Stop Hating On The City Rake/L Rake! Start Encouraging Locksport!

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[Music] [Applause] [Music] hey guys this is Tony Morelli here I'm getting a little different video that I normally do today's video was specifically about the city rake or sometimes known as the El rake this pick seems to get a ton of hate from the community I never seen picking videos I never seen anywhere however when I first meet someone and introduce them to the idea of locks border lock picking I feel there's a a bias to hand someone a triple peak or a Bogota and be like hair just rank this thing open and here's the thing about raking a lock open your attention has to be absolutely on point for most locks don't get me wrong on a master lock number 3 that's not necessarily true but for a lot of locks that is true if you do too much tension you're not gonna push them up the thing that love about the city rake is that there isn't a whole ton of skill the whole concept of a city rake is that you're inserting a pick into a lock and rocking it right maybe pulling out a little bit and pushing back in but on really low security locks your attention can be ridiculously tough and it still opens so this is my video to show my love for this pick the pick that I feel gets the least amount of love in the entire lock sport community now don't get me wrong if you're a purist who single pin picks high security locks this is not for high security locks this video is for people first getting into lock picking who you know never picked a lock before and they got a really crappy lockpick set you know their hooks are too deep or they didn't come with a triple peek they just don't get the concept of it but with this city rake or this El rake whatever you want to call it really care this is a Sparrow's from the tuxedo said I believe or the not the tuxedo set this one's from the I can't remember one comes with a neon background this just got the rubber handle it's the same as the tuxedo said it just has a rubber handle on it here's the thing this pick is a great introduction to people who do not do lock sport okay I'm gonna show you why I have a whole slew of locks here that I'm gonna just run through with this pick doing not much work to get them open some will take a little bit longer than others I get that some have security pins a spool or two there are any serrated pins in here I have one lock that is master keyed and I'm gonna do that one as well so let's get started so I got a master lock number three here your very standard introduction pick this lock first kind of concept I could have started with a clear see-through padlock but I just want to start with actual locks that you might see in service the other thing you're going to notice here is I do have a few different tension wrenches and this is because of the locks I'm choosing the pick so I have a standard wiper blade insert right here that will probably be used for you know 90% of the locks just a standard one this is a tension wrench that comes with the multi pick jack knife that they make the reason I'm using this is I have one small avis padlock and if you notice on this this has a tapered end that tapered end is specifically for that I need a smaller tension wrench to fit in that way and then I have this multi pick top of the key way tension bar pry bar this is specifically for the last the last lock I'm gonna pick and I'll show you why this thing will not focus why this is important when I get there I'm gonna start with a city rake I'm gonna call a city orator because that's what Bosnian bill taught me to call it I get it sometimes it's called an El rank I love the idea of a city rake just because it looks like a city skyline so I'm gonna start off with a standard master lock number three with this wipe wiper blade insert put it right in the bottom you can apply no tension insert the pic apply some tension and just Rock and there we have an open that smash lock number three no one's surprised by that okay next I'm going to do a matchlock commercial what does the master lock commercial I don't know honestly I'm gonna be honest Tia if I had to guess if you look at these two here me let me relock this back up on the master lock number three and turn it back one second here okay you tell me what the difference is I don't see one I mean you know were they I can dictate Islam this one is it's got an extra bumper on top and it's great it says commercial so it's probably about as insecure so again I'm going to use the same wiper blade insert going to take the city rake insert it apply a little tension fit up and down and that one's open as well again there's nothing special about these locks they're very insecure locks this isn't to prove a point about the city or a Carell rate being the best lockpick in the world it is to stop hating on it specifically for people who are trying to get into locks board you don't know how to pick locks the concept of a city area is insert jiggle open right it gives that person that first magical feeling of an open I don't know if you can recall your first open but I can I remember that feeling of opening my first lock and it was an immediate addiction like wow I love this feeling I have to learn more and that's well more for people I want people to learn that and feel that so they want to continue down the path unlocks port so next I have a massive match lock number five I mean let's be honest here it's got a not a pin but it's just a big brother to the master lock number three same tension wrench the wiper insert going in put the break in apply a little pressure and jiggle there it is another open now we're moving on now I'm cheating here right this is a master lock number three let's not lie to each other it's a little different it just comes in a nice weatherproof plastic casing it's got a little flip lid over the keyway for weather proofing but without taking this plastic off this little ring adds a little bit of additional issue because of tension rip or tension wrench depth whatever I'm still gonna pick it open it's just one of those things that I have it my set I know it's one that'll work with a sitting rake so we're gonna do it again we're gonna insert the city rake apply a little tension and we're open okay and now we're moving in two locks that have a few security pins nothing crazy we're not talking about serrations or serrated spools most of these have one spool in them at a maximum but it's but again they're not just for pin standard locks they have a fool or at least a spool in them so we have a master lock one forty see if I can get that to focus there we go match lock 140 not an impressive lock but it is a fun bump up when you're learning locks port to go to a lock with a spool over just a standard master lock number three again same standard wiper insert this does have a spool pin will be a little more difficult I'm gonna do a little bit lighter tension because I need to set that spool before I set the rest of the pins otherwise the city rates not gonna work I'm going to insert depict apply a little tension my tension and this is one those ones I might have to reset a couple times just because if I get a false set it's gonna do me no good here we go and as an open on the matchlock 140 next there's a Brinks the Brinks is pretty much the same as the 140 it's a Brinks brass padlock it also has at least a single spool in it okay same tension wrench and again the city rake I'm gonna insert it apply a little tension well that was fast okay no one's open so next I'm gonna switch over to a lock I got off eBay this is a little mini Avis lock now it's not super tiny but you compare it to master lock 140 it's close in comparison but you can see it's just a little bit smaller um if you look at the key way however you maybe I can't show that to you without zooming in here give me a second it's small there's not a whole lot of room in there and once I put a tension wrench in so if I take the standard wiper blade insert and I insert this and then I show it to you I need to focus you can see that tension wrench leaves absolutely no room for a pick to go in there so that's where I'm going to grab this tension wrench from the multi pick jackknife set because it has this tapered end on the tension wrench I'm going to only insert as much as I need to to apply tension so I sort that as much as I need to can I apply tension well first excuse me I insert the pick and then I apply tension and I just rake that up and down and again this one has security pins in it so it may take a few times or a resetter to know the tension wrench fell back get that back in there we go and that one's open next I have this I don't even see it here let's see yeah an ace lock this was given to me somebody from our not are weaker monthly meetups that techno someone brought us in they said they found it and they couldn't pick it open and it has a security pin in it that's where they were struggling so I'm going back to the standard tension wrench here I get up picking a lot of locks I guess I'm just trying to prove a point that there shouldn't be any hate on this pick this pick has its uses for someone who is very inexperienced this pick is a great introduction to locks board so again I'm gonna installed insert the pick this has security pin so I'm gonna go loose retention the normal and rock and again I may have to reset if I hit a full set [Applause] so so far this is the one that's giving you the most trouble I'm I'm not concerned that we won't get it open though when it comes to a city rake you're literally relying on random lifting of the pins there we go so yeah that took a little bit longer but it has security pins in it but I still got it open with a very low skill raking attack I literally am rocking the pick up and down okay next I have a Sparrow's progressive set but this progressive sets been modified if you're familiar with their master key system that they have this has been master key so this actually has master wafers inside of it which you know fairness gives it more shear lines to be caught on or to be picked at but I thought it was an interesting concept it's a Schlage lock and it's been master key to we're going to put the tension wrench in and insert the rake and rock and that popped right open so that one's done next I have this mortise cylinder it's Vista wall I am NOT saying this is a good lock by any means I'm just saying it's a mortise lock common kind of mortise lock is find I think I believe there's no security pins on this just based on how fast this rocks open I have not opened this one it was given to me by a local locksmith from one of those teardown jobs there we go let's open okay the last lock of the night is a different kind of lock now don't get me wrong this is a practice lock it is a see-through lock but I'm not using that ability to help me pick this it's the point it helps me prove the point I want to prove that to a beginner this pick is a fantastic introduction to lock sport and that is this crucifix lock yes it's see-through but I don't care about that see-through is great for single pin picking it means Jack diddly when it comes to raking it open because my hand will be wrapped around it just like this so I won't be able to see anyways for this I am going to use a top of the key way tension bar because I need all the space I can get to get in there so let me get this set up with a tension wrench and I might have reset this a couple times just due to the fact that the tension bar does slip out but hopefully it won't be that many times so let me get started on this one you're gonna have to pick at least well I only have to pick two sides there I'm gonna turn the tailpiece you can see it spin just to prove it's open there we go it's open okay so what is this video prove other than I can pick a whole bunch of really low security locks this videos point is not to show my ability to pick low security locks the point of this video is to stop hating on a certain lock pick because you don't like it because it's not your go to the whole point of this video is just because a lock pick to you seems low skill attack just because it's not your favorite don't hate on someone who can use it this might be just the pick that makes someone who has never been in lots of sport before fall in love with it as much as you do so encourage people if people ask for help give that help if they ask for pointers help them out don't worry them because they're not at your level we all started somewhere we all picked our first lock no one here was lock-picking a lawyer on day one okay much love to all of you I hope you're saying safe in this time subscribe to the channel if you want to if you don't it's not a big deal I don't post a lot everyone someone I'll see a random photo or a random video just something I thought it'd be fun to post and this is something I thought of today that I thought I wanted to share so thanks for watching check back when I post new videos which isn't very often again stay safe and thanks for watching
Channel: Tony Virelli
Views: 3,693
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: locksport, lockpicking, lock picking, bosnian bill, bonsianbill, lockpickinglawyer, lock picking lawyer, city rake, l rake, cityrake, lrake
Id: f1YH8W4J6-I
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 21sec (1041 seconds)
Published: Tue May 12 2020
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