Should you carry a 44 Magnum Revolver? THE BIG IRON

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Fucking hilarious

👍︎︎ 3 👤︎︎ u/[deleted] 📅︎︎ Mar 28 2022 🗫︎ replies

What is the whistle song in the video?

👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/OGBoots 📅︎︎ Mar 28 2022 🗫︎ replies

I love that FD doesn't take himself too seriously :)

👍︎︎ 3 👤︎︎ u/[deleted] 📅︎︎ Mar 27 2022 🗫︎ replies

I feel like I was cappin Maelstormers in the head in Cyberpunk 2077 with this thing last night...

👍︎︎ 4 👤︎︎ u/[deleted] 📅︎︎ Mar 27 2022 🗫︎ replies

Glad to see the Model 29 in there.

I have a 29-3 with a 6 inch barrel (bought in late 80’s and always thought it was and awesome pistol. Shot so many rounds and used in local pistol competitions. Sometimes I was the only one in that category.

👍︎︎ 4 👤︎︎ u/Luckyguy3021 📅︎︎ Mar 27 2022 🗫︎ replies

GT's face 5:10 had me dying!!!! 🤣🤣🤣🤣

👍︎︎ 3 👤︎︎ u/[deleted] 📅︎︎ Mar 27 2022 🗫︎ replies
a ballistics gel block is it costed you and your wife they're going to kill your wife which gun's going to stop them the fastest a 9 millimeter or a big iron [Music] hola didn't see there the west was won and america was won by letter actions also known as lever gats and by big irons with modern day technology big irons have gotten even bigger with 44 magnums now the 44 magnum 60s was one of the most powerful handgun cartridges in the world of course it has been eclipsed now but the bigger question is is is there still a place for big irons in a world of plastic fantastics today on grantham we figure it out now before we get into it we have to thank our sponsors a big thank you to brownells thank you brownells very base we of course can't forget the uscca and of course zydex computers sponsoring our gaming channel and finally don't forget the patreon micah patreon's busting it's everything i don't want you to see posted by my cameraman and all questions answered by me get in there support the channel we want to give a big thank you to the sponsor of this particular video which is let's get checked now here's a question for you are you the man that your father was or that your father figure was since the 1980s testosterone levels have been dropping about a point per year for everyone so if you took the when your father was born let's say it was 30 years ago and compare you guys age for age let's say you're both 30 of course he was 30 a little bit ago your testosterone could be as much as a 30 lower absolute travesty now of course low testosterone can have a lot of effects on anything from losing muscle mass of course we don't want that uh to having a low drive uh to just affecting your mood and just making you not a pleasant person to be around now of course as you get older your testosterone levels do drop in any case let's talk about today's sponsor let's get checked they are worldwide leaders in at home testing kits you can test your testosterone in the comfort of your home it will arrive in discrete packaging once your sample arrives at the laboratory takes about two to five days to get those results back now a doctor will review your results and if you have those testosterone they're gonna go ahead and they're gonna give you a call and discuss the available options to you now these laboratories are clia and cap accredited which is the highest certification that you can get so they are safe and good to go so if you want to get your hormone levels checked from the comfort of your home go and click the description 30 off a big thank you to let's get checked give him a big thank you click that link ladies and gentlemen let's get back to 44 magnum desperado shooting ladies gentlemen often forgotten most certainly not by me small irons it's okay if you're a small act welcome to the channel today we're going to be directly comparing 44 magnums and big irons versus more modern handguns in this case we have a glock 17. they will be put through a series of scenarios to see which caliber is superior and to finally answer the question does the big iron saw the place now if you come in here close micah let's take a look at these two rounds so right here we have our typical nine millimeter hollow point very respectable um nice guy round right there right then we have the guy she told you not to worry about so obviously there is a large size difference between these two there is also a very large recoil difference between these two now glock 17 will carry 17 rounds with a standard magazine and much more if you put a stendo on there with a revolver you are limited to either five or six rounds on 44 magnum so there is certainly that problem when it comes to the amount of ammunition that you can hold but the question is will it matter in our upcoming scenarios stay tuned to find out scenario one ballistics gelatin has accosted you and your wife they're about to kill your wife which round will work best to stop ballistics gelatin so we have our glock 17 here a spear gold dot proven performer and we have our smith and wesson 6 29 with 44 magnum and it's going to be the buffalo bore plus p plus let's see what happens [Music] okay so we have the nine millimeter entry wound right here come take a look at this this is a sphere gold dot a wonderful round uh for nine millimeter and very acceptable performance up here above it you can see the the 44 magnum plus p plus buffalo boar it did literally did not care so literally this is this is literally you versus the guy she told you not to worry about all right you can see the 44 magnum's wound track through uh just one crazy expansion uh just insane just an insane amount of power into this uh and just it exited no problem you can see we have a nice little nine millimeter slug scenario two you're worshiping at the house of god and a man comes to stop that so you're gonna send them to god now you don't have any 357 sig but what you do have is your trusty nine millimeter and your trusty 44 magnum the question is what is going to send him to meet his god faster we'll find out nine millimeter 124 grains your gold dot [Music] well this man is paying a visit with his god uh he's certainly not getting back up the nine millimeter is clearly an effective round and uh clearly i first off i surprised myself with my accuracy straight through the eye just perfect shot and as you can see it exited clean up the skull and uh that brain is a mush this man is dead i mean the question is can the 44 magnum dude in a more spectacular manner so he has a better story once he gets wherever he's going i think we might let's try it out [Music] we wanted to give this guy a chance to rethink it so we gave him a little bit of a haircut we'll try one more time well just call us the ghostbusters over here so we have physically removed not just the brain but the sole as well as far as i can tell so he's certainly there in an expedient manner now between the nine millimeter and the 45 which is better i'll give it to the nine much easier to shoot much more pleasant that being said the urgency with which the 44 magnum removed this ballistic gel head's sole was uh terrifying scenario three you've probably not recycled cardboard and they're coming back to get you now you're presented with three cardboard assailants here to end your life the question is which weapon will prevail the nine millimeter or the 44 magnum in terms of speed and precision which is also based on my speed and precision we have a shot timer right here nine millimeter spear gold dot full on defensive ammunition for both weapons and we're going to be testing the speed at which we can do this so let's try it out [Music] okay so we did that one five eight i'm sure there are people far faster than me but we're doing a cold so we got all alphas going across that's good i eliminated those uh cardboard with precision and speed the likes of which many people have seen before now we have the six thousand dollar court revolver with a seymour site because i want to see more [Music] all right let's check that guy out so i don't shoot revolvers nearly as much but that was a good time oh center punched it a little low of salafa alpha and we did that in 253 with uh significantly more power now that being said these are all good a zone hits so those hits with the nine millimeter were also deadly that being said the 45 the big iron more specifically as we know completely evacuates the soul from the body so i'm going to give it to that big iron [Music] scenario for the accuser found you the question is how quickly can you take out these bandits before they take you out a classic spin on the old west tail right start with nine millimeter spear gold dot here we go [Music] well as you can see no shots needed [Music] all right let's check that out so we did a 143 on that good center mass hit on our man wearing dcu that's a vibe and then uh straight through the cns on our yakuza member those are some cool sunglasses all right we got the 629 competitor 44 magnum defensive rounds let's try it out [Music] we pulled off a 1-3-2 on that one [Music] because i probably done the drill already once but that was a fast revolver right there i like that thing that was quick dude so that's 44 magnum uh one slightly off-center i just wanted to make sure uh you know i i gave his dcu a little bit more vibe and then that one uh yeah because the guy's gone so we're gonna have to give it to 44 magnum on this i do want to say that competitor is actually like a really nice 44 magnum revolver like that thing is but you know yakuza they always bring friends so you know having six rounds might not be that great i don't know yeah i hear when the uh yakuza dies that like the snake tattoo or you record the snake tattoo comes up and uh you can't see like harry potter chamber secrets great film with all that silliness aside let's talk a little bit about the 44 magnum revolvers that we do have here because they're some pretty nice guns actually now with everything being said about the test um 44 magnum is a very cool caliber it is a very powerful caliber it's also a caliber that is probably uh not probably but a lot of overkill for a human being now if you're out in the backcountry 100 a 44 magnum is a great round for bear for all those large caliber beasts you could take down most of them with these revolvers but everything every shot that i could make with my revolver i could make much more easily with a nine millimeter and get pretty good effects on human beings with all of that being said nine millimeter is going to do precisely what i needed to do on a human being a 44 magnum is gonna be a lot of overkill it is definitely a vibe i get it now with that being said if you guys want to come in and take a look at some of these different revolvers that we have here we have some really cool examples from both smith and wesson and nighthawk slash korth so the first weapon that we have right here is the 29 just your classic dirty harry 44 magnum just a beautifully blued weapon now in many ways it is eclipsed by some of these newer models i have here in terms of trigger in terms of how good it feels how how shootable it is but that being said it is such a classic weapon that i have to say that if if i had to have 144 magnum it'd probably be this guy just because it has such a timeless look to it so i have to really appreciate that now you have to notice that compared to these other pistols that we have right here that it does not have the weights on the bottom so you're going to feel the recoil from the 44 magnum a little bit more but that being said is a very shootable handgun and it is very fun to do now before we go anywhere i do want to show you the trigger pull on this particular guy so go ahead and clear make sure that we're good and let's go ahead and try the single action the double action so first off i have to say that the hammer on this 29 is gorgeous just it i feel like i feel like dirty area right now you know just feels gorgeous so i love the way that sounds all right so feeling into that trigger right there we have no play putting pressure into it about two three four four pounds maybe and that is a beautiful trigger pull let's try that one more time as you can see you have like no trigger pull and that's pretty typical of many revolvers out there just having beautiful triggers now the double action pole is still pretty good let's go ahead and stride out because you're going to be firing most of your shots double action so we have about a solid about 8 10 pound pole we have a little bit of grit there at the beginning and then it rolls smooth good let off on this handgun gorgeous i love this thing right here let's move over to the competitor so this is a 629 these are gorgeous gorgeous weapons as well satin finish and what i really like about this one is that the weights i get it like why do you need weights but man it really makes for a very shootable revolver the sights just like the 29 are wonderful and of course you can mount optics on it now if we come down over here and take a look at the release and everything much like the the 29 but just a little bit smoother again it's a little carboned up right now but it feels really good this couldn't compare the trigger on this guy right here so we thumb that hammer back and again a slightly thinner hammer than the model 29 so starting from that let's go double check that one more time all right feel into that that trigger pull putting about it's maybe two pounds let's try that one more time gorgeous wonderful let's try that double action pole very light maybe five or six pounds just a little bit of take up right there as it engages the cylinders smooth light off gorgeous you gotta love revolvers man i know it's an antiquated technology but they just they feel fun to shoot now the one thing i do want to mention about this as well is how comfortable this grip is to get up high on it and to be able to control the recoil this is a wonderful wonderful handgun right here now let's compare that to our most expensive revolver that we have here which is the korth now there's a lot that goes into the quarth that makes them incredibly expensive it is our famously six thousand dollar revolver um one thing that you can say about it is it does cool off fast so they do have these vents here on the barrel it allows it to cool off it doesn't get nearly as hot as the other revolvers um then obviously we do have picatinny down here if you want to mount the grenade launcher or whatever you want to do now in this case we just have a weight on there to help control it much like our competitor on our 629. now what's cool is compared to these it is a different release it is a different mechanism compared to our smith wesson's so to release a cylinder on this guy what we're going to do is we have this little thumb release right here and then that is a very very smooth release right there i can't explain how easy that is to pop that out like it just does it on its own it is a very precisely machined revolver feels really excellent so one thing i do want to mention are speed bees so these do allow you to really quickly reload your weapon and i think that they are pretty cool so there are quick ways of course to reload your revolver and speed bees are kind of it for me a lot of competitors use them they [ __ ] pretty hard compared to the fit and finish of the smith wesson you can certainly tell the difference in the courth in every aspect it does feel smoother and just more precisely machined now is it worth the extra four thousand dollars i don't quite think so but one thing that we can say is the trigger is phenomenal so we're gonna go ahead we're gonna go set trigger try that single action and see how it feels that feels wonderful just listen to that one more time smooth all right feel that let off it didn't even that was maybe uh a pound or less let's try that one more time let's really focus on it one more time that's ridiculous that's a ridiculous single action trigger let's try that double action smooth so that take up right there you immediately hit your wall and it you feel the pressure for about a five pound pole but it is smooth compared to the 629 let's try this guy right here definitely smoother and just a better feeling trigger compared to the um definitely the the quart is definitely a smoother feeling trigger compared to that you know here's the funny thing between these two so obviously this one's kind of decked out and ridiculous i love the look of the quarth but as far as shootability is concerned my favorite revolver is actually the 629 this is just a ridiculously fast and easy weapon to shoot and i think it's mostly due to the rubberized grips and oddly enough the trigger so let me explain myself really quick the the grips on the corth are they they just need a little more grippiness to them because it's going to be easier to lose a handgun for me especially as i'm firing these defensive loads um with the rubberized grip on the smith and wesson competitor just really easy and oddly enough i find that with the way my hand is positioned on the smith and wesson competitor that i just for me it's actually easier to run the trigger quickly compared to the quarth it's very similar but when we're talking about thousands of dollars between the two i don't really think that you can go wrong with smith and wesson and to be clear the quarth is a phenomenal revolver just machined to absolute perfection so you can't go wrong with either if you're going to be shooting a bunch i would definitely say invest in the competitor or the model 29 if you really want to pull out those old school vibes and one with that the point being revolvers are fun they're awesome if you can get your hands on them because you have a little bit of extra cash they are certainly worth it now if you're in the defensive world and you just want to conceal carry a handgun i think you can do much better with a lot less compared to a 44 magnum such as a nine millimeter or many other calibers but they certainly are a vibe big iron is cool i get it america so 100 endorse get yourself a 44 magnum if you can't afford one they are fun all be it expensive to shoot but the thing about it guys is as cool as these handguns are if you don't get training on them if you don't train with them you're still going to suck make sure that you get training tons of great places to get training from hilly strategic pat mcnamara cogworks bear solutions get out there get that training and make sure that you make yourself so weapons ladies and gentlemen thank you so much for watching we've got nothing else for you final thing for you guys introspection it's important i believe to take time out of your day where you reflect on yourself both perhaps how you're acting to other people how you are acting towards yourself your own thoughts and then that you logically look at this in order to better yourself as a person so please if there's anything i can tell you to do that introspection being introspective is going to help you refine yourself into a better person of course with the help of your friends and family as you work to become a better man or a better woman
Channel: Garand Thumb
Views: 1,430,207
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: 44 magnum, big iron, 44 magnum revolver, revolver, 44 magnum conceal carry, conceal carry, 44 magnum ballistics gel, 44 magnum recoil, 44 magnum vs 9mm, korth revolver, smith and wesson, S&W 629, dirty harry revolver, Most powerful handgun in the world, big, iron, big iron on his hip, fallout new vegas, Big bore revolver
Id: Z-IKSZd1C8g
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 53sec (1193 seconds)
Published: Sun Mar 27 2022
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