Some Truths About Intuition 😲

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some truths about intuition okay I like this quote from Kim Basinger I found a few and we probably call her Basinger but this is the problem when you live in America you start saying the word that you hear everyone else say so Kim Basinger she says I feel there are two people inside me me and my intuition if I go against her she'll screw me every time and if I follow her we get along quite nicely now this is me this won't be everyone in this room because we're all a little different right nobody is the same nobody's wired the same way but I've I've tried to go against my intuition many times and it has cost me badly but equally if I have tried to push my intuition into reality too fast without enough rational mind or logical thinking it doesn't ground the thing about intuition is it will show you a long range ahead and a short range now so it's important to know where am i today what am i doing today so this is what I always talk to people about visions and instincts our starting points so who here has ever had a friend or been that person who goes to a workshop or has a card reading or does your own thing in your life I am supposed to start a healing center in Brazil have you ever run a healing center no but I probably have in a past life I'm sure I must have how hard can it be well actually it can be quite harsh I am supposed to start a healing center in Brazil and it's gonna be amazing and Oprah is gonna come Oh we all have possible timelines what I mean by this is we all have possible fates and sometimes we'll walk into them and sometimes we'll get shown them so that we can choose something else and sometimes we try and force what we would like fate to be because we ain't like in what's going on right now so I have experienced this many times with people and it's kind of heartbreaking too because you know you'll be with someone and you'll go house the house the healing center in Brazil going ah it's been three years and we've been blocked by everybody and I'm almost bankrupt and I'm about to leave my husband you're weak you're not getting out and I'm like okay well have you thought about letting it go no the vision told me the vision told me okay when did the vision tell you 2013 okay and it's 2019 no I know that visions are not in charge instincts are not in charge I've pissed people off sometimes when I've said that and they go how can you say that you're a channel or and I'm like yeah but I'm in charge of me I'm choosing to be a channeler I'm not some puppet and if I didn't want to do this anymore I would stop I would keep my private relationship with them if I wanted to but if I didn't want to do this anymore if it wasn't serving me and my soul development at some level I would stop thought about it many times so instincts and visions are starting points so we might have this vision and it might change that's why we have to keep checking in if you if your last reading about the plan that you're on right now is 2013 do another reading and keep doing another reading because you probably haven't been frozen in cryo since 2013 you've probably changed as a person the world has changed things are always moving and changing intuition is like a GPS it will reroute you along the journey keep listening to it and adjusting as you go now it's funny because as I read this card out to you I didn't think of a few people in my life who when the GPS wants to reroute us no it said we were going this way so I'm just going to ignore her turn her off turn it off but I don't hear a voice but most of us will go with the reroute most of us will go oh okay I missed that turn okay now I'm going somewhere else and it's gonna take me a bit more time and there's a reason intuition is like this so healing center in Brazil contract after contract is blocked because you've gone to these meetings with people about healing centers you might meet someone who has got their setup and they go hey Jill now you're divorcing your husband and you know all your friends hate you and don't speak to you anymore I've got a healing center in Costa Rica do you want to come and like work there for a year yeah okay I'll come but I can't Stags I'm gonna do my healing center in Brazil okay Jill but just can't just come for a year okay goes to Costa Rica falls in love with someone else realizes thank God didn't run a healing center cuz this is hard work I like just doing the massages and the readings and then going and gardening because that's my bliss the reason I was so fixated on the healing center when the vision came was I was so sick of my life I was so desperate to get out of my life that I took all those emotions all those thoughts all those desires and I saddled that poor vision with all of it oh he resented Brazil okay you can have unhappy with the husband oh never made as much money as I ventured Oh want you to be successful Paul healing centers that that healing centers gonna need a cleanse don't go there so keep listening to it and adjusting as you go and this is why you know we there are certain things we do every day in life we eat every day we drink every day we speak to the same people on most days you know we check in with our intuition too it's always moving it's always changing and new opportunities are always coming in so intuition isn't fixed it's active so we have to be active with it
Channel: LeeHarrisEnergy
Views: 28,113
Rating: 4.9360223 out of 5
Keywords: intuition, intuition meditation, intuition frequency, what is intuition, how to use your intuition, what is intuition and how do we use it, how to use your intuition and be guided to abundance, what is intuition in psychology
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 39sec (399 seconds)
Published: Wed Aug 14 2019
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