Anti Social Distancers | Brilliant Idiots with Charlamagne Tha God and Andrew Schulz

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it's so stupid positively boo Charlamagne got Andrew Schultz we are the brilliant idiots welcome to another quarantine [ __ ] week of the brilliant idiots podcast are you going to start crazy yet Andrew no not really man I'm enjoying life yeah me too but you're at home right you haven't left the crib at all haven't left the crib it all went to the grocery store one time I think that was maybe last Sunday Sunday before last my rich my life going to the grocery store again this week what'd you get um I mean I only remember like I like food like now I don't like that I don't don't lie you know there's some specific [ __ ] if you're going to grocery so there's no baby no I'm recording something okay turn that down maybe a little bit a little worried about bleeding in is it bleeding in at all but I'm gonna risk my life to go to the grocery store again this week yeah and pick up some more stuff I mean hopefully just you know I like the fact I actually you know what's so dope about life was dope about life is watching the news now like watching Cuomo and watching you know CNN right now they're talking about the curve starting to flatten in New York right about four days of good good news coverage you know what I'm saying for the most part I mean leave me wrong people are dying yeah it's just horrible but you're saying that the curve is starting to get flattened in New York and I'm seeing that like even in a in Europe I think that they said that it's working New Zealand New Zealand said they didn't flat maker of they smashed it and it's all because it is a social distances I will just tell everybody to continue to do that you know we don't weird the social distancing because I don't really understand it explain it it's quite simple like I get the how the [ __ ] does it transfer that's what I'm trying to understand what do you mean I mean I don't get it like how does it transfer like if I'm around you all sudden I breathe when you breathe then it goes well I don't I read that I don't know I bet that sounds a bit much to me but who am I to argue with the experts the experts said that if you breathe if you talk it can be transferred so then why are they rattles I go to the grocery store like if if us just being in the grocery store and we're breeding in this controlled environment if that's what transfers it then a hundred percent you should say don't go to the grocery store or that's where it's transferred well that's why you got away to masks and I mean that's I guess like what start wait lists to start off the show this is positively brilliant Chinese ahead of the curve again man Chinese and Michael Jackson baby okay Chinese no wearing masks at the airports forever yeah we we have to be wondering what the [ __ ] do they know what's wrong with them what's wrong with our good ol American air son let's help them that's where it started I mean it started in war but clearly it was prepared so they were not prepared none of this [ __ ] works I guess what I'm trying to say is if it's gonna get you it's gonna get you like ever like foul Qi was on TV today or yesterday he was on TV he's like I don't think Americans should shake hands anymore even after this I'm like do you know how Chinese people greet each other about that [ __ ] don't stop nothing is gonna get you it's gonna get you unless China's lying they got a handle on it better than most my lawn doesn't have their lock down anymore yeah announce that today after 76 days I don't believe nothing that comes out of China absolutely nothing only the sneakers well let's believe the numbers that are here in New York if they say in the curb is starting to flatten great but when all of this [ __ ] is over I'm still gonna put on my [ __ ] mask imma still put on my [ __ ] gloves I might even get me a goddamn monkey to really pay homage to Michael Jackson Jamie I might just go all the [ __ ] way with it so you're saying you're never gonna go back to normal life you're gonna let the virus win now that's a wrap no more normal as we know it is a wrap by the way no Liz we know it hasn't been normal for three years like it hasn't been known for three is like let's tell ever be honest normal so some people haven't been normal for 11 years because think about how abnormal a black president was for some people right and I was having this conversation with somebody yesterday tell me what you think about this routine idiot ha take everybody says old things would have been so much different if you know Barack Obama in the White House and yeah I mean Barack might have responded much quicker of course they would have been a global pandemic team in place but I still think you would have had a different method but kind of like the same outcome and the reason I think that is because it's the same reason for Donald Trump Donald Trump tells everybody to stay home and that you know they need to practice social distancing and Donald Trump was the implement I met a mandatory mandate throughout the country for everybody to stay home people just automatically want to repeal anyone a repeal against government it like [ __ ] that this guy the races he's a bigot we don't believe in martial law we've all rebelled against this [ __ ] do you really think that those rural white southerners we're gonna listen to a black man telling and say oh yeah he really believed it yeah no not at all that they would have rebelled against Obama the same way people on the Left wanted to rebelled against Trump right now and they listen whether you agree with Donald Trump or not if he's telling you along with the CDC and dr. fallacy and all these people stay in the house social distancing instead of trying to cope with all these conspiracy theories like oh 5g towers and they just trying to implement martial law how about just listen to the [ __ ] CDC for what even a broken clock can be right twice a day you don't have to agree with nothing else he says but if he tells you to social distance because it will stop you know you'll flatten the curve and stop spreading [ __ ] listen to him but a lot of people just aren't gonna listen to him because he's Donald Trump just like a lot of people wouldn't have listened just because it's Barack Obama and I think we'd have been in the same place I think that we don't listen because we have a rebellious spirit and it's really difficult to tell Americans what to do you almost have to tell them the opposite and then we'll do it it's very difficult if because if you don't tell Americans what to do we're gonna rebel if you do tell Americans what to do we're gonna rebel if you tell us to stay inside we're gonna back [ __ ] it no I'm going to the beach I'm going to church I'm going into a grocery store I mean depends who's telling you shows I think that it depends fractionally I think that we are so rebellious in our nature every movie is about rebellion like we just constantly have to rebell it's part of our culture right the country was started in rebellion like this is just what we do and I think that I think that even if you didn't tell us to stay inside we would rebel anyway we'd be like oh you just want us to die you just want everybody to die nah [ __ ] that we're staying inside we're not going to work we're not we need to constantly rebel you know yeah I think you got some other [ __ ] that would definitely rebel America definitely uh doesn't have the discipline and you know you have a lot of freedom here in America and we exercise it often but I do think it depends on who is telling you what to do you got understand we're at a war right our podcast is named perfect yeah because there's only two type of people in this world right the brilliant ones an idiots right the smart ones in the stupid people yeah and sadly most times often did not smart people not a stuffing for the stupid ones and that's what's happening right now like so you are gonna have some stupid people we're gonna repel just for the sake of [ __ ] rebelling regardless of who the president is right and and some of it is tribal like now [ __ ] that now listen in the Trump [ __ ] that I wouldn't listen to Obama right right it's plain old good old-fashioned american stupidity and we have to suffer for those [ __ ] yeah so you're saying just like hey everybody go inside and you know do what they told you to do what what is so hard about it man oh I know well Andrew you're you don't know you really realize in these moments you really ain't doing [ __ ] outside no I know that but they call me crazy but there's something about there's something about the government just telling you to do something and then you do it without questioning and like there's two ways of getting I feel well there's multiple ways but there's a multiple ways of getting a of people a populace if you will to do what you want them to do right yeah there's the Soviet Way which is hey if you don't do it we're gonna kill you and if you tell your friends not to do it we're gonna kill that man kill you so you constantly live in fear right and then there's the American Way where they trick you into thinking you're doing it because you're free right so right now what they've done is they found a way to manipulate us into telling each other to stay inside it's really funny like if you go outside you'll be shamed by your fellow citizens they're like what are you doing outside get the [ __ ] inside you got to stay inside I'm like okay I'll stay inside well you're not six feet away so now we're bullying each other into doing exactly what the government wants and I think that that's probably good because we need to make sure we stay alive but I don't owe each other too much power I don't want it I don't want just do whatever the [ __ ] government says cuz that hasn't worked out in the past well listen I love this I love this this is the perfect uh positively brilliant what a [ __ ] idiot segment yes you can go either way on it you know what I'm saying but I agree with you you don't want to give the government too much power and I also agree that the government is um leaving it up to us as a matter of choice and I think for the most part most Americans are making the right decision but for the ones that aren't now the time to put the hammer down on these [ __ ] breath like what would you do to people who break the rules you find the [ __ ] out of them at a time like this when [ __ ] their pockets is already hurting now I'm gonna find it she got you now i'ma find you ten thousand dollars and guess what in Philly they're giving people [ __ ] warrants and them [ __ ] is like basically IOUs really um yeah we're gonna arrest you in this [ __ ] is better we're gonna arrest you initiatives over I like that too as a year from now you just coolin out minding your business now imma [ __ ] remember when you didn't want to social distance and you was out there putting people's lives at risk [ __ ] that we're gonna lock you the [ __ ] up so I agree with you you don't want to give the government too much power but we also got to look out for the stupid bro how are you putting people's lives at risk if you go outside because young people a lot of people are asymptomatic and they don't show any symptoms but they could be carrying it and they pass it off to older people or just people who have pre-existing medical conditions that causes them to you know causes it to be fatal to them but if everyone's supposed to be inside then you don't bump into anybody outside that's not true you just said everybody's got to stay inside but everybody's not staying inside that's the point well if you choose to not stay inside then you're making a choice to risk your life well it depends like you can go to the you can go outside to go to the grocery store you can go outside to go to the pharmacy you know I think those are essential things I actually think voting is something they need to add to the essential is because if they don't [ __ ] gonna really be in trouble to come November okay cuz if you think Donald Trump's not gonna use this to his advantage you got your goddamn rabid-ass mind don't you think that if we're talking about voting don't you think that like we're in trouble no matter what like who do you really want you want Biden or you want Trump be honest I think Biden can negotiate peace with another country you think bite is gonna be negotiating with China I can't I can't I can't sit here and say I would want Trump after what I've seen Trump do to pass some wobble this [ __ ] who did a [ __ ] horrible job but Biden is gonna be in China thinking he's negotiating with North Korea he's gonna have no [ __ ] clue what's going on listen I'm no Joe Biden fan at all but one fundamental difference between Joe Biden and Donald Trump I think Joe Biden will surround himself with right people and Joe Biden will listen I don't jump me a listen to the no [ __ ] buddy you don't think that Biden is just a puppet that's fine I'm fine with a puppet as long as the right people as long as the right people got a hand up your ass you put the city I am perfectly fine over the public as long as that puppet have the right people's hand up his ass making him so I guess I'm perfectly fine with it I guess my Ernie drums out the day model you know that's what I'm saying and I'm bummed about that and I won't hit that to be my what a [ __ ] idiot but uh okay go in but uh well first just about the Biden thing it's like I think Trump did an absolutely horrible job he continues to do a horrible job with the [ __ ] coronavirus hunter percent you know and a and the new a poll came out yet it yesterday for political where I think it was like fifty eight percent of the people say Barack Obama would do the best job he would I don't know Trump and they say Donald Trump they voted Donald Trump would do a better job than Joe Biden would I mean Donald Joe Biden would be do a good as job as his handlers would allow him to do like I think Biden is is a puppet of the establishment so if you like the Democratic establishment I think you when you decide to vote now you got to go what is the dimmest Democratic establishment done for me and if you think throughout the past the Democratic establishment has done good things for you then that should be the person you vote for if you don't think they do good things then you don't vote for them that's as simple as that but don't think Biden is gonna have his own self-interest this guy's talking about peanut butter jelly sandwiches and interviews but right now there's a [ __ ] global pandemic and the Biden the Biden campaign is putting out videos of him talking about why Fig Newtons are his favorite treat nobody gives a [ __ ] Nunes III told you this last week you can go into what a [ __ ] idiot Jill Biden sucks campaign sucks I told y'all when when Donald Trump was on TV every day talking to the American people during this coronavirus pandemic Joe Biden should have been offering counter-programming do you know Joe Biden did a town hall last night I wish I saw it nobody cared that's my whole point nine o'clock CNN nobody game we had nothing to do we would love to see him just bumble his words for a [ __ ] hour straight that'd be amazing but nobody knew and they don't want us to know because they don't want you watching him I mean I can't believe that we're in this situation I can't and the reason I can believe that we're in this situation is simply because like I said they ran a horrible campaign I think a lot of it has to do with the fact that Joe Biden is not he's not all there bro but I did those cognitive when you call that [ __ ] the synapses the synapses aren't firing whatever have abilities lo that Nintendo gave me to get blowing on yeah that shit's on the [ __ ] fritz and I just really think that they dropped the ball in such a real way and I keep telling people Donald Trump is not losing you have to go beat the champ baby quick decision baby you gotta go out there knock this [ __ ] out and I don't see the fight I don't see it I see Donald Trump every day with his chest out I see Cuomo out there every day with his chest out to the point where even today on CNN literally when Bernie dropped out they were talking about homos already said he's not about to you know make any late push to be President so what does that tell you I mean even though Joe that's a guy even if he wanted to he couldn't right he doesn't have enough delegates like that's why Bernie dropped out he just can't win the right amount of Delegates right Bernie didn't have to drop out but I think Bernie dropped out because he didn't see a path to victory but also I think that they want to I think he wants to give you know Joe time to not only that's why Bernie gotta get out the way so joking announces running mate so Joe can show with his cabinets gonna look like so Bernie can rally his supporters to support Joe Biden like it's gonna take time do it now is April you got to November to turn this [ __ ] around but right now the Democrats look [ __ ] terrible with all due respect to Bernie Sanders he is a monumental [ __ ] what a [ __ ] [ __ ] man come to me this is you're gonna die soon this is your last chance go out swinging why was he playing so [ __ ] polite if you really care about the people if you truly want to help the people you'll do whatever it takes right you'll do whatever it takes to get power power is not handed over never in history is power handed over you have to tear it out of people's [ __ ] hands as I said you gotta beat Trump in November Trump in over but literally beat right we'll take that [ __ ] from him in order to take it from him you gotta take it from the Democratic establishment the Democratic establishment has been playing games they yanked that [ __ ] out of Bernie's hands every single primary right every single primary you see some foul [ __ ] go down where they yank it out of his [ __ ] hands and he's seen this game played before and he refused to play it well then you don't want to go in bad enough bro I know you want to be a good guy and maybe you want to go to heaven or whatever the [ __ ] it is but if you truly want to help people sometimes you got to be Batman sometimes you gotta put on a [ __ ] mask and play ball dude and he just doesn't care to help enough he and I will eat them it's and the Democrats don't even have an ant-man what they do have ant-man his name is Andrew yang I always said I felt like Andrew yang was ant-man but he's not front for president they don't have no we don't have no leader bro this is how this is how there's how [ __ ] Bernie is right now literally everything both the Republicans and the Democrats are doing in this moment is Bernie policy big government helping out the people giving away money for giving loans figuring out ways to make health care free figuring out ways to forgive college loans it's all of his priorities it's his whole platform and his won't just stand up and go guys this is what I've been saying from the longest you have no problem being a welfare state when going gets rough why can't we do it we you are literally being a socialist country in this moment why can't we be democratically socialist he didn't even say peep that [ __ ] he didn't even say it like it was right there for him that was his i-told-you-so moment said it says did this was his this is what I have been trying to do America I've been trying to give y'all [ __ ] money to get y'all out of the terrible conditions that y'all are in you wouldn't even do that I totally deserve it agreed he don't deserve it he just wants to ruffle some [ __ ] up but he's not down a risk his [ __ ] life to make it happen man and it pisses me off because I've been such a big supporter of his ass every time he runs and I say that he's being taken out but it's hard to support someone who don't want it it's hard to back it you don't say it's like it's hard to back a fighter who once he gets in the ring he [ __ ] out I'm doing with Bernie man like I do with you hundred percent um I think the best thing Bernie can do right now is rally his supporters to do what to do what Joe support Joe Biden you know cuz good listen what you said is true this is it for you Bernie but listen maybe Bernie can at least get in the White House maybe you'll get a position what position is Biden gonna really give him the establishment that literally broke his back because he's uncorruptible you think that they're gonna give him any power in the White House the only one how he's gonna have in the White House is handing joe biden his [ __ ] applesauce that's the only thing that he could possibly do while biden sits there and has no clue where he is wow this room's an oval that's all he's gonna say he's lost Bernie's [ __ ] lost they just hand the election of Trump and low-key I'm kind of thinking they want that and you know who's been real [ __ ] quiet bro this is where you see all of it or say well Elizabeth Warren is silent you know who else been quiet AOC been real quiet lately right oh she knows no more what happened the girl gang she put a little social distancing from the girl game now she hasn't been quiet a lcao Steve's been at she's actually been out there on the frontlines in a lot of ways I think um when I'm actually watching AOC do which I I thought was interesting she's actually been trying to bridge the gap so to speak onami now she would be now she wanna be establishment huh she got a little taste I don't think she want to be establishment but I think that no establishment could use some of those new radical ideas bra all I'm saying is where was she when Bernie needed it call it out she got real quiet now she's done for Bernie she stopped for a birdie in the beginning but then when it'll look good she didn't call out the Democratic establishment totally [ __ ] over Bernie again she got real quiet played her poster definitely did no she did a OCD alc did Linda sauce or did Shaun King did like they all ended AOC said that was early in his [ __ ] I was like right right around February whenever whenever whenever he first won those first few states she never she didn't back away cuz she even came on Breakfast Club Shh what's she saying she even came over because she was making her rounds she did Breakfast Club he's a late February early March the phone monopolist and then what was she saying I don't [ __ ] remember you know my memory yeah but I definitely know she was in there showing her support for Bernie Sanders in a real way but could she criticized the establishment I guess my prediction is that she is going to lean in and it's be part of the establishment democratic politics where she started this radical and they've kind of pulled her in they've said oh shut your mouth only talk when we say talk and then you could have some serious power and then she was like yes daddy I'll do whatever you say like well that [ __ ] politicians end up doing yeah I mean that's that's all about to say the sad thing about politics is eventually you got a play policy the sad thing about politics is eventually you got to be a [ __ ] politician as this the way to gain work yeah we had some technical difficulties right there we're back I don't even remember where we were something we're talking about ALC we put a button on that dough because we was just saying how you know if you play politics too long if you started out with the people and then you jump over to establishment politics you kind of lose the people I just think the Democrats in trouble in November that's all the [ __ ] I don't know and it's sad because Donald Trump is give it Donald Trump is giving them every layup possible to like look like the good guys Joe Biden can't even step and look like a leader for two seconds like right now I promise you of Joe Biden I've been doing counter programming every day the Donald Trump you would at least look like a leader i right raise some money do do something he hasn't done none of it and it just looks bad it just looks bad on the Democratic Party and we have with you we haven't even seen him go out and just do like a PSA where he goes support health care workers that's bare minimum I don't know if he's done that a night that's seem you know what's so funny that's so bare minimum I'm almost like maybe he's done that but I haven't seen it if he has well then promote it let's find a certain way he the only video I've seen is him talking about fig news and peanut butter jelly sandwiches and that's what people in an old-person home do right that's what scene how people talk about the things that they eat all day their feet and peanut butter and jelly and Fig Newtons it doesn't scare you that r2 president the Democratic and presidential candidate and the president are in the prime age to die of coronavirus son yes [ __ ] yo that's why Mike Pence didn't do anything about Corona cuz he found out it kills old people he's like I let me knock this [ __ ] out here so I could be President yo I agree with you I think he might be in on the joke might be in on it on a jig right let's do some charge announcements Chelsea you know uh big news we are rescheduling the my special everybody that bought tickets for the shows at the Orpheum in LA we are not going to do them this weekend obviously because of Corona but we are going to do them in November so you will get those rescheduled November 13 and 14th make sure you go your tickets are still good to that if you can go please be there if you can't we totally understand Ticketmaster will be able to refund you you cannot make it but yeah we appreciate you man thank you guys everybody who's reached out and said that they're excited for and there you know rescheduling trips etc thank you very much man it means a lot I wish we didn't have to cancel it but you know you got to do these certain things and same goes with a lot of these other gigs so we're basically rescheduling dates right now but we're holding on before we announce them because we don't want to say yeah we're all gonna be back in June and then everything still shut down June so as soon as we know things are confirmed and we can predict the future of live entertainment I will let you guys know the new dates and all those tickets did you guys purchase four four four shows that have been canceled rescheduled will still be good I promise you they'll still be good so and if you need anything I'm sure the venue will take care of you if you ever need to get a ticket exchanged etc so those are my church announcements and also make sure you check out flagrant two men I'm doing daily podcast over there so if you need some distraction and need some fun we're doing a new podcast every day man I did a interview with Doc Antle from the tiger King so we had him on the podcast that was really cool I also did an interview with El Chapo's lawyer and he told me how money-laundering works and why he can defend crazy people like El Chapo and so we've got some cool interviews going up there over a flagrant two so check out either the YouTube or the everywhere podcasts or streams man dope Taylor did I have any church announcements I saw you had something down for me it's your national day and closer oh really yes well we're taping this on April 8th this comes out on every night yes yesterday was Charlamagne tha God Day in Columbia South Carolina Steven Benjamin the mid Columbia sock line he gave me that day back in 2017 and I've always wanted to do something on that day because I always think it's really cool how trade trade a traded truth he does trade in Houston and I think I even Angelis she has a day and she does stuff in Brooklyn and I think that's so dope and so what I wanted to do was I had something planned for April to 8th and something that I've been working on for a while suta michelle austyn of how only nine Columbia South Carolina promotions directly down there we was working on that but I cover ice with my homegirl Kim fields you know make him him was helping me with that as well and yeah Corona put up Corona put a stop to all of that [ __ ] baby so hopefully I'll get to do it again later this chair if we're allowed to congregate in large crowds together if not April 8th 2021 inshallah God willing yes I will be doing a doing something for Charlemagne to God in Columbia South Carolina because I really appreciate Columbia I got a lot of love for Columbia man I really um I really learned the game of radio in a different way in Columbia South Carolina I always say that I sharpened all my interview skills in Columbia South Carolina in a real way oh okay that's man that's [ __ ] dope dude yes everybody in Columbia I'm back to the show I want to say - man you know who else positively brain [ __ ] Howard Stern the gold of all gold bruh I think you want about Howard Stern you know you can scream all day - Howard Stern Oh how's that relevant he's on satellite radio that's [ __ ] but Howard wants to show you his dick and show you how big it is he does it and when he does it he shows you that he's better than every [ __ ] every [ __ ] body else so what happened you're talking about the Tom Brady yeah and it was I'm looking at how it's turning man how is that really makes me I guess it's different I don't know if it's different for me or not to be honest with you cuz I do radio every day and I would I don't think he does radio daily anymore I think he does like maybe two days a week but when Howard flexes he flexing the last interview he had that I remember before this was Hillary Clinton right yeah and now Tom Brady he got more out of Tom Brady over the phone first he was trying to do a little interview and you know it was [ __ ] up Wi-Fi probably terrible but then he got on the phone he got more out of Tom Brady and that and that interviewed and people have got another time reading in 20 [ __ ] years what were the highlights and Howard Stern is currently the number one trending topic on Twitter right now it's like 6,000 tweets because they're killing ESPN ESPN took his voice out of the audio that they use for Tom Brady's interview why I don't [ __ ] know probably mad thank you y'okay imagine being a sports network by the way this shows you that all in traditional ways of doing thing is out doing [ __ ] is out of the window yeah we got cut off again but no what I was saying was imagine being an ESPN First Take you don't have no [ __ ] sports going on right now no no basketball no baseball you know you're still talking about football a little bit and all you're talking about over and over is the Michael Jordan documentary that you had to put that you had to push up ESPN and everyday is a topic about Michael Jordan Michael Jordan is Michael Jordan better than this LeBron better than Michael who's the new - there's always a new Michael Jordan topic meanwhile the greatest NFL quarterback of all time decided to sit down with a radio personality [ __ ] your Sports network's [ __ ] your sports shows I want to sit down and I want to talk to somebody where I can really just be myself where I could really just kick it and Howard Stern it would he always does this one thing when you get those big guests it's another to knock it out to pop with those big guests right now how it's turning the number one trending topic on Twitter and Tom Brady is trending and he asked about them dicks I didn't hear jit apparently he asked about a Gronk's dick size and the other guy's dick size in the locker room classic Howard that's Howard bro Howard I would be bougie dozen TV fancy ask the questions we want to know I want to know if they got big dicks you know what I wouldn't ask about it if I hadn't heard about it you gotta say again I wouldn't ask about it if I hadn't heard about it what you mean like if that was something I had heard yeah yeah I mean I might be like yo what's up with them dicks in the locker room you know saying but I want to hear I got to hear how he got into the conversation about I haven't heard it [ __ ] I'm just excited because it's Howard [ __ ] Stern and you know you'll hear people tell you like Howard Stern doesn't have the same relevancy cause he's on satellite radio Howard Stern is the reason satellite radio is it's thriving right now and satellite radio is making a move towards I think video I've seen a lot more video come out of there a lot more video on YouTube well I know at one point I know at least shade 45 wouldn't allow certain certain shows the record video but a lot of people did it anyway like like no back Angele he had a morning after she did it anyway sway definitely does it anyway um Howard I still see Howard video so Howard doesn't when he wants to yeah I don't know man I feel like I feel like Howard is just such a professional he's just such a [ __ ] like he commands respect from the guests as well especially an older guest like these younger people listening right now right they might not know who Howard is they might not really care about Howard but someone that is 43 years old like Tom Brady puts Howard on Mount Rushmore he is on Mount Rushmore right what is it still to go yeah but you have to understand like if you're a young kid like a young kid today right who thinks Lucy Verte is the best rapper ever probably doesn't understand who two pockets or who Big E is right who rock you miss you know what I mean so it's a generational thing and I think that like I think how I think Tom Brady because of his age has so much respect for Howard he probably went on that show knowing I'm gonna drop some jewels and I probably waited to drop some jewels on this specific show because that's what you do on Howard you know what meant I think this is a good way to get into the deep dive without having a conversation about this yesterday with Taylor and Michaela and Sam in nyla and I was telling them you can't lead with young right okay what I mean by that is young is fleeting if young is your foundation if you're standing on a platform and you're saying I want to be on I should be in this position because I'm young you know all people got to get out the way and make room for the young people and this Annette well that just means you gonna be around for four years depending I hold you up it is depending how old you are because youth is fleeting so once I don't need that young person anymore I'm just gonna go grab me another young person so what you should really be is experienced skilled interesting unique cuz those things stand the test of time Howard Stern has evolved as an interview he's always been interesting and entertaining but over the years he's evolved to become one of the best interviewers that our generation has ever seen right a lot of it has to do with therapy he really knows how to get inside people's minds but he can still give you classic Howard talk about the dicks hmm so which nickel it's still entertaining I'm just I was just simply saying you can't lead with young yeah because it is how young if you look at the companies that that have tried to like leave with young they're flopping right now like I don't even know if MTV makes shows anymore i I don't know I cannot tell you if they make shows or they don't make shows I truly don't know I remember they used to or I haven't heard I haven't heard the name MTV and so goddamn long Brooke because what's on like is it yeah and I mean that's the thing right the reason is because they cater to um they cater to a certain demo that doesn't give a [ __ ] who does and what I mean MTV no they cater to a demo that doesn't know anything that's what they don't know anything what they also don't they out they also don't give a [ __ ] tuna oh no I'm not even gonna say that I'm not gonna say they don't give a [ __ ] though they are interested in certain things it is not interesting that this is the problem you got a bunch of executives sitting in a room that's all 50-plus years old trying to say what does a 15 year old like what does a 16 year old like 15 years or six year olds mind change every single day every every every day they're on to something new you gonna bust your [ __ ] ass trying to keep up with them only thing you should focus on is is it interesting is it unique can I can I can I learn from it isn't entertaining those four things right there stand the test of time yeah and guess what if you're a young person who has all four of those things as you grow and as you evolve you will continue to grow and evolve and your information will change but those four core things will never change only thing will change is your age I just want to know what happens when when you're not the new young hot thing anymore that that you can't stand on you I I used to I was that guy back in the day I put out a mixtape me am i do DJ frosty called disrespect your elders right because I was I was dissing all the older folks at the goddamn radio station oh and then you realize like man you got a birthday too I'll take it it's a lucky so what happens when you're not that new young thing no more are you are you afraid of any young comedians if they're not funny if a comedian is challenging you shows yeah they're like I'll bust your ass I'm younger than you yeah you think that's a good weapon to bring the war no no cuz I don't see any young comedians with careers really break it down I mean I don't know any a single young comedian that has a career I would trade with trade right now yeah yeah I feel you saying like named any successful young young comedian now you wanna go the only one I could probably think of his Pete and I would never trade my life for his career dough yet even that he'll know okay I mean even when he was on your podcast he seems miserable in his career Oh now these misery boners career I think that's actually the only thing that makes him happy going on SNL oh no not SNL but I'm saying but that's the way a you wouldn't trade places to be treated like that attesting that I get what you said you know so it's like the people I always looked up to people whose careers I respect have always been older the economy is an old man's game that's what people realize like nobody wants to hear what some young kid has to say this funny no one's here some young kid pontificate about the world right because it depends what his worldview is like I got saying if he's unique if you have a unique POV that we've never heard before name it bruh um Chappelle been interesting but once he hit me already people are like oh [ __ ] he's the goat yeah but people find him funny back then it's not him funny but that's different than like being a ghost if you look at the goats of comedy they've always been older what ghosts come with time though that's me so it's like like the one person I can remember having incredible success at a young age and still has a lot of respect is a he's the only one and that's a testament to how great Eddie was broke that goes back to what I'm saying yeah you're absolutely right you have to be unique you gotta be smart you got to be skilled you gotta have an interesting POV all of those things have to come into play and and and and that happens you see that early on you can look at a young kid and be like hey this guy got a real big story and as you grow those things don't change like you're still gonna be unique you're still gonna have an interesting field V you're still gonna be funny it's still gonna be smart you just get more and more and more experience and that's when you you know end up in go territory I mean I was even telling them yesterday like man it's so weird to me when I hear somebody say all people got to move out of the way and give young people the chance that's [ __ ] to me especially in 2020 when you have all the tools and resources that I didn't have when I was coming up yeah I look at the best personality that I've grown to love yeah over the past you know five years it's the kid fury and crystals it's diseases and marrows it's the tax domes it's the gear peplos it's the Scotty beams like all of these people for the most part I think Scott Scotty started in radio but the rest of them created their own platforms to be seen and to be heard 85 south show you know I'm saying Carlos Miller Chico BDC a fly they all created their own platforms they didn't wait for no [ __ ] body you know what I'm saying and I and most of them got platforms that are bigger than some radio shows I was like don't sit around and wait for somebody to give you something cuz guess what that's never gonna [ __ ] happen Joe Biden you gotta go [ __ ] take that [ __ ] so all you young people with that mindset that's an old [ __ ] played-out mindset I will take it I will say one thing where we should be ageist there is one there is one game in which you can judge someone for their age and they shouldn't be here because their age and that is politics old people should not be making decisions about the world that they won't be here for right I don't need Donald Trump or Joe Biden making decisions about the environment when they won't be here for the effects of their decisions I don't need them making decisions about the infrastructure to come of the country when you're not gonna be here for your decisions like let let's somebody who's 40 decide what we're gonna do about the polar icecaps or about the forests or about you know using you know recycling goods or whatever let the [ __ ] that kind of live through the decision make the decision I think you need old men for council young men and for because but why do I know now you gave counsel from someone who's not gonna be here for the decision that he makes because they many already so Joe Biden is probably old enough to Joe Biden is probably old enough to remember all them other pandemics that happens you might have been around when the first [ __ ] flu hit America you know me when that first [ __ ] about an influenza hit America he might have been around for this I'm sure he was but here's the thing man I'm okay with the old person making a decision that's a now decision cuz they got all this wisdom right then like the pandemic is a now decision how do we handle this now right Joe Biden was gonna be I look back in the day during the bubonic plague what we did was this and then that will help us right yeah but I don't care what your Biden has to say about the environment because he's not gonna live for that decision to come from whip to fruition I don't agree with it because you can still care about what happens now cuz you got grandkids you got you got children that's gonna still be here long at these bro his son is out there crack he don't care about his kids okay I mean you always gonna have one [ __ ] are you it's Joe's second family oh he had another family yeah I didn't know Chris correct correct me if I'm wrong didn't Joe Biden's family we're not gonna hear Chris his original family died or something oh Jesus brainy if you don't got time to fact-check she I just know that this is not his first go-around at this all I'm simply saying is I don't knock anybody for their experience I think that everybody's experience matters I think young people's experience matters I think all people as matters all I'm simply saying is you just can't stand on the foundation of young just like a president can't stand on the foundation of oh yeah so you've been around don't mean that you know any goddamn thing yeah because you've been around don't mean that you were [ __ ] oh gee and sometimes yeah that's right you might not be an OG and sometimes the [ __ ] that you lived through because your age is actually tainting your worldview you know if like you ask a bunch of you if you ask a bunch of people right if you're looking at them I'm gonna get a little close here because I kind of I gotta move some [ __ ] maybe if you asked a bunch of people right you like right up on you we're about kissing right there if you has a bunch of people and you're like yo old old old people you're like yo should black people and white people go to school together they're gonna be a few of them we're gonna be like [ __ ] now we own it why would I go to school together right it's like like you don't want to get all of your advice from old people because sometimes there's their wisdom is dated absolutely you know like you know you're not gonna go to suck your great-grandma and be like hey what do you think is the best thing to watch movies on and she's like well in your car you go to the drive-thru that's not gonna tell you watch movies ask Taylor what I told her yesterday I said my greatest skill is knowing that I don't know everything and staying fluid yeah always always being willing to learn you know regardless of what my experiences have been but that's what is really about to miss about experience right like I don't have you can be you can be 25 and have had more experiences than a 40 year old but you know it's about experience and it's about fact that wisdom that comes with age but you got to remain fluid up here you can't be stuck in your ways you always got to be willing to learn yeah she called that Taylor said that was that was that's called having a young mind I said no it's not it's called having a fluid mind it's called being open to change being being willing to learn you could be a hard-headed old [ __ ] young young hard-headed MA Oh [ __ ] yeah I mean if you're hard-headed and nothing can get through here it don't matter you're not going to ever be able to grow up be able to evolve gonna help be able to help anybody else grow up yeah that's the tricky thing about life it's like knowing what to be hard-headed about and knowing what to be fluid about because sometimes if your fluid about absolutely everything you can get caught up in the hype and sometimes you need to be disciplined and you need to have you know the foundation of your beliefs set in stone so it doesn't get rattled you know I trust my gut I trust my instincts I trust my intuition you know the universe God has shown me that he brings the right people in my life at the right time to tell me the right things and guide me the right way and direct me the right way but ultimately no decision is mine the choice is mine um I I can simply say I trust myself you know I mean when it's something that I don't want to do I'm not chalking it up to just being stubborn I'm just simply I simply don't want to do it if I'm not feeling it I'm not feeling it not me anything and that's that's something I learned with experience at age right because when you're young you just you just want to go you just want to be involved with everything and you just move wherever the [ __ ] wind blows until you realize no [ __ ] you know I'm saying it's not about how much you do it's about doing the right thing yes it you can do 10 different things and it could be a 10 10 10 10 [ __ ] that don't lead you nowhere yeah do that one thing that your heart is really into yeah you focus on that and [ __ ] opens up for I really take a break for a second pay some bills guys girls both of you get your dicks hard okay you're in quarantine you got to satisfy each other I know you've been looking at each other every single day staring each other's faces are you tired of each other maybe you are still you got to have sex you've got to satisfy those primal urges and I'm telling you the best way to do it with is with the hardest dick in the modern world supply be like blue shoe simple as that same active ingredients it's in viagra cialis only difference is it works twice as fast that's right you're chewing it up getting in your system and then getting you inside your girl give your girl the night of her life she deserves it during his quarantine ladies get your man to give you the night of your life it's simple as that blue to calm and you use our promo code idiots okay our promo code is idiots that's what the Nets at the end idiots it's free by the way if you use the promo code idiots you just got to pay five dollars shipping they're shipping that hard dick right to your house make sure you take advantage of it blue true calm use the promo code idiots untucking ever wonder why traditional button ups look so long and baggy that's because they were never meant to be worn that way untucking stretch was specifically designed to be worn untucked and tuck it is the brand you've been looking for it's the original untucked shirt all right a modern solution to an old problem with no tucking or tailoring required no matter your size and shape you hit no matter your size and shape their shirts at a perfect untucked length all right now you [ __ ] untuck your heavy ratios I love untuck it man if I need to have like a nice night out but I don't want to look like a herb with my shirt tucked into my pants I get that buttoned down look I look sophisticated I get treated right that's right if I'm actually going out to dinner but this has change but I get treated right my girl's parents respect me and I'm still comfortable untuck it simple as that I don't know don't just take show just word for it though try untuck it for yourself visit untuck it calm and use code idiots for 20% off your first order even offer free shipping and returns on all orders in the US as U and T you see ki and promo code idiots 20% off your first order let's get back to the show hey can we deep dive on can we deep dive on what businesses aren't gonna make it out of this pandemic oh I would love to let's go have you given any thought to that because I've been really sitting here thinking about it and I was doing episode of flagrant and I don't think that the movies in theaters makes it out of the pandemic I think movie theaters close yeah you know um AMC is already saying that they don't think that they're gonna recover from this and it's interesting because first of all it's interesting that all of these multi-million dollar corporations are living paycheck to paycheck like the average [ __ ] American that's that's that's insane to me but also um this guy came to me like six years ago with this idea and his idea was basically you know a screaming service for the movie theaters now the problem with that is you can't get no production companies and [ __ ] to agree with that cuz like why would they support your idea when they could just do something like that themselves it basically was like a Netflix for movies and you know the past few weeks we've been home I watched onward at home I watched invisible man at home invisible man sucked by the way I watched your visible man here at home and I like that when they was talking about Black Widow coming out on Disney Plus I was like hell - [ __ ] yeah you know I'm saying make it a one time by four photo of you so if you want to buy it as a as a consumer you gotta continuously purchase it every time you want to watch it I would sit here on my [ __ ] couch and pay that $20 to watch like what I want Disney Plus the problem with that is and it makes so much sense Marvel can limited to just Disney Plus but Marvel does I think they got like I don't know how much subscribers Disney Plus has but it's a big difference between putting it out on the streaming service to where you have a limited amount of people that subscribe Disney Plus as opposed to opening it you know mass-market you know why but I but I agree with you I just um I don't see how I don't see how movie theatres make it out of this if I was AMC I said I would do I would start a screaming sir Oh 100% it's it's it's an interesting thing about the virus because what it does is it exposes pre-existing conditions both physically and economically right like when you if you physically are ill before you get coronavirus you've got lung disorder you have lung cancer or something like that you're a smoker Corona can really [ __ ] you up and it can kill you even if you're not old right but it does the same thing to businesses economically like the movie business was already trending down movie business in terms of going out to the theater right they were selling less tickets and wasn't as popular and the pandemic is really kind of like seized it and it made us all realize oh [ __ ] like why do I want to get dressed up to go see a movie I might not even like I'd rather stay in my sweatpants watch my 4k HD television with crystal-clear audio that I have on my Bose speakers that I purchased on my comfy couch with my girl maybe my kids I have a I have a delicious meal not some buttery [ __ ] popcorn and some like a crunch bar that I'll buy for 50 bucks at the cash at the cashier whatever it is well you're right well let me tell you something mr. frivolous yeah I had to think about this too yeah I don't got a nice TVs breath son everybody I hear - [ __ ] everybody all got nice TVs and then I see people punching themselves and punch each other in the face every Black Friday for a [ __ ] flat unit okay so don't give me this [ __ ] the poor people got TVs okay Black Friday gives poor people everything they goddamn need to watch the movies that they want to watch simple is buddy right okay right if I see a 300-pound Porto Rican woman punch a white lady in the face to get a samsung and then you hotel me got no [ __ ] flatscreen you got a flat face you're right where the [ __ ] all you fighters on Black Friday don't tell me you don't got no knife I was with you yeah absolutely right I do like the movie-going experience I'm not gonna lie it's a good date night you know I'm saying I love imma be honest with you it comforts me go on go on that it just does like you know what I would sometimes like when you you know you dealing with anxiety and you know you may have like you know your bouts of depression the movie theater makes me happy and you know what I love even more than an AMC but I love a move I love a small movie theater a small uh I don't know what's the word for it um family-owned yeah movie theater in a small town so this while he thought living huh so this was thinking about that I don't know if movie theaters go away entirely but I think what you'll have is like events so let's say Marvel comes out with a new movie the another Avengers not like they are gonna be who knows whatever another Avengers right maybe you know how like some bars would put on the fight on pay-per-view and everybody will go to the bar to watch the fight yeah so maybe what happens is small independent places maybe it's excuse me a theater maybe it's a comedy club maybe it's a local restaurant whatever they put on their own versions of the movie that they'll they'll buy from the movie company and then you have people have a nice dinner they have a good meal it's not [ __ ] you're not sitting in a bunch of seats that got bedbugs but you're actually having that date night experience and gonna see the movie like to be honest maybe drive through movies actually have a like a resurgence that could be kind of dope you're in my garden is with a client a chair I like the movies with the reclining chair that you just kick back yeah I'm saying like those those are perfect when you take your kids to see them kids movies yeah I mean no you know the type of sleep I got in Jumanji you know to [ __ ] sleep the type of sleep I got during little oh my god man some of the best [ __ ] sleep ever are doing them kids movie you slept through Kevin Hart being scared again I definitely slept through Jumanji I woke up I woke up at one point during Jumanji and was like oh [ __ ] is that Aquafina I think we're right back to where was awesome in it yeah she's in the new Jumanji oh really yes man I can [ __ ] with FINA man she's been killing it bro Oh imma be III think you're right about movie theaters umm what else what else what else is struggling now that you don't think it's gonna make it out of this man like hate to say it is your television scripted television but it's killing it right now people are obsessed with these scripted shows which before you know tape you you got to go tape some of these shows shows eventually when we're back you mean done I think um I don't know me I haven't thought about it actually was thinking about the businesses that we're gonna thrive like I was saying like the like the audio business is gonna thrive radio podcast book business is gonna thrive but there's hard couple books whether it's audible books they're gonna thrive animation is definitely gonna thrive animation is literally the only thing that you can really get moving right now you had a cartoon in the works I guarantee they sending those people over to the studio to do those voiceovers just you want an engineer that's a in and out you'll be by yourself that [ __ ] is definitely gonna get moving what do you gotta get what about retail I wonder if retail the way we know retail like all these stores were already falling apart right like Barney's went out of business all these other stories are already gone they're going bankrupt the pandemic hits right and now people can't go out to these stores and buy and I think during a pandemic you start to realize how you really purchase clothing like the days where we would just go into uh was a store back at Jimmy jazz or some [ __ ] in the city you know we're like you just walk into a store that has a little bit of everything you buy sneakers jeans a [ __ ] hoodie or something like that I think those days are done I think what we do is we're really niche in the way we dress we're we're like oh boom I like my jeans from sube but I like a hoodie from over here I like my sneakers from over there and I think that we start purchasing things online that exact way so instead of going to a Urban Outfitters to get everything we'll go online to the specific stores we want buy and if we don't like just return only ones are over say get only bills your girlfriend a year and having realized that [ __ ] here's a do you think how women shopping how many shopper different it's like oh you mean minimum start shopping like women be exactly like okay come let me because here's the thing man we don't return things right like if I buy a pair of jeans and it don't fit I have a pair of jeans that don't fit that's just how it works right so just text me and say women need you to try clothes on who so Taylor Taylor who's that Taylor yeah let's say women need to try clothes on look clothes on - we just won't return them if they don't fit and everybody's weight doesn't fluctuate like yours Taylor oh [ __ ] Taylor Taylor taking shots Taylor go go go go I'll brought up another thing that I want to bring up as well but as a Taylor's before on Monday after on Thursday oh wait before again on that next one see you before or after right now yeah all right let's post a picture you know this there's a lot less selfies huh a lot less thirst traps out there huh I've noticed it just say what not if you don't want to show off your apartments you'll take all those pictures in the guy that's taking you out apartment I have no I have a very nice apartment mm-hmm anyway back to the clothing thing so I think men will start shopping more like women and also another thing that I think changes completely is delivery what do you mean so like you know how now when you go out to a restaurant well not now but pre-pandemic you go out to a restaurant right you asked for a reservation at 8 o'clock right yes and the restaurant tells you okay we got a resident we have eight we have a 15 or we have 8:30 or we have whatever right but when you call for delivery you just get your food whenever they can send it to you there's no time I think popular restaurants when we get back to business I think a lot of restaurants will fail because they can't stay open but I think the ones that do stay open will be RAM packs because that will be what exists right and most people won't have more money to invest in a new restaurant anyway so we won't have a lot of new restaurants and the ones that are gonna be the really good ones and I think what happens is delivery becomes the exact same as dining in in that you request a time for your delivery and they have slotted times for your delivery like we have an 8:30 delivery available we have a 15 delivery available but we don't have 730 when you want to get your meal and I think people start eating at home at a given time based on the restaurants availability smart smart um could work right what were you saying I'll go I think restaurants are gonna suffer because people are learning to cook oh that's another thing so as out thinks restaurants will suffer because people are learning how to cook and they're learning how how I don't want to say easy but how effectively they can make a delicious meal I think y'all discredit in one thing when it comes to that though a lot of times man you know even with the movie theater even with the restaurant it's not about necessarily a movie or the food it's just the experience going out [ __ ] just like to go out bro so here's the thing about going out right the movie and the and why movies a little bit different and I think food is a little different you're out but you're not connecting with people and I think now when people go out they want to connect like I think [ __ ] concerts dude like the first time you could go out to a concert and sing with thousands of people your favorite song at the same time that's gonna be an unreal experience for people it's gonna feel like 4th of July fireworks you ain't getting mentioned for another year and a half so I don't know man I'm curious naughty bill Gage said it the best and I agree when I'm bill gates that and tell there is Bill Gates know Bill Gates bro then until there's an act of a vaccine he's right you know I know where he's testing that vaccine bro it's not true you know where he's testing up ask India ask it go to Robert RFK go to RFK Jr's Instagram right now see his last post ready to finish it right now right because yo of the [ __ ] that's doing who's in Rikers I mean some african-americans he would do life by the way have you were doing life in three life at Rikers bro oh [ __ ] if you were doing life in prison yeah aim to you and it was like look we're testing vaccines out on you you're a comic book guy like myself you try it my turn the Luke Cage is that what happened to Luke Cage yes they decided vaccinate him I don't know people's back to the nation but it was some type of experiment they was doing on him while he was in prison well hey Luke [ __ ] cage that might be a way to do it except the vaccine yo you don't think they're trying to some slick [ __ ] with these vaccines bro and every goddamn hotel every black Israelite Andre 3000 they all been telling us this forever isn't that the new way what does not the [ __ ] with the back sneak y'all give anti vaccinate as hell anti vaccinate has been telling y'all like don't take these vaccines no I'm listening I'm Pro vaccine I think vaccine is what allowed you know people to [ __ ] live decent lives and not worry about like stubbing their toe on something metal and then just dying a few late days later from tetanus right that being said it is a little interesting that you have some like Bill Gates who's like sneakily almost predicted this a few years back to all of a sudden be ready to go at these vaccines and it's just like he's not ready to go to the back things he's just funding he's funding the research for the vaccines you got to think about a guy like Bill Gates he's a billionaire so he has access to some of the most brilliant minds in the world he has conversations with people like Bill Gates didn't say nothing that george w bush didn't say every bush was like yes george w bush said if we don't get ahead I don't know what I don't want I don't want to misquote him but he basically talked about how we have to have a global pandemic team and take a clove paint a global pandemic team in place because eventually there will be a global pandemic in [ __ ] American like Joe Rogan be talking about [ __ ] like this yeah like no informations anymore it is an interesting thing because it's the let's say hypothetically speaking if you want to get little conspiratorial it is the perfect way to get people to do what you want them to do because now it's not just about you it's about the people you could affect they're basically like let's say some bad guys out there some bad actors out there like alright we want to put a chip in everybody's arm so we can control what they do or we want to put a vaccine inside everybody's body so we can kind of like manipulate their bodies in some way shape or form etc you can't just tell him to do it because we're too rebellious right but you can say hey you got to do this to protect your grandma you got to do this so you could kill your granddad you got a deuce you could kill old people now it's not about you it's actually selfish if you don't do it it's kind of genius manipulation techniques but millions of people vaccination shots every year the flu they do the flu shot everyone never do a flu shot I never know I I don't do it either but millions of people do like they often do it because I grew up listen in the hotels that I grew up listening the mother [ __ ] in hotels man and you know it used to be this sign in the barber shop I had to get my hair cut at mom's corner I think it was professional barber shop they had a sign and it was this dude this big-ass needle and it said vaccines or viruses what are they injecting us with and that [ __ ] was always stuck with me I never little in the butt of the virus since you could get you know they just put the tip in that [ __ ] works it has an hour yeah it definitely works your girl builds up the antibodies for your dick and then you start [ __ ] yeah and then you look at your kids get shots early on like I I don't know why people are acting like you know the next logical step after coronavirus to find a vaccine for it hey literally that's what it literally happened to every single Oh [ __ ] flu you need a vaccine it's just how they enforce it is gonna be interesting to me I mean look I perform live for a living I had to push my special back my special is gonna be in November 13th and 14th I believe so we change new dates anybody if you want those tickets you have are still available for those dates but I had to push my special back and I think that the people will feel the most confident going back out to live events if a vaccine exists so I'm Pro vaccine I want that vaccine immediately yeah I was talking to my guy Aaron McGruder yesterday man he brought up a good point he was talking about just that he was like you know not only are people gonna feel not gonna feel comfortable gathering together until they get a vaccine it was like yo the people that are in the most danger when things open back up it's people like us yeah my wife you haven't had the virus yet oh yeah if you've never been exposed to the virus you know what I'm saying you haven't built up the anti antibodies so when we go back out into the world unless we've had a and didn't know it like we're we're gonna be super exposed to catch you know that's the [ __ ] up thing about like testing a vaccine like you hear like they're testing the vaccine in Africa and like part of you is like man that's [ __ ] up you can't do that but then there's also a part of you like Russia with it go somewhere they don't care already Joe exotic from a oh oh ma Nebraska no son we got to do it somewhere who wants to get tested bro you know what maybe we should make people earn that $1,200 the government's gonna give them you want that $1,200 take this start giving out comic books in jail bro give them Wolverine even Captain America giving Luke Cage give all of these people who got they powers because of government experiments yo yeah that's all and these people never doing life in prison as dumb talk about these guys that are doing 80 is a hundred years and there's no hope of them getting out is that you ain't up for Perot 2075 and you're already 40 in the words of President Donald J Trump what do you got to lose there we go there we go dude what if that's a bro that's actually a great thing why don't we take all the people that have extremely long sentences and say hey here's this vaccine we're trying out if you live you get to get out of jail oh that's a good deal that's a good roll in a [ __ ] die in jail or you get out now we're not talking about you know murders and rape is in exile [ __ ] we're talking about you you're like a drug dealer you got some crazy you know you stole [ __ ] like one of those you get long sentences for doing something that's not extremely violent okay I wonder the percentage of people on death row who know they committed a crime and made peace with the crime did they commit it and they know that one day they gon die though the people that probably get to get the vaccine there you go see if it works if not if you already do it like me like a lot actually died a hero bro you die a hero a lot of states do leap from injection so if you give them the option like look we're gonna test this on you if it works and you live you're free doesn't die you are do in death row this is a phenomenal deal I don't know anybody that wouldn't take this deal 100% if you think you're innocent you wouldn't take it yeah but you're not getting out anyway yeah you're not getting out anyway I don't know man but well how do we get on Bill Gates oh yeah about the vaccine you think yeah you know like you know like you don't know eh I don't trust it bro something's going on I think that Bill Gates is one of these people that get too much flack just because he's a [ __ ] billionaire and it's not his fault that he literally invented something that changed the world like we have to stop even fin yeah Microsoft what is that I don't [ __ ] know that's the day with Bill Gates I think he's tight I think on some level he's tight that he will be forgotten because nobody knows what he invented like Steve Jobs oh we don't know what Microsoft is what is Microsoft isn't it the [ __ ] your Wi-Fi program in a computer program son we don't know like you Google could you go buy some Microsoft I'm sure you can't nobody listening right now or the majority of people listen right now got no [ __ ] clue what Microsoft is yeah but we see that [ __ ] every time we turn on our computers usually but you'll know what it does what is Microsoft think about it what does it do it's software Microsoft Microsoft is my dick when I get out the pool yes it's not exactly it's the operating system for PC computers did you know that yes okay so here's the thing we thought it was Wi-Fi you didn't know that stop I did sames doubt it okay makes you computer work [ __ ] before the internet came out and you see that [ __ ] no matter what kind of computer you got when you open up that [ __ ] you see Microsoft man so I without Bill Gates baby wit see that suppose if we don't know if it moves if we don't know if it doesn't move I think that Bill Gates wants to be known for something and on some level he's got to accept that there is nothing that will remember him for in Microsoft Andrew we don't know what that is you know he doing jobs what Steve Jobs makes say it say with your [ __ ] chess Chris is texting you is oh yeah it chris says the company that makes word doc - thanks Chris man bro stop hating Thank You Mac because you got to look like him without glasses broke man I'm not I'm just skeptical bro I'm skeptical now here's the thing why are we so skeptical a billionaire because we should it's a weird thing to be and so we not have that much money bro yes we're dare say what you can get there show I don't want to I'd have no care to if I might listen it might happen by accident you might invent something that literally changes the world so much and then in a processes and then in the process I would have to absolutely crush and destroy my competition to get there nobody becomes a billionaire ethically it doesn't have believed it there's not one ethical billionaire that exists in the whole world but if no I mean listen it's impossible right because even if you if you if you're getting the computers built and [ __ ] probably getting built in China with child labor you know Apple iPhone that's not your fault I mean you don't mind to have them built there that is well you decide to have them built there what else you won't build them at you want to do child labor in Florida yeah keep them kids off the streets bro why can't you shall labor Florida keep them off the streets came off the beach man while Florida is the luau Florida the litmus test for everything Florida Florida Florida is the new Bronx no the Bronx is the Bronx Indians Florida now Bronx used to have it down and also in Florida came out and they were just wild and bro yeah blow up taking over right you know you're right the Bronx came up too much it got too successful yeah do you marrow carne Mario Party be French Montana like they they learn that crazy and focus it you know I'm saying then they gave us ALC and it's like what the [ __ ] this isn't the Bronx noises I'm a called the Bronx Riverdale the process I'm gonna call the bunch Westchester I'm not even at Bronx don't exist like a used to exist bro maybe one floor still out here Florida still out here Eggman is [ __ ] ignorant and you got to love it you got to respect it low-key yeah yeah yeah you have to respect it so put them kids to work so here's my thing on Bill Gates I think he knows people don't remember him for making anything we see the sign but we don't know what he made hi everybody this is the most brilliant idiot tape we've had in mind go go everybody knows Bill Gates made but we don't know what that what we all know what he made Microsoft son if I ask you to write down what it is it's not as hateful to PC and then what your computer don't work without it so what is it it's the heart is it the heart of the computer I don't [ __ ] know nobody knows what Bill Gates did he did nothing no that's not true you know computers even need a operating system it has to oh how I caught on maybe it does it maybe this whole time he's been selling us nothing no when you cut yet William see one of these buttons had the Microsoft [ __ ] on and on and on you know you know how easy it is to pick up your [ __ ] iPhone ago man Steve Jobs made this you know how easy it is to pick up your ear pods be like man Steve just made it oh you see that's the thing right your work your York you're thinking about the tangible item that's in your hand it's literally like what we remember over time the printing press what was it Gutenberg was a Gutenberg Gutenberg made the [ __ ] printer you remember the things you've been hold way more popular than goddamn glutton Burke no he's not brothers of all Gutenberg am i hot since he [ __ ] was wrestling in the goddamn WCW alright let's come out and [ __ ] spear people and body slam them when you got to the WWE he was white I didn't know he made the print press why God made the printing press bro think about other actual things that were invented okay those brothers that made the airplane Wright brothers Wright brothers boom you know what they made a [ __ ] airplane they didn't make a greeting system for the airplane nobody knows it may ask you in the future what did Bill Gates make you're going to say microwave what did L on musk make say it bro Tesla electric car that should been invented forever but he made it an electric car that we will all remember forever he made the rocket that comes back to earth you're not gonna remember what Bill Gates made bro bodies gonna ever forgive Microsoft in Word doc you're a comedian you write jokes on word doc first of all i Roanoke's in word doc no I don't I do not write jokes on word doc okay I do not write I don't not get my [ __ ] word doc open and hit the Return button a couple times when the banjo is so recognizable you know so it's called Microsoft Word you don't even know the name of it that's how little you go remember Bill Gates groans soft baby soft [ __ ] name the operating system for a PC after his dick yeah okay we're gonna remember him forever I don't think so doc I don't believe in questioning Bill I don't believe that logic of billionaires have to do something wrong either I just think that's something you tell me a billionaire who is completely clean just give me an only claim the thing I don't know what that one I think I got one who's pretty clean oh the guy who owns Starbucks Howard he's proud show bro yeah Howard show doesn't my cuz okay no people here actually believe he's my cousin I think we got a and they always see you at Starbucks cups you sneaky mother this [ __ ] was rich I knew he had a Starbucks was over our show today you know I'll just quote algos you're dressing their colors you are dressed because it's how it shows him in front of Andrew shows his comedy career for the past two years Oh trust me he hasn't but no I don't know if he's clean either listen I don't know we don't here's the thing we don't know any of these people somebody put that in the atmosphere one day that billionaires have to do foul [ __ ] in order to become billionaires and now we just look at all the billionaires sideways when the truth to the matter is can we just admit you're jealous can we just know we're envious and we just admit it's kind of some hate bro I'm not jealous I'm not jealous I'm not even because I look at them and I say what's gonna be the idea that I create that changes the world and you know makes my family well-off for a very very long time I think that I got a couple now I think that I'm in the process of launching a couple we'll see what you got what's wrong I wait till the press release comes out yo and I wish that I didn't even have to put a press release out on it but that comes with the territory when you are a person in my position and when you're doing things with the people that I'm doing things with press releases help the launch of things how'd it get it got to do it okay can we see your hairline nah you said you were gonna show it to us this week man come on it's not as bad as I thought though let me see it let me just see the top of it I want to see where the hair starts don't show us the part that's actually there keep going back keep going back keep going back goddamn brekkie going back you look like black Robocop keep going back still don't see any B now I keep going back didn't yet keep going back this is insane did you don't see it son have you just shaved price is here right maybe a little bit keep going back little grass on the infield bro keep going back hey dude Microsoft is the brush you use but I don't know how to [ __ ] bob was not considered essential working dude I tried to get mine to come up from North Carolina bro I'm ready to risk it yeah we got it dude we just got a ready to risk it they already wear gloves and a [ __ ] ball and put the mask on I'm ready to risk it bro yeah and they're cutting your hair from behind you mostly right so it's like they could breathe into your mouth we check your temperature we good done I think we gotta bring it back keep conversation to a minimum like let's go ty what's happening that's it that's my barbers name okay I thought you had someone calling in I don't think let's do some more things you won't care about next week did we talk about I think I mentioned this earlier you said you thought they were lying one in China as in China opens back up after pretty much like that after what after a three-month lockdown even locked down for three months and and now Wuhan has opened back up but you say you don't believe China I mean do you believe China yes I'm gonna tell you why why because there's a Chinese city that that finally banned his citizens for eating dogs and cats this city of Shenzhen okay it's in Wuhan and they are banning the consumption of dog and cats beginning May 1st calling it not only common practice in developed countries part of the demand and spirit of human civilization I think about think about like chicken over here yeah what'swhat's the meat just a good steak yep imagine us really because something that we were doing over here cause the global pandemic cuz you know that's what they say they say that they were experimenting on the animals in China right and are in Wuhan their experiment on the animals and they didn't um that the animals on fire no that's not what it was that's what they're lying about what they're doing is they have these wet markets where they just sell any [ __ ] animal you can buy a jellyfish out of a bucket you can buy a penguin you could just buy anything this while the viruses come out of China because they're still dealing with animals right and there's a youtuber named CGP grey and he puts out these at great informational videos but there's one I think it's kind of about this and it's been something that's kind of curious but nobody ever asked right it's like you know and like white people came to America and they gave smallpox to the Native American Americans right but nobody ever asks why didn't the Native Americans give their diseases to the white people right technically they both should have their unique diseases and then give it to each other and then wipe each other out right the issue the reason why they didn't is because they didn't have any diseases because Native Americans weren't dealing with domesticated animals they didn't domesticate any animals before might be making Americans say again are maybe Native Americans weren't psychopathic genocidal killers who wanted the white pot you got to be thinking about germ well no they were they were they were psychopathic and genocide Oh to each other I mean that's documented but in terms of the small black [ __ ] like why didn't just being around them give off the disease the reason why white people have had so many diseases is because they've been around animals for so long right so like if you look at like in England I think the cholera outbreak happened because they're around pigs and [ __ ] like that basically it has any society starts to develop you start to have animals you domesticate the animal now you're kicking it with these animals and when humans are kicking with animals they're not supposed to be kicking with eventually these viruses or diseases start popping up and then people end up dying China they still do that [ __ ] the reservoirs I mean animals have parasites and you know viruses and [ __ ] that exists within their neck that are compatible with their immune system making their Lawrence not us exactly so now we get them shits from the animals right because we're living in such close proximity we're not supposed to be doing that and China still does it when they have these wet markets so if they want to shut down the wet markets then we're not gonna have these diseases pop up every few years like we have but until they do that we're still gonna get a disease every few years out of China cuz someone got to eat a bat or someone got to wrestle a pig or someone got to eat a [ __ ] I don't know whatever I salute the city in China salute the city in China because they stopped the consumption of dog in cash there you go this I guess is he yeah it is big it's part that's like that's like somebody over here stopping the consumption of meat because the meat isn't healthy as vegans have been trying to tell us for years you know what I'm saying yeah but big I don't think that they eat as much dog as we eat steak I don't know if that's true or not I don't think they do I mean that's why if you have to put a law in place to stop the consumption of the dog to lay out there somewhere bruh hey here's a big dog near the McDonald's they gotta stop the consumption of it they eatin a lot of that [ __ ] grub they gotta make a lot of stop it it's going down I feel you're right man I can't say you're wrong bro if you gotta implement the law yes man like you don't build the wall unless [ __ ] are trying to sneak in that's what I'm saying you know it's going down like China built a wall I had built the wall Jonathan the consumption of dog and cat is done should we should we bring them in hit his drop one time Taylor let's bring him in I know you've dice any crisps any chime in Chris are you muted you got to unmute your [ __ ] I'm wondering you hear me now we can hear you gosh I mean Chris I'm a no I don't think they eat that much dog in China obviously they eat it more than in other places not in China in this particular city I can't run a mother I have we got a rent down I can't remember the name but it's a city in Wuhan though well one is a city but that doesn't kind of prove the point because dogs and cats whether you're eating there or not are already domesticated you're already in contact with them I think yeah what you guys are talking about is other animals that we wouldn't normally be in contact with that they're catching in the wild bringing them in and then even undomesticated animal right that's the issue you can't be around non domesticated animals right like Native Americans didn't have horses until white people brought them over they didn't have anything domesticated so they'd want to eat why they stopped the consumption of the dogs in the continent I think it's a PR move they're like man they know that we eat dogs and cats and they make fun of us for it all right cut that [ __ ] out but you could still sell a turtle in the middle of the street in China you need a city I named Chris I said the city in the beginning Oh festival every year there's an area actually oh there is a city and they did a somebody did some like documentary on it but there's like this big dog festival every single year my effect I should look up on my phone and maybe they shut it down there but that's like you said Chris that's not the issue the issue is you just can't be hanging around these [ __ ] animals and they're just having them out there in the open or else eventually people are gonna catch some weird [ __ ] from them yeah I mean I think the Native American points a good point but the other thing I would say that further that is the other advantage the reason Native Americans didn't have diseases they didn't travel much beyond their natural boundaries the reason Europeans have been trading diseases and Asians is they travel all over the world for thousands of years yeah when you try cincin shinsen Chris Luhan province so yeah when you travel around the world that's a good point and you're bringing these animals around the world that people aren't used to living with that's when you're gonna trade that disease I mean like the Black Plague the bubonic plague like that was started from rats from China rats from China came along the Silk Road or whatever it was because finally there was trade between Europe and China and they also traded some of their lovely plagues with us I'm gonna tell you something oh man y'all frightened if we if we've ever had some of that rat on a stick man that [ __ ] be hidden yo I'm not saying it's not because some of us already Al's be hidden brother start me out a squirrel like something more aesthetically pleasing you know I'm squirrel you eat you've eaten squirrel oh yeah Harlan West Virginia snoop to the buckwild family I was thinking about them this week that's so crazy and Shane died uh they Shane died on April 1st was Vince April 8th yes how not long as mrs. Shane's been dead but yeah we had squirrel dumpling we had bear shoulder I want to try bear bro bear shoulder was hitting bro who's good balding like none but I clean my plate yeah but Duval just eats appetizers and McDonald's we had deer hash swirl deer half-squirrel dumpling and bare shoulders fresh green means that they grew you know Duval said the funniest [ __ ] when he was on Rogan like he said he only eats fast food right be as fast food is good right and rogue is like yeah but haven't you seen those studies where like they take a McDonald's hamburger and they just leave it there for 15 years and it looks exactly the same and then Duval looks at them he goes ain't that good you got a point like if the food doesn't go bad maybe it's not that bad all right guys we take a break for a second pay some bills listen how is it that most cleaning products make you feel so dirty that is the exact opposite of their intended purpose okay they got these chemicals inside them you're using these plastic bottles traditional cleaning products are surprisingly messy in their business practices that's why there's clean cult okay clean coat makes natural cleaners that actually clean with ingredients so you can actually understand with packaging that's actually landfill free alright and they're off the plastics they've got these cool glass bottles it looks really nice you can put them around your place and doesn't look like you have just detergent or soap sitting there and they're disgusting boxes okay clean cult is as is as effective as leading brands of detergent so you get the same level clean with none of the chemicals okay if you have kids why are you putting chemicals around them if you have yourself why are you putting chemicals around you don't worry about 5g worry about the chemicals you go to clean cult com get a customized starter kit in adjustable paper based refill delivery service that fits the needs of your home and lifestyle you can finally break up with plastic these clean cult is the only company to put soap in milk cartons that's right the refillable cartridges that they have are in these milk cartons it looks wild then you see it you're like okay I'm actually helping the environment and keeping myself clean clean cult has thousands of five-star views with name I was named a top 250 consumer good company in 2019 and they've been sponsored by National Science Foundation in their innovative work in natural ingredients and their sleek shatter resistant evergreen glass bottles reduces plastic waste and looks gorgeous on the countertop and clean cult sustainable shipping system allows them to be carbon neutral you hear that you're not affecting the environment you're making your personal environment much cleaner this is a no-brainer they're delivering it right to your house you can decide how much you need and get on that delivery system the cleaning your place could not be easier I can't fathom why you would want to go to the CVS or supermarket or whatever and carry those massively heavy bags made out of plastic by the way back to your apartment with all those products where you could have a ship - right to your door it's a no-brainer simple as this right now go to clean cult comm slash idiots for 25% off your first kit but only until May 30th you heard me you only get this deal until May 30th 25% off now through May 30th at clean-cut calm idiots clean-cut calm / idiots clean up your life alright let's get back to the show listen things you won't care about next week Ellen DeGeneres she was in her mansion which I'm not mad at you know and she's quarantine or her wife yeah and she said that uh she feels like she's in jail sometimes I forgot how would the exact quote was Taylor has it but she said she feels like she's in jail yadda yadda yadda which a lot of people she had she had context for it that was funny what would the context of jail because I can't go anywhere and everybody's gay yes wait a clip tale if you guys know was a joke this is like being in jail is what it is it's mostly because I've been wearing the same clothes for ten days and everyone in here is gay listen comedian good joke I guess kind of basic but bad timing yeah reason is bad the reason is bad timing is because if you see what's happening in these prisons right now due to the corona virus it's not dope it's not sexy at all bro what's happening what's happening in this presence well you got um there's a prison in Ohio oh can we stop right now yes Takashi's free we got to talk about this bro thought yeah let's put this let's put a button on this Ellen thing alright would you look at what's happening in the prison you had this guy he called from this low security prison in Ohio he was showing himself on the FaceTime and he was just showing prisoners around him sick he's got a year left on his sentence for nonviolent drug offense Wow he's like yeah I might die in here yeah oh you started letting that tax don't put out a couple weeks ago about what's going on in Rikers tax Don said he feels like he's in a grave with his eyes wide open no you see um it was a brother in Louisiana he had like a year left on his sentence for a nonviolent drug offense he died if you look at what happened in California they like like thirty five hundred inmates free yeah right because they're just like look these guys got they don't have they have a little bit of time left on their sentences they're nonviolent drug offenders let him go like let him go yeah oh you know for Ellen to say that it was just a little little tone deaf especially when you have people putting a lot of resources into the prisons right now like you know jay-z and meek mill them just sent a lot of PPE to Rikers Island you know you see people releasing the prisoners that they don't want they don't want them to die in jail but they know that's what potentially could happen it was just a little tone deaf outlet and if I was Ellen it's a easy way to clean this up easy just bring Van Jones on your show let Van Jones bring light for what's happening in some of these prisons you know what I'm saying bring some attention to it so some of these other governors some of these other you know state officials take heed to what they did in California what they're doing it's even in in New York like let some let some of these prisoners go that's all the nonviolent drug offenders or long sentences let me go or you could prove how gay it is and drop that porn what come on so you don't want to see that Ellen Horne you want to see her dance now show me that dance girl no come on bro you wouldn't watch an Ellen point I thought you liked old woman porn now a sudden you don't know I want her to use our platform to help bring light to what's happening in today I want her use her platform for a porn and I think she will because a lot of people was tweeting her and stuff today and all you got to do is bring Van Jones on they've been and Jones speak about now we can talk about 69 sigmata zone ORN let's talk about six you talk about six nine because I got say to earlier you tap brilliant people you have idiots but are you even it are you gonna do what you promised to do no because I won the bet you said if six nine gets out of jail no here's a deke I said if six nine beats his case yes that's what I say you said in B's this case you're suckin that dandelion maybe this place he didn't P this case no he didn't get out before he was supposed to get out no six nine sat in jail full year here at it on everybody he did rat you ratted on everybody went to court they told me at another year and then he went to him for that year and then God bless him coronavirus happens I wouldn't leave one of the guys I'm talking about I wouldn't let you suck his dick breath I wouldn't suck you think I wanted to get out one two back I wouldn't let you though I'm not gonna let him see the top of your head like this but listen he won the bet I won the bet so he got if he beats his case he did not beat his case so does he have to suck your dick I was just being I was I was I was being uh I don't know what the word is what's the worst he [ __ ] or I wasn't for CSIS it was another word I used to use it was like verbally I probably got you bro there you go bang I was we'll call it hyperbole I'm like no that's not what it is hyperbole the next disease to come out of China I probably okay hyperbole I probably is what that was I was just letting people know that there's no way he's beating his [ __ ] case alright anytime was he so confident I was so confident that he wouldn't beat the case he when I offered to do that you were willing to put your lips on the line and then you know and not only did I do that I provided entertainment for the internet for ever he really did now I will not let that [ __ ] die 6:9 is out we gotta talk to him we got to have a conversation not interested he should go on Ellen you probably won't end up on Ellen and talk about what's real I thought what he did this week was corny what'd he do there was a post on the shade room and it was something about it was funny man that [ __ ] ain't funny come on bro I'm gonna tell you why that [ __ ] ain't funny was you ruined a bunch of people's lives and you think that [ __ ] is a joke who like and what 6:9 did that he showed me and he has not learned from the era of his way that okay oh because of course check it out yeah it's people I did I will that really kill you for that for angle snitching snitching and you're gonna come home and make a joke about it like a six nine to the rescue those kids and [ __ ] may laugh at you six nine you have not escaped the wrath of the screech but here's the thing likes once someone's gonna kill you nothing you say is gonna make them kill you more like he's already got the death penalty so at this point in time it's like there's no risk controlling because I'm already gonna get killed if they ever see me that's that's the I mean I get what you're saying and you're absolutely right that's not the way to live life that's not the way to live when you've gotten a second chance at life yeah garlic regardless of how you've got in that second chance regardless if it was because you snitched or not that's no way to live that life bro like would be happy would you ever talk to him would you ever have an interview with him or have a conversation I don't think so really I don't think so I don't see the need it's for me it was just being I told you so cuz you know what I did the first interview with him everybody said I was trying to troll him I wasn't trying to troll him at all I'll just tell him I did she was going bro and I should we try to touch our fingers together and you just go eat the phone home like I really don't think I really don't think I don't see any reason for me to want to interview six nine but I think that you would obviously make an interesting interview you guys have that funny joke and banter but there could also be a situation where you press him on the [ __ ] that he did I don't think it's roar feet that's what would he do you know sailing it's like I don't get anything out of it that's just me being for what like we know what he did that's literally like praying I've been thinking about this okay you pray to God right and tell him what's going on yeah okay and tell him what you need help with yeah as if God doesn't already know right we were talking about this last week okay it's like it's the stupidest logic in the world yeah I don't get anything out of telling 6:9 what the world already knows 6:9 knows he read it yeah and I got to live with that every day of his life trust me you don't feel good about that no no that tweet that that caption was him putting his toe in the water and I'm telling you six nine don't come out really don't do it bro no don't do it don't do it don't play with don't play with it in that way what happened to him honestly what do you see happening to him I really don't know I don't want to predict his future because I don't want to put any negative energy his weight mom but it's gonna be very interesting because you really you you never could believe him to begin with but you really can't believe him now you definitely can't come on and start rapping about no gangsta [ __ ] yeah I'm saying if you rap about being being a snitch that would be a great angle that'd be something we never seen before but that ain't gonna fly all right now I'm saying like I really don't know I don't know we're six nine goals from him to be totally honest I'm sure that it'll be plenty of people wanting to interview him I'm sure to be plenty of documentaries made and all types of [ __ ] I'm sure he will have no shortage of work opportunities but I'm not interested I wish him the best kiddo but I don't was bad on can you make a living effortless yeah can you still put out music and can he stay safe probably not depends though but I would say probably not only reason I say depends is because it just matters like you know you only what world he chooses to be in but that don't even matter no more they if they want to come get you they gonna come get you yes don't know you just don't know who he's pissed off it's not even about his direct enemies I'm telling you it people that don't like rats right Ratan is not some hood [ __ ] you know that shows that's mafia boss [ __ ] that's [ __ ] nobody nobody likes to snitch on any level you don't like white collar snitches they don't like hood snitches they don't like snitches that's just on the Mafia they don't like snitches so I don't I don't know where he goes from me and beyond each I don't know I know those kids won't care those kids are still by his music they don't they know they don't have those same values yeah I don't give a [ __ ] about discrete like they give a [ __ ] about his high antics and him making people laugh that's an interesting point that you brought up is that it's not just the people he snitched on people in general don't like snitches so now he's gonna get different treatment he's not gonna get protection when he goes to certain cities because you can't protect a rat who's gonna be a lot of complications I never thought about it that way that's really interesting is the right perspective yeah it's like when you snitch you remove yourself from the protection of the street code if you will like you go to a certain city there are guys in that city that you could hire to protect you they're not professional but they're gonna get the job done and they know everybody in the city and they call everybody the city I go a listen don't touch him he's hiring me everything's cool correct is that kind of how it goes pretty much yeah so now you can't call on those people now you gotta get what like a regular security company to like walk around you like how does he leave his house bro nobody like snitches you think why do you think nobody's put why do you think nobody tells fighting is Donald Trump fear that he was the president and that he was gonna hold him accountable you snitch you don't snitch on me yeah [ __ ] you know have a look have a career have a life whatever like yeah yeah play that [ __ ] at all and guess what the ones that didn't snitch to get protected that's all that's why I say you got to celebrate certain ones that's why I'm like damn why when I look at hip-hop and I look at the laws and I've said this before when I look at the laws that hip-hop all know has and champions and celebrates by hip-hop slaw Bobby shmurda [ __ ] [ __ ] come home to a million dollars and be a king you should be that is interesting I think we were having a conversation it was me you and fan right and we're having a little group chat and I asked why is it that he can't snitch like if they threatened his family or they did these types of things etc right and it was you or him said something interesting to me you were like if what what was it exactly was something like it's there's a difference when you snitch on people that you do illegal stuff with there is a code because you're all agreeing to do something illegal so if you get caught you're all making that choice absolutely something like that right yeah yeah absolutely now if those people you're working with break that code not by going to the feds but by coming after you you still can't snitch I don't think so so it's one of those things where if you operate illegally you have to understand there is no protection from the police no matter what you sign that agreement when you desire to operate illegally yeah I think it's no honor amongst thieves right so when you're in a circle like that why would you expect you know any type of Lodi any type of nobility from any of those people yes those people may flip on you and kidnap you one day yes those people may flip on you and kill you one day yes if all y'all get busted one day one of y'all might snitch like there's this is the den of thieves criminals you know like like someone who might operate with different codes but you clearly he wasn't one of them and you know you kind of got to blame them for bringing him into the fold but it's like me Alan even I'm not even interested in the 6:9 like I'm about as interested in six-night as I am and goddamn drink oops you [ __ ] you know that [ __ ] is bobbing huh I see what that's bombing yeah I think it's wack I think it's wack and I think it's beneath Drake yeah I think that when you're the biggest artist in the world and you're the biggest rapper in the world I don't like to see you chasing trends you know saying it's like why be a why be a surfer when you're a [ __ ] wave now I mean I just didn't respect it I'm like and it it don't matter the ship might still work but I it just don't seem organic a lot of times with those dances those tick-tock dances I see him in just organic it's um it's a song people like and then somebody does something to it and it goes it was like it felt too forced it felt too corporate to to industry and I just feel like Drake has built himself up into such a way yeah you don't have to do that [ __ ] man he it was the first time I seen him look thirsty it was the first time I seen him yeah instead of being the wave like you said it was a and it's and it was - it was like he San Arun he was like okay everybody's at home they can't go outside why don't we tap into this dance craze [ __ ] that's on tick-tock i'ma break tick-tock with this song and like you said if it's not organic it's not gonna ride people feel like they're doing something they need to feel like they're part of the creative process and he gave instructions how to do to dance in the dance it should never be that way and reminded me like you're familiar Betty Crocker right oh so Betty Crocker back in the day right they had [ __ ] though they had the cookie mix back in the day and they had everything done where you just add water right and nobody was buying it and they were like why the [ __ ] is nobody buying it and it turns out the the people that were cooking it the housewives they didn't feel like they were actually baking so what they did is they said add an egg now if you get some cookies right now some cookie mix they always say add an egg right everything's in there just add an egg right now you're like they're doing it on their own now you figure you're doing oh he didn't let you add the egg he's like I'm gonna put the egg in I'm gonna just do everything all you got to do is add water and then it's done and people do not like that let me add the [ __ ] egg yeah and I watched her fake um I watched the fake organic [ __ ] he tried to create around it um I watched academics posted video I think I think the guy's name is actually to see who the dancer I saw act posted video and they were dancing the Drake song a couple weeks prior yeah and I'm sure he reached out to act and asked actor post that and then I saw him leave a comment and he was like yo I'm gonna put this out since y'all turning up to it and so he put it out the next week with a whole video attached to it yeah you know I'm saying and it just I just didn't like that for drink it's literally like watching jay-z do a snap record when snap was hot you know what I'm saying it's just like y'all you know you the biggest I'm really I really want to say this I don't know if Drake knows he's Drake I wonder at this something about a lot of the moves Drake has made lately make me feel like he doesn't realize that he's Drake like bro yes yes I don't go [ __ ] how much people clown you how much I've clowns you over here you are solidified you are absolutely a legend like right now at this point you're playing for legacy if you want to make a dance record cool fine it's music you put it out you know music is subjective I think the [ __ ] is corny but it almost feels like you're just trying to stay in tune with what's going on now yeah and I just want to tell you bro like yo why be a [ __ ] circle when you get away and he is the wave it is weird wave I don't know maybe he put out a few songs that didn't really catch on you know he's put out a couple songs since the last album that didn't really you know gado-gado let's go everyone say god bless you what do you say Quran but yeah maybe put out a couple songs they didn't really pop off and then he started to get a little nervous and he's like let me get a guaranteed hit let me just do this dance grace [ __ ] and then he tried a little too hard you know he went a little over the top of it I mean it's almost a guaranteed hit by the way that's a record drinking a game to somebody yeah it's not it's sonically not a bad record is just whack for him yeah I mean sonically it's not a bad record at all it's just like watching Drake do that is like yeah that's a little cute in Canada man get up to some little fifteen-year-old 16 year old kid you know I mean let him do that and you just pop up in the video dancing yeah you know people like oh [ __ ] you know Dre wrote that Oh y-yeah I mean like I don't know I did I just I just didn't like it I thought it was wack maybe it'll work all you will I really see doing the dances other celebrities and that's because there's really no artists it's not too many artists who got as many celebrity groupies is Drake well that's the thing it's like you you can tell when it doesn't resonate when the kids aren't doing on tick-tock I didn't see it's not it I'm not saying or not I haven't seen they're not it's not really taken over a few celebs tried to do it if you like like lower tier NBA players try to do it and because it's Drake right because they're huge fans Drake as they should be he's [ __ ] incredible yes but again if you try too hard you force it too much people can tell and maybe they didn't catch the ACT thing that was you know maybe orchestrated a lot of people don't realize there's so much of this [ __ ] is PR so much that she orchestrated everything she is like organic or you think is like oh this just happened to go viral they're doing it on purpose you know I mean like well this one is definitely this one was definitely on purpose I mean even though it's a little stuff like I just see him doing things that I normally wouldn't expect from him is way but you know I'm saying I mean everything like this the pictures of the Sun you know popping up on you know people's Instagram lives you know putting out you putting out a lot of music which is good but you know the music ain't really like sticking sticking and then you know I saw him on live why didn't see it but I heard about him on live one night previewing music and it's just like great you're Drake yeah you're Drake yeah I'm saying like you are certified King I don't ever let nobody tell you different you don't have to follow no trends you don't have to surf no waves you are the [ __ ] wave you're you're leading it to you executive producer bag you're a TP a top boy you're an EP a euphoria like row I just want you to know you are Drake yeah that's it yeah I said I don't know like please just always remember so what should he do now what's the next move if you were if you were managing Drake or you are consulting Drake what would you tell him I mean drinks you do whatever it is that he wants to do not a motel I will tell him leaning into this EP bag so not they usually put out enough music that I think drinkers put out enough music the last us for a long long time I would tell Drake that if you if you really feel like you want to make music you always want to record cool but if I was Rick at this point man I'd be giving away a lot of those hits and the reason I will be giving away a lot of those hitches because Drake still hasn't necessarily broke our artist of his own he's helped a lot of artists pop off well he hasn't necessarily created another star and I think the only way drink will be able to really really create another stars if he could mix solely to that one artist and he's not he's not thinking about any music for himself whatsoever he's not an album bow he's not a nothing he's just in the studio working with this person trying to make this artist the best off that they could possibly you know what I'm saying I think that uh that's what I would be doing I would be if I was dragged by my sole focus right now would be let me empower as many people as possible even though he's already done a lot of that yeah I know it's just time to is this time to breathe read the next generation the star you know you you ask you a certified star you've been in the game a decade it's not going nowhere for you it's not going nowhere for Jay Cole it's not going away after Kendrick Lamar that's why I love Kendrick so much mr. Kendrick really picks and chooses his spots man that's who I can't wait to hear from again Kendrick Lamar has mastered the art of old celebrity yeah what I mean by old celebrity walk away or disappear that's it you hear from him when he wants you to hear from him and you hear from him through his art nothing more nothing less ain't no salacious headlines ain't no we saw you know Kendrick at Starbucks you don't get none of that you see Kendrick when you see Kendrick and every time he comes out he shifts coaching and I think you know we also have to remember that this is a marathon it's not a sprint is it's not about me it's not about being the most relevant person at the moment it's about being the person that's gonna be hot forever that I think is really playing for every in a real way that is true but at the same time you can't be the number one rapper in the world if you're doing it the way Kendrick is doing it you have to be doing what Drake is doing to be number one and maybe Kendrick doesn't want to be number one and maybe that's what we love about him so much maybe we love the fact that it's just the music that he cares about you know but Drake definitely wants to be the number one rapper in the world to hold that Bell every single year and and that's fine that's great yeah some people care about constant relevancy some people care about ultimate legacy and and I think I think I think solidified his ultimate legacy by the line by the way he does things yeah but you don't have to chase constant relevance but you don't have to be the person that's involved with every conversation you don't have to be the person that's on every train sometimes it's cool just to sit back and observe and be a fan yeah see like to me that's Huygens fight you know like for me I'm most dangerous when I'm quiet you know even though you hear me every day but what I'm saying is when I when I when I'm just sitting back observing watching everything that's going on I figuring out what's missing in the landscape what what what value can I really add to the current climate of the coach and if I don't feel like I could add any value to the current climate of the culture I'm gonna think about what's next where are we going is is Kendrick is Kendrick like nas if he could pick good beats no little stronger than Earth no not in terms of like wordplay or ability amigas Nasim is phenomenal but in terms of like the way he went about his career because I never thought nas was thirsty to be in the limelight or in the spotlight Hendrika zones away Busic inter gives away biggest thought in nas has been you think in nas is peak yeah you think Kendrick was bigger now than nas was at nas is peak yeah and that's no nocturne I don't want nobody to take that everybody loved to say Oh child may be hating that's no nakta nod I'm just talking about in terms of stardom and celebrity capella Matic which was critically acclaimed too good kid maad city which was critically acclaimed and commercially successful what about Stillmatic critically acclaimed and commercially successful yeah but that was like that was like seven albums in let me see still medical as we see illmatic it was written I am nervous I think Stillmatic the fifth album right Stillmatic was the read it was written no Illmatic it were and it was it was read I am Nostradamus static still mad more I think it was still mad I think still Maddox the fifth one okay somebody Google down for me but I think still maybe the fifth one okay fifth album yeah Hendrix only on his technically third I mean you can count section 80 that was a mixtape but Cal mixtape because rappers back in a day didn't do mixtapes like like rappers do now I can't account leukemia cities his first official project which so good kid maad city the pimp a butterfly and he's treating multiple Grammy winner fair enough platinum artists oh [ __ ] he wanna what did he win the Pulitzer Prize a kid he's a superstar bro we just don't we don't appreciate Kendrick cuz he's not around like that but Kendrick is a superstar in a real way my mom knows Kendrick Lamar you know you know what it might be you know how like I'm I think we had this discussion like when Jordan was in the league nobody else ate like nobody else got a ring like and I think there could be something to how Drake has has tainted the perception of greatness about the around the artists a--'s around the artists that were around him because Drake I think has been so good that without Drake maybe we look at Kendrick as that maybe Kendrick is I just think it's a matter of we see Drake all the time Greg don't take no breaks yeah drink there's a lot of features yeah oblems every other year yeah he's always around and if he's not always around for his music he's been around in the news like Drake is always around that's that's the only difference I believe yeah he's like the Kardashian of rap yeah yeah Drake Drake is a Greg is a very traditional rap star a very traditional music star you know saying you gonna see him sitting sideline at the games you know I mean you're gonna see him dating the celebrity chicks like you're gonna have scandals and [ __ ] like that but he won't my wife he knocks him yeah he's in the cut with his family but Kendrick Lamar God why is a superstar with a lot of [ __ ] money at his disposal and I really love the way he moves and I really love the way he does things and I think that me he's always been the leader at a new school but his new generation like uh you know you look at them and you say the three-headed monster the nuclear head of monsters Kendrick Cole Drake for me right for me Kendrick is number one now if I'm being objective and I got to put you know everything on the table in this totality of course you can argue for Drake to be number one but when it comes to just at that rap and you know being a music artist I gotta put I gotta put Kendrick at at number one Kendrick Kendrick number one I'll put Drake number two and Cole number three and then my other favorite rapper over the past decade is Rhapsody that's just off-screen talent you know and Peele a skill right but Hendricken I can't wait to see what Kendrick does man I really I really I'm really looking forward the Kendricks next project you know why another reason for what she was talking about earlier get older got more experiences he's married now he got a child he's seen a lot more life you know and plus just the way the world has been the past few years like and Kendrick is that type of person who absorbs all of that and puts it in his music I can't [ __ ] wait hmm Kendrick Lamar's new [ __ ] man I really can't I really can't yeah someone's gonna have to deliver an album during this quarantine that's gonna service all of us you know someone's gonna have to do it I don't know who I don't know who it's gonna be but there is room right now for someone to deliver music that's gonna kind of capture our feelings and we'll really gravitate towards that person man I wouldn't give it to if I was them whoever the person is I don't think I would put it out to the next year oh wait on it bro you got a lot of good [ __ ] by there first of all we don't know how it is she about the end yeah that's number one yeah we got the election in November baby no I'm saying you about to see a whole lot of [ __ ] that you ain't never seen before let me see it's gonna be hard to keep smiling and I can't remember the rest of the way over the [ __ ] Tupac say yeah let's do some asking idiots and get the [ __ ] out of here please sure I don't have my phone with me you got it you got some shots no I don't got it Haley we will need you to chime in give us some asking idiots I've stuff in your face what time since his podcast Taylor we're gonna do three asking anything out here because we got a long there's a long episode all right okay well y'all kind of already answer that for TJ bottle pop he wants to know who she gave Kobe Hall famous speech oh good question whoo significant will be Brian's Hall of Fame speech I mean obviously you know you're gonna say Jordan but I would actually really like Phil Jackson to do it I think that's it Phil right that's it God we haven't seen Phil speak in see Phil speak at the memorial oh I think that's what you call it what was it called memorial memorial yeah yeah you don't you didn't see Phil's because the memorial I haven't seen I personally haven't seen a statement from Phil Jackson I could be wrong I haven't seen one since his death we saw a Shaq talk we saw Colby talk I don't think they should prove Vanessa do that again plus it's about basketball you know what I'm saying it's about basketball it's about it's about that legacy that he left on the court I definitely think Phil Jackson would be on cell bill would definitely be the best person all right what else take from Island boy you just say huh nothing okay um I can't really read this guy's name buzz names ravishing ravishing Rick Rude before I become successful to either do you have a backup or we fully invested in making comedy radio workout and so what was the backup fully invested no backup but never believed in a back-up plan I feel like it hurts you in a lot of ways I think that you can protect yourself when you're going through something but I only have one thing that I want it to be and just put everything in that so yeah I don't really believe in like a backup career I believe in backup having some money saved I believe in backup you know having some investments but I don't believe in backup I'll just do this other thing because you let that creep in there and then you can't be totally focused on the thing you want to do yeah I never had a back-up plan either simply because I didn't go to college I'm saying I graduated from Berkeley High School in Moscow in South Carolina and in night school and so when I finally did get in the radio you know then went internship it was everything to me you know I didn't I didn't I didn't know anything else I didn't go to trade school I didn't have any other other skill set I was like this is what I loved to do and I didn't even know that you could make millions of dollars in a radio until I started studying the craft more so um yeah I did I didn't have a back-up plan II it was radio all or nothing baby all right last one Taylor from Maddy Mars what are three things you can't live without during the quarantine time not including family or your significant other not including family or my significant other Wi-Fi Wi-Fi the the studio where I record the podcasts out of and my my electric bicycle that I call a motorcycle yeah for me it's um therapy exercise in technology exercise good call it therapy exercise and technology those are the three things that I can't live without those are the three things that are keeping me sane when I say technology I mean all of this the fact that you know I have the mixer here and I can go broadcast and do the Breakfast Club in the morning the fact that we're able to tap in and do podcast via zoom you know social media you know just for interaction with people and an interaction with folks on folks on Instagram live and just watching what's going on in the world that's amazing being able to scream TV shows I haven't checked out quickly yet I'm gonna check out kwibi um and yeah you know therapy for me is not only talking to my sacred farmers coach and talking to my therapist via phone or FaceTime or whatever it is you always really just that self-care just of being still meditating you know because I'll keep telling everybody man we keep praying asking God to hear us that's not what this moment is about this moment is about us hearing God yeah that's it that's it baby we did it man yeah there are as always if you listed his podcast you think we're smart you think we're intelligent you think we're brilliant you absolutely right what if you lose to this podcast you think with just a couple 80s and oh no [ __ ] you're right to was to bring you this podcast thank you for listening [Music]
Channel: Brilliant Idiots
Views: 189,169
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: andrew schulz, andrew schultz, comedy, comedian, stand up, brilliant idiots, flagrant 2, sports, entertainment, pop culture, commentary, comedy club, near me, jokes, charlamagne, charlemange, breakfast club, interviews, wax, paige, taylor, alexx, alexxmedia
Id: lgoMv8b4et4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 124min 38sec (7478 seconds)
Published: Thu Apr 09 2020
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