(1240) Review: Multipick Elite Super Lock Pick Kit

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[Music] alright guys today we're gonna take a look at what I believe is probably about the nicest and most complete lockpick set I've ever had a chance to take a look at here on the lock lab this is multi pix brand-new they call this the elite super there are 37 pieces to this kit 30 cents a lot of stuff that fits into this case now you guys who have watched my reviews before you've probably seen this case before about a year and a half ago this is the identical plush leather case that's used on the elite 27 now we looked at the elite 27 and we had a couple well we had our one main complaint and that was that the elite 227 didn't have any rakes in it well if you took a look at my review about two weeks ago I reviewed the Bogata are the elite Bogota 13 which is included all of multi picks brand-new rakes and guys they're here so everything that you saw in my review and I'll put the link in the description everything you saw in the elite 27 is here and everything you saw in the elite Bogota 13 kit review is also here in this kit really nice 37 pieces it's hardly cluttered up this is exactly how it comes I didn't have to arrange anything when you buy it and open it up they've already kind of arranged things make everything very accessible to you inside it so I'm not going to pull these out like I usually do you got to take a break and pull everything out and sort it but not today the only thing I would like to do is just unclutter it a little bit by taking a look at the tension errors first first of all the three standard tensioners that you probably will end up using every day these three guys these are all stainless steel well finished everything's rounded just like you saw on all the previous kits top-notch quality control on all of multi pick stuff so we get the three tensioners we get a small one a medium one and a large one all stainless steel so I'll set those guys off to the side there another thing you get kind of cluttering up back here is this little guy shutter lock tensioner so you slide it in let go of it spring-loaded pulls shudders audio a gives you plenty of room to work again stainless steel very very strong good size on this little guy let me just set him off over here we get a wafer lock tensioner seen these guys before also stainless steel and then we get two additional ones we had a long one with the twist and here is the wide the widest one and then we get a double ender one side has been cut down a little bit to give you a small width and then the other end is a standard and wide width so a lot of different tensioners but we're not quite through yet there's these little guys I am NOT a picker of postal locks but for those of you who are I'm told you need four different links these are offset tensioners and if you pick pulse two locks you absolutely need these things you don't often see these things in kits but if you buy this kit you get all four sizes let me have to get into that at some point let me set these guys off to the side - all right nothing left but picks there's 26 of them so if you're a bargain hunter you know move along and nothing to see here but if you're looking for some top end picks this is what's left inside of this case I'm going to zoom in just a little bit here I am NOT going to pull them out because we're just gonna pick them right out of the case if you want to see some details of these picks go to the links that I'm gonna put in the description for the elite 17 but I'll very briefly go over it let's first look at the hooks first we're gonna look at is what I call the standard hook now these are a little bit I'm I gotta zoom out so the focus will work right these are a little bit different these are twenty three thousandths and thickness which is 0.6 millimeters in thickness so great for those normal locks not so good for if you have a pair eccentric or very narrow key way but 23000 gives you give you a pretty good foundation of a pretty tough pick you're not going to be too easy to bend so if you're beginner this is probably a good place for you to start the standard hook you can tell us a standard hook first of all I look but secondly take a look the Germans do here they engrave on the blade the model number of the pics there's never any question not only do they grave it on one side but typical German they put it on bowls it's probably on the edge too I just can't see it the edges these look like they're chemically etched to cut them out so I didn't do any finishing on these all Multi picks are finished to the same level if I can get the camera to focus you can just see a tiny little edge on there I probably still would put a little bit of sandpaper on it just to round that off but I gotta say one of the nicest machine-type finishes that I think I've ever come across on pix so you get a standard hook oh one more thing sandwich handle stainless steel one side has a lot of lock-picking stuff engraved on it and on the other side you have what I believe is probably the owners he's very proud of his tools and justifiably so so he puts his probably his initials and family crest they're the multi pick logo and then on the bottom again this is a unique to a multi pick we have the elite model and then each pick is individually serial numbered that would be a serial number and the date of manufacturer for those of you who own multi picks I found out recently they have a drawing every I think it's every week where they draw a random serial number from all the picks they sold and if your yours is one of them you apparently win some pretty nice prizes so you got a standard hook let's look at all the hook stuff first let me get that dude in there all right we have a standard hook we have a medium hook and we hold it up a little bit here medium hook and then we have a deep hook and what I would think is a postal hook a couple of other hooks you get you get a deforest half diamonds right here and you get a DeForest half ball right here so all of my favorite picks are already inside of here some pick some hook like picks we have a half diamond in the back there and again all these are the same thickness they're all 23 thousands and then you get another this is a half time in but the large size so it's all of your hooks all right here very neatly organized on one side they do throw have an extra slot so they're going to throw the ball in right there the wafer locks and then we move over to door number two double or a double ball or our snowman or eight they're right here on the on the front and let's look at the front ones first we get a snake rake and this is a large snake rake this one is a normal standard snake rake get a little awkward here and then this is a snake rake with an angle so if you if you're raking a lock with a snake rake and you suspect there are high cut pins in the very back this might be a good one to try out and then this last one here is part of a months of rot family let's start moving back this is a this is the months throughout this double peak this is a monserrate and again a double peak but you got one in the middle so months are out for and then he's got one in the back so we have Montserrat aft moving back in this direction the three picks in the back here we have the Bogota family we have the single Bogota we have a double Bogota triple and then we have the quadruple right there so pretty nice selection of rakes but you know what we're not through let's just keep going now this guy in under door number three he's not really a Reiki he's the extractor very sharp very needle-like we have this guy here a triple peak but he is a kinetic tool and we'll play with him in a minute then we have two rakes that you don't often see that these are the llena one and the two this is the one with the sharp edge and this is the Rihanna 2 which is a little bit rounded slightly different profile I believe this one is proprietary to multi pick for sure this last one this is the Bogota rake it's a little different than a standard Bogota but he is proprietary to multi pick he's a little bit different he's reinforced very similar to the Bogota which is on the bottom there except on the bottom we have these little Peaks so not only is it reinforced we can use it for a kinetic tool you can also roll them over and use both sides so triple peak on one side double peak on the other so pretty cool idea nice to have options right put him back here put him back here all right let's take a quick test of some of these I've got a WoW it's a junk lock one of you guys sent this in this is not what I would call a medico this is probably a very easy lock for most of us it's a training lock for pin or no security pins I'm choosing it because two reasons one it's the most common lock I run into and I might have to open something off very widely used on gates and doors and garages and sheds so it's cheap so people buy it I'm also choosing it because I need a lock that will cooperate with the demonstration so it's it's in my own self-interest all right let me grab a tensioner out of a pile this is the large tensioner just light them right in there make sure he doesn't seize up and let's first try to use the hook on this is the standard hook it'll fit right in that key way let's try to SPP em I like to bully these a little bit sometimes so I use the moderate tension and then just basically force the pins don't push too hard then you'll find that you're able to hit that shear line fairly easily he says maybe I should have chosen a to pan lock I think I over set one guys all right no problem we'll just reset it try it again in moderate tension and there we go it takes a little bit of effort sometimes but these really are not that difficult to open that's how you SPP it alright nice feedback on all of these and I would expect that from 23,000 thickness all right let's try something else let's lock him back up I'm gonna use the same tensioner and I don't know let's try this guy let's try to kinetic attack him it's what my favorite attacks I don't often do it on camera but it's usually one of the first things I try and this is a great tool for it because that third one has not been undercut so it's got a little bit extra meat on it so it's not going to break on you so what I do I slide it all the way in I apply a light tension and then just kind of yank him out and that's how quick it usually works on for pinners with no snow security pin so pretty cool pretty cool lock a pretty cool pick get you into lockup pretty quickly the last one I'd like to try and this is kind of a gamble try this guy I don't have one of these in my collection but it's a very popular pick with a lot of the competitors this is the arena two and I could have just easily grabbed the rellena one and what I'm gonna do I'm gonna slide him all the way in apply light tension and then just kind of rake back and forth and that's how quick it works and work pretty quick I may have to get one of these and start using it I'm starting to understand why Schuyler town won the International lock-picking competition with one of these it really did go so I'm gonna do that again that really did work pretty quick my attention yeah I'm gonna have to get one of those no question anyway fellas there you go that is 170 dollars for everything that I just showed you plus all of these tensioners and get a wide selection of tensioners so those you guys doing the math you get 26 picks $170 works up to six dollars and fifty cents per pick that's a pretty fair price for premium picks these are there's a lot of stuff here and it's gonna be a higher price it makes sense so hundred seventy bucks 650 apiece but you get a lot of extra tensioners plus you get a very very probably one of the nicest leather cases I think I've seen all right how would I how would I improve it well let's take a look here all these tensioners are bottom and keyway it'd be nice to have top of the keyway and so like I always do I'm gonna throw in this one this is a five piece top of the keyway set from sparrows give you a lot of options and I recently found out that these only go up to about thirty five thirty five thousand so an inch thick some locks like slags and quick sets are needed a little bit thicker because these flop around too much there's a new one out there and he they call this the heavy bar it's the same design one dog-ear one not except this one is 50 thousandths of an inch thick so give you a lot of top of the keyway options alright guys you want to win this all you got to do I sure would love to keep it I really would I'm maybe I should keep it ya know you guys that donate to lock lab pay for this stuff or can they give it away despite how much I might like it alright um if you want to win it there's a website go to that website big purple button click on it and with a little maybe a little bit more than a little luck because I think this is going to be quite popular click the purple button register to win and with a lot of luck maybe you'll be the lucky winner next Saturday appreciate your time guys stay safe stay legal
Channel: BosnianBill
Views: 39,313
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: multipick elite, multipick super elite, multipick elite super, multipick bogota, multipick review, bosnianbill multipick, multi pick, lock-lab, bosnian bill, lock picking tools, bosnianbill beginner, lock picking asmr, lock picking skyrim, locklab, bosnianbill, lock picking, lock lab, lock pick, lock pick set review, super elite, bosnian bill's lock lab, how to pick, how to pick a lock, lock picking for beginners
Id: WoqoylbFboM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 1sec (841 seconds)
Published: Sat Feb 17 2018
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