Fat Whale Opens Nail Salon

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are you upset from the title did you already give this video a big fat thumbs down and call me up in the comment section I'm pretty sure a lot of you women what someone like me a fit girl talking crap and saying those things about the woman in the thumbnail well unfortunately for you that's not gonna happen at all so a few months ago I put up with video on Facebook expressing my opinion about a salon that caters to obese and morally obese women in my video I did not attack the women with fat jokes or attack any of the beast individuals that are in the video in any kind of personal way like many other youtubers did when discussing this slime all I did was share my opinion about the salon Sam what I didn't agree with and also back up my opinion with facts and studies was just a tad bit of sarcastic Mis because come on people these kind of topics are pretty sensitive and dry and who wants to be a dry when we can be a little sarcastic so lighten up the mood Plus whoever directed or put together this video whether it's the salon owner or BuzzFeed they bring up a relevant current events to push their agenda and to create a false narrative so even though I did not attack the woman in the video never called anyone name not one single fat just a bunch of obese women bombarded my page enraged by the fact that I did not support this business from calling Mia so what to stop calling each other [ __ ] and [ __ ] it just makes it okay for guys to call you [ __ ] and [ __ ] who here has ever been called a [ __ ] apparently my data rate soon when I was 12 according to the comment section I mean how dare I not bow down and fully accept this body acceptance fat acceptance movement and speak my opinion about something posted on the internet for the world to see me right right so eventually Facebook took down the video because I didn't follow their Facebook guidelines aka I was spewing out hate speech aka a bunch of obese woman didn't like the fact that I was bringing up facts about obesity and they through growing up temper tantrums until it got removed so I thought I would give it a go again on YouTube and see if YouTube thinks that this is hate speech public service announcement let's see if the people who do not agree with me can come at me like illogical well spoke a human that can have an open conversation with two different opinions all right let's do this take it away ladies there have been times where I've felt constricted you just kind of push through it because I need my toes done so here's my thought process on this comment a lot of us women do things that are pretty painful to look beautiful like it waxed which is painful but we push through we were waste readers I could be very uncomfortable and pretty painful but yet we push through it we get micro bleeding vent or our eyebrows which is pretty painful and yet we push through it I never understood like why not push through eating a little healthier maybe not drinking so much you know maybe push through a workout we put in so much effort to take the focus off our bodies we like to dress it up with nails the eyebrows all these other really ought techniques that can be painful and expensive but yet we push through it when you could just push through eating healthy in the 30 minutes to an hour workout and then you wouldn't have to push through sitting in a average-sized chair the world tries to act like big people can't be beautiful but with my salon I'm changing that whole idea Baby Doe beauty couture it is the world's first plus-sized beauty salon I really wanted to be like a royal environment we wanted to service the girls out here because I had a really bad experience coming to Vegas getting my nails done they turned me away and told me they didn't have a chair for me and I have been seeing like so much stuff with discrimination with the plus-sized women and you know I just really felt like I wasn't the only one that goes through that definition of discrimination the unjust or presidential treatment of different categories of people or things especially on the grounds of race age or sex so that comment right there I just don't agree with in the slightest I'm not sure if the salon owner is using this discrimination thing to grow her business and make people feel bad for her or maybe someone told her to say this so they can once again push that agenda and their false narrative in this video but hold on to that definition of discrimination because in another video the salon owner states this I set up this place because I was humiliated in a regular salon I went there to get my hair done at one time and you know I went to sit down and greet my stylist and the chair loudly broke and all eyes are on me it was a really horrible work for him so the standard weight capacity of most salon chairs is about 350 pounds the price of a salon chair can be from two hundred to two thousand dollars or more it's very easy to tell that this woman is over 350 pounds she's actually around 500 pounds so I'm glad to take a little wild guess here and just say that whoever turned her away from sitting in a chair probably saw that she was well over the chairs capacity and the owner did not want to get a chair broken that cost $200 to $2,000 for a twenty-five to fifty dollar manicure either way you go kind of an awkward situation you either hire sit in the chair she breaks that she's embarrassed you don't let her sit in the chair then they're gonna that you're discriminating against fat people but your chairs not broken so you kind of got it choose which path you want to go to I struggled up a salon owner I feel yeah just kidding I don't know anything about nail salons but I do like to think logically [Music] now I found this terrain it's kind of an iffy story there's no pictures of the side in the salon the salon owners on in June says that that never happened I personally think that the sign was probably up whether it's a joke you know how employees are they stick a sign up real quick take a picture and then it just happened to go viral but that's not what my focus is on at all my focus and question is why is it even in this video I know - once again post that false narratives I mean ask yourself how many salons charge fat people more to get their nails and toes done it doesn't work just because you're fat doesn't mean your nails are extra fat smaller women actually can have [ __ ] your fingers so there's no more excess products being used on a fat person snails or a skinny person's nails it would make absolutely no sense to charge a fat person more and that's not a regular business technique in the salon world it was literally just someone being in pull and then it went by and now someone's running with it - once again push that narrative it's like a random salon in utah saying block women you're gonna get charged $15 extra to get your nails done wrong yes but how many other nose wands do you see with that type of practice none but then I go and open a salon that caters to black people and guess what story I'm gonna use to cause a reaction from the water oh yeah you guessed right it's gonna drive more traffic to my business and all while pushing my narrative the story absolutely had no place in here quite frankly I don't think they even needed that it's very apparent that a very oversized woman would have trouble sitting in an average-sized chair they purely did not need it and the only reason they put it in the video was to cause an emotional reaction from the watcher who is probably obese themselves I don't always feel relaxed or glamorous as far as getting these services done these hips don't lie so having somewhere that's comfortable to sit is ideal I want my customers to take away happiness and just feeling gorgeous and you know feeling like royalty that's that was the whole concept I feel like you can be sexy at any size so I can totally agree with that I don't believe it help that every side but I do believe it's important to feel somewhat attractive even if you're insecure there's nothing wrong with adding some makeup getting your hair done getting your nails done putting a bikini on and feeling hot as if it makes you feel good then awesome super excited to sit in a chair that will actually accommodate these good old birds and hips so remember this word accommodation because at the end of this video I'm going to make a little reference about the whole accommodating thing and if you are a cartoon movie fan like me leave me a little winky face if you know what I'm gonna reference oh oh that's nice I feel like I'm sitting on a cloud very comfortable in the past I've had you know just comfort issues dealing with other salons as far as is see you know gonna fit comfortably i've been waxed only once before but the table itself didn't really accommodate as far as just being wide enough to be comfortable enough to really relax and enjoy the whole spa experience it's not as in the norm like people feel like if you're that big maybe you shouldn't have get waxed so I really don't think most people feel that way at all most people don't want to see hairy vaginas or armpits once again they're just trying to push that false narrative that fat people are discriminated against in salons so never heard that fat people should just be hairy little balls of fluff in my opinion my iPhone a little opinion that shouldn't matter to anyone that's watching this but I am personally not attracted to body here whether you're skinny or fat not really filling it and I think most people can agree because in America body hair is not something that we glamorized know if you're breaking tables then of course they're gonna be like no I mean if I was a salon owner I'd be like I can watch it on the floor I'll lay down a towel and you know let's go get that butter cream soft smooth skin going I relaxed myself on the floor I think this is groundbreaking not only just for Las Vegas but everywhere because big girls like to get our feet done without you know our nails done why not be glamorous and comfortable and relaxed we always have snacks we just feel like if you're big you want to snack we have a snack if you want to mostly we have a mimosa for you we accommodate you we give you the royal treatment so no Brill is too here besides the fact that I want it to point out a double standard I always say when you are large overweight obese morbidly obese or as she states a big girl you are that way because you're eating over your body's recommended amount of calories people freak out when I say that and bring up PCOS thyroid depression every excuse ever and then say that I'm fat shaming this lady swap says if you're big you want to snap we just feel like if you're big you want to snack we just feel like if you're big you want a snack we'd see there it is she's insinuating the fact that if you're fat then you're obviously hungry here's a cupcake in a mimosa you big girl you she says this and everyone starts waving around dancing just thought that I would point that double-standard out get your mimosa get your cupcake girl okay Bella we're done yeah it's been a pretty amazing experience I've laughed the entire time I've been comfortable relaxed you don't really think about a beauty salon being a safe space until you've been in a situation to where you're being catered to now I don't have to think about how I should sit or I don't have to think about is my back gonna hurt or anything like that I'm just totally relaxed because I'm in a safe space where I'm came to now personally I think this chick is a genius she saw a niche and freaking Oh went with it and I hope she does great the salon looks great it looks fun I have a freaking DJ I'm not sure if I would be welcomed in there for obvious reasons but I mean it sounds like she's gonna do great I've had so many large client tell me that they don't like going to the nail salon because of uncomfortable situations like that so I personally think that is amazing they have a place to feel comfortable and you know feel pretty all at the same time but then there's the problems that I do have and this goes for the video of the salon and honestly just the whole body acceptance in general the thing that just kind of just don't sit right with me are they all push a false narrative they try and force their beauty standards on everyone else accuse people of being fat phobic if we say something like obesity is unhealthy they're trying to make obesity seem like it's a beautiful and healthy thing that you should accept and many of them expect or get irritated when their large size is not accommodated - aka so on chairs that break if you're over 350 pounds and quite honestly if we keep accommodating to the ever-growing number of obese individual well we'll end up like the humans in one of my favorite movies wall-e thumbs up if you got it right be truthful you know the movie where they kept accommodating so pure laziness and the rapidly increasing size of the human body and eventually no one was even walking and robots were doing everything for them yeah that's where this accommodation will lead to so please don't think I'm bashing this woman for opening up a business I applaud her for that what I don't applaud her for is acting as if she was discriminated against because she's obese and also feeding women who already have an addiction to food hi sugar cupcakes and alcoholic beverages thus furthering the issue with obesity and food addiction in fact the ni da director Nora Volkow MD stated in her recent brain study many of the foods available to us are so tasty that they trigger a burst of the brain chemical called dopamine in the brain's reward circuit is similar to let some drugs produce so yes I think food can be addictive and you are definitely addicted to food if you are 500 pounds and this one won't really help you if you are not in the right mindset the accommodations will just make you comfortable and when you're comfortable you won't change now I'm sure a few of you or maybe a lot of you are very uncomfortable watching this video because you might think it's mean but really tell me what in the video was actually me I didn't attack anyone you know look or features going on like many youtubers I've seen they went pretty hard on this Jake and I have absolutely no problem getting into conversation with you guys in the comments section with people who can actually speak logically and back up their thoughts with some facts or studies so I'm looking forward to reading your comments and seeing if you can add some type of substance to this conversation what do you think of an OB salon do you think it just feeds into the idea that obesity is okay does it further these women's addiction to food and if you keep accommodating to obese bodies do you think we'll end up very similar to the movie wall-e let me know in the comments section my name is Michelle McDaniel this is my page my thoughts will probably offend you don't forget to give this video a thumbs up or a thumbs down sup to my channel turn on post notifications and of course follow me on Instagram bye guys
Channel: undefined
Views: 632,313
Rating: 4.1654487 out of 5
Keywords: My thoughts will probably offend you, michelle mcdaniel, buzzfeed, cringe, fat shaming, baby doll beauty couture, fat acceptance, body acceptance, fat accpetance cringe
Id: 5KWRExgM3Lk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 3sec (903 seconds)
Published: Sat Feb 17 2018
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