Impact the World (Special Episode): Q&A with Lee

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hey welcome to this special edition of the impact the world podcast for anybody who is choosing to listen to this show there will be no problem with this episode but for those of you who are choosing to watch we had some technical difficulties with the focus for about 11 minutes so you will notice that i'm a little blurry for about the first 11 minutes but then it will sharpen up so don't worry it's not your eyes you don't need an eyesight test it's definitely a technical issue that we experienced but we didn't want to cut the episode because we felt like some of the first questions were things that you might want to hear so we hope you enjoy thank you for tuning in and big love wherever you are in the world welcome to impact the world the show for and about creatives change makers and entrepreneurs this is an insight episode where i share a few quick tips to help you take your work and mission to the next level hello everyone welcome to this special at-home edition of the impact the world show so if we weren't all experiencing what we're experiencing in the world right now i would have been sat here with a couple of great guests today filming but because we have had to like many of you reschedule the activities that we have in the world and anything that involves other people we thought well why not do a special at-home edition of the podcast where we turn to you for any questions that you might want to put to me and we did that through my newsletter at my lee website and also the monthly members community that i have there the portal we went out to all of you who are in those groups and we had some amazing questions we're going to get through as many as we can for today's show but before we do i just want to say i hope that you're doing okay out there and looking after yourself if you have kept up with any of my energy update work or you're in the portal community or you've seen any of the other free videos that we're putting out during this time it really is a wave of energy and emotion and it's hitting everybody even those people who you think might be more shielded from some of the economic or physical or health difficulties that this experience that we're all going through is is bringing up even those people that i'm meeting and speaking to are also going through the shock waves of an experience like this and then of course if any of you are directly hit um i like many of you have had people who have been going through the experiences of the virus the economic hardships a lot of the uncertainty that a time like this brings up so there's a lot to this experience and until we're through it a little further down the line it's going to be hard to know exactly what the other side is going to look like but it's going to be different so with that in mind we had some really well chosen and themed questions that came up from our our audience members that we wanted to share with you today so let's get started i have a list here and um the first few we thought we'd do were slightly more personal questions to me so somebody asked and by the way most people submitted questions anonymously so we're just gonna go with that somebody asked lee what are you watching right now well we are currently watching the show homeland which noah on our team recommended to me and stephen so we'd never seen it even though it's you know started eight years ago so we are going through seasons of homeland right now we've also watched ozark and stephen and i love shit's creek it's one of our favorite shows no i didn't say a rude word if you know the show there is a very special spelling for shit's creek and if you haven't seen it it's humorous it's compassionate and if you fancy an adrenaline ride watch homeland but that's not for everybody but it's working for us okay during this time are you feeling more called to do your work or do you feel like you need to back away from it um it's interesting because i've actually felt more called to do my work and any of you who are familiar with my work you may know that i did a special coronavirus energy update mid-march and i never normally do a mid-month energy update but i felt really compelled i had a broadcast for our portal community which we do on a saturday once a month and as soon as that was done it was around the middle of march and this was all just beginning to brew i just felt really compelled to do the energy update but at the same time i felt deeply uncomfortable doing it so discomfort for me is something i've come to understand is just part of the process and a certain amount of discomfort will come up for you as a creative as a healer whatever you're doing in the world but i've felt compelled to walk more towards doing my work in the world right now but i also because of the heightened emotional state in the world it can be challenging at times and not just for me for my team too so you know we check in with each other how's everyone doing but i have to say my team have been amazing i literally threw that energy update at three of my team members with 24 hours notice and said to them i'll edit this myself on imovie i'll do the notes if i have to don't worry i know you're not supposed to be working it's a sunday and as usual everyone in the team just jumped on board so i think we've all felt grateful that we have something that we can do that helps people navigate these times but it's definitely more edgy for sure i think everybody's feeling that in in every every way what are you missing the most during this time of isolation um i'm i'm missing my family actually my family are in england um and my dad is really not very well right now he's been in hospital for a few weeks and um i miss them even though i'm speaking to them on the phone it's the first time that you know i'm not able to just jump on a plane if i need to and because my family is dealing with a lot right now it's hard to to to to have lost that freedom to uh just jump on a plane and travel um and then on a on a more pithy level i'm missing the really simple things that you used to take for granted like people not looking freaked out in grocery stores supermarkets i'm missing the kind of more relaxed energy that was in the world when people were out and about with each other and just the little things that you take for granted but you know what i will say isn't it interesting i don't know if you guys are having this experience too there are a lot of things i'm not missing and i think that's interesting there's a certain expected busyness to our lives that i think i'm speaking to people from all walks of life friends of mine colleagues people i work with and i'm hearing the same from everybody that there's a lot that now we have been forced to let go of certain things you realize you you don't really need and you were just perhaps on the hamster wheel with them so it's been it's been interesting and i'm sure it will continue to be in the coming weeks and months so okay thanks for those questions so this was a really cool one i'm training to do healing do you think healers are needed more now than ever and will be more understood um yes to needed now more than ever yes two will be more understood no two will be more understood and well in another part of the question that i'm gonna answer so i do think healers are needed more now than ever but to me um that goes that word always goes beyond wellness practitioners people who are quote unquote healers for a living so whether that's a doctor who is a healer whether that's a nutritional medicine doctor whether that's an intuitive coach whether that's a meditation teacher you know they're all healers in slightly different forms um then of course as we all know the minority of people perhaps who are active healers on the planet will take those roles we'll have those roles as career but we all know people in our community in our circle our friend circle our family and you're like oh they're the healer of the family or these two are the healers of the family because they're always the ones that make the calls they're always the ones that smooth out the emotional edges and conversations so i do think more people are becoming more naturally able as healers on the planet and i think that the societal acceptance of things like emotional intelligence wellness techniques meditation these things are becoming more normalized and more importantly more necessary you know stress anxiety the things that we're facing as a planet right now it leads you to need ways to center yourself ground yourself so i do think healers are more needed and will they be more understood i think the idea of self-care is becoming more more collectively understood but of course healers will always be misunderstood by anyone who wants to misunderstand them in the same way that any type of person who goes against your own beliefs or challenges your beliefs or triggers you can be misunderstood it doesn't necessarily show up as a healer but we do know that there is a lot of um dismissal judgment suspicion around the psychic arts the intuitive arts that still is kind of hardwired into the collective so i don't think that's going to go away overnight but i do think people are i think this idea that we need to look after ourselves so that we can better serve our lives our communities the work we're doing our families i think that's becoming a bit more understood a bit more commonplace and sadly or perhaps inevitably it's taking the rise of stress and the rise of existential fears about our world our planet our systems right now to bring that to the surface so and the z's my guides who i channel they've always said you know and again they're not alone if you look at other prophecies this comes up that when our world got beyond 2012 we would go through a real consciousness revolution and transformation so to me a healer is anybody who makes us feel better in the moment and perhaps more importantly able to remember and re-navigate ourselves back to that feeling so a meditation teacher who teaches you meditation helps you have the experience of meditation that makes you feel better gives you ways in that if you then practice you can get back there so i think healers come in many different forms so thank you for the question question number two i feel i've stored some energy from past wounds and it feels like during this time it is coming through my body by presenting some health challenges i'd like to know how to move it through it or understand it better because i do know this slower pace has been a great opportunity for me to stand still and to be able to take advantage of space and time to process this great question and i i know it will connect with a lot of people so my experience and understanding of the way our energy works is that there are some of us who will somatize through the body and of course that can happen to any of us at any time so what i mean by that is let's say you're ignoring some stress in your life perhaps you're in a really difficult relationship and you're not choosing to see that that relationship is difficult and isn't actually good for you and you just choose to keep staying in it and you keep telling yourself it will change and you you know try and think your way through it try and bring in the light but you're not really paying attention to the fact that this actually just isn't a good relationship for you that you are not capable of turning this relationship into light it's always going to have friction it's always going to have a certain level of pain for you if we ignore that for long enough and our soul can't get our attention through the clues or the helpers or the people along the way who go you know i could see you with a a slightly more optimistic person and we just ignore it and we shut it out sometimes the body gets our attention and we somatise the imbalanced energy that we're experiencing in our life when i tune in on you personally just for a moment you know you hold a lot of energy for a lot of people which i think will relate to lots of people watching or listening to this show and one of the things that is showing up for you in this time is just for you to be able to notice that there needs to be a little more emptying of yourself from everything that you're holding more regularly because it's like your system has become backed up and it's because of the enforced stop that you are now experiencing that you're actually getting to shed and let go of a lot of the ways that you were operating in your relationships in your sense of responsibility for others so that can show up in all kinds of ways family friends the work we do and it's a beautiful thing because you have a you know you have a heart that's powering it so you're doing it from a good place but it takes energy and the human body is not just cosmic energy it's not just universal life force it is also density and it is also an an electrical energy field that's in response to everyone around us so if we're dealing with a lot of dense or heavy energy and we haven't figured out a way to hold our boundary in that or constantly clear ourselves of it it can it can hit you like a ton of bricks when you finally stop it's why often we get sick when we haven't noticed that we need to stop you know you you'll get some kind of virus or something will take you to bed for a few days because it's the only way that you were going to get stopped so for you what comes up for me is that what you're dealing with right now is it is a rewiring of yourself and the attention that your health is asking you to give it right now is a way of you looking at how you can rewire your output when you go back into your responsibilities once the foot comes off this break that we're on right now because at the moment there's a little bit of a foot on the brake in the world the car hasn't completely stopped but it's crawling for many people for some people it's similar maybe with the work they're doing the way they're showing up in the world but still the energy of everybody being paused and stopped affects everyone even the busy people so for you it's something about learning to work in a different way when you go when you come through this when you come through the other side of this because your body wants you and your energy wants you a bit more than it's been getting you it's not that all the things you aren't doing aren't beautiful or purposeful but there's just there's there needs to be a bit more room for you in this equation and so what you're processing with the health stuff that you've got going on right now is is a moment for you to focus deeply in on yourself and your body so i don't have set philosophies and i wouldn't dare to have those around health you know sometimes i'll hear people say oh why did i manifest this illness and they'll be very hard on themselves my philosophy is if you have something like that come out come up in your life don't be hard on yourself that's not going to help the situation so i hope that however you're approaching this you're able to live with it lightly and see it lightly and investigate it because my my sense of it for you is it's an opportunity for you to reset the output of your energy and that when you return to i won't say normal because everything's going to be a little different for everyone after this experience but when you return to where you were you might find ways to output your energy at 60 percent of the level that you were before yet still your effect can be a hundred that often just involves making a few adjustments learning when to delegate when to say no just preserving a little more of your own vital energy and if the structure of your life is is really important and purposeful to you you'll figure out ways to help that structure sustain itself it's no different to having four kids that you're constantly running around after and looking after and you're exhausted and they're fine there comes a point when you have to empower those kids to help you otherwise you're just their servant they're fine you're burning out all the time it's important when they reach an age where they can start to take some responsibility for the things that you are doing for them that you empower them to do that and you empower yourself to step back that's what comes to me in this for you so i hope that helps and good luck okay how do i welcome question three oh question three of the ones that weren't personal but anyway how do i welcome the guidance protection of my angels spirit guides and put aside my ego inner voice that seems to be louder and more demanding i think we all know that one i hear and see things that i know is from my angels but then my annoying inner voice overrides that with fear and doubt thank you for all you do and bring thank you well here's the funny thing you know first things first try not to see that voice as so annoying it's you know the fear-based voice is trying to protect you it's trying to protect you from messing up it's trying to protect you from that time you were brave and your cousin judged you for being brave so it's every time you start to be brave again while that wound is still there that memory is still there the ego voice goes don't do that don't be brave last time that happened everyone frowned at you and you didn't like how that felt so let's protect you from that feeling you know our ego is always just trying to protect us and it's only ever working backwards so our ego and our mind is only ever turning to history for information your intuition and your visionary self is leading you into the future and asking you to come towards this thing because you're going to grow and you're going to change so what you've described is perfect to me because that's how it works you know we have an intuition or a feeling i i should change my work i should go and do something different and it feels really good when you have the vision and then the minute you start to walk towards it the voice is oh well who are you to change your job and what's your mom going to think about this how are you going to explain this to your family you know all that stuff comes up and so it's quite a natural response so i wouldn't try and kill your ego voice off because that's going to be hard i would recognize it's going to be there i would start to strategize around it so we were recently running a retreat at a cinema myself and scott sabile and um scott and a couple of other people at the retreat said that they like to give their ego voice a name like nagging natasha oh here's nagging natasha again telling me that i can't do this thing and that works for them they give the the negative ego voice a name they give her a voice they write her thoughts down um for me how i tend to work with my negative self-talk is number one i'm now so used to i'm so used to that if i'm doing anything that's a bit more ambitious or a bit more outside my current comfort zone or i have no frame of historic reference for this thing i'm about to do that might be a bit bolder than anything i've ever done before whether that's in my personal life or in my work or in a moment i now know that there's going to be a voice that's going to come up and go oh don't know about this a fear voice that wants me to stay small i'm so used to that voice showing up i'm so used to that being the pattern that i almost welcome and expect it and it's almost a good sign that something's changing you know if i'm creating something and i feel slightly uncomfortable about it it's usually because there's some growth that's going to happen either my own or i'm feeling the energy of the growth it's going to give the people i'm creating it for or both so if i were you i would recognize that the reason it's getting a bit louder and it's talking to you is that's probably the voice you've lived with for longer the more you start to practice knowing that voice is going to come up when you move towards things the better it's going to be for you so it might be useful to sit and write down what is this what what are you trying to protect me from trying to protect you from making a fool of yourself i'm trying to protect you from falling flat on your face and when you read those things this is what i've done and this works for me you're like oh all right actually i i don't really care about falling flat on my face or when did that first come along let me oh wow yeah when i was seven that that's a wound so what we start to do is develop an awareness around that voice if that voice is just this boogeyman in your head and it's like a something in a horror movie you and you just stay away from it you never really know why it's there how it got there what its origins are but as soon as you start to unpick it a little bit it can help so if i were you i would investigate what that voice is trying to protect you from but i would recognize that the very fact that voice is coming up tells you that you're looking at an area of growth and that your angels and your guides are a part of you and so is that ego voice and for all of us who are here on a path of integration and balance it's learning to for me anyway let all of it be there but not let any particular voice stop you when you feel like you really need to move forward and being patient because that can take months and sometimes years you might have a vision that you're like this really scares me but by 2022 i'm going to be active in this vision so try and take the pressure off yourself but investigate that voice because that voice has a history and the more you understand the history of that voice the less it becomes a chain around your ankle hope that helps okay hi lee i started a spiritual based business a few years ago during this last 12 months i've been feeling terrified around creating new content and putting energy into building my business further i'm not dependent on my business to support me but it is something i want to see flourish over time how do i help myself to start to move out of this place and embrace the journey of creating once more many thanks why are you feeling terrified that's what you need to get to the bottom of i know for me there was a point when i could feel that things around me wanted to grow and my fear was a fear of not being able to handle more people like what would it be like if there were more people watching my videos how would that negatively affect my life that was where my mind went i didn't think about the positive i was like oh don't know how i feel about that all that stuff so i knew what my terror was i knew what my fear was and i had to know what it was all along the way so that the creator in me that was very compelled to do this work and was quite unhindered the creator aspect that i didn't chain him up because some part of me was afraid of an unknown i couldn't possibly predict or know so i would say a couple of things to you i would create those things that you feel compelled to create with full permission to never release them to never put them into the world because at the moment what's blocking your ability to create is your expectation or anticipation of what the world's reaction to those will be and that's quite normal by the way i think even if you're somebody who paints for a living or is starting to do it for a living and maybe a few people are going to see your painting it can be hard because part of your mind is like oh i don't know how i feel about this when people see it but i often find that if you can protect the creativity from being seen by the outside world you can birth it so it's very similar to how when a new baby is born uh you know you don't normally take that baby out to the nightclub or oh great the baby's three days old let's go to a stadium and watch a rock concert oh thrash metal brilliant we don't tend to do that you know it's like oh hang on this is a very delicate little creature it has a very special frequency it's just landed on the planet let's give it a chance to get used to this third dimensional crazy place and let's shield it and protect it and treat it like a vulnerable thing and then when it's a little more robust and it's a bit more ready and we're used to the whole thing we'll see what it's like to parent it in the outside world so i think the very fact you're terrified is very interesting there's something there there's something underneath it but the fact you haven't just given yourself permission to not grow the business to go okay i'm not going to do this i don't need to do this i'm terrified so therefore i won't because that's the other option the thing i used to tell myself and i still maintain this is true is you can always walk away like if you if you do something and let's say you do something and it grows your business and you're like oh god i really don't like having a more grown business great cancel the business take down your youtube channel or whatever and just disappear and the world will forget you so you know if it's anything around your questioning how you can handle the growth of your business the best advice i ever got from my own guides was they said yes there will be some challenges that will come with the growth but the connections the experiences and the growth that you will go through by surrendering to letting this grow to the size it wants to will far outweigh any of the challenges or difficulties that you personally go through and i i'll say that's true but i think first you have to decide what's right for you and i would be curious to see what happened if you created without the idea of an audience if you created something finish that creation and then we're willing to share it with a few people or a select group because you can keep it as contained in as small as you want and that may be the way that you want to go so this requires some investigation and there isn't a right or wrong answer the right answer isn't that you should be willing to become the world's next oprah and be known by multi millions of people because we're all different we're all built for different scale one is not better than the other so investigate how you want to do this for yourself and you know hold your boundary just because you put work out into the world it doesn't mean that you are beholden to others or responsible for others in a way that you might feel uncomfortable with be really clear about that you know be clear that what you're doing in the world is is your offering but there's also a line as to how available you then are as a person you have to protect the introvert and yourself i think when you put stuff out into the world okay so as we next question as we transition into a new earth when we are faced with dealing with family members or friends who may still be stuck in the 3d realm of thinking how do we handle their low vibrational frequencies in practical ways without judging them as we know we may not be taking them with us okay this is a really good question and there's something in your question i want to question because you've you've put as we know we may not be taking them with us so there's something i wish you were here because i would ask you i would say are we speaking about a specific person who you know you're not going to take with you or are we speaking about a group and you know that some of them are going to fall away i think one of the great things is we don't really know meaning you see you talk about people who are stuck in the 3d realm of thinking for me my hardest thing is when people are stuck in the 3d realm of feeling so i've said this before and so some of you may have heard me say this to me a spiritual friend is not someone who knows anything about spirituality it's someone who behaves in ways that are kind you know generally friendly generally community oriented generally care about life and you know not not everybody likes other humans you know you might care about animals and it's clear that all your energy and your love goes into animals to me that's a spiritual that's a human who is living with spirit open people who are judgmental aggressive angry carrying around their wounds and that's their dominant because any of us can be wounded or judgmental or angry in a moment but if if if your dominant display is is quite a closed energy field um i personally find that very hard to be around even if that person tells me they have all this spiritual knowledge and i have met people like that but equally i've met people who anti the idea of spirituality or religion and they're like i think it's all nonsense i don't believe in the past life i don't believe in intuition but they're really nice like they're they're kind and they're loving so i think that sometimes we have to be careful of assuming that the concepts and beliefs that might be opening in us are necessary in the people that we're around because we all think and slightly see and feel things differently so i've experienced that i'm closer now to some of the people in my life than i was when i was going through a big awakening that would mark me out as quite different from them because i've grounded and i've integrated and i know i know how to organize my feelings my thoughts i know i know how to be a bit more in it but that wasn't always the case for me so i think there will be some of those 3d people that you'll be surprised when you when you land more fully in yourself and through this awakening you you'll probably be a bit closer to those people because you'll be able to be more who you are without necessarily having to whack them over the head with everything you think or or feel but conversely and this is the other side of your question that i want to address you might be leaving some of these people behind and the answer in both of these cases is to be yourself as much as possible so you might have really spiritual beliefs that are very different to your friend but you and that friend might be really aligned in kindness you you both might like to really help people and that's one of the connection points you have as friends so she thinks you're crazy with all this talk of aliens and angels and that bothers you a bit so you say to her you know i really love you and we you know we we connect it really bothers me when you're judgmental to me about angels and aliens because i really believe that are you able to put aside mocking me and just we won't talk about that stuff so that we can have the friendship that we do have and she might go oh i didn't even i didn't even realize i i'm not really mocking you it's just well it's ridiculous isn't it and you say well it isn't to me actually so every time you say that or judge it it actually just hurts a bit because it feels like you're kind of bashing me are you able to not do that anymore so that we can have the friendship that we can have oh okay and you never know it might just be that you need to essentially retrain yourself as to how you show up and how you speak which also retrains her around what your boundary is and you might be surprised but equally in your question there is a clear knowing that you need to make some changes in your life and i think we often know the people in our life that we're struggling with and sometimes we want to i say try and love our love and light our way out of it you know well if i just surround them in a bubble of white light or if i if i just try a bit harder or if i and i think if you're having to negotiate only with yourself to improve a relationship dynamic and and things that you're saying that you're sharing aren't necessarily being received or improving the relationship then houston we have a problem you know it's kind of usually those are the people that for some reason it's either because they remind us of a family member that we've still got some unresolved stuff with or there's some part of our people pleasing that they're the last aspect of that we're still working through it's okay that we that we may not be in such close contact with them so i think there's two sides to your question i think there's some people that their 3d aspects if you like the the language you've used won't be a problem to us when we know who we are when we know how to be compassionate and when we we're like oh they're they're a bit more 3d than i am in that area but i can also see that i'm a bit annoying to them in a way because i'm quite an impatient person and they're quite patient so i think it can go both ways and i i hope that helps shed some light okay next question i love this question and i think many of you who are in this quarantine period will relate i don't feel like joining my friends in group zoom calls right now i feel bad saying no to my friends but i really can't handle that kind of social interaction right now how do i say no without feeling guilty about disappointing them oh this is so good so firstly let's just talk about the zoom calls i don't know about you but you know we me and a few team members were saying this because our work has been virtual for a long time you know we we use zoom a lot we we have video meetings and so for me it was interesting certain friends were like oh should we do a zoom you know it's like a novelty for a lot of people whereas for the rest of us it's like at the end of the day i don't normally want to get on zoom because you know we've had to use it in the day so i i totally get that and i've met many friends who have zoomed out but i think what's most key in your question and that's what's so beautiful about it so thank you for sharing it is you say i feel bad saying no to my friends but i really can't handle that kind of social interaction right now so you either choose your friend's desires or you choose your truth which is i can't handle that kind of social interaction right now so you then say how do i say no without feeling guilty about disappointing them so as a recovering people-pleaser and still have moments of it but my god i'm so much better than i used to be years and years ago i don't think you can say no without feeling guilty about disappointing them i think that's going to be part of the process you know i think you being willing to feel some guilt about saying no but not living with the guilt like working with this why do i feel so guilty you know and there are many reasons that this comes up for us were we in a family dynamic where pleasing or soothing either your volatile parents or your sibling that kind of was demanding of you and bullying of you you know where do we develop these ways of being that want to bring harmony to others at the detriment of our self so it's like oh i'll try and harmonize this person even though i'm exhausted usually we've learned that because it's safety it's like oh i'm safer if i harmonize this person so you know it's it's usually the case that all people pleasers have some level of introversion i've never met a people pleaser that is just a pure extrovert i've i've always all the people pleasers i've met and worked with and myself included you know you usually you might be half extrovert half introvert but it's the introvert that we deny when we choose to people please because we yank on our extrovert energy to try and give this other person what they want even though our introvert's going i i plea i just i just uh i just i've had enough of the world and i just just give me a few hours and the more we ignore that introvert voice like we said at the beginning of this episode we can get sick or we can get depressed or we can start to feel powerless over our own life and think oh why am i even here you know those things erode us eventually so i don't think you can say no right now without feeling guilty because you've told us that's what's coming up for you but you can't let your fear of feeling guilty stop you changing this pattern because that might just be one of the things that you have to deal with as you move through this idea that you're wrong to say no to people the thing i would like you to consider and this helped me is that if your body and your soul are saying no to someone who wants you to say yes to something think about how out of touch that person is energetically if they want to force you into it what i mean by that is someone might be let's say you've got a fairly unconscious friend you know they don't really feel much they're not very sensitive to energy maybe they're not much of a an empath if you like they're you know a bit like oh i'm just going along oh yeah if they say to you come on let's go to this party and you're like uh no i don't want to go to this party you're doing them a favor too because your clear no is i'm not a match for what you want me to match up with right now and it might be that they're just an unconscious extrovert and they're just looking for activity and busyness and that doesn't feel right to you or it might be that they too there's something about them going with you or you're not the right person to go with them that they haven't worked out yet and you're gonna give them the gift of saying no i i can't do that tonight because then you free them up and they will go and find what they need and i i think all of us do this like no matter how conscious or awake you are we can all get in our pattern or our slightly switched off mode and it takes practice and awareness to recognize you're in that mode but i think it's really important especially at these times that we all learn to be as honest with each other as we can because i do believe it's an abundant universe and that if you can't give someone what they want and they really need it they'll go and find it somewhere else and they'll find it from a person for whom it's gonna be good for them to give it they'll find it from a person who they're like oh yeah i would love to come to that party with you and they'll have so much more fun with that person who's willing so one of the things i learned is it was hard for me to say no for a long period of time but i learned to practice it where and when i was able to and now it's not so hard it's like you get used to it and i i don't feel guilty i've had some moments recently interestingly with my family stuff but family is always it's not because my family are making me feel guilty it's just feeling so far away and feeling so powerless to you know help our father right now so it but that's you know that's a tiny thing i mean i go back 20 years and i could have felt guilty about anything and talked myself out of doing something because of how i assumed it might affect someone else we don't really know all we really know is ourselves and our yes are we a yes or are we a no and the more we learn to give an authentic yes and know from who we are the more we free everyone else up to find the energy they need go the way they need to go so i hope that helps be willing to feel the burn of feeling guilty that you said no it will get easier ask yourself who who are you guilty about like where did this start when did you think that you weren't allowed to say no who didn't let you do what you wanted be good to investigate some of the history of this as well write a few things down because it will help you see where some of the patterning began and that awareness of where the patterning began can be very supportive to our mind when it kicks off when we're breaking a pattern and changing a pattern so don't do those zoom calls it will do you good and here's the good news your friends who are desperate to call people on zoom they'll find other people but they won't find those people if you begrudgingly say yes you'll suffer and they'll get half the energy from you that they might get from someone else who's willing who knows they might find meditation because no one's zooming with them and that might be great for them okay next question in regard to what you share lee about hiring staff when the need arises but you just barely break even what would be creative ways to get help and collaboration i feel like i'm just getting more tasks but less work done and less clients not being able to focus on my own work but i can't afford to pay others and so i have done a few trades which gives me more jobs and those people rarely stay long i'd also love it if you shared a little about what tasks positions your team members have it's a really good question and i you know i i think the first and foremost thing is when it comes to hiring people like you've said trades or even sometimes working with volunteers can be tricky because like you said it creates more jobs or it creates expectations of of certain needs or and again i mean there have been some people i've i've worked with in in voluntary positions but in very small and segmented ways where it's gone really well but for me personally um the energy exchange of finance just seemed like the the most balanced transaction for me you know i've i've had jobs since i was like 11 years old and so i've i kind of for me it was really important especially as i was generating money for at the beginning of my work my sessions my one-on-one sessions with people was really the bedrock of what i did and it was how i started so it was a logical thing for me that as the started to be a bit of extra money each month i could start to invite people to help me with things like customer service emails or things that were taking up more time or energy and that i was able to use that money to pay someone else to do this job while over here on the right i could do this job that would bring in enough money to cover that person as well as me so i think the first thing you really need to identify is where is the value of what you're doing when it comes to finance you know what what is it that is actually helping your business to generate money because your business might be very uh generous it might give away loads of free content that might be part of your mission statement which i think is wonderful but there is going to need to be an element or some element that if you want to grow a team and you want to do it with finance there is going to need to be an element of money coming in and you're going to have to identify okay what's the area that i can generate enough revenue that seems to be popular that seems to have value that seems to be working that i can have excess finance to then be able to pay the right people to do certain tasks for me i think it's it's easy when you're new to hiring people to have the best hopes in the world for somebody or to perhaps sometimes overload them with too many things and it in my experience it's really clever to just go okay what's the thing that grates on me the most what's the thing that i don't think is my natural ability what's the job i don't like doing what's the job that's taking me away and go okay this is the job i need to hire out first but equally where's the balance point if you're going to hire that out and put money behind that and find the right person what over on the left is generating so it's a tricky thing you don't want to over invest in a team in the hope that that will generate more money because i've seen that not work either so first of all you have to have something that is generating revenue then you have to ascertain okay how much of this revenue do i need for my rent and my bills and how much am i going to pour into investment and then we come to the staff member what are the three skills i need this person to have have a trial period work for say i'd love to try for three months can we see how for two months or and see how it goes check we're both are fit for each other and you might be grateful that they're doing some of those tasks but it's also going to be important for you to be satisfied with the level of their skill at those tasks and also their energy like do they like doing this job or are they just doing you a favor or they're just doing this for money and that energy is is there that's going to make you a little uncertain about where you can go so it's quite a specific process especially when you're new to hiring and the risk of trades is exactly what you said you're trading for skills but then you have to give more energy to those people so you've asked about my team you know how it worked for me was like i said when i had enough extra money i was able to improve the customer service experience anna came on board and marty came on board and they were both great at what they did back in 2011 and it wasn't just that they freed up my time they added value to the company because the way they interacted with people or the ideas they might have brought to the table that improved the company that was serving people was what i was really after so that's how i work now we're a team we're a team of 11 right now including me and everybody's ideas are welcome at the end of the day the best idea for the people that we serve and for the business side of what we do which supports how we serve everyone the best idea will win out but everyone is welcome to put their ideas in and there's no one on my team that isn't bringing a skill set that some other member doesn't have or a quality that some other member sorry that some other member does have like everyone on the team has something a little bit special that's very them whether it's in the way that they deal with people or whether it's in what they do but they all wear many hats and i think that works well for me because i'm used to wearing many hats so you're gonna want to hire people that you feel have the same values as you not just the skill sets you need but for me i have a saying in the company and it's talent is everywhere attitude is gold i am not dazzled by talent i never have been i've met talented people all my life and i love talent but i kind of expect talent like to me i'm like yeah everybody's talented everybody has a gift so i'm never seduced by someone's talent but i can be really seduced by their attitude like for me it's like there are talented people everywhere there's no excuse for a bad attitude and either a bad attitude or an attitude that is troubled can bring a company down and it can bring relationship dynamics down and i've learned that the hard way too and i'm sure at certain times in jobs i had years ago i wasn't the right fit for that company or that group too so i think it's really important to hire people that share your values share your intentions but that have skills that can add to what you're doing and that can bring something else to the table so in your case i think the most important things you could work on are where do i generate the money in the business and how can i figure that piece out maybe i have to give myself to that fully for a year where is what i do generating value for others that they are willing to give money in exchange for and then when you've got that figured out and you start to earn a bit more than you need for your rent your food your bills that's how it was for me it's like oh i've got this extra bit of money now i can invest in the company and that's how i still do it so i hope that helps it's a big topic area but you if you if you resonate with this anyone listening or watching you can check out the podcast episode how to hire and build a great team where i go into a bit more detail and i go deeply into it in my own your value course okay next question april 22nd is my birthday so i see this is a sign that you are filming that day happy birthday it is april the 22nd so from your birthday day happy birthday my question is how and when did you start your business and how do you hold strong moving through your fears self-doubt of yourself and your abilities to create what you have today as that is what i'm going through now thank you one word comes to me you know and it's support it's the support that i have had from all of those of you who have been grateful for the work that i've done have expressed to me that something that i put out into the world 10 years ago or now helped you or made a key change for you the support of the team i work with who help you know we kind of help each other and check in with each other the support of my husband stephen the support of my family the support of friends so external support and then internal support figuring out that you know you say self-doubt your fears yeah i mean like i've had to like everyone i think figure out what those aspects of me are and how i need to show up when they show up so as to not stop myself from doing things but i would say figure out how to support yourself figure out how to be supported by others so i've always hired coaches or you know a therapist at one point or people that can help me to help myself get better um but also i would say it just takes time uh a friend reflected to me today who i knew six years ago she said wow should i've i've just been watching your videos lately and she said it's just extraordinary to see where you are now and i remembered five years ago and i was like oh yeah you know that that's true it has grown a lot but honestly for me i just keep my focus on the next day i don't think about the size of things i just what's the next thing i have to do so give yourself time but figure out what you need to support yourself and everything you're doing in order that this can work i hope that helps and thank you for your question so we're coming to our last question and i i have to acknowledge these beautiful roses wendy who's the co-producer of the show uh brought these roses in today she is sitting many feet away from me over there um but yes they are from her garden and i just saw them here in the reflection on the monitor and i thought i must just acknowledge so thank you wendy who's over there now okay cool last question during this period of relative isolation from external pressures of daily life i have begun to find peace ah that's good it has enabled me to open my heart my priorities and go within like never before how do i keep this new found state going when life returns to quote-unquote normal well uh because you like it so because you like this feeling and there's a newness to it but you're also getting used to it you won't stray too far from it and when you do you'll really know about it and you'll find ways to get yourself back there i think that's the beauty of self-care tools that any of us develop because we're all a little different for somebody self-care is going for a really vigorous run for another person self-care is sitting quietly listening to classical music and for most of us there are many things that we do for self-care it's not just one thing it might be a range of things so i think for you what you might want to do is just jot down what are the five things you don't miss about the old ways before this quarantine experience that many of us are in and have been experiencing came along so what are the top five things that you don't miss and it might be that when you write down those five things i don't miss being out in the world as many days a week as i used to be i don't miss the responsibility i used to feel around x y or z you might notice of those five things that you write down two or three of them are quite actionable so if the first thing was i don't miss being out in the world as much as i used to be that's going to be quite actionable for you it's going to be a reminder that you write stick on a piece of paper i don't have to go into the outside world as much as i think i do and then when things return to as you say normal you'll see that piece of paper and you'll slightly repatent the way you're living your life and you'll go yeah actually i went out three days this week instead of the five that i used to what are other ways that i can simplify so i think for all of us my feeling is or for a lot of us i'll say there are going to be things we will take from this time that we will feel very differently about i know for me one of the things i realized that i had become a bit accustomed to was frequency and travel i love doing my work and meeting you guys live you know out in the room um but i recognize perhaps the travel schedule had been a bit heavier than is ideal for me so that's going to be one of the things i take forward it doesn't mean i don't want to come out and do live events but it does mean i'm gonna maybe think differently about the way we structure them and the frequency so i think i'm not alone in that i think everybody is having their own little moment of oh there are some things i don't like about this time but there are some things that i'm learning are really good for me so thank you so much for tuning in to this show and all of the shows it has been really fun to talk to you guys this way and i appreciate all of the ratings and reviews that you have been giving the show on apple podcasts and the various platforms that really helps other people find us so if you do enjoy the impact the world show please do leave a review or share it with somebody because we we really curate this show to hopefully be of service to anybody who is out there in the world looking to impact their own life and the world in a different way and we have some awesome shows coming up so we hope you'll stay tuned for those we release a brand new show every single monday and wherever you are in the world whatever you're doing i hope that you are able to look after yourself your loved ones and your soul in whatever way you feel you need to right now big love take care everyone [Music] you have been listening to impact the world for more of my work please visit [Music] [Music] you
Channel: LeeHarrisEnergy
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Keywords: lee harris energy, lee harris 2020, lee harris portal membership
Id: jczvuMagfj8
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Length: 59min 36sec (3576 seconds)
Published: Mon Apr 27 2020
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