8th year - 3 | PUMPKINS

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there you are draco i've been looking for you yeah i'm here it's a good book are you enjoying your evening off yeah well i'm about to make your evening even better draco because you know what i've got i'm not hungry this happened to be our model studies homework we're supposed to carve jack-o'-lanterns for halloween and i thought since we're going to do this we might as well do it together come on draco it'll be fun i promise there you go i've got my pumpkin you've got yours thanks i'm guessing this is magicless they didn't specify but i assume so seeing out of this muggle studies after all [Music] okay um do we have any instructions how to do this i haven't done this without magic me neither um we have these tools that we were provided i assume they want us to use those is this just for our year or is this for the younger years because if it's for the younger years as well i think it was only for the eight years yeah i sure hope so okay so we have so many things um different kinds of knives knives and what is this i have no idea it's that end is sharp right it's sharp yeah it's sharp okay so i can assume you're supposed to make holes with it maybe maybe that's how you make eyes maybe but aren't they usually triangles are i think they're trying to set us up for failure it feels like granger wanted to give us some tips but i kind of declined her and said that we could do it on our own so well i can't blame you i didn't feel like getting to spend our evening with the rest of the lions carving pumpkin so i thought we we ought to figure it out right i mean muggles do it without magic all the time how difficult it should be yeah it should be fairly easy i mean you just probably make a cut somewhere and then that leads to some other cuts that felt morbid i can imagine using a knife it's so i mean [Music] why would you just take a knife and curve it into i mean it's a pumpkin but it feels feels so a lack of better word primitive yeah maybe because muggles are more primitive [Music] okay um i think that my mother said that they are full of things muggles no uh yeah as well but um the pumpkins the pumpkins yes what things draco do you enlighten me things that you make food with i don't know you make food with pumpkins i had no idea okay you're going for that the top because it's better to scoop right true i'm gonna make i'm surprised they didn't provide us that was a nasty sound careful draco it might start screaming oh please don't [Music] just terrific what am i supposed to do with this i don't know are we allowed to fix it what without using magic magic maybe it's stuck now no it's coming up this is dangerous why oh wow okay i'm gonna try again but if this knives get stuck in my pumpkin i will demand new materials from the professor yes maybe the households in the kitchen having better knives probably i mean some ingredients oh maybe the potions teacher i would rather go to the potions teacher than the house elves yeah they're better at conversation you're gonna use the knife oh you're just going in there drink go gray show up your strength oh you gave up oh aren't you a quidditch player don't you have more muscle than that i'm a seeker i don't need any muscle well i thought like won the broom ew is that ew it's the innards of the pumpkin i mean it's not more disgusting than some of our potions ingredients no but that doesn't make it not freaky looking yeah it looks like something alive oh why does a pumpkin have to look like that can we just use a little magic because that's going to take forever to scoop up what the spoon with the spoon and we want this as a lid right because you close it afterwards oh yeah i've never seen a pumpkin with a open head open headphone i don't think so maybe that maybe it's a muggle thing i don't know i haven't seen that many muggle pumpkins i have a lid now here we go i'm so proud of you thank you is that what you're trying to do just give us the wrong tools and make things more difficult for us i mean it wouldn't surprise me who gave you was it the teacher that gave you the twos or was it one of the the lions granger gave them to me that is probably just sabotage you're probably right how is it living with her yeah i could ask you the same question she's basically never around in a camera and the girls sleeping rooms i mean i'm not complaining it's nice to have two or three beds all to myself and the fact that she's never run means that i get the entire room to myself there's lots of quietness places where i can study but you know she's mostly hanging around with her boyfriend weasley and potter in the boys room yeah i know so what's that like having all the lions around you i mean for some reason they continue to um do this thing where they only talk about how good it was living in the gryffindor common room and all their dorms because apparently they were only four in each room four yeah that must be nice yeah but now we're all in one room because that's how it works in our dorm yeah and they just complain and they always have nightmares so you never get a good night's sleep it's horrible well do you have nightmares too don't you at least that's what you told me last time i asked yeah but i don't think that i just do that thing where they you scream all the time that's what they do well you know gryffindors they're loud in all the wrong ways yes i know if blaze at least were there then i had no problems you mean he's not there he's never there i mean i haven't seen him around for so long but i thought he was just keeping to the dorm no he's not there i think he has some kind of fling in the ravenclaw yeah so i think that he's there all the time and i can't blame him i mean if arrow living together with weasley longbottom and potter i would probably flee to the ravenclaw's cameroon as well given the choice yes i don't blame him yeah wouldn't you want to get a person a fling so you could flee i your hufflepuffs are very nice yeah i don't think they have a thing for ex-death eaters though enough so blaze is leaving you all alone yes he is abandoning me i'm sure he has i mean you would abandon him in a heartbeat if you could of course so doesn't mean that i'm okay with him abandoning me no of course not you shouldn't be he's being very rude very rude i would have at least told him where i was yeah or maybe he should have told me so i could tell you yes at least take the heat as i usually do with you you make me sound like a drama queen and you mean you're not when were you gonna tell me this draco i thought so wrong of you all these years you live for the drama i mean a boring life is a boring english yeah and our lives have not been boring recently almost makes you miss the boring days yes i give up um i'm just gonna start carving yeah i mean it's pretty it's pretty hairy still yeah but i don't think it will matter too much in the end because i'm not using my hand i am not digging my hand into this pumpkin yes i mean i can't do any intricate stuff like i usually do because i can use magic no they're gonna be so boring so boring i mean no movement no intricate details it's just gonna be like a hole and that's not fun can we make a face at least you could try and make a face i'd like to see you try actually i'm also gonna make a face but i'm not sure if it's gonna look like a face hey you figured the tool out okay is it like a one-time thing no oh okay oh okay i get it i get it oh it's such a cute small hole very small hole that's that that doesn't do anything it doesn't do anything for me it's i'm not sure you would even see that yeah i think i need to make it bigger somehow hey use the spoon boom right through right through the pumpkin i'm gonna do what's this um oh i saw um that long bottom another knife another knife what's with muggles and knives bad knives big knives hidden knives maybe that's the only thing they know knives nice well it sure looks like it based on their tools knives to be fair though you would need sharp tools to be able to do this but i'm surprised they haven't like gotten a thing that doesn't bore them yeah does it did you just shh push it in yeah i just pushed it in like just a small twist my pumpkin's gonna break probably hey not nice draco it's gonna be the best pumpkin i've ever made with my bare two hands come on now pumpkin it's going to be the only pumpkin you've made with your own childhood if i get to the side yes it will be the absolute last pumpkin i make with my own two hands ever they have an eye and it's triangular and it's all off center it looks kind of shocked hmm yeah do you think this would suffice like it's a face it's a face it's carved and it even has a hat no it doesn't want a hat come on this is not even the difficult part maybe it dude does need a bigger mouth i'm going to give it a huge mouth just like all the gryffindors yes i am i'm making harry potter harry potter the pumpkin yes make sure to give him an extra big mouse yes this will be the potter that we deserve oh pumpkin potter our true savior ah to be so disgusting potter how do you even oh he's very i've never seen potter that happy in our presence i mean he's never happy sometimes i believe he's a ghost speaking of ghosts you haven't happened to see the bloody baron around lately i haven't i i mean i don't really care much either way i'm just i just think it's strange that some for some reason seem to like just disappeared around the same time the gryffindors came to our dorms do you think it's the gryffindors maybe i mean returning to blaze i mean i would probably stop going here if i could and maybe the baron feels the same i mean yeah the bloody bearing isn't isn't really that friendly even towards slytherins and that's an understatement so but he usually hangs around a lot more i just think it's strange that he would you know disappear after all this you'd think that his slytherin pride would just keep him around to make sure that i don't know like keeping the common rooms as slytherin as possible least scaring the gryffindors yes that would have been great yes i mean if you get used to him after a while it's not that scary at least not if you're slytherin but it would be nice for them to just tease the younger gryffindors whenever possible yes so it's strange [Music] it's just strange that i haven't seen him in a while it's very strange in a strange way i miss him oh wow that's a sentence i wouldn't believe mostly mostly because i really think it would be nice to see him scare the gryffindors that's very true i mean the gryffindors have nearly headless nick but he doesn't really scare people after the first oh i'm nearly headless jizz of it yeah that's true how did you get so big eyes these eyes are tiny i don't know well if it's hotter well it does have glasses making them look bigger should i make them round do you think you can make the triangles around i don't know rounder rounder we like that rounder rounder you choose the round tool for that maybe just pick out the corners oh that's very true oh all over me how do i do this mouth how do i do this just slap i'm gonna use this tinier knife to mark where i want to go with the bigger knives see i'm learning isn't so difficult smart i assume there's like old pumpkin carving secrets that's passed down from muggle muggle family to muggle family how to carve the perfect pumpkin probably they don't have anything else to pass down so um that's very true i'm just glad we were able to do this more or less without any of the lions i really don't like it would be a horrible day the moment that they realized that there are smaller rooms in the common room yeah oh god they will occupy every single room and be so loud and it's just nice to have small spaces where you can get away from them they're i mean i know they sleep here now and they do all their classes without still but it's like before we at least had this where we could be just alone and away from them but now we don't we don't have that anymore and it's frustrating because what's just frustrating yes you never avoid their judgment like we needed that coming back to hogwarts it's not like the entire wizard community have thrown us out yes like we we really needed another reminder of our past and what our families have done because i don't i don't think we really get it you know i don't think we we haven't learned anything it's impossible for slytherins to change and learn regret at least the ravenclaws and the hufflepuff doesn't do much you mean other than avoid us no but you're right at least they're not in your face yeah i prefer i prefer i prefer being ignored so being judged i mean maybe we should hang out more with the ravenclaws probably if they can accept blaze as just being there and sleeping there yeah maybe they don't have as much against us i mean if if we see blaze we should ask him to um maybe knock it off and perhaps introduce us to whatever miracles miracles of ravenclaws he's found for himself yes please i mean i'm open i'm open for pretty much hanging around whoever at this point as long as it's not bloody lions hey that's scary right it just has sharp teeth yes i guess oh he's really he is really happy he's very happy he's way cuter than harry potter pumpkin powder is the only putter i care for pumpkin powder is the potter we deserve how is your family right now after the whole engagement thing oh do you mean when you call the engagement often broke my heart yes that one they don't really care much um they wanted you away from me ever since everything went down your family being disowned having no money no influence in the wizard world anymore and i've got to say draco i am so thankful that you allowed me to be the victim in all this poor pansy parkinson not only was her fiance such a scandal but he even dumped her when they went back to hogwarts she must be heartbroken oh it's such a strategy and the drama right now is fantastic i am having the time of my life i'm happy you're miserable i am so miserable and if anyone asks i will never never ever forgive you for breaking my heart in such a way because we were after all so in love oh wow it's weird you know i grew up thinking like maybe not when i was younger like really young you were just draco the guy the little boy i played with but once we got older i just assumed that we would get married in the end and i was fine with it i mean you're a handsome bloke and you're pretty funny sometimes when you want to be but i just just assumed it was always going to happen in a way when the dark lord returned that was just what was going to happen yeah well life changes in mysterious ways i don't know how the saying goes but the saying goes you draco malfoy is never going to have me as a wife that's very true because i called it off and i am heartbroken i will never be the same oh wow is potter pumpkin is pumpkin potter pretty much done yeah how about yours you know i can't really tell anymore but i'm feeling kind of satisfied just it's a it's a face you can see that's a face it looks like a weasley it is a waste yes it's the victim oh it's weasley and potter yes they are damn happy to be the pumpkins they are why is it so difficult there we go here we go pumpkin weasley pumpkin pie you know it's actually not any specific kind of pumpkin we say it's just like all of them in one pumpkin yes they all look the same anyway they all look the same except the the girl one hmm good actually you know what do we have any threads left yes i think so the threads like this it's wet it's the girl weasley it's the girl weasley and her hair is wet because she's been on a broom and sweaty all day like always sweaty sweet pumpkin weasley and the pumpkin potter yes i mean they were together weren't they nothing i don't think they are anymore but i can't say i'm that interested in lion relationships that's true it's disgusting the way that things are anyway i think we're done right i think we could turn these in not sure still what they're going to do with them but if i'm being honest i don't really care if they showcase these i will die mm-hmm yeah do you think they would do that put them on display for everyone to see you have like grangers and weasleys and potter's pumpkins just next to these i mean i have a hard time thinking that weasley's pumpkins will be any better well he does have granger and i assume she's done this a few times in her life she's probably helping them she's probably doing them for them isn't that usually how she help just that's usually okay so i guess i can take these to the professor and you get to clean up oh listen to your ex-fiance now drink or clean up and i'll take the kids to do that i guess see you later draco see yah um
Channel: TheMischiefManagers
Views: 31,538
Rating: 4.9918294 out of 5
Keywords: cosplay, harry potter, harry potter cosplay, drarry, drarry cosplay, pansy parkinson cosplay, pansy parkinson, harry potter au, harry potter 8th year, harry potter year 8
Id: -l6Ww2PfzB8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 29min 7sec (1747 seconds)
Published: Fri Oct 30 2020
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