(189) How to Detect and Beat Spool Pins (for Beginners)

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I watched this one many times. Was great video to learn how to defeat spool.

๐Ÿ‘๏ธŽ︎ 2 ๐Ÿ‘ค๏ธŽ︎ u/iPick4Fun ๐Ÿ“…๏ธŽ︎ Aug 29 2021 ๐Ÿ—ซ︎ replies

A great demonstration that helped me as well.

๐Ÿ‘๏ธŽ︎ 1 ๐Ÿ‘ค๏ธŽ︎ u/Who_needs_a_key ๐Ÿ“…๏ธŽ︎ Aug 29 2021 ๐Ÿ—ซ︎ replies

This video got me from master #3's to master loto locks. 100% a must watch for begginers wanting to move on to more challenging locks.

๐Ÿ‘๏ธŽ︎ 1 ๐Ÿ‘ค๏ธŽ︎ u/Im_Nomadic ๐Ÿ“…๏ธŽ︎ Aug 29 2021 ๐Ÿ—ซ︎ replies
okay guys let's spend a little bit of time talking about these these are spool pins and have had a lot of questions about how to know if you've got spool pins how do you know if you're dealing with them and how do you deal with them now these are just some examples you can see the one on the far left has a thicker base on it the one in the middle has I think a thick base a little bit thicker and then a pretty thin top and then the one on the far right is thin top and then a pretty thin bottom and you know what I don't even know why I'm telling you this because it absolutely doesn't matter when it comes time to pick these things they all pick identically so let's spend just a little bit of time talking about how do you know if you have spool pins and then I'm going to show how do you detect them and then of course how do you handle them now I agonized over this I did watch several videos where people trying to talk about what it is that they feel they would hold a lock in their hand and then you would see some mysterious movements and feedback etc and then then suddenly the lock would open and then they would say oh yeah by the way it contained four spools and you know to me that wasn't so useful so how do you know if you're dealing with spools well the first thing you need to do we need to detect them well let's take a look here we have a lock it's a five pin lock it's a generic so no name on it normally when they put spool pins or any kind of security pins inside of one of these locks they're in the case of five pin or like this one they'll put for security pins and then they'll put one standard pin one standard driver and this one I've loaded up so you can see I've loaded it up with five spool pins now let's just take a look at what happens when the spool pin is at the shear line and let me grab my grab tweezers and show you what I'm talking about here inside of there the all of the springs are pushing the key pins down so they can interact with the key and of course there pushing your your driver pins down as well and they push it down so that the thin part of the spool I mean that's why they call the spool looks like a spool of thread thick on two ends and 10 in the middle well you can see if we push the spool that thin part down to the sheer line there's going to be there's a lot of slop in there so the way you might detect it if you have all spool pins I'm just going to turn it so I can get access is that it flops around your core now there's five spool pins in here it looks like it's almost ready to open but there are five spool pins holding it in place and this is why they don't do it because there's just too much slop in it now if we have a another lock and here is an identical one same it's a brother of the one I just showed you this one is also loaded with five pins only four of them are spool and one of them is a standard pin in fact I'll tell you it's the last one and the reason they do that is because all the four spool pins they're still right there at that shear line but that standard pin being standard thickness the entire length of the body it is going to fill up the plug and we're only going to get just a little bit of play and most locks will have just a little bit of slop like this one but it is in no way no way compares to this one that contains all the spools there's just a lot of play and they're easy to get some leverage on this and perhaps causing internal damage so that's why they don't do it alright so what are we going to do here well I've showed you how to detect if you have spool pins inside of here or all spool pins but we don't always know that so we have to have another way to detect the spools so I've got a little jig rigged up here and here's what we're going to do I'm going to clamp up this lock inside of the clamp here and then I've rigged up a little device it's nothing but a tension wrench and we're going to use top of the tension key way I'm going to stick it in there and I'm not so worried right now but getting adjusted we'll take a break for that and then I'm going to put a small weight on it and then I will adjust it and I'll change the angle of the camera so that our pointer is right at zero and then we're going to put seed to pick this lock and instead of trying to tell you what what it is I'm feeling on my finger hopefully you'll be able to see on this indicator here you'll know when we detect a spool you'll know when I'm starting to pick it and therefore you will know how to pick it you'll know what to feel for and you'll know how to deal with spool so if you'll give me just a few minutes I'll get I'll change the angle of the camber I'll get everything zeroed up and then we'll see if we can't pick this thing so I'll be right back alright here we go I've got it zeroed as close to zero as I can get that little indicator and hanging I just got a little notch on this to keep our weight from sliding around it's really nothing more than a washer just to keep a little bit of downward tension on the tension wrench and then I just tuck it in the top of the key way now just like all security locks the first thing we need to do we need to get ourselves a false set that's the first step without a false set we're going nowhere well we know that once we drop that standard pin or we put him to the to the shear line then we're going to get a false set because the other four pins in this lock as I told you are spools so let's go ahead and go to the back of the key way I told you is pin number five position ourselves and watch the needle when we pop that last pin we should get ourselves a false set if it'll stop bouncing just a little now you can see we're down around minus one so you would have definitely felt that with your finger if you were doing the tension with your finger when you're if you were just holding it like that but now you're able to see it okay now what we know we got ourselves a false set well now we need to start going to work I mean that that really was the hard part now is it now is a fun part though so we're going to move down the stack just touching each pin until one of us cries out to us and he's going to cry out to us just like pin number two is doing right there when I put a little bit of upward pressure on my pick against pin number two you notice that the needle is moving up he'll stop bouncing just a hair I need a dampener on there you see he's telling us he says I'm the one ray if he's raised literally raising his hand so what we'll do if normally we were holding this in our hand and we would release tension with our finger just a hair we applied upward pressure on the pick and we're going to let him go home and that's just what happened now once we've done that we're going to get a slightly deeper if it'll stop bouncing slightly deeper fault set and now we got what is it about a negative two that's pretty deep fault set well now we know we got two pins let's keep looking okay we're starting the back and I'm just going to move down the keyway until again someone raises their hand and there is is pin four says I'm the one and we're going to apply a little upward pressure and we let pin four go home okay now it we lost a complete false set and what that tells me we either we either over set him or another pin has dropped changing our fault set and so what do we add about a minus two that's still good okay we still got the false set we are not its pin number five has not dropped back down otherwise we'd be at zero so now we're just going to continue going down the line see who wants to who's going to raise their hand next and there he is pin four again okay apparently I didn't set him very well in our bet back at zero well if that happens whoops I just touched that I just touched him if it had gone back to zero the first guy to check would be pin five and I just barely bumped him with my pick and that's exactly what had happened he had dropped down and when I pushed my pick back to the rear and touched him he now gave us our fault set back so now we're continuing down the down the stack we're checking each pin seeing who's going to raise his hand and now you can see pin three as I apply pressure to pin three he's raising his hand so we're going to position our pick on him and we're just going to give a little upward pressure we're gonna let him go home you want to position the pick very carefully don't commit until you know you got it on the right pin okay now we're back at zero and that should tell us that's a good indication pin five has dropped back down so I'm going to go to the back of the keyway try to find pin five and then touch him and see if he had dropped back down and indeed that's what had happened so now we got everybody set we have perhaps two pins left okay we're going to move down the stack we're going to be looking for who's going to be wanting to be picked and there he is pin three again little upward pressure come on go home there you go we're back at zero so go back and check pin five and see if he is the one and he was now we got a fall setback so pin five when this lock is kind of like a gate keeper came back on the next pin let's see who are we what pin number are you let me check one Justin just a chat make sure he's not hanging in there we got a good fall set who needs to be picked it's got to be at least one and I think you're starting to see what what it is you're looking for as you're moving down the stack there's no secret you know I'm very mysterious thing that I do with my finger it's it's really the lock doing all the work for you okay where are you okay looks like could be up there pin number one which of course is always the hardest one to get at let me see if that let me check the stack just to be sure before us to our mashing on him no I got another one here looks like pin four again let's send him home and we're back at zero so we're going to check pin five not him I must have over set pin four or perhaps not set him enough area I hadn't quite got him so there we are we're back in business keep looking keep looking five pin lock I can't believe how hard it is when you can't use your own finger all right what have you got here pin three again a little pressure on him okay check pin five we're back at zero what are we done here okay with pin five now who's next pin two feels like okay we're back at zero so check pin five and that's what it was okay we're definitely out of sequence here so I had to either hit set somebody out of sequence or we just got the binding order wrong altogether it doesn't matter because you just keep doing the same thing okay we're back at zero so we're going to check pin 5 and that's what he was pin3 there's he's calling out to us come on go home yeah you know you want to you know believe it or not that washer is at this point just too much weight I just can't overcome him I'm gonna have to pick up just a hair take some of the weight off so I can set that pin if I got him back at zero okay okay let me take a little weight off of him just so I can set that pin justjust the washers just too much the washers just too much weight to get pin number three to set anyway fellas there you go it was a much bigger ordeal here than it is in real life because I couldn't sense it with my own finger but don't be intimidated by a spool pins they're absolutely not hard in fact I love spool pins because they tell you when they need to be picked they make our job a lot easier so don't be intimidated by them now I hope with this little device here now you know what it is you're trying to feel for and you know when these thing when these pins are talking to you and begging to be picked anyway I hope that was helpful to somebody anyway thanks for your time everybody stay safe and stay legal
Channel: BosnianBill
Views: 841,787
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: spool pins for beginners, spool pin, pick spool pins, detect and beat spools, how to lock pick spools, beat spool pins, security pins for beginners, how to pick security pins, lock security pins, how to lock pick security pins, serrated pins for beginners, single pin pick, serrated pin, spool, bosnianbill, lockpicking, how to pick, locklab, spp, lock picking, bosnian bill, lock-lab, locksmith
Id: d3H2rK-3FaQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 55sec (835 seconds)
Published: Sat Jan 12 2013
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