8th year - 4 | DORMS

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Ron: Have you gotten used to sleeping with that thing yet? Neville: It’s not too bad. It’s the itching I can’t stand. R: It’s just so you, Neville. R: Who else breaks their foot so badly that madam pomfrey cannot fix it overnight. R: Ah…. It's just like old times. R: Almost like old times. N: Can you believe what we were told in muggles studies, N: that muggles always have use one of these to heal their broken bones? N: For months! R: You’re lucky you’re not a muggle mate. Voice offscreen: And that we for once have a competent defence against the dark arts teacher. N: What? Draco: *Sigh* D: This one had enough brains to call for madam Pomfrey instead of trying to fix it themselves. N: Y-yeah. I’d take the itching over Skele-Gro any day. R: I wonder what would happen if you had it without being hurt. N: Probably nothing good. D: Nothing. D: Nothing would happen. D: *muttering* Idiots. R: How do you know that? R: Don’t you fake most of your injuries? D: The purpose of Skele-gro is to mend broken bones and regrow lost ones. D: If you’re healthy, it doesn’t do anything except give you a foul aftertaste. D: Kind of like you Weasley. R: *scoff* R: I’ll give you foul aftertaste Malfoy *knock* * knock* *knock* Voice offcamera: Am I interrupting something? R: Eum.. R: No, *Laugh* nothing... R: Hi, love. R: Took you long enough. Hermoine: Sorry, Won-Won. R: Knock it off... He: *happy sigh* He: Nice pumpkin Neville. N: Oh! Thank you N: Luna did it for me. Halloween’s already over but she said it didn’t matter, N: something to do with spirits and the colour orange…? *book slams shut* D: What do you think you're doing?! N: Getting ready for bed? D: Not you Longbottom, you two! Voice offcamera: Wha- what’s going on? Harry: Why is Malfoy shouting? D: I am not shouting Potter, D: But your friends are being indecent Ha: What? Ha: Ron! Ha: Muffliato for merlin’s sake! R: We’re not doing anything!! It's just Malfoy who's being a drama queen, like always! D: I am not! D: Besides, you’re breaking actual rules. D: I expected more from you Granger. D: Have you forgotten that you’re both prefects? He: I’m allowed in here according to the rules. D: Yes but not during the night! He: *scoff* He: It’s actually not specified… D: It doesn't have to be! D: It's just common decency! Ha: Thats what you're upset about? Ha: The fact that Hermione sleeps in here sometimes? D: Sometimes?! He: Well... He: You normally have your drapes closed and He: I get ready in my own dorm while you're in the bathroom. D: *horrified* He: I assumed you knew! He: Or that Parkinson had mentioned it. D: *stuttering* D: I didn’t know she meant that you slept here! He: Where else would I be sleeping? D: I don’t know! Your sleeping arrangements are not my concern. R: Except they clearly are now. D: Yes, when she's sleeping in MY dorm! Ha: It’s not like they ever do anything... Ha: *Clears throat* Ha: Besides... Ha: You must have had Parkinson and Bulstrode come over at some time in the past. D: Maybe to collect something, yes. D: Or fetch Blaise for me, but never more than that. N: You never had any sleep overs? Or just.. N: ...hang out in the dorm together? D: Why would we? D: That’s why we have common rooms. R: Yeah, but it can be full of other students, R: like first years... *Gryffindor groan* He: Say you want to discuss something in private with Parkinson. R: Mhm Ha: Or... Ha: If you wanted to have a more... Ha: ...intimate moment D: Why would I want to be intimate with Pansy? R: Because that’s what you do when you’re in love? D: Yes, when you’re in love- D: Well, D: Pansy and I are not together anymore. D: eum... and... D: Be-besides, its not a... It's none of your buisness He: We didn’t mean to make you uncomfortable Malfoy. He: We’re both sorry. Ha: I guess we just slipped back into our old habits. Ha: Kind of.. N: You can invite your friends over as well. D: *huffs* D: *sighs* D: So I guess I shouldn’t be surprised to see more Weasleys in here? Ha: What? D: The Weasley girl. D: Who knows what kind of indecencies you've been up to behind closed drapes. R: Hey! That’s my sister you’re talking about! R: Harry would never- D: Oh please! D: We all saw them snogging all around the grounds during our sixth year. Ha: *scoff* Ha: It’s none of your business, Ha: but Ginny and I arent together anymore, so... Ha: ...you don’t have to worry about that, Malfoy. D: Huh... D: Good. D: Narrows down the visits somewhat. Ha: Dont count on it, what if Neville want to invite the Snake Slayers? N: I would never! I don’t even want a fanclub. Ha: Wouldn’t be a real fanclub if you did… R: *gasp* R: Ooh, we could have a huge Snake Slayer party in here! R: *gasp* R: With a big snake pinata! He: You expect Neville to swing around a baseball bat blindfolded in here? R: No, of course not! He has to use the real sword of Gryffindor. R: Wouldn't be a snake slayers party without it~ D: *exasperated sigh* D: You are all so immature Ha: Where are you going? It's the middle of the night. D: I’m a prefect, Potter. I'm allowed to go out at night. D: Maybe I'll go to Pansy’s and sleep there, D: since that's apparently a thing we do now. D: Good night. N: Should we go after him? He: He'll be back. N: How do you know? R: You clearly haven’t tried to go into the girl’s dormitory. R: *sharp breath* R: Short answer: R: You cant Ha: And Malfoy is about to find out first hand. All: *laughing* R: Yeah. R: Harry... Ha: Oh... Ha: Muffliato! R: We know! R: It was one time...
Channel: TheMischiefManagers
Views: 53,687
Rating: 4.9891753 out of 5
Keywords: cosplay, harry potter, harry potter cosplay, drarry, drarry cosplay, harry potter skit, harry potter 8th year, drarry skit
Id: lMMW0njClts
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 28sec (448 seconds)
Published: Fri Nov 20 2020
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