Mentality Of Mamba (Feat. Russ) | Brilliant Idiots with Charlamagne Tha God and Andrew Schulz

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it's so stupid yep Charlemagne the guy Andrew show er the brilliant idiots and uh we got some church announcements yeah Andrew yes we do have Church and now it's all to me um fourth show for the special April twelfth Easter Sunday la still some tickets left going very fast if you left on the balcony go get them the end result comm Tempe this weekend sold out thank you after I'm in Hawaii two shows the Blue Note Honolulu some tickets left go get them Hawaii there's a radio personality out there that is a huge fan of yours y-yeah huge fan we should be she asked me to say hello and shout you out if I google Hawaii radio personality you might come up yeah I think it's mallanna let me see [Music] you look at the don't even show up well listen uh Hawaii like it's try to keep away from you I've Ian knows listen the Hawaiian radius person out whoever you are appreciate you in a hit-and room and hit me so I can shout you out on the next podcast yeah okay we're gonna get that the end result calm more cities we're coming back we got I mean just just a bunch I know we're in Jersey Pittsburgh Orlando Miami Virginia Charlotte more shows out in the end result calm get those tickets and again get them early because what always happens is we come to the market and then you guys are buying these tickets it's insane the research yes we were buying 700 our resale tickets in Atlanta so your friend owes me $1,400 okay we put them we put them down we gave we so just get them early just this one telling you right now I'm warning you right now that things are good good good [ __ ] you hot out here I'm the greatest that's right I'm the greatest of all times I definitely want to dress we definitely going to talk about Kobe jellybean Bryant but I want to talk about and yo this this [ __ ] seems so old now and it's how I knows it's I know nobody really gives a [ __ ] about anything go like nobody really gives a [ __ ] about anything like this she comes and goes so quickly what is night last week it was a stereo over Joe Rogan saying he would vote for Bernie Sanders I was it uh when I was in Charleston South Carolina yep on Friday morning I believe and it was the number two trending topic it was like $60 toots you know what something like that happened you wake up in the morning you see somebody trending you like what the [ __ ] happened is your row man I click on it I'm like people are upset because Bernie reposting Joe saying he would vote for the primary primary my first thought I was like okay I have to first of all I already knew with some political vote out how it works cause people don't know how the political system political [ __ ] it is it could be edible is by the way it could be Elizabeth Warren's team it could be man Pete's team it could be Joe Biden's team we don't know who is sliding or one its warned about it either way could be either these people right and they're all stirring up [ __ ] he started digging up old [ __ ] dead Joe Rogan is hello Joe Rogan said something transformed ago Joe Rogan do you know what they said can we get into that yes okay he said there was a box Fallon Fallon Fox was a UFC or a MMA fighter was a man transition and a woman and didn't tell anyone and is going into the ring breaking woman's skulls because men are stronger than women sorry to break it to you ladies she lost one fight though huh I didn't see love who's that [ __ ] I don't know well I could be just making that up huh but I do know she was [ __ ] women up that I know [ __ ] women up like literally fracturing their skulls yes okay and he's like I don't think that's fair you know why does it's not fair I'm sure we've had that conversation here I'm being idiots may not have made the committee may have stayed on the cutting room floor everybody can identify whatever you wanna identify yes but come on guys yeah come on man let's pump the brakes a little bit let's pump the main meaning into women that I have transitioned into women should not be doing physical fighting activities with no wit with a naturally born women wrong for people that have the advantages men have to beat up women I will say that and feel confident yeah I don't want women to get beat up by people born as men I just don't think a trans woman should be fighting a cisgender woman yes simple as that simple as that and when you see women getting sister into women getting their skulls cracked yes then you that tells you there's an unfair advantage somewhere yes so that's what Joe Rogan was being called transphobic for now I don't know if he was using the right verbage and right language because I can't even keep up anymore you know him he was the clip I saw I saw him talking about that one specific human Farrah Fowler DOX Fallon Fallon Fox and he said he was upset about her yes like she is a man and she's beaten women up yada yada yada yes okay I don't think that's war for discussion yeah I don't think that's enough to label somebody transphobic yeah the plan baby [ __ ] Joe you on your own with that one all right right well here's the thing with the with the a thing he calls himself an ape all the time yeah but he's not black no no but what I'm saying is if you refer to people as that who are just huge and strong no that's not what he was doing and you know I'm gonna tell you I'll shoot your organ a bill on that even though I'm not I can't defend it he said in the moment in real time no that's wrong that's racist he said no he corrected it real time that clip from years ago he goes look they dropped me off in his black neighborhood he's I didn't know the black man but I thought I was gonna see planet Apes III ended up going to watch it with the planet name for some [ __ ] like that I forgot but in real time right real time he corrected himself I was like yo I'm not gonna say that that's recent he's going for a joke he realizes it's not as far as it needs to be for how [ __ ] up it corrects it that's it yes okay now boom those are the two things I saw people were going Adam at and write him using the n-word and we're talking ten years ago with that right I mean it's talking my planet apes that [ __ ] had to be like a decade ago yeah but even with the uh you know he's used to the n-word look I've been said it I don't think why people use the n-word but we have to acknowledge that there was a period when there was a lot of white comics using the n-word whether it was louis c.k whether it was Neal Brennan whether it was Joe Rogan like it was a thing like you can go I don't know why was the thing it wasn't like it was saying my n-word my n-word no it was talking about the word they was yes this is jokes revolving around the word I don't know why Joe Rogan was saying because I last saw with the compilation but he was just like [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] and that's just sounded like yg song what I do know this this is what I do know I've listened to enough Joe Rogan to know that Joe Rogan Oh sway ease away I've seen Joe Rogan and you know get upset cuz people call him out right and he don't know where that [ __ ] is coming from he's a liberal guy I do I do cuz I speak to him and this one he tells me what he I know for a fact he's never voted conservative right but in 2016 he endures Gary Johnson yes [ __ ] libertarian so I don't know where Joe Rogan falls on the political spectrum I can tell you in a way he tells you where every single episode when I hear him I just hear a guy who's curious about life besides me everybody on everybody he does he has everybody has conservatives he has liberals he holds his rule Israel Israel CNN would never have that on by the way so it he is every part of the spectrum on that show it is the most intellectually racially politically diverse show on the planet hands-down this has nothing to do with who he is what this has to do is elites have politicians and they have PR engines and by PR engine I mean CNN or one of these television shows now we've said it for years about the Conservatives with Fox News they don't even masquerade like they're not Fox News like yeah we're the right-wing Channel yes CNN lies and acts like they're just moderate middle group no you're not you're the left-wing outlet of the political or actually of the elites that use politicians to get their [ __ ] through so Bernie Sanders say what you want about him is uncorruptible Bernie Sanders is gonna do what the [ __ ] he wants to do and that's it the people that are the elites that like to use the politicians as puppets they don't like that what do you mean you're not gonna do what we tell you we need somebody who is willing to do whatever it takes to win which means whatever we tell you to do ie Elizabeth Warren her whole career has been doing whatever it takes to win I used to be a Republican now I'm a Democrat I used to be a Native American now I'm a white girl I used to be this now this right that's what she does so and Biden of course same exact part of a long political system he'll do whatever it takes to win he'll do what they tell him to do CNN realizes and those political elites and those elites realize that Joe Rogan has the most influential Pat platform on the planet and some of these states those hypothetical swing voters who problems Obama in a way in 2012 but then turned around and voted for Trump those are the people like even somebody like Joe Joe endorse Gary Johnson at 2016 but this year he's feeling Bernie that's those hypothetical swing voters that can swing elections that it was 2 to 3 million people and Nancy Pelosi wasn't trying to upset when she didn't want to impeach Trump initially mm-hmm those are people Jill Rogan is talking in their plaintiff states we could talk about right now I'm sure that were decided by a few thousand votes okay now when you have a podcast like Rogen's it's getting hundreds of millions of downloads right hundreds of around the world but here and the podcast is centrist in nature because you have all these people from different walks coming in if you live in the door guys you can not say they lean one way that's it so now now you have influence over those voters if he says I like Bernie those people are gonna potentially like Bernie and they can sway or an election now the the elites in this country do not want any one person that is not bought by a system to sway voters in a certain direction they don't like independent thinking thinkers having power they don't like you having power they do not like you having power matter of fact they're probably infuriated by it I'm sure yeah so it's like when that happens they go we have to take away his power now how can we take his power we can't shut down his platform but we can discredit him we can't make him radioactive so that him supporting a candidate would make the candidate go I actually shown that so I'm gonna tell you why that will never work it'll never work because the people who like Joe Rogan all that [ __ ] you always put rehashing [ __ ] CNN is if we know how [ __ ] Fox is we know how [ __ ] all these news organizations we know that they're fake right like we know that they're here with a political objective to keep the status quo for the people that run all of this for nothing that should had anything to do with Joe Rogan ladies and gentlemen I should add everything to do with somebody not liking Bernie Sanders by the way again again they bought the set Bernie up again and you know let's say he did in 2016 they're gonna try to do that [ __ ] to him again in 2020 but he's in corrupt if he picks up steam and he is looks like he's about to be the nominee they'll find a way to cheat him out they'll use the super-delegates like the Democrats do to literally strip our votes away I am a registered Democrat you are gonna strip my [ __ ] vote away with these stupid super-delegates and why would you cannibalize if you're a liberal if you're a liberal right and you know how powerful Joe Rogan's platform is and you know Joe Rogan can probably you know not only swayed those hypothetical swing voters worse way maybe some conservatives to say you know what maybe I will look into this Bernie guy if you know that why would you get in the way of that why would you cannibalize that momentum for Bernie Sanders because those people don't care about party they care about policy right all these like elites that are Democrat they're not real Democrats they don't really care about trans rights or gay rights or women's rights they're just rich people that are on that side of the party and they use these different hot-button topics to manipulate people into voting right you think the rich white people that run the Democratic Party give a [ __ ] about poor black people they haven't done anything for poor black people for [ __ ] the entire time the parties existed so why would they start giving a [ __ ] now they just manipulate you to continue getting them elected so they can push the policies through that help them save money and resources you know it's a [ __ ] game conservatives are it's so weird that they're starting to promote like they give a [ __ ] about black people because they I think on some level they're started they're going oh [ __ ] black people are getting privy to the fact that Democrats actually don't really give a [ __ ] about them yeah if you look like you know even with Donald Trump's messaging of the you know african-american unemployment is super low and you know we've created more jobs so black and brown people the first step back you know when you see that an even the fact that you know at one point Donald Trump was running ads on Breakfast Club videos yeah because you can't on YouTube you can't do anything about it yeah I guess it's free what he called it free market I don't know if Donald Trump was running an ad on my video where as a joke I talked about him grabbing [ __ ] there were trumpets Peter South Carolina last weekend yeah man peach said something to the effect of Republicans and Donald Trump will do anything that they have to do to stay in power and it was in reference to me asking him about you know closed-door campaign fundraisers and you know taking money from billionaires and Pete and have a problem with that yeah Pete was like yo just because somebody gives me the money don't mean I'm gonna be beholden to them and if they're gonna juice if they're gonna give me their money and think that I'm gonna be able hold to them then they shouldn't give me their money right like that I like right so he said that talking about Trump and he was saying basically how Trump then we'll do whatever we need to stay in power now with that said Trump will put that video on your grabbing by the [ __ ] video why cuz he knows people let's watch he'll put the videos on Breakfast Club videos he knows if it's Democrats he's usually on the presidential candidate abuse if he knows Democrats only talking about him cuz he knows people is watching Bernie Sanders knows Joe Rogan has an audience why not people know Joe Rogan said he would vote for Bernie Sanders Joe Rogan this guy that lost a libertarian in 2016 he likes to hunt he likes all the conservative [ __ ] but he said he would endorse Bernie Sanders why wouldn't you promote that and why would you be mad at Bernie for promoting that who are these perfect people that y'all are out here seeking in America louise people that say the right thing all the time have never offended anyone have never don't exist no don't exist at America don't exist but they use it as a tool to get you to obey them they go hey you've got some [ __ ] up [ __ ] in your past we're gonna talk about that unless you push this bill through unless you take this policy unless you whatever I used to say about it first but that means we've learned the hard no I mean it's just annoying I think Joe handled it the best way which is just you keep on going you keep on enjoying you keep on doing your shows and he's in this rare air where he actually has more influence than the companies that are [ __ ] on him so no matter what they say he still is in there those in the people's ears four days a week and they're hearing his side of it and they have way more trust in him than they do these traditional news sources because these new sources have lied so much it has been exposed so they're like all right well I'm arrived with my guy yeah I don't like when I see headlines come and he so joe rogan has a history of making transphobic and raised his comments no it should say Joe Rogan has made what can be perceived as transphobic and comments even that's a trans one is he said himself to the planet ages races so yes you could say that but don't say it's a history yes history means that you do this constantly over and over and over and over I don't I don't I don't like that [ __ ] at all but goes into our next thing I want to talk about people really don't care I was on the phone debating with van about this joy this was my guy van later about the Joe Rogan stuff Sunday morning yeah Sunday morning was morning in LA this afternoon I was in Atlantic City and my daughter Chilean competition I was in a hotel to wait in my van about this get a text from Debbie dev every dev text me and she goes no not Kobe and I'm in my mind like what Kobe would he I know you know you get caught cheating again and she sent me to Lincoln I clicked on I go yo in the middle of the town said we was debate I go yo he probably thing about the yellow box for much work I'm like you already said Kobe Bryant dead everything shifts yeah gone what happened what happened to the Joe Rogan burns it gone by everything energy everybody energy shifted yeah nobody really cares just distraction so sad yeah cuz what's next after this think about I want everybody I want y'all to remember these moments because you can you don't even have to go back that far you can go back to nipsey ten months ago think about how everybody cares and everybody go we love each other and you know make sure you hug your people and tell me that you love them and this is now yeah what what's gonna what's gonna distract us from this something it's cop it's only a matter of time sometime after the funeral happens it's only a matter of time people really don't care like they say they can I'm not saying they don't care about Kobe I'm just saying that we can be so easily distracted I know y'all don't really give a [ __ ] about the Joe Rogan [ __ ] yeah was just something you ought to tweet about yeah this is something that you actually truly do care about but even this you will move on to that's why I love one Duvall always go what y'all fake caring about today Oh he realizes fake care well even if you really can cut by the way fake care under the Joe Rogan sheet yeah really caring at the Kobe [ __ ] yeah but people will move on you see it on Facebook and Instagram I used to time people I used to see them change their profile picture to someone who passed and then I'd count how many weeks until they changed it back how many days and you're basically saying at that point like alright we don't need to care that much to this is dead anymore it's more important that there's a picture of me on a beach you think they'll make it to the Super Bowl you think energy I think the suit role will probably give some sort of homage to him cuz this is the biggest death in America I think since JFK Michael Jackson now Michael Jackson was like weird and dead already he's on drugs and he like lo Jackson bro he looked odd Michael Jackson I'm with you my initial thing was Michael Jackson but like Michael Jackson was just in such a state he just put out like a bunch of like albums no one cared about and while he was way more iconic than Kobe he just Kobe was still in his prime and beloved right matter fact ko is probably more beloved in his retirement than he was while he was playing yeah but still Michael but Michael stopped the world like literally Michael like I want you know if you if in I saw on Sunday things stopped for Kobe like but it was also Sunday yeah so what would happen on CNN if it was Monday coverage of the impeachment you know what I'm saying oh yeah yeah on a Sunday yeah we just talking about all oh [ __ ] that happened the last week so we can break in with the Kobe stuff yadda yadda yadda cuz they went right back to regular scheduled programming on Monday Sports Network stayed on it yeah hear what I'm saying and I think music um I was trying to debate what's more Universal musical sport is it by far right by it's not nothing compares to music Michael Jackson said in five million records with thriller man there's no question yeah yeah there's no question I just he was passed he was passed the stage of Michael Jackson I don't know I thought that totally died really the world jul 25 one of those deaths where it was like he was such a profound part of everybody that was Alive's life second big death and listen I don't want to talk like that cuz it sounds stupid I was gonna say second most impactful I see but I yeah man I've never I've never seen anything like that in sports because if there's if there's one set of humans on the planet that seem indestructible that seem like miss mystical mythical creatures right like that just seemed larger than life that you don't think things like this would happen to Spanish women its athletes that's right especially somebody who's in the rare hair that Kobe Bryant was we not this is this is God level yeah basketball talent yeah like you're talking about in the history of the NBA no you're right you're only putting like you're only really discussing three or four people with Kobe yeah magic Jordan Michael I'll talk Bron now I thought bran man but Kobe was always my number three behind magic and Michael very rare and the tragic the tragedy of it bro I've never seen something that dratted now that's cuz you know and I hate to say it like this man but you know when you see somebody get shot we've seen it yeah you understand I'm saying and it's easier to wrap our head around yeah why somebody got shot you know I mean like okay somebody got shot born you see and and you feel like you can avoid that right you know you get security it you know you get move that whatever it is like it's you know you don't go to the hood whatever it is you feel like it but whatever it is but when you see something like that a helicopter crash with your daughter when you're just doing your regular everyday Sunday routine as a father like I was literally out on Sunday doing extracurricular activities with my daughter I was in Atlanta that's a extracurricular activities no set activity did you sure I am a hundred percent because I would be horrified with extracurricular activities I was at my daughter's cheerleading competition in Atlantic City yeah when I got that news I had to sit down because I was having a panic attack yeah well what did you go through as a father with you girls why didn't know that his daughter died at first I thought it was just him so away immediately as a man this distance me as a man I'm like that was my worst nightmare something like that happening to me and me not being here for my family yeah like that's immediately what my mind went like man he's not gonna be able to watch his kids grow up I was thinking about his daughter I played basketball she died yet then he's [ __ ] dumb at you're by the way we've really got it I've been telling y'all this for years some Orson Welles War the world [ __ ] is gonna happen because of social media how the [ __ ] did y'all go from Rick Fox being dead to his four kids being dead how did all of this happen in a matter of 30 40 minutes now the kids I can understand your speculation about that why the [ __ ] would rick fox be with Kobe Bryant I don't on a random Sunday morning this is anybody wonder why Rick Fox died on Sunday yeah so as a father at first I was just like damn that's [ __ ] up he no longer here but you know when I found out his daughter died I'm like that's the two worst nightmares right the two worst nightmares is you not here for your kids or something happening to your kids right and then I started thinking about the last moments in that helicopter like yeah yeah what do you do what do you say we provide as a father what are you doing that moment so apparently we I was at this Patrice O'Neal benefit recipes the goatman and that they do every year and bill burr was performing and bill bird does a lot of helicopter flying himself and you're familiar comedian Bober yeah yeah and then so I asked him about it and he actually knew the air traffic control guy that was talking to the pilot of a thing and he basically broke down how they flew and he said the pilot should have never say movin they're not even taking off never taken them into that Basin because it was all this fog in this valley so you come right over a mountain and then the whole underneath the mountain is this valley all covered in fog is that you couldn't see so that you could see line about a fall couldn't see anything and I thought he was through he was too low at the air traffic controllers didn't have him on the radar to tell him to direct 100% and and then so apparently what happened is they were going 185 miles per hour and they just went right into the side of the mountain so it wasn't like propeller are out you know you're gonna die on you're holding your baby girl in your arms trying to keep her you know calm while she's on her way to her death it was instant oh man which the worst case right yes man cuz I was sitting it I was like yeah I hope they didn't burn up in the hell you know yeah and when I heard they recovered all the bodies that made me feel better too because that let me know that you know maybe it was instant maybe they did they did just crashing what is our fascination with um with the body like I've seen this a lot like you know these people were lost and they were never found or something like that and then where the bodies were never recovered or closure so we don't believe that someone's dead until the body is that is closure I think it's closure and also you don't want to just think that you know you love this person right like yeah like we're spirits we're all spirits right you know in a human existence but there's somebody out there that loves you a human existence matter that loves your nose so like I'm serious I have to say my wife my wife loved you in my discoloration she loved you when I said the toes you know what I'm saying so when you scrape the toes when you got ready there you know I mean getting eight and eight and all my animals whatever like that still this me this vessel right even though it's nothing but a vessel it means something to someone that's what it in a box yeah have the ceremony they want we got to do this for this vessel even though it's a total waste of money by the way what the idea that everything the funerals everything it's a total waste of money but you you have this vessel that you still mourn and celebrate you want to make sure this vessel is in a good place you that I mean and I think it might give people some some mr. word I'm looking for slowly some eyes a mine when they can go to a gravesite get on microphone hmm so Tara asks why do you think it's a waste of money for a funeral no I'd only have funeral for dears that are on the side of the road just sitting there dears that's not true we have you know there still lives I'm just saying with a funeral like you just said by going to the grave it gives you like a peace of mind or whatever it is same thing with you know they would rocks I think I would rather be cremated really yeah I could think about it let's think about it right yes it's arrogant as we want to be as human beings right this this version of us is not always going to exist right like humans are going to evolve right do you not many grave sites these buildings are built on you know many great you know many people had these funerals back in the day and they cried and they teared up and they bury people in the south and in California where belts and now it's a Starbucks on top of that [ __ ] well some of these I think we could admit that some of these what are they called where the dead people are where a site no it's called a graveyard yeah Cemetery yeah I think some of these cemeteries I think are occupying good real estate and they could be you know used for other things eventually they will it's gonna be something I don't know it could be a flood it could be it's gonna be something that knocks those headstones off and we're gonna be gone and the next generation of people are not even gonna know they walking on the remains of Charlemagne to God and Andrew shouts okay I just randomly hear that space I'm telling you go just go to South Carolina and let them take you on a ghost tour of Charleston and have them describe to you all the buildings that were built on top of old cemeteries life moves on please get rid of this cemetery away is just so people have headstones and also you have to take a trip to the cemetery when you could just have the ashes in your house is way more convenient you know I don't I don't know why my daddy's always says cremate he would like to be cremated and then use them as fertilizer that's my daddy was always so that he can be part of the the trees or whatever and why can he swim on a serious tip she hosted the photo of her and Colby Instagram had that new [ __ ] that they can detect Photoshop they flagged a picture that's all I'm saying [Music] they flag the picture they flag the night but when a serious tip like this Kobe thing hit very high stress and low Marion because he did he contributed a lot to little Marion yeah and in high school kobe went to in Philly oh that's high school Taylor went to when I was a little man right Oh Kobe school like is a lie really yeah I mean listen is definitely the worst I mean correct me if I'm wrong it's the worst sports death I've ever seen in my life I can't remember the last time I was poisoned Shaq eat that [ __ ] on the head when he was talking about like yo I've met Bill Russell but Russell's older you know dr. Jay he just named all of these basketball icons that are still around he's like you're Kobe not gonna be here like they're not gonna be able to get old and still talk [ __ ] to each other he's not be able to give us Hall of Fame speech next year by the way you [ __ ] are so stupid and you're pissed me off so bad when y'all when they announced that Kobe was getting inducted into the 2300 often people was like why somebody got to die why he got away to somebody died in the first year he was eligible for nomination they already had announced that he was a nominee him Tim Duncan Kevin Garnett he was going to be of unanimous first ballot Hall of Famer undeniable undeniable that's it I heard a good Kobe joke I don't want to hear from you shout out Tony Hinchcliffe with this joke is a good joke he goes he was a Kobe passing never I get it that's understand you have to understand for the situation right and how it's a good shows not tasteless because cuz the joke is about legacy right if the joke is about what we remember about Kobe it's not making light of his death it's going like this is we're all feeling in the moment this is unbelievable I can't believe this happened and he took the feeling of I can't believe this happened and he gave it purpose it's I thought Tony Hinchcliffe great joke Tony and and I thought it was just double entendre there it is double entendre I like it I just don't like it shows that not every joke about a tragedy has to take advantage of the tragedy right that you can speak to how we all feel about it and can still offer a chuckle or a smile in a really [ __ ] dark man is lame no who's that what's his name Oh Ari you know why you're lame yeah that was not a joke behind the guise of a comedian way wasn't a joke there was no joke it was set up it was no punchline got all [ __ ] Instagram and he was like a you're a [ __ ] rapist died today or some [ __ ] like that the world is a beautiful play whatever the [ __ ] you said there was no joke you made it you made a statement right so being that you made a statement and had an opinion on a situation you called a brother a rapist and and and that was it don't hide behind all it was a comedian I'm trying to be funny like no no and the thing that you also banished him from the comedy community for this now you can't miss use the title comedian show if you're gonna use the entire community that has to be with a joke here's okay I completely agree and I won't defend non jokes I defend jokes yes and I defend the attempts at joke so even if you made an attempt at a joke I would offend you but there wasn't even attempted no it just said things that are that are there white feminists a part of it one of these white woods go write a [ __ ] blog yo you turned into a white feminist blogger that's hilarious but what I'll say is this is what Ari does is when anybody dies and he does it with close friends visit died he does one of these kind of rants about everyone tweets about it did about Tom Petty he did about Ralphie May a comedian there was a good buddy of his right so there is like there if you if you're if you're really devout Ari fan and he has tons of fans I think they understood the context when I was going on then he said he he didn't know at the time like you didn't know at the time that his daughter was in there that there are other innocent [ __ ] I listen I'm not defending it what I'm saying is the context of which it was said there's still no joke and furthermore he took it down he took the video down and said he got high and he no no he did that as a he did as sarcasm he leaned in hacking he was like I was act like making fun of people go out so he leaned in and then he took it down now if you take it down I don't got offend you cuz you're not defending you you know I'm saying like if the comedian's out they're gone I'm standing by my joke you know like when we had that whole [ __ ] with Nicki Minaj whatever they're like apologize apologize I'm not apologizing because i'ma stand by what I said right so it's like then we defend that but if you're not gonna stand by what you said you can't expect the community to stand by what you said that make sense like and it wasn't a joke there's no comic Nestor stand by that because he did not make a joke he turned into a white feminist blogger yeah and he it's really that's funny yo I really think he thought he was gonna get a bunch of praise I really think he thought that all of those those feminists we're gonna be like yes or he don't want them yes I don't know I think he was just trying to troll all the people and he was just trying to I don't think maybe he was a little detached too how beloved Kobe was clearly yeah and he's in LA so he should know but every interaction I've had with Ari has been a good interaction that he's a sweet dude in a kind dude and and a very funny guy very funny on stage and it really sucks that this situation happened because obviously as comics people come to us how do you feel about this and all of us feel the same way where's the joke there's nothing funny there and that's why I said the Tony joke because the Tony joke is a joke it's funny the Tony Joe get perfect because of you a comedian and you know somebody says how do you feel about you know you know Kobe nine you'd be like you know my first reaction was Kobe passing no you know and the reason I asked if it was too strong but I saw somebody I don't know who posted it somebody posted on you know if you got eighty good I don't know feels I don't know if it was any good Kobe jokes it was something to that phase you got eating good Kobe jokes like let us know like you know the light in the mood right yeah and then I saw Jess hilarious posted me move Kobe and Jesus playing one-on-one Jesus crossing a moment and then it was his whole debate in the comments like Kobe a watch Jesus right we just cuz that would live in his legacy is like there's no rule that says you can't make jokes but they're not about Jim though or anything no no fun not about the Deaf exactly I don't know even talk is about the death but it's it's funny about the tragedy of exactly how back in the day when do with playing the airplane stuff after Lea diet know right like cuz what's the joke there there's no joke that's the thing like just cuz you say something that's shocking doesn't mean as a joke a joke involves something clever and some misdirection the only one was clever look there miss misdirection for a joke to work so if we're just breaking down the science of joke and I hate doing that being jokes will come here in your [ __ ] soul but if we're doing the science of it there needs to be some bait and switch yeah he's some misdirect some double entendre some alliteration play out words something not just a shocking description of something that's not a joke and I think that's why he got crucified and he's got to know that and if he wants to continue doing the Deaf thing you better come with some funny man yeah cuz I'll defend funny to the end I'm different I'm from the south man I don't play with death yeah like I believe in spirits and I believe in energy and all of that like there's no reason to be playing with the death of somebody like what Tony did is funny that makes a lot of sense but just to be cuz you because you remembered in the life the joke is about his life yes that's a double entendre on his work on words like you know my own on his life in decades always say Kobe never would passing games like that makes perfect sense I get that but just to be making jokes about somebody tragically dying nah brah and you better boy I hope you bet not a fight I hope you got a gun cuz peeps somebody gonna see you about this [ __ ] especially when it comes to somebody like Kobe that was the thing man it's like sports may not be as universal as music but there's nothing that brings people together like sports that is a great point there's raised bracelets in a black person yeah brute lack of fans it unites groups that net sports unites groups that never interact together way better than music because music might happen once a year of the concert but basketballs happen yes sir that wow that's really a bar high five listen if I walk down the street yeah come June yeah and not even I mean I'd say that if I go exist if I go to Miami this weekend yeah with Kansas City gear on are uh who the [ __ ] they playing um 49er oh yeah yeah yeah I got so many friends it's millions of 49ers man right now me the cheese fans and guess what I got a bunch of enemies too cuz they don't give a [ __ ] they don't give a [ __ ] what my races my genders like they looking at that jacket like [ __ ] you you for you [ __ ] you you [ __ ] cheese fan like there's nothing that brings people together like sports it's it is religious and that oh come on man it is religious and the second you walk in that church you could look around going alright I know I got some Sh in common with these people absolutely yeah that is interesting it doesn't maybe if not does it's different it's different but when something happens to someone in sports you're dealing with the smoke of all the people who [ __ ] with them you're dealing with like a legacy you do 20 years of fans smoke and it's not even the people that [ __ ] with him it's the people that hate him because they didn't hate him personally they hated him cause he's to bust a team's ass not he's retired not he's passed away I can give it up for yo but you know what and that's something that caught me about specifically the Kobe thing is that we especially with sports right we spend so much time and energy hating people that we don't know only because they're playing for a city that's not ours right mm-hmm and I did this with Jordan right I hated Jordan because he was on a different team he would bless my team's ass and thank God I'm in short a little bit and he looked a little vulnerable when he came back that I actually started rooting for him right so I got to experience some of the greatness from the side of rooting for it and that [ __ ] right there flip the switch for me about not only sports but like creatives and all these other people I'm not going to [ __ ] hate on great work and miss out on greatness like if you aren't great absolutely I'm a joy your greatness movie I don't care I feel about you personally I got some greatness I'm gonna enjoy it cause it's just stupid I'm not a Patriots fan at all but I love seeing Tom Brady go against time I'm not I love to see it you know I mean like I love I love even when I don't like a team like I like when I see you know legacy players leave with a championship that's not my squad you know like that's how you supposed to go out when you a champ and you know I think that's the final thing I'll say about Kobe man to me this is just uh is this another spoke about your daughter thing I'm curious about that before you wrap that up well I said no I said that this my when you found out that he lost his daughter what was the reaction there cuz the initial reaction was you thought it was just him it was a little shocked at first and I immediately went into protection mode as if I can protect something like that from happening because it just seemed like such a freak accident like not some final destination [ __ ] you know to me yeah yeah so I just kind of like one automatically in a protection ball and I had to just like and I was like that the whole day and didn't even you know driving back from Atlantic City what was it like driving back was you were you extra safe we 65 miles but not even plan that interesting all day every day speed limit you know me but I Drive like that anyway like III hate my wife is 90 miles out I'm like what are you doing yeah like what are you in a rush to do ya die yeah he pulled over side I guess we don't need none of these problems but yes she was driving that's Amelia I just felt like I felt very protective yeah but it's like you can't sort of things you just can't you have no control you have no [ __ ] control over and to argue against the reality of that is crazy you know that is and I just think about this it's life you got to admit to life I don't even think we live in bro I just think we exist and what I mean by that is right now we're just existing right yeah like like anybody could be alive you could live but there's a reason I say existing is because your existence is after this is gone too yeah cuz Colby still exists yeah he just don't exist in the physical form anymore so I don't like to just say lie just like to say you were just existing that's it and that's just how I feel your existing physically for a while and then you're not now you're just existing spiritually but truthfully you always exist spiritually because it's your spirit that people talk about you know I'm saying unless you [ __ ] Kris helmsworth I didn't tell with somebody I mean but other than that it's just spirit people constantly talk about it's what you put inside of people you know I mean it's like I was listening to you on Whitney Cummings and Whitney was talking about how she goes you all the time for advice you know what I'm saying oh yeah I think about my homegirls who come to me for advice all the time I'm like that's just sweet that's something that's gonna live on way after you're gone yeah so you're always gonna exist within these people so I don't even like to say we we live in we just think we're existing yeah and we're gonna hopefully we just keep resisting we're not gonna exist physically that's gonna go away and just hopefully stay around existing spiritually and then that's it you know yeah but yeah I just my final thought it's like you're deaf doesn't discriminate and I feel like that is that's all this situation told us and our ego sometimes makes it makes us think it does right our ego things are successful people they don't get in freak accident rich rich people famous yeah status um you know like I said he's just like a mythical creature like things like that don't this guy's been the most blessed person his whole life yes physical existence and something that tragic that unlucky happens to him yeah nah he wasn't what talking I'm like honey he wasn't trouble though like everyone knows that passed away a juice world maybe in my like you could they already had drug problem so it's not necessarily say it was surprising I understand you're saying that like this is not you Fiat coming Holly what is it called Hollywood story remember those true Hollywood stories where like an actor or something ends up dying but he went through this really dark path and then he ends up overdosing etc this is somebody whose life seems to be getting even better after sports which we never thought would happen to Kobe he talks about a dog period uh yeah yeah he did he was on a my man um drama drama show with a drop drop DJ drama drama what's drafty what's the drama yeah he talked about his dog side on there but he attacked retirement in the same way that he attacked basketball right he said he's like I getting weight I start to do this and I realize now this is not the life and he really invested in family and business and all these other things mmm-hmm I think yeah that's one of the reasons why it was a it was so tragic for us as fans because we saw someone and is very rare who was so obsessed with their sport and the success in their sport and usually those people fall apart in retirement they get alcohol problems or they're smoking cigars well they're just trying to replace their gambling that's trying to place that that edge that they got that high they got from competing and he seemed to transition it's like fatherhood like so seamlessly yeah and then to have that shut down like that man yeah it like that like that's not you know make you question life and like the person I felt like that would never see though I I felt like that like I don't even know if I believe in karma no more I'm sure I've said that on the podcast before cuz I don't I think karma is just an action like you should do good because you want to do good I don't think that you should do good and expect that good things gonna happen to you in return because how many are we gonna say things like the good die young you know I'm saying I mean that we're gonna ask the question why do you know bad things happen to good people right and and you can't that's why I hate what I see these white feminists saying you know things about Kobe's past you know because if that is the Karma for being accused of rape and getting acquitted in court why did you have to affect anybody else in the helicopter cuz to me if calm if that's the case karma has karma coming back to it mmm it's Karma didn't have to take those young girls what those young girls do like with the with with the doubt that mom do that she got taken away from her parents what did that bother and that other wife in there that in the wife and her in his daughter what did they do like I don't I don't you know if I believe in karma bro I'm be honest with you I just think that you should do good because you genuinely want to do good I think karma is just an action what if what if we live within our Karma meaning by doing good things we actually feel good doing them so it's not like I helped a homeless person and then two months later I get a little help from someone but the actual action of doing makes me feel good that's why I see commas in action yeah that's exactly that's exactly why they cover the next because there's waiting for a payback the okay backs built into it was like every time you help somebody and you get to feel you get to feel that high you get from help and that's the Karma that's what he said your true purpose in life is service though I did something for somebody it made me feel good I don't care what that person does and it crazy how all these religions really say the same [ __ ] about humanity and like the human condition they just got different words absolutely so it's like what is that faith that I always forget these if it all works did and then what was the doing service others what was the one that's Wayne W dye that's a your true purpose in life who service to others right I mean that's Russell Simmons I'm gonna give the wind I'll be there and this you're a shitty person I think you also live in that karma I think people who are are shitty tend to be less happy unless they're sociopaths of course so it's like you are living in the anxiety of your actions look at what you would always say right like how much freer you are and now that you're not cheating right that is positive karma mm-hmm is it not you living a good life and then you feeling good because you're living it opposed to sneaking around and doing all this other [ __ ] [ __ ] and you're having these like negative emotions constantly surround you that's why you had that skin discoloration bro it was yeah if black men don't cheat you were changing different colors to devoid it right now no you're right though your skin is great your eyes your face no you're right listen it's all about energy you're good that's the truth dick no records nice to cheat I used to feel bad right hmm I had no business doing I was I was I was wallowing in my own guilt and that [ __ ] will kill you yes I mean because then you start you were living in your car living in your car you scratch you you thinking she doing something wrong she look at her funny and now you'll know funny when you ain't [ __ ] you assume everyone around me [ __ ] [Music] I just think about dev - I think that you uh I think Taylor might have asked me the other day I couldn't I don't know if I believe in hell I think the change I think you leave as pure as you got here oh god I think you leave as few as you came I think I think when you die and all of this you know your physical existence is gone yeah I think you returned back to wherever you came from just as pure as the day you came you know why I subscribe to that because excuse me a lot of the people that end up being serial killers or mass murderers and always kind of came in pure and then had horrific things happen to them throughout their childhood in their life it warped them into these people right like I think Jeffrey Dahmer one of that little serial killer guys I think he was a grape D'banj like assault and all this kind of [ __ ] in his life so Hughes his psyche as a innocent little child was abused into becoming this person so with Loki it would only be fair to bring him back to his purity when he died because he asked a lot of circumstances out of the control yeah you know so being that they became these people because of their circumstances you think God isn't that cruel and I think we got to stop giving God credit for some of this stuff man some of the stuff is just human error you know what I'm saying like like that pilot made a choice yeah and that choice cost everybody in that helicopter their life well God gives us free will God gives us the ability to make choices we hope God is there to protect us and you know cover us but if I take a gun and put it in my head I'm probably my brains are probably gonna get blown out yeah I can't ask God can't Vicki it doesn't work that way everything I'm saying like I continuously pray for God to protect me but then put a gun in my mouth and pull the trigger like now you just you being ridiculous like yeah it's the same thing like yo they say call me what to church that morning he was prayed up you have faith with that pilot made a decision there was some human error involved couldn't see ran into a mountain honey eggs it's my power God didn't make these indestructible baby he understand I'm saying I can't make these bodies and descripton Balazs all I'm saying so oh no man and we wouldn't want them to be no how would I don't think you would cuz I don't think you would value life we value like what happens in these moments they teach us the value of life when we see someone that we care about die or when you see someone care about not only die but lose their family members we hug our family members right these are constant reminders on a universal scale of how valuable life is and how not what's it called promised it is and I quickly go say what how quick it can go it's a 41 year old man I'm 41 I'm born in 1970 you did all in his life you played 20 years of basketball you got all these championships everything and your life is literally gone and what 15 minutes whatever long it took for them to be in that plane like I mean helicopter like Jesus Christ amen mmm the logo what logo oh I love this idea so they said they were considering or there's a million petitions it's not going outside I don't know if it happens but would be really interesting family say what you're not the Peter family hey what family you got to pay the price that's Kobe's likeness you know the NBA has never acknowledged that Jerry was his likeness is that right yeah you know what I bet you the Bryant's would sign it off and I bet you Vanessa Bryant would sign it off because in a weird way Kobe it was always in the shadow of Michael Jordan right he never maybe he never was as great as Michael Jordan in many people's eyes but he did for something that Michael couldn't do which was transition to life without basketball way better than Jordan did you think yeah a hundred percent I became an owner and the owner of joy not only the owner of the Hornets Jordan Brand dude was a great life no no he's successful financially but if you look at him he doesn't look great you just judging that off his genes Jordan is not like the happiest of guys you know and that was during his playing career and it continued to afterwards I mean every time you see Jordan in a in an interview he's drinking right I've yet to see him in an interview where he doesn't have a glass of scotch yo he spent decades literally giving his life to basketball when I used to driven he played sports too so it started him drinking ho 18 packs of beer and going [ __ ] who's gone 50 point yeah and not happy maybe does not garlic maybe yeah and that's not good right like who's a pilot yes also have alcohol yeah I don't like to judge whether people are happy and that I don't know I look I know if jeans do look sad if that's what you want me to say his jeans look it is what it is yes I just I forgot why I even brought it up to the answer to what was I sent you thought with the logo it would be into it would be an interesting one up on Michael Jordan posthumously all of a sudden he becomes synonymous with basketball from now for forever and he gets that thing that he always wanted to be the most to be the most incredible a basketball player in history like I would you're immortalized I don't know if that's what cool I mean I can't even cook I don't think that's what Kobe wanted at 41 years old no I 40 want to change shoes like it's the legacy and how you affect people and your kid yeah man like and I don't there's no I refuse to believe that a Kobe Bryant had the opportunity this is how he would want to be immortalized yeah well you got to lose seven people that are close to you one being you are a people gotta close to you one be in your 13 your daughter yeah in your life nah yeah it ain't worth it it ain't by the way it ain't worth it everything we're chasing all that professional stuff we're chasing mm-hmm the the rings for whatever we do whether it's radio comedy whatever whatever and it was worth it yeah I think the day was worth it in that family you got at home you know saying what if you don't have a family at home take your condom off start doing it that's it now what what if I don't well then you might want to go get sex and see what's wrong with just no sheet Skeeter you know scares say well I've had no scared I'm always good it's always late Bernie Sanders got a handle on our guests come in the building yes alright guys today's episode brought to you by post mates other than your absolute best friends who could you ask to bring you red wine at 4:00 p.m. sushi at 9:00 p.m. and a breakfast burrito at 8:00 a.m. nobody except post mates now if you guys don't know what post mates are I don't know how you have a cellphone or I don't know how you're listening to this podcast it's clear you're not living in 2020 like the rest of us this is how you get your stuff delivered to you food sushi alcohol whatever the hell you want get it delivered directly to you alright no more trips to store you don't have to know where the store is post mace will do anything you need download the app iOS or Android for free browse local restaurants and businesses and track your delivery 24 hours a day 365 days a year that's how many days there are in the year and that's how many hours there are in the day that you can use this and order simple as that anything you're craving post mates 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gentleman who has a lot of very interesting things to say about his business but also about life and and legacy so it's great that we get to sit down with Russ everybody Solomon to God here Andrew Schultz we are the brilliant idiots and we got a special guest in the building man he's got a new album dropping a star they tomorrow today mid night technically yet tomorrow but yeah midnight you know that voice rises here yes what's happening Russ can't complain living the dream now I'm glad that you here cuz Andrew shows did you tell them already I'm sure you did of course yeah we can talk I couldn't wait never happened basically then I owe a lot of my success to to you and I was telling you this before and yeah you really inspired me to put in content and it's and it's weird how it happens because I get a lot of credit in the comedy world you know like taking comedy from TV to the internet and I always say I just took it for musicians yeah whatever musicians were doing they're 20 years ahead of comics right interesting you specifically with the release and the song I thought you did it for a year two and a half who's a long time using a song a week yeah so I did a song a week roughly for like two and a half years on soundcloud yeah yeah and this is before it like you know the reason why I was doing it on soundcloud was because was the platform did like I said this before Apple music was even out right and it was when Spotify was still new like rap caviar was not a thing I remember having my first on I really went big was like what they want it was in rap caviar and I didn't know no one knew around me you know what like no one cared just because like what was that at the time so it was really just about SoundCloud because it was the quickest way to get just direct-to-consumer and people just I just want people to hear my song so I was doing a song a week and I love doing 96 songs what's got your attention about rust oh good I mean that's not it some artists do that well what about rust hard to see that artists don't do that they don't they don't put out songs all the time every week a week no one's ever done that for statement maybe an album or something like that but what someone told me that you were doing it once a week and I was like okay that's hard work I hate I will never complain if I'm working harder than everyone yeah [ __ ] complaining even a general but I was like okay I'm not working hard enough yes okay and I was like okay boom if I put this out once a week I'll be good at least I know I'm doing something to further my career yeah and then once I started having all the things out I remember when something hit do you remember on your first joint hit I'm like you know what for me because when you're putting out so much content it is all this kind of like gradual accumulation of one song no it wasn't like you wake up and it's oh my god it's going crazy it's just that this song hits 10,000 plays and this one hits 12 thousand and fifteen and before you know it it just compounds but that's why putting out so much content is great because it all ends up compounding yeah you know so cuz my song I put out this week will get promoted by the song I put out next week I think you got a girlfriend Taylor relax and I still am I still being heard you still don't want to give me your grapefruit juice [Applause] so basically I looked at it and for me it wasn't like really that gradual thing I think what happened for me was I had one clip go viral it was on Super Bowl Sunday like a few years ago and but this is what happened it was interesting it went viral but I had all these other clips out there which is why that's busy that's the key that's why I tell people like you don't know but it's like if you have your puns at work out there and then one hits it becomes the champagne glass at the top of the tower you know you just pouring that one and they start spilling out yeah so this one thing hit and then everybody started checking the other stuff and then the algorithm got hit and it was like yeah oh okay I like this song too now that's what we literally I credit this to you I say this on any podcaster that they asked what about but is uh but I was like I basically looked like this I start to look at like funnels right now okay how do we find someone on the internet like how do you find a musician you don't listen to a whole album that's stupid thank you put out a single and I'm like why are comedians who are strangers to most people putting out an hour of Kasane sit down take an hour of your content to listen to a string I would never listen to any stranger for an hour it's no care of money they're a stranger yeah so I'm like I'm a stranger even if it was recommended no chance one funny joke right now I'm gonna give you singles single and then I put out the longer project and that's what we did and and [ __ ] just exploded and other times I start getting on it man so yeah have you remove influence thank you the comedy will you look at your phone right now you look at your explore page you will see comics posted clips on Instagram that did not happen before you did that wave of music was that song every week Wow system is effective man yeah real that's beautiful but I think it's like I think that every artist should implement a more consistent simplified method of content yes because like he's saying consumption or just content okay yeah that's why I did the singles for the same reason no one was trying to hear an album from someone they don't know so I was like I just need to get y'all's attention I know y'all can listen to one song I'll do a song a week same type of thing and then when you have the catalogue whatever that one song is that makes the pop boil over when you then go on the internet and type in let me see if there's anything else and you find 200 songs you're like oh you were prepared for this moment mm-hmm and now I'm a hardcore fan you can't be a hardcore fan of someone that has two things wrong talking about this it's like if you're smart about it you and sometimes I happens organically you have like a funnel to being a superfan right and let's say for example they listen to what they want right right and then all of a sudden like oh he's kind of nice and they listen to another one and then a third song they're like I [ __ ] with him right I'm a fan like my own my whole schedule is 30 songs deep now get it so now it's I'm getting the tattoo now and that's what it is it's like is my merch not now I think everything I do is better than everyone just because it's like I have to think like that's how you have to move then that's why people don't like you but that's the mentality you're supposed technically better than this is the song better it's all subjective but what I what it is is that I have people bought into me there's a lot of artists out here who have people bought into their songs but like I have people bought into me to the point that yeah you know what are you doing is selling a [ __ ] hoodie but I'm buying it because I like you my boy Mark said this shit's us we're on the road and he goes um cuz we were talking about the importance of like the person in front of the brand yeah yeah and he goes you go to any WWE show to wrestling [ __ ] they sell John Cena's outfit after the show that is the worst outfit it's literally jean shorts and a t-shirt that's amazing and they sell it so you could dress like John Cena that has nothing to do with how cool the clothing is no has to do with the person how cool he is the perception yeah that's what you know it's like shake that shake the snowglobe that's the new up and that's coming yes the way I got because it was the hate campaign people had against yeah and I'm always drawn to people like I need to know why somebody hated so much sure so I go and I check it out I'm like what the [ __ ] he can rap his ass off thank you so why don't people like him yeah you know and then I started seeing videos of you getting people [ __ ] up and I appreciated you have a conversation nothing I just saw and then even when I saw the things you were saying about people and drug use I'm like how can somebody be mad yeah and what he's saying in regards the artists using drugs I understand it though hi I'll tell you what it is it's uh it's and I forgive I was talking with someone yesterday I forgive myself and I forgive people who have an issue because I also understand the perspective of when you see a rookie coming to the league in the NFL or the NBA and have a good rookie season you're like who cares again next year mm-hmm and when you're a rookie talking crazy like imagine if like John Moran right now was just in every postgame interview like I'm gonna be better than and I'm the best player in the league it's like yo I feel you in the numbers back it but like hold on a little second like do it again so I understand that you're talking a lot too early I get that perspective I don't think I am but I understand if you feel like that and so I realized that in order to come back that the only way to solve that is for me to be this dope for a long time like it's it's it's like you're only a legend if you do it for a long time like Drake has been so ill for so long you have to give it up and blue Cole Kendrick yeah even Nikki whatever you want to say about Nikki's like yeah but she was and is really successful for Matt long like you can't last a summer out here cuz they know so I just know that I get it if y'all don't want to give me the credit right now that's cool but check back in five years when it's like yo rust has been here for ten years been saying the same [ __ ] still putting up numbers doing arenas did it uh now he's got this singer pregnant is crazy think about that is the other thing about that is they go all the girls go back and give you props for saying it for nothing I know Kobe now was like you thought you arrogant back there but now it's like yo he was telling us he was gonna be that guy I know the resolution for that is fans fans are the ones who just tell the world from day one know Charlamagne is great so it's is great Russ is great and that's what you bank on that's what you feed you pay attention to those people and you let the rest of the people catch on when they catch on and that's what it is in it and I'd like I leave some convert I used to fight it a lot and I still a lot of times I fight like trying to prove yourself like no I am great I'm better like look at my numbers I'm better than him I'm better than but it's like man people are just gonna catch on when they catch on yeah and that's just what it is and like you can spend so much time and waste so much energy and almost be ungrateful because you're so focused on who doesn't [ __ ] with you trying to get them to [ __ ] with absolutely that you forget that all these people [ __ ] about you wait don't you just [ __ ] with them and maybe you know what the five people in there frankly put in like you maybe they'll now like you in a year from now whatever like just focus on this why can't you ignore people when it comes to like punching people I'll tell you why because because I like punching people operate from that frequency I'm really not but I will say I take it offensive because if you're Joe Schmo from middle of nowhere and you have ten followers and you say Russ is an L or whatever the hell it doesn't matter because you're not influencing anyone yeah so it's not offensive because you have no poll now if you as a stranger in a grown-ass man who I've never met never talked to we're not cool we don't have any we have no issue and you decide to round up your army of fans whether or not you realize that's what you're doing but if you decide to round up your army of fans to influence them to have a negative opinion of another grown-ass man who's just trying to be successful do his thing I take it as offensive as it is right because you're crossing the line now you're you're now trying to look because you don't understand that by you getting your army of fans to feel some type of way about me you influence them because you got to understand when we have fans you can tell them jump off a cliff and they might jump off the cliff right so if you say now we all don't like Russ now I take a defensive because you saying that might [ __ ] up my streams because maybe more people are gonna be peer pressure to be like no I'm not listen to Russ which means you [ __ ] up my family's money you [ __ ] up a lot of things so I take it as offensive as it is so especially because we're not cool like that we don't know each other so if we do see each other you should know what time it is and if you like I'm also just I don't understand this if you talk [ __ ] about somebody and you end up getting punched in the mouth what is the confusion yeah but it's like if you break it down like that like yeah I mean Russ never said anything to me ever I talk [ __ ] about him and then I got punched in the face yeah I can't give them the same you know what it is he knows his disrespect is what it is it's that you're not you're not saying that 221 Savage you're not saying that to gucci you are not however you feel about gucci or kevin gates or 21 or people that you think are gonna come see you about a report you're not even gonna tweet it you're tweeting it because you think there is no repercussions for your actions so it's like cool I'm here to let you know that there is and so if you guys want to keep doing it you're gonna keep getting punched in the mouth is that why you wear your head down do you have like cauliflower on your ear like you secretly jujitsu in the whole nine Wow what's that what's that what's the shake the snow globe what does that mean tom shake the snow globe was about resetting and reflecting because I got very stagnant and jaded to the pros and the cons I got jaded to having money and walking around my house like this is regular that I have my local and my pool and I have a multi-million dollar and [ __ ] thing going on and yeah my studio my house is crazy I got a gym I got a sauna I got my mom I bought our house all these beautiful pros and I'm touring around the world I got fans I got everything I ever wanted and then the cons like you know I got too caught up in that the negativity that my family's personal life going on and I realized that I got so stuck like energy wise and so stagnant that I was like man I was walking around my house one night by myself and you know I live like I live by myself in this 12,000 square-foot house it's in the cut you know the north side of Atlanta just tucked away and I was walking around my house one day and I'm just like man I look around and I'm looking at like my pool table with my logo in like just all these I don't know when you have a house you start really realizing like man like not my rap paid for these curtains like the glasses the plates you know me like it starts really settling in and I'd never had stability like that that they [ __ ] with you because I know for me man I'll be feeling I run through stages right like I have like guilt sure I feel like your damn is people you know that came up with me that don't have this you know me after having like survivors room or you know nothing about my mom making $30,000 a year it [ __ ] me but then I also just feel like the chosen one I really do I just feel like you know what it's been bestowed upon me do this so that's what it is but so I was walking around my house and I was looking around just not just the physical house but then my life mentally and I'm like and I said to myself organically just like if not now didn't when where that was the statement that changed like my life because I was like man at the time I was 26 I'm 27 now by the time I was 26 I'm like 26 I got all these things about everything I ever asked for if I'm not happy now then like then I should just give this up you weren't happy like you didn't feel worthy I thought I wasn't happy or something like because I wasn't focused on what mattered you know yeah I was so outside in inside out exactly I was so focused on like the next thing or the what can I do better like bro take a second like a house enjoy the moment yeah so I was like if not now when like I don't want to be 35 and look back and be like [ __ ] yeah I was so laid back then I didn't enjoy that like I'm tripping so it's a scary thing I did to achieve all of your dreams and then be sitting there like Wainman why am I not because it's a personal it's a personal problem yeah it's a personal problem and and that's something that I've been working on but I realized that that night which is why then I called it shake the snow globe because when you look at a snow globe and it's just all stagnant and still and you look at it for two larges still and then you gotta just shake it up you know and just reset and let it all fall back into place cuz the dust had settled a little bit too long so I was just like nah but I gotta like shake it off I got like the Tin Man like I've been you know Nene the oil and I'll be feeling like that too sometimes it's like you if you don't it almost feels like if you don't appreciate what you have God will take you from you that's what I started getting scared about yeah like I started catching myself mentally and it's still like an ongoing battle but at least I'm aware now but I start again like that too like oh [ __ ] like please don't think that I don't like it I'm just trying to work on it feel like don't go anywhere that what the book was about it's all in your head yeah what's funny about that is like I need to read that you know I need that book more than a lot of people I have all the game because of what I've applied to my life and I could put it in a book but I almost got so good at preaching what to do and I stopped practicing it so that's what I've been trying to work on now but that's what the album is what was it was it like there was just like was this you going to therapy will you I know I never look I call I called the studio my therapy sessions because I feel like when I'm down there now this is the first time I've had a studio in my house like that's the other thing with this album this whole album is recorded in my basement by myself you know don't talk like you got ordinary basement sir no full deck studio no no no I do but that's why like that's what's amazing about is that I get to go down there and just lock in and zone out so this whole thing like you know the other two albums I'm recording on the road in this hotel room in this hotel random and it's chaotic this was the first time I had stability even from a creative place so I got to really explore my own creative potential and reservoir and that was therapy for me because I got to really just be super vulnerable you know and it was really important for me writing that book was important cuz putting it down paper and writing it made me feel like yeah you know what okay I forgot that I even feel like this like cuz it was all coming I was so easy like all the all the chapters in the book and they were so easy to write that you would think that I follow them religiously but I was like nah man I'm buggin because like it can't be this easy for me to say but I'm sleeping up on following what I'm even trying to preach the oh yeah I saw the the the handwritten letter you wrote yeah and you talk about not being proud of the headspace you were in yeah in 2018 what exactly weren't you proud of I wasn't proud that I was that I thought I was operating at a lower frequency than I wanted to it was I was too caught up in the negativity but it's hard like it's hard to like there's no rubric for it like you gotta understand the negativity is the criticism the negative the media negativity because at the end of the day like there's no way to prepare for it so naturally like when you're going through it you think that man if all this hate is online I'm seeing all this [ __ ] like I'm thinking about to go to my next zone get rocks thrown at me you know like whatever like you just like I'm ever going to do Coachella and being super concerned like people really hate me cuz I get cuz like it wasn't my show it was a festival so I'm like I'm gonna Kotel I'm like man I'm just over this so I'm hoping that this goes okay it was the most insane show ever because what happens it does it because it's not real it's not real is real like this just likes the hey might be fake or it might be on the Internet but it multiplies the love it's like it's the same [ __ ] that happens with Trump to be honest is like the more people trash Trump yeah the more his supporters no we're not so of course the shows gonna be that much better because they're they're like not s our God that's why I always give it up to the fans because they could easily and I know I've lost fans to peer pressure like you know if I got a 16 year old fan it's really easy to be like well all my friends said that you suck so I but they're not the ruins yeah no they're not but at the same time the ones who stick around to me 17 or 18 or whatever and your friends say yo he's wack I'm not going to show with you and you still pull up and you still go hard like it's just so real to me so yeah I just wasn't proud of sinking into the negativity and I wasn't proud that I wasn't taking care of myself as far as like I got burnt out I got very burnt out as far as like I didn't have I bought my house December 2017 all 2018 I was on the road and it was getting worked on I didn't sleep in my house so January 2019 so I was just running around and I was just on go and I had no stability there was no routine it was just you know you're getting tugged this way and tuck that way and before you know your Center is all off-balance and you just feel burnt down you feel like a [ __ ] mess and you feel like you know what [ __ ] all y'all you had nothing else to say to my house for six months which is what I did in 2019 I didn't do anything for the first half of the year I was like now you know what i'ma take some time for me yeah and actually enjoy my life enjoy my pool have girls over recording my studio dinner like enjoy my life you need a family man stop wearing condoms like maybe you need a real conversation that I've had like I used seven months ago I was I'm not having kids on 35 then I had a conversation with a girl and I had a conversation with Swizz Beatz where was like life doesn't start until you start a life absolutely you thought were having a sinner like I know for me my stability my sinner is my family are you saying you're coming home but you know you're coming to a house yeah got a home you got a a queen and you got a child like it'll give you a real purpose yeah no I agreed that that's a real thought that I've had cuz I've also been like man the only thing left for me to do is everything I've already done like everything I wanted to do I've already done the only thing left is to get a Grammy an outside of that yeah you strike me the person that would not give because I want to prove to myself that I was right when I was [ __ ] 15 no I know about that too though you mean I'm fine I want it all right I want it cuz my ego I want it why does it define you it doesn't my cool table it's literally it's it's my ego needs it and then be gone die so you want to get it and then do the whole jz1 debt left to pay to my ego and it's to get a glisten you still owe me here's a question do you think that the hate comes from people resisting change I just think at the end of the day bro I'm I'm in hip-hop I'm a white guy and I'm talking a whole lot are you like I don't know you know the black is white I agree but this is the off-white of office I don't like to be called white both but the Sicilians they got a little black in them well if you go back to the Moors in the Moors were out there not a permission yeah that's a real like it's you when you do the ancestry on it it's like the Moors came to Sicily like oh that's why Italians went from blonde hair blue eyes and dark hair dark eyes but the perception I get what yeah but white guy yeah and that's what it is and so I understand it's like yo like let's just call what it is culture is a euphemism for black urban is a euphemism for black so when you have a white guy coming into the culture a black space trying to speak on black things it's like bro shut up you might be right but we don't want to hear it from you which I absolutely understand and I get so that's why I've seen you post posted I've commented on like yeah I'm glamorous that I can have the exact post with a wall it was something about everybody should say the n-word or something I'll shut up is my white white artisan culture it was something I can remember exactly what it was everybody gave you props for that though probably about how I was talking about just label owners are these white guys that's what it work who sign black is that they wouldn't even want their kids hanging out exactly just do it to make the money which is true and that's why it's like you know white people historically steal from black culture right that's a fact so America was founded off of terrorism and 'if all cultures right I don't think there's any culture there was no but you got like you got a look at the Roman Empire right they didn't do that you got it look at like leaving you got a look even how what the 2020 white girl wants to look like yeah yeah cool no she wants to look black well black stuff one cool cool like no but like the problem is that the same thing that black women will get hindered from which are just natural beautiful black features it won't be the same thing white people will use to sprinkle onto their whiteness to just look right hoola I guess what I think it we get lost in the end the idea that black people are monolith right cuz not all black people are gonna address the same or look the same as no but cool is cool regardless right so like I go to Korea you can see a bunch of Korean kids black kids present black kids doing [ __ ] what is it breakdancing sure you know I mean got cornrows so it's like oh that's the cool culture that's what what's on - I think I think now I'm probably speaking a little bit out of turn but I don't think black people have a problem with y'all doing that I think it's more about they have a problem with if y'all are doing that and being accepted than why when we do that we get chastised for that I think that's part of it also um not want people to revise history yeah you know what I'm saying like yo this was the genesis of this culture this was the genesis of this music it was rooted in blackness and a lot of times we all know they like to rewrite history and that's what it is and that's why it's like I understand that you know and that when I said like historically white people steal from black culture like when you look at hip-hop hip-hop was you know for us by as it was black created and right created for black people so when you have somebody white coming into it right it's kind of like here we go again you know and so I understand that it's delicate and it's in and until and if you're white in hip-hop you have to contribute to black culture in some sort of fashion otherwise you are simply repeating history by coming in to black culture using that as a medium to steal and profit for self yeah I think it's like anything else you got a point where the originators point where your inspiration came from like your aspiration came from this black art is that black alright that's just to me it's just like by paying homage to be honest no that's cool but you also I think it's also about the music you can't come into this from the vessel of hip-hop and use the clothes in the language and the music and then go off and start doing something it's why you're talking about post Malone I mean I think house very post II know I think that's like I think that's a fair example because I do think that that's it's an interesting thing to look at from that lens of where you know you come in with braids and gold's to the point people I think in your mixed and now you know you drink Bud Light and wear cowboy boots which is I cook like your musics phenomenal I think post Malone's music is phenomenal but I think I think the character of how it came in compared to where it is now here's a little seemed a little it's a little it was white I was right again yes no say white art was his first song but he made smart the thing is the thing is he he makes great music you know he makes great music any super talented yeah I just think certain things like that you know those are fair critiques as far as like yo it feels like you came in and used hip-hop because it's the Coolidge onra and the coolest-looking aesthetic you used it to propel yourself to the forefront and then you reverted back to who you really were you know which and [ __ ] on your partner in the process yeah so I think that's a fair critique but that's why I feel like for me I just think it's gonna be time and as far as like man russ has been putting out quality hip-hop like I feel like I do hip-hop justice I don't I don't make a mockery of it I don't portray any negative stereotypes I don't feed into it like I could go and put post myself in the Gucci store spending 30 K because even though Gucci's races I'm right and out races to me so I could do it but at the same time if I'm in hip-hop culture which is black culture in Gucci being racist I can't be in the Gucci store blowing 30 responsible because otherwise is just like oh so you get to eat off of hip-hop culture but when someone is being disrespectful towards it you're like more that they're not being judgmental towards me I'm white yeah so even when you see other black artists still wearing Gucci and stuff you'll still say nope I'm not gonna do it I can't because then it just looks like it looks like it's all pros and no cons for you you know so I just think you got to just be aware of what's going on I just feel like I do hip-hop justice by speaking about the ownership of what needs app because I also think that the solution to young disadvantaged black kids getting taken advantage of by white label owners is lack of information and the solution is ownership the solution is is owning your music putting it out the internet having your fans shooting the video is edited going on to like you don't have to deal with them but the solution is ownership so I just think I just think that I do do hip-hop justice I have a message like and I've said it before like y'all talk about you know which is fine spending 13 thousand dollars in the Gucci store I brag about 13,000 hard tickets and I feel like if that makes me arrogant then I suggest you move the goal posts because why is 13,000 dollars in a Gucci store towards a company who doesn't like black people why is that received so much better than somebody saying you should be bragging about some 13,000 tickets what do you guys think in the future like rap music will just become so synonymous with American culture did someone like you won't feel like an outsider in it in the same way that like basketball is so synonymous with American culture I don't think it's a bad thing to feel like an outsider I think that's why people's problem here's the problem with white people like everything about everything white people are included in everything hip-hop's the one thing in saying the n-word is the thing that they're not included in and they feel just like disgusted stupid hill denial and it's like yo for once you know what yeah this isn't for you it's not by you and that's what it is and it's okay to feel like you're outside of like minorities have been the outsider to everything forever so you know what if hip-hop is the one thing where white people are the outsiders in I don't know if that balance should shift I'm fine with being the outsider I just want to contribute in a positive way and I do want my credit for contributing in a positive way now I would understand right if I came into this based I did rock like wearing the hip-hop costume mmm Brahe yeah you know face had it and I'm talking about this type of shade and I'm doing this just you know if I was on that type of aesthetic play I'm not a gimmick I'm not making a mockery of hip-hop or black culture I'm trying to do it justice by you know staying true to the message of hip-hop which i think is is underdog and freedom and ownership and I just think that you know I'm cool with being an outsider as long as it's acknowledged that I am trying to help if you want a Grammy say it wasn't the best what does the hip hop rap category without yeah if you wanted the one title of one would you be upset no because I feel like the music that I make is hip-hop music did you see what Tyler said I do but Tyler's spot on talk to me I've always said to that I just said this you to that culture in urban is a euphemism mhm so that like white corporate people when you go to the label meetings and it's all these white guys who play softball on Sundays and they're like you know our urban department it's like say what you really mean you know her but it's just another word I think and then people like [Laughter] I don't like the word urban because it sounds biographical what does that have to do with music well yeah geographical yeah yeah so I wouldn't I wouldn't feel away but I will say on my on my first time there's really a wolf room you know you submit it to the Grammys and then they listen to it and choose to put it somewhere hmm so like that's the other thing people don't understand too when you submit your music for the Grammys you know you have to first of all you have to pick what you're submitting then you submit then it's all these industry voters and whatever they're in a hotel in LA and they have rooms designated for this room y'all are just listening to the pop submissions and whatever so Tyler could have not submitted to hip-hop if he wanted to know he could have submitted to whatever he wanted and they could have decided that no it's hip-hop ah so they could stove it yes so when I submitted my there's really a wolf album to hip-hop they moved it to urban contemporary yeah cuz I said it was too much singing to be rap but now with the Tyler situation Tyler's album's majority sing yeah so then it's like well so what do you really mean what it really means is like I don't know if we can call the black kid pop and I don't know if we can call the white kid rap radio for the longest radio is still radio is still rates related urban radio is black dominated and rhythm is where we all hang out together and pop is top 40 is white then I mean that's that's why at the end of the day I'm not you know I'm I'm fully aware why my song best on earth is now top 10 at urban radio there's my song I'm not surprised that when you when you look at even I always use this example Machine Gun Kelly who raps right he's a rapper yeah raps super well technically raps great he had songs with Camila Cabello or whatever that were number one at top forty nothing on urban huh so how do you have a rapper a rapper on pop radio but not on urban and then vice versa you have post Malone who doesn't rap but gets qwave on 21 which is the urban play and that's why it shoots up the urban charts you filmies just playing the game we sound like I understand I get it but it is um it is bizarre that it's still so separated of radio but I like to see themselves reflected right it's just audience basketball yeah next yeah of course yeah and then I would go to games and the [ __ ] felt like 50% Asian it was crazy yeah and they just felt represented there right or it wasn't like they hated watching black grass ballplayers or white but no they just felt spoken for they felt they felt spoken for so maybe there's maybe there's some white people that you know when they watch them and em they were like well this is the first time I feel well they like that's why I've had the conversation of you know when people like you - well when people are like being white does it make it easier and then it's like a hundred percent it makes it easier to be global because the reality is that the white kids in Belgium are going to relate to me more than maybe a closed-off rip yeah because like when they see me they see themselves so that makes sense now so it makes it easier to be global which it's probably why I can go to Portugal for my first time and do the arena and sell it out humble burg but at the same time yeah but at the same time can i but there's the hip-hop media who still says who's Russ because why the same thing working for me globally is the same thing working against me hip-hop wise which makes sense because hip-hop is it's black culture so if it's easier for me to reach the global masses which are you know the white kids in Belgium in Germany were harder for me to reach the real essence of hip-hop which is black culture that makes sense and I can't be mad at and hip-hop media products all your success comes from being white what's that's up that is a fair critique I can't sit here and stop my feet that is a fair fair critique which is why I just always resort it back to though but look what I'm talking about look at my messages which is ownership self belief and and and ownership is the key when I'm not talking about blowing money at designers that don't like you in all these things you know it's like you know resorted back to what I'm talking about I'm not I'm not coming is it a fair critique because what cuz it's a fair it's a fair critique because if if I was black would I'd be selling out the same shows in Portugal or would I mean this I'll tell you why because a big reason why my first huge fan base in the Middle East right was huge because they thought I was Middle East oh oh let me take that back so if I was black would they have thought I was Middle Eastern no you might not be selling out those shows in Portugal but you might be selling out those shows in black and brown spaces 100% well that's when you give it and take it's just like you actually a really big benefit it's just it's almost it's like it's kind of like obvious cuz it's like if I was black I would be bigger in black spaces but because I'm white I'm bigger on white spaces and that's why I can't sit even be like but why am I not big bro cuz you're not black like black people just don't know yet you know what I'm saying I can't get frustrated about that because that is a fair thing that's like that's fair situation too it goes back to white people thinking that everything is owed to them and like how dare you exclude me from your conversation of it's like but you gotta appreciate your audience regardless of who they are no for sure which is why like I focus on my audience but you can't stomp your feet and be like but like why don't you all [ __ ] me why don't y'all know it's like bro like give it time and also cut the entitlement out you know you're not entitled to a certain demographic just cuz you think you're dope you're such an interesting conversation for me though because I see black artists who want more white finish yeah and then I see black artists who have a bunch of white fans yeah one more black fans interested on say anything like even at radio when you talk about I remember when Rihanna would never get played on hip-hop and R&B station right because she made pop music so I sort of pop stations used to just play Rihanna hip-hop wouldn't which I used to didn't like because the pop stations would play Katy Perry then she put you in jail on the record the hip-hop stations were playing sooo right so I didn't like it I didn't like this but that's the obvious that's what people do that's why I like you see you know when and I love like I also wish that there was more because before I'm about to say on my say I wish there was a more accepting space for artists to speak openly about other artists and certain moves without it always getting taken as hey hey and I can't [ __ ] with you like there should be more shacks in Charles Barkley's in music where no we're playing the game too like I'm speaking from a place of experience can I just speak openly though go ahead speak openly so like same thing with Katy Perry and Juicy J it's the same reason why you see SIA put Kendrick on the song same reason why maroon 5 goes and gets cardi B it's because it's mutually beneficial so DB gets all the white fans from maroon 5 moon 5 gets to going at all the black fans from cardi B on G and it's a win-win but is it mutual I mean like it is mutual do you really think that all the cardi B's fans are going I gotta check out that maroon 5 concert coming up I can tell you that the maroon 5 has a better chance of getting cardi B fans by doing a song with cardi B who's getting more I feel like that way benefits card maybe also makes ya black and white but what it is is that pop artist this is traditional pop artists have always used hip-hop artists black artists to look cool yes right because pop was never the cool thing right pop was always the kind of like your top 40 and corny here I love maroon 5 zone I love top 40 music but top 40 was always it's not cool hip-hop is cool so let's take a not cool thing mix it with the cool thing maybe we'll end up somewhere in the middle the order can't be mainstream and cool those things don't go together but dude is hip-hop do not it is pop music hip hop is so cool that it is the most popular thing yeah yeah but if you call it pop it loses all the cool like that's what you're different you can't be cool like you said unless you the underdog right or can't be cool if you're doing something that nobody else is doing that's what makes something cool well that's why you have to be careful with your creative and artistic decisions because before you know it you've done too many mainstream looks and you are no longer that cool right you're not cool to your core right that's when your core all the people know because when your core flips on you yeah then all those people that works your core D like oh not cool yeah exactly cuz the world revolves the world of music revolves around hip-hop as far as what school like what are we saying now hey everyone what do we say how we dressing now what do we do it like they look to hip-hop for what to do what to wear what to say the whole thing but the second you become not cool to hip-hop is a second you're just not cool in general and you better just go over there sit with the guitar and sing some pop songs right and try and make some [ __ ] shake how do you forgive yourself for us food food your past unhealthy mindset how do you because I'm still here and it's and I'm alive and my family's healthy and I still have everything I want I realized that you know the worst moment in life that happens like the Sun comes up tomorrow I'm saying like you still end up having to go through it so it's just it's just always a little bullet points like yeah that was really [ __ ] up but you know what I did make it through I'm standing here today and I can't let that like define me you just kind of you got to grow from it and just forgive you something I look back at certain interviews or certain things I said and I'm like now you know what I get it I understand that that guy was he was head hunting that's why I say in the flute song I've been on my Kobe number 8 [ __ ] because it's like when Kobe was number eight he was head hunting trying to prove himself in the league and you know when I first came into this I was very much so like in survival mode like now I got to prove to everyone that like you guys are only doing a thousand tickets I'm doing a thousand and one tickets and it like all these things just to try and prove that I belong and like solidify my spot but then time passes and you realize your spot isn't going anywhere you're in your own lane and like man I was kind of like going pretty hard and but I forgive myself because I should have been going that hard I should have been but now it's just about growing and kind of settling in and just taking your coat off you know what about the people you you had to beat up I don't I don't Matt I don't forgive how many people I think I've seen two videos this reason why camera molière that what I blow is the most reasonable when the guy was staying on top of trailer no no that was um that was quite that Wow yeah I don't see yeah I don't know I means my whole thing is I have no that's rust not looking for us I forgive my rust approached him like to find a sweet guy rust wanted to have a conversation right and I don't know what the guy said to you but clearly you didn't like what he said no it was more it just comes down to this right like I feel like we're all I hate when people like I'm a grown-ass man I hate that cuz it's like what are you trying to overcome and say for but we're all grown us man and it's like you know I don't know you and you don't know me we don't have mutual friends we've never talked before and you dis me in a song now granny is it dis like [ __ ] you in your mom forever did it nah but it's like it wasn't a positive thing it was a dish so if you just dis some random rapper or some random man that you don't know in a song and then your trailers across from mine and you see me walking up to you with 20 people and you know that like I have no interaction with you prior to any of this all you know is that here comes a guy that I did send a song y'all never met before that or anything ever jeez Oh psyche what do you think this is about to be yeah and it's just rare sir clearly all these guys are the future you know even with smoke probe I never really intended it to go there I permit him I approach them face-to-face and I just asked like yo what's up what was that about what was this about same thing with pop that I just asked him what was it about and it's the confusion and yeah and I just said what would like why I mentioned my name is song and like you know he puts his phone down and pulls his pants up and starts turning his head and like if somebody that you dissed that you don't know from anyways in your face talking to you and you're turning your head and doing this pulling up your pants I'm thinking oh you're about to swing on me so I'm just like [ __ ] I wasn't even trying to go there but I'm definitely not getting hit in my mouth so I'm hitting even yours right as always but like it didn't have to go that you could have been like yo my fault like that was some dumb [ __ ] my father's even mention you why am I going as man thinking about another going that's man while I'm writing a verse that's a little weird it could've just been that in this era Internet it is always better to swing first and I'm not encouraging violence I'm just telling you that when the cameras are out right like if Russ would have hesitated just a little bit yes this guy swings then people come to break it up now the headline says yo cop dead wings on Russ put it like this if I got swung on ya this same hate would happen except worse they would have just been like you got [ __ ] at least you could say whatever and that the whole narrative like you're getting people jump it's like are you talking about getting people jump like if if first of all if I swing and then my friends and your friends start fighting I don't know if that is that getting somebody jump a lot of friends with him he had he had people with him in the craziest thing I wanna say on this too long but the craziest thing is when I swung on him he ran which you can see in the video here and his skinny ass white friend photographer stay back and was [ __ ] with it which like we were all like yo we should hire him he's fire like he's he stayed behind and took your ass beating yeah like how you let this skinny ass like you take your ass beat white people are more brave than black people they still ask me they steal all the things man I thought that was pretty telling yeah you know you think the job could ever be cool you think you could be cool he's gotta move I'm not a hater so like I always say like if smoke perk dad's a hard-ass on today I'm wiped out wearing a template do-rag was sick I commented on the Instagram you said yeah what people say it was amazing that's fire I don't like I'm not a hater like but you disrespected me and you dissed me and then when I walk up to you start acting weird so I'm just gonna handle it accordingly and if that means what up then it means whatever and if I'm guap that I'm probably like [ __ ] you for life to which I get but at least you know now like at the end of the day bro all these people I never started with them I didn't say [ __ ] to y'all y'all dis somebody call me out my name and you got punched in the face for it move on [ __ ] how long does a jumping last it wasn't a jumping I wasn't a jumping or just like a squabble like that like at what point do you like done punchin what you see the video no but he not he ran away oh he was it was a good reason run it do you guys aren't quick what's going on guys no no I'm saying he like he ran away his friend stayed back to fight he ran away which like I get I guess but it's like it wasn't that serious I least one cuz I thought you were gonna swing I shall wait for you to swing yeah no never wait yeah so yeah I don't know I don't want to encourage violence but I you know I always let people here's why I just want to end it and then let's move on but the reality is a lot of people because I'm me and it's easy to be like [ __ ] Ross Elrod edited up that's nice go to chapter one just ask this person this grown-ass man guac that or smoke purp or Adam 22 or whoever just ask them yo why did you randomly just start talking [ __ ] about another grown-ass man who you've never met right just ask them that because if not for that if not why do you think why because it's easy because I'm telling you because it's oh you think they're taking advantage I'm white I'm sure sing love songs sometimes it's easy bro like I get it music is the easy Ligety I must say this people want they come real people can say whatever they want to say at the end of the day at least you know that if you dis Russ in a song there is a high chance you're gonna get punched in the mouth for it now jump no jump yeah what can you jump no jumper but like it was like and we squash everything we're cool with his after he saw what you was working with as far as your crew yeah like not mean Adam are cool as far as I know but it's just like I just think it's just it is unfortunate to for it to ever go to a violent place but unfortunately for a lot of people that is the only language they understand when it's the violence because it's like it's not real enough to it's on your doorstep yeah so it's like who you could tweet back at me all day I'm not gonna I've never once like I don't know I'm not doing the Twitter should we go so I want to talk to you about a couple more things um you know you you have discussed openly you know your problem with artists promoting drug use yeah so when you see a Mac Miller pass away rest in peace Mac Miller when you see a juice world and Lexie yeah solo yeah when you see these people pass away I want to say I don't think fighting the football is the right way you know I'm saying there a reason to come back and say look like this is what I know like I told you so much no because I don't think I think that's distasteful but I think that it is you know it's sad that that happened and I think I think unfortunately a lot of times with them I don't know if it was if it was so much of a crazy addiction problem with like a Mac Miller or a Lexie or now I no I'm just like hypothetically I don't know but or if it was just one night you took one too many things and you're partying and just [ __ ] it's a lamb by situation you take coke one time in your life and then it just [ __ ] up but um I will say that I did find it sad that it took that and then a juice world situation for a lot of artists who have tried to you know reprimand me publicly it took that for them to come out and say man I've been [ __ ] up talking about drugs and this is whack and I'm gonna go to rehab now and it's like oh so that's what it took yeah I gotta remind people this is what I was trying to like unfortunately for a lot of artists who had a problem in me saying what I said about rappers glorifying drug abuse as if it's a game it took three overdoses for y'all to finally hold yourselves accountable mmm which i think is pathetic it's like what you said about being on your doorstep then p.m. because then it's like your friend died so now you're like oh [ __ ] I should stop posting pictures smiling next to Liam like it's cool and you know what I'm tripping I got kids looking up to me it's like damn bro it took you three overdoses you didn't realize that you have kids looking up to you do you not look at your followers I don't get it do you get caught up in it though when you listen to like a future song and it's great music makes it sound cool yeah and it sounds I don't even know half the things he's saying in the song it just sounds fun yeah no it sounded fun that's why when I was 19 me and my friend we wanted to go try leaning cuz it sounded fun and then we just didn't do it but and people got on me for that when that clip went kind of around the internet like how you nineteen Linda like you're a grown-ass man 19 talking about you influenced to do so I'm like I'm like wait a second is there an age limit on when you can be influenced to do something or so you can't like if you're 35 and you listen to a rap song that makes you want to go do something positive you're wack hmm you shouldn't be impressionable at 35 it's like bro like there's no age limit on when you can be influenced by later 19 you're acting like I was 39 talking about yeah you maybe want to try lean like I was 19 and y'all are 35 tempted to scan because you already so shut up how do you counter that in your music how do you counter the celebration of the drug coach in your music cuz I feel like it it's gotta be records that encourage people not to do it right yeah but then that comes off a little too I do have a song called that's not outs over boy 1 to be called the kids that kind of speaks on it a lot but you don't want to come off to like wagging the finger and preachy but you just kind of want to provide an alternative like a different song that you know isn't talking about that but I do think artists need to hold themselves accountable and I love futures music - I think future making it in grinding and doing all that is great but I do think at the end of the day if we're just being real you have to hold yourself accountable as a 36 year old man or whatever he is and someone who's come on an interview and said that you don't even do the drugs you were talking about which is which all that says is that you're literally just doing it to poison entertain and uh you know I don't know if that's great because no it's not at that point at that point the culture is hyena driven it's we eat our own because you have come on an interview and said no I'm not even doing the drugs I'm rapping but I just know y'all want to hear that which really says to me I'm not getting high I'm out overdosing y'all are that's great I'm gonna keep giving you the background music for hmm cuz it makes me money that's a part of the problem we've seen this movie before though I mean you got rappers back in the day who would rap about all of this gangsta [ __ ] that they was doing yeah and they weren't but they was exactly just entertainment look I have no problem with so-called because when people because I know what people gonna say to that which is well if someone if someone makes you want to go do something [ __ ] up because of a rap song then you're weak-minded no it's like ok but hold on a second there's someone make you want to go do something positive in a rap song does that mean you're weak minded because influences influence influence has no negativity or positivity if you listen to a song and it makes you want to go do something if you listen to changes by Tupac and it makes you want to go be positive you know does that mean you're weak-minded no so just on the flip side it doesn't you know humans are impressionable that's what it is what you are supposed to inspire artists are inspiring people music is inspiring so you have to be careful with your platform because you have to understand that it might inspire you to do something negative or bad if I make a song called go get money and then I make a song call go do lean I can't be like you're weak-minded if you only listen to the go do lean for like no bull our impressionable people are influenced I mean that's why we have advertisements Nestle commercials are every day we took that too because every time I see LeBron like in a McDonald's commercial I'm like you don't eat this [ __ ] right you know like so is like you are the pinnacle of health right here telling kids to eat [ __ ] that's giving them heart attacks so it is when I got off the plane McDonald's the only thing open now like I said go get some [ __ ] fries 40-pounder LeBron T's dish I think especially in hip-hop songs are commercials for the lifestyle you know and so I think that if like if your song which is the commercial for the lifestyle you're selling if your song is talking about using drugs or whatever you cannot be surprised that people watched your commercial aka your song it was like wow that sounds like a great idea and then you turn around be like y'all shouldn't do it though I we say you can't live this do as I say not as I do you can't live like that my dad used to tell me when I was so insane don't do what I do do it I say you sell crack to my god wait a [ __ ] right right but it's like my dad used to tell me - you can't tell you I couldn't tell my little sister do as I say not as I do like my actions speak so you know I like you kid you could be on the gram all day telling people you know don't give money to these designers they don't [ __ ] with you and don't buy jewel we don't waste your money on it but if your selfie video is coming from a place of you're wearing Gucci and ten chains on your neck I don't know if it really resonates it just seems a little fake you feel me just it's entertainment it's sad because when you're young not even when you're young but just humans aren't impression abour and it's hard to discern what you should and shouldn't do and and if you don't want to be looked up to and if you don't want to be a place in our source of inspiration then stop rapping you feel me then stop rapping but you cannot get on a song promote something in your music and then be surprised when people turn around and do it you are part of the problem that's it's that simple that's why you can't say you're not a role model because you are what you're not it comes with the dinner you have millions of people looking at you that's a role model hmm like deal with it like like look it wizz-wizz had the whole [ __ ] world with a blonde streak in their hair wearing Chuck Taylors you know I'm saying which is fire that was a birth defect I didn't know he was actually I know he was dying and I thought like you know how some people have like patches there are they've know Brightman in their hair like a vitiligo a choice yes no but it's like that type of thing like that's influence and so of course when Tyler the Creator has people who dress like him like all these things you're influencing people so if you think that you know I know for me when I put out music and it's easy you know the times where it's these inspirational songs and do myself so the manifests and it's on your head that's gonna inspire someone to go and do something positive but as as easy as I can make you want to go you know [ __ ] the world up and be great and just seize the day is as easy as you can go I can inspire you to go do some function and artists trying to like shy away from like I just rap about it but like don't do it know your music has more influence once again that is not gonna go over well I'm letting y'all know now when y'all watch says I'm aware you're gonna have an issue but the reality is that it's the truth and when 20 years passed I'm on the right side of the fence cuz I'm I don't need to wait for overdoses to happen to be like wow maybe we should be careful about what we're talking about like y'all like get with the program that's the that's the funniest part when like lappers start supporting politicians and like you see all these rappers coming out and talking about different people how could Trump speak this way it's like do you listen to you I'm shocked that more people have people for their rapper endorsements well you know it is it's it's actually you know what that feels like it feels like almost like a disassociation like rappers are not aware of the power that they have yes if you're not a painter it just feels like row are you aware of who you are yeah I think that I eat with ability it comes off like they're not it's either it's either you're absolutely unaware or you're in denial that you have that much what it is you probably have experienced this if you'd amigos and you grew up in a certain part of Atlanta I'm not a bunch of brothers and sisters that look like you they talk like you you don't realize your influence that you go off to some far-off country yeah and there's some white dude in there with tattoos on his face and it's double cut whatever it is it's red then you like whoa now you realize how powerful your voice is you expect the people where you're from right they gravitate towards it and you influence them but when you go somewhere else and you see that their power of you influence I feel like this I feel like music since the day it started and this is like the message I really want to get music since the days started has raised kids of course has helped raising kids so I think what is going to happen start happening what's gonna be the turning points a lot of these rappers are having kids and I think a lot of these rappers maybe not an interview they would say but I think a lot of these rappers would agree that they don't even want their kids living the lifestyle they're rapping about so so the truth is that but you're raising kids all around the world now that you have one of your own you're like wait maybe like if you're if you gotta tell your kid don't listen to my music or if you do just understand it's all rapping it's all entertainment how convenient that your kid gets to have you in his ear but the kids around the world don't so you know when kids all over the world again [ __ ] up because they don't have you in your ear telling them it's not real it's just wrestling then a lot of this point a lot of artists don't get there and what I mean by that is they don't get those ten year runs to grow up in a ball like jay-z jay-z give you four four four jay-z but you can do that yeah the context of movies is it's act entertainment he popped the context of hip-hop is that it's really the true hundred percent and they're different that's the pop is not supposed to be acting that's what makes hip hop hip hop it's supposed to be real so if you're now started if you're now saying well everyone should know hip hop is not real right now we're changing the essence of what hip-hop is right so listen do me a favor for us when shake when shake the snow globe goes on right yeah I want you to put on a white terry cloth sure and just do like this on Instagram and say I am Jesus I'm not mad at that that's how I was gonna come out of my next show I won't ask you about coal because I know yeah I think people like we talk about this alone I say we I just mean like my friends and my like I always call them just like my counsel we just talk about everything group chat but people like Kobe and people like nipsey are legendary because of the legacy they leave behind which is a mentality a lot of people a lot of artists who have passed away will pass away whatever it's hard to honor them if you look at a lot of artists right now how would you honor a lot of these artists right now if you look at the landscape of hip-hop what would you do to honor some of these people and there's nothing to do are you gonna buy chains out of them like going Your Honor I'm buying to protect today it's like okay I guess but you know when you look at nipsey's nipsey had the marathon continues like it's a real mentality like something you can apply to your life everyone can apply in a county in [ __ ] Rancho Cucamonga could apply it man you know everything Kobe mama mentality locked in focus lays it in like absolute mentality so I think for me that's why I like people like Kobe and nipsey are the ones those are the people that do change the world because they impacted by leaving behind a mentality and like you know I was in an Ipsy everyday but what I do more than listen to nipsey songs I listen to the mentality left behind I live it I honor him by like that living it I can hear you talking about ownership yeah same with Kobe like it's like I'm gonna try and do my best to be the best version of myself in there and stay going to the gym which for me is my studio and stay locked in yeah but that's why I am like I'm proud of myself that even the little amount of time that I've had the space to speak from I've left behind a mentality I put out a book and I've given people tools to it's self belief manifesting its ownership and so I know I've left a real mark if I die today I know there's a mentality left behind I mean I'm a perfect example of it yeah so much he's not mix out here no I mean like you didn't know that you would happen to me like yeah and there's all these comics out here that they think I've been influenced on but that really came from you that's the trick with a fast a domino effect but that's what you talk about mentality or or religion or I'd you know ideology like yeah it's so true that's something that really does live on forever I never thought about it in terms of we often think about legacy in terms of numbers but it's not about numbers that can be broken things that works is there so it's really the work is like if you can pass on work if you can pass on the action near the mentality yeah not an end result no that really lives for it as long as it's effective and as cold these stats can be broken Jim at 4:30 but its immense how do you leave behind I encourage artists and just people in general to leave behind a mentality have you thought about what your mentality would be caught my mentality is do it yourself and and self beliefs that's what it really is and that's why it's all in your head is that book to me you know I'm sorry to the fans of music but that book is more important than any song I've ever jobs hmm because that book is my mentality in book format yeah and so when I die before you listen to any song of mine read my belief system yeah because if you apply this to your life as the religious - as opposed to just the songs yeah that's gonna help you and that's what I'm leaving behind that's why I feel like I can pat myself on the back because I did give back I did contribute to the world I left the world a better place and how I found it huh and I feel like nipsey left the world a better place in how I found it and Kobe did and a lot of these people like I said it's just you know yeah you bring joy to keep with your music and that's cool but you know when you're gone how do we honor you we're gonna go to the Gucci store we're gonna go buy a watch and then like half of us can't do that so then what do we do which is good cause it's like smoke / it's true my man [ __ ] rush me thank you so much for coming man me yeah me associate you thank you
Channel: Brilliant Idiots
Views: 357,851
Rating: 4.830986 out of 5
Keywords: andrew schulz, andrew schultz, comedy, comedian, stand up, brilliant idiots, flagrant 2, sports, entertainment, pop culture, commentary, comedy club, near me, jokes, charlamagne, charlemange, breakfast club, interviews, wax, paige, taylor, alexx, alexxmedia
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 130min 35sec (7835 seconds)
Published: Fri Jan 31 2020
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