this creation the bible says that he created man in his own image now the human body is considered by all who study it to be the most complex and magnificent subject of study in the world if you begin to take a look at the wonder and the grandeur of the human body it is simply mind-boggling the body is divided up into regional groups you have the head and the neck which includes everything above the thoracic inlet then you have the upper limb which includes the hat and the wrist and the forearm and the elbow and the arm and the shoulder you have the thorax the region of the chest from the thoracic inlet to the thoracic diaphragm the human abdomen to the pelvic brim or to the pelvic inlet you have the back which includes the spine and all of its components and the vertebrae and the sacrum and the cosex and the invertebral discs and then you have the pelvis and the perineum and this consists of everything from the pelvic inlet to the pelvic diaphragm and then you have the lower limb which is everything below the inguinal ligament including the hip and the thigh and the knee and the leg and the ankle and the foot and then if you dig deeper you have all of the internal organs that are also separated by region in the head and in the neck you have the brain and you have the amygdala you have the basal ganglia and the brain stem the medulla and the midbrain you have the pons and the cerebellum and the cerebral cortex the hypothalamus and the limbic system you have the eyes and the pituitary and the thyroid and the parathyroid and then in the thorax you have the heart and the lungs you have the esophagus and the thymus in the abdomen and the pelvis you have the adrenals and the appendix the bladder and the gallbladder you have the large intestine and the small intestine you have the kidneys and the liver and the pancreas and the spleen and the stomach and then when you get into all of those organs they are systematized and you have all of the major organ systems you have the circulatory system which purpose is to pump and channel blood to and from the body and the lungs with the heart the blood and the blood vessels you have the digestive system digestion and processing food with salivary glands and the esophagus and the stomach and the liver and the gallbladder and the pancreas and the intestines and then you have the uh endocannabinoid system uh the neuromodulatory lipids and the receptors that are involved in a variety of physiological processes including appetite and pain sensation and and your mood and your motor learning and synaptic plasticity and memory and then you have the endocrine system which is responsible for communication within the body using hormones that are made by the endocrine glands such as the hypothalamus and the pituitary or the pituitary gland the pineal body or the pineal gland the thyroid the parathyroids and the adrenals or the adrenal glands and then you have the into a guminatory system which is the skin and the hair and the nails which play an important part in defending your body against germs and outside threats and then you have the immune system the system that fights off disease and it's composed of leukocytes and tonsils and adenoids and the thymus and the spleen then you have the lymphatic system structures involved in the transfer of lymph between tissues and the bloodstream and the lymph and the nodes and the vessels that transport it and then you have the uh musculoskeletal system these are the muscles that provide movement and a skeleton provides structural support and protection with bones and cartilage and ligaments and tendons and then you have the nervous system which collects and transfers up and processes information with the brain and the spinal cord and the peripheral nerves and the nerves and then you have the respiratory system the organs that are used for breathing uh the pharynx and the larynx uh the trachea the with the bronchi and the lungs and the diaphragm and then you have the vestibular system that contributes up to our balance and our sense of spatial orientation the human body is the most mystifying subject of study that's why doctors are considered practitioners and not professionals they practice medicine they are not professionals of medicine i hate to burst your bubble but doctors do not have all of the answers i hate to break it to you but they don't have all of the answers to the mysteries uh concerning the human body for anything that is created in the image of god how far are the searching of its understanding uh past that of finding out they are practitioners and not professionals and yet when you read are you with me this morning that was my introduction now i'm ready to preach when you read about how god made man it paints an entirely contrasting picture genesis chapter 2 verses 6 and 7 says but there went up a mist from the earth and watered the face of the ground and the lord god formed man of the dust of the ground all of the complexities of those things and he simply formed a man from the dust of the ground and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life and man became a living soul in the magnificence of creation god uses dust to make mankind the bible says that he formed man that word formed is the original hebrew word yatsar which means to form or to fashion by squeezing something with your hands into shape i want you to get the word picture here that word dust literally is the word afar which means the dry earth or dust or ground it is as if in an anthropomorphic expression hear me god stoops down and with his hand in the dust it begins to shape man can you see it with me the god of heaven in anthropomorphic expression stooping down with his hand into the dust and he forms man from the dust of the earth and when he finishes forming mankind the bible says that he breathed into his nostrils the breath of life and man became a living soul it was a special creation god's very hand was on this creation god desired to commune with this creation and so he makes man a living soul in his image he has created her he imprinted his creation with his own hands mankind was not like all of the other creatures in the garden he made man with his own hand man was hand made and if there's anything i've ever found out things that are handmade are always more valuable than things that are not that's why you cannot delusion mankind and put him in the same classification as all of the other animals of the world as if we are just some outgrowth of an ape or a caveman or a monkey or an amoeba no god created man in his own image therefore man automatically has a special divine designation from the life of a whale is not worth the same as that of an unborn child i'm sorry the life of an unborn eagle in an egg that you will pay 500 000 fine if you destroy the egg is not worth the same as the value of an unborn baby in a womb that the government will give you money if you want to destroy her i'm sorry our world has it backwards there is something special about mankind oh it was the relationship of a father with his childhood there is value in human life i respect trees and plants and spotted owls and stripes salamanders and gopher tortoises but if one of them jokers is crossing the road when i'm doing 50 miles an hour down the road i'm not endangering the life of my family to save the life of a turtle i made some people mad right there there's something special about mankind god communed god opened a portal and allowed mankind the ability to have god consciousness to understand there is our creator i'm not here by myself i didn't just show up as the result of interaction between two human beings but i came here with divine purpose i'm here on the earth and there's a god in heaven that wants to talk to me there's a god can i preach to somebody there's a god in heaven that's interested in you he's interested in a relationship with you he's interested in your life he's got a purpose for you he's got a plan for you but there came a day that mankind fell in the garden and because of his sin man became separated from his creator and it is as if there is a panic in the voice of god as the bible says that he walked through the garden calling out adam adam where art thou adam his precious creation whom he loved something was wrong he could feel the separation he could sense the tear and the rending and so it was are you with me this morning as god begins to communicate the details of judgment that are upon his creation whom he is now separated from he twice refers back in remembrance to the substance that he used to create mankind genesis chapter 3 and verse 19 he tells adam and eve in the sweat of thy face shalt thou eat bread till thou return unto the ground for out of it was thou taken for dust thou art and unto dust shalt thou return i stooped down and i made you from the dust and it's from the dust of the ground that you're going to return and then in verse 23 it says therefore the lord god sent him forth from the garden of eden to till the ground from whence he was taken and as they are driven out of the garden and judgment separates them from their maker he remembers that they were just dust as they are driven from out of the garden he remembers putting his hand stooping down and putting his hand in the dirt listen to the psalmist in psalms chapter 8 verse 3 through 4 he said when i consider thy heavens and the work of thy fingers the moon and the stars which thou hast ordained what is man the thou art mindful of him and the son of man that thou visitest him the psalmist looks in retrospect and in wonder to the heavens uh god who created all of the universe why is it that you're even interested in us little people who are nothing but dust why is it that out of all of the grandeur of your creation that you are even mindful of us from before the time that his precious creation was separated from him in the garden because of sin he had a plan to bring his creation back into fellowship with him could i preach to somebody for just a few moments god has a plan for you in this house even in your separation from god even in your separation from him in a life of sin and disobedience you've got to understand this morning that god loves you it doesn't matter where you are it doesn't matter where you've been it doesn't matter what your struggles are it doesn't matter how low you've gone i came to declare to you in this house this morning that there is a god in heaven that is interested in you that loves you that cares about you the creator came himself to rescue his creation second corinthians 5 18-19 says and all things are of god who hath reconciled us to himself by jesus christ and have given to us the ministry of reconciliation to wit that god was in christ reconciling the world unto himself not imputing their trespasses unto them and hath committed unto us the word of reconciliation it wasn't a junior god that came down to rescue a creation it wasn't jehovah jr it wasn't a second person in a fictitious godhead that came down to the earth but it was god himself manifest in flesh who's going to say i love you so much that i'm going to send somebody else to die for you not my god my god said i love you so much that i'll robe myself in flesh i'll put on the same dust that i made you with i'll put on the form of a servita and i'll come down myself to reconcile my creation to me we are made in his image and so he sets the pattern for reconciliation there's only one way by which to be reconciled back to god there are not many ways all roads might lead to rome but not all roads lead to heaven jesus said i am the way the truth and the life by me if any man enter in he shall be there's only one way to heaven and that's by jesus christ there's only one way to heaven and that is by the pattern that the creator set there's only one way to be reconciled with the creator that is what the gospel message is jesus is not the second person of a trinity the word trinity isn't even found in the bible the idea of three is not even found in the bible over and over again god declares himself singular one god hero israel the lord deuteronomy 6 and 4 the lord our god is one lord oh i wish i had time to get into the theology of all this jesus stood in front of some and he said before abraham was i am they said how in the world you're only 30 something years old how is it that you're telling us that before abraham our father was that it's very simple he was telling them i am the god of eternity i am the manifestation i'm not a separate individual i'm not a separate person i am god manifest john chapter 1 verse 14 and the word was made flesh the alpha and omega was made flesh that which was eternal stepped into the infinite that which was invisible became visible hebrews 1 and 3 declares him the express image of his person and that is what the gospel messages he became dust he died he was buried and he rose again that's the gospel message that's the good news and i'm sorry i apologize for churches that want to tell you they preach the gospel and yet they do not preach the death burial and resurrection of jesus they preach a false gospel they preach a false doctrine they will tell you that the gospel is accepting the lord as your personal savior that's another term that is not found anywhere in the bible personal savior or accepting the let me let me tell you something honey you don't accept or reject god it is god that does the accepting it is god that come on somebody it is god that does the finding oh yeah that's not the gospel message the gospel message is not making a decision that's nowhere in the scripture under the premise of making a decision let's just go with that premise of thought for a moment a decision means nothing without action and if you decide what is it you're deciding are you deciding that he's god because whether he you make that decision or not he's still god and if you say that you are deciding to obey the gospel the gospel is of none effect until you obey it the decision to obey does not save you the decision to obey does not come on somebody oh i feel like stopping here for a moment i can tell my wife honey i have decided to wash the dishes today that's noble it might get me a smile but if i want to get the kiss the dish has got to get washed baby i might tell honey i have decided to buy you some flowers i'm so glad you made the decision but now she's waiting to see what goes with the decision good intentions and good decisions are noble but it is good deeds that are rewarded you don't just have to make a decision you have to obey the gospel message the bible declares that those that obey not the gospel will have their part in the lake of fire you have to obey the gospel oh this is fun this morning and so if you're going to obey the gospel what is the gospel it's the death the burial and the resurrection how do you obey the gospel do you come up and let a preacher lay his hand on you and fall out on the floor and sign his church membership card i'm sorry that's not the gospel now somebody may pray for you and the holy ghost might hit you and you might fall down if you do it in here you better hope somebody's behind you to catch you because these floors are going to hurt sometimes we catch them sometimes we don't know but that's not the gospel the gospel is the death the burial and the resurrection of jesus christ and if you're going to obey the gospel then you've got to die you've got to be buried again come on somebody and you've got to be resurrected i can't get no help with that's obeying the gospel so how do we obey the gospel i'm so glad you asked that question romans chapter 8 verse number 13 says through the spirit we mortify that word mortify means to put to death by the spirit we mortify the deeds of our flesh the death part is the old man dying that's what happens when we repent of our sins the old man is put to death are you with me it's turning away from sin it's not making a decision to turn away from sin it is the turning from the sin see is this all right this morning i i'm totally not even preaching my sermon right now maybe we'll get back to it maybe we won't so many times we mistake people coming to the altar and crying as repentance man they came to the altar and they wept and they cried that's good but you know what that's called that's called sorrow that's not called repentance that's called sorrow and the bible says that godly sorrow worketh repentance but the bible says that ungodly sorrow brings death there's a difference between ungodly sorrow and god godly sorrow is followed by repentance ungodly sorrow has no repentance attached to it ungodly sorrow is crying because you're just tired of the effects of what the sin is doing in your life i can be sick of something and still not change from it i know a lot of people that say pastor i hate the life that i'm living but you know what they keep doing every day living the same life that they're living i'm tired of all the heartache i'm tired of all of this struggle but every single day that's not godly sorrow that's the sorrow of the world that's just the fruit of living a sinful life but godly sorrow is when you finally come to a place that you say god i cannot and i will not live like this anymore i can't keep drinking the bottle and living like this i can't keep taking the drugs and living like this i can't keep sleeping around and living god i'm done with it i'm through i'm ready for a change and that kind of sorrow the bible says produces or worketh repentance repentance is when you actually get up and you walk away from the sin i know that's not popular preaching because in today's church world we got pimps on the pew we got prostitutes in the pre that'll say amen glory be to jesus they'll shout with the preacher from the hour but baby if you're going to make it to heaven you've got to repent if you're going to make it to heaven you've got to turn away from sin if you're going to i wish i had a witness in the building if you're going to make it to heaven you got to bring those drugs to an altar and say god i'm done with it you got to bring that pornography to a trash pile and burn it up and say god i'm finished with it you got to look at that girl and say i'm sorry i can't keep shacking up with you and living in fornication and please i wish i had a witness uh if you're gonna make it you've got to repent you've got to grab those pack of marbles and throw them in the trash and quit buying them oh this is good preaching that's real repentance if you keep telling lies it's time to start telling the truth that's real repentance it is through repentance that we mortify the deeds of the flesh that's the death i know a lot of churches don't preach that part of the gospel and without that part of the gospel there is no gospel brother donnelly i don't care how many people we baptize if they haven't repented of their sins you can't bury a person who's not dead you can't bury somebody who's still alive that's why when people come to the altar i'm not trying to force them to receive the holy ghost i'm trying to help them repent because if they'll repent of their sin if they'll die if they'll obey the gospel message when they're baptized in jesus name they're going to come up out of the water speaking in tongues as god gives them the holy ghost okay so that's how i die but part of the gospel is that i got to be buried so how how am i buried romans 6 and 4 colossians 2 12 says that we are buried with him by baptism into his death when you are baptized in jesus name it is for the remission of your sins acts chapter number 2 verse number 38 there is only one other place in scripture that we find the word remission that is in the book of hebrews chapter 9 where the bible says that without the shedding of blood there is no remission it is only tied to one other scripture in the bible and that is acts 2 38 that you are baptized for the remission of those sins and so there's an inextricable connection between the blood of jesus and being baptized in jesus name there's only one way for the blood that was shed on calvary to be applied to your life it is not by saying the sinner's prayer it is not by making a decision it is not by joining a church it is not by signing a card there is only one way for the blood of jesus to be applied to your life you have to be baptized in jesus name for the remission of your sins churches that are preaching you that baptism is not necessary to salvation i'm sorry they are preaching a false gospel by very definition they are missing the gospel message of jesus christ i'm sorry you can play all the soft pretty music on a keyboard you want you can turn the lights down low and entice people to come and shed tears but baby if there ain't people repenting of their sins being baptized in jesus name and filled with the holy ghost you ain't got a church you got a religious social club going on i'm sorry that ain't oh did i say that out loud i'm sorry that's the gospel message you know it's going to be heyday on false preachers when jesus comes back when that trumpet sounds and people that have been going to churches where they thought they had the message realize that they missed it they're going to be head-hunting false preachers why didn't you preach the truth to me why didn't you preach the real gospel message to me i'm going somewhere this morning i still remember what i'm preaching about i'm only 44. i still got my mental capacity they say old preachers never die they just lose their text and wonder so you've got to repent of your sins you've got to be baptized in jesus name for the remission of those sins is this all right this morning and it's important that you're baptized in jesus name that's the only method of baptism found in the scripture yet church after church after church baptizes people in the titles father son and holy ghost and they eliminate the name there is no authority without the name every document that i ever sign has to have my name on it in order for the document to be legitimate i just officiated a wedding yesterday this morning there was a document on my desk a license they wanted my signature they wanted my name not just my title not bishop not pastor not senior pastor not lead trash thrower outer and dishwasher weed cutter lawnmower a sick prayer for no no they have to have the name it has no authority without the name there is no authority for remission of sins without the name of the one that shed the blood to remit the sin what blood is this it's not the blood of bulls what blood is this it's not the blood of goats what blood is this not just a minority and mary man this is the blood of jesus christ and when that name is evoked in baptism there is something supernatural that happens and the remission of sins acts 4 and 12 neither is there salvation in any other for there is none other name under heaven given among men whereby we might be could be not important must be saved if you've never been baptized in jesus name for the remission of your sins i've got good news for you today we've got a baptismal tanker full of water that's ready and the bible said that today is the day of salvation i'm sorry if you're going to a church that doesn't preach the efficacy the necessity of water baptism in jesus name by submersion for the remission of your sins you're going to a church that's preaching a false gospel not according to religion not according to dogma not a recording according to religious history but according to the word of god which is going to be the only standard by which we are judged on judgment day okay so death burial i got it got to repent of my sins got to be baptized in jesus name for the remission of my sins but how in the world do i resurrect i'm glad you asked bible says in romans 6 that like as christ was raised up from the dead by the glory of the father even so we also should walk in newness of life when you're baptized in jesus name and you come up out of that water the promise in acts chapter 2 verse number 39 the promise of the holy ghost is given to every person that obeys the gospel verse 39 said it is to you to your children and to as many as our as are far off even as many as the lord our god shall call and with many of the words did he exhort and testify saying save yourself from this untoward generation that same spirit that raised christ jesus from the dead the bible said shall also quicken your mortal body it is the spirit of god the same spirit that brought resurrection to jesus it is that same spirit when you come up out of that water god's going to fill you with the holy ghost and you're going to rise and walk in newness of life the old jew is dead and buried and when you come up out of that water when you come up out of that grave there is a brand new you music come and give them hope that brings me all the way back to my text john chapter 8 says that jesus returned into the mount of olives the bible says that the pharisees brought a woman to him who had been caught in the act of adultery see it's one thing to be accused of doing something but it's another thing when you when you did it see i knew it would get quiet right there but i wonder if there's any people in the building that have ever been there before i did it i messed up i made the mistake it was me that sinned he said i can't get no help y'all got a bunch of angels with halos in the building right here i said it's one thing to be accused of but it's another thing when you know i did it i sinned i did what was wrong i made the mistake not only was she guilty not only did she do it but they brought her in front of everybody they exposed her to everybody and sometimes we do things that by the mercy of god are not exposed to everybody everybody ought to say amen and god deals with us privately but this woman was pushed out in front of the crowd for everybody to see her business i'm preaching to some people today who know what it's like to be out in front of the crowd there's no secrets about your problems there's no secrets about your issues and failures everybody knows and even if nobody else here does the enemy has pushed you out in front this morning and said you're guilty you're guilty of all the stuff that preacher's preaching you're guilty of all the sin and you're standing here today in this house saying what do i do they said jesus this woman was caught in the act of adultery the law of moses says to stone her but what do you say and i preached everything i preached to get to this point right here the bible says that while they cast this woman down in front of him and they begin to accuse her the bible said that jesus stooped down as though he heard them not he wasn't interested in the accusation but you see what you have here is the express image of god himself standing in front of this woman in the pharisees but he's also the god of eternity and while he is standing in front of this woman cast at his feet at the same time he is standing in the garden of eden with humanity who has fallen in front of him and while he's standing here looking at humanity in the new testament he is standing as god of the old testament looking at humanity who has fallen and while he is standing with one foot in the new testament he has one foot in the old testament and while in the old testament humanity he's watching as man is driven from his presence and there's a flaming sword put at the garden huh to keep mankind his beloved creation from communing with him while he's standing there at the same time he is standing here but now humanity is not being driven from him but he has come to reconcile humanity back to him and we see a dichotomy of the eternal invisible and the visible of god himself in one hand humanity is being taken from him but in the other hand humanity is being brought back to him and i've heard many messages preached about god writing messages in the sand i have heard some i've heard all kind of stuff i've heard that the lyrics to amazing grace were written by jesus in the sand but i don't believe it is of significant importance what he wrote or else the bible would have given it to us but i'll tell you what i do see the same god that stooped down with his hand yatzah and he formed man as he does it in genesis he stands on the circle of eternity and he puts his hand back in the dirt and the same god that formed man over here is remembering man over here the same hand that reaches into dust in creation is reaching into dust in reconciliation the same hand that reached over here and formed man is the same hand over here that is now reaching to redeem man and he remembers our frame while they're accusing her and convincing him how bad she is he remembers that we are just dust and while you're sitting here today and you're saying how could i ever escape all the stuff that i've done how could i ever break this woman was caught in the act of adultery it was it was one of the lowest things and they embarrassed her they they yanked her straight from being caught in the act she probably didn't even have clothes on and she was embarrassed in front of everybody huh and as she stood there god wasn't even paying attention to what they said about her the only thing he cared about was i've got to bring her back into my presence i didn't come to condemn the world the world through sin is condemned already but i came to reconcile the world back to me and he reaches his hand down and says i'm not afraid to get dirty i'm not afraid to touch the unclean i'm not afraid to put my hands on that which has been broken if i made you before i can make you again you see the the woman they brought before her wasn't the woman god intended for her to be she was broken she was bruised she was damaged goods but the potter the god of creation said i'm not afraid to get my hands dirty i'm not afraid to reach back down into the dust and make you again another vessel i'm not afraid to touch you again i'm not afraid of your adultery i'm not afraid of your fornication i'm not afraid of your lies i'm not afraid of your trouble all i want you to know is that i came i came i love what he did bible says they kept on accusing her and jesus stands up points his finger at him and says you that are without sin come cast the first stone you want to know what he really said you're nothing but dust too and you need me just as much as she needs me god never let it be said of us when we start living for god that we ever forget our need of him god never let it be said of us that we can come to a sunday morning service and watch while people are thrown at the feet of jesus in all of their brokenness and we can stand in our pew with our nice suit and tie and our dress on and forget that we're nothing but dust as well and that it's only by god's hand and god's grace that we're even here he ignores the voice and you know what he says let's let's stand i'm closing he says woman where are those thine accusers who's condemned you who threw rocks at you she said no man lord he said neither do i condemn thee go and sin no more he brought her to a place an opportunity of repentance you know what she had to do she had to quit listening to the accusers and start listening to the creator i'm preaching to people right now i wish you would lift your hands in the presence of your creator right now their voices in your life that are accusing you there are voices in your life right now telling you that you're too messed up that you're too broken that you're too dirty that you're messed up beyond repair but i came to preach to you that you serve a god that knows you are just a dust you serve a god that's still interested in touching you you serve a god that's still interested come on all over this house would you come heads bowed and eyes closed is there anybody in the building right now that would make your way down to this altar and lift your hands and say all right god here i am come on nobody nobody's making me come nobody's forcing me but god here i am i come before your presence god come on i know come on here they come all over this house all over this house come on come on get as close as you can church would you come with them i need some saints that would come right now and help me pray all over this house come on he understands that you're just tough he understands that you're just dust and he still loves you and he still cares about you and he still wants you come on lift your hands come on lift your don't worry about who's standing next to you don't worry about who's standing around you lift your hands lift your hands to the creator come on i need you today jesus i need you today jesus [Music] is [Music] come on these altars are full this morning help me pray find somebody to pray with i need you jesus i need you jesus [Music] is is [Music] is [Music] is [Applause] [Music] is [Applause] [Music] god i'm turning [Music] come on [Music] [Music] is [Music] [Music] come on give it to him i repent god i lay it down today jesus [Music] jesus [Music] somebody right now lift those hands and surrender to him lift those hands and surrender to him church help me pray church help me find somebody to pray [Music] jesus [Music] come on it's time to repent with god [Music] [Music] [Music] jesus [Music] come on [Music] [Music] hey i'm calling [Music] you come on come on come on [Music] [Music] jesus jesus i'm calling you jesus jesus jesus jesus [Music] jesus hear my cry lord jesus [Music] jesus [Applause] [Music] jesus jesus jesus [Music] he's here right now he's here right now jesus i'm calling you jesus jesus come on jesus somebody right now be you somebody right now i surrender god come on come on come on [Music] hey jesus christ [Music] jesus jesus i'm calling you [Music] [Music] jesus jesus i'm calling you i know i'm broken but you can't heal jesus jesus [Music] is [Music] [Music] jesus [Music] jesus jesus [Music] but [Music] [Music] but i'm still jesus [Music] come on let's lift our hands all over this sanctuary and give god some praise this morning come on let's lift our hands and give god some praise this morning all over this sanctuary come on while your hands are lifted somebody lift up your voice come on while your hands are lifted somebody open up your mouth this morning while your hands are lifted somebody open your mouth and release the praise into the atmosphere of this sanctuary right now both glory glory glory glory to your name hallelujah it would be remiss of me this morning to preach what i have preached and not give somebody the opportunity to obey the gospel message amen somebody would be a travesty this morning to take this time open up the infallible word of god and not give somebody the opportunity to not only make a decision but obey the gospel message that brings life everlasting if you're here this morning and god spoke to you god's dealing with your heart and you're just like that woman in the story god i know i've got things that haven't please you i've got things in my life and this morning you've come to god and said all right lord it's time to turn away from sin it's time to repent i can't keep living like this anymore i'm not i'm not leaving this church i'm going to go back to the same stuff anymore god i'm ready to live the way that you want me to live if you're here this morning the next step of you obeying the gospel message is for you to be baptized in jesus name for the remission of your sins baptism is so important it's so important that in one place in scripture the bible says that there was an ethiopian man that was reading the scriptures and and he didn't quite understand exactly what they meant but it was an open opportunity god literally translated another man he he talk about sci-fi god literally transported him metaphysically from where he was to where this man was and had him open up the scriptures and preach jesus unto him and when he got done preaching jesus right in the middle of where they were they found some water brother donnelly and and he was baptized in jesus name for the remission of his sins in one place the bible says why terry ye why why keep waiting arise and be baptized calling upon the name of the lord i just got a question for somebody what you waiting for this morning i want to ask you a bible question what are you waiting for this morning you've heard the word preached you have felt the hand of god reach for you there's even something inside of you that's turning from the life of sin god's calling you this morning to be baptized in jesus name for the remission of those sins somebody lift your hands all over this house i want us to pray one more time come on i need your help praying church there are people in this house right now that eternity is at their doorstep there are people in this sanctuary right now that all of heaven is standing at their door today is the day of salvation god i'm ready to live for you god i'm ready to be what you've called me to be god i'm ready for these sins to be washed away god i'm ready for these sins to be remitted under your blood oh and then come on somebody right now right now in jesus name amen before we're dismissed a couple of things number one let's remember tonight we will be back here at 6 30 for sunday night live how many of you were here last sunday night and blessed by what god did in the house you don't want to miss you don't want to miss what god's going to be doing in this house tonight also in the way of announcements next sunday tell your neighbor next sunday tell your other neighbor the one that's paying attention tell them next sunday pastor miles and sister sheila young from sacramento california will be with us amen it's going to be an incredible incredible time and of course to all of our first time guests we invite you to the vip room if you go out to the red carpet but before we do that if you're here this morning and you're ready to obey the gospel message you've got to do more than come to an altar and have godly sorrow you've got to take action and obey the scriptures and this morning we want to give you an opportunity to be baptized in jesus name before you leave this house we keep the baptismal tank full of water 24 7. we have robes we have everything you need this morning to obey the gospel message and if you're here this morning and you're ready to be baptized in jesus name here's what we're going to do we're not going to call you out we're not going to embarrass you none of those things but as we dismiss the service i've got a handful of ministers that'll be making their way to the bottom of the steps and as we dismiss the service if you're ready to be baptized if you'll just make your way to one of these ministers we're ready to facilitate your baptism they're ready to help you this morning we're ready to rejoice with you as you make the most important decision of your life to obey the gospel message amen one more time let's clap our hands and thank god for what he's done all over this house amen god bless you let's be back here again tonight at six o'clock for prayer it's going to be an amazing time find at least 12 people let them know how much you love and appreciate them if you're ready to be baptized in jesus name make your way down to the front i need every minister to help me this morning for a few moments if if every minister would make your way down if you're ready to obey the gospel you're ready to be baptized in jesus name amen if you're ready to be baptized in jesus name
Channel: Rock Church Fort Myers
Views: 415
Rating: 5 out of 5
Id: RopIEdND70E
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 175min 25sec (10525 seconds)
Published: Sun Sep 19 2021
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