How to Use Your Intuition

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[Music] many people aren't familiar with the term energy intuitive can you explain this term in the difference between if there is a difference a highly intuitive person and an energy intuitive I think in some ways there isn't a huge difference but from my perspective the variation is a highly intuitive person can often be someone who has a real psychic gift so it might be somebody who receives messages or has visions of the people's future or past and for me and energy intuitive is it's a whole body experience so it to me it incorporates the empathic part of an intuitive meaning do you have a physical response to other people's pain or suffering or do you walk into a room and start to feel energy in your body so I use the term energy intuitive because when I work with people I'm drawing on all of my senses I have the channel the intuitive part of my mind and my higher higher mind that can bring me information that is intuitive or psychic and then I use my body to kind of track the energy and be in response to the energy of another person to check that we've got the volume right for them the speed right for them how far we can go so that's where the term energy intuitive came from for me yes can you describe what benefits and life improvements one can expect from engaging with your events mp3's in online courses what does your work do for people that is uniquely different from other self-growth figures very good question I would need to know all other self growth figures to be able to properly cook at the answer that question because it's tricky when you're trying to compare yourself but I think the thing that I see time and time again validation of their own intuition and sensitivity I think many times we don't think of ourselves as intuitive or believe that we are intuitive I actually believe we're all intuitive we just haven't necessarily identified that as a skill or learn how to use it so people get that from working with me a validation of their own senses people usually become happier simply because I think whenever we're given a space where we can focus on everything inside us the good the bad the ugly and have that be seen heard felt and moved then we we get to a state of peace with all of our self we're not fighting the part of our self we don't like or battling the part of ourselves that we're ashamed to show we recognize we all have our you know our dark side our light side and we've all had stuff in our life that we're not this comfortable with but if you create a container for people which is what we do in the workshops that we do and the work that we do it's really allowing somebody to just explore themselves and give them a framework in a container and some guidance around that people also speak to me about feeling more intuitive around around the work that I do I think that's just as Moses you know I think if I were to start learning how to rock climb with a brilliant rock climber and I was open to them then I would start to start to speed my own process up so I think if you work with someone who's an intuitive and does it for a living and has gone around the world and met loads of other intuitive's and work with them a natural effect would be that your own amplifies so I hear that a lot from people that their intuition amplifies and I would also say heart people feeling like they can be in their hearts more it's a tricky world the world we live in because we all have been trained to be defensive to each other or disconnected to each other and there are usually wounds in the way for all of us to coming back to our heart and living from our heart and being open you know can you smile at somebody who isn't necessarily gonna smile back at you or does that hurt you if they don't smile back or do you get to a place in your life where you're like I'm glad I smile at them it didn't cost me anything they looked a bit freaked but it's okay my heart's solid I can smile at them and not need them to smile back and just move on with my day so one of my paths in my own life and then what bring two people in work is how can this be galvanized the heart energy which is something that I just think we need more of every day all of us what has your work taught you about what love is people people when I first started doing readings for people I remember I would get really upset in the early days people would send me three questions by email I didn't know who they were didn't know anything about them they would just send me three questions and I would send them back a 2,000 word document which would take me about 90 minutes and I would just type non-stop and then I would go back and sweep through it but when I would first get those questions from people I remember crying a lot at the beginning because I couldn't believe two things number one they didn't know me and they were trusting me with their deepest fears or pains or sometimes Joy's - and that was wonderful a bit but it would make me cry because I couldn't believe they were trusting me with that stuff but it also started to make me see how everybody's struggling with something and that was reassuring to me because I'd struggled with a lot like internally and you know like all of us I think felt that was wrong with me why why why can't I get through this why can't I get over this and the more I've worked with people the more I see we've all got something going on in our lives even if you're in a really happy period in your life there's something that you're challenged by and I think before I was blind to that and so working with people and having people allow me to work with them and then be open with me to work with them on that stuff has actually made me fall more in love with people and also then you know learn to continually learn to love myself more with anything that I think are my flaws but just to try and love myself through them through doing that work for others so my works taught me a lot about love because of people and the the kind of brilliant vulnerable fragility that we all have that's also so strong and I think when we revealed that that to me is is is love it's kind of being willing to risk it all by really showing yourself and extending yourself and that's something we aren't trained to do as a society some so that has been a radical awakening for me through working with people I'm really humbled that people trust me to do that with them and time and time again it it kind of um it connects you to people so it's active love
Channel: LeeHarrisEnergy
Views: 26,761
Rating: 4.9615383 out of 5
Keywords: how to develop your intuition, how to use your intuition, what is intuition, gut feeling, what is intuition power, what is intuition and how do we use it, intuition, intuitive, intuition meditation, intuition vs sensing, psychic abilities, lee harris, intuition and equilibrium, inner guidance, inner wisdom, inner voice, how to be intuitive, how to follow your intuition, how to use your inner voice, voice within, teal swan, trust yourself, tap into your intuition
Id: VByg0qmV01M
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 23sec (443 seconds)
Published: Wed May 02 2018
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