8th year - 5 | GOOGLE FEUD

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right so um should we do the homework do we have a choice potter not if we want to graduate i guess so why the stupid questions let's go i don't know uh okay do the thing yes okay so this is here what this is this is uh it's a computer and personal computer i think it went over this in class yes but i'm doing the homework i'm repeating that's what you're supposed to do and we are meant to see if we remember anything about what our professor told us about googling right yeah finally so um let's let's see if we can fill in the end of this question i guess it's called google feud which means it's probably a competition yeah yes we have to the person who gets the like the least points or the most points i don't know how they count points the person who loses has to take a sip of their personal glass of joy vinegar yeah no i'm not gonna do that so i'm going to win okay so because if you don't do that if you lose then you have to i don't know fail the grade just do this okay okay so the first question how about we do this and like do do you want to start neville or i i guess i can start yeah okay i can i can type so how to hold in what category was it questions any question any questions people go to people go to you who ask this googling yeah precisely it asks its questions and and then like the answers are in there okay okay so how to hold in what is your first choice your stomach i don't know stomach yeah i guess that's incorrect okay and i guess how to hold in farts i guess that's something oh that was in there okay how to hold in a fart i got 5 000 points so i guess that's good yeah that's okay so you want to get higher points because that was number six yeah so you can get more points if you guess which one is like the most googled i guess okay okay how to hold in your breath hold in your breath you sure you want to go with that yes yeah i can't i thought you said you could type potter yeah can you have you ever used a keyboard before well if you're using it can't be that difficult i think you're doing a great job harry thank you no so no points how to hold in [Music] a scream starving a screen no what else do you hold in your turn i guess we because we have three guesses like three wrong guesses yes yeah and we have three rounds so how to hold in it's so weirdly freeze because you hold back and you hold yeah hold in hold in got any guesses your head hold in your hand i don't know yeah that's a it's i mean it's a phrase no okay okay so the quest that most googled result was poop second pee longer a cough tears uh after it's fine i guess very specific it's two would pee and two poop yeah just in general and then in a car yeah and then it's long after so muggles have a lot of trouble with cars bowel problems apparently they can't ride people go on long journeys in cars and there's no bathroom in the car there's no loo so you have to like why even take a car then because that's the way to get around but can't you take it at least a train but you can but not everywhere you can stop and start a car so why is that yeah but maybe you don't want to go in nature i guess okay okay i don't understand next round yeah i guess i want this one hang on i want this one so i don't have to oh and you all tied for last place so i guess you have to try the vinegar then no this is a test round no no no no no it's not a texture it was a test round it was not a test round yes obviously on this it's two again i actually agree because of course you'd never is my cat fat is my cat fat oh it was there yes two thousand points i get to okay is my cat pregnant yeah eight thousand points evil no no point is my cat sick i hope not oh okay so pansy takes the lead neville trying to kill me trying to it's a phrase i've heard someone say about their cat i mean i know a cat who very very obviously had a specific target in mind so no okay is my cat um lonely no okay we have one more wrong guess happy happy oh okay so you i am not last now you're first it's my cat sad no okay but i think that was okay sorry neville but come on it's depressed that's a lot of sad no it has to be the exact same word that's the thing but it's the same thing but it's not the same thing it's not in the list the princess you didn't finish last anyway so why are you arguing so i'm sorry never did neville did what was i supposed to do either you know just like drink it all oh don't have to drink it all just like taste it i think backfire on us oh yeah don't drink it all oh that's very strong okay yeah i don't want to be there next round is it easy to grow [Music] um of course you go there sorry it's not one of what is it easy to grow up no is it easy to grow hair i mean you should know no what is this is it easy to grow tomatoes that is a plan like that right no no does that mean we all have lavender cilantro sunflowers potatoes garlic it's just plants it's just plants then i said plants i couldn't find true i guess you were on too unspecific and you were too specific corn [Music] why do why do monkeys want to plant so many things ah do you eat them that's zero points for all of us i think we're all losers but if no no one wins so technically no one loses yeah if no one wins actually i agree with you yes interesting do we want to do a new game that's just because that was sure yes okay new game questions um okay uh what happened to should we start over here this time this is so unspecific what happened to my father i um no it's that i think that's way too like generic to america what did happen to america apparently nothing nobody cares no one cares about america what happened to it's are we supposed to ask about people is that i think you get okay it doesn't know i don't think muggles know that it is i don't know it just i figured like if it has all the answers then maybe not in this but maybe you can googling it after maybe yeah what happened to my plant my plant and that's not specific my plan i have lots of plants no no okay so i have no idea who these are monday what happened to monday they're stupid all of them are names so it could have known maybe then it's not my own mom i don't know what people care about ellen like annie ellen annie ellen chris oates okay next next one we have no idea who these people are it's can you eat moldy food nobody's wondering about them can you eat can you eat dirt nobody's wondering about that either these mongols can you eat i think the one about moldy food is at least a thing that you could wonder about yes they're probably wondering if they can eat iron man or something yes probably can you eat metal if that's a thing then i received a point potter nobody's wondering about that thank you can you eat raw meat hmm that's a good question but no no why eat acorns salmon skin shrimps are kiwis can you eat shrimp while pregnant not that you're pregnant right i thought about aloe vera raw shrimp and we are crab apples do you prefer all these are food but yes why is this food are you a shrimp okay do we play another round we play another one these questions are just so stupid yeah she said to stay on questions this time right though that the others were too difficult for us but do we want to try and advance doctors names names people culture culture we can try and muggle culture isn't that what we have been studying yeah exactly so culture okay we'll try culture oh what oh oh oh oh oh oh oh how does google auto complete this search oh fudge fudge no oh um it's your turn my turn oh no no oh [Music] my god oh my god no oh that was a thing right but no apparently not oh polly oh my god oh hello oh my god captain my captain oh danny boy oh darling cleveland time these are so advanced i have no idea if we're ever going to go through all of these let's try the the windy the windy something meal meals that's a very good it could have been that absolutely yeah a windmill but it's not it's not the windy mill it's a windmill the windy plains maybe no the windy city oh how did you know that he studies perhaps yes let's see you already won [Music] oh no that means i don't know no you can combine if you get more than all right that's true oh the windy forest no of course not tower tower no city rehab the windy baby the windy kitty the windy nine or the only winding nine they are just putting things here randomly to confuse us dismissed but when this city seems to be something because it's like it keeps coming up like four of them what is the reason a rehabilitation like if you if you break something or like on your body or you lose your ability like your leg before then you need to breathe rehabilitated [Music] i won so no no no bottom's up pansy you have two pets you have to you lost so strong just don't play with it she didn't do it i did i watched you this entire time you didn't you have to take a sip like the rest of us it's still in my throat happy now yes what is she made of yeah i'm not i've never feared pants more what is an app um app for like appliance application app for computer this is a computer yes maybe they have apps like an app yeah okay uh who wants to go first well i say computer so okay app for computer computer or terse just i think just computer sorry i really thought i had something for even is that what is an app what is an app yes but what is it used for like i think it's like um something you can use for like this like google would be an app like a a specific like if if you have if you were looking for a specific answer about plants you would go for a book about plants yes there could be an app for instead of a book about plants so apps made for specific things like like reading or or searching like like with google you search for things but an app on what so it could be anything what is it on on the computer i think so that's why your your choice could have been good like it could be an app for computers just dude oh studying yeah you said bunch of words no okay maybe it's a trick question maybe it's something else app for apple i see it's just because it rhymes it's got nothing to do with apples it could have had you didn't get it right either putter yes it was an app for computers either app for app for fun no identifying plants oh that could have been the first one i i would have you could you should have has said plants that was what i was thinking hairstyles hmm i almost think we should get points for that i was gonna say identification zoom stars so if you just want to know about the stars why not pick up a book about the stars i don't know well you could use this app for hairstyles apps for making friends how can you make friends with an app plant identification identifying plants i mean why are muggles so obsessed with planting plants do you want to stay on culture or do you want to go back to questions back to questions please culturally and i think that we're i think we're not far along enough in the term for everyone lose that did anyone is anyone else leaving leaving that's a full question but leaving what the party the party muggles have parties too right absolutely oh is everyone else leaving [Music] me how are you supposed to complete these they seem to be impossible to guess the door open nope america and why the obsession with america no no ah what isn't that the eu is the european european union no but they are they're just fictional grace anatomy okay i i don't know anyone what is the one leaving one direction what is worse than that other direction what leaving one direction will go the other direction none of these things make sense no i know what hermione would have picked detention what is worse than attention nothing is there something worse it should be there a lot of things are worse than death come on this is the thing thank you thank you thank you finally something that makes sense there's a lot of things that are worse than death i should know living prison like ask about yes that should be a thing that should be a thing all the muscles are wrong they don't ask the right questions about anything baby muggles what is worse than love love is a good thing cheesy what is worse than cold tea cold cold cold cold sorry cold tea you're doing so well with the typing potter i'm so glad we put you on this task like i was never allowed near that this computer like my cousin he had computers i wasn't allowed to use them why not see how this is my problem i don't know what is worse than what is worse than um i don't think muggles know about death eaters maybe not i hope not let's be honest there's nothing worse than a death eater right should we try death eaters or what monsters like no a pandemic a rapist called with 19 hate a knife harmony giving birth well the christians the wind goes to pansy oh no everyone else i had to drink it like three times now it stays with you so long how which may be bigger than you maybe maybe you are used to having sour tastes in your mouth i'm not why do adults have why do adults have adult muggles why do adults have issues that's not just for adults responsibility no wrinkles you know where they happen but maybe some muggles don't know yes it's an i'm sorry i mean it could be a child asking the question why do adults have anything the only thing i've learned from this experience is that muggles ask ridiculous questions and apparently don't know anything yes big hats big hats my grandma has lots of pickles she's not a muggle is she no but what if muggles also have big hats i don't know why do adults have stem cells stems night terrors nightmare hiccups imaginary friends baby teeth do they do any seizures well anybody can have nightmares and night terrors yes it's not just adults yeah no but um i mean if your other teeth don't come in then i guess it's better to have baby teeth than than nothing but want to be really small yeah i guess hmm i really don't understand i think i think i'm i'm happy with that yes no one had to drink for the last one just loose technically come on potter then you're gonna have to drink actually take a sip i would rather not [Music] sorry i'm leaving it's creepy honestly you can finish up the game on your own be here anymore that's terrible first oh my god you are weak oh god i was just gonna figure out i'm not okay oh god i need to drink some water it's burning in my throat yes [Music] you
Channel: TheMischiefManagers
Views: 43,033
Rating: 4.9895453 out of 5
Keywords: cosplay, harry potter, harry potter cosplay, drarry, drarry cosplay, harry potter 8th year, harry potter year 8, google feud challenge
Id: lfoZ3nEN1DA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 26min 41sec (1601 seconds)
Published: Fri Jan 29 2021
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