Setup NAT for the Cisco CCNA w/ Packet Tracer - Part 2

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okay it's time to set up this network in this gnat situation so I'm going to show you how to do it from the beginning so we'll set up a new document alright and we'll drag out the components that we're going to need I'm going to go to routers here click on generic and put a router here and then generic and put a router here and then I'm going to go to n devices and I'm going to grab a generic server and drag that out over here switches I'll click on switches and I'll just grab a generic switch and put that here and then end devices and PC and put that here and oh that's a laptop I don't want that I just want generic another generic PC here and then we're going to name everything and then set it up okay so that sounds good all right we've got to also link everything together so let's start with these pcs to this switch we'll go to our link connections we'll get some straight through cables click here Ethernet - Ethernet zero and straight through Ethernet to the second Ethernet port all right and then from the switch to the routers Ethernet is also a straight through so grab straight through cable will go Ethernet to fastethernet 0/0 on this router now from router to router will go serial port to serial port and for that we'll need a serial cable I'm going to take the serial cable with the DCE clock rate the DC n DC e end of the serial cable so I'll click that this is going to be the DCE and that'll go on serial to here I'm going to drag that across and I'm going to put it on serial two of the other router alright and then last but not least we have to connect this router to this we're going to connect this router directly to this server so a direct connection is needs to be from Ethernet on a computer to the ethernet of the router has to be a crossover cable so I'll grab a crossover cable here and put it on the Ethernet to fastethernet 0/0 okay now I'm going to put some labels so that you can see what's going on here on server zero I'm going to change this to server zero and actually I'll just delete that and just put the IP address that I'm going to put for this server is going to be the server's IP address right here these pcs this guy I'm going to make hundred okay and then this guy will be oh one okay and then this guy right here router zero I'm just going to change his name to r0 and then this guy will be the guy that we're going to setup NAT overload on and then this guy router one will be the guy that we're going to set up static NAT on okay so static now we're going to do a static NAT assignment for this router okay now we've got to configure these guys so for this PC very quickly I want to get this done very quickly so I'm going to go to desktop IP configuration static 100 subnet mask his gateway will be okay so that'll be the router that needs to be the routers interface alright I'll close that all right now he's ready to go do the same thing for this guy except make his IP address 101 I'll do that in a minute for the router here okay very quickly I'm going to cheat and go to the little GUI tool to set up the interfaces so I can do it very quickly I want to do the minimal configuration actually I'll do command-line interface that way you guys can see what's happening en for enable and conf T to get to global config mode int short for interface F a 0/0 IP address space and subnet mask and then after that do a No shut for no shutdown all right and that interface is up okay so now that interface is up now for the other interface I'm going to put int serial - slash 0 because that's the number of the serial interface I'll put in the IP address IP address and we want to make this one a public IP address 200 dot 10.0 dot 1 and I got to put in the subnet mask oops ok I've got to put the clock rate clock rate 64,000 and then no shut for no shutdown and the interface will come up once we've configured the other routers interface so we'll do that one first next so we've open the other router command-line interface enter no answer no on the wizard dialog because you don't want to go through a configuration dialog you just want to get to the basic command prompt on these routers I am NOT putting any additional configurations like passwords or anything like that I'm just doing the minimal configuration to show you how to do NAT so that way to keep it simple okay serial 2/0 I'm going to do the serial interface first IP address 210 0.2 and then the subnet mask oh no shut alright and now as you notice that interface green light comes up now the interface is up for the other interface do int F a 0/0 IP address and this one will be 10.0 0.1 and then I'll put in a class full subnet mask of so slash eight subnet mask here for the ten private address shut alright and now that interfaces up okay alright now for this server we need to set a couple of things here so on the server I'll click on desktop IP configuration and I'll set the IP address 10 0 dot 0 dot 2 5 4 right so he's the last address there's the subnet mask and then the gateway which is the router the way out of the network all right I've set that up now that's all set everything we've got green lights and that's good another thing I'm going to do is make sure that HTTP is running and sure enough it is on off take it on again so the HTTP server is running for this server so we've got a web server running on this server right over here that's good to know
Channel: danscourses
Views: 230,400
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: CCNA, Cisco, NAT, setup
Id: E6b1yU4NrtE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 36sec (516 seconds)
Published: Thu Apr 28 2011
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