8 Lessons I Learned While Building My Business

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hello and welcome to eight lessons I learned while building my business firstly thank you to all of you who are joining me live and I believe that the video is just on live so hi welcome everybody thank you for being here live and for any of you who are watching this in the future thank you for being here here's the funny thing so I said - no or a few weeks ago oh let's do a broadcast the free broadcast and it will be 8 lessons I learned while building my business well here's what I'll tell you today I have gone round and round the 20 lessons that I wanted to share and have managed I think to whittle it down to the 8 that I want to go with but um it was challenging so thank you for giving me a challenge that I didn't expect today and in a way I was reflecting a lot today as I've been preparing on business and how business really is this creative jigsaw puzzle and business used to scare me it used to even the word was a word that I felt I didn't fully understand I liked it I admired it I I had a respect for it but I certainly didn't feel like somebody who could be a business owner or would understand how to be a business owner and I can honestly say that 16 years later it has been one of the most one of the biggest growth areas of my life and I would say that self growth and metaphysics and spirituality used to be my biggest area of growth and interestingly I've been running a very soul focused business for 16 years and I see business and what we create in business as this fantastic and fascinating spiritual journey trust me there have been days where I've been like or terrified or tired but you know it's also a human journey and we go through these growing pains as we learn to grow with the work that we put out into the world and I think that's true whether you have a very small bespoke business that you want to keep small that serves a small number of people that has a small number of products and I think the scale of a business that's big sure there might be other complexities to deal with but I've spoken to and worked with a lot of business owners over the years from the people who have billion-dollar businesses right down to people who perhaps have just got their you know their side gig at the moment and maybe they're making a few thousand pounds or a few thousand dollars on this entrepreneurial thing that they're starting to to do every year and they want to make it their full-time work and there's definitely a very different set of circumstances when you begin to when you grow everything but the lessons are often the same and the simple lessons are some of the things that I wanted to share with you today so I'm guessing most of you will know who I am but for any of you who stumbled across this live broadcast and don't know who I am at all I'll give you a quick potted history of how I ended up doing what I'm doing today so today I run a team of I think there are 11 12 of us including our accountants there are 12 of us who work with me to produce self growth wellness and spirituality materials every month we're a production company and we produce and host events around the world evening events 1/2 day workshops week-long retreats in places like Costa Rica and that's something that I've been doing for a long time but the scale of it now is is different we're now a seven-figure business we serve hundreds of thousands of people every month mostly with free work work that people don't pay for but that we invest money and time and energy into producing for the world and I probably were serving around three to four thousand people in live events each year depending on how many events we do and the size of those events and then of course there are online events we've had many successful online courses each year we average about four courses a year and we serve around 10,000 students in online events every year but if I dial it right back to the beginning I began as a donation based intuitive reader so I first heard my guides a little over 20 years ago it was something that was confusing and certainly taboo I was not going to run out into the street and tell everybody that I was channelling because that was something that even today is still can be a taboo area or a challenging concept for some people but especially back then it was something that I used to help friends with and one of those friends suggested that I start doing it for a job for people I didn't know and I was in a year of saying yes to things that scared me it was a goal I had given myself as part of the self growth workshops that I was attending and loving as a participant but I never considered that self growth could be a career path I was a very happy workshop participant and it was my hobby it was what I did at the weekends when I'd saved enough money for the next workshop I never thought that it would be my work and yet 16 years later it is my work and what I will say is if I now look back at some of the things that I've gone through in my life I can see how many how many things I do today have roots in what I was already showing ability or interest in as a child and a lot of those things have come together so I tend to believe that anyone with an entrepreneurial or creative spirit those seeds show up in you in various ways and my spiritual belief is that as we go through life we just continually grow we continually learn and every thing prepares us for the next thing so I won't spend too long telling you about Who I am and what I do but I will I'd love to share some of the key lessons that I've learned so in no particular order we're going to start with a phrase that many of you may have heard but it's one that I've really adopted and it's one that has helped me build the work that I do and it's done is better than perfect this is a really important important phrase not just to inspire you but actually to adopt and what I mean by that is you might be very uncomfortable putting work into the world that you don't think is perfect so if any of you are perfectionists this is a great opportunity to let it go every month I produce this video called the energy update and it's where I take the pulse energetically psychologically emotionally on some of the themes that are showing up on the planet and these days around 300,000 or more people will see these updates but when I first started back in 2012 doing direct to camera videos there were around 13,000 views a month which to be honest was a lot I'd been working for a while so I had a bit of a following and I'd been doing a lot of live events so when I put the first video out 13,000 views on YouTube was really quite an amazing start but the scale of it now is interesting because there was a time when I wanted to stop doing them happened in 2014 happened again in 2016 and one of the reasons I wanted to stop doing them was I was getting my opinion about the energy updates mixed up with the active service that they are meaning I would prioritize my ideas about what I felt had come out of my mouth in one of those intuited videos after I had pressed stop on the camera and walked away I would be like oh god I could have I could have explained that better oh if I'd have known that I was going to start talking about self-love I wish I'd given that example because the energy updates like most of my work are intuitive there is a certain level of surrender that I have to give and my own mind may not always be satisfied with what I've done or how it looked or how it came out my mouth and what I learned because of listening to the people who received the energy updates is the energy updates aren't for me that doesn't mean I don't benefit from them because I do like I'll often hear something and I'll be like oh that's interesting and then two weeks later I'll see that show up in my own life but I'm just one person and I'm the deliverer of the product if you like or the service or the video but my opinion is very different to what everybody else is getting out of it so the Z's my guides said to me after a one conversation with them that I was having when I walked away from filming one and I wasn't happy with it they said it doesn't matter what comes out your mouth what matters is that you show up every month and fifty percent of the effectiveness of these videos is them seeing that you are still alive on the planet going through it with them which kind of gobsmacked me because it was it felt immediately very true but it was something I'd never even considered you know in my head I was thinking oh God was that enough was that detailed enough that wasn't as complex or as detailed as it could have been if I'd done a written version but for me the energy updates are an energy transmission and so being on video for them is part of the effectiveness for those who watch them and as I went around the world time and time again I would meet people at live events and when I was doing meet-and-greets at the end people would say to me thank you so much for the energy updates they've really helped me and as I heard that I realized my done rather than my perfect energy updates had been helping people and had gone beyond me and I think that's the truth of any service or product that we put into the world we don't know how we're affecting other people we don't know how the way that we show up for someone completely changes their life so done is better than perfect is a really good way to stay creative and active and showing up not just in in your work but in your life so I think the only difference for this is if you are somebody who feels compelled to be a master novelist or a master musician who only brings out a book every 10 years or an album every 10 years and it's supposed to be a masterpiece but if you're like me and your your work your business is about showing up every day every week every month being very alive and very present on a daily weekly monthly basis you have to adopt done is better than perfect because you may never create something that you think is perfect but you never know how it will be affecting someone else okay number two don't let inner or outer critics stop you I hear a lot people saying that they are afraid to put things out there in the world or online because of criticism or because of people not liking them or because people might attack them people aren't gonna like what you do there will be some people who won't like you they won't like your voice they won't like your face you might remind them of someone who's their nemesis and so they've got it in for you you might be a little too close to their personality and if they see you is more successful for them and they're wrapped up in envy they might want to go for you and that's nothing to do with you and it's none of your business but if you were to let the critics stop you again you wouldn't help the people that you and your service and your work and your compulsion to do your work or produce your service or produce your product or it is that compulsion needs to be served and not stopped by the five critics that might stop you getting to fifty five hundred five thousand fifty thousand or five million very grateful people now if you go to youtube and pick a video something you like a video that you appreciate that you benefit from could be a music video could be one of my energy updates could be something from Eckhart Tolle or it could be your favorite online chef you will see on every single video some people have chosen to hit they dislike it now I don't know about you I've never ever disliked a video on YouTube and I don't think I've ever I don't think I've ever written a critical review it's not really how I want to spend my time but there are some people who feel to project a negative towards you or say they don't like it those people exist and they're everywhere and if you are going to let them stop you putting your thing out into the world you're gonna stop the help that you can give to other people now I said don't let inner or outer critics stop you one of the things that often comes up for us is and this is really helpful when you first start putting things out into the world you will start to hear perhaps negative feedback and I think feedback can be great you know someone might say something to you I remember once I got somebody said something to me about oh I know what it was someone had I saw a comment on my energy update and I normally look at comments for the first couple two three days just to kind of gauge how its landing for people and I saw a comment from somebody who was sharing it with their friend and they said this is great and the woman the friend had replied on our pet on the page saying saying yeah it's okay but he goes on a bit too much for me I could do this in a much more concise way now my first thoughts I remember thinking oh I thought well why don't you then because you know if you're if you're bothered but I also didn't disagree with her this was this was quite a while ago and I myself was trying at that point to learn how to refine talking in circles as an energetic because that's how energy readings work it's quite spiral circular information it's not necessarily left-brain linear and the job and the task is to make it left-brain linear so my point is she had a bit of a dig in a way but I also didn't disagree with her criticism so sometimes feedback can be really interesting and really insightful but when feedbacks just kicking you or being negative what you then get the opportunity to notice is do you agree with them and this is where your inner critic becomes very interesting and that's where business or putting stuff out into the world there's a self growth path because somebody might criticize three different things that you've done and it's the fourth thing that they say that really get you ah they said I wasn't intelligent ah that's interesting so there's a trigger for you about being called not intelligent so that's a great opportunity for you to go back through your history and go when was I first told I wasn't intelligent when did I first feel shame or less than because of that so it can be really useful to to engage with criticism within a certain framework and in a certain way if you want to so this is another just mindset piece don't let inner or outer critics stop you one of the things that the Z's said to me early on was they said the challenges around putting your work out into the public and the growth of your work because they forecast that my work would grow and it always used to scare me they said the connections the benefits and the feeling of fulfillment will far outweigh any of the challenges and I can honestly say that's true so often to talk ourselves out of doing anything we will think of the worst case scenario and convince ourselves to not even take a step forward I would say the opposite make sure you're walking towards the thing you want to do and know that you know it is nerve-racking to put yourself out there but that's part of life and that's part of growth okay it will get easier by the way number three and this is to do with scaling your work so growing the reach of your work stand behind your product or service and I don't mean literally behind I mean you have to tell people about it it's quite common for artists or people who have created something to be very upset when that thing they've created doesn't catch fire in the world I've seen this a lot I've seen people go well like I did my book and I I put my book on Amazon and I self-published it and my guide said it was gonna be a really great book and nothing's really happening or you know my instinct said this was gonna be big you have to tell people that your work exists and you have to spend time doing that you have to actually allocate time and energy to essentially market what you do because it's a very busy world and people are focused on so many things in the marketplace Facebook YouTube our lives there's so much competing for our attention that for us to decide what's right for us we might need a bit more help than just scanning across your book cover on Amazon so create some energy do some interviews there are lots of different ways to stand behind what you do and I noticed when I went to see Jerry and Esther Hicks in 2007 in San Francisco we'd paid $200 for this one-day workshop ticket and I was excited to see Esther I'd never seen her live and I remember noticing I judged Jerry Hicks for the first 20 minutes he stood on stage before anything had started jerry is Esther's late husband and he basically told us about all their products and how we could join their members club and I remember sitting there and again very British at that time I hadn't been living in America and I remember thinking Wow but we're here for a workshop how come he's now just trying to sell us all this stuff well I will say at the lunch break I went to the stand and I probably spent 120 dollars on really cool things that I took home and some of some things I gifted and some things I I enjoyed myself like a flip calendar and things that I then used but honestly if they hadn't really if he hadn't stood there and explained it to me I would never have really known what was available I learned this lesson myself in 2016 when we did a 28 date North American tour and you know tour is expensive and live events are costly to produce and there are lots of overheads you know you might look at the ticket price as a participant but you have no idea how much expense goes into hiring a venue hiring AV hiring lights hotels flights all of that stuff so it became very clear to me very quickly that on the nights on the tour that I was willing to tell people and I would do it at the end about the products that we had on the table at the back we would sell two to three times the amount of products than we would on a night when I felt like I didn't want to mention it because I felt like oh I don't really want to do that I don't want to pollute my evening with telling people about things but I have to say you know certain nights especially nice where we didn't have very big audiences because we were in completely new territories that we've never been to before and we were experimenting with where will people come you know selling 10 CDs made all the difference to the costs and the expenses and more than that with the energy updates which are the videos I do about two years ago I started to tell people at the end of the energy update what it is that we have coming up and available and I know that people can switch off that video at the end if they don't want to hear that bit because the anyone's seen it regularly oh cool I'll just switch off but I had to find the courage in me and I had to make a switch in myself because it wasn't natural to me that I realized will we're spending a lot of time energy and money on creating these things for people that if I don't stand behind them and if I don't tell people that they're here it doesn't matter it will just get lost in the shuffle and so when I realize that that started to change things in terms of how other people would engage with what it was I was creating what it was me and my team were creating so you can share stories about what you've created you can share testimonials you know I personally love to hear how other people have been affected by things you can share behind-the-scenes details and you can share samples I think that's really important a free sample of something so that's just something to think about are you willing to stand behind what you're creating okay also to do with scale and outreach outreaching with your work is video video is magnetic statistics show that the internet is becoming more and more video based and as we go through the next five to ten years video streaming is what most people engage with on the internet so depending on what you're doing there are many different ways you could create a video for your work so for example let's say you have a healing center in your local area now if I've never been into that healing center but you happen to put a video on a Facebook page or in a newsletter that lets me meet you for three minutes lets me take a little tour of the healing center and you explained to me oh this is what we do here I suddenly have a feeling about it you go from being this abstract building with a named Healing Center which I immediately start thinking about all the other healing centers I've ever known oh yeah there was that good Healing Center yeah I didn't have a good experience at that Healing Center so at the moment you're not unique to me I don't know who you are don't know what your vibration is I might like the outside of your building oh my god outside of the buildings nice but it's a very intimate thing to come into a Healing Center and have a session but if I see somebody on video and this is the beauty of video video is magnetic because we can feel on a video it's a very sensory thing so one of the reasons that I think my work grew when I started appearing on video is it helps people select you and it helps people deselect you and you don't need to be afraid of that you know if somebody doesn't like me on a video or my vibe or thinks that I'm not quite right for them they won't come to one of my events but equally if somebody sees a video and they decide oh yeah he looks okay or he feels like my language they're gonna feel safer to come to my event I'm the same I can tell within 1015 seconds have seen someone on video whether or not they're the right resonance for me and again we're all busy there's a lot going on in our world and there's a lot of choice so video is magnetic it helps people connect to you feel whether you're right for them and the thing about videos you have to learn to be really authentic and the way I have always kind of taught people whenever we're at impact the world training or when I've worked with people one-on-one in the past which I used to do a lot you have to treat the camera like person so this would be me not treating the camera like a person hello everyone thank you so much for coming to my 8 lessons I learned while building my business tonight we're going to go through four things I mean you know I may as well be doing an audio book I mean that would be fine for an audio book I mean it's probably still a little stiff but it would be OK on audio but if I'm gonna be on camera I have to learn to be natural have to be treating this camera like it's you and that's what I'm doing so when I do my energy updates I I feel who's on the other side of the camera and if this isn't something you've become used to the best way you can start is by thinking of a friend a client a person that you think this message is for so if I was the healing center making the video and I was like oh I'm a bit nervous then camera and talk about my Reiki sessions I go okay well Barbara loves my Reiki sessions she comes in every Thursday I'm gonna do this video as if I'm talking to Barbara so you imagine Barbara or you imagine a group of people and you use the camera to just be the teleporter but to get you to those people and to trust that it you're not trying to prove anything or do anything you're just showing up and putting something out there that will go through the camera and then the right people will come back to you because the magnetism will work and equally the magnetism will repel and that's perfect you it's good for everybody that people have the best sense of you because you're gonna have the better experience I really noticed a level of trust in me when I started doing energy update videos it changed all my one-on-one sessions because all the people who came already had a resonance with me most of the time unless they were sent by a friend or gifted and that really changed everything so getting on video even just once or twice or regularly if it's part of your work is really important and you can practice get a friend to help you there are so many different ways that you will accelerate your work when you do that okay scale another piece team member compatibility team member compatibility so you know one point I was completely solo and I would hire out occasionally like I got someone to build me a website in 2005 which was a short project and then it was done and then I was running it myself but these days I work with a team of people and I have a phrase and it's a phrase that I share with every member of our team when they come in the door and it's something we repeat talent is everywhere attitude is gold to me attitude is a talent and I think I've you know in the various things I've done I've worked a lot in customer service I worked a lot in theater I've done all kinds of different jobs before this career and I've met many talented people and talent doesn't really impress me attitude really impresses me talent is everywhere everybody is talented in some way but a really great attitude is its own value and is its own talent and it can be the life or the death of a team your attitude so the tricky thing about I think hiring a team is many people get scared because they're like well I don't know who to hire and you've got to be careful because you mustn't hire someone's highest potential this is a healer trap you know it's like oh well I'm hiring my friend because she's really miserable right now and she needs a job and I can afford this and I I think that maybe she'd be really good at this so we're gonna give it a go that's really beautiful and honorable but make sure that if it isn't working in a month or two you have that conversation rather than keep hoping that you're going to empower this person to become what you need them to become it's a bit of a thing with the healer community and I went through it so much and there's nothing wrong with the learning lessons that we go through when we work with each other whether you're being hired as a team member or whether you're the person hiring a team as I now am in that position but it can be very painful you know it's very painful to let somebody go you know it's not easy to have to let somebody go from a team but one of the things that I learned is you know your team is the if you like the protector for the entity of the business and if you've got a team member that either isn't pulling their weight and they're putting pressure on the rest of the team or perhaps they've got behaviors and dynamics that they're running you know they're trying to heal their anger issues or their ego issues or whatever it is inside the company that can be really tricky we're all human we all have our stuff but you want a team to operate harmonically because a team that is enjoying what they're doing working together in flow is a team that then creates that harmony into the business so I've been privy to and witnessed very toxic dynamics behind the scenes of things and I've seen how it can just jeopardize the work so you have to make sure when you're hiring a team that you are bringing onboard the right people and I remember seeing a Gary Lee video about he's a an entrepreneur trainer and very dynamic speaker I haven't seen much of his work but I saw one video and it really am the phrase resonated with me and I think I heard it somewhere else as well it was higher slowly fire quickly and if you'd have said that to me 10 years ago I'd have been like well that sounds awful but actually it's really key it's like you should hire slowly and so one of the things I always advise people is have a trial period with anyone you take on a variety RIA dove two months or three months so that not only can you see that it's right for you but so that that person also doesn't feel beholden to what they're doing with you and that everybody can check this is the right place for them very important especially for sensitive so running businesses because if you're anything like me you won't enjoy conflict I've got better at it but it used to really bring me down whenever I had to intervene with a team member now I've got good at it and I've got better at it because I know that we have to protect the business as a whole so that we continue to serve everybody out front but I also spiritually know that it's no fun for anybody when they're stuck in the wrong position in the wrong place and sometimes other people don't work that out for themselves and you might have to be the one to make the judgment call so this is why hiring carefully and being steady about it is a really good thing okay we are moving on scale still the area of scale invest wisely in the right areas and in calculated ways okay things that you don't do well like you know that you're awful at the accounts and you spend weeks procrastinating with the accounts not doing a very good job stressing yourself about it that's when you know you have to hire an accountant because the amount of that you're costing the business and the amount of stress you're costing yourself by being very ineffective at a job that you don't like when you could instead be hiring that out to someone else and using the revenue in the business to do that so that you can carry on over here doing what you're good at it's really important so investing wisely in people is really good being careful too I see this a lot and I definitely had this a little bit in the beginning you know be careful if you've got an attitude of well I don't know anything about in building a website but I've given this company $5,000 and they said they're gonna do it and haven't seen anything for six weeks be very careful about throwing a lot of money at an area that you don't know much about without asking for updates and results along the way I would also advise that you know if you're about to hire somebody or something do a bit of research on the area take an hour online to go what are the most important things about building a website so that you have some knowledge of what you're throwing your money out because I've seen a lot of people throw a lot of money at what they think are going to be fixes for their business or gold for their business and actually because they didn't really know enough about the area and they didn't manage that person effectively or get enough of an update along the way you can really throw money in the wrong direction but equally when are you costing your business money is a really good thing to look at I know for me in about 2011 I knew I was able to earn a certain amount of money from doing private sessions a week and so I couldn't do private sessions for 40 hours a week because it's just energetically as too much but I knew that because I think at that point I was around $200 an hour for a session which was great so I could do say six or seven of those a week and I had the waiting list for that that I could then afford to find somebody who would work for $30 an hour or $25 an hour to help me with the customer service aspects so that I wasn't working all the time and doing everything myself so again investing wisely in a calque lated way I always told myself well I'll take this person on and if any reason I it doesn't help me grow the business to have customer service which was my instinct I thought bringing this person on is gonna help me grow things I thought well I can always do another reading I can always add one more reading a week if there's any reason so rather than throwing a lot of money at things I've always been a believer in you know calculate and be cautious and try a little bit more and then see how it goes and especially if you're someone who's looking to scale your business when you get to the point that you can afford to put some money behind advertising say on Facebook or on YouTube and either you learn how to do those adverts or you hire someone who specializes in those that can be a really great way to find more people when you're ready to scale up that was something that made a difference for me a few years ago okay number seven is wellness overwhelm and stress need managing yeah the good thing about burnout is it tells you that you haven't been managing your overwhelming stress and perhaps you haven't been noticing your overwhelming stress anybody on the school ever had burnout anybody had it more than once I haven't had it for quite a while for good I think that I really had it badly in about 2014 I tried to do too much and I wasn't noticing how taxing everything was until it was too late so I still like anybody anybody on the planet these days overwhelming stress hit us you know it's a constant course correction it's like oh wow this month has been more intense than I expected there was family drama there was a lot more taken out of me at this event so you you constantly adjust but we have a phrase in my company which we use less these days because there are more of us but um I still hold true and I tell the team this the phrase is if we can't make the deadline we move the deadline I don't want the team or me overly stressed trying to get something out to the people that we're serving because then energy of stress is going to go into what we do doesn't mean there aren't times we're busy because there are there are times we're busier there are times we're a bit more tired but if we're really stressing if we're if someone in the team is if they have a task that only they can do and they clearly look burnt out I always offer them the opportunity to take time out and the same for me like if I'm trying to do too much and I catch that I'm getting a bit fried I start to move things around could you as a worker whether you're the owner of the company a member of the company you are the asset your energy is what makes things happen so if you aren't looking after your energy you're gonna find it will hit you quite hard so one of the things that I've learned over the years as I'm constantly finding new ways to look after myself I committed to fitness a couple of years ago I was earning more income so I was able to afford to hire a personal trainer which is what works for me for someone else it's a peloton for someone else it's a class but it helped me with my stamina when I could start to do this in the mornings and it was an investment in myself sure but it was also an investment in the business in a way because me going and having that good workout every morning with someone else who's making the decisions for me which is key because I make a lot of decisions throughout the day so to have somebody else do that for me in an area that isn't my expertise is great so overwhelm and stress are real things that we have to manage and as your work grows and as what you're building grows you will have to adjust and especially for those of you who have parents you know I'm not a parent and I feel like the business is in a way my kids so yeah especially if you're a parent you have to find ways to manage your stress and what I will say is that especially new entrepreneurs need inner and outer systems what I mean by this is when you first leave a traditional job where someone else is telling you what time you work giving you a structure whether you're an independent contractor for another company in which case you might be working from home or whether you're the owner of a business or an entrepreneur yourself figuring out your routines and your systems is really important and it's something you have to create and often we create it the hard way because we realize our limits and we cross them and then we go oh I need a bit more time off in a week I need to preserve that bit of time on a Wednesday morning okay the eighth one I left up to randomness because I couldn't decide which one should be the eighth one so I'm gonna go with this one okay keep yourself interested and engaged you should never become a slave to your business there might be times you feel like it there might be times where you feel like you have to work harder but keep yourself interested and engaged in what you're doing and if you ever feel like you are a slave to what you're doing or you're just doing it perhaps for the paycheck or you're doing it because other people expect you to do the thing but you don't really want to do the thing anymore you have to create you have to look at okay what aspect of the business is my joy and I'm gonna keep that there and what do I need to do that's new so for me in 2016 I had been a teacher of spirituality in metaphysics for 12 years and I was feeling a little bit stuck and I was feeling like something needed to change and I didn't know what it was I was having lots of one-on-one clients who were coming to me who wanted to do what I did and who wanted to take their careers out into the world so I really considered resigning it was tricky because I thought well what am I gonna do instead I don't really know you know and I have it it was tricky because it was also something that was working and that I did enjoy but something in me didn't feel right something felt off and so I went on this 28 date tour which I was invited to do by an agency and I thought okay well let's go and do that and two things happened meeting everybody on the tour re-energized my reason for doing things and it helped me see that I was serving something far bigger than myself and that felt very fulfilling to meet people in Australia or in Canada or in England or in America who would hold my hand and say thank you so much for the energy updates you have no idea what they've done for me that really meant something to me so that made it clear that I didn't want to stop then at the end of that year my friend took me to Brendan bouchard's experts Academy and it was when and I really enjoyed the experts Academy I mean Brendan's brilliant at what he does but what was really interesting for me was I saw that he was training entrepreneurs and I thought oh this is what I'm doing a lot in my one-on-ones I too could do an event like this and I would love to do that and it terrified me so we created impact the world which we put on in San Diego in April 2018 we decided to keep it to 65 people so we got this lovely hotel this beautiful room and it sold out and I have never been so terrified to host an event as I was to host impact the world and I will say that it's the thing I'm most proudest of in every event I've ever done and I mean I've done over 200 events 200 and something around the world at this point and yeah I I think it was because it was a challenge to myself but it also lights me up to see people do what they do in the world and to help them with that so it was me reinventing what I did I didn't have to stop what I was doing on the left but I knew that I had to add a strand on the right I knew that I needed to grow and that if I didn't let myself grow I and what I did would become stagnant so to know that even if what you're doing is successful or wanted or desired as you grow with it it's going to ask you to change it's going to ask you to re-energize it so yeah I invite you to keep yourself interested and engaged and if you find you aren't interested in engaged check out is there enough in your personal life to fulfill you or have you neglected your personal life you need to re-energize that and if you do that and you still feel a little bit it's time to add a few strands to what you do so thank you everybody they are eight of the 20 lessons that I couldn't decide between sharing with you today and I see that we're we've gone through quite a lot of time but I'm I'm really happy to do about twenty minutes or so of your questions so I'm gonna invite Noah onto the call Noah hi Haley how are you I'm really good how are you that was great I enjoyed it and always learning from you and always loved listening to this stuff so I enjoyed that very much thank you and by the way everyone listening if you haven't met know one of our live events Noah is our event manager and he is CEO of my company so he is shoulder-to-shoulder with me and the team on everything that we do here and he will be at impact the world in Scottsdale Arizona in April yeah looking forward to it so we took a bunch of questions and I'd love to jump right in because there's some really good ones that I'd love to create your take on so I'll start the first one reads Leigh how do you keep your own energy field stable when interacting and connecting with so many people personally and energetically through offering your service well I would say that I found that I have I have a fairly quiet life I have a fairly non quiet work life and I have a fairly quiet personal life and luckily I married someone who also likes a quiet life so the way I stay balanced with the work that we do is I have found a place to live and this office and studio space are in very quiet places surrounded by a lot of nature so that then when we travel and go off and do what we do or if we're here broadcasting and creating videos in the downtime of doing that work or doing behind-the-scenes work on the business itself I can be quiet and more introverted and that really helps me refuel and reach our I also found that physical fitness really helps keep my body moving everything and when we do events I would say my biggest ally apart from music is water so I for example we just did this lovely event in Portland I had 220 people there on Saturday and I must have met a hundred and twenty of them maybe in the signing line at the end so as soon as the event was over I went home I showered I do some affirmations such as I release any energies and emotions that are not mine so that I can clear my field and then the next morning I woke up at 7 o clock and got straight in the bathtub so water is one of my shoe manic processes whenever I'm interacting physically and energetically with people and so is soothing music and verbal affirmations and yeah having a quiet life when I'm here in between the work that we do really helps me keep balanced thanks for the question great thank you the next question reads dearly I work as a self-employed healer and yoga teacher how can I have clearer boundaries between my own personal time and what I'm working people I work with often develop a very close relationship to me and I need space when I'm not working how have you established balance between work and life and not sacrificing either to feel good within yourself well I it's interesting and I feel like this probably some crossover for you in the way I'm gonna answer your question because I realize that I like to be in the work I do I like to be a hundred percent present and a hundred percent there but I can't be a hundred percent present and 100 percent there all my life that's not my makeup I need inward time I need quiet time so I had to learn with as this work grew and as more people and still I mean I still learn this now but as more people wanted your time your energy I had to learn to get really good at saying no and it doesn't mean you're always using the words no but for example I used to be somebody who was on the phone a lot in my 20s like I would have I hardly ever speak on the phone these days so if people you know they were certain I had to close down one Avenue so my phone will pretty much always go to voicemail because I often have it somewhere in the room so I I had to quarantine the amount of ways I was available email text message message that's enough for me I can't add phone calls to it because it's too much energy but I also had to get really good at being a guardian for myself because the person who is going to text you and say can I just ask you a question about yesterday's session or email you and say would you mind just reading my book and giving me some feedback there's nothing wrong with that person's request what they don't realize is how many people are doing it to you and if you don't take charge of know this is the time I need to be off even if at first it makes you feel uncomfortable and it probably will because it did for me it wasn't easy for me to say no to people it wasn't easy for me to not be available to people because some part of my programming thought I had to be and what I learned was the only way you grow as a person grows a healer and grow your scale of your work in the world or the quality of your work in the world perhaps it's not scale you're looking for is to preserve yourself and to recognize that it's no one else's fault no one else is going to say I was going to ask you a question but I realized everyone's sucking on your energy so I'm not going to do that I'll hear that a lot but they are the minority most people see you as the source in your case they will see you as the source of who can help them and it's your job to tell them when it's not your place or your time to help them into trust they'll find the help elsewhere if someone's starving when they knock on your door asking for food they don't tend to just sit in your front lawn and staff if they're starving and you say no they will go and find the food elsewhere they will go knock on another door and equally you will know if it's an emergency if it's an emergency you'll bypass your own tiredness if you're the person that's supposed to respond you'll feel it in your body and you'll go oh I have to go so I don't think the problem is other people I think the problem is us and we have to get good at being clear and honest about our boundaries and giving people really really kind of a way of dealing with us that helps us recover and replenish so I hope that helps and good luck Thank You Lee the next question reads I have two businesses one is 22 years old the other is almost three years old when you feel that you have reached burnout in the past or a wall and growth what are the tools you have used to move through that and embrace a new path make the changes needed to move forward well I've now learned that burnout is more important than anything meaning I've learned that the business and the work I do can't be bigger than my own needs and I'm you know I'm pretty devoted to my work and I give it my energy every week and I'm happy to do that and that's a choice I've made but if I haven't managed myself or I haven't quite and you know sometimes no fault of my own there's just been an accumulation of events or challenges or problems or stressors that I didn't foresee or didn't schedule brilliantly for then I have to go oh okay I have to take I have to take today off so I would say in this in the short term you have to prioritize your burnout because if you burn out completely nothing's gonna happen but it's interesting what you're saying about 22 and 3-year business I'm imagining that can be challenging like knowing which one to give your energy to and where and perhaps the newness of the three-year one might be more challenging and/or more exciting when you talk about your 22 year old one that feels like this beautiful oak tree that can hold you if you wanted to in a certain way but the three the three year old one feels a little more kind of frenetic or energetic so what I would say to you about the burnout is make sure that you aren't trying to be everything to those two businesses maybe you need more support in one or both of them or maybe if that's not what you want to do you have to go okay this business rests a little bit while this business gets served and to not forget yourself the business is its own entity and that's a good way to look at our businesses they become their own entity with the people who they serve the team within them us but we too are an entity and we too need to be able to refuel and step out so I shared a little bit about how I realized my own relationship to the business by bringing on board funnily enough three years ago starting to walk towards training healers soul focused entrepreneurs creatives changemakers how to take their work out into the world in a wider way and that being a new strand that I developed separate to the self growth transformational work empath sensitive work that I do and that really helped reenergize me but at the same time you can't do all of it at once if there's if there's only a small team you have to meter out your time and some of that time has to be for you otherwise the whole thing falls down so I hope you're able to carve out time for you and it's okay to have slow periods with our work I think we have this idea of it must stay consistent or it must always grow and that's not really life you know there are quiet periods there are less popular periods there are less successful periods so you might just need a little bit of rest my friend hope that helps and good luck thanks Lee the next question reads I do not have a business or make six figures I'm transitioning into my work of true purpose is there a place for me in your impact the world workshop thank you yeah we we had actually quite a lot of people in the room who hadn't even started a business in 2018 and the feedback that we had from those people I'm thinking of one in particular well actually that's not true she did she had a personal reading business but she hadn't yet started to have a newsletter or even even a website or anything beyond the fact that people had her number to hire her as an intuitive and the feedback that we had from so many people was that impact the world what we aim to do is is two to three main things number one we look at mindset energetics and wellness for the entrepreneur which is really important and that's a key strand of all the presentations but then we also look at the practical nuts and bolts and all the different ways that you can work in the world so for example I did a presentation on podcasts that was maybe an hour long and I talked about what podcasts can do for your business what they can do for your audience some of the statistics about podcasts and one lady left and went oh my god I had never thought I wanted to do a podcast you did that presentation you explained it to me and now I've got this podcast that's going really well and I love it so we actually try to give you a menu of choices and items show you all these different ways that you could bring your work into the world to help you scale your business and also look at the courage required and some of the stuff that we go through around money because that's often a big block but I will tell you that you know I spent two years doing readings for people part time before I left my other work and went full-time after two years of doing readings part time so I'm not I'm not an advocate of just been what you're doing or trash what you're doing right now to try and take a gamble on a career I'm all about you no feel it out and take your time and figure it out so impact the world the training course offers you an opportunity to be in an entrepreneurial energy to see what choices you have and to problem solve some of the issues you have through the QA and through some of the speakers that I bring along too so I hope that helps and if it resonates for you we'd love to see you there Thank You Lee the next question reads how do you put a dollar value on things of a spiritual nature how do you decide and how do you keep it pure in a capitalist system yeah I you know I don't think a capitalist system is very pure either but I also for me I embrace that unless I want to be a monk I do live in a capitalist system and that was something I had to really embrace to be honest I it's funny I one of the things that it took me years to work out was we pay for things we value you might be sitting with a friend and I talked about this in my abundance upshift course it's all about knowing what you value and we don't mind giving money to things that we value but what I give money to that I value might become you might think oh god I would never pay that much money for that over there so value is very personal and I remember in my 20s it was interesting to me that I was so willing to pay considerable amounts of money for the workshops that I was attending I mean I feel like workshops were a lot more expensive twelve thirteen years ago than they are now I was often going on credit cards to do workshops because I just felt that it was the right thing to do but I had a real problem charging for what I did because of that very same question you have about spirituality I didn't really believe some people go oh well if it's if it's your guides why are you charging for it now I'm like well it's actually my energy you know it's not like the energy isn't running through my body it's like why do people get paid when they run around the rest serving tables giving their life force giving their energy there you know there is a trade and barter system at work on the planet unless you're somebody who's so rich you don't need to work but what I will say to you is I think there are ways to within a capitalist system feel like you are balancing the money exchange I am so happy that I learnt to charge more money for my one-on-one sessions at the time periods that I did you know I went from being $10 an hour oh no it's $15 10 pounds after I stopped donations I made it a minimum of $15 an hour if I hadn't got to the level of scale with my sessions that was appropriate based on my waiting list I would have probably had a two-year waiting list if I hadn't increased my value but what I been did was I hired team members and we produce free material so I probably spend including some of the advertising revenue we probably spend almost $4,000 producing an energy update now and that's not for my time but that's fantastic because people do not pay a dollar for an energy update and it's helping several hundred thousand people every month so the way I look at it is you have to make sure that you can afford your rent and your food which was what I did first and then as things grow around what you do you can use the money to be benevolent you know we we get to give at the moment around twelve thousand dollars a year to various charities so I I like I like being able to have reached a cleanliness around the financial relationship in myself that I'm actually able to pay the wages of you know twelve people a month that were able to support some charities we care about and for example the podcast that we're just producing now it's not cheap and it's something that I'm able to pay for with the revenue that comes in for other works so I think you have to you have to you have to find the right for you I've met some people who are very empty money and spirituality in which case I say produce free videos and find a different way to earn a living for me it was different I was really all-in I was all-in on this work and so for me the revenue coming in has allowed me to find different ways to offer offer free free content back out and I was a child of the 70s so I was used to paying for spiritual books and paying for spiritual workshops we didn't have free material when I was growing up and I I wish we had so I kind of loved being part of that now so I hope that answers your question and good luck with your process around there thanks Lee I've got one more question here that I'd like to ask you before we wrap up and it reads highly how how do I do the work in the world that I'm meant to do when I'm not sure what area to focus on I have several areas of interest but all the feedback I hear is that I have to niche down to one topic this is creating a distance for me and I wonder if you have any suggestions thank you so much I love it and I I think many of us relate to your question I know I do you know I think many creatives visionaries people have lots of things they might like to do and I think I think it's two things I think if you're sabotaging yourself by trying to concentrate on eight things at once and nothing's working you have to be realistic about that and go okay I want to do eight things at once but none of them are working so what would happen if I was willing to put six of those things aside and just focus on two things for a month would I see more progress in those two areas and would those two areas progressing then support my ability to activate these other six somewhere down the line so what I mean by that is I'll use myself as an example we are currently producing a podcast that is also a video TV show we have music coming out more that we're working on we have events we have so many different areas but that is not how my business looked ten years ago at all you know that it started remembered just with readings and so I think what happens is as you successfully build one area or one aspect of your work you can start to then bring other areas out so 1012 years ago I would have needed another company to fund or allow me to do the things I'm doing today but because I built the areas that are working and allowed it to take time I think that's another really good lesson you really have to be willing to let your business and your work take time hey if you have some overnight success or some overnight fast breakthrough great that's that's really great but that's not the norm especially not when you're creating things in the 3d world it can take time to get things going so focus on what's your most what do you think is gonna work the most and would having a few of those things working support you financially your self-esteem practically emotionally and how would that then feed into these other things but as for people saying you've got an itch down there are lots of teachers out there whether they're entrepreneur teachers or spiritual teachers who will tell you that it's a certain way I personally never believe that I think all any of us are ever doing as teachers is sharing possibilities and if ever a teacher is trying to force you into a way then it tends to mean that they're quite tunnel vision on their own way and they're assuming that that's gonna transpose onto you and that's not how it works we're all unique and we're all supposed to do unique things but I have sometimes met people who are frustrated or annoyed about having to focus on one thing when they like focusing on eight and it can be a kind of subtle sabotage it can be a subtle way of not ever letting anything succeed so I would ask yourself if I could focus on two of my eight things this year what would be the easier to make successful and what is the most time appropriate you know what is the world wanting right now of the eight things that you do where where is the value of those eight things so for example if in the area you live there's a real need for healers right now and you see that the healers that you know they're pretty busy and one of your eight things is healing well that's an area that currently people want so it would be good for you to put some energy toward that because the very energy of success in itself and having a wheel going in an area so you're a desired healer you're receiving energy and finance in exchange for the energy you're giving out and you're learning that can bolster what you then take into this next part of your business or your work and that what you next want to activate so you can do it all you just can't do it all today or perhaps even this year and I hope that helps make sense well thank you so much Noah yeah my pleasure I'm happy to be here yeah well thank you everyone for tuning in I've mentioned the impact the world podcast that's our new weekly show it is a youtube show but it is also a podcast you can either listen on any of your favorite podcast platforms and you can also watch it in video form at my youtube channel so if you go to Lee Harris energy com you'll see a tab on the top called podcast you can hit there and there'll be plenty of entrepreneur tips along the way in the months to come as well as conversations and for those of you who are interested in coming to Scottsdale Arizona April 1st through the 5th for the impact the world training we can't wait to do it it's the first one we've done in two years we're very excited we have some great guest speakers coming along Steven Washington my husband who many of you will know will be bringing his Qigong work in short short but very potent blasts throughout each day so that we keep our energy alive as we're learning my social media expert Nick is going to be Minh Anh on the screen for two separate sessions all about social media so we're going to look at the basics of social media and also what are the current trends and specialities because social media is a tricky area to figure out so we're gonna give that a good amount of time we're gonna look at what are your values as an entrepreneur what is the importance of a newsletter and how are good ways to create your newsletter we're gonna break down every area of the business that you might be putting out into the world or perhaps haven't yet activated as to how you could use it to spread your message inspire yourself and others and I'll be taking lots of QA as we go and I'll have guest speakers Sarah Landon Wendy Kennedy no a pair of Oh Barry goldstein is coming in to do an evening of sound healing is a kind of recreational evening we're gonna have a dance one night so there'll be lots of intimate time and lots of networking with the other entrepreneurs so hope to see you there and if we don't see you there thanks so much for tuning in and good luck with all your doing big love everyone take care you
Channel: LeeHarrisEnergy
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Length: 72min 10sec (4330 seconds)
Published: Sun Feb 23 2020
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