Peterson Shrike Picks Review - Should They Exist?

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hello again it's loch noob and today we get to look at some really really interesting picks and these were sent to me by the legal lock picker please do go check out his channel for me to have a look at and do a bit of a review on now if i asked you who makes these picks and he didn't study them too carefully you might be forgiven for saying the wrong manufacturer well let me just say these are peterson shrike picks uh in 25 000 of an inch thick government steel pizzas and government steel um and yes it's very different to their normal picks now here is one of their more normal picks this is my favorite uh lock pick profile ever the pizza gem in 18 000 i love the steel i love the profile i love the handle there's nothing about this pick that i don't like the only reason i don't feature more uh peterson products on my channel is that they are quite expensive to get sent so that's a fact i have to bear in to my budget so luckily i'll send these right so you get a bit of an understanding what these might be and why some of the profiles look a bit familiar to you and the handle shapes well let me just read this out on from their website says peterson at times reviews competitive products especially those that are similar in reach and depth or designed to lead me to believe that they are apparent knock off their own designs okay so knock off would be a copy and pieces are saying they are reviewing the competitive products fair enough don't say which manufacturers especially those which are similar in reach depth or design okay similar someone reached out to the design not the same similar um uh to to see what's being sort of knocked off from peterson's own site it goes on it says when we can take our picks lay the competitive pick over it scribe the surface and find that the competitive pick precisely matches the reach and depth so not design reach and depth of the pick with only some material cut away to make them look different i see an apparent knock-off so again lots of loaded phrases there they've gone away from the similar in design to just reach and depth with some material cut away that's enough for them to consider it to possibly being an apparent knock off okay well that's interesting to me because reach and depth here are two picks from the same manufacturer peterson themselves they have very similar reach because well they're made by the same manufacturer and if i look at the depth i'll try to line them up one's a little bit bent but uh something like that you can see that they are pretty much the same depth as well in fact both of these picks could easily be interchanged um to pick the same style of lock truthfully why do i prefer this one over this one well it's just the field because it isn't that i believe that this um is actually a cut down version of the gem although you could probably fashion something out of the gem to make this no it's just a different profile different purpose um slightly different angle on the tip uh one's rounded has different sorts of feedback properties to uh this sharp point where i personally think that i can feel the rise of the binding pin as i come under it um they're just different profiles it says in this case we took some apparent knockoffs notice they're saying apparent knockoffs they're not saying they are knockoffs but some apparent knockoffs based on the criteria and that they are of similar reach and depth i guess um corrected obvious design flaws so we're looking for obvious design flaws according to pizzan and then made a small order of them plus some other useful picks so they're about 10 pic profiles on their website um about half of them are standard pizzas and profiles some medium hook short hooks uh half diamond snake rake and a city rate for example and then half of them are more exotic profiles which we can only assume may be some of those profiles which they thought were apparent knock-offs this is really really odd uh to me i i'm not sure what to think of it going back to the the depth and reach um between manufacturers and actually internally to the same manufacturer there's going to be a lot of pics that actually have um different profiles but similar reach and depths off the pick that's that's just the way the lot pigs are that you have a different one for a different type of picker gives you different feedback a different style it's um it's it's i mean when it comes down to it they're just a piece of metal with a bend on the end um or some are slightly curved pieces of metal um that their their designs as old as uh pin tumbler lock picks ever were so it's an odd one to consider um some designs as being a a rip-off when really all lock picks seem to be quite similar really then we get to uh things like this this is the uh it says 31s on here if i look at their website this is called the c4 wiggler nh remember that wiggler this is actually from uh i guess it's a competitor of uh pizza sparrows this is a design called the sparrows worm if i overlay them this way and for fairness if i overlay them this way you can make your own mind up about how close in terms of uh reach depth and design these two are i can't say for various reasons whether uh pizza and consider the sparrow's worm to be an apparent knock-off of one of their designs and that they have somehow um corrected some obvious flaws obvious obvious design flaws or not i don't know but if that were the case and you can be the judge of that i can't see much correction of design flaws there i also look through all the pieces and picks i have and i don't have every single design and the closest i could get to to this wiggler not worm wiggler is actually a bogota and whilst again they've got similar reach depth and design they are actually different because of the uh ever so slightly different wavelength between the peaks and the very very rounded edges which make it a bit better for scrubbing than a bogota in my opinion if and i'm saying that very clearly if peterson considered the sparrow's worm to be somehow an apparent knockoff and they therefore took the sparrow's worm design and maybe how can i put this corrected some obvious mistakes in it if that indeed is what happened and they ended up with this then they've ended up with something which by accident or design and i'm giving a lot of benefit of doubt here looks and feels almost exactly like the sparrow's worm this is called the peterson reach hun nh hun who famously uh is known as something the hun oh you know i'm reminded instantly of attila the hun i wonder if there's any other lockpick manufacturer that makes a pick related to attila the hun may be i don't know sparrows attila now i don't have asparagus attila as it happens when i looked at the sparrows website and i looked at these profiles do you know what they appear to be pretty close is that another competitor where peterson have considered it to be somehow a knockoff of a design again i don't know for sure but what is interesting is they called it the pizza and reach hun this is a peterson reach and actually if i put these together they're actually massively different there isn't like a bit of metal um taken away the whole curve shape of this and the thickness here um will give this sort of a lot more strength at the tip than this one i believe and here's an interesting one this one's called peterson gem pizza and gem remember that's the gem not very similar but this is called piece and gem crazy remember crazy crazy uh little crazy like would you say a lunatic now these are a little bit different but they by golly have a very similar reach and depth don't they and and if you look to them a little closer you might think that one was maybe just a spin on another did pizzan look at for example this lunatic and consider it to be somehow a knockoff of one of their picks they called it the gem is it a knockoff of the gem according to peterson i don't know i don't know if that's what they had in mind uh but i can certainly see that there is a by accidental design a similarity between the two pick tips here let's go on it again what do we have here well we've got something which is called i believe looking here um the hook one um here's the hook one i've actually got a piece number one hook and um well they're quite different um but similar reach in depth yeah i'll give them that but so if that's the the one but again something about that profile that's slightly um diamond edge sight scoop here reminds me a little bit of the sparrows tron again by accident or design i i don't know you might think they look a little bit different um overlay them they got a very similar um reach and depth as you can see again hard to say um but it's definitely uh what came to mind when when i was looking at them and last but not least this which actually to me looks very much like a peterson profile because of that sort of rounded uh short hook and actually it it is called the number um hook three this is a peterson number three hook and well they are very very similar as you'd expect if they are essentially a different version of each other now there is one notable exception here there's something called the hook diamond bull which again you may look at the sparrows matador and consider it to be a little bit similar you may not um you can be the judge so weather my guesses are right at what and who peterson may have considered a knockoff they may not have done um and if peterson have made um what they would consider to be a a correction something they create the obvious design flaws according to them um of the apparent knock-offs but have ended up in their own way making an almost exact copy of what they consider to be a knockoff then wouldn't that be a knockoff of a knockoff somewhat fighting fire with fire and that to me would be at least a little bit hypocritical if that were the case and what's weird about it when it comes down to it is that they're actually quite good picks that's the weirdest thing and these are all very very usable profiles they're made well they're finished well the steel is absolutely excellent um there's nothing as far as um the the picks at all which i have a problem with i i actually think they're really really good and some of them are a massive improvement on the standard pizza and profiles at least in terms of their sort of reach and slimness i mean just look at that you get almost an extra centimeter or so of um of shaft length here a nicer taper no ridge on here to me if i had the choice between having this number three hook or this one i would choose this one it's in my opinion just better are any of these profiles here whether they are apparent knockoffs of knockoffs or something else um they're great they're good profiles they all work and the finish on them is actually really really nice as well from what i can see so all in all the shrike picks they just leave me a little bit confused and leave a a sort of well if not bitter a sort of sad taste if such a thing exists in my mouth that um a good uh lock pick company like pizzan who make excellent tools some of which are my favorites um feel that they have to sort of make apparent knockoffs of apparent knockoffs and i'll try to use their words as much as possible there because clearly they're able to make some really really nice profiles of their own and make some nice new handle designs um did they really need to go down this road i don't know you decide i really find it hard to conclude this video of them to say peterson still make some really excellent picks then the strike picks are no exception but should they be made you decide i'll see you next time
Channel: Lock Noob
Views: 12,432
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Lock, locksport, lock pick, lock picking, locks, Padlock, open, pick, picked, picking, lockpicking, locksmith, fun, cool, spp, single pin picking, gutting, gutted, how to, guide, tutorial
Id: aDlldB1Ks_E
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 44sec (884 seconds)
Published: Sat Sep 05 2020
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